New arrival



Original poster
Hello everyone! Im new to this website as well as rping with people I do not know. Crazy right? I've done plenty of rps and even played my fair share of dungeons and dragons. I love creating worlds and have spent many hours at a time just making lore for dnd campaigns that I hoped to dm one day. Another small thing about me is I am actually rather shy and self-conscious about everything I do. Im hoping that this sight will not only help me continue to rp, since its something I truly love to do, but will help me become a little more confident and help me open up to people.

A little bit about my rp style... Honestly im open to any sort of rps, but one of my favorites is more of a darker or horror type of rp. Bring on the monsters and body horror, or even physiological horror is fun. Of course a medieval fantasy story is always fun to write about as well. Im rather open to any sorts of stories and im very flexible. I hope that im able to make a few friends on this site as well as just enjoy writing about these crazy worlds.