New Arrival! :3



Original poster
What do you prefer to be called?
Nica, since it's my nickname!

Boy, girl, or a mystery?
100% Biological Female, however, I'm very Tomboyish and fluid with gender identity.

How old are you?
Legal age to drink in America~ (21)

Are you new to the site but not to roleplaying?
I originally began role-playing in 2006.
I've been a constant participate ever since.
My old forums were: Quizilla Forums, the RolePlayer Guild (which hopefully hasn't been deleted yet).

Do you like group RPs or just a single partner?
I prefer 1x1 threads, always have.

Do you like stomping on crunchy leaves?
Hmm? Oh, yes, of course!

SING IT OUT LOUD! What song is tormenting your mind?
"Doomsday Theme" - Doctor Who <3

Looking forward to beginning on this forum! :cow:
Welcome to Iwaku, Nica :)

Hope you enjoy the site!
Welcome to Iwaku! I had a Quizilla account when I was a teenager, I kept forgetting my password (I still do that XD)

Anyways, sometimes it's easier when somebody gives you links to things that will help you out:

Topic starter guide:

Site Rules:

Tell us about yourself:

Roleplay Exercises:

Roleplay Institute:

If you need anything else, including a simple chat:
Thank you for the kind welcomimg! :3 I'm quite enjoying this site so far. :bananaman: