New and want fantasy rp

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lol sorry ( real lifestuff again)
You torn into a giant neck and your grossed out by Sasha pulling out a couple teeth /:)
sweet dreams and yhea but im not sticking my hands into its mouth
You dont care about those kinds of things when your a cat.
By zaos do you mean Koji. Were have you been all day?
my bad , XD
Its not me liking crafting its what I'm crafting an epic sword now magic gaulets remember her father is a blacksmith and shes learned some sorcery.
i know , i was just trying to say you are very detailed about it lol​
Do you mean i explain stuff well or something else?
yes *closes eyes and nods*​
Sorry GeminasM the rp will be a little slow for a while because KAZUAKI is on a trip right now but it will speed up again.
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