Never Love Again

Though he found himself as comfortable lounging on the cement as he did at his own home, Josuke kept up the vigil... For another 2 hours then he totally fell asleep.

And then came the dreams...


His frantic hand motion made around his head almost made him seem like one of those dogs that have those running dreams, where their legs and shit are all running about even though they are dead asleep. It kinda looked that like, except it looked more like very awkwardly dancing. Maybe to a bad 80's pop song... And he is terrified of the song, but his body can't help, but move to the rhythm of song. Yeah, more like that.
The sun was already high in the sky and shining bright, giving a deceptively warm look for what was actually a frosty Autumn morning. There Josuke lay, swatting at himself while he dreamed... while two children from a nearby home was standing over him and staring.

One had a stick and was poking at the "body".

"D'ya think it's dead...?"

"Naw. He's moving. I bet he's a drunk.

"Look at th' scratches! I bet he was fightin' a monster!"

"Nu uh, I bet he fell on the ground."

"Why he talkin' 'bout a monkey?"


When Josuke stirred the kids started screaming like banshees and running down the street!
"Guh...?" Josuke was awoke by what seemed like screaming and the sight of a bunch of brats running off. "What the hell...?" It seemed that he fell over and was sleeping flat on the ground in classic hobo-eqsue form with a touch of the Corpse-Lay.

As the kids were fleeing, he noticed that one of them had dropped a DS. "..." He glances the direction where the kids went and did a little mental countdown. "..." 4..3..2..1.. And there was no more guilt in taking it! "Oh shit... Tetricon!" Josuke was now consumed in playing the game of falling tiles. Not noticing at all when a familiar black car pulled up across the street.

"I don't get it... Why does he spend all his time around this old hotel? I doubt it is in any condition to in business at all..." Mitsuo stared quietly at Josuke as he didn't seem to notice at all. She was almost tempted to get out of the car and go greet him. "..." But she was almost late for the meeting as it was already, she had no time talking Josuke.

"..." Still, her hand lingered on the door handle, her other hand fidgeting as she rested it on the steering wheel. She drove out here to do a little espionage on the Minazuki property... But honestly, she hoped to catch a glance..."Urrgggh!" She was now late to the meeting. She quickly removed her hand from the door handle and placed both hands on the steering wheel.

"FUCK!" Josuke dropped the DS he was messing and started speeding down the street. "LATE! LATE! LATE! OH SHIT I AM LATE!" He seemed to be in a hurry to get some where. "..." Mitsuo slightly bit her bottom lip, trying her best to control her impulsiveness. "..." She glanced over at the time, already 5 minutes late for the meeting. She sighed and started up the car. "..." She did a U turn and drove in pursuit of Josuke. She was already late to the meeting; it wasn't like the meeting couldn't start without her anyways.

She rolled down the window as she caught up to him. "Heh, are you in need of a ride, Mr. Josuke?"
With the sun coming through the window shades, Sasori grumbled and shifted in bed. When her hand brushed over something furry... she gave a startled scream and went tumbling right out! As she peeked up, there was an equally startled snowy white monkey sitting there, looking ready to flee.

The little furry jerk actually came back? And was sleeping with her?! Wild monkeys were getting seriously brazen!

Sasori wasn't sure what to do about the thing. "Josuke! Josuke, that monkey is back!" He shouts for the thug came unanswered. He really did leave last night. There was a weird feeling of disappointment that she quickly squashed back down. It was HER hotel and she could handle this just fine.

So she ignored the monkey.

Sasori stomped to grab her clothes. The monkey followed. She went to take a bath. The monkey followed and took a bath. She made herself some breakfast and sit to eat. The monkey followed, snuck some tidbits and even had his own plate. When she stepped outside to see if Josuke had least come back to fix the gate, the monkey was still behind her.

"He's not here." she said to the monkey as she rest her hands on her hips. The gate was too damned heavy for her to pickup on her own. "He SAID he would fix it in the morning." Morning was almost over. Maybe he was running late? Sasori waited outside for an hour or two until she finally gave up waiting. There was work to do and she couldn't sit around for some jerk who broke promises.
"Mmmmm-Man... I love American food..." He had been scarfing down some gourmet doughnuts that Mitsuo has stopped on the way to where Josuke worked. He always wanted to try some, but it was always obscenely expensive just for a single one! But here she was, just buying a whole case like it was nothing!

"You... Work at Taiyo Akayama ...?" She was surprised the he worked at such a prestigious college. Josuke nodded as he continued stuffing his face. "Mmmhhhrrrr..." He slightly wiped the crust off his face as he swallowed his food. "Yeah... I work as the janitor here!" He nodded proudly. "The pay is good and ain't much to clean since the students here tend to be very cleanly!"

He then suddenly opened the door and hopped out. "Well, I am already late!" He smirked to Mitsuo gave her a slight wave. "Thanks for the ride and breakfast! I will pay your back for this! Promise." He disappeared into one of the doors, leaving Mitsuo even more mystified about him than before. "Who is that guy...?" Then her cellphone started to ring. It was Watanabe. He was probably going to lecture her for being punctual. "..." She turned off her phone and started up the car. She sighed to herself as she stared at the empty box. "He could had at least said bye... Or at least leave me one..."

"Late again, Hinomori." And older man who seemed to be another janitor glanced over at him as he jolted into the room. "Yeah, Yeah... I know. Some shit came up... Sorry!" Josuke quickly suited up and gave the man a small salute. "Oi, so what's problem today, Taicho?" The older man, Taicho as Josuke has nicknamed, threw Josuke a rake. "The maple tree leaves. Sweep 'em." Josuke nodded as playfully swung the rake around a bit as if it were a weapon. "Aite!" Twirling it a bit before making his way out of the door.

"Just cause his old man got him this job doesn't mean he should be taking it so easily..." Taicho shook his head at Josuke, who came in and out everyday like some primary school student on a class trip. "Kids today have no ambition... Happy with the scraps that their parents throw them..." He grumbled to himself as took out the trust old push broom. "Well... At least he's working for a living instead of that ingrate of a grandson of mine..." He continued blathering on about old man stuff as he started sweeping up.
By the late afternoon, Sasori was making some semi-decent progress. She had done more laundry than she had ever done in her life. Sheets, bedspreads, curtains, everything. Plenty of linens for the hotel. Ever so often she would patrol the grounds to make sure no one was there. Well, besides the monkey. HE was still there following her around.

While spreading some new sheets on one of the room beds, she heard a male voice calling her name from downstairs. "Josuke?"

Abandoning her task, she hopped down the steps to give him a piece of her mind, but was surprised to see Katsuo instead. "YOU! You've got some nerve coming back today after taking off last night! I could have been murdered!"

Katsuo looked offended! "Taking off? I went to get some help! See?" In both hands he had two very fancy looking swords. Not just for show and decoration, but the real deal!

Sasori didn't seem at all convinced. "It took you all night and day to bring back swords?! Real brave!"

"I- Sasori-'re right." Katsuo gave a heavy sigh as his head dropped in shame. The two swords lowered down to his sides. "I'm sorry. I was trying to be brave for you, but I... I guess deep down I'm kind of a coward."

That was... unexpected! Guys just don't admit stuff like that, and he did look really bad. Sasori wasn't sure what to say. "Uh... It's okay, I guess. Just turned out to be a monkey anyway."

Monkey? Katsuo was pretty sure something bigger than a monkey had socked him in the face, but he didn't mention that part if she wouldn't! Taking the swords, he set them aside, leaning them up against a wall. He approached her, taking her by the arms and giving him a deeply regretful look and another sigh.

"Sasori, I am really, really sorry. Please let me make it up to you. I promise I won't abandon you again." That look on his face, it was so sweet! She was rendered speechless while he rubbed her arms, making Katsuo only grin ever wider. "You okay, Sasori?"

"Uh... uh yeah. Thanks, Katsuo."
Josuke was busy raking away, doing a rather bang up job. He seem strangely calm while raking the leaves, there was almost a Zen like chill that hovered around him that always seemed to catch the attention of the passing students. It was a strange sight, seeing such an active, talkative 'Hood' like Josuke be so quite and serene, it almost was lulling and hypnotic.

Josuke inhaled deeply as he took a small break to stare up at the majestic maple tree that leaves dropped from, reflecting to himself in though.

Man... That Mitsuo chick is pretty cute... I don't know why she always seems to be around the hotel though... Maybe she might one of those chicks that rate hotels and shit... I wonder if she eats doughnuts every day... Hrrmmm... But then how would she be able to be so skinny?

Josuke just stood there, deep in thought, making it seem as if he was pondering deep issues.

Fucking monkey... I think it bit me... Maybe I should get some sort of doctor shot thing... Oooo... Didn't some dude get superpowers or something from being bit by an animal? I think that is how Pandaizer Man G got his powers... I wonder if the monkey that bit me has mystic mountain monkey powers...

He then had the sudden urge to climb one of the maple trees.

Wait... Was I supposed to be doing something for someone again...?

He leans against the rake when it suddenly came to him.


Without so much as a warning, Josuke started running towards the school's gate. He spotted Taicho on the way out there, creeping into the Female changing room. "OI! TAICHO! I FORGOT TO DO SOMETHING IMPORTANT! I HAVE TO GO HOME! DON'T TELL THE HEADMASTER, OKAY?" The old man lept up in surprise! No one has even caught "Shadow Perv Panty Stealer" in the act before! If... If the headmaster found out about this, he could lose his job. Taicho turned his head to see if that idiot Josuke had really caught on to what he was doing.

Josuke stopped to scowled as scratched the side of his face as he glanced over at Taicho with a humorless face on, rake resting on the shelf of his shoulders with his other arm slung over it. THE TYPICAL YAZUKA INTIMIDATION ROUTINE!

THIS WAS BLACKMAIL! JOSUKE WASN'T AS STUPID AS HE LOOKED! Taicho could only watch in silence as Josuke gave him a slight head nod and continued running away. "Curses...That hoodlum is as crafty as a damn Korean... I should watch out for him..."

I totally think he liked my HERO OF JUSTICE pose... Hella bad ass... Fucking Monkey scratches... Itches like hell...

Josuke continued running down the street, rake slung over his shoulder, scaring the shit out of everyone that he passed. "Oi! Mrs. Yamagi! How are you doing?!" He waved slightly to an old woman jogging by. "..." The old woman just saw him and instantly started sprinting. "Oi... I never seen such an old lady run so fast... She must be in a hurry..."

Before long Josuke made his way back to the Hotel. "Goddamnit... Stupid... Hotel... Why...Does...It have to be uphill?" He tried to catch his breath as he leaned against the gate wall, trying to using it to help him stand up as he continued on. "Oi...I'm...Here...Saso-" It was that asshole again! What the hell was he doing here?

Suddenly, Josuke didn't feel so tired anymore. "Oi..." He glared over at Katsuo with the rake clasped in his hands. "What the hell are you doing back here, eh?"
Katsuo had his hands on Sasori's arms and it almost looked like they had just been caught in an intimate embrace! The guy was looking pretty annoyed at first, and then his expression shifted back to that worried look as he turned back to Sasori.

"Isn't this the guy you kicked out because he stole from you? Let me get rid of this jerk. It's the least I can do."

Sasori was surprised to see Josuke back. And what was he doing with that rake?" "Oh no, it was just a mis-"

Katsuo interrupted! "No, don't defend this scumbag. He shouldn't be taking advantage of you like this! Stay behind me, Sasori." Katsuo quickly grabbed his two swords and held them up. He smirked over at Josuke. "Get lost while you still have the legs! She doesn't want you here!"
"Feh..." Josuke smirked as he slightly stretches his neck, twirling the rake with minimal effort in one hand. "Interesting... I thought the Fabled Style of The Legendary Fabled Legend Sword lacked any cowards amongst their ranks."

Katsuo sneered at the Josuke, holding the two blades in an X formation over his face. "Oh, so you have heard of my Sword school huh? I would never imagine vermin like you recognizing such a high class style. You have my respect, dog..."

Josuke scuffed at the reply made by Katsuo. "Respect? I don't want any of your respect, Swordsman..." Josuke proceed to demonstrate his skills, swinging the Rake swiftly with unparalleled fierceness. "I just want an entertaining brawl!"

"Then you shall have it!" Katsuo lept towards Josuke with blinding speed, his blades gleaming in the sun's glory. "FABLED STYLE OF THE LEGENDARY FABLED LEGEND SWORD TECHNIQUE: MOUNTAIN BORN HIBISCUS PHOTOSYNTHESIZING IN THE MORNING'S SUN!" The gleam from the sunlight seem to engulfs the blades themselves as Katsuo unleashed a mighty X double slash, using the energy gathered from the sunlight as a projectile, firing it towards Josuke.

"Heh..." Josuke slightly cocked his head as he stared at the energy wave that was barreling down his way and double gripped the rake. "PEERLESS DELINQUENT KING OF THE SOUTHERN SKY TECHNIQUE: SUPER BAD ASS DON'T TAKE SHIT FROM ANYONE HOMERUN ASS KICKIN' SMASH MK III!" Josuke shifted himself so that he face the blast from a sideways point, slightly adjusting himself so that he could get the right amount of distance, then swung the rake just in time to come into contact with the blast, sending it back at Katsuo at a monstrous speed.

"No... The Peerless Delinquent King of the Southern Sky... I thought that style no longer existed..." But it did. The blast collided into Katsuo, sending his body spiraling away into the distance like a rag doll. "Feh... Go tell your school..." Josuke suddenly put on a pair of sunglasses. "That the King is back."

"Awesome... Hehehehe..." Josuke seemed to be lost in a day dream. "HHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!" Katsuo started charging towards him, waving the sword around wildly like he was some kid playing Kamen Kenshi.

"Oi..." A waking up a bit from his day dream, Josuke just glanced causally at Katsuo as he ran wildly towards him. "Hrrmmm..." He turned the rake teeth side up and hurled it at Katsuo's feet.

"HHHHAAAAAAAAHHHHH-" The rake's teeth made contact with Katsuo's feet, the speed of which he was running working against him as stepping on the rake's teeth cause the rake to spring up and hit him square in the face.

"OOHHHHOOWWWW-" Before Katsuo manage to open his eyes from cringing in pain, Josuke executed a perfect running dropkick into the rake, slam it and Josuke's flying impact into Katsuo.

And again, Katsuo was knocked out cold from an attack by Josuke. "Oooo..." Josuke picked up the fancy swords that Katsuo dropped when he got kicked. "...These are some nice swords..."
"Josuke! You jerk!" Poor Katsuo had blood gushing out his nose! Sasori leaned down to shake him awake. Once he came to again, he took one look at Sasori and then another at Josuke. He was up back on his feet in a flash and running for the gate. He only stopped long enough to spit back at Josuke, before he was taking off down the street.

Sasori stood back up again and scowled. So much for promising not to abandon her. How could she fall for such a stupid line.

So she glared at Josuke! "You SAID you were coming back this morning." She crossed her arms, looking miffed and disappointed. Beside her, the monkey stood. Crossing IT'S arms and looking. ....really, really scary.
"HEY! HE WAS THE ONE COMING AT ME WITH THESE AWESOME ASS SWORDS! I THINK HE WAS TRYING TO KILL ME! IT WAS IN COMPLETE SELF DEFENSE!" Josuke waved the swords around as he talked to give it more of a dramatic effect.

"AND I WAS ONLY LA-" Then he noticed the monkey standing next to Sasori. "HOLY SHIT! WHAT IS THAT WHITE DEMON MONKEY JERK DOING STILL HERE?!?!" He pointed the swords threatening like at the monkey. "YOU ASSHOLE, YOU ONLY GOT ME CAUSE I WAS EXPECTING AN ONI OR MAYBE THAT SUDATO CHICK FROM THAT ONE MOVIE!" He gave the monkey the old stink eye as he leaned toward it. "Totally would kick your ass-"

And the monkey lept on his face again. Josuke was in such a panic, he dropped the swords and was not frantically trying to pry the monkey off. "GWAAAHHHH!!!" His muffled cries grew louder as tried tugging the monkey from his face, only making he grip on his face tighter. "GITITOFFAFGITITOFFAGITITOFFA!" Josuke was now running around in full panic mode, stumbling blindly until- SHTUNK he stepped on the rake as well, hitting the monkey and smashing it into his face. Stunned, the monkey finally lets go of Josuke's face. "Waahhh..."
Sasori had reached her hands out to help but... Josuke and the monkey were both flailing along like maniacs! She stood there watching them run back and forth until Josuke finally stepped on the rake. The monkey let out a screech, releasing the guy and came running to duck and hide behind Sasori.

"Jeeze. Why do you have to bully a poor animal!? You're ten times his size!" Sasori rolled her eyes before she snatched Josuke by the arm and tugged him off back to the hotel.

"Come on stupid. I'll fix the scratches on your face. But then you have to fix my gate before anymore assholes sneak in here."
Josuke rubbed his face as Sasori dragged him to get his scratches patched up. "Damnit, he was attacking me! Me! The little bastard ain't anything near innocent..." He kept prodding at the scratches, almost as if he was trying to scratch with out sasori noticing. "And The gates will take awhile to fix..." He coughed slightly, trying to avoid the blame of breaking it in the first place. "We'll make a ghetto Door subsitute until I can get that old big ass gate of your fixed..." He sighed as he glanced bak at the gate. "I think I may have to call in a few favors to get it fixxed..."

He then noticed the stupid monkey walking right next to Sasori like he was some kind of third wheel in the conversation. "..." He shot a dirty glance at the monkey before he tried to scratch the wounds again. "... You didn't have to ask that asshole to help with stuff right?" He slightly looked away as she continued to drag him to the hotel. "...I know that I ain't too great at doing alot of stuff... But once a man forms a promise to another person, he bounded to that promise... I mean he can try to sneak away from it as long as he wants... But until he fulfills it it kinda just follows him around, like a ghost or something..."

He sighed slightly as they reached the hotel. "It would just irratate me knowing that you had to get that smug Assbag to help finish something I said i was going to take care of." He glances over at Sasori, a subtle, but very present resolve showing in his eyes. "You don't have to go some where else if you need help, Sasori. I'll be able to take of everything I said I would. And you should know this." There was a quiet little pause as he slightly scratch the wounds on his face. " There ain't nothing that you shouldn't be able to ask of me."

Meanwhile. the cranky old man glances over at the still open school gates as he raked in the leaves. "That idiot isn't coming back... Ah well, I guess I'lll just dock his pay again..."
"Stop scratching." Sasori swatted his hands away from his face as she hassled him in to a chair. She didn't respond to his words. What could she say!? The stupid asshole actually said something really sweet. It left a floating feeling in the pit of her stomach, and she was trying real hard to stomp it back down. Guys always preached out kind words about honor and promises. Then they turned around and threw them in your face like they never mattered.

Sasori dug out a first aid kit from one of the kitchen cabinets. That monkey following at her heels the entire time. Snatching some paper towels and a little hot water, she set everything on the table next to Josuke. She then proceeded to try and clean up all that dirt and blood off his face.

"You said you were going to fix stuff around here, so you have to do it. I'm not letting you slack off or get away from it that easy."
"I already said I was going to fix the gate wasn't I? And goddamnit, I am not scratching my cuts!" He said as he kept trying to get Sasori's hand from stopping him messing with his face. "I am picking at it! There is a difference you know!" He turned his glance down toward that goddamn monkey. He was copying Sasori's every move, even trying to mimick Sasori by tugging on his pant legs as she tried to apply alcohol on his face. The urge to punt that goddamn furry bastard was so tempting... But he didn't need more reason to be put in the dog house. He has to finish what he said he was going to finish or else-

"OW! OW! OOOOWWWWW!" Josuke pushed Sasori's hand away as she dabbed the alcohol on his face. "Jeeeezzzzz! What the hell are you trying to put on my face, acid?!" Josuke tried to fight off Sasori as she kept trying to bandage him up, the both of them too occupied to notice the man in the sharp business attire and old woman that stood outside of their broken doorstep.

"..." The man knocked slightly on the side of the gate to get their attention. "Lady-Sasori, I do believe it's been a long time." The young man turned slightly to look at Josuke, who natrually eyed any well dressed man with suspecision. "Did I interupt something? I would opt to come back at a better time... But this is about your family's land..."
Sasori was about to punch Josuke in the nose if he didn't stop pitching a fit, but the interruption was a big surprise!

"Uh... Mr. Matsuda. No, right now is just fine." The older man was her father's accountant or lawyer or something. Sasori could barely remember. Either way, he was an old family friend and she hadn't seen him since she left for College. Sasori handed Josuke the alcohol and paper towels, then led Mr. Matsuda out in to the hall where they could chat in private.

"What's the matter? Nothing is wrong with my parents?" she asked, concerned! Sasori wasn't on best terms with her family right now, but that didn't mean she didn't care.

"No, no, they are fine. Actually, I came to speak about the property here. Your sister's wedding is turning out to be quite costly and your father has decided to sell some of the old properties that are no longer in use. This being one of them."

"He WHAT?" Sasori's yell probably could be heard all the way down the street! Sell the hotel? NOT IN USE? She was freaking living here! Of all the dirty low down - This HAD to be some dirty trick to make her move back home! Talk to her stupid twin sister! "No. This place isn't for sale. I've almost got it all fixed up and ready to open again."

Mr. Matsuda glanced around the place. It barely looked livable and the gate out front was smashed in. He did look sorry. "They are very insistent. The property is going to be sold. Perhaps if you bought it - But obviously, you are having trouble with paying for your courses too..."

Obviously. Because everyone hated her and wanted her to come home and be miserable. Sasori just frown. "It's not for sale and I WILL be buying it. How long do I have?"

He cleared his throat. "Erm... two weeks before it goes up on market."

Two weeks was impossible! Sasori just nodded. "I'll have the money by then."
Josuke was left with the old woman, which was just as awkward as when his mom used to live him at his Grandma's back when he was small. "..." He clear his throat as he slightly gave the woman a head nod. "Yo." He reached his hand back up to scratch the wound, when suddenly the old lady lept up and slapped his hand away. "Don't scratch that. You'll only make it worse!" The old lady used some sort of old lady kung fu smack on his forearm, making him let go of the alcohol and tissues as she quickly snatched it away from him.

"Young people these days..." She mutter as she combine spit and alcohol onto the tissue, pulling Josuke down to her level before he could even react. "What exactly were you doing, young man? Picking a fight with an animal?" She forced the tissue against his face as he yelpped out in pain; there was just something in the way she rubbed it against his wounds that made it seem to hurt more than it should of. "OOOWWWWWWWW!"

"Quit being such a girl and take it like a man!" She dabbed the tissue against his face almost as if she was trying to inflict pain onto him. "I seen little girls with higher pain thresholds! I remember long ago when Saso once got bit on her little tush when she was a girl by the neighbor's mutt! That stubborn little rascal refused to cry until everyone else, but I left the room! Should have seen the teary look on her face as I had to stitch her up! It healed in just the cutest little heart that you have ever seen! It was just so precious!" Josuke tried to lean away from the old lady's dabbing, but she seemed to have crazy long limb reach. "Oooooooowwwww!"
Sasori's eye was twitching as she and Mr. Matsuda returned to the kitchen. They both caught the tail end of the woman's story. Mr. Matsuda, though, choose to polite cough to get their attention. The old woman thrust the bottle of alcohol and paper towels back in to Josuke's hands.

"Ahem. Then, we will see you soon. In two weeks." said Mr. Matsuda. He nodded his head at Sasori and in moments he and the old lady left.

Sasori was still partially twitching. This time she snatched the paper towel from Josuke and dabbed (or roughing tapped!) his face. "I can't afford to pay you." she announced. "I'm going to need all the money I can save so I can buy this place. Might have to call that asshole Katsuo for more tutoring after all..."
(12:33:11 AM) Jinx: "Oi..." Josuke glances over at Sasori slightly as he slightly touches his wounds. "Iiitttttttttttaaaa..." He quickly moved his fingers away from his face, finally giving up on poking at his wounds. "Oi, tell me this. How much is this place going to cost, ehh?" He spoke in a slightly irritated tone, his eyes slightly squinted as he stared at her, almost as i he was ridiculing her.

(12:38:02 AM) Diana: "More than YOU can afford!" Sasori hissed at him. How much wasn't any of his business. Jabbing him in the side, she was trying to prod him out of the chair. "Now get up and out. Find your stuff and go back to your real job. I have to make a bunch of phonecalls and figure out what I can sell..."

(12:46:45 AM) Jinx: Josuke stood up from the chair and feinted amusement as he looked around room. "Oh? Sellin' your shit now? Yeah, I can see how you can buy back this big ass mansion. I mean look at those old dusty Tatami mats. I am pretty sure we can sell all of them for 40000 Yen each!" He pointed to the dusty tea table that laid not to far away from where they were. "Why don't you sell that table for 500,000 Yen?! I am pretty sure you can ask for that much cuz all that dust just drive up it's value right?"

(12:56:32 AM) Diana: "I'll sell everything in the place if I have to!" Sasori wasn't kidding either! Every piece of furniture and clothing and even the doors if that's what it took. "Quit being a pain in my ass and get lost, already! I have to DUST everything to fetch a better price!" she shouted back with a great deal of sarcasm. Even as she tossed a roll of paper towels at him!

(1:01:59 AM) Jinx: He let the paper towel hit him in the chest and went on like nothing happened. "Why don't we sell the paper towel too? Why don't you ask every goddamn person in your little Cell Phone contact, while you are at it? I am sure you can pity some loose change from their pockets!" Josuke was getting worked up, the intensity on his face showed as he stared Sasori dead in the eyes. "Sell every goddamn thing you have, because that is much better than for someone as high and mighty as you to ask for anyone like me for their goddamn help."

(1:15:24 AM) Diana: "Oh, you want to help! And what are you going to do? Dust the furniture for me? I'll take care of it!" Why the hell was he so pissed off about it anyway! It wasn't -his- home that was about to be lost. Tired of dealing with him, Sasori scoffed as she stomped out of the room.

(1:27:00 AM) Jinx: "I already told you that you didn't need to do all that goddamned asking random people around for help around the hotel! I told you that I will help you fix this and I intend on following through with my promises! So you can take you nonexistent pay you have been giving me and shove up that goddamn mouth of yours cause you already know I ain't going to ask you for any kind of compensation! Well... The gaming system aside..." He stopped her before she could completely leave the room and turned her around to face him. "This is where you grew up damnit, this is your family's land, your families business. 'Sell Everything'? Have you have no pride in what you family owns?! This hotel is still a goddamn hotel, and as long as I am here, I will do everything I can do to make it so that you don't let your family's effort be wasted." He stared into Sasori's eyes intensely. "I will refuse to let you give up on this place, Sasori..."

(1:35:09 AM) Diana: "I am not giving up!" she shouted back, moving to get free of his hands, but the big jerk was holding her still. "You don't even know what you're saying. They don't care about this place. They have tons of other properties. ...they're only getting rid of it because of HER." There was a look of defeat on her face, before it shifted back to anger. "I've only got two weeks. It can't be opened and make enough money in two weeks..."

(1:48:50 AM) Jinx: He was a bit confused by her 'HER' comment, but he persisted onwards. "Two weeks is good." He seemed to be sure of what he was talking about. "Two week will be enough time to get the hotel fix and get enough money to reclaim it." His grip on her shoulders loosened as the look on his face became much more relaxed. "I don't care if your parents don't care about this place. This is where you live... And if they place closed down then you will have to no place to live..." He slightly cleared his throat and glanced casually to the side. "And if you don't a place to live, you aren't going to be here anymore..." He inhaled a bit and turned back to her. "And if you aren't here, who else is going to fix my shit for free? I mean everything is fucking shoddy these days, you know... What happened to quality craftsmanship, you know?"
Josuke found himself prodded at the cotton that patched over the scratch wounds on his face. "DON'T PICK AT IT! IT WILL ONLY LEAVE A SCAR!" Sasori's nagging voice still echoed in his head as the slowly began to peel off the bandage tape. He wasn't picking at it! he was only gonna check to see if the wounds left behind a cool scar! Cool tough guys always had scars! Just imagine how much more bad ass he would be if he had a totally wicked face scar. He can just imagine the guys coming up to him asking him how he got the scar...

"Yo! Aniki! How did ya get that bad ass Scar?" "Feh... It's nothing... I just got these scratches from fighting a Gorilla, no big deal..." "Whoa, Bro! You fought a Gorilla? Did ya win bro?" "Heh... Would I be standing here talking to you about if I didn't?"

His eyes glowed with excitement as he peeled off another strip from the bandage on his face. "Man... That was so cool!" But then his thoughts returned to Sasori and how she will react if she purposely took off the bandage...


It was terrifying...Even though Josuke couldn't capture Sasori's vocabulary quite right...

Josuke spit to the side as he huff a bit. "Goddamnit... I can have a scar if I want... It's that scars are totally over done... No real cool person has a scar these days... Only wannabes have scars..." He was muttering to himself, scaring the bejeesus out of the people walking by because he was carrying a bundle of lumber pillars on his shoulder, mutter to himself while having a scour on his face. "...Is that gangster going to beat up some people with those wooden pillars?!" "Oh man, don't look him in the eye or he might come after us..." "Oh god... Why the hell do we even have police when monsters like that are walking around?" Josuke continued to stew as he waited a the cross walk. "...A real man has sideburns yeah.. Totally goona grow sideburns just so I can rub it in Sasori's face....Yeah...That'll show her..." As he wait a familiar car seem to trail behind him...