Never Ending Lullaby

srsly mezz vanished ruined everything u too orion why did u vanish ?!?!
Where is Mezz?! :O I'm so lost without him. lol
I didn't vanish. I've been trying to let you guys get in some character development without a spooky ghost intruding.

Honestly, he's such a drama queen. Just cause he's dead and all. When he show up he just wants to steal the spotlight. Can you blame him? A spirit trapped in the place he had been trapped during life, until it KILLED HIM.

Probably has lots of issues. You wouldn't want him around 24/7.

Trust me. >_>
The ghost adds the spice to our little horror thing. :D I find him interesting. Can't wait for the next puzzle!
i hate mezz -.- and okay ur call orion =)