Never ending fight

"Well. Ok..." He reached in his pocket. this was just a basic crowd catching magic trick he sometimes did for money. He saved strong stuff for fights. "This isn't anything bad this is just for fun." He took out a box of matches. He light one. He tossed the match in the air and caught it by the flames. The match fell to the ground burn't out but the flame was still in his hand. He tossed it around like it was a ball. He caught it and trailed it from his finger. Then as he moved he stopped short every once in a while and it changed colors. He threw it up in the air and caught it in his mouth. Heput his thumb in his mouth sand he breathed out and the flames shot in between his fingers into the air. He caught those and in one final trick he made it a big ball and tossed it right over tina. It then exploded into colorful sparks that were harmless.
Hinata watched in amazement as the ball of fire moved around. "How did you do that?" she asked
He winked " An old trick of the trade. It takes a little practice in the element of fire but once you've got it it's easy. Cant really show you my other tricks here. It's too small an area."
"Dammit, he got away." The mage grunted. Sure enough, he was gone. The caped person bolted after him, wherever he was. "You're not going anywhere!" He yelled outside, going off somewhere.
Hinata looked from hunter to the strange man. "Should we follow him?" she said. Then her stomach growled "after e eat" she added. She sat down and saw that he had already ordered happily and relieved she started to eat. "There are so many things I want to ask you."
"Ok... Shoot." as meaning to say aask me whatever you want.
She thought for a moment. "Well like I asked before what about the building incident?" she asked "And where did you learn magic?" as she ate she waited for his response with millions more questions to ask.
"Well first off I learned fire magic on my own. It was a sort of bonus with the sword." He nodded to his sword at his waist. "I mean after all. This sword does contain the soul of a fire demon." He thought for a moment. "The building incident wasn't anything that bad. In fact it was on of the first days i used magic. I was at a bar. It was late. I don't drink... I just work over there. I was doing pretty good to. 'Till someone figured out my name...... Then some drunk mad people, They started getting mad. They wanted to get closer but there was already a crowd. Bottles were smashed on peoples heads. There were more fists flying then i've ever seen. People were just wanted to pic a fight with me. Some people even lit cloth and put them in bottles. They threw them to scatter people. But theye are to stupid to realize. The entire place was wooden. It spread fast. Beams fell and people ran. I was trapped. I couldn't get out. I did something that is pretty hard for me. I took in the flames. I absorbed it and spit it so forceful i blew a hole out the wall. I walked out. And thats where the demon with no soul was named. Emptiness in other words. Also known as Kukyo." He sighed. He looked at her. Any more questions?​ His eyes seemed to say.
She listened to every word interested in his story. Demon? she thought So his sword has a demon soul. She thought of her next question. "Is that why people are after you?" she asked "And what if the demon soul try's to take over or do something? Or can it?" She finished eating and put her plate and drink to the side.
He shook his head to both questions. "It is unable to tae control. As long as I am the one wielding it at least. It will only take control if i let it. And even then it can't take on it's true form if i let it. And people just want to take my spot on the 'Fighting food chain' So to speak. I don't really like to fight but frankly avoiding confrontation has been hard lately. I just beat up one tough guy and everyone freaks out." He shakes his head taking another bite from his pasta. He loved spaghetti, it was one of his favorite meals.
"Aha!" Macore yelled. He conjured up a ball that was so cold it steamed in the sun. "Comet shot." Was the translation of the words he repeated. On top the building, the mysterious man watched as the freezing ball was fired at him. He began running building to building, followed by the mini comet.
Interested in the conversation hinata heard noises outside. "Do you hear that?" she asked. She stood up and walked to the door of the restaurant and looked out the glass door. She saw the magician jumping above. She turned to hunter. "wanna go on an adventure?" she smiled.
He smirked. "Oh joy." But he nodded. He was still curious as to what was going to happen with the mage.
She pushed the door open and ran out side with hunter behind her. As the man jumped from building to the next she ran faster and faster. She stopped quickly and grabbed hunters arm pulling him to a ladder on the side of a building "Come on we can go up and chase on the building" she said excited. She started to climb.
He looked up at the ladder and pouted. He had a better idea. He ran ahead. "Keep chasing him I have an idea!" He called and ran down farther at an incredible speed. His sword glowed black and disappeared.
She nodded then climbed the rest of the way till she reached the top of the building. She pulled her self up and automatically saw the man. She ran fast across the top and stomped her foot on the edge pushing her to the next building. She repeated this waiting to see what hunter was going to do and keeping the man in site.
Hunter suddenly jumped up in between the two building right in front of the man. Black feathered wings were spread out wide as i jetted myself to the man tackling him. The wings disappeared and i had my foot on the man's chest and a sword at his throat.
The mage gasped. "Hey stupid! Get out of the way!" He yelled. The magic mini comet ran straight into them- turningthem into icecubes. Square ice cubes.
He stood there frozen. Damn is this how my life going to end? A human popsicle? I can't go out like this. Not now.. His eyes grew re and the sword pulsated in his hand. In his mind he heard his own thoughts speak in tongue. That was roughly translated into hell trident's flames. Out of the ground a trident made out of flames shot out and pierced the ice. It melted as fire surrounded it and a roar and a face was in the flames. Then as it died down i stood there i seem stupefied at what just append. He felt himself to make sure if he was unfrozen. Amazing.... He looked at Hina. He stabbed his sword into the ice as it shattered to pieces.
"...Whoa." The robed man said, looking at the unfrozen fire master. "Hey, where'd that guy with my staff go!?"