NekoxNeko (Shy and Hollow)

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Kyo smiled at her. "That sounds like a great Idea! It's not like there gonna miss us anytime soon! So let's go!" Kyo takes Mai hand and walks out of campus.
Mai smiled, the last neko she said that to had looked at her as if she was crazy, but not Kyo no he agreed. She walked alongside him but knew that keeping out of sight would be safest "I know this nice spot by the lake in the woods" she smiled and tugged at his sleeve.
"Ok ok ok I'm coming!" Kyo gets dragged to the forest by the lake and he is in awed. "Its beautiful......."
"It is, isn't it" she smiled. She never went there a lot anymore , she always had to serve everyone around the house never getting any time for herself anymore. "Oh and up there" she pointed at a broken tree house, it was hidden really well by the leaves and only cats eyes would really be able to see it without much searching effort "I go up there to hide" she smiled softly at him.
"Let me guess.........." He giggles and walks to the tree house and climbs up it. "You coming or what?" He smiled as he climbs up it the treehouse.
"Yeah but are you coming* she giggled and started to climb the tree as fast as she could racing with Kyo. Once she reached the top she reached her hand down to help kyo up the rest of the way.
"Thanks..." Kyo gets pulled up and sits on the floor and his tail pulls her closer to him like back at school. "This is very relaxing......." Kyo said as Mai's head was on his shoulder.
"Mmhh" she nodded and closed her eyes, for nekos moments like these were very rare, some never even got to see lake much less rest next to one. Soon Mai fell asleep, soothed by Kyo's warm presence.
"Y-yeah......" Kyo then falls asleep with Mai, cuddling with her and their tails play with eachother while they sleep and cuddle on the floor. "ZzzzZzzzz"
Mai woke up sometime in the night to a another purring sound close to her. She opened her eyes to see Kyo. She smiled and blushed slightly while she sat up. She had to get home, she would be in a lot of trouble in morning, but she didn't want to wake the other sleeping cat.
Kyo woke up and looked at the moon "Damn it....I'm gonna get killed for sure......." He looked at Mai and smiled at her then kissed her cheeks. "I have to go.....See ya Mai!" That was the last thing he said before jumping out the open window.
"Wait..." It was too late for Kyo to hear her, she jumped down from the tree and hugged her sweater close to her. She had to walk home the dark...alone. She hated the dark. Some bad things had happened to her before while being alone like that. She took a breath and started to walk home, her ears twitching at every sound.
She made it home, with no problem. She crept in by the small window and lay down on her very small bed thinking about Kyo until she fell asleep again.
The next day was Saturday when they woke up. "Damn it........It's Saturday........the rough day of the week......." He sighed and went to work for the humans he lived with.
"Yes madam, yes madam" she was nodding her head and ooking down at the floor as the woman was yelling at her. The little brat of a girl that lived there had told her parents that she came sneaking in late last night, and now her poor ears where paying for it "Now get to work" the woman yelled and the poor neko walked of to clean again.
"Yes sir! Yes sir! Ahhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Kyo was then shot in the foot by his father. He then ran from home then went into the forest limping.
After a long day of being yelled at and pushed around, she finally had a chance to go to the forest. She walked thinking of her new friend and suddenly got really worried.
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