I hate my neighbors. I hate them. I FUCKING HATE THEM. Save for two or three houses on my block, this neighborhood sucks DICK.
I know I'm not the nicest person in the world, but it has to mean something when I say, if all of them died, I wouldn't be phased or care. I'm not wishing them death, but if they ceased to exist, ehhhhh.
So the neighbors on the right of my house are.... well... rednecks. I hate them. I hate the father, Mark, the wife, Sheryl, Their two daughters Alex and Morgan, and their THREE GOLDEN RETRIEVERS. THREE UNTRAINED, HUGE DOGS THAT ARE USUALLY SET LOOSE WITHOUT LEASHES ON THE ENTIRE NEIGHBORHOOD. I love their cat. He's an asshole but he's kinda sweet at the same time.
Either way, back to story:
So these..... ugh... I don't even know what to call them, I hate them so much. So they've got these dogs, who they let out all the time. (Boomer IV, Sooner IV, and Frenchie II, yes they name their dogs the SAME DAMNED THING) They also own a huge Hummer, that is ALWAYS tricked out and has VERY expensive items in it, and they're always SO surprised and outraged when someone breaks into their car. Because of them, our entire neighborhood has to pay for a security patrol that WE DON'T NEED, JUST THOSE FUCKERS. They've had their car jacked like... five or six times. Because of them, people come to our neighborhood for THEIR hummer and if they see anything else, they break into that too.
So we've got that patrol still going on, but now, lo and behold, they couldn't take the pressure. Instead of just putting their hummer in the garage, or taking the eyecandy out of the car when they go into the house, they now paid over a good $1,500 to pay for a personal gate FOR THEIR DRIVEWAY. A driveway that's only probably 2 1/2 feet, by 5 feet. A fence and a remote controlled gate.
They also use our fucking trash cans when theirs are too filled up with shit. They even called the neighborhood committee because we had trimmed our trees and had the branches out back, waiting for "large trash" pick-up day.... excuse me? that TIDY PILE OF BRANCHES ARE ENTIRELY ON OUR PROPERTY AND WOULD HAVE BEEN GONE IN A DAY. WHAT'S MORE, THAT TIDY PILE IS NOTHING ON THE MESS OF THEIR ENTIRE HOUSE, BACKYARD AND DRIVEWAY, WHICH IS ALWAYS LITTERED WITH DOG TOYS, BIKES AND CHILDREN'S TOYS, SPORTS EQUIPMENT AND OTHER MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS. Fuck, man....
They're the most IDIOTIC, DESPICABLE, AWFUL neighbors we've ever had. My first memory of them is of being tackled by Sooner III while they were trying to stuff their shit into our trash bins.
And would you believe me if that fucker, Mark, actually works with one of the major oil companies? I won't say which one, but that fucker profits while everyone else pays for the rise in gas.
THEY EAVES DROP, TOO. fucking pricks. Also, their beloved daughter, Alex, who is one year younger than me, for her senior year prom got a HUMMER LIMO and had a party IN THE LIMO, IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD, PARKED IN FRONT OF MY FUCKING HOUSE AT THREE IN THE FUCKING MORNING. Party lights blazing and beats thumping, meanwhile, I'm trying to sleep so I can be rested for an exam in the morning.
As I said, I severely dislike them....