Nefastus Lupata Academy: The Return of TJA

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Name: Eri Unakahi
Age: 17
Sex: Female
Gender: Female
Class: Shrine Maiden (Miko)
Race: Human


(Yeah it is Reimu, blame the lack of easy-to-find pictures of Miko clad in black outfits)

Personality: Eri is a individual of many mysteries which is usually serious about almost everything and cold towards almost everybody. Her motivations and real personality are unknown.

History: Eri is a head Miko successor and Miko from the Unakahi family which serves the small shrine of Ona in the village of Inaka. Just like all the daughters of Unakahi family she was thought in the ways both of attending the shrine and being a wife from a young age until on her ninth birthday, when the mark of the succession appeared on her body, choosing her as the successor of the current head Miko in the case that the head Miko dies. After this she was put under rigorous training in using the traditional exorcism and combat forms of Unakahi, had to learn the sacred rites and writings of Ona Jinja, polished the skills required to run a shrine and was shaped into a stern, cold and pure Miko. Finally as the last step of her training she was ordered to live Inaka village and the small mountain dell that it occupied to learn how to behave in modern society and amongst other head Miko (she stayed ad the Wakushima Shrine which was a common host of head Miko gatherings). Even before she managed to get to Wakushima on a train station she found a discarded letter of invitation from TJA. For unknown reasons she opened the letter and after accepting the invitation she came to TJA...

Eri is a Miko of Ona Shrine marked as a successor to the current head Miko.
This means that she is versed in the following:
Traditional Ona Jinja combat techniques using talismans, blessed items and rituals.
Traditional Unakahi combat forms, primary the Unakahi Devine Naginatajutsu.
The sacred texts of Ona Shirine.
The sacred rites and rituals of Ona Shrine, including long preparation and duration rituals for calling enormous powers from Kami or Kami themselves.
Management skills needed to run a smaller object, like some accounting, storage management, human resources management and so on.

Well hope this one is more to your liking ... to bad I couldn't make a character with an "Absolute Choice" curse (for the LOLs) but this is OK to ...
Name: Ex

Age: Apparent – 19; Actual – 25

Sex: Male

Gender: Male

Race: God

Human form: Ordinarily Ex takes on the appearance of a late teenage human with a lean build, pale skin like that of a gamer, messy, purple, anime-like hair, and bright, violet eyes. Well, his right eye is evidently a bright violet like that, but his left eye is always covered by a purple entity that looks somewhat like an aura sphere or a fireball (think of Black Rock Shooter for a good visual example). Said "glow-eye" fluctuates in brightness, size and intensity mostly depending on when he's exercising his powers, and subtly by mood. When he's calm, it's not much bigger than his eye itself. When he's angry or particularly giddy, it tends to flare up a bit. And when he's doing a lot with his powers, it can almost look as if there's a basketball-sized comet attached to his head. In terms of apparel, Ex most typically wears a purple, sleeveless shirt, black pants, and purple canvas sneakers. (Subject to change depending on what I decide to do for an image.)

Wolf form: Whenever Ex's more wrathful side comes out, he tends to transform into a giant black wolf, about as tall as a small building, with his glow-eye illuminating the left side of much of his face and upper torso.

(Note: I'll probably move the stuff about his glow-eye to "other" once I add some images.)

Personality: Ex is, simply put, a troll. He's completely apathetic to the plights of others, incapable of feeling sympathy, and treats everything in the world around him as a source of entertainment. As a result, he often comes across as a sadist, causing others to suffer to entertain him. Additionally, he's also somewhat of a genius (or at least believes himself to be one), as the suffering he causes others usually happens as a result of large, elaborate "games" he likes to play, in which he usually manipulates people and controls their lives, stirring up all kinds of trouble to get a laugh.

Speaking of his games, he can be quite a man-child when he doesn't get his way. A sore loser and an extremely powerful entity, he hates being bested, and can snap into what is almost a completely different personality when his plans are interrupted – changing from a playful troll into a wrathful deity. His tantrums are best avoided.

History: The furthest reaches of Ex's history are rather obscured, though it's probably safe to assume that he got his start as some sort of internet troll – and apparently a damn good one, as he became the God of Mischief at a rather young age. When the position of God of Mischief became vacant, the remaining existing gods chose him to ascend to godhood and become his replacement – though it's possible that was just their joke on the universe.

Regardless of their reasoning, it was that gift of power that made Ex into the crazed individual he is today. First, he brought trolling to a whole new level, learning how to physically appear next to people whom he contacted online, even experimenting with crawling right out of people's monitors, and other bizarre and freaky tricks. But that was just Ex as a child, though. As he matured, his pranks became more complex – one of his best feats being an MMO game that he could pull people's souls into. He spent years inside that game, closing himself off from the rest of the world becoming obsessed with it as his greatest achievement and top source of entertainment, until the site fell apart for unknown reasons. Once he was able to move on, he decided to victimize TJA next, and poke around to see what fun could be had and what havoc could be wreaked there.

-His iconic color is purple.
-His iconic animal is a wolf.
-Ex doesn't really do "friends", but he sometimes has a few "associates" which he likes to use to do his bidding.
-He loves coming up with demeaning nicknames for those under him, or really anyone he interacts with on a regular basis.
-Being a relatively young god, there's quite a generational gap between him and most of the other deities. For example, he's the only god to grow up during the age of video games and the internet.
-He has a variety of "pets" which serve a variety of purposes – including a vicious attack bunny named Wai, a tentacle monster named Mr. Hentai, and a variety of winged wolves – all of which may be summoned whenever he wishes.
-Extremely computer-savvy and a great programmer.
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Sorry I didn't put this up sooner. I've had everything but the image done ever since I finished Moon and Orion's CS's, and I wanna make sure his new canon is acceptable. (I understand that as a co-GM I really don't need to be "accepted", per se, but this is kind of a special case but I just wanna make sure.)

If this aids your decision: the details of the MMO in his history were left purposefully vague so you could interpret them however you see most fit. It's not Data Spell if you don't want it to be.
I don't mind if he made DS in the TJAverse. Accepted.
I'll have my last CS up tonight and then hopefully I will have an IC up tomorrow.
I'll fix up everything else when I get back from work. Gotta run!; I leave for work in about 30 minutes!
*is bored*

Someone wants to discuss currently airing anime?
I'm like never up-to-date on currently airing anime.

Actually now that I think about it I haven't been watching a ton of any anime during the past month or so. I've been on more of a Classic Who binge. (Like that wasn't obvious. @_@ )
I'l get my last CS up tonight, then.
Updated the Wikia with the new Characters.
Feel free to post up your Character Sheets there and I will link them to the Character page.
Race Name : Zalthar (Zaltharian)
Ambassador: MoonTeller (Alyx)
Life Span: Approximately 200 years
History: The history of the Zaltharian race is a long and depressing tale, these creatures have lived on earth since before mankind learned how to create flames. They were once a very prominent and prosperous race, they lived out in clans and held a high standard of living for being at such a low technological level. They lived all over earth in many different biomes, they would trade, hunt, and even hold festivals together with other clans and tribes.
The elder shamans who were usually only kept at a handful were seen as the leader figures in their society, they would all meet once annually to make big territorial decisions and converse about earthly divinations.

Unfortunately shortly after man first started to colonise the elder shaman held an emergency meet to discuss the quickly developing creatures. It is unclear of what went on during that time but it is known that all who went to that meeting never returned to their clans and tribes, shortly after a sickness swept their race, this sickness came from an unknown source and spread quickly through their numbers. Being deprived of their best shaman and their most knowledgeable members they could do nothing to prevent the immediate epidemic from wiping out over half their population. Those who were sick only managed to spread in unto others before succumbing to the rather messy fate, while those who were not isolated themselves in order to keep it from spreading.

This disaster sparked the major downfall in their races once aspiring society, for many many years they lost all communication with one another and lost their foothold as a main race on earth.

During this time humans have done much, and colonised most all of the planet, this just lead the Zalthar to be even more isolated as they still had no knowledge of the mysterious sickness that plagues them, many believe humans to be the cause, and others believe it was nature itself as a way to tell them their times up, but regardless no one can know for sure.

Much later into the future as humans control most all of the planet and wield technology beyond that of even the older Zaltharians, whom are still around, yet their numbers are in the low hundreds and their fear of humans has made them very disperse, those who live are forced to pass on their history and learning through books of knowledge called "scalebacks" in human tongue. This was once a tradition only held by tribe shaman but has turned to be a last resort in recent years.

Their race has seemingly been cursed to fail and now whatever remains just wait in the dark of whatever hole they dug themselves into as death approaches to finally claim them.

(Sorry about the unspecifics thrown in here, I will update as I go and when time allows)

Biology: The Zalthar are a reptilian species that hold a humanoid form, the "Lizard-folk" are very similar to humans but with some very distinct differences. As well as their appearance Zalthar have many key differences on internal structure, the lungs of an average member of their race have the remarkable ability to breathe in many un-natural conditions compared to humans, this allows them to breathe in otherwise toxic areas, places with low oxygen, and even underwater. They also have a very different sense of smell, they can pick-up the most subtle of scents in a roomful of people, this trait isn't so much on being able to smell things from far away but being able to notice the slightest changes in smell, this is so they may hunt better and tell the difference between mates within the clan.

The reproductive process of a Zalthar is a rather interesting one, once they reach a certain age they ---------------, so when -------------------- this causes the ----------------- to ----------------, after finding their mate they either ---------------- or ---------- as to get --------- for ------------------. Once they have --------, the "male" of the pair ------------- while the "female" -------------- so ---------------- makes them ----------- and then --------- egg after ------------ hatch and the ---------------- after which ---------------. And that is how babies are made!

Speaking on the subject of mating there is no normal Gender within their race, as they are prominently asexual and have the ability to change their sex at will. This leads to an indifference between members in regards to duty's and relations.

Not much else is known about their biology, the only way you could get complete answers on how they work is to either ask them nicely or cut em open and see for yourself.

Religion: The religion of the Zalthar is a very secretive and confusing thing. It is slowly losing its hold as the number of lizard-folk is dropping drastically. In the modern times when the hatchlings reach a certain age and has been taught how to read they are usually given a small book, this book holds a small encoded history of their people and hold all the information the hatchling needs to survive, the chances that anyone other then one of their kind could read it are nigh-impossible unless shown by another of their kind.

This is not how things were in the races past but in recent years they have had to resort to preserve the old and to teach the newer generations in case the guardians of the young ones die before they can raise the child.

Ability's: These as well as certain biological traits varied between their species but only a few per clan held these powers:

The shaman, whom were once a very important part of the Zaltharian society once upon a time had the uncanny ability to manipulate a certain element (or elements) to their will, this was a very diverse ability that differed between tribe and the geographical region they were placed in. (Ex: Mountain tribes: Earth/Air, ect) The shamans normally only have control over one of the four basic elements but few tribes were known for possessing one or more rarer elements. (Ex: Electricity, Metal, ect)

Now a days most elemental ability's would have been forgotten and even the basic four would be a very rare occurrence as only the shamans would have the ability to pass this down through training and teaching of an apprentice.

Other: Most of these traits do not apply to the majority of Zaltharians, as their race is on the brink of extinction very few would have been able to learn these techniques and have proper access to this historical information or a scaleback. Only those who have been raised by an older Lizard would have access to a scaleback. (The Special Books)

(Okay, this is just the first quick draft I wrote up. It will be edited and fixed up as I go. But in the meantime if you see and major mistakes or anything that you believe should be addressed just let me know and I'll ad it to the list. Thanks!)
Okay, first things first. There is probably allot I need to fix in this, and allot needed to make it look nice and organised.

I will do this, but right now I am tired as f*ck.

Sorry, I know I said I would get this up last night, but it turns out I'm allergic to squid and the medication kinda knocked me out.
Race sheets will be up as soon as I can get them done.

Name: Katsuruga Daiki

Age: 273 (appears to be 18-19ish)

Sex: Male

Gender: Male

Class: Daitengu

Race: Tengu


Hair is black, eyes are amber. He's around 6'11" tall. Wings are also a very dark color.

Personality: A quiet person, but by no means shy. He has no desire to get involved with anything he considers a waste of his time and isn't afraid to walk away from people, but will gladly join in if he can find that he has something to gain from it. That being said, exactly what he hopes to gain can seem a tad random. He has some quirky habits that will likely show up later on.

History: He has lived in the mountains for a lot of his life, and was actually considered to be pretty important in his clan. He is currently in the running to be the next clan leader, but has been sent on a journey to prove himself worthy of this title. Running against him are three other tengu who he has had a bit of a rivalry with his entire life. While one of them, Haruki, has enjoyed a more friendly rivalry with him throughout the years, the other two do not share as good a relationship with him. He came to TJA to develop his abilities and find a way to improve his chances against his rivals, which he believes he can do by studying the other students, as there is quite a wide variety of different powers present.

Other: His nose is actually longer than shown in the image, but he doesn't really like to let people see it like that, so he either hides it with magic or a mask.

He also keeps a gourd and a fan with him to contain/channel a lot of his magic. Without them, he cannot perform more powerful magics, but he still has some abilities that can be used at a lower level.
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Cheshire, are there any special rules regarding races like werewolves, vampires, demons, etc. or would standard folklore apply?

@gamer5 The only anime I've got my eye on for the Spring 2014 anime season are Soul Eater NOT!, JoJo's, Date A Live II, Black Bullet, and... err... Precure >.> <.< >.>

On a related note, I'm anticipating the Fate/Stay Night 2014 remake. If only to see the Nasu's new storyline
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Cheshire, are there any special rules regarding races like werewolves, vampires, demons, etc. or would standard folklore apply?

Vampires drink blood...
Werewolves can only be wolves....

....that's about my restrictions for those races at the moment. while I finish my last CS and work on the first post of the IC, is there anybody that I still need to add to the rooms list.

Nui, I haven't heard back from you about Chester's request to room with Headmaster Root.

And Kuro, I will add Leru back to the list of accepted students here momentarily. Tama and Nisshoku (not sure I said that right) are currently pending and Kyurai is not being accepted. I'll get back to you on those details soon via Skype or PM.



o.o Have you spoken to Kuro recently, thus indicating that he's still around? By the sounds of our last conversation, he seemed like he wanted to step away from TJA (which I thought I relayed to you - my apologies if I didn't).
o.o Have you spoken to Kuro recently, thus indicating that he's still around? By the sounds of our last conversation, he seemed like he wanted to step away from TJA (which I thought I relayed to you - my apologies if I didn't).

You did relay it to me. I just talked with him today. He quit.
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