We will prevail
Hiron Hon

Eastern, Continent, Wolf Country | 3rd Imperial Division | Major General.|

The crude maps laid out bare what the terrain was. Leaning forward, Hiron had planted both his hands on the wooden table, his eyes focused on the charts. Meanwhile, captain Drest continued to speak.
"They are a battalion, originally underneath the command of the 4th Division. Travelled here after gaining permission to join the campaign. Doesn't state, however, who granted them that passage," Drest mumbled the last sentence, a sense of irritation barely hidden from the captain's tone, "the Senju have come in more significant numbers. They are awaiting orders as well. Right now, we are receiving reports that the 13th brigade is punching hard in the southern theatre. The enemy is resisting but can't keep up with the 13th's effort, aided by the Republican forces present there."
Hiron nodded as he took in the information.
"The Tiger Claws report that the enemy force that was signalled before is taking up pace. They seem to head directly towards our location. Their numbers seem still to outdo us, by double, even if we take in the auxiliary forces of the Senju and Omari battalion."

Straightening his back, Hiron's attention shifted towards the few but small wooden figures - that represented forces. He picked up some of the figures and placed them according to the situation.
"I want the Omari battalion to move northwards. We will be using this river to guard us. Or in any case, put the enemy at a disadvantage. Much like how the first clash occurred." Hiron's gaze went to the southern flank of the supposed field of battle. With the enemy's numbers, they could force the Imperial forces to stretch and become too weak to hold their own against overwhelming numbers. A situation that Hiron wanted to avoid, at all cost.
"These marshes in the south. I want the Senju to take these positions," Hiron placed several figures on illustrating what he meant to captain Drest, "I am unsure how well experienced these Senju forces are, fighting in marshland. But they just need to hold. As long as they occupy that turf, we can focus on these points."
Pointing to the river point between the 12th Brigade and the main enemy force, Hiron continued. "I want to keep them in one location. If we keep the flanks secured, we can consider how we can cleave them in half. So make sure that both the Omari and Senju understand that I want those flanks covered. Perhaps we can hold out long enough for the 11th Brigade to approach from the north. Cornering the enemy and crippling their ability to manoeuvre."

Drest nodded, emphasising that he understood the strategy of his superior. But he frowned when Hiron stated he wanted the Omari and Senju to hold.
"With all respect, general, sir, you think that it is wise to have the auxiliary forces keep the flanks? The Senju have the numbers to occupy such a place perhaps. But a battalion of Omari? Perhaps we should divert some forces to make sure that location won't be lost to the enemy."

Hiron listened to his captain, but his mind was already at work. He despised the idea that the Omari and Senju were even around; even if they bolstered his forces. But if he could trade those Senju and Omari, Hiron would have exchanged them for more militant competent clans, such as the Uchiha or such.
"It is a small crossing if we are to believe the Tiger Claw's report. For now, the Omari will have to prove that they can hold off any enemy advances." Hiron replied, gaining a quick response from the Yakimara captain.
"And if the enemy manages to outsmart them?"

Hiron locked his gaze with Drest.
"Then I will resort to the measure I have in mind. For now, speak to the Omari and Senju. Make sure that they depart to their locations with all haste. And that they are reminded to the instructions if they don't want to get court-martialed. Or worse."
~ GM Post ~

Events in the known world.

This GM post serves to bring news and rumours of what happens in the world. While some events might be vague rumours, twisted by the many mouths that spin the tales into something unimaginable, there are many more occurrences that will impact the clans and nations across the known world. Some events might be orchestrated in secret or openly by nations and clans, in a bid to weaken neighbours or rivals. At the same time, some events are the result of decisions (or lack thereof) in any shape or form.

The current year is 477 ADS,
The current month is the begin of April,
This GM post is not without plots and secretive actions of others.~

The Previous GM Event Post!

* ADS = After the Death of the Sage.

In the West.

[ Wind Country / Sayyadian Kingdom ]

The conflict between the Sayyadian Kingdom and Fang country has escalated further. Various sources, from merchants to foreign spies report that the two nations are readying for more significant clashes. Already the Sayyadian forces have been able to defeat several large Fang hosts, causing the Fang forces to withdraw further into their mountain defences. With winter, however, coming to an end, the Sayyadians are more confident to pressure their enemy.
Some believe that the Sayyadian kingdom will be the first to amass an invasion into the Fang's heartlands. But others are doubtful; for the recent defeats won't ensure yet that the Fang's military will cave that far in.

An interesting aspect is that rebel factions in the Claw country have attempted to contact the Sayyadian kingdom, in hope to receive military aid - to liberate their realm from the Fang's occupation.
Whereas many would not be surprised upon the Sayyadians taking advantage of this, to eliminate more of the Fang - as gaining more fertile land, the response has shocked and surprised many.
The delegates have been sent back with little else than that the Sayyadian kingdom won't advance into the Claw. Their priorities don't lay with people who worship the Nameless God, nor who desire to accept the Shāhanshāh's rule.

[ The Earth Country ]​

The ongoing clash between the two rival factions, that desire both the ultimate goal: the throne of the Earth country, has already costed many lives.
From small skirmishes to full-blown battles and sieges, the majority of the country is at war with itself. More clans have on their own accord or been forced to pick one of the two sides. Leading only to an escalation of hostilities and the number of participating troops. A good number of people wondered which of the two sides, the Tsuchikage will support; for the kage of Iwagakure has yet to do so.
Both factions have attempted to lobby and convince the Tsuchikage and his forces to adhere to their side. And despite spreading lies about the opposition, both sides are correct in one thing: the Tsuchikage's support could lead to a short but decisive end to the succession crisis.

But instead of picking a side, the Tsuchikage decided to use his forces differently; in an attempt to prevent bloodshed and bring the parties to a solution; a peaceful one.
While gaining praise and recognition from the common folk for this selfless course, the nobility and main driving force behind the conflict see it as a sign of weakness; thus leading to succession crisis to go on, despite the desperate attempts of the Tsuchikage and his subordinates.

[ The Empire of Akino ]​

[ The Fire Province ]
[ The Tokugawa Clan ]

Attention settled on the Tokugawa clan, with the presence of both the Senju delegation and threats of the Cho clan. The increasingly hostile attitude of the Cho towards the Senju and their demands, Leo Tokugawa, has been placed in a spot; forced aligning with the Senju or Cho clan.
After some debate and council of his nobility and advisors, Leo Tokugawa made his decision.
The Senju delegation is sent home without being allowed to explain or bear the words of their lord. They are warned not to cross the boundaries that exist between both Imperial clans; for the Tokugawa won't tolerate those who dare to threaten the peace in their heartlands.
While the response bears some stern tone, it is clear that the Tokugawa clan seeks no further aggression from the Senju clan - only seeking to continue focusing on their current affairs.

[ The Senju Clan ]

The Senju received their delegation from the Tokugawa's capital. The Tokugawa's warning is preventing more investigation from taking place.
As a result, the Senju have declared they will approach the Empress herself, with evidence. That the damage they sustained was done by the Tokugawa, harming the economic prowess of the Senju clan, and on a larger scale, that of the Empire itself.

This evidence is further backed by the fact that the Senju have contributed more to the Empire; providing troops to the state military as the Senju were willing to provide forces to aid in the campaign against Rong. But it is yet uncertain what the Tokugawa or the Empress will respond to this declaration.
Aside from their declaration, a surprising event has taken place. A delegation from the Uchiha clan has arrived to discuss some matters. Together with this delegation comes various gifts meant for the nobility of the Senju clan and supplies - to aid the common folk underneath the protection and rule of the Senju clan. Most Senju seems pleased with the arrival of their ancient ally. But very few do seem to distrust the appearance of the Uchiha; stating that it is odd that they only come now after the chaos and tension have been dealt with.

The Senju have not reinforced their western approach, but instructions have been made to Senju patrols; to be on high alert. Many Senju that live close to the border of the Sarutobi clans are both relieved and afraid; for who is to say what those barbarians will do when they start to notice few troops protecting honest Senju folk?

[ The Hyuuga Clan ]

The Hyuuga clan has heeded the request of the people of Tatetari. In quick response, the Hyuuga clan has responded with sending some supplies - aiding the frightened people of Tatetari. The answer has been deemed as honourable or noble one by some of the common folk - who applaud the apparent selfless action.
But this answer hasn't been the only course of action that the Hyuuga has taken. The sovereignty of the region of Tatetari is in still in shackles, but the Unkei clan has received a polite statement to not intrude upon the territory; for the people of Tatetari are underneath the Hyuuga's care.
Neighbouring clans have yet to respond openly what they think of this action; whether to support the Hyuuga's support and presence in the region. Or to acknowledge the Unkei's claim on the area.
Whatever the response will be; peace is returning with the increasing presence of the Hyuuga in Tatetari.

[ The Hyuzu Clan ]

Blood has been spilt. Various messengers that were sent to reach the Empress have failed, their bodies found lying in a ditch or on the road only a few days later after they were dispatched.
The sudden assassinations started to impact the common folk of the Hyuzu clan; many beginning to fear that something terrible would happen. As the last messenger would be sent away, carrying the hope of the Hyuzu clan to reach the Empress, no corpse would be found.
Instead of a dead Hyuzu, the Hyuzu clan would recover various unknown corpses. Morbidly, each corpse seemed to miss a left eye; only for a rose to be planted there.

With several days going by without any trouble, a delegation of Yamanaka arrived. The small pack of travellers numbering around two dozen of Yamanaka elite guards, accompanying two elderly into the Hyuzu compound. This delegation has come to offer their aid to the Hyuzu, having caught word of their kin that the Hyuzu might be dealing with something bigger than they can chew.
Only for an hour later to have a messenger arriving; bearing the features of a Sworn Sword. The message is direct and straightforward; the lord of the Hyuzu clan is expected to travel to Konohagakure, to meet the Empress and enlighten her upon the situation.

[ The Fief of Matsukotan ]

The people of Matsukotan have started to warm up towards the management of the Miyazato clan. Some souls are still wary towards the Miyazato, but many are content on how the clan has managed the fief, so far.
Various communities have sent a small token of appreciation towards their Miyazato superiors; usually gifts of little wealth but marking the fact that they are appreciated.

However, reports are coming in. A small force of strangers has been sighted. No violence has yet occurred, but many locals don't seem comfortable with this development. Various of the local communities have thus requested the Miyazato to eliminate this potential danger to their tranquillity.

In the North

[ The Dominion of Lightning ]​

[ The Ranzaki Dynasty and Hojo Clan ]

Messengers have travelled and brought the invitation to all clans within the Dominion and her vassals. Preparations are further being completed to prepare for the coronation of the new Daimyo.
Many prominent clan leaders or representatives of their kin have been sighted to travel towards the mighty capital. Some people wary of the tension that may arise with the numerous clans, which often consider one another a rival. But with the guidance of the Hojo, bloodshed has been avoided.

The coronation has been planned to take place into the ancient city of Todaiji, a site located between the Jun and Alaricus heartlands. While the city isn't large in either population or bearing much strategic value, it is considered near holy because of the coronation of the daimyo's of the Lightning.
The Dominion has invited multiple countries to come towards Todaiji, not only to witness the coronation of the newest daimyo of the North. But also to partake in the Chuunin Exams.

[ The Alaricus Clan ]

A strange development is taking place within the heartlands of the Alaricus. Men in brown clothes have been travelling around, shaven heads and fire in their eyes and voices. These 'brothers' proclaim that they have seen the light of Akemi. They state that the stern deity has demanded them to come together, to formulate a new organisation: Lion's Fury.
This organisation has started to attract some of the common folk. For the brothers of Lion's Fury are willing to provide a meaning and bright future to those willing to aid their cause. Even some nobility are drawn to the preachings, with sons or daughters that have no chance to inherit any land or wealth joining the ranks of this charming organisation.

Suspicion has grown, however, regarding this new organisation. For Lion's Fury has yet to acknowledge a true master, other than their patron deity, Akemi. Some people are worried that this may increase tension between the highest echelon of the Alaricus clan and Lion's Fury, certainly seeing that the religious order has been able to start collecting weapons and armour.
In order to stem some of the tension, the Lion's Fury has sent a delegation to meet with the Alaricus higher up - in attempt to create peace and direct all to obey the will of Akemi. Time has yet to reveal how this meeting will impact the future.

[ The Siluren Clan ]

The woodlands that form the majority of the Silurian heartlands holds little secrets to its residents. For they are well-versed in reading and adapting to the land. Following into the footsteps of their ancestors, their knowledge on their heartlands is unmatched.
However, sometimes a secret is revealed. Either by accident or by some divine will the Siluren come to discover something new in their heartlands.

Such an occurrence has come to pass. How it came to be is still unsure. Some reports state that a patrol came across weird tracks and followed them. Another state that a few children went missing, and during the investigation, the site was founded.
No matter how it came to be, the Siluren have discovered an odd site within their woodlands. Those who have sighted it claim it is a site of power. Some strange energy seems to pulse and radiate; calming any animal that appears to pass by.
However, those who linger too long around start to experience an odd sensation. Dread will full up those that remain for too long as whispers begin to fill their minds; speaking in a language that resembles neither Taika nor Siluren Yakimara. Anyone who foolish remains longer, start to lose their mind - trying to stop the voices that demand something from their victims.
What seems odder is a small group of people that desire to investigate the new site but refuse to state how they came to learn of its existence. Let alone say for what purpose they want to research the mysterious place.

In the South

[ The Republic of Water ]​

[ The Republic ]
@Nim | @ChromeHound | @Lesli

The quarantine zone has started to shrink. With only the afflicted in the quarantine zone, unrest has begun to peak again. A large group of people have become worried about what will happen with their fellow Republicans. Various small protests already started before proper actions from the Republic could prevent them from occurring.
However, the first few recovered from the crystal blight have turned the situation around. Experimental treatments have allowed bright minds at work to perfect the treatments; allowing the Republic to treat most of those affected by the crystal blight.
This resulted in the tension turning into surprise and soon enough; joy.
For the first time in a decade, the common folk have started to appreciate the higher echelons of the country. Whereas some might try to remind others that the Fifth Mizukage was a boon in the early phase of her tenure, the majority seemed either to not care or blissfully remain ignorant of that fact; focusing on celebrating that the terrible disease can be dealt with.
Already, the administration of Jirou Kanbe has trouble with the number of small gifts that are flooding in. It is entirely unsure how the small gifts will be used as many aren't worth much and so far, the security of Jirou has yet to find one that is rigged to be dangerous.

However, a troublesome event has shaken some of the Republican core; Atsuko Uragiri has been founded dead in his apartment. So far, the Shiranui has yet to find more evidence, and the local neighbourhood has been locked down - as the Shiranui tries to figure out who could be behind the murder.
The loss of a Swordsman has made some question who will be the inheritor of the famous sword; Hiramekarei.
Various soldiers and shinobi have already stepped forward, flooding the administration of Takeshi Shun - current Jounin commander of the Republic.
These developments have made it, however, incredibly difficult to see a group of representative as leaders of various clans to call Jirou Kanbe into a meeting. Thus, leading to some small clans to become frustrated or outraged. However, the change of attitude of some hasn't lead to any disastrous event.

[ The Vassal States ]

The developments regarding the Republican Vassal states have changed rapidly since last.
An increased amount of Republican activity, in the form of sea patrols and troop reinforcements within the O'uzu state has led to some increase of tolerance of the common folk. Some of the clans within the O'uzu state have been wary, but none of them has opposed the Republican forces, willing to aid them whenever or wherever required.
Furthermore, in tandem with the O'uzu state, the Republican forces have been able to surprise and eliminate various hideouts of both pirate and Rongese origins. Causing the O'uzu state to gain more grip on itself.
Fueling its vassal with more supplies, the Republic has made it clear it is willing to invest into its vassals - for as long as they keep cooperating. A message that is well received by the O'uzu state and her people.

The Nagi state has, however, been hit once more by the mysterious demons from the sea. The Republic has sent a small team to aid the local authority, but once more, nothing has yet come out of it.
Some people start to wonder what must be done to appease the Divine and repel the demons. As a result, more people have begun to turn some fanatics that began to organise a new cult: the Eye of Truth.
[ Amegakure | Capital of the Rain Province | Akinian Empire ]
[ Sho Deshuga | ex-chuunin of the Akinian military ]

The pain surged through his body, originating from his face. The last fight hadn't gone as he had expected. Somehow his opponent had managed to get his hands on a shiv. And despite being alive, Sho stared into the mirror. The blood that left the gash was more than he had expected.
Picking up the needle, Sho's gaze moved back to the mirror. He ignored the bruises and attempted the same with the pain. The point of the needle came close to the open wound, but the cold sensation made him cringe.
"Fuck," the word came out loud from his mouth as he pulled the needle back. Grimacing as he gazed back into the mirror, his eyes widened.

"Really? Are you surprised? Or scared?"
The voice of Yoru once more seemed to fill his head, driving the pain briefly away. A glance showed that the door was closed, yet Yoru hadn't made a single sound upon entering.
"Here, let me try it," the hooded woman would pick the needle from Sho's hand as her other hand gently placed itself on his neck. For a moment, Sho wasn't sure why he would accept her help. Then his right hand shot forwards, grabbing Yoru's wrist that held the needle.
"I don't need your help," he sneered, wanting to say more. But before another word could leave his lips, a searing pain cut him off. Trying to resist, Yoru had swiftly moved her free hand and pressured her hand firmly on the gash on his face.
"Ssshhh," the woman hushed, a ring of amusement going through her voice, "let's play nice."
Despite trying to resist, the pain started to become unbearable - making further resistance no longer an option.

Slowly Yoru relieved the pressure as her hand slid back to Sho's neck.
"Good. Now sit still. Don't want to have a face full of scars, do we now?" Yoru playfully said as she directed the tip of the needle slowly towards a nearby candle.
"You almost got me worried last fight. I thought you had some experience with knife fights. Didn't your 'sensei' ever teach you how to handle knife fights if you got none yourself?" Yoru asked, which irritated Sho.
It wasn't the fact he was feeling helpless or that he couldn't provide a satisfactory answer. The mere fact that he now got treated as a small kid or pet made him furious. He wanted to mock her in return, asking if she got off on this. But his memory reminded him quickly of how she had dealt with him before; both verbally and physically.
"Next time, use your belt," Yoru advised as she coordinated Sho to sit upright and look into the mirror, with little nudges and pushes of her free hand. The dim light of the nearby candles allowing Sho to get more of a glimpse of Yoru's face.
"Wrap it around your arm. It can help fend off knife slashes and stabs."

Only as she stopped talking, he felt the sharp sting of the hot needle piercing his skin. In a fluid motion, Yoru moved on and continued to speak. In a way, it felt soothing as weird as it was.
Soon enough, the pain subdued as the wound was closed.
"See? If you stop that idiotic barking and let people help, who knows what can happen?" Yoru paused as she removed her hand. Sho still could see the two eyes, gleaming in the dark of the hoodie's shadow. He wasn't sure why but they made him freeze. A certain sense of danger radiated from them. His lips were about to part as he wanted to tear his focus from her eyes.
"Now, you can ask those questions. But I think you best take some rest. Tomorrow night, we aren't going back to the pit. We will be visiting a friend of ours."

Sho's eyes slightly narrowed. He quickly turned around, wanting to confront the mysterious woman. Only for her to be nowhere around. It caught him off guard for a second.
"Of course, fucking bull..."
[ Earth Country | Near the Oracle of the Twins ]
[ Kensuke Nimatsu | Scholae of Akino ]
[ A collab between @FrostedCaramel and @Aliceee | Kensuke travels to the mysterious site where the Twins Oracle reside. Though the journey was troubling, due to the current state that the Earth country resided in, our favorite Nimatsu makes it without a scratch. As he arrives, Kensuke soon discoveres why he was warned about the Twins Oracle. ]

Seated in the saddle, Kensuke frowned. For some reason, he had expected something regal. Yet the path that led higher up the mountain was simple. No banners or anything illustrious depicted that he was on the way to meet with the Twin Oracle.
Not that he was complaining; there was something soothing and serene to the nature that covered the sides of the road.
Eventually, he reached a place where it became too steep for his horse. Dismounting, he would find a suitable place to tie the reins to a firm branch - allowing the animal to graze until his return.
Climbing the path again, Kensuke felt something suddenly. It was unnerving. The sensation was similar as if someone was watching him intently. Placing his left hand on the hilt of his sword Kensuke tried to detect what or who it was. Only to frown when he detected nothing out of the ordinary.
Continuing his climb, he remained wary and vigilant - for the sensation didn't vanish.

After roughly three hours of climbing the steep path, he found some relief. The path became less steep. And there seemed to be less vegetation around. Slowly but surely, the green foliage of before was replaced by brown earth and grey stone. The sounds of birds and insects had faded as well.
Yet, the sensation increased and even started to twist to become unsettling.
Halting, Kensuke stared at what seemed to be some part of rubble. Perhaps some ruin of a shrine of some sorts. It was evidently centuries old but a mark was visible.

Staring at the mark, Kensuke felt his stomach twist and the hairs on his neck rise. There was nothing that made the mark stand out, yet it was uncomfortable. Blinking twice, Kensuke broke his gaze from the carved mark. Only left wondering what just occurred.
Throwing a sideways and cautious look, he experienced the same as before.
Releasing a soft scoff, the Nimatsu decided to just press on and not worry about some silly cryptic marker on a ruin.

Climbing the path further, Kensuke felt some relief as he noticed something up ahead. An entrance to what appeared to be a cave. Judging by the round curves and smooth walls with his hawke-eyes, the Nimatsu figured that it wasn't a cave made by nature. It was either made by men or something else.
Approaching the entrance, his gaze caught someone sitting at the entrance. Raising his right hand as a friendly gesture, Kensuke's lips parted. Only for his eyes to widen upon noticing something.

The figure was clad in gear that seemed quite archaic in design. What made it further strange was there wasn't an inch of normal skin visible. Where the metal plates weren't present nor the padding, Kensuke saw a bright blue flow. The helmet of the figure slowly turned, revealing nothing more than an empty stare of bright blue.
Tightening the fingers of his left hand on the hilt of his blade Kensuke slightly moved it out of the scabbard. Only to freeze in motion.
A crushing wave of killing intent slammed against him, catching the tall man by surprise. It wasn't on the level of a beserkering jinchuriki but close enough.
Blinking once, Kensuke realised he was sweating. Cold beads rolled down his back and his armpits started to feel warmer.
Slowly, Kensuke pushed the blade back into the scabbard. Which caused the killing intent to ebb away.
"Must be the Guardian," he muttered to himself, cautiously taking a few steps. Noticing that the odd figure seemed to be content at his place - only watching Kensuke's movement with a silent gaze - Kensuke decided to continue.
Passing the Guardian, he noticed that the other was easily a feet or so taller than him. Attempting to ignore the soft hissing of chakra Kensuke continued his way into the cave.

A few groups of candles were lit, allowing some dim light further into the tunnel.

As Kensuke would venture further into the cave more candles would begin to appear along the floor ahead of him, as if being lit as he approached, but no other soul was yet to be seen inside of the tunnel. After several minutes of walking, and with the light of the entrance now a small reminder of the way he had come behind him, Kensuke would come across a threshold of sorts.

Ahead of him, flowing white cave high curtains blocked the view further into the cave and the walls were now inscribed now with the same unknown script he had seen earlier. The runes glowed blue from their places on the walls casting eerie shadows in the tunnel as Kensuke approached the curtains ahead of him, and if one were to stop long enough they may even notice a slow pulsing of the light, though to what one couldn't be sure.

For some reason, quite unknown to Kensuke himself, he felt like whispering the prayer his mother used to make, whenever she felt uncomfortable. But there was some doubt that even God would hear him in this ominous lair.
His legs still kept moving, causing him to venture forth as his entire being seemed to be confronted by the unknown that surrounded him.

As Kensuke pushed through the curtains he would be met with a most unexpected sight beyond. A cavern extended beyond the threshold, the edges of the cavern gently sloping down into a small lake that was dazzlingly lit by a natural skylight in the cavern's roof above. Spread on every side of the lake was a vision of nature Kensuke would have expected to see at the foot of the mountain instead of inside of it. Trees spread down to the beach that surrounded the lake, runs of flowers of several kinds many of which Kensuke likely didn't know and grass covering nearly every inch of the land not occupied by water. And then there were the sounds.

Birds that Kensuke couldn't see sang to each other in the cave, small animals leapt from tree to tree before him with the rustle of the leaves, and a small herd of deer could be seen on the opposite shore drinking calmly from the lake.

Before Kensuke a path led down to the water's edge where stones protruded just above the surface of the water leading out toward a similarly green island in the center of the lake.

Standing still, he lost himself in the beauty that was laid out before him. The queste, the experiences he had endured on his way to this place. They briefly seemed to matter little compared to the sight that he gazed upon. Then it all hit him, causing him to wonder if it was even real. His knowledge on fauna and flora wasn't the best but he couldn't understand how such beauty could flourish in the mountain.
Carefully he continued his stride, trying to figure out where he should go. The anxiety of before was less present, allowing his curiosity to flourish. Yet, Kensuke forced himself to follow the path which seemed to lead towards the water's edge. Arriving at the edge, he stared at the island that resided in the center of the lake. Something once more rose in him, gently whispering that he should leave. Reminding him of the cryptic warning he had received before taking off on this journey.
A resolute step forward was followed by another as the Nimatsu opted to see what was on the island. While growing more confident, he was careful to not slip and lose his balance on the stones.

Once reaching the shores of the island Kensuke threw a look around. He tried to remember what he had learned about the oracles. Yet, he couldn't still find any trace of said oracles that were supposed to reside in this place.
Staring at the scenery in front of him, Kensuke felt no guilt to take in the sight once more. On how the rays of sunlight seemed to dawn gently upon the island, embracing it in a comfortable warmth similar to a warm summer day.
Spotting that the stones continued forward Kensuke mentally shrugged as he continued forwards. There was no point in going all the way back now he had managed this far.

Moving through the trees at the edge of the island, Kensuke would notice that the thicket seemed to be thinning as light began to show through the trees ahead of him far easier than before. As if at once Kensuke would find himself in a clearing that seemed far too large to be present on the island he had just stepped foot on. Waist high wild grasses stretched before him swaying gently in the breeze, but it was what was at the center of the clearing that drew Kensuke's eye. A number of pillars supported an array of practically see through curtains that swayed gently just as the grass.

Approaching this structure Kensuke would be met with the first non-natural noise of the journey so far.

"A stranger approaches." a gentle voice spoke from ahead, the sound so low Kensuke himself wondered how it was he could even hear it over the breeze.

"As many have before him." another voice answered, the soft voice audible as if next to the Nimatsu.

Detecting the voice, Kensuke remained halted. Observing the structure, his mind was able to inform him that it was out of place. That it shouldn't be there. His guts, however, seemed content to not question or be wary of it. Before he knew it, Kensuke noticed how he continued further down the path, towards the structure.
Gently and slowly Kensuke pushed the curtain in front of him away, sighting two young women. Their beauty was startling, even for the rather bold and disciplined Nimatsu to forget he was gaping at the two women. Recovering only seconds later Kensuke was unsure what to do. His skeptical nature tried to tell him that he shouldn't buy into the looks - that something was amiss. Only once more, he couldn't help but to appreciate what his eyes saw.
Placing his hands in front of his stomach, away from any handle of his weapons or pouches, the Nimatsu plastered his facial feature with his usual stern look.
"I am Kensuke Nimatsu," he began, wondering briefly what to say more. "Send by the Empress of Akino, to request an audience with the Twin Oracle."

The two women seemed to stare into the Nimarsu as he spoke and passed knowing looks to one another as he brought up the reason for his being there.

"To follow orders."

"As all good men should."

The Twins then motioned for the Nimatsu to come closer, their very movements flowing and strikingly beautiful like that of a dancer. Pointing him to an array of cushions of varying sizes and astoundingly vibrant colors before them they turned their heads in unison and began to speak once more.

"Sit Nimatsu."

"Join us."

"Ask what you must."

"As all before you have."

Frowning, Kensuke's lips parted. He had questions already regarding so many things. But he was taken aback by the fact of experiencing the Twins. The information he had received and discovered seemed quite correct. But it couldn't have prepared him for the actual experience. Coming closer, Kensuke took his place on a comfortable cushion of a soft green colour.
"Thank you. I suppose I will cut right to the chase then," Kensuke began, "I would like to know what deity you two serve."

The Twins looked on at the Nimatsu with playful smiles and dispassionate eyes as he asked his question. At once the breeze that had kept them company ended, and the twins shrugged at Kensuke.

"Men and their gods." the first remarked.

"Men and their rulers." the second responded to the first.

"A man and his King." the first shrugged.

"A Nimatsu and his Empress." the second finished as she tilted her head to Kensuke.

The breeze once more picked up and the curtains began to gently sway as one of the Twins turned her gaze to the Nimatsu.
"Do you think us blessed Nimatsu?" the second asked as the first raised an eyebrow

"Or cursed?"

"Favored by a single god?"

"Or hated by all?"

"We serve one, we serve many,"

"or none." the Twins finished before reclining a bit more into their cushions, the breeze once more taking over as the sole source of sound in the small structure.

It remained silent as Kensuke finished listening to the answer. It was mildly confusing as the twins finished each other's sentences. Crossing his arms out front of his chest Kensuke reminded himself that one was lying and the other wasn't. And the question he had fired to try to figure out which was the liar, didn't help, at all.
Clicking with his tongue, the Nimatsu realised he had to be careful to what he should accept as an answer.
"What happened to the Calarian people?"

The Twins frowned, one of them raising a hand up to motion at the sky above as the other watched.

"Scattered, on one hand."

"Dead on the other." the second said as she too raised a hand to the sky.

"Among the ashes they reside."

"In great palaces they hide."

The Twins brought their hands down in sync and smiled at the Nimatsu with the same dispassionate eyes.

"You have the answer already Nimatsu."

"My sister lies."

Kensuke stared from the first to the second. His bloodline ability allowed him to observe and read subtle changes. But despite his experience, there was nothing that betrayed one as the liar and the other telling the truth. It was quite unnerving, even if one looked past their almost unnatural beauty.
His lips parted but not a word escaped his mouth, yet, as a frown formed. He had the answer? But she was lying?
"Is… Is there a way to create a portal with the eastern continent?"

The Twins turned their heads in confusion at the question posed to them before laying back into their cushions in disinterest.

"We speak truths,"

"we speak lies."

"What you ask however, we can not say for certain."

"Another question."

A small smile started to dawn on his lips. There was something satisfying in that the Twins couldn't answer such a question. Did that mean their knowledge was limited? Unlike what he had been told before. If that was the case, it made him feel a bit more at ease.
"Okay, fair enough. Allow me to pose another question. Does the Empress of Akino favour me truly?"

"You have many questions NImatsu."

"And we have many answers."

The Twins seemed to stop as they stared on at Kensuke before one spoke, "Favour you? Yes."

"Love you? No."

The Twins nodded to Kensuke as they spoke, the breeze picking up slightly as they finished.

Something stirred in the blonde Nimatsu for a moment. He doubted that Kiyomi held anything against him. Yet, the answer made him still feel a sliver of doubt. Shaking his head, he decided to stop with the test questions. Perhaps he wasn't the one who could decipher the Twins - which was lying and which wasn't.
"I need to know. This conflict between Akino and Rong. Will the Empire win?"

"Many an Empire have tried."

"And many an Empire has failed."

"An Empire will win."

"Though the Empire may not be that of your Empress."

Many an Empire? Kensuke wondered if that meant the first was lying. Pondering for several seconds, he decided to memorise the answer and venture forth on the following question.
"Will the Empress be graced with competent heirs?"

A devilish smile sprouted across one of the Twins lips at the new question, the woman almost jumping to answer first to the new question as the second remained still where she lay, "Many an heir to an empire. Many an end to an empire."

"Your Empress will bring forth the saviour of many, and the death of all." the second replied, almost uncaring from where she sat in stark contrast to the first Twin.

Now that the Twins didn't share the same expression, it started to worry Kensuke. The fact that they seemed more 'human' wasn't helping to find his calm of before again.
"The death of whom?" He asked, only realising that wasn't one of the questions he was supposed to ask in Kiyomi's stead.

The first Twin scowled at Kensuke's follow on question and shook her head at him as the second had the smallest hint of smile grace her lips, "Paths are many Nimatsu."

"Of this you surely understand."

"But the paths of an heir…"
the second Twin seemed almost uncomfortable as she stared at something past Kensuke.

"Another question Nimatsu."

He didn't want to divide from the question. Bringing such an answer to Kiyomi, while she was waiting eagerly? That was a recipe for a tantrum. One he rather avoided, at all cost. But to annoy an Oracle? Seemed he was forced to just continue.
"What is the fate of her Majesty?"

"Kings and Queens,"

"Emperors and Empresses."

The Twins sat up once more to be level with Kensuke as they spoke, "Fate is the same no matter your title."

"Fate is a flowing river."

"Fate is drowning at the bottom."

"No, what I," Kensuke started, slightly annoyed that they provided an answer like that. Shaking his head lightly, he tried to shape the question differently in his mind. Once satisfied, he decided to ask it once more in a different shape.
"Will something bad happen to her Majesty? As in something, ehm, big?"

The Twins exchanged confused glances before turning their attention back to Kensuke, "Things worse than fate are hard to come by Nimatsu."

"But they do come."

"At the foot of fate your Empress will lay."

"In fates' embrace she will stay." the second told him quietly, her dispassionate eyes shedding tears as she did.

Once more, Kensuke frowned. He tried to make logic and reason out of the answers. But there was literally nothing clear about it. The more confusing part was that one of them started to cry yet showed little emotion with it.
"What will happen to the Nibi? Will it stay loyal to the Empress?"

Again the breeze stopped at the new question of Kensuke, the curtains becoming still as the familiar sound of the wind died away.


"And answers."

"Of these we have no more."

"Perhaps in futures yet known we will have more."

With the final words of the Twins the wind picked up in a great gust tearing one of the curtains free of it's anchors. As the curtain flashed past Kensuke his view would be broken on the Twins for only the breadth of a heartbeat until the curtain passed revealing in their place the form of the Guardian from the entrance. It's glowing blue eyes fixated on the Nimatsu and a hand at the hilt of the weapon at its side.

Though no words were spoken, the Guardian seemed to exude the suggestion of violence were Kensuke to try anything more.

Staring at the Guardian, Kensuke was baffled. It all seemed surreal. But his mind convinced him that it had happened. Was there a limit to the questions? Did perhaps something in his questions triggered the Twin Oracle?
For a moment, Kensuke sized up the Guardian. It looked ominous, formidable. And for the briefest of moments, Kensuke wanted to pick a fight with the creature. He wasn't done and to be sent away like some brat? Picking a fight wasn't anymore to gain answers - it was a matter of principle.

His fingers flexed slowly, itching to move to the handle of his sword. But once his gaze fell into the seemingly pit of chakra between the slits of the mask, Kensuke's features shifted. Grimacing, the Nimatsu turned on his heels.
Today wasn't the day he was going to challenge something supernatural.

Starting to walk back the path, the beauty of the place hadn't vanished. But the foul mood of Kensuke didn't allow him to appreciate it anymore. What made his mood fouler was the fact he could clearly detect that the Guardian followed him.
Throwing a look over his shoulder, the mysterious being seemed to care little if it made any rustling. It was nearly provocative, as if the being knew it could win a fight. Gritting his teeth, Kensuke twisted his head to look at the road in front him - taking the path he had used to reach the Twin Oracle.
Finally exiting the cave, the Nimatsu threw once more a look at the entrance. Sighting the Guardian taking his place where he had been sitting before Kensuke wondered something. But then he opted to just take the long trip back home. He had cryptic answers to deliver.
[ Ranzaki, the Capital city of the North | Dominion of Lightning ]
[ Team Asami Collab | A writing between @Feijão T. C. Speedwagon , @ChromeHound , @Autumn Song and @Aliceee ]
[ Asami rallies her team together. They are given the option to resign and go back to the comfort of their homes. Or they can try to prove their loyalty to the North. ]

Returning from her meeting, Asami didn't idle around. The genin that were assigned to her care were sent a message to assemble - including to make sure to get all their possessions and ready themselves for travel.
And it seemed that Asami wasn't the only one that demanded her subordinates to break camp, for many within the camp started to break down their tents and gather their belongings. The usual ambience of the camp became rapidly different as people cleaned up their site and the pack animals were loaded with supplies.

Waiting at the rally point Asami watched the happenings around her with a blank expression. She guessed it would be a few hours before the campsite was deserted and the people moved on; either going eastwards or back to their homes.

The instruction to gather her possessions was a bit surprising. If anything, Ottome had expected that they would remain longer around the capital. But with the latest developments, which she didn't understand fully, Ottome decided to not question it and just do as she was told.
Carrying her bag and other essentials with her Ottome managed to reach the rally point. Spotting Asami, the girl increased her pace till she was able to slow down. Performing an awkward bow - all due to the fact she was carrying a heavy bag - Ottome felt nervous. Hopefully, the others wouldn't take too long.

He finished the knot, then gave a nod of satisfaction. He could smell the odour of the pack animals, it filled his nostrils with an unpleasant smell, this caused him to snort. "Harumph" the air pushed out of his nose, along with drops of fluid. For a moment he hid his face attempting to wipe his nose with sleeve. He looked around, then caught Ottome in his gaze, he then caught Asami after and began making his way to them in silence ready to hear from his superior.

"Looks like we're heading out again," Reyna said, glancing down towards the armadillo at her side. Akutō looked up at her, tilting his head to the side. Scratching the creature between the armoured plates that covered the top of his head, the girl sighed. "I don't think Asami-sensei will be too happy if I bring you along. She barely tolerates me as is..." The armadillo nuzzled against her and Reyna scooped him up in her arms, hugging him tightly. "Don't know what I'd do without you," she whispered.

Placing a kiss on the top of his head and setting him back down, Reyna got to her feet and brushed the dirt from her legs. "Be safe… please." Akutō said quietly, looking back at the girl before disappearing in a cloud of smoke. Steeling herself, Reyna gathered her things, stuffed them in her pack and left her tent. Turning over her shoulder to take one last look back at the tent that had served as 'home', Reyna did not notice the tent pole sticking out of the ground in front of her. As her foot caught on the spike, the girl threw her arms out in front of her, trying to grab onto something as she toppled off balance. She slammed into a boy carrying food and the two of them tumbled to the ground, food spilling everywhere.

Quickly hopping to her feet, Reyna immediately blushed, holding out a hand to help him up, "I'm so sorry, I didn't see... " The boy threw a glare at her, ignoring her hand and trying to collect what little food had not been completely ruined in the collision. Her hand dropped slowly and Reyna backed away, looking at the ground. "Sorry..." Turning, she took off at a fast pace, just trying to get away.

It did not take her long at the pace she was traveling to reach the others. Slowing to a halt, Reyna glanced around, offering a half hearted smile to Ottome and a quick nod to Jin before turning to face Asami. "Sorry I'm late," she said quietly, glancing down once more, only to realize that her shirt was covered in food stains from the previous collision. Cursing silently, Reyna hoped nobody said anything.

Asami simply returned Ottome's bow with a glance, clearly not intending to return the girl's gesture. Why would she anyways? The girl was her subordinate, it was her place to show respect.
Jin's arrival did nothing either to provoke words or a change of facial expression of the woman, who seemed to just gaze at the boy - as if that was enough of an acknowledgement.
Reyna's arrival, however, caused Asami's left eyebrow to slightly perk up. The woman's gaze slowly moved to the stains that fouled Reyna's clothing.
"We are moving and this is where you lot get a final choice,"" Asami began, her even tone betraying little of her thoughts as she continued, "we are going to be deployed east. That means, that we are likely facing a time operating in various warzones."
Asami's gaze moved to Reyna, "one of you already had a taste of what that may mean. That doesn't mean, however, you all are forced to experience it. If you lack the stomach to bear what it means to become a proper shinobi, then you may resign here. Without anyone being allowed to judge you." Looking at Ottome and Jin, Asami frowned once more. "But if you decide to come east, then know that you won't be able to come back unless the war is over or we receive explicit orders to do so."

Ottome's features became pale as she listened to Asami's words. War? She barely could hold it together seeing a corpse. How was she supposed to deal with that on a daily basis? How was she supposed to survive?
Feeling her heart skipping beats and cold beads of sweat rolling down her back Ottome wasn't sure what to do. She didn't hear the other two say anything, causing Ottome only to waver more as she considered her options. The option to withdraw and not be judged was really tempting. Way more than to fight for one's existence in a damn war campaign.
"I am going."

Her eyes widened as she lowered her face, staring at the dirt. Her lips had moved out of their own, producing the words that now made Ottome want to scream and run away flailing. A cold sensation started to numb her fingers and toes, creeping further along her arms and legs.
"I-I will go." Looking up to Asami, Ottome couldn't but realise that she was a shaking mess. A strong breeze would likely cause her to fall over and spasme on the ground like a helpless fish on dry land. "At your ser-service, Lady Sanosuke-sama!"

When Asami looked at her, Reyna felt a chill run down her spine and she glanced away quickly, her face turning a deep shade of red. Of course she'd made a fool of herself again. If she ever decided to quit the kunoichi life, perhaps she could find work as a clown… would probably be better at it.

The question posed by the Jounin caused Reyna to hesitate for a moment as her mind flashed back to the time she and Asami had almost died after their sailing adventure. That taste of 'war' hadn't exactly left her thirsting for more… On the other hand, she had promised Asami that she wasn't going to just give up and hide. If she resigned here, she'd be failing the woman, she'd be failing herself...

She was still terrified about the beast inside her, more so than the prospect of going to the East. Gritting her teeth, she was about to respond when she heard Ottome speak first. Glancing towards the girl, Reyna clenched her fists. "I am in as well Asami-Sensei." she said, her voice lacking the confidence she was trying to exude.

His superior's voice echoed in his head, no doubt this was a big decision. Something he knew his mother would be against. He couldn't help but think of his family, his mother's face smiling at his successes to weeping over his grave. His pupils danced the dance of contemplation. To go to war, fight for his country, earn status, maybe a bigger loaf of bread for his mother, or decline the bloody invitation, and go back to his family, with the small loaves he'd continue to obtain.

"My bow is yours, aswell as is this countries." He said, his voice not yet readied, slightly weak, even harder to hear due to the cloth over his mouth. He nodded as if to praise himself for a such a hard decision. He would hope his mother wouldn't get word, he'd hope his mother would never know.
[ Eastern Continent | The 11th Imperial Brigade ]
[ Dagrún Hon and Hylli Hyuzu | A collab between @Aliceee[/USER, @Oblivion666 ] and [USER=31487]@Autumn Song ]
[ Assigned to check out what disturbance was discovered, as the rest of the unit stands on guard - overseeing the meeting that transpires nearby. Heading out together, Dagrún and Hylli stumble upon trouble. As they are forced to withdraw, they fight off several enemies. Gaining aid from another member of their platoon. ]

Previous Post

In a fluid motion, Dagrún ran and pulled the axe out of the body. Throwing a quick look over her shoulder, she detected that their pursuers were still after them. Continuing to run forwards, the blonde Hon had no trouble to vault over a fallen tree and maintain her momentum.
"Just a little bit further," Dagrún muttered underneath her breath. The current plan was to draw a number of hostiles away from the attack on the meeting. In Dagrún's mind, it was the most logical action - for without too many people, there was more room to unleash her abilities on their foes.
Noticing that Hylli was keeping up, Dagrún decided to not worry about the less beneficial parts of her plan.

Following Dagrún, Hylli had concerns of what they were about to do. Dagrún had given little else beyond that she had a plan, only to then instruct to follow and run as fast as she could. Feeling the new rush of adrenaline Hylli wondered how long she was going to keep up with the Hon. Unlike Dagrún, Hylli wasn't accustomed to the terrain.
Hearing some sounds behind them, Hylli wanted to grip a weapon and rather face them - for she saw no use in fighting in an exhausted state. The temptation to throw a look over her shoulder was almost too great. Only for Hylli to bite her lower lip, keeping herself to follow Dagrún for as long as she could.

Noticing that the vegetation started to become denser, a smirk started to creep on Dagrún's lips. Without any hesitation, the blonde Hon continued to rush forwards and seemingly evade vegetation or other obstacles. Drawing a knife, however, Dagrún made a very small incursion into her forearm, pushing the cloth slightly backwards by her wrist. Noticing the crimson colour of blood to appear, Dagrún sheathed the knife.
Whistling hard, Dagrún signaled that Hylli should go left. And without much of an explanation, Dagrún continued to run forwards.

Hylli thought she could hear someone behind her - as if the person was able to breathe on her neck. Narrowing her eyes and clenching her hands into fists, the Hyuzu pressed herself to run as fast as she could. There started to become a sensation of pain and exhaustion. Yet, Hylli was able to still push on and ignore the sensation.
Upon Dagrún's whistle and command, Hylli wanted to object. But instead of doing so, she dashed to the left - jumping through a bush. Feeling a few branches slam against her face, Hylli grunted softly as she pressed on.
Starting to advance to the left, she suddenly noticed something - the experience that someone was right behind her was gone.

Content that Hylli did as she was instructed, Dagrún continued to run. Only to bring her hands together to form various handsigns. Finishing the streak, Dagrún suddenly halted and placed her back against a tree. Detecting the sounds of her pursuers closing in Dagrún's heart started to beat faster. Waiting patiently, however, Dagrún let a few of her pursuers pass by before she sprang into action.
Turning around, she slammed the palm of her hand against the throat of an unexpected man - unleashing the build up chakra.
Instead of lightning, a terrifying process started where something large with claws and brown fur seemed to rip the man apart as Dagrún conjured it into reality.

While traveling towards the two females he had finally gotten a rough estimate on how many the enemy numbered. Which was well….. yeah so he came up with a different plan. With this newfound information and what kind of tactic they more than likely were going to utilize, he had Aoi go towards the meeting ahead of time to give the information. This way they were more prepared for when they were attacked by them.
Nearing closer he saw Dagrun in the distance slam her palm into a man's throat and was then rather disturbed by what he witnessed next. "...A fucking bear Dagrun…." Madoc mumbled to himself as he began pushing off the ground with his wind chakra and unsheathed his dagger and caught the nearest man with it. slamming the dagger into his neck and yanking it out he looked at Dagrun and shook his head.
"Stop having fun and lets get to the meeting point! Where is Hylli?" Madoc said as he dodged one man and grabbed him by the arm and gave a nod to Dagrun as he kicked the man in her direction.

Only a second after Madoc posed his question, Hylli herself rushed out of the vegetation. Using her momentum as weight, she slammed with her shield against one of the hostile men - resulting in the man stumbling to the ground.
In quick succession, the Hyuzu jabbed her sword forward, driving the sharp tip of the blade into the man's chest. Jerking the weapon out, she tried to take a confident and defensive stance against the number of enemies that were encroaching on them.
"I am here!" Hylli shouted, already readying herself for the next enemy to close in.

The arrival of Madoc surprised Dagrún, who quickly skidded back to avoid a jab of a spear. A scoff escaped the Hon as she heard Madoc. Before Dagrún could deliver an answer, she witnessed as Hylli made her entry.
"Ah, there she is," Dagrún said as she turned around, a menacing sound being produced before the blade of her axe ripped apart the man - that Madoc kicked in her direction. "Oh, fine! I suppose we could try to make our way back," Dagrún called back.

Loud noise erupted as the large bear raised itself on his hind legs, his size easily dwarfing the hostile humans in front of it. Its small eyes radiated an anger that seemed almost as if Dagrún had summoned the beast out of its winter sleep; multiplying the primal rage that inhabited the beast.
"Oh see? Someone is going to have fun!" Dagrún said as she brought her free hand to her lips, only to release a loud whistle.
The verbal command seemed to have no effect as the brown mass of fur and muscle charged forwards, unleashing a terrifying attack on two nearby enemies - their screams clearly terrifying other nearby foes.

Madoc looked at Hylli, then to dagrun, then to the bear before deflecting one swipe of an enemies sword, quickly stabbing his dagger into the man's chest three times as he crumbled to the ground. "I feel like you two…. three, are doing this on purpose." Madoc said rubbing his head before dodging another swipe and kicking the man's legs out from under him, then in the next second bringing his dagger down on the man's skull as the cracking sound echoed a bit as he ripped the dagger out.
"You can have fun for a few more minutes… ONLY if you promise to vouch to Meilin that I did all my tasks for a week."

Hearing the roar of the large bear, Hylli's eyes widened as she briefly got distracted. Moving back - while keeping her shield in between herself and the enemy, the Hyuzu noticed one enemy attempting to move from the side.
Sheathing her sword, Hylli wanted to grab a knife but noticed that her opponent moved too fast. Resulting in the Hyuzu using both hands to maneuver the shield, deflecting the incoming attack. Pushing her foe's blade away, Hylli landed a firm kick against the man's shin, causing him to stumble forwards with his past momentum.
Raising her shield at the same time Hylli grunted as she proceeded to slam the rim of the weapon into the neck of her foe. Ignoring the awful sound of bones cracking and being forced into an unnatural position, she looked up again and tried to stay close to the chuunin.
Only to catch what Madoc said, causing her to seem surprised.
"Few more minutes? What?"

Dagrún didn't reply back immediately. The loud roar of the summoned bear cut through the air, as it slammed through three men. The pure primal anger that went with the bloodcurdling violence caused Dagrún to utter a hearty laugh.
Parrying an incoming strike, Dagrún delivered a quick riposte - her sword sliding smoothly into her foe's throat. Jerking the weapon out, Dagrún delivered a firm kick as she awaited her second opponent.
Her second foe rushed in with his spear, attempting to use range to keep himself safe as he jabbed at the blonde Hon. Dagrún, however, avoided the jab and hooked the shaft of the spear with her bearded axe. Managing to pull her foe closer, she lashed out once more with her sword.
"Ah! Lying to the cap', eh?" Dagrún shouted back as she grin ear to ear. "Alrighty! Ye're on, pretty face!"
While slowly withdrawing, Dagrún would whistle hard to instruct her bear companion. Together with the fierce animal, she would give cover to both Hylli and Madoc as they made their way back to Meilin's formation.

Eventually, the platoon of Meilin would regroup and face the charging enemy together. Other Imperial units would converge, crushing the foe from various angles - resulting in that the sudden skirmish ended in a decisive Akinian victory.
With Kazumo Sarutobi already having escorted the Lagyrians back to the camp of the 11th Imperial brigade, the meeting would conclude. Eventually, an alliance would be forged. The next day, the Lagyrians brought their ward - expecting the Akinians to deliver their ward soon as well.
However, the instructions of the Major General also saw to it that the 11th Imperial Brigade would start to travel southwards. Where they would be relocated and prepare for a difficult opponent to take down; another army of Rong.
[ Republic of Water | Unknown Island ]
[ Aya Oda and Mika Hayashi | A collab between @Aliceee, @Nim and @Oblivion666 ]

[ Aya is still being mentored and trained by Mika. Though the jounin hasn't softened up, the two start to take some more steps on how to deal with the Six Tails. With the bijuu sealed in Aya, Mika desires to figure out how they can best ensure that the demon can't be a future problem. Involving a meeting with the Six Tails, that Aya calls 'Sluggers'. ]

The next few days consisted out physical training. Nothing that compared to the kind of training Aya had received before. Each day there wasn't a spot on her arms or legs covered in purple or blue stains. There wasn't a night to which the girl went to bed without something aching painfully.
The plan, however, wasn't just to push Aya's limitations to a next level. Mika's idea was to toughen the girl first before continuing their plan to 'meet' with the Six Tails. Right now, the bijuu couldn't do much else than bother the girl - but it seemed the beast was quite dormant. What was perfect, in Mika's opinion.

Finally, after nearly a week, Mika would wake Aya up and guide her to the field where they usually trained.
"Today, we are going to tackle that beast of yours," Mika stated, "it is merely to allow me to observe it properly. I know a thing or two about seals but the main purpose is to figure the beast out. What makes it tick? What does it do when threatened or feeling cornered?" Mika paused so to let her words sink in.
"I will admit that there are better experts on this subject. However, I got some hands-on experience with jinchuriki. So don't worry or be too intimidated by the beast, okay? All that it can do is try to set up a big show."

The next week Mika began her rigorous training with Aya. She was used to physical training but her sensei's was more exerting than what she was used to. Day one was sore and painful and it only increased with each passing day. She was starting to look like a abused woman with each bruise that formed every day, needless to say it wasn't hard for her to pass out when the day was up. She was so tired after each day that if it wasn't for the fact she saw him, she would have forgotten Taishiro was even there.
When she was woken up, she sat up and stretched her arms and winced a bit "ow ow new bruise on my ribs thats for sure." she mumbled before following Mika to the normal field before being told that today was the day they spoke to the beasty.

Simply nodding when told what she planned on doing, she scoffed a bit. "Most likely start yelling really loudly. Not really scared of it. Yet it's in a cage. It's like a grizzly bear, scary if it's in the wild. Yet locked up and all it can do is growl and trash about. You tell me what to do and I'm good when you are. Wonder if i'ts even gonna want to talk to me… unless we're not asking?"

Ironically, Mika already imagined nothing more than a wild beast - caged and infuriated with its current condition. Listening further to Aya, the jounin nodded to emphasis that she understood what her pupil meant.
"Good. And no, we ain't going to ask. The purpose is to figure out how the seal is constructed. And then how we could alter it," Mika explained, "however, it is important to understand the bijuu."
While Mika wasn't worried about the initial phase of the plan, she had a good understanding of how powerful a bijuu could be. Even with the 'assurance' of being sealed did little to take away Mika's worries. Remembering when Haruhi nearly went berserk. Then again, Aya seemed more determined as competent.

"For now, sit down and relax. As if you're going to meditate," Mika began as she also sat down - ignoring the sensation of cold grass, coated in the morning dew. "Focus on your breathing first. Once you're completely calm, then just nod and try to orientate on the Six Tails. I will be there with you."

They weren't asking for permission? Before Sluggers always had to accept her before speaking. Yet nodding at the instructions, Aya would look at the ground and give a small laugh before sitting on the cold grass. Thankfully it was mainly just cold and not snowing crazily, that would make it hard to even concentrate. A small shudder went through her at the chilling touch of the grass. Closing her eyes she would breath in and out for a couple minutes, this was probably the most relaxing part of the week so far. Even if this was training in a way, she had to admit she had a few nerves at seeing Sluggers again. Last time they spoke was a long time ago, and it ended the way most of their talks did.
Another couple minutes went by as she nodded and started to focus on Sluggers, the Giant six tailed beast that dwelled within her. Despite not seeing him for a while she could still remember what he looked like.

A soft sensation dawned from Aya's head, when Mika's hand rested on top of her head. Much like her student Mika focused on moulding her chakra. A soft breeze passed them by but neither would experience it. The next moment that Aya would open her eyes, she was together with Mika in a gigantic and dark hall.
"Ah," Mika frowned as placing her hands on her hips, "Seems that the seals are still holding from the looks of it." Gesturing to the large bars that were up ahead the jounin seemed to not experience any kind of fear or excitement upon being near the turf of a Bijuu.
"Time to show who is boss, right?" Mika asked, throwing a sideways look at Aya. "Remember, it is important to figure out what makes it tick. It might be a powerful entity but Bijuu aren't without emotions. Not without pain or fear."
Turning her gaze to the bars, Mika remembered Haruhi. And what the girl went through upon becoming a jinchuriki. Despite knowing fully well that Haruhi was gone, Mika was grateful that she could have mentored the girl. The experiences of dealing with a jinchuuriki were coming quite handy now.

"Well, what are you waiting for? For the ferry to come by?" Crossing her arms out front of her chest Mika nodded to the bars. "It's your move."

Not much time had passed, she felt her teachers hand on her head, then poof they were both in a dark hallway. Only thing that held some light was the massive cage in front of them. She could see the beast's body and everything. Everything was the same as last time, and part of her probably the caring part of her felt bad for the beast. A dark area and trapped in a cage, yet she shook those feelings. She gave this beast a chance and he threw them all away.
Looking at Mika she simply nodded as she walked closer to the bars and stopped when she could see Sluggers more clearly. "You know…. This is all your fault. I gave you chances to work with me. Yet you kept picking solitude. Doesn't it bother you? Being in the dark, trapped in a cage that is a size too small for you?"

At first, there would be no sounds coming from the beast. Only a couple of the tails would move slightly as a response to hearing talking from outside the cage. But after a moment, it dawned on the beast that there were two different voices, making him turn to look at the one whose voice it did not know. Locking his sight on Mika, he appeared to completely ignore Aya and only assess Mika at this moment.

Upon sighting the gigantic creature, Mika had expected it to yell and scream. To somehow establish some dominance, despite it being caged. Frowning slightly, she realised that the bijuu ignored the presence of Aya and fixed its attention on her. Yet, the gigantic creature remained silent.
"Interesting," Mika said out loud, "I always reckoned that you Bijuu were lacking intelligence." The woman slightly leaned her head to the right. "Well?"

Aya stared at it while it looked right at Mika, Aya simply shrugged. "I mean he probably shocked that you are here. Granted he's not yelling." Aya said as he looked at Saiken and rubbed her head a bit "Don't tell me you forgot how to speak Sluggers. I know it's been a while but you never seemed to want to talk so I stopped. Unless you want to keep staring this time around."

Hearing the remarks from both the new human and his cage, Saiken just kept his eyes on Mika for a moment longer before turning to look at Aya. As the beast opened its mouth, the voice that would come would not be a scream, but rather a soft voice, filled with irritation and discontent "And yet, you are here, with another pest. And the other pest even dares insult Wo. So as Wo told you last time," The beast turned around, looking away from the two "Begone. He then moved back into the shadows, hiding away in them except for a couple of tails.

"This is certainly different than the other I encountered," Mika plainly stated, seemingly uncaring for the Bijuu's current stance. "Less malicious, that is for sure. Then again, we aren't here to make friends."
Stepping forwards to the gigantic bars, Mika studied the piece of paper that had the kanji for 'seal'.
"See that piece of paper? It represents the seal that keeps the jolly guy inside of you. Allowing bits of its chakra to flow in you and back. The standard procedure from what I have seen so far," Mika further explained to Aya, apparently ignoring the presence of the Bijuu.

"The problem is that when you want to dominate that monster, you're going to need to become stronger. And able to figure that thing out. What is its weakness? What kind of abilities does it have?"

Aya scoffed a bit at the same attitude that sluggers had last time showing up once again. Yet Mika would start talking to which Aya would nod along as she spoke. Then she spoke about its abilities and any weakness it might have. Aya would rub her chin as she looked up at it. "Is that something one is able to tell from the paper? Cause so far all I know is that he has a bad attitude and can yell loudly. I think he blew bubbles at some point?"

As the Bijuu remained silent, Mika turned her attention to Aya. "Not really. So far that most of us know, each bijuu is quite different. Both in shape and abilities. This one probably takes after a slug and some abilities of it. The one that I encountered before, was significantly different." Mika said, as answer to Aya's questions.
"Perhaps you should poke and provoke it further? If it doesn't want to play though, that is all fine. We can likely tamper a bit with the seal. Make its space smaller. Take away some liberties it now enjoys," Mika shrugged lightly, paying no mind anymore to the silent bijuu. "it just takes training and acquiring some of my old contacts to realise it."

"And like that, you show your true human nature. If you can't get what you want, you turn to think of any way you can make life miserable, instead of considering to ask what caused this lack of cooperation to begin with." Saiken spoke up, his voice louder than before as he remained in the shadows "Although the little one should already know from the first time we spoke. Unless she decides to simply act disrespectful again."
Silence would fall from the direction of the shadow once more, but the two tails that were visible would move slightly around, seemingly waiting for a response.

Aya simply looked up at Saiken and frowned at him, she's seen temper tantrums but never from a massive creature that could level cities.
"Really? You were that offended over me giving you a nickname? Being called sluggers…. was that horrid to you? Here I thought that was probably the nicest thing anyone has actually ever said to you."
Her frown only increased as she walked closer to the cage. "So you rather me treat you like what most people think you tailed beasts are? Well you will simply have to forgive me, not like I was given many options other than to have you sealed in me."

Aya gave a light smile though as her look became a bit colder. "Well sadly you're stuck with me and I'm stuck with you. However I don't plan on having some freeloader just living the rest of its days in me, doing nothing but wallowing in its own pity cause a mean lady called him sluggers…." Her smile then turned bigger as she tilted her head slightly.
"No. We are going to be the most formidable jinchuriki that the Republic has ever known. Now aren't we Saiken?" Aya said giggling a bit before looking at Mika. "Not that it matters what he answers, it's always going to be yes."

Mika briefly glanced at the vanishing monster, that seemed more comfortable in the darkness. The exchange that occured between Aya and the Six Tails didn't intrigue her that much. She had expected that there wasn't much ground for a friendly relationship. Which was fine, for Mika. Friendship with a Bijuu seemed nearly occult and impossible, anyways.
"Indeed," Mika answered back to Aya. Walking towards the bars, which seemed to easily dwarf most buildings in Kirigakure, Mika's head cocked to the side.
"Right now, the situation seems most stable. He can't escape nor do anything to you. The problem is," Mika pointed upwards, to the seal that seemed to bind the bars to keep the bijuu under restraint, "you are far from ready to unleash the seal and tame that thing. Even if I can try to be here, I can't use my full abilities. My or any other human's chakra isn't powerful enough for that, without damaging you."

Aya simply smiled when Saiken remained silent at her words "Good boy!" She said before listening to Mika as she explained the situation, he couldn't do anything to her but nor was she strong enough to do anything to him either. "So instead of using all of his power, we could tweak it to where I'm able to use a little bit of it? Wouldn't that give it more breathing room though? Like would the power of the seal diminish at all if such actions were done?"

"There is an option but we are dealing with Bijuu chakra. Rarely goes that well without a backlash. I could adjust the seal as you state, to let a sliver slip in. Whether it is to make your body adjust faster to it or allowing you to tap into some of his abilities. The issue is," Mika pointed at the seal tag, "that if we let more than what is currently flowing through you, it will start to weaken the seal. If the Bijuu is possessing enough intelligence, it can purposefully erode your seal and without warning take over."
Throwing a look at the darkness, where the beast had taken refuge to, Mika continued. "And despite its clumsy appearance and apparent lack of intelligence, so far, I doubt it will let you do as you desire."

Pausing once more, Mika released a soft sigh. "This seems enough for now. We should head back. It isn't like that blubbering mess will entertain my experiments anyways."

Nodding along as she looked at the beast was sulking in its corner, it was almost enough for her to pity it. Yet she pushed those emotions away, shes tried and it made it known it doesnt care for friendship. "Okeydokey, besides when Saiken gets like this he stays like this. That's how our last conversations always went. So we can say for certain that he is a stubborn one for sure." Aya stated as she nodded to Mika that she was also ready to leave, giving her a gentle smile to also thank her for coming with her to see Saiken again even if it was a fruitless endeavor.
[ Eastern Continent | Sevudia ]
[ The 11th Imperial Brigade | Led by Aiko Cho-Hon | Brigade General ]

The travel southwards didn't go without some worry. Even though the Northerners had gathered and sent more forces, Aiko felt a bit annoyed that they had to leave the business with the Lagyrians to the Northerners. She could only hope that the Northerners wouldn't cause anything to have the Lagyrians to break their alliance against Rong. Another enemy was certainly not a welcome idea.
Moving her forces through the friendly territory, she kept in contact with Hiron through the use of messengers and other members of the 9th Imperial Brigade. Understanding the situation that Hiron and his forces were in, she knew what kind of role he wanted her to perform.

With the enemy pinned and focused on Hiron's forces, the 11th Imperial brigade could perhaps attempt a flanking manoeuvre; thus strengthen Hiron's numbers as well preventing the Rongese from enveloping them effortlessly.
As such, when the 11th Imperial brigade started to move out of the friendly held territory, Aiko changed the pace. Scouts and specialised units would advance of the bulk of the host. Those Imperial units would make sure that no Rongese or damned zealot was going to discover them.
Not to mention their secondary objective; to find a suitable place to establish their camp.
Ideally, the camp would be enjoying some natural defences as well as allowing their scouts and messengers to relay information to the main force of Hiron.
Days of trudging through rugged terrain caused several minor incidents to occur. Some wheels of waggons getting stuck in the mud, some pack animals getting sick, or else the advancing scouts and specialised units not giving an update if it was safe to move on.

Eventually, after what seemed like months of dragging themselves forwards, the 11th Imperial brigade would be relocated. The 11th quickly set up their fortified camp; a question whether it came due to the discipline or the Imperials desire to rest from all the marching.
Once relocated, Aiko started to send out small units specialised in their tasks to perform various tasks. Located northwest of the 12th Imperial Brigade, where Hiron and the others resided, there were several obstacles and problems that the 11th Imperial Brigade had to deal with.

First; their knowledge of the future battleground was limited. Whereas the 12th Imperial Brigade and other Akinians were defending from a side of a river or marsh, Aiko's forces were virtually cut off - even if they were hidden.
The logistics towards their fortified camp was also into some troubles. If Aiko desired to keep her forces hidden from the enemy, she would need to deal with various local villages. Some captains and other officers stated that it would be little effort to put those villages to the torch, to prevent them from betraying them.
Instead, Aiko has a different plan...
[ Eastern Continent | Sevudian Kingdom ]
[ The 11th Imperial Brigade | 'The Genin Squad' ]
[ A collab post between @RoranHawkins , @RedFox , @Autumn Song and @Lesli ]

[ The three genin of Platoon Meilin are being trained by Aiko. The Lady of the Cho clan train the three genin together, at first. As the training proceeds, the genin are taught valuable lessons and to always keep one essential in mind; always bring a blanket when being trained by Aiko. ]

Part I

Despite it being early in the morning, there were still some individuals that continued to use the training field. Watching the various individuals exercising or practicing various weapons, there were a few that seemed to practice some chakra control.
But none of the individuals were the ones that Aiko was waiting for. The woman leaned against a pole, that bore the scars of wooden blades hitting it repeatedly.
Turning her head, Aiko threw a sideways glance at the nearby camp, wondering how this training exercise would go down.

Heading over to the training field, Hylli was happy to receive the message. But there was also some sort of anxiety building and mixing together with excitement. The fact that she would receive another training from Aiko made her wonder what the jounin was going to teach her.
Resisting the temptation to jog towards the meeting point, she managed to navigate through the military camp without causing a ruckus - a miracle compared to her first experience.
Arriving at the site, she noticed the red-haired woman quickly. Raising a hand upwards, at first, Hylli realised that she had no idea if it was appropriate. Only to be caught, most likely, in performing an awkward wave as she closed in the distance.
"Cho-sama, good morning!"

That's okay, Mamoru. You got this, it will be fine. Just do your best and it will be fine.

This thought swirled in his mind as he was preparing his gear for this session. He had no idea why Lady Cho summoned him, or what was the purpose of the training, not to mention what they will be training. Not wanting to come unprepared for whatever was waiting for them, he decided to head out in full combat gear.One never knows with Lady Cho, he tried to justify his thinking as he left their tent, slowly making his way towards the designated training field. As he passed between the tents, he felt his nervousness reached higher and higher intensities. Upon taking a last turn, he came into clear view of the training field. There were two persons already present, and he immediately recognized both. One of them being Hylli and the other Lady Cho herself. He slowly walked up to them and greeted them when he was up close to them, with a respectful bow of his head." Good morning, Lady Cho. Hylli."

Hideko yawned, and stretched her arms out left and right. "Good morning Yuk-" She began, but stopped in hesitation. She wasn't home. She looked left and right, until she realised that this was the Easternmost 'border', the military camps. Of course her dog Yuki wouldn't be here. Duh. She got out of bed and did her best to brush her teeth. That was when it hit. Didn't she have … training? Like, around 8 AM? She looked for a clock, didn't find one inside, and went out. "Does anyone know the time?" She said, mouth full of toothbrush. She got a few looks and a few smiles, as she went outside with her hair all messed up and still in her pyjamas. Finally someone answered her. "Eh, it's just before 8, methinks?" She stopped. Oh no. Oh no.

A few minutes past 8 she arrived. "I was totally here on time! Yep. Totally." She panted, arms wide, hands planted on her hips. She adjusted her belt, because that totally wasn't put on in a hurry. "Hi. Hello. I'm- I'm Hideko." She gasped.

Aiko calmly observed as the genin appeared, one by one. A friendly smile crept on the woman's lips as she pushed her back from the wooden post. "Good morning all," she started, placing her hands on her hips as she swiftly sized each genin up. It was somehow a tad endearing and bring back old memories of earlier formations. Brushing the memories of the past quickly away, Aiko cleared her throat before she spoke further.
"Good, now that we all are here, we can get started. I called you three together as it appears you three are the current genin of the Axebiters. Which means that I don't mind making some time and effort to train you three. Aside from the already hefty amount of drills you three are victim to."

Slowly Aiko's gaze settled on Hideko. The green eyes of the Cho radiating a curiosity. "How about we first start with some traditional introductions? Seeing we do got a newcomer among us, I believe." Flashing a smile, Aiko raised her right thumb and pointed at herself.
"I will start. My name is Aiko Cho-Hon. Currently, a shadow clone as I fear that I can't always truly be around. I like sweet food and drinks. My chakra affinity? Is water. But I am knowledgeable about other natures. I like various activities but I suppose my favorite is to listen to music," the jounin stated, fully aware of how dull that could come over seeing her reputation, "now who is brave enough to follow?"

She decided that the best way to forget about one's lateness was initiative. Or well, she hoped that it was. By now she had mostly recovered from running here, thanks to Aiko's lengthy introduction. Good. "I'm Koyabashi Hideko. I'm from the city - Konoha - and like sour foods, but hot foods are acceptable as well. earth release is the way I go, and uhm..." She thought a bit. "Yeah that sums it up, I guess. Oh! I'm a genin, but yeah, I guess you already said that soooo..." She turned to the other two,inviting any of them to step forwards.

Placing her hands on her back, Hylli listened to the others that spoke before her. She didn't make many mental notes, figuring that they weren't too important - what were the chances they would be able to entertain one's foods in the middle of a war?
As Hideko stepped backwards, Hylli waited a second before she took a step forward. A wry smile heralded her introduction as Hylli mentally sought for the right words to describe herself to the others.
"I am Hylli of the Hyuzu clan," she began, almost carefully, "I euhm, like board games. My favorite food is definitely savoury, I am not that used to anything spicy. " A second of silence followed as Hylli realised something. "My affinity is metal release and my prefered style is using knives. I also like to draw but yeah, I am quite bad at it. Not to mention, I couldn't bring the stuff with me, anyways. Eh," the young Hyuzu slightly cocked her head to the right, "I suppose I also love to read and hear about sagas, myths and legends."

Figuring that she had said enough, the Hyuzu decided to take a step back, feeling the anxiety of before ebbing away.

Listening carefully to the introductions of Lady Cho, Hideko and Hylli, Mamoru prepared what he was to say according to previous replies. When Hylli stepped back, he realized he forgot everything he thought about, so he swallowed hard and stood forward." My name is Mamoru, Mamoru Senju. A pleasure to meet you again, Lady Cho. " He gave her another brief nod before reminiscing for a second or two. than he came back to reality and continued."I like my food tasty and spicy, I like green mint tea the most. As hobbies, I like hiking, calligraphy and tending to trees." He thought about the sapling he was taking care of that Meilin gave him and he smiled briefly again."My natural affinity is Earth Release, just like Hideko. My preferred fighting style is a combination of close and mid range, using a combination of Ninjutsu and Kenjutsu, with some basic Taijutsu that I hope to improve as well as the range of weapons I can use. That - that would be all about me. " He made another bow and stepped back into the line, eagerly awaiting any further questions or instructions.

It was endearing to have the genin talk and introduce themselves. Just for her entertainment, Aiko kept her facial expression somewhat neutral, while waiting a few seconds - letting some of the anxiety, hopefully, sit in. After all, she saw little reason to not try the genin out in all kind of ways. Even if some were just for her amusement.

"Good, now that we got that settled, I hope that you three will become more acquainted with each other in the future. For now, let us focus on the next part of the training today. Which will be a test of skills." Gesturing to the genin to stand in a line, next to each other, Aiko would take some distance from them.

"This is relatively simple. But I want each of you to take a technique in mind. It may be offensive or defensive. I will use a water or wind technique, aimed to slam you backwards. When I call out your name, you stand over there," the jounin pointed near the wooden post before settling her gaze back on the genin, "so prepare yourselves right now. Cause I won't hold back that much. Okay? Hideko, let us start with the latecomer hm?"

"Oh- okay." Darnit. She thought that she'd be settled. Not at all, thus. Nevertheless, she went to the appointed spot and prepared herself. Water release was weak to earth release, so she had an advantage there, and her fighting style would help as well. If she used a wind technique, that would be harder to block, but she didn't let that come to her heart. She planted her feet on the ground, feeling the earth move beneath it until she came to a standstill. She breathed in, she breathed out.

Waiting for the genin to take her place, Aiko nodded subtly. "Here we go then, as a loud hissing sound started to originate from the jounin - a sort of force starting to gather around the woman's right hand rapidly. Spreading her footwork a bit, Aiko narrowed her eyes. Waiting for a second, Aiko then unleashed an arc of wind-chakra at the genin.

Raising the earth after having done a few handsigns, she felt the earth move in response. She always liked that. Commanding the earth. She used the practice brick technique, forming a small stub she launched forwards to block the attack.

Various and small pieces of earth flung into the air upon the collision of the two techniques - opposite in use and different in chakra nature. Dust was thrown up, briefly hiding the damage before settling down. Revealing a deep gash that nearly broke the wall in two.""Excellent, good work. Now, Mamoru," Aiko said, gesturing to Hideko being allowed to swap places with the Senju genin.

Mamoru nodded in acknowledgement at the instructions and observed how Hideko will do. Nodding his head at how he handled the situation, he thought Hylli would go next, but his name was called next. He nodded at Aiko and walked up to the spot she pointed out, facing the Jounin. He had a technique in mind, in fact the only technique that popped up in his mind. He prepared for it, molding his chakra, awaiting what will come.

Waiting for the Senju to take his place, Aiko would bring her hands together. Inhaling as she weaved the required hand signs, she would exhale, just after finishing the streak. As a result, the wind around the woman started to swirl before lashing out at the Senju in the form of a powerful stream.

Mamoru gritted his teeth as he spotted the signs being weaved. Focusing entirely on his hands, on his chakra, he performed a quick series of seals and slammed his palms on the ground. He performed the Moving Earth core, creating a wider, but thinner, around half a meter thick variant of it, hoping it will be enough to keep him in his spot.

Once more, wind and earth collided, whipping up dust and small pieces of debris. The dust started to settle down, revealing that Mamoru's technique was still standing despite the rough contact. It provoked Aiko clicking her tongue, only to nod in an approving fashion.
"Nice. Good, now Hylli. You are last."

Watching the other two perform, Hylli realised only too late that she lacked what they had; a defensive technique. Growing anxious, she tried to think of something quickly. A solution came to mind but it was far from a safe play. Taking Mamoru's place, the Hyuzu whipped out a kunai as she focused on Aiko.

Observing the Hyuzu, Aiko would once more bring her hands together. Weaving the required hand signs, she would end in a different sign. Focusing on the air around her, the moisture rapidly seemed to form into a mass of water that started to grow larger with each passing second. Only then, without a warning, form a condensed mass that raced towards the Hyuzu.

Focusing on the kunai, Hylli kept inserting more chakra - trying to not lose her focus as she watched how Aiko summoned a torrent of water. Inhaling in, Hylli aimed her throw at the foot of the incoming mass of water. Only for the kunai to blow up as the unstable chakra wasn't no longer maintained.

The explosion seemed to repulse the majority of Aiko's technique, the powerful shockwave capable of preventing much water to move forward - let alone reach the Hyuzu. Causing Aiko to smile and nod. Gesturing Hylli to join the others, the woman turned to the three genin.

"Good work. Very creative too, I like that." Aiko began, "Now that you each have seen what the other is capable off, it is time to switch it around. Hideko and Hylli. You two begin," Aiko stated as she would make place for one of the genin to take her spot.
"You both are required to throw a technique at each other. I will make sure that no one gets wounded. It may be a different technique than what you used before."
[ Eastern Continent | Sevudian Kingdom ]
[ The 11th Imperial Brigade | 'The Genin Squad' ]
[ A collab post between @RoranHawkins , @RedFox , @Autumn Song and @Lesli ]

[ The three genin of Platoon Meilin are being trained by Aiko. The Lady of the Cho clan train the three genin together, at first. As the training proceeds, the genin are taught valuable lessons and to always keep one essential in mind; always bring a blanket when being trained by Aiko. ]

Part II

Surprised by the new instruction, Hylli stared at the place where the previous techniques had collided. Steeling herself, she would walk towards the post to take her place. Focusing on her breathing, she wasn't entirely sure what to do. Only for an idea to come up once more in her head. Pulling out another kunai, Hylli started to infuse the weapon with even more chakra than before.

Nodding and taking her position, Hideko stepped forwards. Feeling the ground once again shift beneath her feet, she got comfortable. Breathe in, breathe out. With another nod, she indicated that she was ready. Standing still for a moment was more than worth it. She'd take it.

Waiting for a second, Hylli threw her kunai, the weapon flying in an odd way - aimed higher than Hideko's length. The blade of the weapon turned rapidly from dark metal into something orange - as if it was just pulled out hot from the forge.

That was her attack? That was easy, that wasn't even going to hit! She stepped forwards doing multiple handsigns quite rapidly as she felt the earth obey her commands. Suddenly and out of nowhere, the earth on all four sides of Hylli would attempt to constrain her, as she did the reverse antlion technique. She grinned. Let's see you get out of that!

Expecting another wall of earth to rise from the ground, Hylli frowned but didn't stop her from raising her right hand; forming the Seal of Confrontation. Causing the kunai to suddenly change it course, as if an invisible force slammed and changed the weapon's trajectory - causing it to fly and impale the weapon nearby Hideko.
Feeling something odd, Hylli glanced downwards, only for her eyes to widen. "Oh, crap."

Woah, that was interesting! She knew how to adapt the kunai's in their flight path! That was so cool! Then again, it was still a misser, and she had gotten a hit. Now, all that would remain was to do the final round. Despite that that was still in her learning curve, she knew how to do a few earth attacks, although they were easy to avoid. Fortunately, with her opponent standing still, there wasn't much aiming involved. A spear of some length would be launched towards Hylli, as Hideko smiled.

Feeling the earth slowly restricting her movement, Hylli frowned. Resisting the temptation to panic, she threw a glance at her kunai. Clenching her hands into fists, the genin formed a single word in her native language. Only followed by a loud sound as the kunai violently bursted into an explosion - it's shockwave reaching Hideko's position while whipping up more dust into the air.

Two whips of water moved quickly through the space. One latching around Hideko and pulling her away from the blast radius. The second quickly slamming its end against the spear of earth.
"Interesting," Aiko said, slowly letting her water technique ebb away as she raised a hand to signal that both genin were done. "Good, then now Mamoru. You can take the place of Hylli. Seeing we lack a fourth, I will take the position of Hideko."

"Aaaaaaaaarghh!" She yelped as she was suddenly forced from her position, only followed by a tiny explosion which made her see stars. She was put down by the whip of water relatively unharmed, and she wiped in her eyes to get rid of the after-image. There she was, still sort-of standing, and she grinned, immediately to be replaced by a colder gust of wind, and she yelped in cold. "Oh God it's cold!" She shrieked, and realised she was pretty wet altogether.

"That trick with the kunai was amazing! But where did you cause the explosion?"" She said, shivering.

Raising her arms as she witnessed the growth of a spear starting to form against her, Hylli was unsure what to do. Only for the spear being slammed down, which caused the Hyuzu to flinch - as the crunching sound of the impact reminded her of someone suffering a heavy blow, resulting in some bones being crushed. Lowering her arms, she blinked rapidly, only to realise that the earth had flowed from her - leaving its dust all over her legs and hips. Chuckling softly, the Hyuzu looked up as Hideko spoke up.

"Oh eh," she began, a light tint of red flushing over her cheeks, "I did it before hand. I can show and explain it later, if you would like," the Hyuzu offered as she walked back to the previous spot with Hideko.

"Sure! But later, I want to see Mamoru get his head smacked in as we did." She grimaced.

Mamoru observed the two standing off against each other, his mind working hard. He realized he lacked a proper long range technique, something he was sure he will pay for in the minutes to come. He wasn't afraid about being hurt, he knew Lady Cho to be better than that. He was worried more about the others making fun of them. Their exchange was swift and when Aiko intervened, it was an awe inspiring sight. However, her words seemed to confirm his fears. He took a deep breath and walked to the spot Hylli stood at and turned to face Aiko. He gritted his teeth and raised his right heel slightly, twisting his leg as if trying to sink his leg lower, then repeated the same with his left leg. He started to focus his chakra and nodded at Aiko.

Amused as Hideko and Hylli seemed to hit it well together, Aiko focused her attention on Mamoru. As the Senju took his spot, the jounin waited a few seconds before she brought her hands together. Weaving the required handsigns, the jounin started to conjure a torrent of water from the moisture in the air. Unlike before, it started to create a menacing sound as it began to gain more mass. Only then to suddenly launch itself in a wide twisting mass towards Mamoru.

Mamoru heard his own heartbeat, a deafening, thundering noise in his ears. Upon spotting the huge mass of water forming, he realized he had a split second to decide between attacking or defending himself. Realizing he had no way of stopping the mass being hurled at him, he slammed his palms on the earth again and sent his chakra through it towards where Lady Cho was standing. He held his breath as he braced for impact, hoping his technique would at least be enough to make her lose her footing.

Aiko's eyes widened briefly as she glanced at her feet. The earth trembled, almost if it wanted to argue that her standing on it was a crime itself. Able to keep her balance for the first few seconds, the woman started to gain more trouble to keep her balance. Spreading her arms, the constant tremor seemed to grow in power as it made it more difficult for her to keep some resemblance of balance.
Grunting softly, Aiko felt a sharp pain from her bottom shoot through her back as she fell on her rear.

Mamoru only saw a second or two from the technique, and Lady Cho was still standing. Knowing that if this would be a real life situation, he would both die and fail to create an opening for his team. He tried to dig as deep into the earth as he could, bracing himself with his feet as well. All to naught. The mass of water hit him with incredible force, tossing him back as if he was a feather. He lost balance immediately and was tossed back a good distance before the water dissipated. Soaked from head to toe and covered in mud, Mamoru wiped away the mud from his eyes, managing to open them to a squint. His entire body hurt, but he was still alive, and that's what mattered. He sat up and looked towards the direction where Lady Aiko stood, but was unable to tell whether he succeeded or not. He turned and saw two blurs, without a doubt Hideko and Hylli. He nodded at them and spat out some water, as he shakily stood up.

"Nice." Hideko said.

"Ouch," Hylli mumbled, wondering briefly how painful that impact could have been.

Remaining seated on her rear, Aiko smiled as she watched Mamoru getting up and even able to nod. Placing her arms on her knees, Aiko considered the next part of the training. Slowly getting up, she would not bother to dust herself off.
"Good. Take a bit of a rest. For the next exercise will be involving tactics. Mainly with me testing how well you guys have been paying attention to what kind of techniques the others have been using," Aiko explained. She had made a few mental notes but was eager to test out if she was correct about the genin. After all, she hadn't received any profile - for there wasn't any jounin headquarters or administration that could hand one out.

Crossing her arms out front of her chest, Aiko decided to explain what the following exercise was going to be. "I reckon it is silly to say but tactics are a vital thing in a fight. From the idea of having to survive to try to accomplish a certain goal. Now, you may realise that there is a huge gap of skills, techniques and experience between you and I. The harsh reality, however, is that the outcome of a fight can be decided by something as knowing how to play the game right. So if you have a good enough tactic, you can overcome a foe that has more experience and abilities." Letting her words sink in, Aiko opted against using examples. She doubted that any of the genin knew the people anyways she had in mind. Save it for one but anyways.
"You three already know that I am capable of utilizing two chakra natures," raising a hand, the jounin raised her index finger, "water and," raising another finger, Aiko smiled, "wind. That said, you got some knowledge of what might be useful or not. You three got two minutes to come up with some sort of tactic, in case I was going to attack you guys with the intention of killing all three of you."

Biting her lower lip, Hylli didn't feel less tense. The mere idea of facing someone of Aiko's calibre seemed like suicide; only way more painful than it should be, she wagered. Half turning to the other two, Hylli flashed a wry smile.
"Okay, two minutes. Hm," she quickly thought what she knew about the jounin. Only to realise something else. "I am pretty dandy at close quarters. Also know how to be stealthy, kinda. Problem is," rubbing her left arm, Hylli felt a bit awkward, "my Metal release isn't the best. I know how to make some things explode and can cover only one limb into some casing. I also know some genjutsu but doubt that is going to be effective."

"And we can work together, right?" Hideko asked.

"Yes, you can. If you like," the jounin responded, not hiding her amusement.

"Well then." She replied. "If it was one attack, I could shield all of us from any direction, but if she attacks from another direction..." She raised her hands in frustration. "Darnit. If I just knew how to use the Rock Shelter Technique instead of just knowing it's name… I could maneuver the earth around us to create that, but I doubt it'd be in time. Perhaps I and Mamoru can create two walls?"

Mamoru walked up to Hideko and Hylli, all three of them looking rather hosed down, with him covered in mud as well. Seeing the result of his technique with his own eyes, he felt his confidence rise very slightly.That wasn't too bad, he thought to himself, allowing a small smile to stay on his lips. He listened closely to what Lady Aiko was saying to them, letting out a mental sigh of relief that this next exercise was only a verbal one. But even then, coming up with a plan that could work on someone as formidable as she is was a tough one. He was glad Hylli took the initiative and he listened to her, his eyes jumping between her and Hideko. From what was being said, Mamoru realized that he and Hideko would be supporting her advance."If we're speaking about defense, sure. Two walls should be able to protect us. But I don't think only defending would be sufficient. Now, no one among us could hope to stand a chance on our own. But from what I saw between the three of us, we have a decent array of techniques that could deny her a firm footing. Perhaps upon surviving the initial attack, if we can, me and Hideko could focus on denying Lady Aiko a firm footing, hopefully even creating an opening for you, Hylli."

She nodded along with Mamoru's statement. "Yeah. I could make the ground surrounding her into gravel, and make it so she's unbalanced." She reasoned. "That'd be the time to strike, Hylli."

Listening to the other two, Hylli processed what they said. The fact that they could conjure more defenses seemed incredibly useful. Only then it started to dawn on her as they turned to her, to be the offensive element of their cooperation. She wasn't entirely sure if it was a good idea to make her be the offensive element. But then again, what could she else do?
"That is fair enough. I can barrage her with a lot of knives if she is occupied enough. Either by making them explode or making them come at her from various angles. All I need is just to set it up and have an opening." Pausing briefly, Hylli continued once more. "The only issue is that her wind release might entirely cancel out my attacks. I mean, have you seen the stuff she can do? By Valdar's balls, I doubt that my attacks can penetrate either her water or wind."

Mamoru looked at both Hylli and Hideko as they added to the plan and he nodded inacknowledgment. They would, without a doubt, have an incredibly tough time going up against Lady Aiko, but he was confident if they pool their efforts, they had a shot. He reached out a hand to Hylli to tap her on her shoulder, but pulled it back halfway through the motion."I'm - I'm sorry. You got this, Hylli. I trust you to spot an opening. We would have your back. The stuff she does is, not going to lie, amazing. But I am sure if me and Hideko combine our efforts in, we can stave off her Water release techniques long enough. Which reminds me, do you have any experience with collaboration techniques?" He looked at the Kobayashi.

Crossing her arms out front of her chest, Hylli considered some stuff. When Mamoru said that he trusted her to spot an opening, the Hyuzu slightly frowned. "Weren't we supposed to just craft a plan together? I think we shouldn't already treat this as if she will test it out," Hylli responded in return to Mamoru, only to waver a little. She didn't know Aiko personally, so what if she did?
"I think we should just tell her what kind of approach we would take and see how she responds. I wouldn't be too happy if a bunch of genin start to assault me, when I just instructed them to come with a plan." Turning to Hideko, Hylli awaited what the other girl would say.

Hideko looked ready. "I can do collaborati- oh, ohhhhh." She began until she looked at Mamoru's intended target. When Hylli mentioned that this was just a plan, she nodded. "Oh yeah. I mean, she's standing right there, so…" She turned towards Aiko-sensei with blissful ignorance. "Hey Aiko-sensei, do you mind if we test this out?"

Mamoru realised that he was getting a bit carried away when Hylli said they should just plan, but when Hideko asked if they could test it out, his jaw dropped. He shook his head and sighed." I'm sorry, I got a bit carried away. Of course it was just a plan, but we should probably go and tell her. Shall we?"
[ Eastern Continent | Sevudian Kingdom ]
[ The 11th Imperial Brigade | 'The Genin Squad' ]
[ A collab post between @RoranHawkins , @RedFox , @Autumn Song and @Lesli ]

[ The three genin of Platoon Meilin are being trained by Aiko. The Lady of the Cho clan train the three genin together, at first. As the training proceeds, the genin are taught valuable lessons and to always keep one essential in mind; always bring a blanket when being trained by Aiko. ]

Part III

Watching the genin, Aiko continued to stay silent. It was somewhat adorable as she could catch some things that were being said. When Hideko asked if it was okay to test it out, a smile started to creep on Aiko's lips.
"Sure. We can put to whatever you guys have to the test." The jounin then simply raised one hand and formed a seal of confrontation with the other hand. Nearly immediately, the air started to grow heavier - a fog started to amass among the field, thickening with each second.
"Here I come, I suppose."

A bit surprised that Hideko asked if they could put the plan to the test, Hylli wasn't too dismissive of it. It was better than to just hear that they had failed. Now they could actually try out to use their skills and who knew? Maybe they had a slim chance.
Then as Hylli noticed the mist starting to shape around them, the Hyuzu clicked with her tongue as she dropped into a fighting stance.
"Well, this isn't ideally."

As soon as the seal of confrontation was made she began working. You see, if we surround ourselves with earth barriers, it'll be harder for her to attack from there.So she started making barrier after barrier, focusing on their rear, and slowly beginning to encroach on their sides. If there was one thing she'd learned, it was that eyes pointed forwards, and an attack from the rear was always hard to avoid.

Mamoru watched, eyes wide, as the mist started to thicken around them. Hylli quickly took up a fighting stance, with Hideko surrounding them with barriers. He reached for Oak and firmly grasped it, than started to focus on his chakra."I'm amassing my chakra, Hideko. We should go back to back to cover all angles." He suggested and rotated slightly, allowing Hylli and Hideko to do the same, hoping they'd follow along.

"Got'cha!" and she started working around on her side of the trio of genin.

Waiting, Hylli, looked around. The thick mist made her anxious as she tried to detect any sound that betrayed the jounin's movement. While Mamoru and Hideko worked to set up the defences, Hylli considered something. But she opted against speaking her thoughts just yet. Moving a hand to grab a knife, the Hyuzu felt like something was smothering her.
"Guys," Hylli softly spoke up, her caution evident, "don't block every direction."

It remained quiet as Hideko continued on her defences. Then a thundering sound heralded the genin's doom, only a second later a huge volume of water raining from the skies.
Keeping her hands against the ground, Aiko waited for the genin's response as the water kept flowing from the sky, almost as if she was prepared to flush the genin out of their make-shift 'fortress'.

"What is that sound---" Hylli said as she looked around, worried what was thrown at their defences. Only for a panicked shriek to escape her lips as the cold water slammed from above on her, causing the Hyuzu to flail briefly - and slip into the water.

"Okay then." She said, as she was once again completely bathed. She ignored the cold sensation in order to adjust the ground so it had several small holes in their fortress. Enough to let the water go out, but not big enough to let an arm pass through. "At least now we won't drown!" She threw out.

Mamoru waited for the inevitable attack to come, but it never came. Instead, he managed to look up a second before another torrential downpour hit him.Typical, he thought to himself. As Hideko opened their fortress, water flew out of it so they wouldn't drown."We can't stay here! Hideko! Can you make these walls explode outwards? If she he coming to finish us personally, we can catch her off balance! " Mamoru suggested, trying to prepare for what might happen next.

Hideko nodded. "I'll try."

Before any of the genin could attempt, the water seemed far from done tormenting them. In rapid succession, the water stopped flowing away and instead form a large barrier around the genin. As the mist started to dissipate, Aiko walked in a casual fashion towards the large water prison.
"Earth is in theory superior to water. And wind crushing or slicing through earth? Hardly something I would consider worth the exhaustion," Aiko said as the genin started to experience how the barrier started to fill up with water - rapidly reaching to their waists.

"The idea that you guys had was nice. You knew that I was the attacker, so you had the luxury to dig in. Problem? You didn't take into consideration that boxing yourself in means less mobility to move out."
Raising a hand slightly upwards, the jounin snapped with her fingers - causing the water to halt at the genin's knees as the barrier stayed in formation.
"You guys were so focused on defending and taking me off-balance that you didn't consider to turn the tables around. Letting an opponent like me dictate the rules of engagement is bad. Very bad."

Suddenly the water barrier collapsed, once more soaking the genin as the water started to flush away. Flashing a smile towards the genin, Aiko gestured them to move out of the soaked place.
"But, you guys tried to work together. And you got an answer if your theory would work out!"

Sputtering and annoyed by the constant water, Hylli felt a brief sensation of relief as Hideko took care of the water. Or so Hylli thought as she attempted to get up, only to see the water moving in a different way and at an unnatural speed. Already fearing for another move, Hylli wasn't sure what to do until it was too late; they were captured.
Listening to Aiko as her voice moved through the barrier, Hylli released a soft sigh. They had an answer and thoroughly bathed. Closing her eyes as once more water soaked them from above, Hylli waddled towards safe and dry ground.
"I got a question, Lady Cho," Hylli began as she wondered if they had a way to get quickly dry. "What is it like for you to be a genin? Did you also get soaked the entire time?"

She rapidly realised that she had trouble moving in the water, and that was when it struck her. The water was the trap! Of course the water was the trap, she used earth in just the same way. Duh! Why hadn't she come up with that before? Woah, she was really dumb. "Okay. I feel stupid now." She said, as the water flowed away, leaving her dumbstruck and cold - again. She felt a pang of hunger, and realised, again, that she also hadn't eaten yet. Actually, that was more than a pang. Her stomach grumbled in all manners of food-deprived ways. "Oh man."

This is not good, this is not good, he thought to himself as they stood in their dome that was still being left at the mercy of Lady Cho. As their situation went from bad to worse and the water reached to their waste, her voice cut through all the commotion around them. The cold was biting at his legs, and he could notice his shaky hands clenching the hilt of Oak with all the strength he could muster. Her words only added to that cold, stinging feeling and he was glad that Lady Cho was not their real enemy and it was only a training session. Eventually, he let out a sigh of relief that he soon realized was premature. Once again, he was hit by a mass of water, making his knees buckle as he withstood it. As he slowly walked out with Hylli and Hideko, he saw Lady Cho smiling at them. He put on a bittersweet smile as she praised them with that brilliant smile of hers and he mentally chuckled at Hylli's question. He had no question he wanted to ask right now, so he waited for her to answer.

Watching the three genin move out of the water, Aiko placed her fists against her hips. A playful smile dawned on the woman's lips as she listened to what they had to ask and say. Even managing to detect some grumbling from Hideko.
"All genin get a bit of soaking and failing. It is what you're a genin for; to make and experience mistakes. Only to, hopefully, learn from them." Aiko replied, at first, "Granted, you guys didn't do too bad. None of you ran into the mist like some crazy person. You sticked together and tried to combat the situation as it got worse."
Not sure if they would like the subtle compliment, Aiko gestured them that they could sit down on some logs at the edge of the field.
"How about we have a break to get you lot be less bothered by the cold." Beckoning them to already move to the logs, Aiko half turned around and seemed to initiate a short conversation with one of the nearby soldiers that trained. The result being that the soldier frowned but without question went back to camp.

Joining the genin, Aiko would sit on one of the free logs and release a satisfied sigh. "Okay, let us start with something simple. In hindsight, now that you guys knew that I could use such techniques. How would you respond to those situations, in order to improve the situation for yourself and squadmates?"

Taking seat on one of the logs, Hylli released a heavy sigh. She figured that being a low ranker meant that they had to go through stuff like this. But it was dawning on her that she had to pick her pace up. Hearing Aiko's statement that they didn't too bad, Hylli felt for a second to argue back; they were soaked and had been easily outsmarted.
The suggestion of a break was a welcome one in Hylli's opinion as she rubbed her arms to try to generate some warmth back in her body. The soaked clothing, obviously, not making it any easier.
"I suppose I could have used my knives," Hylli decided to go first, a twinge of regret visible as audible, "perhaps thrown them out and caused a disturbance to mask ourselves. Or, in an attempt to force you back," Hylli finished, feeling her cheeks starting to fluster - why hadn't she done that? Instead, she had just flailed like a fish on the dry. Talking about embarrassment, geez.

Remaining silent as Aiko answered a question that sometimes bothered him as well, Mamoru only nodded in acknowledgement.Yeah, that sounds like my experience, the Genin thought to himself. Walking after his teammates to the logs, Mamoru's eyebrows jumped up in surprise as he heard a rumble that would put even the mightiest bear to shame coming from Hideko. Taking a seat, he observed both of his teammates and was curious to hear out their answers. Hearing out Hylli, and seeing her facial expressions during her answer, Mamoru could relate to what she said. As she finished, he sniffed and merely turned his head from Hylli to Aiko." I could have used the Samurai Sabre in conjunction with Hylli using her knives. I hesitated in aiding Hideko setting up our defenses further, as I wanted to keep myself available to create an opening for Hylli, should you decide to come and flush us out personally, Lady Cho. It seems I have completely forgotten about the option that you don't need to come personally to finish the job. A mistake that could cost the ultimate price out there." He finished, a somber expression his face as he turned to Hideko, curious to see how she'd reflect on the situation.

Still shivering, she spared as much energy as she could for her towel to arrive, but she was forced to talk before that anyhow. She hoped no one had heard her stomach grumble, but she knew that it couldn't have escaped the ears of his co-shinobi. After all, listening for dangers was, in theory, part of their skillset when you finished the academy. "I-I c-can't make a r-roof above us y-yet, so you obviously t-took advantage of that." She said. "Maybe I c-could've made the ground b-beneath us m-move? But t-then I'd have confused everyone from where to p-point their attacks." Her belly chose exactly this moment to let loose its thunderous howls, and she coloured bright red. "Also, w-when is lunch again?"" She asked hopefully, as if nothing ever happened.

Taking a seat on another log, Aiko was mildly amused and made little effort to hide it from her facial features. Hearing out what the genin thought they could have done better, now that they realised that Aiko possessed abilities to attack from a distance, the jounin opted to stay silent.
" All good ideas and suggestions. The truth is that we will eventually put them to the test. What is important is that you lot get any experience in fieldwork, at a rapid pace. Getting known how to respond to various threats effectively will be the difference in success or well, worse than being soaked."

Pausing, Aiko's smile briefly became more evident as she overheard the grumbling of Hideko's stomach. Opting to ignore to comment on it, Aiko continued. "Now that I got a better idea of what each of you is capable, we will attempt to work in separate trainings. Hylli," Aiko turned her gaze to the Hyuzu, "I will work on your close ranged capabilities as how to further utilize your knives. Mamoru," turning her attention to the Senju, Aiko continued, "I will try to teach and train you on how to create openings for yourself. I can't have you rely on others to deal the blow, when you should be equipped to do it yourself. Which leaves Hideko," Aiko crossed her arms out front and turned her gaze to the newest genin. For a few seconds, it remained painfully silent.

"Truth be told, I have some experience and knowledge on earth release. But I don't nor well, can't use it myself. I will, however, train you in how to expand your capabilities. Both defense and offense. Any questions from you guys?"

Hylli briefly shot a look at Mamoru. The first experience she had upon meeting the Senju still impacted her opinion. And she honestly wondered how he would combine a chakra flow technique, if hers was to blow up. Deciding not to respond to it, Hylli shot a look at Hideko as the latter's stomach unleashed a fearsome roar.
Wanting to respond to the latter, Hylli opted to remain silent as Aiko spoke up again. Hylli was curious to see what more training they would receive. Being addressed first, she nodded when Aiko stated that they would work on her close quarter abilities as her knives - something that Hylli looked forward to, as long as it didn't involve more water being splashed on her.
"Yes, Lady Cho, looking forward to it!"

Hideko understood what she was trying to say. "W-well, let's just say that I h-haven't been able to m-master all of my forms yet. I c-could use your help with those." She shuddered. "A-as an example, the t-technique I actually m-meant to use was the R-rock Shelter Technique. That f-failed." She said, grinning despite the cold. Oh damn, was it cold when you were wet! Actually, she knew a technique that was warmer than this. Why wasn't she using it? She used the Rock Armour technique to cover almost her entire being in rock, and huddled on her knees. She already felt the questioning looks of her team members on her. "It's warmer this way!" She demurred. "Really!"

The young Senju listened closely to what Lady Cho told them in regard to their reflection on the events that transpired. Mamoru felt Hylli look at him, but before he could return the look, Aiko was already talking with him, so he looked at her, eagerly taking in what she had to say. As he thought about what she said, he felt a tingle of shame creep up inside him. He felt as if he utterly and completely failed, despite this being only a training exercise. He nodded in return and than raised his eyebrows as Hideko surrounded his entire torso with a technique that resembled his way of enhancing his close quarter strikes. He let out a deep sigh and nodded again at Lady Cho."Understood, Lady Cho. Thank you in advance." He spoke in a quiet voice, hoping the others won't notice his insecurity, now on the surface, for all to see.

The genin responded in a fashion that satisified Aiko. She seemed a tad amused when Hideko responded and proceeded to cover herself in rock. In an odd way, it reminded her of someone else.
Before Aiko could say anything, two men came up to the small gathering bringing some blankets and wrapped rations.
"Rest out for now. We will begin the individual training soon."
[ Imperial Palace, Konohagakure - Empire of Akino ]
[ Empress Kiyomi Homura and Lord Gakuro Senju ]
[ A collab between @Aliceee and @Nim | Gakuro Senju arrives at the royal palace to present his case and findings in front of Kiyomi. Once Kiyomi agrees to hold a court, they discuss another small matter before Gakuro is allowed to depart. ]

The dark overcast outside seemed to set the atmosphere that plagued the royal palace. The usual chatter of servants was reduced to whispers and wary glances. The solemn attitude of the Sworn Swords and present Tiger Claws showcasing a more silent and intimidating posture than before.
But the worst was around the quarters and areas around the throne room. Those that were summoned on the command of her Imperial majesty were separated as usually in small quarters, served by the palace's servants; being given refreshments and allowing them to prepare for the important meeting.

Seated on the marble throne, Kiyomi wore an attire that seemed to portray some of her current mood. The dark blue and grey easily mixing together with the apparent discontent expression of the young monarch. Perched on her elevated throne, the young monarch was only accompanied by a dozen Sworn Swords. The royal protectors themselves seemed barely alive, however, as they were unmoving and silent; merely giving the idea that they were suits of armour and flesh, at the whims of a discontent Empress.
The little light that managed to pierce through the dark grey blanket of clouds was brief and did little to drive away the heavy atmosphere that lingered in the palace. And little more did it to do to improve its most illustrious resident.

Giving a subtle gesture, the double doors that led to the throne room were slowly pushed open from the inside. A herald stepped forwards, his eyes settled on a scroll. Announcing the Lord of the Senju, followed by the appropriate titles that the current Senju leader possesed, Kiyomi's gaze settled on the approaching Senju.
Waiting for Gakuro Senju to approach the base of the stairs of the elevation, Kiyomi spoke up.
"Lord Senju, it is an honour as a pleasure to welcome you. I have heard of your denouncements of the Tokugawa clan. A serious accusation that I wish to address today. As such, I hope we can bypass the usual formalities. For I am most curious to hear what you've to tell me. "

Approaching once he was given the signal to, Gakuro stopped at the base of the stairs and offered a deep bow before listening to Kiyomi speak. Once she was done, he nodded "Very well, I will skip over the usual formalities as you requested, your majesty". Taking out a scroll, he opened it before beginning to read its contents "The Senju hereby denounce the Tokugawa clan for the fires that have ravaged the Senju Silk Farms. We, the Senju, claim this following numerous investigations that our own people conducted, along with investigations from a neutral third-party which helped determine the culprits have arrived from within the Tokugawa borders. Furthermore, when trying to alert the Tokugawa of any potential threats to their own farms, as any fine neighbour should do, the Senju representative was sent away and told to never step foot on their land again. This only raised more suspicion that the Tokugawa, indeed, have something to hide and only strengthened the belief the culprits are from the Tokugawa."

Once he was done, Gakuro rolled back the scroll and tied it up "I can answer any and all questions you have regarding the investigations we have performed and more, your majesty, should you have any questions."

Listening to Gakuro, Kiyomi remained silent and still. Once he was done, Kiyomi slightly frowned.
"You state that a neutral third party aided you in investigating. May I inquire who this third party is?" She began, "Not to mention, you base your accusations on the fact that the Tokugawa have removed your people from their lands? I hope you understand that I can't just punish anyone based on assumptions and some vague clues, Lord Senju. I also wish to implore you that if it is deemed that the Tokugawa are innocent, you will tarnish your own name. Are you truly willing to pressure onwards with this?"

Kiyomi's words were rather clear and forward "Let me first answer that the third party is the Inuzuka clan. We hired the services of their shinobi and canines to help solidify our initial findings through the scents that the canines would detect better. Remnants that our own members may not be able to catch any more. And it is not solely on the fact the Tokugawa have removed our representative from their clanland, it is rather the way they phrased it that raised many eyebrows. We were told to never return, for what was sent to be a warning call? Even the Hon and Sarutobi had not responded in this manner, despite the cold relations we have with the two."

Gakuro let out a sigh before continuing "This whole ordeal is something I wished to avoid, personally, but the Tokugawa currently stand in the direction of the primary lead we possess to discovering who harmed our people. Lives were lost, farms were burnt to the ground and livelihoods lost. It is not something I intend to let go until I discover the culprit. I do not wish to press this any further, but the Tokugawa have left me no choice. If they refuse to listen, to just a warning, and banish my men for something like this, then it is clear to me that they are either the culprits themselves, or that perhaps they are hiding something else. I would personally wish to learn it is not so and that they are innocent, for we are fellow Taika clans after all." Gakuro said "But even if they are not the ones to blame, they let the culprits through their lands, and then prevented us from even trying to work together to discover the truth. So with that, many within the Senju clan's leadership already see them as guilty, regardless if they performed the action or not."

The words of Gakuro seemed to invite an eerily silence into the throne room. The impact of Gakuro's words seemed to cause Kiyomi to visibly ponder; her eyebrows raised slightly as she kept staring down on the Senju leader.
"This is a dire matter. If you feel compelled to continue this then I can't see a reason right now to prevent you. I will allow you to reside in the royal palace while preparations shall be made for a court gathering. Lord Tokugawa shall be given a chance to defend himself, if he is the culprit. And depending on how the court goes, I shall formulate my decision once I am certain what course is best."
Letting her words echo through the hall, Kiyomi paused for a second.
"Is that acceptable for you, Lord Senju?"

"More than acceptable, your majesty. It is an honour to be staying in the palace while I await for the court to occur." Gakuro said, taking yet another deep bow "I only wish that at the end of this, the path to the truth will be open for the Senju once more." He added after rising from the bow.

A more neutral expression flowed over Kiyomi's features upon hearing Gakuro's response. "Good, it is an honour to have you as a guest, Lord Senju. I am glad that you're allowing this court to take place. However," Kiyomi continued, "that is not all that I desire to discuss with you today. It may be of little surprise that I have ears and eyes in the courts of others. Whether they are lords of great clans or those that simply reign over some forsaken plot of land. I have come to the understanding that the Senju are gaining some ambition to reclaim their status of old. Which now explains the sudden interest and aid to the campaign east as providing enough bodies to start a new Imperial division." Waiting a second, Kiyomi's head slightly tilted to the left, "is that correct, Lord Senju?"

Smiling, Gakuro nodded "The is indeed correct, your majesty. Even if the Senju were never a strong militaristic force over history, or at least, an aggressive one, we have once held prominence and stood tall. We had prowess and force that could compete with even the forces of several Chonobi clans attacking at once. I certainly desire to bring the Senju back to that same reputation. And not just that, the Senju also wish to show the whole of the Empire that even if, for a couple of decades now, our reputation have somewhat diminished, we are still here. We are still standing and working and fighting and the Senju may have gone down one peg, but we will climb two more now."

Pausing for a second, Gakuro seemed to contemplate his words before continuing "My grandfather, my namesake, one of the founders of Konohagakure and the first Hokage worked hard on making it into the greatest village it can be. And he did. I wish to honour his legacy by ensuring that his origin, the Senju, prevail and live on for many more centuries to come. So many more shining stars for the Senju can rise from it. Like he was. Like Sakamoto was. Like my own mother was." Gakuro finished speaking, with confidence now present on his expression.

The mere mention of Sakamoto made Kiyomi's lips curl downwards. Almost as if on cue, a soft rumbling occurred outside - followed rapidly by the blinding light of thunder, that seemed to bring a deafening roar.
"That is quite fair, Lord Senju. I am most pleased to see your determination to honour your clan and ancestors in such a way. As such, I will discuss with the Lord Commander, regarding the Fifth Division. A chance shall be given for the Senju to show the world that they aren't meek sheeps. In due time, I may present more manners for you to accumulate more progress to see the Senju becoming once more a Great Clan."
Having her curiosity sated, Kiyomi made a subtle gesture that the Senju could take his leave.

Seeing the gesture, Gakuro offered one final bow "Thank you, your majesty." before rising and turning away. He only hoped that the following days would not end up doing exactly the opposite of what he just said he wished to do. This upcoming court was not just for his own, after all. It was on behalf of the Senju as a whole.
[ Empire of Akino | The Royal Palace, Konohagakure ]
[ Lord Unkei Yamashita meeting the Empress of Akino ]
[ A collaboration between @Aliceee and @Autumn Song ]
[ Summoned to the royal court, Yamashita of the Unkei clan arrives. He brings the evidence of the Hanta plot and informs that he is at the ready, to serve the wishes and commands of the Empress. As such, Kiyomi responds with letting Yamashita know that her agents are currently investigating the veracity of the treachery is real. ]

Awaiting his turn, he had turned to meditation. The royal palace was a pleasant surprise to Yamashita. The Lord of the Unkei clan had expected a more Chonobi appearance. Instead, he was greeted with a style that was pleasing to the eye.
Eventually, a servant would notify that he was allowed into the throne room for a meeting with the Empress. Slowly rising, Yamashita didn't feel nervous. He was aware of the risks if he couldn't convince the Empress of the Hanta betrayal. But in a way, he and his clan had won; they were free. Regardless if they would suffer the punishment of a Hon Empress or not.
Walking towards the entrance of the throne room, Yamashita had a disarming smile present on his lips as he did what was expected. The herald announced his entry, and briefly, Yamashita wondered how many of his noble peers had as little titles as he had.

Unlike what he had expected, there were no courtiers. The spacious hall was empty, save it for what appeared to be armoured suits and the Empress, perched on her high throne.
"Your Majesty," Yamashita said, performing a deep bow elegantly, "I am most honoured to be finally present in your halls."
Rising slowly from the bow, the lord of the Unkei clan seemed a bit embarrassed about something.
"Please accept my most humble apologies, your magnificence, but please do enlighten me. Do you accept a proper, respectful bow or because of your cultural heritage, is there another proper way to greet you? I tried to figure out more about your Hon heritage but lack to find much to aid me, so far."

Kiyomi observed the man as he made his bow. The apology as question caused the young Empress to frown briefly. For a second, she wasn't sure if this was a way to have her lower her guard or not. "Lord Unkei, welcome. Your apology is accepted," Kiyomi began, "for it is true that the Unkei and Hon clan are quite different. Do not worry, though, I accept and respect both equally. Now please, do come forward so that we properly can discuss this Hanta betrayal."
The suits of amour at the steps that led to the first of three elevations suddenly moved, no longer barring the way for Lord Unkei to proceed further.

Yamashita flashed a warm smile as he continued. Ignoring the guards, he made his way and proceeded to sit down on both knees. Slowly, Yamashita took a scroll that hangs at his hip. Holding it upwards, he spoke up.
"Your most stupendous, I bring the collection of intel that my people have been able to collect. I am most sorry to be the bearer of bad news. Once you requested a representative of my clan, I saw nobody else more fit than me to be the messenger. It is my sole desire to see that you'll be able to put trust and faith in my clan. For we desire nothing else than to please our Empress and empire."

Kiyomi stared down on the man. Moments like these made her wish for Hisoka or Zakito at her side. The former cause he was able to read people better, even if they appeared as the friendliest folk around. Zakito? He could do the same, if not being able to know what to ask to verify what he wanted to know. Subtly gesturing, the Sworn Sword at her flank would descend two stairs to reach Lord Unkei. The royal guard took the scroll and read it. Turning half around, the Sworn Sword made a subtle nod towards Kiyomi.
"Lord Unkei," Kiyomi began, "I am in your debt. If the Hanta were busy with preparing to betray me, you have done us all a great service. As such, you and yours are to be rewarded properly," Kiyomi paused, her eyes slightly narrowing, "I will see to it that the multitude of Imperial forces shall be withdrawn. Your clan will take the place of the Hanta, no longer tied to any fealty than to my house. And I will see to it that your clan receives riches and gifts, for preventing a disaster from occurring upon our empire."

A pause was introduced before Kiyomi spoke again. This time, her tone noticeably sharper. "However, I hope it won't shock or offend you that I will have an investigation of my own. Imperial agents are already on the way towards the previous Hanta heartlands to validate if there was a treacherous plot at hand. If by some reason, my loyal agents find proof that the Hanta was wronged? Then I will promise you that the consequences shall be most dire."

Yamashita rose his head, a smile present on his lips. "Of course, your Majesty. It warms my heart to hear how much you care for justice. For I seek nothing else but the same," Yamashita said, lowering his head once more.

"Good. Until then," Kiyomi replied, her tone becoming less harsh, "you'll reside here. You will be given proper quarters and able to enjoy the luxuries of my palace. Unless there is nothing else, you are free to take your leave Lord Unkei."

Rising slowly, Yamashita would perform another deep bow before speaking. "There are many things I desire to speak with you, grandest of Empresses, but none of vital importance. I will do as you say. But if you require my presence, you only need to sent and I am truly yours."
Turning around, Yamashita performed another bow once he reached the double doors. Once out of sight, the leader of the Unkei was most pleased.
[ Operation: 'Sweet Arrival' ]
[ Team Republic 19 ]
[ A collaboration between @SilverPaw , @BlueFlameNikku and @Lesli ]
[ The team arrives in Fujihoro, an important port-city in the Honey country. Situated in the city, the team starts their investigation, hoping to complete their mission and being able to relay back to Kirigakure - without any interference. ]

The remainder of the journey was relatively calm and peaceful; which meant nothing but dull tasks and activities, in an attempt to kill time. As the vessel on which the team resided finally started to catch sight of a port city, it didn't take long before excitement and relief started to impact the atmosphere. The drums that guided the oars began to row faster, deckhands worked harder as the present marines already packed their bags and readied themselves. Some talked out loud about finding some relief; training or being able to enjoy the comfort of a proper barracks. Others talked about some matters that Neime found far from interesting.
" Okay, so listen up," Neime began as she hicked up her shoulder bag. " Soon enough we'll disembark and start our mission. We will approach it a bit different than how it usually is being handled."
Pausing, Neime threw a look over her shoulder as the crew shouted and some waved at the locals - who seemed warm to welcome a Republican war vessel sailing into their port.
" Usually, we report to the local authority. To notify that we have arrived and that they can deploy us. Our mission is, however, to investigate the current situation in the country."

Neime did hide her disdain for what mission they got. It would eventually lead them to interact with people of authority. Something that they weren't trained or equipped for. The mere fact that the brass seemed too short-sighted and lacking the idea of what this could mean on various levels.
" So far, you two have given me the idea that you're surpassing most genin. The fight with that sea monster made that abundantly clear. This time, however, we will be trying to pry information from locals and whatnot. And at the same time try to slip what we are."
The ambience around them became louder as the ship came to a slow halt. Shouts from officers and the captain made the crew start attending to a proper disembark. Various people even rushed on board to help out with various tasks.
Gesturing to the genin to come with her, Neime seemed to care little for the foreign city they were in. The port-city of Fujihoro was one of the most important settlements in the Honey; for most of the trade with the Republic was located in it. For the vassal country itself, the port-city acted as a staple market; most of its import being trafficked to the capital and other significant sites more land inwards.
The influence of the Republic being the sovereign leader of the Honey was apparent right from the start; the people and buildings sported little to no difference from those in Kirigakure. The only significant difference between Fujihoro and Kirigakure was that the former had buildings made of darker wood and stone. Almost as if their material had been dipped in mud, just to make it separate it from the Republican capital.

Leading the two genin, Neime managed to catch sight of where they should be heading first. As they progressed further into the city, the genin would notice sudden fortifications amid the town. Stout grey walls stood out between the other buildings, as a few towers sported the flag of the Republic on top. The small fort was occupied by Republican troops, who seemed to take their duty seriously - despite being stationed in friendly territory.
Leading the genin into the fort, Neime spoke with various soldiers and officers before finally going into what seemed to be a large barracks.
" It isn't the best but likely not the worst either," Neime mumbled as she unlocked a door. Opening it, she would take a step aside and gesture the genin to enter the room. There were a few bunk beds, two cupboards and one tiny window that let some light inside.
"Welcome to Fujihoro,"

Sugi was ecstatic to hear Neime's praise towards himself and Sana. He lightly smiled appreciatively most of the way as they departed the vessel, making sure to listen to their senpai. "Doesn't sound like too much trouble." It was a textbook assignment that was gone over repeatedly at the academy. Gather information while remaining covert in foreign territory. The red haired genin gathered his belongings hastily and followed after Neime. The many influences from Kirigakure incited a feeling of familiarity as he followed along through the port of Fujihoro. He took in the surroundings passively to familiarize himself with the area and the locals. People transporting crates likely filled with trade supplies and market stalls here and there were plenty down by the docks, just like home.

The grey walls and watchtowers did surprise Sugi, moreso that the fort seemed so heavily manned. They were in friendly territory and not within any immediate warzone. At least as far as he knew. As Neime was talking with the guards, Sugi looked around at any locals that were near this fort. There were a few for sure but needless to say they stayed clear of the fortified position. That wasn't odd per se but it made the genin think. They'd just come in with troops...he doubted the heavier military presence wouldn't create some tension within the locals.

Now within their barracks Sugi silently tossed his bag on the bed he claimed before sitting down in thought. It was nice to have a bed that wasn't rocking beneath oneself again but the genin was in thought. Clearly indicated by his thumbs pressed together against his lips as he stared down at the middle of the barracks floor.

Without looking up the genin spoke. "Neime-senpai, you think something's off too, don'tch ya?" Sugi had taken notice of the subtle signs the chunin had been expressing. He was unaware if he was on the same note as Neime or not but he knew something was off with her and the increased military presence, so he took a chance.

Sana didn't mind the return to peace for the journey; fighting the serpent and fleeing from the mysterious ships had been enough excitement for this one sea journey. She was also excited when they caught sight of the island, though, since it was the location of their first proper mission. Instead of chatting more, like the deckhand were doing, Sana only sneaked the occasional peek at their approaching destination.

Just before their arrival, Neime pulled the genin aside to explain some things, and Sana listened attentively. "Hm, so we're not exactly wanted or expected by the locals...Or this is just to prevent bias during evaluation, I suppose," she concluded. At the praise from her superior, she couldn't help but smile. "Thank you," she said quietly. Privately, she decided that she definitely didn't want to disappoint Neime or make her retract her assessment of her and Sugi as being competent.

In the middle of their conversation, the ship came to a halt and was moored at the pier. The shinobi descended to the deckside, and Neime led them through Fujihoro. The port city was remarkably similar to Kirigakure; only its buildings were made of slightly different materials. The Republic's influence on Honey was remarkable.

The fort they were guided to stood out quite a bit with its stark severity, and the troops stationed there didn't have the feel of being amidst friendly territory or of accomplishing some casual run-of-the-mill mission. Sana appeared as unperturbed on the outside as ever, but this revelation certainly made her tenser. She didn't like the feel of things, and couldn't help thinking there was a danger present that they hadn't been made aware of. Or, at the very least, something similar that made the people stationed here so tense.

Sana listened to Neime's conversation with the other officers and soldiers present, but those revealed nothing beyond the usual pleasantries. The barracks they were shown were sparse but still decent enough. She went to the same bunk bed Sugi had chosen, and simply put her belongings on the bed left unclaimed (whether that was the lower or upper one). She glanced at Sugi as he spoke. "Oh. So you got a weird feeling too," she stated softly. Then, she turned to look at Neime, head cocked to the side in question.

It stayed silent as Neime didn't respond right away. The chuunin briefly looked at the small window but noticed that it was closed. Leaning against the thick door Neime crossed her arms out front of her chest.
"I do," Neime said, the caution evident in her voice, "there is a lot of stuff that is odd."
Once more, the Hayashi introduced a pause - almost as if she was expecting something to occur. Without anything or anyone interrupting her, she would continue.
"First thing is that the vassal country didn't apparently report their status to the brass. That is already odd, for most logistics for the eastern campaign goes through this state. And if there were a lot of attacks on the ships responsible for transporting troops and supplies, we would have likely known before departing." Neime gained a frown on her brow as she kept speaking. "There is also the odd attack of those 'pirates'. I agree Sugi, that in times of war, people get more desperate," Neime said as she turned her attention to the respective genin, "but it is a bit odd that out of all kind of targets, they picked a warship that held no important cargo or people. Pirates often target ships or groups when they are fully aware that it is worth the risk. Just attacking a random ship, a war vessel at that, is just strange. There is no profit for it, except bragging rights. But their losses would have been too much to make it an appealing target."

Pushing her back from the door, Neime hooked her thumbs behind her belt as she took a few strides into the room. "In short? We are either bait for something. Or someone is trying to prevent us from progressing this mission."
Turning half around the Hayashi's expression highlighted her concern. "Either way, I think we'll wind up dead if we don't take measures. I would want to split up but I think that wouldn't be wise, regardless whether you guys are genin or not." Shrugging lightly, Neime continued. "So the next move I think would be best is to try to test out if we are followed. Once we are certain some people are trailing us? We will relocate and move underground."

"Mhm" Was all Sugi responded to Sana's shared weird feelings as he stayed seated on the bottom bunk. Both pleased and disheartened that Neime did indeed confirm his suspicions, the genin couldn't deny the irregularity of the so called pirate attack they'd endured. The lack of information reporting was actually a far more alarming piece of news to the young man. He spoke up again, though with a more dignified tone than usual as was customary whenever Sugi recounted historical facts. "Historically...lack of information reporting from vassal territories precedes..."He paused, catching the words in his throat. "Revolts, rebellions and other similar forms of actions taking place."

The genin pushed any further even more alarming thoughts away from his train of thought before regaining his composure. Despite the amount of leads they had pointing to this conclusion Sugi knew not to let those thoughts blind him into a false accusation on any level; it was the worst case scenario as far as he was concerned.

Sugi noticeably scowled at the thought that they could be being used as bait by the governing powers of the republic. It'd be yet another tally to add to their corrupted ways if it turned out to be true. He'd nod approvingly at Neime's suggestion for their next course of action and felt no reason to add any more concerns than were already on the table. He had but one question as he pulled his pack to his side along with his pond scroll. "Are we traveling light or bringing everything?" His tone resonated with a sense of resolute readiness.

Listening with a frown, and beginning to nibble on her lip in worry, Sana snapped out of her mild daze at Sugi's question. "Will we even be able to do our mission?" she wondered, concerned. "If they already know we're here and what we look like…" she trailed off, thinking they'd have to somehow disguise themselves. "If it's what Sugi thinks...I suppose we need to confirm the state of things first," she attempted to bolster herself, but was definitely feeling grim. Yet, she was determined that they do what they could.

Honestly, Sana didn't care as much if they were bait as she did for the possibility that someone was actively trying to deter them from their mission. Of course, being a bait per se wasn't pleasant, but if that's what was needed, well. It would have been better if they'd at least been informed of it though. As for the latter option...If it was the case, they'd need to find out who was doing it, why, and how. They had to have some insider information if they'd already managed what they did so far. In any case, the situation was tricky, and Sana felt uncomfortably tense.

If their supposed allies were covertly rebelling, it could lead to a civil war. Or a massacre to make an example, for example. Sana grimaced. She wasn't as knowledgeable as Sugi, but she knew enough of how these things usually went. She could only hope that something else was going on. However, she knew not to bet too much on that. After all, if she were reluctant now, how could she act appropriately when it came to it? No, thinking about it, she had to expect anything and everything. So that she would also be prepared to do whatever was necessary. Sana clenched her fists, a fierceness sparking within her as she looked up at the chuunin. She was ready for action.
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[ Empire of Akino | The Royal Palace - Konohagakure ]
[ The Arrival of Lord Tokugawa | A collab between @Aliceee and @Oblivion666 ]
[ Summoned to the royal Akinian court, Leo Tokugawa is ready to present himself to the Imperial Crown. Once meeting with the young empress, Leo has a short but powerful meeting - in which he doesn't shun to explain himself and his clan, to already defend the name of his kin and clan. ]

Seated on her throne, Kiyomi had an expression that evidently spoke of her annoyance. The constant drumming of the young monarch's nails against the marble throne seemed to produce noise that travelled further than it should. The unmoving protectors, the Sworn Swords, were eerily silent and unmoving; as if they were nothing but living decorations. The dark overcast outside saw to it that barely any sunlight was shed into the throneroom; the heavy atmosphere only becoming more ghastly.

Halting the drumming of her fingernails against the marble Kiyomi narrowed her eyes. A subtle gesture followed, which saw the double doors being opened from the inside. A herald stepped forwards, announcing the next visitor that had been summoned to her court.
Listening to the herald stating the formal titles of Lord Tokugawa, Kiyomi's gaze locked on the man. The usual jade coloured eyes have darkened as they seemed to withhold a murderous shadow, that urged to see blood being shed.

"Lord Tokugawa," Kiyomi spoke as soon as the leader of the Tokugawa had approached the steps that led to the elevations to the throne, "I find it pleasing that you've been able to answer my summoning so hastily. Where this is a setting with less condemning matters, I would have happily welcomed you into more pleasurable quarters. I take it that you have heard of the accusations towards you and your kin?"

Honestly as a Great Clan Leader he expects a lot of things to be done and said about him. A day doesn't go by without a random slight or accusation thrown at him. Yet those are all dismissed when no true evidence backs them up. So it was a surprise when he had to travel to court to be judged by Kiyomi as Lord Senju threw an accusation that he was the culprit behind the attacks on him. It was truly humorous to hear until he learned it was a real accusation and not a joke. So he had to take time out of his busy schedule to go and prove his innocence, as the travel to the capital wasn't far but it certainly was an unneeded hindrance to his own work.

He had arrived as he was expected to and made his way to the palace where he would await until he was summoned. The atmosphere was certainly not very welcoming, then again he didn't expect the Empress to be in the best of moods when a serious claim such as this one was thrown out. He was summoned rapidly enough though, as he expected she wanted this matter settled as quickly as possible as well. He approached and would salute the young leader as she greeted him properly and with courtesy. When she asked if he had heard of the accusations against him and his people he would nod. A smile that was usually on his face at all times was not there today, as he gazed up at the Empress.

"Indeed I have your Majesty and I must say I don't quite understand why the Senju have fixated on me for the attacks on them. Yet I hope I can clear up my people's name and this matter can be laid to rest. Permission to give my defense your Majesty?" Leo asked being as polite as possible, wanting to be given permission instead of just throwing his defense out.

Kiyomi seemed to take in the words of Leo, as if a wise mother weighed the opinion of a child - which probably looked odd as the two differed in age and experience. "I imagine that this summoning must have displeased you. I, for such, wish to implore you, my lord, that it is of nothing personal. You have given me nothing but pleasure after swearing fealty. I won't see you as a culprit unless the Senju can amount to any sensible or hard proven evidence. Of course," Kiyomi said, as if she had studied the sentences to bring them about in a most serious manner, "you aren't going to be just judged by the words and evidence provided by Lord Senju. You are allowed to defend yourself, as that's your right. I will be present and judging over the process."

Outside, a loud rumbling sound seemed to shatter the heavens - a sound powerful enough to cause the thick glass windows to vibrate. The flash of the lightning that followed seemed to lighten and briefly darkened the throne room, saving it for the eyes from the one perched on top of the throne.
"But I must state, good lord, that this is also your last chance to admit if you have done any crimes to the Senju as of late. I will be more gracious now than if the Senju will provide any evidence."

Leo gave a faint smile and shook his head. "More displeasing to meet under such circumstances, none of which can be your fault. You are doing as anyone would do." Given permission to defend himself, as bleak as the atmosphere was, so was her last chance warning. The final chance to own up to this crime if he had done it, to which he stared at her and shook his head.
"I swear I have not brought harm upon the Senju. With formalities asides I'll be blunt. The Senju have nothing to which I could honestly wish for your Majesty. I have heard of the attacks on their silk farms which had gone without any higher ups of the Senju intervening until it became more than just their farms that suffered. Then after the damage was already done with a culprit who could be far gone? Well the one to blame for these attacks I don't know but the Senju are just as much an accomplice in their own destruction. Poor handling of a bad situation shouldn't be pointed at other clan leaders."

Leo would clear his throat before continuing. "Yet I shall give you several reasons for your Majesty. The first being as I had already stated. They have nothing I could want. Sure their silk farms produce a good income flow, yet compared to what I export and import? Simply gaining silk would be stroking my ego, their silk income pales compared to my already extensive list of exports. The second reason is that I hardly deal with them besides at meetings that are organized. I have no trade deal with them despite sharing borders, no true communication with them. A bit random that now of all times I would start attacking them with subterfuge. Third being the most important which I'm sure you heard about was me dismissing their representative. Which I admit I did, I also did indeed tell them to not step foot back in my borders, for a rather serious reason." Leo paused to let the information be processed before he would resume speaking
"It's no secret that my clan is one of the wealthiest clans in Akino. Thats due to good trade deals and beneficial ones at that. The one that would collapse and effectively also cut my income in half is with the Cho. Who don't have good relations with the Senju, much like most Taika clans still don't truly view my clan with appreciation. The Cho gave me a proposition. I deal with the Senju and our trade agreement is gone, half my income, gone, just from one deal with a clan. Now that wouldn't set me back far but it would certainly hurt." This time Leo paused as he needed a slight break from simply talking and to clear his throat.

"So I dismissed them to preserve my relation with the Cho and to keep our trade agreement going. The fourth reason is that well…. Lord Senju is acting like I was the only one who told him no. The Sarutobi did the exact same thing as I did, yet with more of a threat. Yet I was picked when other candidates for this possible crime weren't? The Uchiha are the opposing silk farm rivals. Some sabotage to that would see their profits rising, which they indeed have. The Cho is well a bitter long feud much like the Hanta had with me, yet I don't see the Cho acting on violence as I'm sure they too are rather busy burning farms down. It could even be subjects from within that are unhappy with the current standards being shown. Sarutobi basically stated war would happen if they even entered their lands. So honestly I don't quite understand The Senju's thought process on denouncing me for something would be a simple waste of my time and resources."

The entire time, Kiyomi was silent but listening attentively to what Leo Tokugawa had to say. In honesty, she wanted to remind him that this wasn't the court; he could very well save his defense for when it would all start. But her curiosity was getting the better of her; she wanted to know what the man had as defense.
A part of her expected that the man would be most annoyed by how his clan was viewed; as backstabbers and traitors, greedy and vile. Yet, Kiyomi had little personal problems with the Tokugawa. Though, she was already certain that it had nothing to do with the fact she was Hon of origin; she could appreciate the Tokugawa sense of pragmatism and wanting to seek out opportunity.
Once Leo was done, Kiyomi gained a frown on her brow. She would let his words echo and fade away, slowly and painfully being replaced by silence.

"My good lord, you bring some valid points. I must remind you to save this for the upcoming court. Though, it does me well to know that you seem most honest with me. Allow me thus to reply in honesty back," Kiyomi started, pausing as she sought out the right words before continuing, "I like you. You have shown me that the Tokugawa are far from what their rivals and enemies have said. I will, of course, punish you severly if you are indeed involved with the murder and pillaging of Senju and thus Imperial property. As for the Sarutobi," Kiyomi's frown slowly vanished, replaced by a wry smile.
"I indeed must state that it is most auspicious that your clan is being targeted while harsher words have been exchanged. If I am thus truly honest, I don't see any wrong in your actions. As it is your right and privilege as clan leader, you are allowed to refuse entry to those who you don't trust or even not like. Unless, I command you to. However, I like to become a benign ruler. Not a tyrant. As such, I hope that the quarters prepared for you and yours will offer some respite until the court can be held. Is there anything else, Lord Tokugawa wishes to discuss?"

Oh he fully intended to use this for court, this was simply so her Majesty knew the points he would bring up ahead of time instead of making stuff up on the spot. It did make him smile to hear that she didn't view his kin as the Traitors they have been claimed to be for over a century, that in of itself was rather endearing to him. When she asked that he must stay in the rooms provided while court would be set up and asked if anything he wanted to discuss. A rather cheeky smile dawned on his lips as he gave a nod. "Indeed your Majesty. Any chance you have Bloody Victory? I forgot to bring some this time and my Agnarr guards…. so basically Makoto will get rather….. testy without it."

The wry smile briefly vanished, replaced briefly by an amused scoff from the young empress. "I will notify my servants to see to it that you and yours will be provided with Bloody Victory. Fret not, for I am sure that we have a good stockpile of fine liquours stored within the complex," Kiyomi replied, not doing anything to hide her brief amusement on the matter, "I hope it will suffice to prevent any scuffle. I rather not have my Sworn Swords or servants be tested by the Agnarr. However, tempting that may sound as entertainment."
Subtly, Kiyomi raised one of her hands, gesturing that Lord Tokugawa could take his leave and that their meeting could be considered finished.

A small chuckle escaped as she thought that might be good entertainment too see the sworns word be tested against the Agnarr. "You would think that until you had to cover damage expenses. Reason number five why I can't lose the Cho trade agreement. Agnarr's are rowdy." Leo said with a chuckle as he was dismissed and escorted off to his room.
[ Imperial Palace, Konohagakure - Empire of Akino ]
[ Empress Kiyomi Homura and Lord Gakuro Senju ]
[ A collab between @Aliceee and @Nim | At the suggestion of Gakuro, Kiyomi comes to his guest room, and the two share yet another chess match. They discuss some things, and this time, the Empress wins. ]

Link to a recap of the match - Correspondence Chess • Anon. vs Anon.

The constant soft resonance of the rain seemed to create a different atmosphere than yesterday. Most of the servants still seemed to be wary as the belief was strong that the mood of the Empress was connected with the weather outside. For such reasons, scented candles were lit, which spread a pleasant smell as providing some light with the absence of the sun.
Walking through a hall, Kiyomi was accompanied by only three Sworn Swords as she made her way to the guest wing. A lot of preparations were required for the court meeting between the Senju and Tokugawa. Not to mention that her other plans weren't put at a halt either.
Halting for a few seconds, one of the Sworn Swords opened the door for her, allowing Kiyomi to enter a suite that was designed to be most comfortable.

"Lord Senju," Kiyomi said as she made a small and gracious bow towards the clan leader, "I hope you have enjoyed a pleasant nightrest." Waiting, a few servants would move inside the room - carrying a board as a small box.
"I figured that your request was a most excellent one to pass the time," Kiyomi continued as the board and chess pieces were placed on a nearby table.

Sitting in the room and reading a book, Gakuro looked towards the door as it opened. Watching the Sworn Swords enter, along with Kiyomi, he stood up and offered a deep bow. Listening as she spoke, he rose from the bow and nodded "I am delighted to hear so your majesty. It has been some time since our first match. I look forward to seeing how much you have improved since then." He said, before walking next to the table where the chess was placed and pulled one of the chairs out a bit, letting Kiyomi take the seat.

Taking a seat, Kiyomi waved subtly to dismiss the servants. Taking control of the black chess pieces, Kiyomi scoffed in an amused fashion. "I may have tried to improve my play a bit. But with the constant affairs, I fear that improvement is perhaps a bit… much?" She said, waiting for Gakuro to make a move. Responding in kind with a black piece, she spoke again.
"So, I have been curious. There was some ruckus about you vanishing. What was that about?"

Watching as she made her move, Gakuro responded with a Knight as he listened "I suppose you can say I have vanished. Medical professionals that came to care for me have informed me I put my body under too much stress. And I suppose it was the family stubbornness in me that made me decide no one should know about it." He sighed as he looked at Kiyomi "Foolish of me to do so, considering what it caused my people to go through. But in the months of my recovery, I also arranged to have a better system. Something to allow me to better manage as the leader of the clan."

Leaning forward, placing her elbows on the table and resting her head on her hands Kiyomi waited. Observing the board as the chess pieces were moved at the mere whims of her and Gakuro, Kiyomi frowned slightly. One of her bishops was being threatened. The first instinct was to hit back and put the threat down. Spotting, however, that Gakuro could also deal a subsequent blow that would end her bisshop Kiyomi did what she liked the least; retreat to a safer spot.
"I know all about family stubbornness," she mumbled, audible enough for Gakuro though, "And it certainly was foolish of you. But it is clear that we do learn from our mistakes."
Placing her other bishop somewhere else, Kiyomi tilted her head slightly as she wondered how Gakuro would respond.

As Kiyomi moved her bishop, Gakuro quickly moved his knight even deeper into her side, as he had hoped to do. It was a risky move, but if this worked, it would be an interesting, albeit maybe short, game "How have things been faring for you? I imagine you are quite busy with the many recent changes, but I hope you still have moments for yourself." He said, watching as the pieces kept being moved between them.

So far, no blow had been dealt yet. Both sides seemed cautious and it was ticking Kiyomi off. Her previous attempts to lure a bait or attempt to force Gakuro to attack hadn't worked. Her eyebrows formed a frown on her brow as she made another move, the moment that first 'blood' would be drawn among the pieces becoming closer.
"I have been fairly busy, yes. In fact, that would be an understatement, I fear. There are many things that I want to see happen. And then, of course, we got other events that have drawn attention. The succession crisis that seems to spark nearly everywhere. The war in the east. Imperial clans going against each other," the last was said with a certain tone that seemed to be a mix of annoyance and yet amusement, "but I do have certain moments for myself. Which I have been spending to try to empty my head. Or well, 'our' heads, I would even say," she said, though happy that the blue flaming 'kitten' was content to not attend this meeting. "All and all? Not much has changed since we played this game, instead of attending the Kusanagi meeting. Which I believe, you send Sakamoto to. Quite the insult."

Nodding as he kept his eyes on the somehow peaceful exchange of pieces on the board, Gakuro smiled as finally, Kiyomi took the first piece. One of his pawns "Yes. But I don't believe the Kusanagi were aware of his status. Nevertheless, he thanked me for a chance to actually participate in one such meeting. Apparently, it was something he was always interested in seeing, even if he didn't understand politics very well." He said, thinking back to that day "And getting some peace and quiet is always a welcomed luxury. I think many underestimate just how good it can do." He added, watching as both of them started taking more pieces now.

"Agreed," Kiyomi said as she observed the progressivingly aggressive plays that started to take place. Her mind was briefly occupied about thinking back about Sakamoto. Pushing the irrational thoughts about how she could have spent more time with him, she couldn't help but fail to resist a small smile.
"Sakamoto was certainly curious about certain matters. I remember when he decided to take on the offer to teach others." The smile vanished, however, rapidly as she couldn't push the memories of what had occured after. Placing another piece, the Empress more aggressive plays seemed to have the opposite effect: Gakuro was retreating his queen, that she tried to hunt and corner.

Watching as Kiyomi finally managed to find a move that placed him in a bit of trouble, Gakuro nodded. His cousin was a curious one. As he contemplated what to do, he glanced up to the Empress "How is the work on the new shining gem of the Empire going? I wished to visit it, but due to the circumstances, I had to come here first. But I still look forward to seeing it." He said, before finally choosing on what move to do next.

"Amthyr?" Kiyomi said, as she kept her attention focused on the board. "The foundation is slowly coming together. But it requires more work and resources. At least, to produce what I have in mind for that place." As Gakuro started to react in kind, Kiyomi wanted to press on the offensive. Realizing, however, that she had to withdraw her bishop a bit, the Empress did so.
"I am considering opening compounds into the city, despite my desire to actually make it into a Konohagakure version two. If anything, I wanted it to be a creation of my own. Not forced to make it into a copy of something else."

Listening as he saw the bishop move back, Gakuro nodded "Sounds like the right thing to do. It is a creation of your own, after all. Though I imagine many clans will be quick to ask for a compound in Amthyr, should you decide to go with it. A compound in a city that was built by the Empress? It would be an incredibly prestigious thing to own." He said as he moved his rook "Myself included. But, of course, it is entirely up to you. I can also imagine owning compounds in the city would come with a decent tax." Gakuro added, watching as the pieces kept moving.

"It isn't that simple," Kiyomi replied with, considering her next move carefully. "Despite the huge income that flows into the royal treasury, what I aspire to build is much more than I can just throw money at. I also require resources to see Amthyr being built into what I have in mind. And aside from money, clans also possess labour forces and raw resources. Both what I need," Kiyomi paused as the aggressive plays started to gain a bit of dodgy moves - from both sides.
"Aside from that, I never got why people compare this game with actual politics or warfare. I rarely have read or heard of a conflict or political struggle in which both sides had symmetrical resources or powers."

As Kiyomi explained the whole thing, Gakuro nodded. It all made sense. Watching as they started making dances around trying to get each other's queens, Gakuro heard the remark about chess "It comes from older times. And from older lines of thoughts. Although no one truly has the same power, I believe the game was made for both royalty's entertainment, by giving everything in a kingdom a role to play, and thus they could play with it. But it was also used by some military leaders. The game helps train the brain to adapt to situations and how quickly things can change. Even if you know the exact forces on both sides." Gakuro said as the moves kept occurring "Like this game of queens we appear to be having right now. It is a valuable piece, probably one of the most valuable ones. But sometimes, a pawn can be all that is needed to make a shift." He said before moving his own pawn.

Watching as Gakuro kept pressuring her queen, placing a pawn into striking pose, the young monarch huffed softly. Striking the pawn down with her queen, she shook her head lightly. "No offense, but those minds clearly didn't keep in mind that there were idiots." Overviewing the 'battlefield' that still kept going at a pace that Kiyomi found agonizing, she continued.
"Take the Cho-Senju conflict, for example. Your ancestors were rightfully feared by the Chonobi. But your ancestors had some serious stupid allies." Kiyomi brusquely stated as she looked how Gakuro moved his queen into another striking pose.
"The massacre of the Uchiha vanguard, for example," Kiyomi continued, "at the hands of Tokugawa. All because the Hanta didn't desire to muster a quick force and prevent their Uchiha lords from being murdered off, saw to it that your clan eventually lost."

Nodding silently, he watched as his queen was finally taken by a rook. He quickly responded by taking the rook with a bishop of his own "Indeed. Not everyone has the intellect or knowledge to serve as a good militaristic leader. I myself am one such person. I enjoy chess as a hobby, but I would not dare think of how to lead people on the field. I was never trained to be such a person. And the Hanta's movements ended up being their own downfall, as I recently learned. I believe another took their place instead, correct?" He asked, being unsure of the recent events.

In a sudden pace, pieces were taken from the board. Though sad to see her rook being taken, she appreciated the fact that she could have taken Gakuro's queen without sacrificing her own queen.
"It isn't leading people on the field that is difficult," Kiyomi mumbled as she watched how Gakuro started to position his pieces, "it is more the fact that you're required to counter or oppose another person's pieces. The problem is that you can't see at all times what they are up to, like chess. Not to mention, the rules are as vague as a madman's logic."
Pausing as Gakuro mentioned the Hanta's downfall, Kiyomi scoffed lightly. "I am surprised it took so long, if I am honest. May it be because the Chonobi are a tad more, eager to overthrow whoever sits in the shiniest chair. But weakness provokes rebellion and usurpation. Look at the north and you see how weakness has paved the way for others to rise up in arms. The Hanta should have been more careful and not given so much room for their subjects to manoeuvre their resources around."

Watching as she now started threatening his rook, Gakuro quickly moved it to a safer position "Indeed. But there is one common ground between chess and a real battlefield, most of the time. You won't be able to tell what is their priority, what they plan. You can make estimates, educated guesses, but until they act, you can never be certain." As Kiyomi made her next move, Gakuro took a moment to ponder things "Well, most other Taika clans I've seen don't share that eagerness. Many are content being just as they are. I believe it is this fact that allowed the Chonobi to be such a dominant force in the Empire. It is something I myself could be accused for, at least for the beginning of my leadership. But between seeing how things are, and how things are going, I intend to ensure that changes, at least for the Senju."

Waiting and observing the playfield, Kiyomi remained silent. Until she moved her queen, threatening one of Gakuro's knights.
"On the battlefield, you can also decide to wait out what your opponent is doing. Something lacking in chess. Not to mention the terrain is flat in chess, while you barely have that on a real field of battle. Then again, the tafl games don't provide much more realism to it," Kiyomi stated as she crossed her arms.
"I sincerely doubt that. I think the expansion and growth of the Chonobi clans can be attributed to the fractured state that the Taika clans were and still are in. Were they able to unify at an early stage? Then the migration and invasions would have been halted completely. Look at the Alaricus, for example. Nobody came to their aid when the invasion of the Ylfling group started. There is some telling that a few afterwards tried to unify but I have constantly read and seen how the Taika remain divided. Even now," Kiyomi raised her gaze from the board to Gakuro, her left eyebrow slightly raised, "you seem more keen to focus on denouncing and investigating Tokugawa. A staunch ally to the Chonobi, is what most people sneer or mumble behind their back. But imagine if people had looked past that and tried to use diplomacy with the Tokugawa? Taking them away from the Hons before they unified? I imagine that history would have been more Taika dominated. Then again, the Chonobi aren't with flaws either."

Scoffing lightly, Kiyomi continued. "They could have achieved more. If it weren't for the infighting, squabbling and constant paranoia towards their subjects. Unified as they may be towards the Taika at times, there is no lack of historical source about Hons murdering Hons in political assassinations. The Sarutobi remaining divided and desiring to take back their ancient lands? Yet how many attempts have they made since to unify together? Then again, good thing everyone made mistakes. It allows for good lessons, I suppose."

As Kiyomi spoke, Gakuro slowly raised his sight to look at the Empress. As she explained the many different factors that affected the history, he remained silent. She had many valid points, all the while making him feel somewhat ignorant. He did not know about the histories of the other clans this well, after all. When she was done, Gakuro leaned slightly backwards in the chair, looking at the chess board "Indeed. Mistakes are beneficial, as long as those who make the mistakes actually learn from them. And with that said, I believe you have just won." He said, appearing somewhat satisfied "Well played your majesty. Even if you say you haven't had a chance to practice, you have improved. And it was a good match, just as last time."

A small smile played around Kiyomi's lips as she made a small bow with her head towards Gakuro. "Thank you. I suppose learning that being more cautious isn't a mistake in this game. I am happy that we could have played once more. I truly enjoyed it," Kiyomi said, throwing afterwards a glance at one of the Sworn Swords, before moving her sight back on Gakuro.
"I will have to apologise. I only had time for one game. Unless there is something else you desire to discuss, I fear that I have to take my leave, Lord Senju."

Gakuro stood up and offered a deep bow before rising and speaking "I am happy we got to play once more as well. And while there are many topics I would wish to discuss with you, I cannot think of any that I deem of vital importance to take your time if you have other matters that have higher priority over what I'd consider to be idle chatter." He said, before stepping aside to let the Sworn Swords begin to take away the chess board and pieces they had brought in with them.

Rising up, Kiyomi flashed a smile. "Then they will have to wait for another time, Lord Senju. I wish you a pleasant day," that said, Kiyomi would turn around, further escorted by the few Sworn Swords as they left the room, heading to the next meeting.
~ GM Post ~

Events in the known world.

This GM post serves to bring news and rumours of what happens in the world. While some events might be vague rumours, twisted by the many mouths that spin the tales into something unimaginable, many more occurrences will impact the clans and nations across the known world. Some events might be orchestrated in secret or openly by nations and clans, in a bid to weaken neighbours or rivals. Simultaneously, some events result from decisions (or lack thereof) in any shape or form.

The current year is 477 ADS,
The current month is the begin of April,
This GM post is not without plots and secretive actions of others.~

The Previous GM Event Post!

* ADS = After the Death of the Sage.

In the West.

[ Wind Country / Sayyadian Kingdom ]

Rumours are spreading as fast as the wind. The conflict between the Sayyadian Kingdom and Fang country may not catch the attention of many within the realms of Akino, the North or the Republic. Yet, the outcome of the grim bloodshed will determine the fate of other countless of lives. The continued fighting has even drawn the attention or ire of a near-mythical neighbour.
Some further east of the main continent is doubting if the stories are true of countless waves of barbarians invading the Sayyadian Kingdom; introducing chaos and mindless slaughter wherever they travel. They wear no uniforms that designate them to a particular faction or country. Their attires are a mockery of their victims; bloodied clothing, skulls and bones and some report even wedding dresses of most unfortunate victims.

What may seem like a stroke of good fortune for the Fang is, however, a bad omen for their legions as well. This new foe hails from the barbaric lands called; Galassa. A land shrouded in mysteries and horror stories.
If neither Sayyadian nor Fang legions can push this new wave of destruction back to from which it came, some are quite terrified of how far this barbaric threat may go.

[ The Earth Country ]

The succession crisis has torn the realm asunder. It is a dreadful scenario, as son wages war upon father and mother envies daughter. Brother betrays brother while vile snakes slither and continue to breed devious plans. Some clans have attempted to isolate themselves, only to fall prey to ambitious rivals that seek to fabricate a proper reason to exact either vengeance or achieve their greedy desires finally.
While it is clear that the conflict is continuing, not much news has reached that indicates any shift of power between the rival factions, battling for the throne.

[ The Empire of Akino ]

[ The Fire Province ]
[ The Tokugawa Clan ]

Much unrest has started among the populace of the Tokugawa clan. The Senju clan's accusation has hit home and done more than to be a hit towards the Tokugawa's pride. The clan's nobility is furious and has made various counter-accusations back at the Senju, demanding that the slight must be repaid. Commoners are being riled up, causing much work for the Tokugawa's forces to keep mobs from settlements at the Senju-Tokugawa border to be their ' judges' on the matter.
The lower nobility has complained that the Senju clan's denouncing has increased work for the local guard and police forces, reducing trade and been anything but beneficial.

Worse is that the various Hon settlements, prospering and providing attractive services, have shown signs of withdrawing themselves from the Tokugawa clan. Upon contact, the leaders of these communities, the 'thegns' have expressed their worries. They are afraid that if tension will spark higher, that it may lead to hostilities. Despite no confirmed hatred being aimed at the Hons or their settlements, there seems to be little to convince the various Hon nobles.
To make the matter more complicated; various reports have been brought back to Leo Tokugawa and his kin that these multiple communities have sent various envoys of their own to the east; to the domain of their origin, the Hon heartlands. What these messages or envoys may bring to their brethren is unsure. But the rumours are starting to float, and nobody seems to consider it particularly good omens.

Some of the Tokugawa, both commoner as nobility, have become most nervous around this latest development. With the most worried pointing back to the Hon's past desire to ravage and pillage lands far beyond their borders.

[ The Senju Clan ]
@Nim | @Oetje

The denouncement of the Senju clan has led to mixed responses from the populace. Many within the Senju clan seem to stand with Gakuro's decision, proudly defending their lord from anyone that says differently.
However, various nobles that control and govern settlements at the Tokugawa border have struggled to prevent mobs from moving towards the Tokugawa heartlands - wanting to already exact revenge upon the Tokugawa. While various minor nobles and samurai may be tempted to let their subjects loose, there has yet to be any report of a scuffle.
The arrival of the Uchiha, which come bearing supplies and troops to aid the Senju, have received an answer they likely unexpected: to be invited for a proper host and then to travel back with their supplies, back home.

Surprised, most likely by the decision, the Uchiha decided to discuss the Senju decision. Only to be received in a most friendly way but without success to coerce the Senju. As the Uchiha travel back with their intended support of troops and supplies, it is unclear how the Uchiha will receive this response as other clans. But time will tell, indeed.

The tension at the Senju western borders has decreased, however. No patrol has yet sighted a single incursion from their Sarutobi neighbours. Sarutobi sightings' absence has done much to calm the local communities as various settlements from their previous worries. Even as a few individuals still claim that they must be wary of the woodland barbarians, many more point out that if they had displeased the Sarutobi; they would have already experienced their wrath.

[ The Hyuuga Clan ]

Continued cooperation between the Hyuuga and the people of the Tatetari is starting to show a prosperous future. While many are uncertain what to expect of the Hyuuga, each day seems to bring more people convinced that cooperation with the Hyuuga is the right way for a promising future. As there hasn't been any incident with the neighbouring clans, some communities have already decided on their own to redesign their coat of arms - including symbols or hints of Hyuuga crest into it; creating a numerous of appealing designs.
Yet, this peace wasn't bound to last forever. For just before a meeting could be arranged to discuss further the future of the Tatetari region and its people with the Hyuuga, various villages have been assaulted. These attacks were rapid and have caused several casualties, but many more wounded, afraid as properties being heavily damaged.
The attacks seem to originate from the east as south, which has caused residents to point fingers at the Hon and Tokugawa clans.

With the Senju denouncing the Tokugawa clan, some of the Tatetari nobles have become convinced that the Tokugawa are behind the attack - as they have supported the Unkei to 'prevent' the Hanta treason plot to be realised. Others are keen to point out that the Hons may have seen a chance of weakness, to launch rapid raids; a feat that they have been practising for nearly centuries.

[ The Hyuzu Clan ]

The sudden aid from an unknown benefactor has allowed the Hyuzu to have their messenger deliver its content to the Imperial court. Now being summoned to the royal palace within Konohagakure, the Hyuzu have prepared an envoy. Taking upon the aid of the Yamanaka, the Lord of the Hyuzu clan has set out. What has caused most people to be in awe, who have witnessed the Hyuzu-Yamanaka envoy. Hyuzu and Yamanaka's sighting has caused many to become worried; the Imperial clans are forming alliances as tension is rising.
Moreso, the arrival of this unique combination of two distinct clans and cultures is being preceded by the rumours of monsters soaring through the dark clouds, high in the sky. Some commoners have become frightened that these are terrible omens that warn mothers to keep their children inside, for fathers to be wary at night and brothers to keep watch of each other.

What seems more disturbing is the fact that some individuals claim that they have seen shadows moving, stalking the Hyuzu envoy but it is unclear if it is due to the growing fear; or if the murderers of the Hyuzu messengers are returning.

Regardless, without much incident, Lord Hyuzu have been reported to arrive in Konohagakure unharmed. Most auspicious, according to some critics, has been the welcome of said Lordship. Not soon after arriving within sight of Konohagakure, Hons' envoy seemed to await the Hyuzu lord and proceed to invite the Hyuzu lord to stay within their compound; for as long as he deems necessary.

Not many days later, the news of another lord making its way to Konohagakure seems to spread. A much larger envoy has been sighted, bearing the Tamiyo dynasty's flags - the ruling house of the River province.

[ The Fief of Matsukotan ]

While much attention of the Empire is settled on Konohagakure, as various developments seem to centre around what will happen in the next few weeks; the people of Matsukotan have their projects ongoing.
The mysterious group of strangers has caused the Miyazato clan to organise a response swiftly.

Instead of waiting as meekly sheep, the Miyazato has organised the region; it's quality not as impressive as any Great Clan's retinue. But some of the militia have fought in the Great War as Shoji's occupation, giving some valuable experience to the otherwise inexperienced militia. What has further aided the Miyazato organised militia force has been the Imperial law; imposing mandatory training, to provide a steady supply of reserves if the need would ever arise.
Once ready, the Miyazato's militia would seek out the group of strangers. The meeting went without any bloodshed, ending in a somewhat surprising beneficial ending for all involved.

The strangers seem to be a group of mercenaries hailing from the Earth country; once being hired by the Imperial Governor of the Grass Province. However, due to not needing the group anymore, they were expelled from the province.
With the mercenaries unable to return home, for none of them desiring to travel to their homeland; torn apart in the civil war and being likely branded as traitors, they decided to meet with the Miyazato and their force.
As such, the meeting started relatively fine. Both groups seemed to assess each other; with the Miyazato having the advantage of numbers to overwhelm the mercenaries if it would come down to a clash.
But much to the mercenaries' surprise, the Miyazato wouldn't demand their leave or deliver any threats. An exchange would occur. The Miyazato offered the mercenaries to work for them; to provide their expertise and experience to serve as future sheriffs and bailiffs of communities within the Imperial fief of Matsukotan. However, first, they are requested to be schooled in the central town by the Miyazato; before assigned to duties.

This peaceful and rather diplomatic solution has eventually caused some interest of nearby fiefs, who have approached the Miyazato with various deals of trade in resources; likely hoping to make a profit with the successful Miyazato clan.

Though some are quite worried about enlisting foreigners to such essential tasks, various members of the Matsukotan communities have brought up their concern, hoping that the Miyazato will come to see that they may endanger the fief and perhaps the whole of the region with their diplomatic and tolerant approach.

In the North.

[ The Dominion of Lightning ]

[ The Alaricus Clan ]

The tension surrounding the faction called Lion's Fury has caught the Alaricus leadership's attention. While a steady stream of folk, both in and out of the Alaricus clan, still flock to this new religious organisation's banner, a meeting has been organised.

On neutral grounds, the leaders of Lion's Fury as the Alaricus shall meet and discuss the purpose of the organisation and its place. This development has lead to mixed responses. The opponents have called out that the Alaricus leadership shouldn't meddle with those that serve Gods' purpose, which is above the mortals' laws and desires. Some further state that the Alaricus leadership acts out of fear, that they don't want to share influence and power and thus can't be trusted. Only a small element within Lion's Fury seem to adhere to these viewpoints.

A larger element with the Lion's Fury has reacted in light with people that have viewed the Alaricus interest with sympathetic responses. Many hope that the religious order can be granted a place within the Alaricus; becoming a new beacon of hope and development within the clan and people - ensuring that these guardians will see fit that no outsider will threaten them to flee their hearths ever again.
Others that support the Lion's Fury and Alaricus leadership to come together with the hope that it can lead to some more positive developments; which are yearned for, after the turbulent time that the succession crisis provided.

[ The Siluren Clan ]
@BlueFlameNikku | @Aliceee

The discovery of the mysterious site has caused the Siluren to take fast action. The apparent malevolence in driving whoever comes and stays in prolonged contact with the mysterious site is too unnerving to ignore. The outsiders, persistent in investigating the mysterious site, have caused more Siluren to become worried about the discovery's nature.
The security has been tightened as a result; intending to prevent their own from wandering accidentally upon the dangerous mystery. But to also deter the encroaching outsiders. Furthermore, the clan has decreed that none, aside from those permitted, are allowed to be near the mysterious place.

All but one exception. Bjorn "The Sightless" tread through the woodlands in silence until he came upon the sight. The sentries, knowing whom the renowned Red Laouk was made no attempt to turn him away. Bjorn's hooded figure would sit down before the site, listening to the voices as they wormed into his ears. He listened intently and seemed to meditate in contemplation. Even as the voices continued, Bjorn's will remained strong. Eventually, the man would make distance from the site to recuperate himself but he had no intention of giving in. With his good friend Kidrin away, Bjorn knew he couldn't simply let this site sit around with so many issues surrounding it. It threatened the safety of the clan as it was now. Bjorn "The Sightless" would make routine trips to the site attempted to figure out what it was by trying to decipher the whispers, feeling them, truly listening to them without letting his will waver to their whim. He'd keep his own rounds/patrols of the woods close to the site in the time being as well. It was a welcome comfort to the usual sentries and watchers.

However, it wouldn't take long for incidents to take place. Some of the outsiders have attempted to sneak past the security, getting closer to the site. Many were caught before even getting close to it. Save for two other incidents.
One member of the outsider group managed to get close enough and remain hidden. However, his will seemed to be broken rather rapidly, causing him to scream in agony and repeatedly twist as if his body experiences nothing but pain. Nothing seems to heal whatever has befallen the victim.
Another outsider managed to get close enough to the mysterious site to activate something from the weird place. Whatever the woman did or said, a blinding light was briefly generated and seemed to swallow her whole; leaving no trace of the woman behind.

This string of events has made things even more troublesome as scouts come back with reports of a Sanosuke envoy approaching the Siluren heartlands. The numbers of Sanosuke indicate clearly that they have no hostile actions in mind, for their numbers are too few for a proper attack. Not to mention, they seem to guard and escort a fragile old man among their midst.
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[ Imperial Palace, Konohagakure - Empire of Akino ]
[ Empress Kiyomi Homura, Lord Leo Tokugawa and Lord Gakuro Senju ]
[ A collab between @Aliceee , @Oblivion666 and @Nim | The Court takes place to go over the denouncement of the Tokugawa at the hands of the Senju. Kiyomi serves at the judge. After several points being brought up by both sides, Kiyomi makes her decision. ]

The spacious throne room was transformed. Various benches were set and seperated into two large formations at the entry of the hall; dividing the retinue and present nobility of both present clans. That of the Tokugawa and the Senju clan.
Further into the hall more furniture were placed into position to allow a position for both Lord Tokugawa as Senju with more than enough space in between them.
At the end of the hall was the elevated throne, from which the Empress would be seated. Located at her flanks would be the positions of the Lord Commander, the captain-commander of the Sworn Swords and an unknown man, that seemed to be busy scribbling words down on paper.
Placed at strategic positions were Sworn Swords, clad in their usual armour. Though Katashi had urged Kiyomi to take measures to prevent any ninjutsu usage, the young Empress had deemed that too harsh. A few sensory Sworn Swords together with inspecting all that came to the court, for any weapons, together with a good number of Tiger Claws was deemed more than enough.

With people taking their places, the grand hall was soon filled with the sounds of cloth rustling, whispers and grumbling. A silence eventually started to take hold, moulding a tense atmosphere as it became evident that the court would begin any moment.

"Lords, masters and sirs," Kiyomi began, "today we meet to discuss the denunciation of the Tokugawa clan at the hand of the Senju clan. A most serious case and such, I demand no foolish behaviour." The voice of the Empress was carried to the back of the room, due to the acoustic features of the hall.
"I will be handling this meeting as the arbiter, together with my advisors. Any sort of disrespect to anyone present in this hall will be dealt with immediately, so allow me to advise both lords to be cautious with what they say and how they say matters."

Letting the words fill the room, Kiyomi waited before turning her attention to Lord Senju.
"Lord Senju, you may begin."

After listening intently to the words of the Empress, Gakuro nodded as he stood up "Thank you, your majesty. I will select my words with extra care." He said, taking a brief pause before beginning to speak once more.

"Not long ago, the Senju had come forth and denounced the Tokugawa clan, on the belief that either they having cooperating with the perpetrators that have cost lives and the livelihoods for the Senju, or that they have have allowed the perpetrators through their lands. Both are serious accusations, and before I delve into the findings, I will give a brief background of how things were from the Senju's side, which also contributed into the denouncement." Gakuro once more paused, glancing towards Lord Tokugawa before continuing "A few months ago, a number of perpetrators set fire to several silk farms within the Senju's clan lands. I will be first to admit that while I was incapacitated, the rest of the Senju leadership had acted slowly and thus let the damage get worse. So the degree of the damage is not part of the accusations against the Tokugawa. However, after, we secured the lands further, tended to the wounded, and began our investigations, which also involved bringing in the Inuzuka and their hounds to help track where the perpetrators escaped to. We have also decided that despite the relationship we have with them, to warn our direct neighbors, the Hon, Sarutobi and Tokugawa, that they 'may be aware of what happened. We elected to do this because of the threat that we have already faced within the land, of the Zealots that have already infiltrated a number of places."

Gakuro looked down towards the table "The responses from the Hon and Sarutobi both arrived shortly, and were in the nature we had expected from both. But both had listened to the warnings. If they heeded them or not, I do not know, but I know both had listened. While the response from the Tokugawa took some time, the investigations from the Senju operatives, with the Inuzuka's aid, have uncovered that the culprits behind the fires have escaped north and west, with the majority of the land in question being within the territory of the Tokugawa. This gave the Senju further reason to try and warn the Tokugawa, only for the envoy we had sent to return, and inform me that not only was he completely unable to deliver the message, he had a message to deliver in return. The Tokugawa had sent the message that the Senju are not welcomed within the Tokugawa's land anymore, and that they will not risk the safety and wellbeing of their own people." He paused once more and looked up.

"While I completely understand any sentiment of wanting to keep one's clan member's safe, I cannot say that I understood why such a message would be sent. This only brought up questions for me and the rest of the Senju leadership, along with the fact that this was done without the Tokugawa even knowing the nature of the message I sent towards them. It began bringing suspicion that perhaps the message was sent due to them already being aware of the culprits moving through their land. And while there was not much reason to believe so, some suggested that perhaps it was done by the Tokugawa themselves. Regardless of the reason, the Senju leadership had come to the agreement that even if they are not responsible, the Tokugawa, with the response and banning of the Senju, may just as well be responsible for hiding the culprits, which can be considered a severe crime."

Gakuro sighed before continuing "I would not have wanted for things to go this way, but the actions of the Tokugawa forced the Senju to take this action. If we had let go, then we would've been spitting on all the graves we dug, on all the homes and livelihoods that were lost. And that was not acceptable in any way." Gakuro looked towards Kiyomi, before looking towards Lord Tokugawa "I am very aware there is not much evidence presented. Even so, we could not stay quiet. We could not let things rest. And I imagine anyone would take actions to see that the lives of their kin would not be lost for naught." With that, Gakuro turned to look towards Kiyomi once more.
"I have said my word. The reports of the tracks were already submitted prior to the beginning to the trial itself, so I have nothing more to offer at this point, your majesty." He said, before sitting back down by the table.

As Lord Senju sat down Leo would stand up giving a bow to the Empress before glancing around the room as he spoke. "I will first admit that I indeed sent away the Senju Representative without hearing what he had to say, yet it was to preserve a very important trade within my clan. Which bring up another point." Leo said as he looked at Gakuro. "You say you warned your direct neighbours yet why didn't you warn the Cho? Is the only reason that the trail led north? Anyone can fake a trail, what if they faked this trail then went to your southern neighbour?" Leo stated before looking back at the Empress.
"Now as we all know my clan has many trade deals. The biggest one is with the Cho, which the terms were that I could not deal with the Senju or else that trade is gone. That's a sizable hit to my income, as the Cho is one of the leading if not the leading clan in exporting goods. So that would be why the Senju were dismissed and told not to return."

Leo then once again let his gaze rest on Gakuro for a few seconds before leaving him. "Now I understand my clan in the past were known to strike when one is weak, yet those times were when we could profit off it or use it to make us stronger. So no offense when I say this Lord Senju. Your clan has nothing that I could possibly benefit off of. Your Silk Worms? They make a good income but even without the Cho trade. It still doesn't tally up to what I gain. If anything they would only add to my ego." Leo would clear his throat as a smile rested on his face.
"Yet you did indeed warn the Hon and Sarutobi, yet correct me if I'm wrong. Didn't the Sarutobi basically threaten you to never come back or else? I simply sent you away and told you not to return. So I don't see how my unwillingness to not let you in was deemed more suspicious than a threat."

Leo would then rest his arms behind him as he kept his smile, almost a confident smile even. "Lets go north though shall we? To the Uchiha clan the other competitors in the Silk trade. Thats more than enough reason to do some sabotage. You lose your silk trade, theirs goes up. Which their trade did indeed go up. Yet in the end you are just as much at fault as anyone. Slow reaction to a conflict ongoing in your lands. Then even more when it escalated. This could all be an internal affair, like an uprising."
Leo stopped for a second before looking at Gakuro. "I understand it would have delayed you a bit but why didn't you simply travel around my border to its north? Its not that much of a delay, maybe a day or so. Tracks if these Inuzuka hounds are good enough, could still pick up." Leo stated before returning to his seat.

Kiyomi listened to both Lords stating what they desired. Intently listening to them, she seemed to ponder about something, a frown appearing on her brow. But instead of voicing something, she would make a subtle gesture.

Gakuro stood up once more, before looking at Leo "You brought up a number of good points, Lord Tokugawa. Allow me to first correct you on one. The Sarutobi indeed were harsh with their response, but the Senju were told to not reinforce our border with them than how you presented it. They took our warning as a threat, from how it seemed."

"Now, the Cho had told you not to deal with Senju. And if the Senju had verified knowledge that there are zealots within the Tokugawa lands, would you still refuse to listen? Or perhaps, let us take from your example, that some Senju have decided to riot, but then fled north into your territory. Would you not wish to know of this? There are many reasons to keep communication open. It does not have to lead to any trade deals or improvement in our relations. But it is enough to heed what we have to say to one another, even if we choose not to believe it. Especially during times when we have witnessed, on multiple occasions, that the enemy has been already within the empire."

Gakuro sighed before continuing "Now, about both remarks regarding the north you offered. First, the Uchiha indeed have much to gain, there is no denying it. But right now, they are not here to defend themselves, so I will refrain from making accusations against someone who is not present to defend themselves. The second remark you gave, about going around your clan lands. What if I did so, and no tracks would be found, because the culprits had chosen to hide within your clan lands, and thus never traveled through the north borders of your lands? Tracks are meant to be followed from the moment you find them, making assumptions as to where they may end up going through could both end up being a waste of time, along with losing any remaining tracks. The land is vast, after all."

Gakuro moved his sight from Leo to Kiyomi "I have already stated that the accusation is not about how much damage was done, but rather about the culprits whereabouts. The rest of the leadership, along with myself, very much understand the error of our delayed actions."
After contemplating something for a moment, Gakuro looked towards Leo again "I do wish to add, just as you mentioned that the Cho decided that dealing with my kin to be a deal breaker, do you believe we did not think the same? We believed the outcome to be exactly the same outcome as you chose. And you just showed that we were right to believe so." After saying so, Gakuro sat back down.

As Gakuro sat down, Leo stood up with no hesitation as he looked back at Gakuro. "You answered all but one of my questions good lord. That being why you didn't warn the Cho. Bitter relations aside if you are as much about peace and prosperity, then you should have tried to warn them as well. Lets not forget a threat is still a threat even if it was in retaliation." Leo said to the older Lord as he kept his look on him, a smile still ever present. "I understand the need to warn me, but that makes it sound like I don't take care of watching my borders. No large groups ever came through my borders. No suspicious figures either. Yet while the Uchiha isn't here they are as much part of this."

"You say you didn't wish to accuse them despite more evidence leading towards them being these culprits. Yet you stopped and instantly pointed at me for saying no. That seems like you fired your shot too quickly, that and expert hunters can find tracks even when they vanish, they use their common sense and judge where such tracks could lead. However let's backtrack to when these attacks happened shall we?" Leo said, looking at Kiyomi. "If we go by Lord Senju statement on following the tracks through, then he's very late in following them wasn't he? The attacks on the farms have a few day delay in between when they started getting more serious. Then the delay between that and the escape?" Leo said looking at Gakuro.
"Any Hunter would tell you that you are tracking something long gone."

Leo would crack his neck a bit as he stood up straight as he returned to Gakuros sight. "As for the damages on your clan, didn't the Uchiha even try to help you? Only for you to tell them to without meaning it I'm sure, to fuck off? They came bearing supplies, supplies your people desperately needed. You say the damages don't matter only finding these culprits. Yet that mindset is exactly why your people are suffering. They could have used that goodwill from the Uchiha but you put them on the back burner. Finding them I agree matters but your people should take priority in this matter." Leo said a more stern expression as he stated that last part, then took his seat.

As soon as Leo took his seat, Gakuro was standing, a stern expression present as he looked towards Leo "I resent your last statement, Lord Tokugawa. Why do you think it took us longer than your so-called hunters would say to find these tracks? We put our people first. We ensured those who suffered loss were first taken care of. Made sure everyone had a roof over their heads, that everyone who lost their jobs would receive help and a discount on their taxes, to ensure they are able to get back on their feet. And we helped bury all those who lost their lives and attended to their families. And since you are so insistent on bringing in the Uchiha and what they do, yes, the Senju had sent their supplies away. Even if they came with the best intentions, it is as you said a number of times by now. They had the most to gain from what occurred. So the fact they came with the supplies felt like rubbing salt on a closing wound. Not to mention, they arrived some time after people had already gotten back on their feet."
Gakuro shook his head slightly "It may not have been the most rational act in your eyes, but do not dare think that the Senju do not take care of their own people first." He said, getting ready to sit down, before thinking of another point Leo brought up "You are right, however, regarding the Cho. The Senju should've also sent a warning to them, regardless of what occurred in the past." Gakuro then sat back in his chair.

Slowly Kiyomi raised a hand, gesturing those present in the hall to become silent. Her gaze shifted between the lords of the Senju and Tokugawa clan. For a few seconds, she seemed content to let the silence replace the words of the clan leaders. But then she spoke, her tone stern and sharp.
"I will start with a simple privilege that you lords and ladies of clans possess. You are free to rule your clans, as long as they align with Imperial laws and desire. In return, you enjoy security and prosperity. Lord Tokugawa has thus the freedom to dismiss those of Senju origin, regardless of what message they bring. As long as he doesn't harm them without flawed cause, there has been no breach of protocol," Kiyomi stated, "if his decision leads to harm and misery? Then that is his responsibility, not that of a Senju, Cho, Hon or Miyazato."
Pausing, Kiyomi shifted her gaze to the Senju. Her expression giving away her displeasure.
"I do find it disappointing that you have gone through with your denouncement without solid proof. Not to mention, you have warned other clans but decided to purposefully ignore the clan at your south? You may have your reasons but I do consider that contradicting your stated purposes, Lord Senju. I will not take it into further account and see it as a minor mistake, for I have yet to hear complaints from the Cho clan."
Slightly leaning backwards on her seat, Kiyomi frowned once more.
"I also lack any understanding of why you rejected the Uchiha's gesture of goodwill. However, much as Lord Tokugawa or any other clan is free to dismiss another, you are in your right to dismiss the Uchiha. You don't have to defend your reasons for that."
The words of the young empress crossed the room, followed by some silence as Kiyomi shifted her attention on Lord Tokugawa.
"Lord Tokugawa, during this hearing, you have brought up some good points. I am not an expert in tracking. But I have some experts at hand. Judging how this court has gone, I will thus decree the following."

Narrowing her eyes as she could spot some unrest in the public that was composed out of Tokugawa and Senju nobles, Kiyomi would raise her right hand a bit higher than before.
"The Tokugawa clan shall not be denounced any further by the Senju. Without any solid evidence, we can't condemn them or force their borders open to either Inuzuka or Senju. The Senju will, however, pay for their decision to denounce a fellow Akinian clan without evidence to back up their words."
Clenching the hand into a fist, Kiyomi continued, her voice still stern and sharp.
"However, I will have my operatives investigate these so called tracks. While the Tokugawa aren't guilty until it is proven, Senju's claims to find the culprit won't go unheard. I expect Lord Tokugawa's full cooperation if he wishes to keep my favour and not obtain my wrath. Any obstruction will be dealt with immediately with retribution. As for the Senju? Lord Gakuro Senju," Kiyomi paused, slowly lowering her fist, "as you have come to denounce a peer and failed to convince me, I will have Lord Tokugawa be able to demand repayment in return. Your people aren't allowed to pursue these cold trails. If they are discovered doing so? Then I will have to punish you. Am I made clear, Lord Tokugawa and Lord Senju?"

Listening to Kiyomi, Gakuro had expected this kind of outcome. What he did not expect, however, was the Empress deciding to send her own operatives to investigate. After she finished speaking, Gakuro stood up and offered a deep bow towards Kiyomi "Understood your majesty. The Senju will pay to Lord Tokugawa, cease their denouncement, and will not pursue the tracks we have found any further. And I thank you for the decision to send your own operatives to investigate. I am sure everyone in my clan will be greatly relieved to know some of the finest in the Empire will now look into this." He said.

Leo listened to Gakuro as he spoke sternly to him but before a response could be made, Kiyomi would speak and give her verdict. He was no longer denounced and he could demand repayment for the slight. As Gakuro finished Leo would speak. "Your repayment is not needed. As I said before, nothing to gain from harming you. Besides you need it more to finish repairs for your people. The Tokugawa will support your Majesty in any way she needs. Just as I've always done. I shall even grant these operatives free rooming and food for wherever they should go."

"Good. Then I state that this meeting is over," Kiyomi stated, as she would stand. Overviewing the hall from her position, she would subtly nod as she watched how the Sworn Swords started to organise how each party could leave in a most organised fashion. Already whispers and mumblings started to drive away the silence as each clan took their leave. Placing her hands in front of her stomach, Kiyomi released a sigh once she was alone with her guard and advisors.
[ Eastern Continent, Sevudia ]
[ A collab between @Lesli and @Oblivion666 ]
[ Kazumo meets up with Aiko. The two have a short discussion, regarding the situation with the Lagyrians and the promised ward. Kazumo figuring out who Aiko has in her mind, he requests to have a chance to change her mind. Aiko seems hesitant but then she seems to give Kazumo a chance. He is sent to solve a hunt on something called a 'Bazelgeuse'. ]

Seated in a chair, more comfortable than the crude stools or other crude ways to provide a seating, Aiko worked with a few maps. The tactic that Hiron wanted to execute was simple on paper. But it required coordination, timing and discipline. Aiko wasn't worried about the last, for the 11th Brigade could provide discipline. But the coordination and timing their attacks together would be something daunting. Certainly when one took in that the enemy had a much larger force.
Then there were several local communities that weren't hostile. But they weren't allied to the Imperial cause either, which made Aiko consider several options. The easiest and fastest way to eliminate such a threat for the 11th Imperial Brigade was to enact the order to 'purge' those communities. The dead wouldn't be able to tell the enemy where Imperials were located. Yet, it would hurt them in the long run; for such cruelties would be easily propaganda against them. Making their campaign highly likely more difficult, more than it already was.
Granted, Aiko didn't care much about the Rénese. They had provided little reason for the Cho to see them as a mere obstacle to either eliminate or begrudgingly cooperate with.

So far though, the majority of the communities that Aiko had reached out for had easy tasks. Some required a few cavalrymen, to guide them to friendlier territory - away from the direct grasp of Rong. Another few were content enough to not suffer being pillaged or extorted. Yet one community had a rather peculiar task; to kill what they called a bazelgeuse.
Bits of useful information had been given but what Aiko had didn't comfort her. Then suddenly, the canvas that formed the entry of her spacious tent was pushed aside. One of her guards stated that a certain Sarutobi desired to see her.
Straightening her back, Aiko gestured that she would allow it. Waiting for Kazumo to enter.

Entering through the canvas once being given permission, he give a bow to his sensei. Then he remained quiet as he looked at her as though he was trying to figure out how to word what he was thinking. Then he eventually let out a sigh as he finally spoke.
"I guess I'll just say it instead of trying to figure out the best way to say it. The ward that we are suppose to send…. You plan on it being Meilin don't you? Is it because of what I did? If so thats hardly fair to punish her for what I did."

Curious about what Kazumo drove to visit her, Aiko would wait - letting him state the reason for this surprise visit. When he spoke and the topic became clear, the small smile of Aiko twisted and vanished rapidly. Her green eyes radiated less warmth as she remained silent, Kazumo's words almost echoing through the tent.
"I won't lie, no. I indeed have the intention to send this Meilin to the Lagyrians. Regardless of the mistake that you made before, her skills can aid in forging a proper alliance. Not to mention, she is a Cho Guard member," frowning slightly, Aiko leaned back in her seat, "it is only logical. Unless, you disagree?"

"I do." Kazumo replied as he kept a neutral expression even though this situation was a bit nerve wracking. "There are plenty of options that you could have used that are just as skilled if not, have better expertise in this area." Kazumo stated before rubbing the back of his head, as his eyes kind of drifted to the ground. "So it feels rather directed considering the circumstances."

Once more, Aiko let a pause introduce itself after Kazumo's words. Staring at the young man, she didn't reply right away. "You doubt my choice. State that I am wrong in picking the person to deal with the Lagyrians and at the same time, imply that I made my decision based on something personal."
The harsher tone of Aiko didn't ebb away as she continued. "You are most lucky, Kazumo, that I favour you. But remember, boy, that you ought to follow. Not yet to lead. And if you value that tongue, I would be most careful in how you use it. Less fortunate men would haven't gained any mercy from me."

Letting her words sink in, Aiko felt a cold anger building up in her stomach. She was frustrated at the situation. Inhaling and exhaling slowly, she would click with her tongue before speaking again. Her tone remained harsh.
"But let us else examine what would be better. If you were to choose, would you be able to pick someone, right now, that would be able to fulfill the role? And before you think about being smart, remember my previous warning. Not to mention, if you want to take her place, you would be a damned fool. Your first big battle is around the corner, so come on. Who else than this Meilin would suffice."

He remained silent while she spoke and it didn't take a genius to see she wasn't happy about his backtalk. Whereas once he feared her being even the slightest bit irked dwarfed in comparison to the anger she seemed to be in now. Yet this time he wasn't scared, more so deep inside he felt this was a cover up and she knew he really couldn't combat it. So he watched and listened as she spoke, some pretty obvious threats included. Then she threw the curveball at him. Once he really couldn't hit as he didn't know that many people.
Who could go in Meilin's place besides himself?
A pretty unfair question. He couldn't name any squadron leaders or even any high ranking officers as replacing them was easy but the confusion in leading a unit you don't know how they operate? Well that was out of the question, she also wouldn't accept any random person that displayed intelligence otherwise he'd throw Madoc under that bus.

He also knew she wasn't the only Cho Guard to come over, but saying that anyone else from Aiko's Cho Guard would be met as a slight that someone who doesn't know how they operate thinks such and such would be better suited than her choice. Kazumo knew that she could have picked a better choice easily, a more veteran member of the Cho Guard yet she chose Meilin. The one he was involved with, the one who knew the side he was supposed to keep quiet about. His silence was drawn out as he stared at her, the look that already told her he was in checkmate. He looked at the ground and his hand tightened a bit as he looked back up at her.
"What…. do I have to do so she stays?" he started with.
"Do I have to promise something of importance? Do you want another favor to call upon? Do you want someone dead? What do I have to do…. for you to choose someone else?"

The painful silence continued to haunt the interior of the spacious tent, returning swiftly to torment Kazumo as Aiko continued to stare at the young man. "Last time that you made a promise with me, you broke it." The disappointment rang clear in Aiko's voice as she once more paused.
"The fact is that you can't always avoid something you don't like with making a deal with me or anyone else, Kazumo. I thought I didn't need to tell you this but kings aren't born. They are made by suffering, experience and steel. Do you want to be the kind of king that grovels every time he is at a loss?"
Knowing the answer already, Aiko slightly raised her hand as a subtle and somewhat gentle way to signal that she didn't require an answer to her question. A heavy sigh escaped her lips as she glanced back at the map and other papers that laid out in front of her.

"However, I don't desire us to gain a slight. You get one chance from me to change my mind." Raising her gaze upwards, back at Kazumo, her tone still retained some sternness. "But fail in what kind of manner? Then she will be sent towards the Lagyrians. You will halt your foolish chasing and for once, truly focus on your ambition. Or else forsake it before it's too late to turn around."
Gesturing him to come closer, Aiko continued.
"We are currently located here. The expected enemy force will arrive here, making us a huge flanking force for when the 12th Imperial Brigade engages with the Rongese. However, there are a few communities that we need to keep as friends. So that we can keep our location both hidden from the enemy as preventing any backlash in the long run. One of the tasks we are requested is to eliminate something called a Bazelgoose or whatever. Supposedly, a big predatory animal that has been sighted here, here and here," Aiko said, briefing her pupil in. "You are to organise a hunting unit, track that beast down and kill it. Bring some proof back and do that? I will return a favour. Not to mention, you'll actually manage to earn a name among the 11th Brigade with such a feat instead of just being able to continue drool over this Meilin."

Again another question where he was at a loss at answering. His fist clenched slightly then unclenched as she already told him that her question didn't need an answer. He walked over to view the map as she explained the situation military wise to him. He of course paid attention as this was his last chance to make sure Meilin was able to stay. A certain sparkle was in his eye. The same kind of sparkle he had when he was truly enjoying something, only this time it was more of a determined one.
She instructed that he had to get a hunting unit and slay this Bazelgoose. Didn't sound intimidating but apparently it was dangerous enough if it was causing all sorts of problems. If it went by the goose and was just a bigger version then he could kill that no problem. He gave a nod and already thought of who to bring for this when he looked at her.
"Do we know roughly how dangerous or big it is? Did whoever request it give more details on this thing?"

Clicking with her tongue, Aiko leaned slightly backwards. "What I can remember is some vague description. That I could lay down in its footprint. So if that is somewhat accurate, you are dealing with a large flying predator creature. Just be the smart one, disable it and then finish it."
Pausing, Aiko observed her pupil. The look that he had gave her some faith that he would take this seriously. Yet, she wasn't entirely happy why he was so set on this.
"Dangerous? Probably, seeing that they hope we can fix this for them. I don't much else, so you best gather a good hunting unit before moving out. You don't have much time, I will need to add. Soon enough, we will be required to focus on fighting Rongese."

She could fit in the footprint? Well that was certainly a big predator considering most predator animals didn't have a footprint big enough for an average sized human to lay down in. Granted that could be its main weapon hence the size. Yet a flying predator at that? Wingspan he could understand, yet footprint was the worrying part. Disabling it might be more tricky than he probably could guess. A good hunting team though… Well he could gather Team 4. Possibly Hyilli. Yet not knowing the creature itself made this more tricky. So far all he had was big and it can fly. Then came the fact he had a time limit which only added to the frustrations he had right now but he gave a silent nod. "What do you want as proof that it's dead?"

Aiko shrugged lightly. "I rather have you back alive. If you can wound it and force it to flee? I don't care, really. If you, however, manage to kill it?" The woman briefly pondered as she then gestured subtly towards Kazumo. "Well, you could see what trophy you can take back. This may help you to establish a good reputation with the Gwade Rangers and others." Was her answer.
"And Kazumo," Aiko's tone became sharper, "I want you to remember this. I allow this cause I favour you quite. This whole phase of becoming rebellious? Drop it while you're on this hunt. Am I understood?"

It was a bit endearing that she would prefer him back alive, but if he was able to kill it to simply bring back a trophy for a better reputation in the Gwade Rangers. Rubbing the back of his head he let out a small sigh and nodded. Only too look back up at her as she said she was allowing this as she favoured him but for him to also drop his rebellious attitude while on this hunt. The comment confused him as he was uncertain what she meant by that, he actually had to think of when he rebelled against her but then realized she meant the Meilin situation. A more sullen look appeared on his face as he looked a bit lower and nodded. "Yes sensei..."
[ Lightning Country, Heartlands of the Alaricus Clan ]
[ A collab between @Oblivion666 and @Gerontis ]
[ The Alaricus clan leader meets up with the Grandmaster of the Lion's Fury. The tension is evident, due to the fact that the Lion's Fury is an unauthorized armed faction, operating on Alaricus soil. Yet, the meeting seems to take an interesting turn as the Grandmaster reveals something disturbing. ]

The meeting place was far from special or extraordinary; a simple plain field that allowed both parties today to see the other coming from a fair distance.
The envoy of the Lion's Fury was something strange; it existed out of men in two different attires. Men clad in brown robes that seemed as simple and interesting as the dirt they walked upon. Only to be accompanied by men that seemed ready for war; their gear easily rivalling that of state soldiers, the red of their armour obnoxiously allowing them to stand out of the rest of the envoy.

At the head of the group was a man that didn't have his helmet on, striding forwards with a proud pace; that betrayed a military history due to the fashion on how he moved - with a purpose and brusque speed.

Awaiting the Alaricus envoy, the grandmaster of the Lion's Fury would patiently await before making a moderate bow; showing a certain amount of respect, yet unfitting for a commoner towards one of the most dominant lords of the North.

What approached the envoy for the Lion's Fury was nothing more than the black cladded unit of Iridum itself. With Vasilis at the forefront of this group, However was was moving alongside him was none other than his Lion companion. This was already a message being sent that if this man wasn't able to convince Vasilis of anything, that he wouldn't hesitate in turning this upstart group into nothing. Although it was a peculiar sight too see those ready for a fight and those that seemed as if they were grabbed along the way. It was a slight bit amusing if not irksome.

As Vasilis approached this group he had his men halt as he continued further stopping as their leader would come meet him as well. The man gave a moderate bow which caused Vasilis to chuckle before studying this man, looking him up and down before speaking.
"Well I'll say this first, you managed to gather my attention. However… Getting that is not always a good thing mind you. So you shall tell me your name and then answer my first question. Why are you openly breaking the law on gathering weapons? To carry them you need my approval and I didn't give you or any of this Lion's Fury, my approval. Yet you also agreed to meet me, so for now I'm letting this crime slide so you may tell me why you are above the law."

The Grandmaster waited, listening politely to the words of Vasilis. At the mentioning of weapons as the breaching of Alaricus law, the Grandmaster offered a disarming smile. The wrinkles and greying hair betrayed that it was clear that Vasilis was his younger, yet there wasn't any sign of the Grandmaster looking down upon the nobleman.
"Ah, Lord Alaricus," the old man replied, "allow me first to introduce myself. I am the current and first Grandmaster of the Lion's Fury. My brothers call me by rank but you are free to address with Leo," the grandmaster calmly replied.
Throwing a look over his shoulder before back at Vasilis, Leo continued. "I understand that you may feel concerned or even threatened, Lord Alaricus. But isn't it everyman's duty to protect his hearth? Or the dutiful oath to keep evil at bay?"

Leo. A name he would remember for now, unless this man's cockiness brought him the grave his old ass was seemingly asking for right now. "Mind you Leo, that the law exist so you all don't need to be protected from this evil. I'm well aware people wish to keep themselves safe, yet that is why I give them the chance to ask instead of just do. When you simply do. Well that right there gives me all the reason to deem you criminals, who don't do very well in prison. Besides the police and Iridum do a good job at keeping the people safe." Vasilis stated as he looked at the man and smirked for a second.

"Yet Im starting to think you didn't ask as you might have already had permission. I'm sure they don't just go naming anyone a Grandmaster now do they? So why don't you tell me who you were before this groups formation."

The Grandmaster hooked his thumbs behind his belt, still appearing calm despite the current atmosphere. He seemed to wait and ponder, before replying.
"The law is there to protect and guide us, you are right about that good Lord. I am not questioning your subjects, for I have been born and grown underneath the rule of your family. However," the man's eyebrows slightly rose, "there are grave dangers that have arisen. People yearn for protection against the likes of demonkind and the like. Something that not all of your subjects are capable of facing against. My brothers," the grandmaster lazily gestured to the group behind him, "have proven themselves capable to provide such services. We don't seek to challenge your earthly right, given and blessed by the Gods. But we do seek to obtain the blessing of Akemi, he who rules over all. Unless you disagree, good lord, that the Gods are to follow our laws."

"That didn't answer my question." Vasilis said with a cold stare, as he stared on at the older man. This was certainly a religious order that was for sure. These guys didn't seem to be the zealots like the ones causing trouble. Then again some like their long con plays. Yet protection against demonkind? Was he talking about the myth of demons? "I don't say the gods follow our laws, but I'm still in charge so you will listen to my laws. So like I asked who were you before this Order of yours. Only after you answer that, then you may tell me more about these demons. I've heard no reports anywhere about anything like that. Besides Demons are nothing more than myths, a story to make children behave."

The cold stare was met with a neutral smile. "What do you want to know about my past, good lord? The fact that I had a father and mother? The fact I once served a city guard? Or is it perhaps how I got affiliated with the Lion's Fury?" The man replied, evidently uncaring that he was speaking with a lord that could very well end his existence. The Grandmaster then simply shrugged, afterwards.
"If my lord desires some evidence of daemons, we can bring them to you. The fact that people consider them myths? I could say the same about Bijuu. I have never seen them but we all have been impacted by them."

Did he think that being smart with him was the right answer? That Akemi would spare him for his insolence? "You may be my elder, yet you and your group still operate in my land illegally. So if you hope to operate with my permission, you best lose that smartass attitude." Vasilis said although working for the city guard would allow weapon usage. So probably a bit of some guards were how they managed to acquire weapons. There was a difference though in Bijuu and some daemons. One was a known living thing to be sealed away in certain individuals that were kept secret. The other was a religious folklore yet something he had evidence of.
Folding his arms as he looked at leo he tilted his head. "Pray tell what sort of evidence are you talking about? I hope something more than some haunting writing."

The sharp tone and way how Vasilis spoke to the Grandmaster seemed to have little effect; as if he was dealing with a pesky youngster, that thought too highly of himself. Shrugging lightly, the Grandmaster replied in turn.
"Of course, my lord," the old man said, a smile still present on his lips. "As for evidence? I am well aware that you have questions and ideas about demonkin. As such, we have gone great lengths to acquire something for you," the grandmaster half turned around - in a slow and calm fashion. Gesturing to his people, a few of the brothers in their dark brown cloaks moved forward, in unison.
"Don't worry, my good lord, it is dead, though sadly we couldn't save the victim." The grandmaster said as the brothers would spread out. Their soft mumbling broke the silence as they placed several scrolls on the ground. Only to summon what seemed to be a corpse; yet something was odd about it.

The skin of the young woman was grey, with the veins being coloured as obsidian dark. A barrier was quickly erected around the corpse.
"A demon is not something to trifle with. Luckily, not many are capable of grabbing and maintaining a host for too long," the Grandmaster calmly explained, "it has cost us three brave brothers to keep the monster trapped in the corpse. If you watch carefully, you can still see the eyes moving, good lord."
As the old man spoke, the eyes of the 'corpse' slowly rolled its gaze to the Grandmaster and Vasilis. The dark stare had something menacing behind it, causing the atmosphere to become heavier.
"Of course, my brothers and I have managed to acquire knowledge on how to combat them. However, if my good lord wishes us to stand down, even after seeing this, then so be it."

When some of the order moved in, some of his own iridium guards placed their hands on their weapons only for Vasilis to hold up his hand. They begrudgingly stood down as they walked forward and placed scrolls on the ground then summoning a corpse. Vasilis looked at it and sure enough it was different from other people. Yet Poison was a thing and this could just be that. Yet then he told him to look at her eyes and sure enough the eyes shifted right onto them which did startle Vasilis.
"So this thing….. is a host? Then how does one kill it if killing the host doesn't work? Just keep the thing sealed away?" Vasilis asked and if this was a demon then it explained how it gone unnoticed in his lands.]

The surprise and curiosity of Vasilis seemed to slightly amuse the grandmaster. "Sometimes, we just can't. A demon like this can be sealed away safely, sometimes at the cost of the victim. But, at times, the demon can be vanquished. Either send back from where it came or leave the victim."
Gesturing to his men, the grandmaster would watch as they sealed the body back. "So, as you now have witnessed, this is just one of the many cases we have solved. However, something seems amiss. And thus the reason why we have amassed in greater numbers. As gathering weapons and such. Of course," the grandmaster fully turned to Vasilis, "this entire endeavour now rests on you, good lord. Whether you will make martyrs out of me and my brothers here, force us back into the shadows. Or we can perhaps work together."

Listening to the old man even Vasilis couldn't ignore what he just saw, but the aspect of something that could only be sealed away? Well it sounded like miniature versions of a Bijuu running around. Looking at Leo, Vasilis would sigh and extend his hand. "I agree if that's what you are hunting down then I can establish you as a new unit in my forces. Yet you must ask me before doing anything crazy. Unless it's a crucial situation happening right before you." Vasilis said before staring him directly in the eyes
"Don't make me regret this… Grandmaster Leo."

The Grandmaster smiled but didn't extend his hand. "I am honoured, my good lord," he began, polite like, "I would love to engage into an alliance. But serving directly underneath you? That is something that goes against our codes. We seek to aid the entire north, not just serve and be bound to one clan or lord." Pausing and visibly pondering, the Grandmaster then spoke again after a few seconds.
"How about that you have a say where we will establish a few quarters as allowing your people to supervise our activities. But my people do as they are trained and ought to follow. Without breaking any more laws of your clan, of course."

Aid the entire north? Well thats a rather difficult choice. "You'll probably find it hardpress to get some of them to agree yet I suppose I can accept such terms. Another question before our talks conclude. If one is possessed can it's host live that? Or are they already dead? "

The question made the Grandmaster wonder briefly. "It really depends on the case. Some might be saved. But when someone suffers for too long under their control?" The tone of the old Grandmaster became softer, more sad, "Then it is a blessing for the suffering to end their pain. Only some miracles have been performed where a host has survived without any dramatic or crippling backdraws. For either the patient or the one aiding them."

So they possibly could be saved? He had another question but he felt like he knew the answer to it. "Is it possible for someone to be a host but also be in control with a demon inside them? Or does said demon instantly take over?"

The Grandmaster frowned slightly but he didn't need to think about the answer. "It entirely depends on the demon. A demon might try to seduce one with promises, allowing them some… gifts. And a strong will-ed person may keep control over the demon but for how long? And are they truly in control? Essentially, it may seem an interesting prospect but one that leads to one fate. Being enslaved to the demon over time."

"I only ask cause I feel that means those people could be saved. Yet if they willingly accept them, then should they is the other question…. Well you may continue operations. As I said if I feel you have gone too far, then you will be banned from Alaricus territory. I'd recommend if you plan on aiding the north to ask the Damiyo to overrule any clan leader choice. Then again that means convincing them that this is a serious enough threat."

The response of Vasilis seemed to surprise the Grandmaster, only for him to be pleasantly surprised about it "It is hard to truly judge the victims and those who have summoned these wretched creatures. Most of us tend to the task and allow the Gods to judge the person."
Nodding slowly, the Grandmaster extended his right hand. "I certainly will. Your lordship has my word that I will keep my people under tight rule. No secrets shall be kept from you, Lord Alaricus."