My plan...

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See, the only reason keeping most of the role-players on VF, is the forum system. It is so utterly unique from anything I have personally seen, and it can be really hard for them to give up. :P
I'm feeling pretty spooped now, tanks @Brovo
That's nothing compared to the forum system though ;P
You say "one step at a time" like there's a need to be sneaky about it.

All you have to do is say "Yo nerds, I moved our RP to another site" and then give them the link and have them sign up and carry on with things.

That's what I did, anyway.
Since this is partly an actual advice thread I should note it wasn't actually that blunt/immediate.
You had actually proposed the idea to the group giving your reasoning as to why, and then we voted on if we wanted to.
It just so happened we all (other than one person) unanimously agreed to move including me, and this was before I knew that Iwaku was where Brovo and the others had went also. :P
Since this is partly an actual advice thread I should note it wasn't actually that blunt/immediate.
You had actually proposed the idea to the group giving your reasoning as to why, and then we voted on if we wanted to.
It just so happened we all (other than one person) unanimously agreed to move including me, and this was before I knew that Iwaku was where Brovo and the others had went also. :P
That's true.

But still, there was none of this sneaky "one person at a time" business, as I was completely clear about my intentions to bring everyone over at once -- which was more what I was getting at.
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