My Hero Academia IC

Mimi had only needed a few stitches and a pack of glucose, so after a quick healing quirk was used on her, she was pretty much back in near too condition. She had baked sweets for all the injured as a get-well gift. But she was hesitant about visiting each of them. She was feeling a little inadequate. In spite of her victory, she didn't put herself in danger. She called for help, forcing Ayame to handle a difficult opponent all on her own. She stopped fighting when her blood sugar was low, and left the clean up to Jet.

Yet Amaris sacrificed her own defenses to save Cupie, Yosuke decided to take a severe blow to counterattack. And Isamu actually blew himself up to save someone. That wasn't even to mention the entirety of the group sent to the subway.

While passing by, she heard a little bit of them being scolded for their recklessness, while she was being praised for smart decision making, and careful procedure. She was just doing what she was told though. Still, something felt off to her. She hadn't put herself at risk. It made her question her own ambitions. She hadn't found the same passion her classmates had.

"You seem deep in thought," Jets voiced from behind Mimi as the dragon had snuck up on her literally being right behind her as he glanced at her from the side observing her troubled facial expression. Clearly if one thing never did change about Jet was his lack of understanding of personal space.

"Also I would like to thank you. If you hadn't have stopped me during your pop attack I would have placed myself at an extreme risk trying to fight her close quarters," Jet explained as he placed an arm around her as he had seen a few of his classmates do with their buddies unaware that doing it to the opposite sex could give off a different formula of meaning.

"You definitely had my back, and I thank you for that. I know I can be rather hard to work with so I appreciate, and admire you for your display of skill. You definitely belong here in this class. I hope to see more of you in action. I could learn a lot," Jet expressed, giving a soft grin as he let her go finally.

"Did you want to talk about your troubles?"

Mimi turned to face the lizardman, not realizing just how close he was, until she was literally only an inch away from his face. She tried to create some space between them, but was quickly pulled in to him closer when he placed his arm around her, pulling her close to him again. She did appreciate the sensation. But it felt a little off right now. As if he really wasn't aware of what he was actually doing. She had learned that much watching him. But… Might as well make the most of the situation.

He went on to praise her, just like everyone else had been praising her. He told her she belonged in this class, just like everyone else had. Perhaps she should just listen to him. Listen to everyone. They apparently knew better than she did. When he asked if she wanted to talk about her troubles, Mimi looked away from him (not realizing she had been staring into his eyes the whole time).

"Everyone risked a lot today…"

"And you didn't," Jet asked rather blankly. "You went up against a villain well known to be to much for the pro hero White Wind to fight, and who wrecked both Aurora, and Kanna two of our biggest heavy hitters like they were nothing," Jet pointed out though strangely he wasn't scolding her or trying to throw down anymore compliments towards her. It seemed it clicked what her thoughts were rather quickly as he added.

"And when I got there you didn't back off, you swung full in doing way more damage than I did. You were calm throughout the whole fight even stopped me from risking myself at close quarters with her quirk. You put yourself at risk by using all you had to take her off guard, and placed complete trust in me to protect you without having much experience with me on the field," Jet spoke… between Mimi, and Heisuke he was really starting to talk a lot more.

"If that isn't taking a risk I don't know what is. I could have been ko'd in which you would have been harmed extremely from her rage. You tripped her up, and clearly that struck a chord with her," Jet finished patting Mimi's shoulders as he looked deep into her eyes.

"Risk is… well a risky business… people praise me for my fight with Kanna during the 1st year tournament, but i myself felt like a fool throwing my attacks around at her like a child throwing a tantrum," Jet spoke not sure where he himself was going with this until he notioned away from her eyes for a moment before going back into full eye contact. It seemed he came to a better thought.

"I am happy you trusted me enough to risk wearing yourself out. That you believed I could protect you," Jet spoke honestly feeling a bit odd placing that out there though honestly in the little time he had gotten to know her she was definitely someone he considered a friend nearing a closer friendship.

"Your important to this class Mimi don't sell yourself short cause you don't have a battle scar. Trust me, it's not a fun reminder," he spoke, lifting his shirt to show the scarring near his heart side of the chest where Mauve had impaled him.

Even him too. Mimi listened to Jett speak. He complimented her and praised her, and told her this was where she belonged. If everyone was telling her that, maybe she should just listen. When Jet told her battle scars weren't a great thing, and lifted up his shirt, her heart skipped a beat.

However she looked at the scar, and even reached out to trace get fingers along it. It was hard and callused like one would expect. She pulled away and looked back at him.

"That's what everyone tells me…" Jet had been speaking more than usual right now. It feels fair to give him the same kindness. "Everyone else is so passionate…"

"And so are you in your own way," Jet blushed for a moment when he felt Mimi's lingering hand not expecting to touch him so softly. With a small huff he pulled his shirt down his blush going away rather quickly as he smiled at her.

"When you have a chance we should train. I have yet to experience much team up battles so being in sync with you was a uniquely pleasant rush," he nodded, finally stepping out of her way.

"Yet I will bother you for that later you have snacks to deliver yes?"

Mimi hadn't looked into Jet's face causing her to miss the rare sight of him blushing, but as Jet kept talking, Mimi took a deep breath for a moment. Everyone was saying she was great. That she belonged here. That she was a great fit. And she didn't necessarily disagree. But still, she felt as if all she was doing was following along with what everyone else was telling her to be true.

And perhaps that wasn't so bad…

As Jet said he wished to practice more, he tacked on the extra part about being in sync. It made her happy to know that he enjoyed her company. Even if on the battlefield. But he really needed to work on his wording. She quickly scrawled a note on a piece of paper before running up to him.

"Jet.". She called out to him before pushing the note into his hand, and kissing him on the cheek. She quickly ran out of the dorm with her bag of treats for her injured friends.

The note had several cute doodles and scribbles of animals and lizards and cupcakes all hastily drawn. It also contained her phone number, but more importantly it read, Thanks for talking with me! I do feel a little better… (•^•) Text me when you want to train, or even talk, or do just about anything really.

P.S. Be careful of your actions or you may give some people the wrong impression. ("•×•").

Jet stood there watching for a moment as Mimi ran out the dorm frozen in place. Slowly his clawed hand raised to touch the cheek that Mimi had out of the blue kissed rather passionately. His tail swayed to and through processing all that had just happened as he looked down reading the note.

"Well… this is…. a development," Jet's blush came back in full as he pulled out his phone saving her number as he conserved the note into his backpack safely secured in his binder. Taking a deep breath as he calmed the strange feeling in his gut he headed up stairs to prep for his own trip to the medical ward to check on Yosuke, and Kanna. Seemed he had a lot to think about later… and definitely needed to see someone about what had just happened. Yet hilariously on his way up the stairs he surprisingly ran into one of the very people he was about to set off to meet.

"Yosuke? They let you out," Jet spoke rather surprised that his fellow classmate was already back to the dorms after what he had heard.

Yosuke was out and ready to get some food, really wanting something that wasn't hospital food. Then he saw Jet coming up the stairs. He seemed surprised by it. "Yeah. I might have been stabbed, but I had full control over what I was doing. My wounds weren't too severe. They only needed to keep me overnight for monitoring."

He looked at Jet, who seemed somewhat out of it, as if his mind was in a different place. "Everything alright buddy?"

"Yes. So hungry…. I'll make you something," Jet responded motioning Yosuke to follow him down stairs for a proper meal.

"So how was the hunt," Jet asked as he pulled out some beef, and rice.

Honestly, Yosuke wasn't sure if Jet was alright, but he was hungry. "I… You know what, sure." He followed Jet downstairs. And watched as he started prepping for cooking. However, he started asking about his hunt. Did he mean his mission?

"Um… I'm sorry Jet, are you stroking out? Or is it me? It could be me… No-no-no, something is up. What is going on with you?"

"Nothing Yosuke… more importantly drink," Jet spoke, handing Yosuke a protein drink that he had made a few days ago, preserving in case anyone needed help with their injuries on a nutrition level.

"So what happened," Jet asked, dodging Yosuke's question with little effort.

As Jet jammed the drink into Yosuke's face, he accidentally inhaled some of it forcing him to cough violently, which only made his wound hurt more. "Argh. Jeez, I think your lizard brain has finally taken over Jet. However, Jet still did not relent, asking Yosuke what happened.

He sighed heavily. "You know what? Fine. Octavia got mind controlled and started attacking me and offering to let me take advantage of her so I tried to incapacitate her, and in order to get close to do so I stabbed myself on her sword. And now, she hasn't spoken to me since.". He spoke without stopping until he took a deep breath to indicate he was done. "There I'm done, let stop dodging the question and tell me why you are so afraid to tell me what happened. You aren't exactly slick when you're trying to be."

"Drink," Jet expressed once Yosuke was done with his rant forcing him to engulf the nutrients his body needed to heal properly. While there were many healing quirks one had to take into account that would not always be the case hence they needed to get use to healing themselves through proper practice.

"I am sorry to hear that," Jet expressed with some concern as he started to heat up the oven to cook the meat while steaming some rice with a double pot. Making sure Yosuke drank all the nutrients Jet took the glass back he then offered Yosuke a banana.

"It's hard to accept failing someone," Jet oddly brought up as he came by with some medication, and a light pink drink.

"This will help your throat heal," he explained.

"Octavia just needs to think for a time. Just be there for her when she needs someone to lean on," Jet suggested as he started to work his magic on the food with his quirk multitasking with cutting chives, and stirring the rice as he himself cut the meat.

"I am not afraid just more… confused is all," Jet answered honestly without giving any detail on the supposed topic.

"I smell a strange air lately with society, and the heroism world," he spoke.

"I feel a sense of dread that things are about to turn hostile in ways more than one," Jet finished with a serious look as he continued to cook.

Yosuke was suddenly forced a banana, being told that it would be good for good throat. He didn't really like bananas, but he was starving. "Fine." He took a bite of the banana. "Buh Ay know somefing ish uph…"

He listened to Jet talk about his thoughts on the hero world. That there was unrest. It seemed this was a real concern is his. He doubted that it was what he was avoiding thus far, but it was still a serious topic. He swallowed the last bit of banana.

"So what?" Well serious to most. "I know what I want to do. Even if people hate my guts, I'm gonna keep going forward as a hero. If heroes are outlawed I'll yell from the rooftops that I'm here to stay. People can be calling me a crook or a danger to society. I'll still arrive to rescue them, dressed in my hero suit with a smirk on my face. Nobody will ever take that away from me." He could smell the food being prepared. He got up and stood beside Jet, grabbing a knife and a piece of twain used for cooking. "Let me help." He tied the knife rigidly against his finger, and pulled an onion to the side, chopping it up into perfect cubes at an impressive rate.

"Things are gonna be fine. That's because we're here to suffer the hardships."

"Just be careful," Jet motioned to Yosuke as he swung in to cut onions.

"A good gesture until we discover we are the endangered species perhaps," Jet nodded in argument with Yosuke though he did sound a bit dark in the endgame.

"I must ask, do you have a thing for Octavia?"

"I'll keep going even if I'm the last of my kind." He said with the same conviction from before. However, Jet quickly changed the subject to something else.

"Yeah. We actually went on a date together and it went really well! But I'm feeling like I'm not seeing everything she is. She always seems to close off before she really gets into the deeper parts. And it doesn't help that she gets me talking about myself, which I can do for hours and I just now realized I'm doing that again.". He looked back at him and pointed his knife finger at Jet. "I'm gonna get to the bottom of it."

"Of Octavia? That sounds like you're rushing it," Jet expressed not catching what Yosuke was actually speaking on.

"Very funny." He gave a Jet a sideways glance. He had already had a lifetime worth of sex jokes. "I'm not talking about that. I'm talking about what you were avoiding a few minutes ago. But I won't press too hard. Some things aren't my business. Even if I really want them to be." He went into bell peppers, dicing them with the same deftness as the onions. "I'll let you of the hook for now."

"... A girl has shown interest in me," Jet spoke, deciding to give Yosuke a bone since he was helping out. With the ingredients now all together, and cooking Jet used his mist to pull up a chair for Yosuke.

"And I am still fresh off my rejection with Cupie," he explained why he wasn't really in the mood to talk, or rethink about it at the moment.

"Oh. I see. I didn't even know you had a thing for… Nevermind." It must have been that girl from the school fair. Yosuke couldn't remember her name, but the black hair and wings were definitely features he remembered.

"But I'm surprised you only just noticed. I mean it seemed like it should have been obvious at the school festival."
"Hm… your not wrong are you," Jet thought about it. Thinking about the time he tried out his butler pitch to Mimi later to discover it had apparently caused her to experience a nosebleed. That was a pretty strong sign… unless it was just a medical lack of sugar content, or iron proficiency.

"I should make her a protein iron meal, or maybe a shake concoction," Jet spoke out loud… maybe that would help with her nosebleeds. Or at the least help balance out all the sugar she intake on a daily basis. Once the rice was properly cooked Jet proceeded to cover it lightly in butter with salt to add an absorption of taste to the bowls he had placed out. Once they were cooled he started to place pieces of meat onto the bowls until the rice couldn't be seen. Letting them cool down for a moment he waited on the rice to absorb the juices from the meat. Then when all was done he topped it all with the vegetables Yosuke had helped prepped.

"So then you are experienced in this dating business yes? So what should I do to let her know i want to take it slow to make sure it can work out," Jet asked as he handed a bowl to Yosuke.

"Ditch the shake. And call it a nice dinner date." Yosuke said to him after hearing the strange Jet-ism he was spouting out. However, he quickly asked if he was experienced. To which Yosuke gave a huff of resignation.

"No, not really. I've been one only one date. And it did go well." He paused for a moment before sulking into his bowl and eating a few bites. "At least I thought it did…" He murmured into his utensils. "But, I can still help. For starters, don't go around being all flirtatious with other girls. You might not do it intentionally, but I could tell she wasn't exactly pleased you left her all alone. Anyway, things like getting in real close, or putting around them, you know things that you specifically do, aren't exactly the 'take things slow' kinda message."

He paused and realized that might be a bit much for him. "Actually, you might want to just say that to them directly. You're not exactly the type for nuance and panache."

"Um that's moving too fast I believe" Jet spoke scratching his head at Yosuke's suggested aggression to the situation. He was more hoping for some slow, and steady advice yet all his friend was giving him was ramming speed attacks.

"But she needs the shake for her health," he also noted as Yosuke began to enjoy his beef bowl notioning to his date not going as well as it sounded at first. Raising a curious eyebrow Jet listened to his buddy as he started to eat as well.

"What do you mean flirtatious," Jet asked before motioning to how Mimi apparently felt rather alone when Jet went off to do his waitering job… huh apparently Mimi was way more into him then he initially understood.

"Trust me on the shakes, alright? It can come across as a little overbearing." He was brutally aware that this was going to be a difficult endeavor. "I'm gonna address the pace of things later." He tried to think about what had happened that day as an example. "Remember at the festival, what you said to Mimi? You got real close and said something about helping her however you could? That came across as reeeeal flirtatious. Basically, anything that can be construed as expressing interest could be qualified as flirting."

He went back to his first question. "As for being too fast, I suppose I need to ask whether you're even trying to get with her."

"I see," Jet pondered for a moment before giving Yosuke a blank stare.

"I am not sure, but I am not against it either. She has shown great passion. She has an admirable will, and I feel well attuned with her," Jet tried to explain his thoughts on Mimi.

Listening to the way that Jet spoke about her, it was clear that at the very least he had great respect for her. Yosuke never met the girl from the festival, but Jet was an honest guy. If he said so, it must be true.

"Well, I suppose the important thing now is find out whether you want to express interest. Just, don't lead her on if you don't okay?" He finished up his meal before standing up, wincing after moving too quickly. "I think I should get back to my room for now though… Remember, try and make sure you like her before attempting to deepen that relationship. It'd suck if her feelings get too strong only for you to turn her down." As Yosuke rumbled off with a full belly Jet pondered for a moment on all the things discussed. For now though he was going to make that shake, and a few others for other friends dietary perfection was a necessary thing with all the wounded friends he had.



The day had been rather blurry since the fight with the vein, and wolf girls. Aurora herself had been out for quite a few hours thanks to the damage done by the poison, and the massive wound to her left shoulder blade. Thanks to Chimera's, and Hisashi's combined effort her body had properly recovered, and her wounds had been mostly healed; her left hand was in a sling until the nerves adjusted back to normal in her hand. However she was now able to stand, and walk around a bit. So with her regained momentum she decided to go get some snacks walking out of her room to the medical wards break room. Walking up to one of the vending machines reality kicked in and she realized she was missing a vital part to her plan.

"No wallet… curses," she sighed lightly pouting before breathing out with a chuckle. She was still alive to have stupid problems like this… that was a plus honestly. Sighing, she walked over to the window to see the school's botanical garden, the setting sun shining on her face and reflecting off her metallic figure. After a moment she started to think through that battle, her mistake, and her new experience to an attack that was an unnatural cause of effect. She wasn't used to being impaled, but now thanks to Nina, and Chuya she had to remember it was possible. All she could do was work on the temple that was her body, and strengthen her keratin control. She was too focused on attack, and had let her defense falter for it… she needed to start balancing them out.

Walking up to the other was the miko just released from her "room" in the medical ward for the day. It seemed Aurora was already out and about as the later clicked her tongue. "Should you really be up right now?" She asks.

"Probably not, but I can't stay in that bed. It'll drive me insane… you know? Hey you're an interesting one Kanna. You partake in a religious peace, yet take to war like a crusader enjoying the bloodied field," Aurora spoke rather out of the blue as she turned around to her friend walking towards her as the sun started to set down.

"I keep telling myself I am getting better slowly, but surely. I trained with both my parents, and Amaris since I was 13 wanting nothing more than to be someone who protected others… cause there seemed to be no one who could protect me," Aurora spoke unnaturally morbid to her usual cheerful disposition.

"Not that my parents didn't raise me well with love, and parental protection. But there's only so much comfort a parent can provide for so long. All birds must fly the coop eventually, and allow their parents to rest," Aurora smiled, but only momentarily as she reached Kanna… the sun now gone as the darkness creeped through the windows.

"People were always scared around me thinking I was a ticking time bomb of an accident waiting to happen. Can't say I blame them my quirk is very destructive prone. Very similar to yours really… I owe you an apology for not being able to control my emotions during that vein of woman's attack. I never thought I would be so easily pierced, or rattled," Aurora spoke her right hand gripping hard.

"I failed myself, but I also failed you as your partner. To me there's no excuse for that… so thank you for saving me," Aurora bowed politely.

"Hmm, I see you are just as Westernized as Amaris is. Your parents did fail you in that regard. As I told her at the time, Shinto should not be mistaken for Christianity. We do not have oaths against violence, my father is a Warrior Monk Priest point of fact." She says in regards to the first bit. "At the core Shinto is a religion devoted to life and the acts of creation but that does not mean we have such a childish notion as turning the other cheek when struck."

Nodding at the rest she pauses. "Well in the case of my home my parents are still stronger or at least were. So things could quickly end in devastation.. Either way you should not fret over me aiding you then, I'll admit I wanted to take both of them down but I was unable to safely pursue after taking down the other. Which would have likely ended in your death had we not retreated. I decided dragging you out of there was more needed than chasing down the final girl."

"Careful Kanna," there was surprisingly a hostile air at the end of Kanna's remarks at her parents only fueled by the moonlight illumination that snuck behind Kanna shadowing Aurora's hair reacting a little aggressively as it flowed for a moment before calming down resting at her side shining green eyes looking directly into Kanna's dark crimson. Rather impressive given how her body though weary, and beaten down she was able to express her own aura in emotion.

"I know you find my dad annoying a bit , but he tries to understand all of his students as best as possible. Hiccups happen, and yes I heard you were rather wounded yourself. I do thank you for choosing me over the thrall of combat, and justice. However… don't you think you may be going overboard with your tenacity… cause I feel even if drugged during that fight you had intention to kill at a point in that fight," Aurora asked, eyeing Kanna.

"To be honest, and frank I used crusader in more so its term of aggression. For one that speaks of life, death seems to enthrall you more when dealing with villains," Aurora was straight forward.

Meeting her gaze in the flowing moonlight, red eyes that seemed to somewhat glow met with what could be best described as amusement. Smiling at that she tilts her head slightly to the side, crossing her arms in front of her under the still uncleaned robes. "Ah. I don't mind your father's eccentric nature, however it is clear he much like Amaris's own mother never put much attention on his Japanese roots." Listening to the rest of what her fellow classmate had to say, Kanna nods her head thoughtfully then her smile purses ever smaller.

"As I said, I came here to learn to be stronger, being a hero was a consideration more than a goal. I barely even bother with a disguise short of a mask.. Let me present you with a question, or a scenario if you will. When a wolf comes down from the mountain which is the better option once it has preyed upon the livestock, the citizenry and terrorizes those around it? To put it asleep and take it high in the mountains in hopes it learns its lesson and does not return, or to crush it's skull then, and there to be sure it does not return? Also how sure are you of what you saw as poisoned as you were?" With that the miko does a polite bow before strengthening up.

"I do not enjoy the thought of killing another but I must consider the greater good when it comes to a threat to the safety of all, had I not fought with serious intent then I would have been beaten. That was why the two of them bested you and nearly did me. We may be held by rules but they are not. They were attempting to kill us, not to wound us, not to slow us, but to end our very existence. You should consider that before questioning me. Also I do think the winds of change are about to blow, call it the wisdom of the Kami, we collectively suffered grievously as class 1A."

"There are some wolves that need to be put down I cannot argue this, and just like their ancestors sometimes there are the guard dogs that protect the sheep that get a taste of blood. Becoming just as bad as what they defend against," Aurora responded in warning to Kanna's thoughts.

"I see I cannot fault you for wanting to be stronger. Seeing as it is a hero's goal to be the best it would raise the proper environment to grow in such a way," Aurora nodded in understanding.

"Change is a constant variable, but let me ask you this is all change good," the blonde countered.

"Better yet why do you not deny what I say. I think there is more to your quirk, and its effect on you then you let on," Aurora spoke her own smile thin to the point of being a frown. This was not a conversation of ideals… it was a matter of a friend's mental state, and how their quirk affected them..

"Kanna I want to ask what did you hear that set you off cause it was nothing that either of our opponents said?"

With that, Kanna just gives a shrug, not having more to say on the matter, or caring to. "You will come to understand shortly. I followed Misoka as I have a belief in her and have somewhat guessed why she only stopped to see her daughter briefly. We all have our own inner demons to deal with, to come to terms with. Even I. I think in that fight I reached an understanding of my own. I was afraid of my quirk but now I am starting to see what needs to be done with it. I shall keep faith that such a path will open before me." Bowing at that Kanna turns to step away.

"If there is one you wish to worry for, I would suggest Ayame, Amaris or Isamu. Also please try and refrain from iced coffee if you are trying to get one of those from the Vendor, I am sure tomorrow will be our longest day." Turning to leave she did confirm her classmate was well, she had nothing else to do here. "I will tell Amaris you are doing well."
"Kanna dont ever stray to the taste of blood. You're my friend, but I am a Hero too, and if I must I will silence the echoes of madness," Aurora warned as she watched her friend walk off leaving a concerning coating of words about Aunt Misoka… what was happening was clearly about to shake some foundations. Sighing she rubbed her temple as she stood there for a moment processing her current thoughts.

With that Kanna takes her leave, bowing lightly as she was accustomed. As a few moments passed a brief pounding could be heard in the ceiling from above as the wall panel opened it's top half, a small gap nearly as small as the air duct vent running alongside it. Talking to herself and not expecting anyone else, Ayame pops out of it dropping to the ground. "Whew, it's a good thing I'm not as big as Kanna or Aurora, I would get stuck in some of those secret passages.. Though.." Turning around she spotted Aurora there and frowned, not sure what else to do now that she had been seen, that had been careless of her. "Um..hi?"

"... Heh, so did dad reveal all the secret spots or have you been digging for whatever panels move," Aurora chuckled a bit softer at the sight of Ayame. Walking over to the girl she lightly patted, and petted her cute friend.

"So what happened," Aurora asked, smiling at her friend as she kneeled down to listen.

"Mama knew more of the secrets than he did." She says sticking her tongue out and making a meeeeh sound. "I've been learning them myself, I'm thinking that the maid lady we've ran into may have found some of them but no way she can get in here now." Pausing at the question and the petting she didn't even offer protest.

"Umm..I was spying on headmaster Gregori and the sealed off part of the medical ward..I don't think I should tell anyone what I found though.. It's just too much and I'm sure he'll tell us tomorrow.." Looking away from her friend, Ayame didn't seem to want to make eye contact as her shoulders sagged, clearly reluctant to speak of what she had found and going as far to actually admitting what she was doing.

"Sheesh everyones being so mean to dad," Aurora chuckled this time bopping Ayame on the head at her childish reaction.

"...Ayame… what did you see," making sure no one was around she listened intently before breathing in.

"No if you think I will hear it later. Then I will wait, but what about you? I heard what happened… are you alright?"

"How can I be alright with being useless and having no power?" Ayame says back in reply before sagging her shoulders. "We won't be able to continue on as we have.. Momma was mad.. And.." Pausing to consider telling her or not, she takes a middle ground. "Hero society will lack a pillar.. I'm tired of us being pawns.." Holding back some tears, the girl wipes her face. "I just want to go up on the roof and scream.. This class has never made my time here easy, I don't mind that but.. Well enough about me.. You almost died you know, Blood poisoning is a serious thing! Why are you even up now, I was planning to try visiting you all, well minus Isamu, he needs rest."

"Ayame....," looking at the fragile state of her friend Aurora brought her panda friend into a soft embrace with her none braced hand holding her tight… but not too tight. Continuing to pet her Aurora listened all the way through not interrupting her until she was done.

"I am sure part of that's on me… I know, but I couldn't rest. Besides I just had a rather unsettling conversation with Kanna. I promise you I am fine, and wont push myself alright," Aurora softly spoke to her friend wiping a few tears away.

"Ayame you have to do what you think is right. So if this shift means you choose to do something different at least know I will always be there for you if you need me. Can't let my super panda be without help," she smiled continuing to pet the girl.

"It's fine.." She says before finally attempting to shrug off the petting and hugs, though she wasn't being too forceful with it. "But really, you should rest, as to Kanna I'll be talking with her later tonight. Even if she can be dark at times, I still trust her heart to be in the right place.. I might be down..I mean I am, but if I can't trust in my own friends then I might as well leave here. And she did ultimately bring you back, if Kanna wasn't somewhat unsettling she wouldn't be strange as that might sound.

You and Amaris though have been really kind to me, both of you were far more hurt so you should just focus on yourselves, I'll be..alright after a while, I just need some time to process things and to see what will happen with all of this today, why behind it happening.."

"I trust Kanna… I am just worried if she trusts herself," Aurora voiced not wanting to distrust Kanna, but it was getting harder with each experience on the field with her. Laughing however at that last point Ayame had a valid part to her words.

"True Kanna is Kanna…. Alright I'll lay worries to rest until otherwise provoked," Aurora promised as she let Ayame go as she pulled lightly away.

"I think focusing on myself is a bad idea especially after my flashbacks," Aurora motioned to a thing Ayame wouldn't really get.

"Alright you be safe alright?"

"Haha. I always try to be.." Patting the other girl back, Ayame runs off before waving. "I have a roof to scream off of for now, the walls are pretty thick so no one tends to notice! And you go back to your bed! You shouldn't be moving around yet!"

"Don't worry about me…. Be more worried about yourself fluff ball," the last part of the sentence lingered in a whisper on the metal girl's lips. Something was coming, and in her gut she knew… it was going to be drastic.

"Shouldn't you be resting," a voice would call out to Kanna as she walked the hallways of the medical ward echoing to reveal the following silent student in the form of Jettitare. The draconic classmate had clearly been behind her for a minute with how close he had gotten rather impressively.

"So I heard you, and Aurora had quite the hunt… care to inform what happened," Jet asked with a blank face watching the Miko as if studying prey though… that was just more his appearance of eyes setting that feel.

"Me?" Looking at him with a turn she did not seem surprised by his sudden appearance, the later bows her head softly and smiles. "No, I'm fine more or less. They still want me to stay for observation however, least for a little longer. Aurora is also up and moving around."

Pondering how best to answer his question she gives a short handed account. "We ran into a new villain and the wolf girl some of our classmates met. In the course of the battle we both were blood poisoned which caused more harm to Aurora than I. She then confronted the wolf girl when she started bad talking about the extended family. In that rush to fight she was eventually defeated and succumbed to the poison. I then fought and managed to scare the pair off, after that I dragged Aurora out till we found a point to escape from."

"I see," Jet responded before adding.

"Sounds like you didn't like how it ended," he pointed out, noting her apparent change in usual demeanor… as if she was excited for something to come.

"And if I was to assume it seems Aurora was more a nuisance to your plan whatever it had been," Jet finished waiting to see how Kanna would respond. It was always evident that Kanna had a more permanent plan for villains, and given the ones they were dealing with a lot lately… he couldn't say she was wrong for sure.

"I spoke with the one in question. Her mind was warped beyond redemption, there was no reasoning, only emotion. Kaz, or Nova Master asked that we bring them in unharmed. She went in fully willing with her partner to kill us. During the battle how Aurora and I wished to clash also did not match. Ultimately I was asked to weigh our lives, the lives of others against hers and the selfish request of one man. Misoka's orders were absolute. Do whatever we must to return alive." Shrugging at that Kanna smiles a bit in a smirk before continuing.

"I know of most of the top 10 to an extent, more than I let on at least. I just have no respect for most of them. Many of them are just tools and false icons, a part of a system that cares not for the weak so much as the wealthy. Misoka was in my eyes and remains the sole exception to that, maybe The Grudge as well, Instructor Allo I am undecided on, in truth I think he just loves his machines more than any status and money.. Why would I not go full force against a monster if I am a demon? Why would I just sit back for the sake of some hero society that is corrupt to its core so one man who has done little for me and mine, just so he can feel good about the poor choices he made? I cannot fault his love as a father, but I cannot fall and die here to please him.. It would be more correct to say I followed Misoka should my judgement of her hold sound. I have little doubts she will shake the core of this country after the truth of this all is laid bare."

Closing her eyes, her smile vanishes. "Had I been able I would have ended her then and there under these circumstances. Such may not be the place of heroes, but those who call themselves heroes now seem little more than the rejects of society being thrown at one another for corporate profit and so they may bleed one another than the society."

"That's interesting," Jet proclaimed as he watched her bodily movements go from eager to a drop into a swirl of dark justice… a warhammer executioner mindset. Though Jet had known Kanna for a while now it was hard to say how she really felt about hero society. Yet now all was laid out bare.

"Judge, Jury, Executioner," Jet summed up with a squint of his own eyes at the girl before him.

"You speak of a controlled outcome with little chance for proper execution. To jury someone in a single fluid moment, to judge their life upon the scales without knowing all the facts all to execute the damned," Jet spoke rather lengthy for once with Kanna. He walked up to her with a fixation on her position.

"You're talking about full control to hunt those someone else has deemed to death. That's a soldier's life no," Jet exclaimed, questioning Kanna's reasons for this outcome of thought.

"I can agree to a certain extent that some deserve such a heavy handed hunting, but you can streamline that process without blundering and slaughtering people eventually to an element of resistance to such a culling," Jet pointed out.

"Such a system will create bigger shadows then that of what their light casts. More violent measures cause more chaotic responses no?"

"Because keeping them all in prisons has worked out so well." She says in response.

"We have no Miranda's Rights in this country and confessions are of more value than physical evidence. And ultimately it was extreme measures that finally calmed my own mother.. No, most of you do not know about that.. Likely for the better. I very well may just return to my village or go into law enforcement or the Defense Force after this. When a wolf comes down from the mountain to slaughter the chickens you do not ask it to leave. I can't say I have anything against most of you but the current hero society.. Let's just say it's about to change, a little side ability I have from my mother is the telltale sign of blood, or the smell of it rather. I can sense it and at times I can even tell who it is from. My mother was much better at it than I, but I can tell you, one scent coming from a portion of the medical ward will carry a grave reaction. It is why I am sure Misoka is making her move, there no longer is a choice for her and we all will be made to make a choice soon."

"A wolf takes to survive not indulge. One can easily turn the wolf to a thief, but refuses to accept that taking the wolf's land bit by bit forces its hands as its territory grows smaller, and its natural prey dwindles," Jet countered. There was however something they could agree on… the scent of blood it was overwhelming… something was amiss… someone was wounded that Jet was not aware of.

"One can easily kill the wolf, or train it to adapt to a better lifestyle. Yet it's true such is hard for the wolf, and once the taste of blood is indulged it rarely can go back. However with your idea everyone is the wolf hunting, and killing to claim right to wrongs without nary a chance to change. All such a trail will do is blood soak innocents soon enough until all are sheep, and unable to defend themselves," Jet finished seeming to let the topic go as he pulled a canister out of his pocket handing it to Kanna.

"Regardless you need better nutrient consumption your diet as of late has been lacking in potassium, and fiber. If you are indeed on your journey to your personal Nirvana you need natural healing rather than relying on your quirk to do it," Jet expressed.

"Regardless with change comes resistance. We will see how hero society clashes with your society soon enough," Jet politely spoke.

"Defending oneself? The Government won't even take responsibility for Quirks in its current form, nevermind the Quirkless. All the Hero Society can do is fight on uneven grounds and should something else enter the equation.. As to society, my society has always been that of the Japanese People.. even if it is astary. Ah, watching my eating habits are we? I would be more concerned with a couple others in our class than I. We'll be resumming class here soon in the next day or two so I should try and rest in my own room to be ready for that. Please save it for yourself or find Ayame or hmm.. In your case maybe Mimi?"

Giving a bow, Kanna turns to head off on her own, not accepting the thermos, mostly as she wasn't curious to find out what was inside of it.

"And mine hasn't? I am becoming a hero to protect others that is all. If I must kill to achieve that in the most dire of circumstances I will accept that sin on my soul. However yes you do need the nutrients it's a berry mix it will help your stomach, and your mind…. Especially balance out your fiber intake," Jet added running up to Kanna forcing her to take it before turning back, and walking away with a few other thermos for other people.
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Taking the rightmost path, time would pass from seconds to minutes to right over an hour, a disembodied head of Misoka's floating around the path, it's blue flame serving as a lantern. Pausing for a bit it was only a matter of time till some sort of quirk had hit the head, destroying it as it vanished like a ghost. Up ahead on a subway station depot platform stood one man unknown to the rest and one boy, painfully well known to Kaz...and likely Ichirou.

All around were a few buildings with lights and a few empty train cars, from the looks of them this was indeed the base of operations for the main bad guy, Kaz and Ichirou had struck gold… Or had they struck poison?

The man was tall and incredibly large for his size, all of it muscle as he stood there idly waiting for the two heroes to emerge. Their light source shadowed their figures, not revealing the taller man's face but revealed that his skin was pale and his hair white in color. He wore a coat and a plain shirt with slacks and black shoes, resembling a typical old man save for the size of his body.

Despite the shadows over his face, Kazuo and Ichirou would be able to tell that the older man was looking straight at them, gaze unwavering.

"At last we meet…" His voice was deep and solemn, a hint of raspiness present. The man sounded no older than 50 years old. "Nova Master, Blue Inferno… At last, I can see your true strength."

Ichirou stiffened up slightly; the person by the taller man's side… he recognized as the boy who nearly killed him, but Kuro wasn't who Ichirou was the most afraid of here.

The man was built like a damn building; as much if not more so than his own father… He spoke to them so calmly, and yet the very sound of the man's voice sent a chill down the silver haired boy's spine.

Was this the leader behind everything?

Kazuo's face hardened, his body stiffening as the two came into view. The man was certainly imposing. He took a deep breath. "My true strength, huh?" he asked, voice laced with rage. He could already feel it bubbling under the surface. But he managed to keep calm. "I take it you're the one I can thank for putting my children and plenty more people in danger?" he asked as he clenched his fist, the space around him beginning to heat up.

And yet, despite the man being there, Kaz's eyes quickly found the young man. Was that-? No... He didn't even need to ask. Kaz knew. Shit. He'd honestly hoped Kuro wouldn't be here. He looked around briefly. Did that mean-?

"If you're looking for my sister, she isn't here," Kuro said calmly, taking a few steps forward. He looked the two heroes up and down, rolling his head calmly around his shoulders. He could feel his muscles loosening before finally his eyes fell on Ichirou. "Hey, you're looking a little stiff there little brother. You sure you're gonna be okay here?" he cracked a small smirk.


"Kurogane," Kuro cut Kaz off before glancing back at the imposing, shadowy figure of a man. "Sorry boss man. Looks like I stole a little of your attention."

"Kurogane. You have to know-"

"Save it. I've heard enough shit from your little lawyer over there." Kuro had been conflicted enough over all of this since his fight with Ichirou. But, he couldn't just accept it all. Not just like that. His whole life. A lie. Pointless.

Kaz grit his teeth. So, it would have to be the hard way. "I don't know who you are, but you should know you've made a huge mistake." And yet, confident though he way, Kaz knew this wouldn't be so simple. The man most certainly wasn't weak. If things came down to it, he would have to resort to using... No. It was a last resort. He placed his hand on Ichirou's shoulder. Part of this was to reassure his son that he was there, and part to let him know to be ready to fight at a moment's notice.

Ichirou grimaced being called out; Yes, he was tense, but because of the monster of a leader that Kuro stood with. He wasn't scared of Kuro; his brother was misguided. He needed help. But… the man next to him. That man had been responsible for the deaths and injuries of many people. That man in front of him led a large organization that would be willing to hurt many more…

His fist clenched at his side.

He stole a glance at his father feeling a reassuring hand on his shoulder. Ichirou knew what it meant; he could only hope that the two of them would come out on top.

Neither had any idea of the strength this man held… but they were going to find out.

"Meeting you today was no mistake, Kazuo Mizushima." "Boss man" spoke again. "My intent here is simple. You represent everything I despise in this society. You represent what is wrong, and you have no shame bringing your own child along the same path. Hnn, I wonder if you or the mother are aware Honoka was captured." The man's voice was calm, cool, and collected. He spoke of these things as if they were regular, everyday occurrences. It chilled Ichirou's core more that this bastard knew his family's names, and even more so to hear Honoka had been kidnapped as well..

The man continued speaking. "The death of a man who neglects his children now and abandoned two more in favor of protecting a society that tarnishes those we should nourish will be nothing to mourn. With your passing, there will be much needed change to this society. Lay down and die, Nova Master!"

In a flash, a purple portal opened beneath the man's feet and reappeared behind Kazuo. The large man barreled through, aiming to punch the Hero.

Listening to the man, Kazuo couldn't help but clench his fist tighter. So, Nova Master represented everything he despised, huh? Kaz had dealt with this type before. He'd been a puppet of this type before. And yet, though it should have come as no surprise, his eyes widened at the news of Honoka's kidnapping. Goddammit! These bastards! Kaz grit his teeth, though he remained as level headed as he could.

"I haven't been the perfect father, but I would never have abandoned my children. Not now, and not ever," Kazuo admittedly, his eyes shifting to Kuro for just a moment. "As for my daughter," he seemed to pause for a moment. "She'll be fine. At least, she'll be safer than your little band of cronies anyway," he spat out in response.

Then, a portal opened. Kaz was quick to release Ichirou, pushing the boy out of the way. Turning to meet his attacker head on as only the one bearing the title of "Japan's Number One Hero" could, he caught the man's fist. Flames exploded from Kaz's body, as though he'd been waiting for this for the man's initial strike.

"If you want me gone so bad, it's gonna take a lot more than this," he roared as he pivoted on his heel, pulling the boss closer while launching a powerful punch of his own aimed at the man's face. Outwardly, Kazuo's face expressed pure rage, but his movements were far more controlled than his demeanor would suggest.

Kuro's heart jumped for a moment at Kazuo's glance and again at the explosion of flames. And what was this? Honoka? His daughter? Kuro clearly hadn't been aware of this. But he steeled himself, eyes coming to focus on Ichirou. If he was feeling brave, Kuro would need to be ready. He growled angrily.

"So, I guess this is it." His voice was low as the boss made his first more. Black flames began to form a small layer over his shoulders and arms. "You gonna come at me, or am I making the first move, golden boy?" He asked, though he didn't seem particularly eager to make the first move. Maybe something had gotten through to him after his first meeting with Ichirou.

Much to Kazuo's surprise, the large man didn't move out of the way. Instead, not only did he take the punch, but he grabbed the man's wrist and held him there. Two of Akio's quirks were activated, nullifying most of the pain from Kazuo's attack while the other quirk worked on strengthening the older man's body.

But that wasn't all.

From Akio erupted a bolt of lightning from his body, aiming to attack the hero with high voltage if the other man couldn't get away.

Ichirou didn't have time to pay attention to his father, and instead kept his eyes on his brother.

"Kuro." Ichirou spoke up. Though it had been a long time ago, Ichirou remembered those portals. He was curious. "Has portals always been that man's quirk?" He didn't expect an answer, but Ichirou decided it was worth a shot.

His blue flames flickered along his skin, the pain slowly but surely making itself known again. Ichirou was already making his plan, but the sight of those portals… Was he related to Makoto?

Kazuo barely had time to react as the man grabbed his wrist and subsequently launched an attack. He grit his teeth, fire exploding from beneath him to launch him up over the villain's head and out of the way of his lightning blast.

"What?" Kaz almost couldn't believe it. He was by no means weak and he could tell this man was strong in his own right, but how could he have so easily taken that punch. And had he just gotten stronger? What kind of quick did he have? Kazuo didn't have time to think about that. He held his free hand out as he was just over the man and began to blast him with flames. THis was going to be harder than he'd thought.

Kuro's eyes widened at Ichirou's question. He hadn't realized it, but those portals. He'd seen them before. "I don't…" he seemed confused for a moment. Now that he thought about it, he didn't have a real clue as to what the man's quirk was. "Gah… No… Don't try to distract me," he snarled through grit teeth as he charged forward to attack Ichirou. But those portals. It was on his mind now. That kid. The one he'd met maybe a handful of times. The one who certainly hadn't belonged among the band of villains.

Kuro shook his head as he drew closer to Ichirou. "Sorry, but I'm gonna need to stomp you out like the big boss is gonna stomp out Nova Master," he growled as he swiped a powerful claw at Ichirou's chest.

It was unknown just how many people were able to shrug off an attack like that from Kazuo, but if there hasn't been one, then today was definitely the first time he'd seen it.

Akio looked up, following Kazuo as the other man leaped to avoid the thunderous attack. The lightning that shot from the villain's body collided with the wall, leaving a large crater and many chunks of rubble and stone upon impact. The loud noise of the collision reverberated around the room.

The fire came at him, and Akio moved out of the way, but not by much. The flames burned Akio's already calloused skin and the scalding was there, but just how many times had he burned himself prior to this that the streams of flame seemed to be only a minor inconvenience to him.

He moved to the side, body bulking up even further. Akio quickly grabbed stones from the ground and threw them as hard as he could at Kazuo. Akio's natural strength on top of the power he gained from his quirks had the stones racing at the hero at near bullet speeds.

Ichirou caught sight of Kuro's confusion and decided to press further. Makoto had been part of these villains, right? Then Kuro had to know something too…Maybe distracting Kuro would help him more than he thought.

He quickly leaned back to dodge the claw attack, throwing his own punch at Kuro's face and, if it missed, would follow it with a kick right after. Despite this fight, he kept talking.

"A guy who was in my class was named Makoto. On the first day, we were asked to showcase our abilities. Makoto had purple portals Kuro, and he died because of a guy with a raven quirk. You wouldn't happen to know about either of them, would you?"

Akio let out a small 'tch,' "I expected you to be stronger."

A flurry of punches from Kazuo followed suit and Akio met each one as quickly as he could block and counterattack. Each punch given to the villain was softened to the point it felt like a normal adult man's attacks. Though there was still a bit of pain to them, it was far less than what Kazuo could do to a normal villain.

Akio threw punch after punch, each one coming stronger than the last the more Kazuo hit him. The older man, when he found an opening, threw an uppercut towards Kazuo's stomach to try and hit him, and if successful, he would use the opportunity to grab and throw the other man at the wall.

Ichirou didn't let the first hit get to his head. Sure he hit Kuro, but that wasn't grounds to get cocky. This was the same person that almost killed him; who would have killed him if his uncle hadn't saved his life.

"Don't bullshit me you bastard. You knew Makoto. You've got it all over your face."

Though Ichirou deflected the punch, Kuro slammed his knee into his gut, making the silver haired boy gag from the amount of force that nearly made him empty the contents from his stomach.

"They arrested that raven guy in your group once… he's the one who killed Makoto right? He's part of this little crew, yeah?" From his position, Ichirou grabbed Kuro's shin, hopped back to put a little distance, and swung him up and over his head to try and slam his older brother against the ground. Regardless of whether he was successful, he would ask.

"You know, when I was younger I always wanted an older brother. But why'd you have to be so stupid?"

Not only was Akio meeting Kazuo blow for blow, the man was growing strong with each one. Kaz could only grit his teeth and press on. At least that was what he thought until he felt a strong uppercut crash into his stomach. He forced anything that might have threatened to come up back down in an attempt to regain his bearings, but soon found himself hurtling toward the wall.

Out of the corner of his eye, he could see Ichirou and Kuro going at it. This wasn't right. That was all he could think as he used a quick explosion from his hand to turn himself in midair. His feet connected with the wall, legs bent at the knee.

"Let's try this again," he said as flames coated his arms from his fists to his elbow. Kicking off the wall, he barreled toward that man again. Maybe raw strength wasn't enough. The flames would add an extra boost of power, but also speed. This time, Kazuo's punches would be far more powerful and dangerous. At least he thought so. The man was taking damage, on purpose at that. But maybe, if he took too much, he wouldn't be able to go down. At that point though, could Kaz outlast him?

Kuro meanwhile, found himself on the receiving end of another interrogation. "Bastard huh? How accurate," he laughed a little, watching Ichirou gag. "Looks like you got yourself a nice little pair of stones. But..." He stopped. Makoto's death. It'd been that Russian crow fucker? He grit his teeth. The kid hadn't deserved that.

"Fuck!" He gasped as he felt Ichirou's hand around his shin. He was flying through the air and down into the ground. The air escaped his lungs almost immediately. Kuro gasped trying to get it back.

Ichriou's question made him growl though. He could barely choke out the words, but he still spoke. "Stupid.... huh?" he asked angrily as he looked up at the boy from the ground. Kuro kicked Ichirou's leg with his free foot in an attempt to knock his legs out from under him. All the while he sent a stream of black flames at him. "What the hell do you know?" If he didn't go down he'd get a face full of fire.

Kazuo's boost in power did help him obtain the upper hand, but not for long. The stronger punches to Akio's body were softened, but the force behind what the older man was now receiving still hurt. He grimaced, the flames that hurt him and the strength behind Kazuo's punches were slowly working against his favor.

Akio would open a portal below Kazuo's feet, then opened another next to himself as he wound back a powerful punch. He was hoping that the moment of disorientation from the sudden shift in direction would give the villain just enough time to land this hit.

Ichirou 'tched' at the comment, "The stones were always there; it's just this time I didn't learn about my long lost siblings." However, he paused a second seeing Kuro's reaction when it was mentioned of Makoto's death and who was responsible.

It seems he struck something- Empathy. A thread that he could use to help Kuro realize just who he was associating himself with.

However, though he dodged the kick, Ichirou was met with a face full of black fire. The hero-in-training quickly got out of the stream before the flames could do too much damage. His skin burned; most likely a scalding.

"Apparently more than you." Ichirou responded to the question. "This was all around my school, and if you've checked the internet at all, I'm sure you'd have seen it too. Makoto was stabbed so many times that he didn't have a chest anymore. Two teams of cleaners had to come in and pick up what was left of him."

Ichirou knew the information he said was stomach churning to someone who knew Makoto, but right now, he didn't care. "And by association, you're connecting yourself to a sick fuck and the guy who most likely ordered him to kill a teenager younger than you, Kuro. What if his next target is our sister? Or you? You of all people should know that playing with fire will get you burned, and it might burn you way worse than it did Makoto."

In his hands had been fireballs, and Ichirou tossed each one near Kuro. The silver haired boy disappeared, forming from one only to quickly disappear then form from the other, reeling a fiery fist back to punch Kuro in the stomach.

"If you can't see how stupid you are, then I'll knock it into your head until you do!"

Nova Master could feel himself gaining traction. The villain hadn't expected this much power behind the attacks he was taking no doubt. Or maybe he just had that much faith in his quirks up to that point. But Kazuo had had more than enough time to train for something like this since his childhood. He was about to lose to some batshit monster with no regard for human life.

Still, the portals did give him an edge. Fuck! feeling himself lose his footing. he was wide open. He put up his arms to try and block the punch heading his way, but without a stable ground with which to hold his stance, at best he could soften the blow a little bit.

Kuro took the chance to jump back to his feet. He had hoped that would shut his bratty little brother up, but the boy just kept talking. Ichirou wasn't giving up; he wasn't getting angry; and he wasn't freaking out. But Kuro... was starting to. Ichirou explaining the circumstances of Makoto's death only made him feel worse.

"I do what I have to do to take down the number one hero. I don't care about any of the other plans. Whatever happens isn't my problem." He said that, but there were worries. The thought of them kidnapping the Kaz's daughter. He grimaced.

"I didn't know they'd taken you- Oof!" He'd let his guard down for a moment and Ichirou's fist had broken his defenses. He grabbed Ichirou's arm with one hand grabbing his shoulder with the other.

The truth was, between Ichirou and Dani he'd been hearing the same thing over and over. Maybe he'd been wrong, but wasn't it too late to just go back now? He couldn't do that. "Even if you're right. Even if I'm wrong and terrible. I can't just go back. I'm too far gone." Kuro clutched Ichirou's arm, lifting him up and throwing him toward the nearest wall. "All I can do is make sure my sister, the people I care about can survive." He charged after Ichirou. Either he would hit the wall, or manage to catch himself. Regardless, Kuro was coming at him.

As he ran he transformed, no longer a person, but a giant wolf ready to bite into his younger brother. Kuro snarled, claws scraping along the ground as he ran much faster than before.

Akio moved quickly to try and attack Kazuo again. If he could get a good hit in with another one of his quirks, then it would be over instantaneously. If not, then another of the quirks he'd obtained would be revealed to the pro hero.

...It didn't matter if Kazuo knew one or all of his quirks; if he didn't know how to counter them all, then he wouldn't be able to stop him.

His hand wound back in what looked like it was going to be a punch, but the shape quickly molded into a sharp blade, aimed directly at Kazuo's face.

Ichirou had been about to do what he could to break from Kuro's grasp, but what stopped him was what his brother had to say.

"Even if you're right. Even if I'm wrong and terrible. I can't just go back. I'm too far gone."

If he left, would what happened to Makoto happen to him too? Or Fenri? "Boss man" must've held some sort of Yakuza standards over his followers if someone like Kuro refused to leave… Ichirou snapped out of the empathetic moment when his brother launched him at the nearest wall, forcing the silver haired boy to turn midair and firmly planted his feet against the wall, but he didn't stay there for long. The sudden charge from his brother made Ichirou, less than gracefully, throw himself at the ground to get away, roll, then stand back up.

The last time he felt panic rush through him like that had been when his great grandfather charged at him during his time in the mountains.

"Whether you stay or go, you'll be in danger. That right?" He asked, sending two streams of blue fire at Kuro's direction.

Kaz grit his teeth as the man's fist transformed into... "No..." He sucked in a breath and moved to intercept the sword. He twisted at the hip, slamming his fist into the flat of the blade, using his other hand to create an explosion of flame and put some distance between them.

Back on solid ground and able to get himself together, Kaz scowled, glaring at the man. "That quirk. You stole it. You've stolen quite a few haven't you?" he asked. Now it was starting to make sense. He didn't just have one quirk. It wasn't a quirk that'd mutated naturally. It couldn't be. He had more than one. And he'd taken them from others some how. With so much at the man's disposal, Kaz was finding it harder to strategize. He wasn't left with much in the way of options. He just had to power through and hit him so hard, he wouldn't be able to move anymore.

Kuro growled as Ichirou moved to safety. Skidding to a stop he turned. He huffed, a small burst of flame shooting from his snout. The wolf snarled, moving slowly, beginning to circle Ichirou. Was that why he'd transformed? He couldn't answer as a wolf. He could fall back on his more animalistic tendencies. At least, to an extent.

For a moment though, Kuro's eyes seemed sad as Ichirou asked his question. However, as the flames came at him, Kuro picked up the pace. Maybe he'd been waiting for his younger brother to make the first move. Kuro darted out of the way and then made a sharp turn toward Ichirou. Once he was close enough he lunged, lifting his paw to slash at the young hero's chest, claws ablaze with black flames. There was less power behind this attack though, as though.

The hero seemed to understand what Akio's actions silently told him. As he thought, it didn't matter. Nova Master had only had to strategize for 2 quirks at most per person, but how would he fare against one man who trained just as much, if not more, than him, with quite a few quirks at his disposal?

And all he displayed was not just what he had.

Akio's eyes never left Kazuo as he finally realized just who he was fighting against. "Hidemi Isobe, Jack of all Blades. He stood no chance against one of my followers. Died quickly, painfully, and in shame." The white haired man responded, shifting his hand from the previous blade to a broadsword. Because of Akio's strength, he was able to wield this weapon as easily as a normal sword.

He pushed forward, then suddenly, Akio fell through one of his portals and appeared above Kazuo. The wave of the large blade would be the only warning Kazuo would have to move out of the way.

Ichirou watched the wolf carefully, catching the blur from the corner of his eye and moved out of the way from the attack. However, this attack was noticeably slower than the last. Despite his older brother coming at him with the need to kill earlier, Kuro was slowing down… Was his quirk getting to him, or…

Was what he said working?

Ichirou decided to keep talking before they could really focus on this fight. He was getting through to Kuro… Hopefully

"If "Boss man" had no trouble killing Makoto, what makes you think he'll hesitate to do the same to you or the people you care about?"

The silver haired hero moved quickly taking his chance and launching a fiery punch at Kuro's wolf head, aiming to send him at the wall.

Kaz grit his teeth listening to Akio speak. "Motherfucker..." he mumbled under his breath. He could feel the skin breaking in his palm as he clenched his fist tighter. This bastard, the man behind so much suffering, so much pain...

He looked up immediately. Akio had shown his hand too early with the portals. Kazuo wasn't surprised by this. He leaped back, just enough to avoid the sword of the man's sword. "You bastard!" the number one hero roared as a large fireball formed in his right hand. He stepped in grabbing the blade with his left hand. He began to super heat it, likely aiming the melt the steel in his grasp. The aim was to hopefully surprise the villain, not only with his strength, but with the "reckless" tactic. It would hopefully distract him enough as he rammed the fireball into Akio's face.

"You're going to pay for everything you've done," Kaz shouted, intent on remaining the hero. He had to defeat Akio. He had to bring the man in to answer for his crimes. If he got a little roughed up in the process... well, that was okay.

Kuro knew what Ichirou was saying was true. But at least by listening, he could ensure survival for him, his sister, and Dani. At least, that was how he justified it now. But... If he lost... if they lost... would they still be seen as useful?

Dammit! What was wrong with him?! Why was he still humoring this conversation?! He should have been able to shut Ichirou up ten times over by now! He opened his mouth to try and bit Ichirou as the two went back and forth, but ultimately felt a powerful fire fueled fist slam into his head. It did just as Ichirou had hoped, sending him flying into the wall. Kuro yelped on contact, sliding down to feel the floor on his paws.

"You... fucker..." he said, panting as he transformed back. "What difference does it make?" he asked as he forced himself to his feet.

He began to walk forward, his steps slow and deliberate. "Do you realize you're trying to save a killer? Is that alright with you? I've ended people's lives under that man's orders. My sister has. My friend." Kuro grit his teeth. Fuck, his jaw hurt. "Even I have things I need to try and protect now, Blue Inferno. So what? You expect me to trust you? Trust a man who I've spent most of my life hating?" He stopped, just a foot away from Ichirou.

"Do you even know..." He growled and reel back for a fiery punch of his own. "... how insufferably stupid you sound?!" he roared, content to turn this into a fist fight. No tricks. His black flames, his fists vs Ichirous.

Akio seemed undeterred by the other man's anger. In fact, he seemed ready for it. His elemental booster and his shock absorption quirks were both at their peak, ready for whatever the pro hero threw at him.

What he hadn't expected was for Nova Master to rush him, grabbing his blade hand and moving to attack him.

His quirk soaked in this damage like a sponge. To Nova Master's surprise, though, Akio took the fireball attack head on and let the quirk damage him further. Though he would certainly be scarred physically after this, his current strength and speed was skyrocketing further.

"Isobe said the same thing." He responded, then, the man moved much faster than he had previously. Akio aimed to punch Kazuo in the face again then swung his arm blade to hurt him, though it was not as sharp (if at all) as it had been thanks to Kazuo's fire. To the hero it might feel more like getting hit with a club.

Ichirou glared in return and swung his own fiery blue fist, the punches colliding together and the impact making the blue and black flames flicker and dance with each movement.

"If what I'm saying is so stupid, then what does that say about you if you're taking it to heart?"

Ichirou continued. "I don't give two fucks if this is the last time I ever see you again, Kuro. I don't care if you live the rest of your life hating Dad. I just need to get it through your fucking thick, challenged head that you have a choice! Whether you stay or go, it doesn't make a difference, right? He can kill you without a second thought?"

Ichirou moved again and again, his fists moving in a flurry of fiery punches at his older brother, his fire growing more and more while the pain of his quirk gradually began to rise.

"The difference here is you either die as your own person or you die as a bitch under his command! Which is it Kuro?! Huh?! Would you be happy if you and the people you cared about died as that bastard's property?!"

Kazuo couldn't help but blink a few times in surprise. He'd never expected the man to take an attack like that to the fact. But that must have meant something. He was getting somewhere. He had to be.

Unfortunately, Akio only seemed to be growing stronger. His movements were increasing in speed with each attack he absorbed. Kaz would just have to brace himself for whatever came. His sons were fighting. He could hear Ichirou trying so hard. Kuro was wavering. If anybody could get through to the wolf, it was Ichirou. He'd just have to keep on fighting until he beat Akio.

"Hidemi was strong. If one of your lackeys took him down, I can only imagine the kind of twisted tricks they used." Kaz moved just enough to avoid the fist, using the moment to launch a counter attack. He moved in, slamming his fist into Akio's gut, putting as much strength as he could. Still, as the blunt sword crashed into him, the Pro-hero couldn't help but hack out a cough. "His will lives on," Kaz barked out, trying to ignore the pain as he wrapped his arm around the now blunt blade. Akio would find it much harder to move than he'd expected as Kaz began to throw more flame fueled punches at the man. He wouldn't be getting away with a portal now.

There was no way Akio could block every attack, right? One for the head. Two, three, four to the body. Another to the head. Each one growing in intensity with flame and power. "Whatever it takes, you're going down!"

Kuro continued to swing, each of his punches meeting Ichirou's. There was a kind of morbid joy in this simple brawl, but he couldn't even begin to have fun with it because of everything going on. "Dammit!" He growled as he forced himself to keep up with Ichirou, his own flurry of fiery fists rising in speed to meet his younger brother's.

"Shut up! Shut UP! SHUT UP!" The wolf barked, practically screaming as more of Ichirou's attacks began to make it through. He was slowing down. GODDAMMIT! Why was he slowing down?!

Kuro coughed, trying to maintain his own strength and speed, but feeling his body begin to buckle under the weight of Ichirou's blows. Suddenly, he felt himself on his knees. The room was spinning. He was disoriented. What the fuck? Had that twerp of a brother of his really hit him that hard? "Who the fuck would be happy with that?" Kuro relented, his fist falling to his sides. "I don't wanna die... like some fucking dog..." he said as he looked up, his eyes finding Ichirou's.

"And I won't let Infenri or Dani die like that." He was resolute in that. "But..." How... How could they even begin to think about a life free from those bastards? Free from Akio, Mauve... any of those evil fucks. Dani was right. Maybe Kuro was too soft. "I... I can't..." he said as he grabbed onto Ichirou, trying to force himself back up to his feet. "All I can do is fight. That's it." He panted, his breathing more labored and heavy. "What would you do... if you were me?"

Kazuo's first set of punches did, in fact, hit. They were fast and Akio was only able to dodge a couple of them, but the strength and force of impact, despite the older man's quirk cushioning the blows, still hurt. He swallowed back any nausea he felt as the impacts were stirring up his insides, and pushed forward.

He threw his own punches, silently listening to Kuro as he fought Kazuo's son. He should have brought Chuya or Inoue instead. Tch, and they say dogs are supposed to be loyal.

He threw another punch and another and another. He summoned a blade from his hand to try and get Nova Master's fist to stab itself.

Ichirou could see it; Kuro was slowly wearing down. He hadn't intended to use "talk no jutsu" on another person, but tugging at emotions really did work. Kuro had deescalated their fight just listening to his words. He'd finally gotten through; Kuro was vulnerable. Just one more sentence. That's all it'd take, right?

He panted softly, but not as labored as his brother. Ichirou reached down and grabbed his brother's shoulders, pulling him up from the ground and back onto his feet. He still watched carefully for any sudden attacks, but it this one moment of vulnerability could get to him, then Ichirou would declare that a win.

"I'd take all the people I could and get out of there." He began, "I don't care if they chase me for the rest of my life, Kuro. They can't do shit if they can't catch me."

His eyes stared at Kuro's; serious and yet… there was warmth in them. A kindness he and his mother shared. "If this is the last time I see you again, fine. But, I'd take never seeing you again and knowing you're away from these bastards than meeting you every single day like this. I know you're stronger than this. I know you, Fenri, and Dani deserve better than this, because I've got the feeling that none of you would have done what you did if not for these people."

Akio was as stronger as he looked. Stronger even. He was eating these punches like they were breakfast. But that didn't mean it wasn't doing anything. Kaz cause seen bits of pain in the man's face. His quirks might have been helping minimize the damage, but that didn't mean he wasn't taking any.

Kaz's eyes widened though as the man punched, the arm transforming into a sword. "Not a chance!" Kaz shouted as he opend his fist. It wa sa little too late to fully stop, but as the blade sunk into the palm of his hand, he grit his teeth. If Akio thought that was enough to stop the number one hero's assault though, he was wrong. From Kaz's open palm a small spark formed. "Crimson Flash!"

From Kaz's hand a large ball of flames would form. THe front of the ball would burst in Akio's direction send a massive torrent of flames at the man. The force of it would eat at the floor of the tunnel and the ceiling. Getting caught in the blast wouldn't be safe. Akio had a mere moment to either escape or hope his quirk would shield him from one of Nova Master's "finishing moves."

He'd gotten back to his feet. Man, that last punch had done a number on him. Still, as he gripped Ichirou's shoulder's he couldn't help but laugh. "Run huh? Just live life looking over my shoulder? Trade you heroes for that man? Honestly..." It felt like that was the far worst option. At least police and heroes, too an extent anyway, were predictable. But... Akio, the boss, the man who seemed to be shrugging off blows from the Number One hero? He was anything but.

Kuro couldn't bring himself to just run. "If they caught me... the things they would do to me, my sister... Dani... Running isn't an option." His eyes closed for a moment. But maybe there was another option. The jellyfish wasn't here. Nobody else was here. At least not in this particular tunnel. That had been the plan right? Corner many of the heroes like this. Keep them separated.

"Yeah... That's right. Fighting really is the only thing I can do." Determination returned to Kuro's eyes as he opened them. "I have to fight."

Though he repeated that, he made no moves to try and hurt Ichirou. "You get it right, little brother?" he asked as a small smirk formed on his face. Maybe Kaz couldn't beat Akio on his own, but with help things could turn. Maybe it was wishful thinking. Akio could have been even more powerful than Kuro imagined, but would at least like this, Dani and Infenri weren't threats. If he failed, they was no reason to hurt them. Not when they could just lie and keep them under their thumbs.

Ichirou's eyes widened a bit hearing his brother's words, and with it, soon followed a smile of his own. He'd knocked some sense into his brother! Yes! "Yeah, I get it." He replied, turning his attention to Akio. He didn't 100% trust that Kuro had a change of heart, but so long as he wasn't attacking Ichirou, then all was fine (for now).

Akio's blade penetrated Kazuo's hand, but he was soon met with a ball of fire. He groaned in pain, pulling back his blade and right before Kazuo can unleash his finisher move, Akio summoned a portal below himself, using it to transport a different location a bit of ways away from Nova Master so at best he would waste his attack.

The older man noticed that Kuro and Ichirou seemed to have stopped fighting. Curious.

Kaz sucked his teeth at the man's departure and subsequent dodge of his attack. A large crater had formed, extending god knows how long into the tunnel. And Kaz had been holding back quite a bit too. Maybe he was madder than he'd have liked to admit. It didn't matter now though.

Turning to find the boss of the villains, the hero known as Nova Master found himself in quite the predicament. It'd been a long time since he'd felt so evenly matched. Going like this, there was a chance he might have to use... He shook his head. He had to focus on Akio. "So you can feel pain." He had noticed the lack of fighting coming from his boys. Neither seemed incapacitated. That was probably a good sign. Right? "I was beginning to wonder if that was the case," he added in an attempt to keep the older man's attention on him. He didn't know what the man would try next

Kuro still didn't fully know where he stood. He was a villain; he had been for many years of his life. But, Ichirou had been right about one thing at least. He was tired of living to serve Akio and Mauve. He didn't want that life for his sister, who he knew would do anything so long as he pursued it. And if he could help it. He wanted to get Dani out of that life too. He grit his teeth.

He wasn't going to pretend everything was all peachy. But, he knew if there was a chance to get out and not have to spend every waking moment of his life wondering when they would get him... now was it. He had to take advantage of this. Even if it was selfish. Even if it meant relying on a man he'd spent years hating. Even if it was just this one time. He had to take a chance.

"You've probably figured this out by now, Mr. Number One Hero." Kuro walked past Ichirou, closer toward Kaz, his eyes remaining locked on the older man. "But the boss's quirk lets him steal the abilities of others. I'm just spitballing, but I'm guessing you don't know how though." He cracked his knuckles once he was close enough. "He eats people. Or parts of them. And then killed them to gain their abilities. Something like that anyway. There's a time frame though. He has to get the job done before a certain amount of time passes. Luckily he had a pretty skilled group of killer's at his disposal."

Kaz stared down the man, growing a bit angrier as Kuro explained. "Thank you. I-"

"Cut the crap. I'm helping you cause it suits me. And I can't stand trying to punch in that fuckin brat of yours's face anymore." Kuro cut Kaz off almost immediately. "For now focus on the big man. Akio Kura," he snarled. "Just be careful. You two are the only ones with something to protect. Heh, I guess you could say even villains fall in love sometimes. But that'll just make him harder to take down."

Ichirou was quick to stand by his father's side, a part of him unable to believe that Kuro was actually going to fight with them, but it was better than 2 versus 2. Now, with everyone against the leader, there was no way Akio could win!

Meanwhile, Akio stood silently, his eyes studying Kuro to see if this was just the wolf's ploy, or if he was being serious. They never left him, as calm and collected as he had been since the beginning of the fight.

When Kuro finished speaking, the stone faced man finally spoke.

"And they say dogs are loyal." He sighed, "And so, you've turned against me. Just like Aimi, and just like Makoto… A few choice words was all that was necessary for you to side with the man that abandoned you all those years ago… You understand the consequences, and so you will face them."

Akio readied a ball of lightning in his hand, the flash of red light it gave making Ichirou recall just whose quirk the man held. The idea of it made the silver haired boy swallow the lump in his throat.

"He didn't kill just one of my classmates, but two." Ichirou growled.

"So you recognize the Arclight." Akio spoke again, "Regardless, there is nothing you can do about it now. You will join your classmates in the afterlife, and you." His eyes glared at Kuro, "will suffer."

The man soon threw the ball at the three men, Ichirou making quick work of dodging it and paused, letting his father and Kuro attack first so he could go for the element of surprise.

"Unfortunately for you, big boss... I'm not a fuckin dog," Kuro spat at Akio clenching his fist. This was it wasn't it. Though he'd thought about it, though he'd weighed the options, Kuro was still nervous. Akio was just as strong as he'd expected and with an arsenal of quirks, powerful quirks at that. There was always the chance that if things got bad, he could turn on Kazuo and Ichirou, but...

Kaz's eyes moved from Kuro to Ichirou to Akio. Another student's quirk? And based on the explanation Kuro had given... Shit... What was going on at UA this year? "Alright you two. Stay calm. Hit him fast and hard. Watch each other's movements." This must have been hard for Ichirou. Even if he hadn't been close to the individual... Kazuo shook his head. He had to stay focused.

"Yeah yeah, just don't get in my way," Kuro responded. "And don't get too comfy giving me orders." He cracked his knuckles.

Soon, Akio fired a ball of electricity at the three of them. Ichirou moved out of the way. Kuro and Kaz both followed suit. "Don't think this is gonna be so easy," Kaz said as he swiftly found his footing and kicked off the ground. Rocketing towards Akio he raised his fist. A fire fueled fist aimed for the man's face was barreling toward him at high speed.

"Yeah," Kuro growled as he moved in as well aiming to flank Akio from the right. "I don't give a fuck what you do to the old man, but I'm not letting you kill the stupid twerp." As Kuro approached, he aimed a powerful kick at Akio's leg. For a moment, it almost sounded like he was being protective of Ichirou. "I still gotta kick his ass for being an idiot later. But the enemy of my enemy, or whatever the fuck the old saying is."

Ichirou silently seethed in anger, but did not allow the emotions to take control of him. Instead, he listened to his father's instructions, and quietly made potential plans of his own that could benefit them depending on the scenario. Keep an open mind, adapt quickly. Dodge when necessary, but do not let the problem leave your sight.

"Right." He answered.

Ichirou thought that maybe things would be alright, but… then there came Kuro and his unpredictability. Maybe-well, hopefully things won't get too out of hand with his older brother.

...Older brother…

Speaking of older brother, Ichirou let out a small "huh" hearing Kuro sound protective over him, but the hope of that being the case quickly deflated to disappointment. A part of him wanted to correct Kuro, but Ichirou just called him a "dumbass" under his breath and got moving.

He shot his own fireballs in different locations as his escape routes, using the distractions for his own personal benefit and used another fireball to have him teleport himself behind Akio.

Before the larger man could move, Ichirou grabbed the back of the man's shirt and kept him in place for Kazuo's and Kuro's attacks. Blue fire sprouted and shot from his own hands, a mix of blue and red would engulf Akio as each attack hit, but Akio wasn't going down.

The older man was hurt, obviously so. But while his demeanor was calm and collected, the man was seething with rage. The burns on his body didn't seem to bother him as much as it would any other person. In fact, Akio was still moving normally which baffled Ichirou.

Akio quickly reached and grabbed Kuro by the face as Ichirou let out a scream from the electric attack that shot from the larger man's body, forcing Ichirou to let go. Considering the force of electricity from two highly powerful attacks, it was amazing that Ichirou's body refused to give in to it.

Akio quickly moved to try and slam Kuro against the silver haired boy before Akio readied another electric ball, this one larger than the last, and aimed it at Kazuo.

Kuro grit his teeth, refusing to give Akio the satisfaction of hearing him scream in the wake of the man's electrical power and combined with his physical prowess. Even as he was manhandled, a large hand gripping his face, and slammed into Ichirou, the wolf boy struggled. Clawing at Akio's wrist, Kuro began to dig his nails into the flesh of the man, at least as much as it would allow.

But it didn't matter. Kuro felt his body crash into Ichirou's and the two skid across the ground like skipping stones. "Fuckin..." he growled as he looked at Ichirou, his body attempting to push back to his feet.

"Hey fuckface," Kuro groaned. "If you're gonna move in to help an attack. Make sure you get the fuck out of there the second it lands. You're no good dead. And even worse unconscious." Steadying himself, the wolf boy spit, wiping his mouth of excess saliva and blood almost immediately. The good new... or maybe it was bad... was that Akio seemed angry. He wasn't playing as smart as Kuro would have expected.

Meanwhile, Kaz sucked in a breath. They were doing damage, but the boys already weren't in peak condition. Ichirou's quirk had to be taking a toll on him. Hell, even Kaz's body was starting to feel it. Kuro had taken more than a few good hits from Ichi from the looks of it too. "Dammit. What are you?" he grumbled under his breath.

Kazuo needed to move. A small explosion when off at his feet as he used his flames to help get him out of the way. Unfortunately, it wasn't enough. As he attempted to dodge, he felt the jolt run through him. The ball had just knicked him, singeing his side as he felt the electricity shoot through him. "Gah!" he roared angrily. Thought it seemed the damage he was taking was minimal it was beginning to build up. Much more so than he'd anticipated.

"We gotta move brat," Kuro growled, battle ready once more. "And remember. Be ready to run if you need to." he ordered Ichirou as he launched off the ground.

Kuro wasn't about to stay lying down. "You're batshit if you think we're making this easy for you!" The wolfboy yelled as he shot a powerful blast of black flames at the man. The flames had an incredible amount of power and force behind them as he charged, though this time, Kuro wouldn't go all the way. He couldn't risk being caught and used as a weapon again.

Kazuo had to take advantage of this. Once hand gripped his side as he held up the other. "Lets see, how much heat you can really take," he said as he began to bathe the villain in flames of his own. He and Kuro began to circle Akio.

"I'm gonna bet, not as much as we have to give," Kuro felt the need to add as he kept moving, not wanting to give Akio a static target of attack.

Ichirou hissed, the fabric of his sleeves had burned out from the electricity and his hands felt raw to the touch; definite scars. He hadn't fully recovered from the first attack, so he hadn't been ready for Kuro being thrown at him. Hearing his brother talk, his eyes glared at him. "Thanks asshole, that info would have been awesome 20 seconds ago!"

Still, now wasn't the time to argue. He popped another pill into his mouth and down his throat, shaking off the attack and getting ready for the moment of rebuttal. He charged up his own fire, the three of them going after Akio in different directions.

Kuro's deductions had been true, Akio wasn't fighting at his best, but he was doing all he could to not let those emotions show. The betrayals of Aimi and Makoto, the death of Watanabe; his cause stood strong, but he could sense impending doom. For himself? For everything he stood for? He wasn't sure, but he knew his time on this planet was coming to an end. Soon, he would be nothing but fertilizer to the plants on Earth, but when? When would it come?

His intuition had not been wrong before, so this worried him…

Regardless, he'd taken precautions with Chuya. Should his final battle be here with Nova Master, then his cause would live on.

Again, each of them were coming at Akio. Ichirou was following suit with his own blue fire, Kazuo with his own, and Kuro was charging at him with black flames.

The older man, with his strength multiplied immensely thanks to the attacks he took, ripped two huge slabs of concrete from the ground and threw one into a portal behind him, then another at Ichirou. The portal reappeared, right in front of Kazuo and Kuro, giving them a split second to react to the large concrete coming after them. Meanwhile, Akio aimed his hand at the portal, catching something with his eye and prepared another attack while the heroes and the traitor made their moves.

Kuro scoffed at Ichirou's response. "You really are stupid," he commented before Akio made his move. He grunted, letting his flames die as he leaped up with impressive agility. Using the slab of concrete as a springboard he launched himself even higher toward the ceiling of the tunnel. "Hit and run tactics for people stronger than you is like combat 101," he added loudly, mostly for Ichirou.

"Is really now the time?" Kazuo shouted as he took a different approach, slamming a powerful knee into the slab. His fists would take care of any extra pieces that might have been a hindrance.

Kuro meanwhile used the wall to launch himself at Akio. He didn't know what the big boss was planning, but he wasn't about to let him do it without a little opposition.

"Ak-- Kuro! Do-"

"Shut the hell up and watch your dumbass kid." The wolf boy, in a fit of irony, cut off his father. He was now barreling down at high speed, which he further increased with a blast of flamed from his feet. With a little added momentum, the boy transformed mid-air. The giant wolf's claws were out and he was more than ready to sink his teeth into Akio.

Kazuo grunted, averting his eyes as he sent a powerful ball of fire at the concrete aimed at Ichirou. More than likely the boy was pushing himself. Even with all his added strength and fire power, a little help never hurt. The fire would, hopefully, blow the damned thing apart. If not, it would at least make it weak enough that minimal effort from Ichirou would break it up. That'd put less strain on him right.

"Blue Inferno, those portals are starting to become an issue. We're gonna need your mobility more than ever," Kaz said as he breathed out slowly, small flames had begun to pop up on his body. Kaz put out one of the flames, lamenting the old involuntary reaction of his quirk. This was dragging on too long. It was gonna start affecting him in ways he hadn't experienced in a long time.

Ichirou felt his eye twitch, growling lowly at Kuro's retorts. Did he really think Ichirou wasn't aware of that or was he just having fun pissing him off? Regardless, the silver haired boy decided not to reply so as to not give Kuro another chance at a response. Otherwise, he and Kuro would be back to square one and fighting each other again.

He was ready to move and dodge, but the fire blew the concrete to pieces before it could get close enough. His body was definitely taking its toll, noticing the pain of his quirk despite having taken his pills, and the longer this wore on, the harsher the repercussions were going to be when this was over.

Ichirou panted heavily, quickly deciding on a course of action. The portals were definitely a problem, and quickly, he saw an opening to help out his brother.

The flicker of purple flashed, and Akio was about to use it to…

Another flicker of purple, this time above Kuro.

He readied his fireballs and threw them, appearing right above Kuro and underneath Akio's falling body.

Ichirou took aim and decided to take a page from Masaru's playbook.

He launched his leg upward, right between Akio's legs, and hit him directly in his package. The force of impact shot Akio right back up, allowing Kuro to tackle him.

Akio, with the pain shooting up his groin and spine, was still quick on his feet. He caught Kuro by the throat before the wolf could do too much damage, holding his neck tightly before the older man decided against killing him right then and there.

He'd always had a soft spot for the younger generation… in this case, however, he was going to drive in the knife and twist it.

Kuro was no longer his subordinate. There was nothing he could do to change it. But, enraged individuals were easier to fight than those who were thinking straight.

He threw Kuro away from him, back towards his father and brother, before Akio bent into a runner's position.

The transformation was quick; a large man soon becoming an even larger, more ferocious creature: a werewolf. The form had dark blue fur, huge muscles thanks to Akio's human form, and looked very familiar to Kazuo.

Kuro snarled and snapped at Akio as he was caught by the throat before he could really sink his teeth into the bastard. And after his dumbass little brother had gone through the trouble of nutting the fucker way harder than that ice queen friend had done the last time they'd all met.

"Blue Inferno, on me," Kaz ordered his son as he charged forward again. A two pronged attack along with a chance to aid Kuro.

Unfortunately, Kuro was soon sent flying across the room, yelping as his body collided with the ground. He panted heavily, attempting to force himself up to his feet. Akio Kura... This man was like a force of nature. It almost didn't feel like they could win. But, they had to be making some sort of progress. Right?

Kazuo, meanwhile, stopped his charge as the man's form began to change. "No." He whispered under his breath.

Kuro's eyes widened at the sight before him. Since when in the fuck had Akio been able to-


What? Kuro's eyes blinked once and then twice at the word. In a matter of seconds he was a human again. "Hey motherfucker," he said to Kazuo who was now visibly shaking with anger. "What the fuck did you just say?"

Kaz grit his teeth. "That fucking quirk." He hadn't seemed to register Kuro's question. Or maybe that was the answer? The best one he would get right now. "You--" He could barely complete a thought as he stared the monstrous wolfman down.

"HEY! Answer me goddamit!" Kuro shouted angrily as his eyes moved from Kaz to Akio and back over and over. "Why the fuck did you say my mother's name?! Are you- No. FUCK. NO!"

When his attack was finished, Ichirou quickly returned to his father's side, prepared to charge and attack with everything they had… but everything stopped. The world froze as Akio unveiled another quirk, this one familiar to not just his father, but Kuro as well…

A-Akane? No....

The second he heard his father say Akane's name, it was easy to figure out what had happened.

This bastard killed aunt Akane… A classmate and good friend of his parents… Dead, by his hands and her quirk robbed.

Just what the fuck was this monster?! He wasn't human!

Akio's form was monstrous, his wolf eyes glared at the three but they were trained more on Kazuo. The shock of the situation had gotten to them, their rage building. Excellent. He knew Kuro was a disorientated mess when he fought enraged, and the number one? Well, Mauve's work had given him all he needed to know.

"Akane died as pathetically as Isobe." He spoke, "She thought she could win. But, like the rest, she perished like an animal, and I took what was mine.

Akio did not make a move. Not yet. "You want to do to me what I did to her. But know this. Only I know where her body lies."

"You... You said... And Mauve...." Kuro's chest heaved up and down and his mind began to run through years of lies and half truths. Years of anger, torture, experimentation. Years of killing. Making himself useful with Fenri. Years of chasing the goal to kill the Number One Hero: Nova Master. "Everything. Every goddamn thing." What the hell had he been fighting for? What was the point of everything?

Kazuo clenched his fist so tightly that blood began to drip down from his hand. "Akio Kura." He didn't need to say anything more. Hatred and animosity laced his voice. He didn't just want to bring them man in. He didn't just want to kill him. He wanted to make him suffer.


"I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU!" Kuro roared as he shot off the ground. Just moments ago he could barely get himself to his feet. It was amazing how much of a motivator Hate could be.

For a moment, Kaz was snapped back to reality. "Shit." He rocketed off the ground following Kuro. He had to back him up.

Ichirou watched Kuro specifically for his reaction, knowing that he was the most emotionally unstable of the three of them. The news hit hard, absolutely. There was no way something like would not receive an enraged reaction… And he was right.

"Kuro!" Ichirou yelled out, Kuro darting off from where he'd been just moments earlier, forcing his father to chase after him.

Akio not only anticipated the attack, but with his new heightened strength and speed, he quickly closed the distance between himself and Kuro, grabbed the other, and shot him at blinding speeds towards Kazuo.

Ichirou almost couldn't believe just how fast Akio was. He almost didn't see where the hell Kuro went!

He heard a snarl, and without thinking, threw himself to the side ungracefully, Akio barely missing him as the large beast had turned his attention to him.

Ichirou had to scramble to his feet and dodge again, the fist Akio swung colliding with the ground and leaving a small crater where the ground had been.

"H-Holy shit`" Ichirou had never seen such strength before. Not from training with his grandfather, not from watching his dad in action.

He moved to try and dodge again but Akio tricked him this time. The wolf's massive claws grabbed him by the waist and slammed him into the ground, then Ichirou was reeled back and thrown onto the ground again before he felt two large claws pinning him by the wrists, his eyes meeting teeth as big as his hands, growls reverberating in his ears.

Ichirou kicked and struggled, trying to hit Akio, to knock him off, to do something! But if he used his fire, Akio would become stronger and shake off the attack. If he punched or kick, it would be the equivalent of blowing a breath of air at him. He couldn't teleport; not in these conditions. He couldn't have anything touching him.

After every single battle Ichirou and his classmates had been through, it seemed like they were forgetting that they were all still just first years.

Was this how he died?

Kuro gasped, his eyes widening as Akio appeared before him. Suddenly he was flying. What the hell had happened? Had he been thrown? That was the only thing he could logically think of. The pain almost hadn't registered, it all happened so fast.

Just barely able to react Kazuo caught the wolf boy, sliding back a few feet. "Are you o-"

"Grraah... P-put me down fuckface..." Kuro said as he stumbled out of Kaz's grasp, eyes searching for Akio, clearly a bit disoriented. He shook his head, slamming his fists into his thighs. He was shaking, trembling. But was this fear or anger? Maybe it was some combination of both. "Fuck... Fuck fuck fuck." He growled biting his teeth. He'd never been so shaken, never felt so useless. But here he was trying his damndest to get his shit together.

Unfortunately, Kaz didn't have time to worry about the older of his sons. He'd followed Akio's movements. The villain truly was a monster. As he watched the wolfman, the man who'd stolen Akane's quirk, pin his son, things seemed to slow down. Kazuo grit his teeth, clenching his fists tightly. Pressure began to build around him as the temperature began to rise. His skin darkened, hard flames coating his hands. The Number One Hero's hair lengthened, shining with an ominous glow as it took on a more flame like appearance. Machine-like protrusions formed at specific sections of his body, his eyes glazed over an eerie orange color.

"H-hey... What the fu-" Before Kuro could question the change in appearance of Nova Master, the man was gone.

Nova Master appeared beside the massive wolf pinning his son, slamming his knee into the beast's maw. There was a time where he might have had some sort of joke, a one-liner maybe, but there was nothing now. Only rage and a need to protect his son. He didn't need to verbalize how deeply he wanted to kill the monster before him named Akio Kura. Kazuo glanced at Ichirou, exhaling slowly, the breath from his mouth appearing almost smoke-like following a small tuft of flame.

He said nothing to the boy, his boy, simply seeming to inspect and make sure he was till alive. Confirming this, his eyes moved back up to find Akio. He said nothing. He simply began to walk toward Akio once more.

Kuro's eyes narrowed, watching Nova Master approach the man who'd... He couldn't even finish the thought. He didn't want to think about it. As Nova Master sized up Akio, walking toward him with a purpose, Kuro ran towards Ichirou. "Hey runt!" he growled, stumbled as he got closer. "Fuck... You're still alive right? Can you move or what?"

The boys could look after each other. Kaz couldn't stop to check on them, though part of him buried deep below the rage and malice wanted to. He took another step and suddenly he was gone, appearing once again before Akio, his fist raised and fueled by flames as he attempted to deliver what would hopefully be a devastating blow. In truth, Kazuo wasn't even sure this would be enough to defeat Akio, but it was his final trump card. He'd have to do everything he could to push the man to the edge.

In a split second, the beast that was about to make a meal of him had been punched off, giving Ichirou a chance to breathe. But once more, his breath was caught in his throat at the sight of his father… Or, who he believed to be his father…

W-Was that really his father?

Ichirou quickly sat up and got off the ground, not listening to Kuro's question. His attention was more on his father than anything.

"You seeing this shit?" He asked Kuro, eyes never off Akio and his father.

Akio's maw was hit, and it hurt like a motherfucker as he quickly recovered from where he'd been. His original intent had been to take his bit from the number one's son, and if he died, even better. He just needed that powerful quirk of his. But seeing Nova Master's new form. Something Akio had never witnessed before, he licked his wolf lips and decided to change targets.

Kazuo was gone and suddenly appeared right before the wolf, but Akio had been ready for a close counter attack.

The punch, fueled by flames, would land on Akio, but with the shock absorption and elemental boost from the attack, it meant the wolf was only getting stronger.

With a quick and strong punch, Kazuo would find himself in a crater within the ground, then a hand on the back of his neck. With a roar, Akio ran forward, drawing Kazuo through the concrete before throwing him into a nearby wall.

Akio would then quickly run after where he'd thrown Kazuo, jaws ready to take a bite from the man.

Nova Master gasped as he felt his body collide with the ground, the resulting crater showing the severity of the blow. Still, he wouldn't stay down. He wouldn't lose. Akio was growing stronger, more powerful as they traded blows. But all that power didn't mean a damn thing if he couldn't move at the end of the day. Still, as he was yanked through the ground and his body was launched into the way Kaz grit his teeth. He felt the pain reverberating through his body, but a small grin worked it's way onto his face. His eyes locked on Akio as he freed his right arm from the indentation he'd created in the wall.

Kazuo raised a hair, large ball of fire formed. It grew large for a moment before condensing into the palm of his glowing hand. He thrust it forward as he forced the rest of his body out of the wall of the tunnel. Once the villain was close enough, it would explode with powerful force. As an extra measure, Kaz was aiming for the head. Ideally it would hit the wolf, coating him in flames in the process. But the explosion enough would likely cause immense pain and maybe even disorient him a bit.

"The fuck do you mean am I seeing it? I'm fuckin feeling it," Kuro responded as he pulled Ichirou up from the ground. He had to pull him away, even if just a bit. But as he held the boy up, Ichirou would likely feel his body shake and tremble a bit with each impact as Akio and Kazuo clashed. "Can you move?"

Kuro grit his teeth, watching the battle as he pulled Ichirou along toward the far end of the tunnel. "Fuck..." It was beginning to sink in now. If Nova Master lost. Not only would he die, but so would Ichirou, and Kuro himself. He glanced at Ichirou. There was no turning back though. "Did you know that bastard could do something like this?"

The large ball of fire had formed and singed the fur on his body, earning a growl of pain from the explosion. It was enough to send Akio back a good couple of feet, the heatwave from the attack could be felt by everyone within proximity of the collision.

Akio slammed his hands into the concrete, tearing it out of the ground and threw the slab at Kazuo. He intended for the hero to dodge or break it, as Akio planned to use it as a distraction for another attack of Arclight at him.

Ichirou was barely listening to Kuro, but he listened just enough to hear his question. "Y-Yeah. I'm fine. Just shaken up. How can we help dad? That bastard bossman isn't fucking human."

"I don't know if you're watching the same fight I am, but your old man isn't lookin too human from where I'm standing." Kuro said as he winced at the sight of the two monsters continuing to clash. He couldn't think of anything. Still, with Ichirou dumbfounded and far more hurt than him, Kuro couldn't help but groan. "Besides, you're hardly in any position to help anyone."

Kaz watched Akio as he was blown back. The bastard wouldn't stay down. He had managed to steady himself as Akio tore concrete from the ground and launched it at him. How could he approach this? What should he do? Nova Master's eyes scanned the concrete, the space around it. Akio was planning something. He had to be. Kaz had experienced too much pain thus far not to think that. He couldn't afford to underestimate the man. Of course, there was an answer. Destroy it. But he didn't need to stop at wrecking the rock.

Nova Master held out both hands and from them came a huge blast of flames engulfing the entirety of the area before him. The heat was suffocating.

"Fuck!" Kuro turned, pulling Ichirou closer, and allowing his body to act as a shield in case the worst were to come. Why had he done this? He could feel the blaze fighting to eat away at everything in its path. This fucker... What was he doing with his son still here?!

Kaz had one thing on his mind. Destroy. If he could end Akio, this would all be over. The villain was crazy if he thought Kaz was about to just let him get off whatever he had planned with his little concrete trick. And surely, this wouldn't be enough to do in his sons. They could keep themselves or each other safe. Right? They wouldn't be content turning into collateral damage! As long as he could end this, they would be fine. Justification after justification ran through his mind. But... In truth, he wasn't all there. Anyone who knew the man could see that. Ichirou could likely see that. The anger, the rage, it was overtaking him slowly.

Ichirou was shielded, but he could still feel the suffocating humidity of his father's attack. He muttered a 'thanks' to Kuro, but had to turn his head and cough. The thickness of the air was almost enough to start choking, but he pressed on. He grimaced; this was getting far too dangerous; Kuro and Ichirou shouldn't be here anymore, but, their presence might be the only line of sanity that kept Kazuo there. Otherwise, he'd have no worries destroying everything, right?

Ichirou's hope was gradually diminishing the more he watched this battle.

"We can't help the fight, but… dads never like this. He's way more cautious. More aware of his surroundings. That guy is nothing but rage right now. If he can't snap out of it, he might end up killing everyone here…" He told Kuro, at a loss for what they should do. Leaving his dad alone to fight Akio could be a death sentence for the both of them, but staying here might ensure their deaths too.

Fuck, what should they do?!

With Kazuo destroying more and more of the surrounding area, Akio had made his plan with the Arclight. The lightning was quickly set and a loud, roaring crackling masked the sounds of the strikes hitting the ceiling piece by piece. What Kazuo might have thought was bad aim resulted in the collapse of the entire ceiling and parts of the ceiling nearby, barely missing Ichirou and Kuro.

The dust cloud was thick, blocking their vision momentarily until a large shadow of a beast appeared right before them.

Akio had dodged his own destruction in the way of Kuro and Ichirou. Where was Kazuo?

"You." Akio growled, eyes on Kuro.

The beast reached down and grabbed the wolf boy by his neck, tearing him away from Ichirou who had tried to stop it. But, he was far too weak at this point given his injuries from the battle and his own quirk. If what Kuro said was true, the bastard would kill and consume Kuro's quirk too. He'd be so much stronger`!

A shout came from his throat, telling Kazuo exactly where they were. "DAD! SNAP OUT OF IT!"

The larger wolf's foot planted on Ichirou's chest and slammed him to the ground, pinning him again.

Akio's jaws opened quickly, with the intent of biting off Kuro's head.

"Can you... Shut... the fuck up..." Kuro strained a little extra pain bearing down on him with the intensity of the flames and debris. He was exhausted. Ichirou was still trying to figure something out though. The wolf wasn't about to be shown up by the golden boy, dammit!

Just then, there was an explosion followed by a crash. The flames seemed to cease, but the heat didn't dissipate. Kuro still found it hard to breathe. He turned his head to see what had happened.

The walls coming down began to bury the Number One Hero. Nova Master grunted, groaning as he forcibly began to try and free himself from his new concrete cell. That fucking bastard, Akio. Who the fuck did he think he was? Who the fuck did he think Kazuo was?! goddammit!

Kaz wanted him dead. He wanted to kill him himself. He wanted to...

Kuro gasped. Just like that he was pulled from Ichirou. The damn brat fought to help him, but he was too weak. Kuro struggled to breath clawing as the massive arm of the wolfman clutching his throat. The growl from Akio garnered a defiant glare from the wolf boy. "M-me..." he forced out as he dug his left claw into the flesh of the monstrous man's forearm. He attempted to kick at Akio, slashing at him with his right arm for extra measure, but it did nothing. He felt tears begin to well in his eyes.

"Gonna... eat... me?" he strained, refusing to give in. He wasn't about to give Akio the satisfaction of watching him beg. "F-fuck... you... k-killed..."

The world had vanished, shrouded in black as the man forced himself from the rubble. Smoke, steam, and everything else covered the battlefield. Kazuo was seething with rage as bits of concrete cascaded down his form. But suddenly, amidst the chaotic silence of his rage fueled mind, he heard Ichirou's voice. Strained and weak, but calling out with all he had.

How could Kaz have lost himself so much in this battle? He shook his head. He sucked in a breath. Miniature explosions and bursts of flame could be heard and seen through the dust and debris. Using his flames to further augment his speed he closed the distance between himself and the boys. Akio, the battle, revenge... None of it mattered if he didn't save the boys too.

Nova Master appeared once more. Though he was still in his transformed state, his eyes appeared normal, no longer glazed over orange. He did all he could at the moment to avoid further hurting the boys, wedging himself between them and Akio. He kicked the wolf's leg off Ichirou, and got between his oversized maw and Kuro attempting to pull the wolf boy out of the man's grip and into his own embrace with no regard for his own wellbeing.

Kazuo would soon feel a sharp, agonizing pain shoot through his arm the moment Akio's teeth sunk into his flesh instead. Blood ran through the seeping wound, into Akio's mouth, and down his wolf jaw.

The larger man growled, released Kuro, and instead grabbed onto Kazuo. His teeth sunk further, the tips of each tooth clinging to the other man's muscle before a sickening RIIIIP could be heard echoing through what was left of the room.

Ichirou's eyes stared at the gore, drops of his father's blood landing on his face as he witnessed the limb being torn clean off Kazuo's body.

Akio, with the limb in mouth, quickly chewed and swallowed it much to Ichirou's horror. Images that would haunt him for the rest of his life, no doubt.

Then, something happened. Akio's eyes shot wide open. He groaned, and following suit, he coughed a large chunk of blood. He doubled over, being forced onto his knee. Searing pain was shooting through his stomach, up his spine, and along his entire body. Something like this had never happened before! His body rejecting a quirk?! How?! Was it…

Nova Master's quirk wasn't completely natural anymore!

That jellyfish bitch ruined everything!

Ichirou's gaze turned to his father, the silver haired boy quickly tearing off a piece of his costume and using it as a tourniquet to try and prevent his father from bleeding out.

His emotions flared like the fire on his body. His injuries, the pain of his quirk, he didn't care about that. Hell, he could barely feel it right now.

All that mattered was kicking Akio into the ground, and hopefully capturing him.

"You son of a bitch!"

Ichirou's flames flared stronger than they've ever been; much stronger than in his fight with Aurora. He reeled back his fist and punched Akio square in the chest, the pure force of the impact not only causing a huge gust of wind, but it rocketed the large wolf from where he had been kneeling through the piles of concrete.

It was their turn for revenge.

As Akio's teeth tore into the flesh of the Number One Hero, he let out a terrible scream of pain. "AAAAAAAAAAAGHH!" Kaz clutched the boy he'd saved from a decapitation via wolf bite tighter. Everything went white for a moment, the blinding pain of his arm being ripped from his shoulder overtaking him.

Kuro froze. His eyes widened, unsure of what was even happening anymore. The man holding him had just had his arm severed, leaving the wolf soaked in blood all along his front. His father's blood. His arms moved to wrap around Kazuo's body as the larger man began to slump down.

Was this it? Was this the end? Nova Master, Kazuo Mizushima wondered for a moment. He felt a bit of pressure prompting him to pull back from the source only to realize it was his son, Ichirou, taking advantage of the brief lull in combat. The pressure he'd felt was a makeshift tourniquet made from material of his younger son's costume. He attempted to stand back up, but couldn't find his footing, his form slowly shrinking and shifting back to his normal state.

"Wha- Hey. Don't even think about trynna get in the way," Kuro said angrily as he laid the man gently on the ground.

"But I have to-"

"Shut the fuck up before I finish the job he started," the wolf boy quickly cut the number one hero off before glanced at Ichirou who'd delivered a staggering blow. He sucked his teeth. "As if that fuck face would let me."

Kuro growled, stepping over Kaz who desperately tried to reach out to the young man. He couldn't just leave this to the boys could he? No... He was supposed to be saving them. "I'm... Sorry..." he mumbled softly.

Sucking his teeth, Kuro transitioned quickly from a walk to a run. He shot past Ichirou in the blink of an eye. "Good shot, but we don't have time to waste. Let's put the bastard to sleep before he can bounce back from whatever is fucking him up!" he shouted to Ichirou as he charged at Akio. Bearing his fangs, his claws should out. A punching contest was always good, but right now, he wanted something a little more satisfying.

Once he was close enough he would dig his claws into his man's chest and lift him from the rubble Ichirou had punched him into. Kuro would slam him back down into the floor like he'd done to Ichi before turning and launching Akio back toward his younger brother.

Ichirou's eyes turned to Kuro, listening to his words then gave a nod. "Right!" was his response. Of course, he was worried about his father and whether or not he would survive. But the tourniquet would buy them a bit of time, and so long as Akio was still standing, he was a huge threat to his dad. Ichirou didn't care about himself; his only urge right now was to protect his dad as best as he could, just as his father had done for him his entire life.

Kuro made his attack and Akio seemed too stunned by the pain in his body to respond. Ichirou, when the large wolf was close enough, timed his attack. With a slam, Ichirou grabbed and pinned Akio into the crater the force of his attack made. Then, the teenager dragged Akio through the ground to throw back at Kuro. Similar to what the villain had done to his father earlier.

With the villain barreling back toward him, Kuro ran forward. Ready to meet the wolf again, not planning to allow him to go unpunished, Ichirou's brother grinned, perhaps a bit too elated by the turn of events.

"Careful boss. You're lookin a little under the weather," Kuro couldn't help taunt as he hooked his arm around the villain's throat in a clothes line, pulling his massive body back along the ground. Everything still hurt, but he'd be damned if he let a little pain stop him. An explosion of black flames engulfed Akio's neck, singeing the fur and adding to whatever pain he may have been feeling as he ran back towards Ichirou. "Go low twerp!" he ordered his brother.

Pain… Searing pain rushed through his body. Enough to have put it in shock, despite the shock absorption, despite everything. He could barely move. The rejection of Nova Master's quirk hit him hard. He had to do something-anything-to end this before he ended up being killed by mere children.

Ichirou himself was grinning too, also having more fun with this than he should. For Makoto, Lucien, Akane, Hidemi, and everyone else this bastard killed! They had to finish this and put this bastard to sleep!

"Got it!"

Ichirou did as told, watching, and saw where his brother was going with this. He readied his own arm and sprinted at Akio, swinging it forward to catch the larger wolf in the lariat style attack. Had Akio been a normal person, this surely would have killed him.

Unfortunately, that wasn't the case here.

The explosive lariat from the sons of the number one hero left Akio stunned momentarily as he spun through the air following the collision with Ichiriou's arm at his waist. Panting heavily, Kuro looked down at the massive beast of a man now struggling to force himself up to his feet. Nudging Ichirou gently, trying to play like he wasn't in immense pain himself. Kuro was sure the boy wanted to check on his father, but the monster just wouldn't fucking stay down. Hell, it was almost a wonder he wasn't dead yet with all the punishment he'd taken.

Akio appeared to be seething with rage. The electrical current of the Arclight crackled over his body. The time for retaliation was now. Or he really would be done in by these fucking brats. It was laughable to think really. Him?! Done in by two mere children?! There was no way in hell!

Kuro huffed, a small sigh escaping. "This whole evil monster thing..." he grumbled as he clenched his fist, exchanging a quick glance with Ichirou.

"Is getting really fucking old!" The two shouted in unison as they wound up and delivered one final blow to the beast simultaneously. An explosion of black and blue flames shot out upon impact of their fists with the man's oversized wolf head to send him flying into murky darkness of the debris riddled, smoke filled tunnel. For a moment, it was silent, the only noise now given way being the heavy breathing of the two boys.

Kuro opened his mouth to speak before a sudden realization dawned on him. "FUCK!" He shouted as he began to stumbled forward. It was getting harder to move. "Gooddamit, you fucking idiot! Control your strength!" he roared as though he'd been any better in the heat of the moment than Ichirou. He groaned, the pain slowly beginning to intensify as he moved forward to find the beast they'd just sent flying. If they weren't careful, this would have been the perfect time for the villain to escape. Fuck! FUCK! How could he have been so goddamn stupid?!

Not only did Ichirou see the problem, but Akio saw his own solution. The larger wolf grinned seeing his opportunity. But he had to be quick.

Ichirou dashed after the wolf, putting as much into his feet as he could. He was on the brink of exhaustion; the pain was overwhelming his pills from earlier. Any more and he'd go to sleep himself! He sprinted faster seeing Akio was heading straight for a flat surface, Ichirou threw a fireball ahead of him and quickly tried to teleport to the location to catch Akio.

Unfortunately, a portal was opened on the surface; Akio shot through the purple portal. The very second the portal flickered out of existence, Ichirou's hands crashed against the rocky surface.

Just like that, the bastard was gone.

Kuro blinked a few times, stopping as the man disappeared through a portal. No... No! "GODDAMMIT!" he screamed. With Akio gone now, that left so much more in the air. So much more to worry about. Infenri... Dani... Shit, he had to get in contact with them somehow. The wolf boy only seemed to get angrier as he sunk deeper into his own thoughts.

"You! What the hell happened to all that mobility from earlier?" He asked angrily, grabbing Ichirou's shoulders and shaking him angrily. Shit... What the hell? "How could you let him get away?" he added a bit more aggressively.

Ichirou was just as angry, but after hearing Kuro talk so much shit since the beginning of the fight, he had finally had enough.

"Shut the fuck up!" At the words, Ichirou reeled his hand back and slapped Kuro hard across the face; hard enough to hopefully make his brother let go. "Where the hell was your mobility, huh?! What the fuck is your excuse?! Don't go blaming all of this shit on me!"

Kuro felt the palm of Ichirou's hand rock his face, causing him to stop. He seemed to freeze in place for a moment, letting the boy go. A small bit of blood trickled out of his mouth with he promptly wiped before spitting at the ground. Another brief moment of silence passed before his eyes shifted to find his brother again.

His look said it all. 'Did you just fucking slap me you weak, inexperienced, teleporting little piece of shit?' He didn't need to say it to get it across.

Breathing in slowly and then exhaling Kuro's eyes locked onto Ichirou's. There was no point in playing the blame game any further. There were more important things to worry about. Ichirou's slap had at least knocked a little sense into the wolf. Unfortunately, Kuro didn't much likely being slapped. In a swift move he delivered a hard slap of his own across Ichirou's face.

Kuro didn't utter another word on the subject, turning and beginning to walk away from his younger brother. It would have been easy to just leave Ichirou to fend for himself and let him worry about getting Kaz out of there. But, the man had saved his life. It wouldn't have sat right with the wolf boy to leave either of them to die.

"We have to get the fuck out of it," he finally said to Ichirou as he pulled Kaz's weak, battered, and barely conscious body up from the ground. He didn't expect Ichirou had much in him to carry Nova Master's large frame himself. "And I need to get to a damn fucking phone," Kuro added angrily.

The slap Ichirou received also rocked him a bit, but of course, he wasn't going to let it show. He spat out the bit of blood in his mouth from the hit. "I've said a comment about your hits before, I ain't repeating myself."

His comment was made back in the slaughterhouse, 'I've taken shits that hurt more than that.'

Regardless, now wasn't the time to keep fighting. They needed to get the hell out of there. Quickly. He didn't know how much longer they had left, and he didn't want to waste another second in this shithole…

Kuro picked up Kazuo and requested a phone. Ichirou took out his own phone and pulled the Hero phone from his father's belt.

Ichi made quick work unlocking his device. "Here. Talk to whoever you need to. I'm gonna give our location for emergency Hero services. Whether you stay or not is up to you."

Ichirou left it at that, opening his father's phone and trying to remain still enough to tap the buttons. Adrenaline had caught up with him, and the searing pain of his quirk was making itself known. He alerted the Heroes of their location, praying that whoever heard it could get a medic there quickly.

He didn't care about anything else right now. Not Akio, not Kuro, not himself. He just wanted his dad to wake up again, and see another day.


The whole ride there, Ichirou had been unusually quiet, dressed in his dark blue and black winter coat, some dark jeans, and snow boots. The haunting images of his father losing his arm, and the knowledge that the bastard responsible for so much pain and despair slipping through his fingers... It was a lot to take in. Far more than what a regular high school student should have to deal with. Aurora had reminded him that they had chosen this life, and they were aware of the things that would come with it. But... How many heroes actually witnessed seeing a loved one lose their limb? Did all of them witness blood and gore, save for the usual bloody nose or broken bone?

If they did, Ichirou wanted to talk to them too. Maybe give them a hug. No one deserved to go through that...

Still, he didn't want the events to completely take over him. His father was alive and recovering, Kuro was fine, as was Fenri and Dani. All was well... He just needed to do something to keep his peace of mind, and while snowboarding sounded fun, Ichirou was far too distracted mentally to be able to focus on sliding down a hill. He didn't want to risk hurting himself or another person because he kept getting flashbacks to that particular event.

So, after dropping his stuff off in the room he was staying in, he decided to take his money to the ice lake and do some fishing. Quiet, simple, and it would remind him of the more pleasant times he had with his grandfather (and Masaru) while training in the mountains.

After paying the fee, with rod, bait, and net in hands, Ichirou found his spot to settle in. After applying the bait, he cast his rod and kept it propped in his gloves hands, patiently waiting for the first bite. The serene vision of the water rippling helped put him more at ease.



After spending days in her room, Octavia wasn't exactly in the mood for fun.

Losing all control of her body and hurting someone she cared for had haunted Octavia greatly. No matter what she did, she couldn't do anything except watch and listen as Yosuke did his best to defend himself, and had the damn villain not been so cocky, he could have killed the pink haired boy. The thought of losing him by her own hands... It made Octavia feel sick. She couldn't bear the thought of it. She had let not only Nimbus down, but Aoi Oni would be so disappointed in her.

She had been captured without much of a chance to defend herself, and the blue slime bastard forced his way into her brain... The very feeling of it was still so fresh on her mind, and it made her stomach churn and skin crawl just thinking about it. She wanted to go back into her room, so she wouldn't risk becoming a damn liability instead of the asset she was supposed to be...

Even though she spoke to and made up with Yosuke, she still felt so guilty, upset, and ashamed. Guilty for hurting him, upset that her best friend didn't try to help her, and ashamed because she wasn't angry at him.

She knew she should be upset with Heisuke for choosing revenge over helping her, but, she couldn't. Everyone liked to assume that they would do the very best thing in a moment of emotional weakness, but sometimes, that just wasn't the case.

Heisuke was confronted with a situation that a 16 year old shouldn't have to deal with. He's learned his lesson. What more could she want from him when he had nothing to apologize for?

Octavia herself had been dressed in a lavender wool coat, a dark purple scarf, black winter pants and matching black boots. Fosc had been given a small poofball beanie and a little scarf that matched Octavia's. He was sitting comfortably on his host's shoulder.

She decided she wanted to relax, and instead head to the hot springs. It would be nice to spend time with Heisuke and Yosuke, but she wanted to spend some time with classmates she didn't normally get to talk to. Amaris, Aurora, Kanna, Ayame, Mimi... Anyone really; and no one needed to explain why putting a blind girl on a snowboard was a bad idea.

So, after setting her stuff in her place of rest, she got collected a few of her belongings then headed for the hot springs, wondering if anyone was there.



Dressed in a red and white poof ball hat, a large red scarf, white winter coat, light blue pants, and white shoes, Cupie was actually pretty excited about this trip. Sure she was totally fucking useless in her last fight, but there was nothing she could do about it now except do the little things to fix the problem.

At first, the idea of spending this neat little vacation with Shun sounded like a blast. But then they had to put the stupid fucking chaperone in place, which meant the worst she and her boyfriend could do was hold hands... Assuming that wasn't too lewd of them...

Ugh... Well, whatever. Maybe she could spend time with Masaru and Charlotte in the meanwhile. Or Isamu, or Jet, or anyone really. She just didn't want to spend the whole trip alone.

After it was time to head out, Cupie decided she would try her hand at ice skating again. Masaru had shown her the basics, and while she did get a shit load of bumps and bruises from it, she still knew how to do what she needed to. Now she was gonna try again, and do better!

She put her stuff away and rented some skates for herself. Cupie would then head to the frozen ice, slowly but surely getting the hang of skating again.
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Collab with @EmperorsChosen as Charlotte @Thaleko as Amaris and @Reanimator Spuds as Yosuke:
Scurrying out of the grip of Kanna now that they all were safe and Instructor Plaguemire was off on his own, Ayame looks at Yosuke triumphantly.

"Snowboarding too? Hahaha! It's only one of my most favorite winter sports to do!" With that she glances at the others, out of all of them she suspected maybe one of them knew how to or even had done it before. "So how about I teach whoever wants to come along? It'll be cheaper, well nothing at all from me than one of the Inn's trainers. Still got to rent the board though." She says, speaking loudly enough for all interested parties to hear. "I can even teach you all some of the easier tricks! Like some spins and jumps. I don't think any of you could do a pretzel though.."

With that she smiled a bit, it seemed she did indeed love the cold and was every bit athletic in it as she was with wall scaling and running. "So yeah, just put your stuff away and meet me at the rental booth near the chairlift and be ready!" With that Kanna chuckles, petting the girl as she turns to leave. "You have fun with that Ayame, I think I'll do like our dear instructor and enjoy the fire, maybe later I'll join you, hmm?"

Nodding at that Ayame waits to see if anyone else would take her up on that offer.

"I will join~" Amaris repeated. "Renting will not be a problem," she said, fetching her purse.

A short while later, Amaris went to where Ayame had instructed, walking up to the rental booth. Taking off her fuzzy hood, she seemed to be capable of being out under the cloudy mountain sky. She looked around for any others who were coming along.

Recoiling a bit at the educator's stare, Charlotte wasn't quite sure what to make of the new teacher. She wasn't entirely sure what the man was talking about either. Surely he couldn't have been referring to that. She supposed Isamu and her weren't exactly shy about their relationship, so perhaps that's all the strange teacher meant.

"Oh, I wanna go!" Charlotte chimed in, feeling she had the upper hand with her quirk. She hooked an arm with the panda and vampire each, eager to relax and have some fun. "I didn't know you could snowboard, Ayame."

"Why not? It seems like an intriguing sport," Jet responded following the Panda already having a board having already made plans to learn the art.

Arriving at the stand herself, Ayame is quick to grab a board, one that was a mix of red and orange in a sort of zigzag pattern as well before looking at the others in turn, and nodding at Charlotte. "It shouldn't be that surprising, I love winter and snow and my fighting tactics are mostly parkour, so balance and jumping are easy for me, even on a board. Other than some winter sports I swim a lot."

She was surprised to see that Jet was in fact learning and that Amaris had decided to attend, that just left Yosuke.

"Haha, quite the crowd! I'll have to be sure to teach you all something at least!" Ayame says afterwards watching the others and waiting to be sure there was no one else.

Since Ayame got a board, she figured she would. Amaris turned back to the rent stand, and picked one out that seemed to fit her. It was a dark-purple board with bats across it and a few blood-red kiss marks. It was edgy and vampire-y, so. She turned back to the others, board in hand, waiting for the group to set out. They seemed to be waiting on someone.. Oh, right. Yosuke said he would go, and still hadn't arrived!

Woah that filled up fast. Yosuke was in awe of just the sheer number of people who wanted to join them. He smiled. "Alright! Oh! Hang on, I gotta get my wraps out. He put his bag on the ground and pulled out a bunch of gauze and medical tape. But by the time he had found them, everyone had left him. In surprise he shouted out to them. "H-Hey, wait up!"

He ran off to follow Amaris to the rental station. It took a moment, but once he was properly sized and had paid for his gear, he moved over to put on his boots, taking time to wrap his feet up so that his quirk would be engaged. Then he slipped the boots over and tightly fastened them.

"Alright so then Ayame, our fluffy instructor, what do you have to teach us today?"

"Hmm.." With that Ayame looks at all of them a bit then nodding her head. "I'm not sure if any of you have done this before, most of you haven't from what I gathered and their are no rails here, but we do have a few banks and Jumps.." Studying the field she nods. "We'll just get you all used to being on a board and how to take banks and Jumps, then I'll show off a few tricks though once we start down the hill you can't really stop short of hitting something or reaching a flattening out. Hokkaido would be a much better spot, though maybe they have some fun boxes on the way down.. I could also give a demonstration once you all reach the bottom, then we can take the chairlift back up, trust me, when you get on the board and start going down, it takes much longer coming back up then going down. Haha."

With that she takes her own board and walks a little ways off from the others. "Getting on your board doesn't matter much which way you face sorta, you have regular and you have goofy style." Jumping up with the board attached to her feet, she switches to the left foot forward and then the right, twisting her hips to align as she faced forward. "Just depends on what feels more natural to you. Goofy is right foot forward, Regular is the left. Kinda keep your base of weight down like this." Squatting down it almost looked like being on a skateboard. "Now you all try and we'll go with the basics.. Well I don't want to hand hold you all too much so I might not watch after you once you start down the mountain. Any questions?"

Amaris listened to Ayame, glancing down at her board. She had literally no experience in this, and honestly had never even really been out in snow too often. She tried to mimic Ayame, but found all she could do was stand on the board. Only to wiggle and wave her arms. Then she caught her balance and looked over at their teacher. It felt a bit awkward to stand on the board, but she figured that would subside.. after much practice.

Charlotte for her part picked out something predictable; a bi-colored board pink with a white trim and stripe down the middle. It correlated fairly well with her outfit, which was also unsurprising. Charlotte had a color scheme she more or less abode by.

Struggling a bit to get herself fastened in, eventually her feet were locked with a click. She was unfamiliar with such things, so it took some time. Now she was in—but had to reorient herself to look at the group. After some twists and hops, Charlotte let out a small huff before levitating and facing herself at the rest.

"W-Wait… Goofy… what?" Charlotte questioned almost immediately, attempting to mimic the panda's posture. "So… we're just going to go down?"

"Yep. You'll learn to do it or you'll eat some snow! Fortunately snow is pretty soft so it shouldn't hurt.. And stop cheating with your quirk." Ayame says as she wants on the rest, nodding at Amaris. "Well I'll try teaching you all a little too but that's going to be a problem if I go down first, but if I go down last you don't learn either..huh.. I could go twice then." She says, pondering it as she looks at Yosuke wrapping himself up in tape. She was curious why he had done that, did it have to do with his quirk?

Once he was all squared up, and his boots were on, Yosuke tried out different stances on his board. Either felt fine but neither felt better than the other. This was the worst. He decided to go Goofy for a while. Simply because of the name.

"Cool, that sounds fine by me.". He had already strapped on his board for testing out which stance he wanted. "So do we seriously need to strap off our board just to move around?". That seemed like so much work. Going down hill better be exhilarating.

During her whole exposition Jet had followed all of Ayames movements fluidly to perfection. It helped that he was extremely limber, and that parkouring shared some similar body language. Watching as the other followed in suit he found himself smiling a bit… this was rather fun to actually have a regular hang out moment with them.

"Well.. You CAN go strapless but if you don't know what you are doing, just be ready to bail from the board. Though that's normally if you have your own board, the rental place might take them off if you ask. Otherwise just don't wear the board till you are ready to go down." Ayame says, looking at Yosuke.

With that she hops on her own and showcases how to build up speed and slow down, as well as leaning into turns. "Well, fortunately this course is more or less straight with a few turns here and there. You seem to be keeping form rather well Jet.. Now let's see about the others."

Amaris made sure to strap her board to her feet then well.. She leaped down the slope and the board began sliding along the snow. "Neep!" She squeaked, surprised by the sudden burst of speed. Her balance was thrown off, and finally, she tried to overcorrect too much, flipping herself and falling right into the snow. "Eating the snow" as Ayame had put.

"Poohhf!" she grunted. Blinking, she pulled her face out of the snow, brushing off the cold floofy frozen stuff.

Yosuke tried to stifle a laugh, watching Amaris faceplant. It was funny watching anybody faceplant, but it being the usually stoic Amaris with sounds like that? It was something he usually wouldn't be able to see, so he was gonna enjoy it.

"Let me try!" He strapped in and started down the slope. He was fine at first, but as he was moving, he felt himself leaning back a bit, and losing balance. He had figured his feet would have been enough to keep him balance, but there was clearly a lot more at play here. He quickly flung his hands out trying to keep balanced, only barely able to keep upright as he slide past Amaris

"Sheesh, this isn't exactly as easy as it looks…"

Charlotte pouted at Ayame's instruction not to "cheat". She used it to turn; she could just fly down the hill. Regardless, it seemed the only way to learn was indeed to try it. Amaris went first, to which Charlotte stifled a giggle, and then Yosuke with a slightly less entertaining failure.

Huffing determinately, Charlotte hopped herself over to the beginning of the slope, orienting herself properly and slowly inching towards the ramp. If she fell, she could always catch herself with her quirk. There was no reason to be nervous, though she was.

"Okay… it's fine… it's fine… it's fine…" She murmured.

To her credit, she was doing fine for about the same period as the others. However, then the speed picked up and she began to wobble a bit. Charlotte attempted to steady herself, but the waving only increased as the distance did.

"Wai-No. Stop that. Slow, slow-Slow!" Unfortunately, the board did not listen and the girl had quickly fallen about the same place as Amaris. The difference was that she glided a good bit more distance spinning on her back like a turtle on its back shell. "EEEeeeeeeee!"

Amaris sat up blinking. She brushed herself off of snow and watched Yosuke sail passed her. Not long after nearby Charlotte came crashing down with an even less elegant fall than hers. "Kiki~" She softly giggled. She hopped up to her feet, and padded down her leggings, only to extend out an arm to help her up. It didn't seem either girl had any lasting damage, which was good.

Yosuke kept himself going a little further. He saw how fast Amaris and Charlotte were going, so he must be moving about that fast, and yet things felt a whole lot faster when you were actually the one moving. He soon reached a leveling out point. He unstrapped himself and walked back up to his starting point. "One more try he." He locked in, and started moving down hill, this time faster than before, and he managed to keep his balance. After making it back down again, he ran back to the top. There was a lot more core action in this than he had planned, but thanks to his extra precision and agility, he was getting the hang of this real quick.

"I'd move out of the way if I were you!" He called to Charlotte and Amaris as he started down the hill for a third time, this time keeping his body low to the ground, and building up more speed than before. He pulled his board back a bit, in a sharp turn, accidentally spraying snow off in the direction of the two girls. He was getting the hang of it at least "Sorry!" He turned around to call to them, of course missing the rope rail meant to section off the practice area. No matter how agile you are, you can't dodge something you can't see. He flipped forward, planting his face into a snowbank while his feet were flung up into the air.

With that Ayame decided to take her own turn down the slopes, calling as she passed;

"No, more like this!" Going down the hill herself, she lowers and adjusts her body bit by bit as she came speeding down the track, heading into a side portion of a concave wall, she rides it along the side with her body almost horizontal in form, before coming out of it, continuing back to the ramp, she lowers her knees while bending somewhat down and forward, picking up a lot of speed as she heads for a jump, she takes off into the sky.

Once there she quickly bends her knees closed with the board behind her back as her right hand grabs the toe edge of her board, her left arm stretched out, quickly releasing her stunt, she yells something to the effect of; "JAPAN AIR!" Landing the trick moments later she laughs a bit as she starts to shift her body for the board to run along it's own horizontal side, building up and breaking in the snow as she digs into the snow slowly and calmly coming to a halt. Walking with the board still tuck to her feet, she catches hold of a strap hanging from the passing snowlift cars, taking her all the way back up, though she didn't go down but a portion of the course.

"If that helps any I'll show you a few more tricks when I go down again." She was curious if Charlotte and Amaris would try again, there was also Jet who had yet to go and Yosuke who showed some signs of getting a hang of the basics.

Getting back to her feet, she quickly side stepped to avoid Yosuke who was going down at a remarkable speed. With a glance over at Charlotte, she prepared to go down, only to notice Ayame was demonstrating again. The dark-haired girl watched closely as she showed off her snowboarding prowess. "Impressiive.." she mused.

Amaris glanced at her board. She didn't figure there was any way she could match such skill. That made her feel demoralized. Still, the vampire decided to continue anyway, kicking off the snow once again and sliding down the slope once more. This time her balance was much better, and she made it down the incline without another dip into snow. Skidding her board at the end, kicking up snow as she came to a stop, Amaris breathed in, then out. Before looking up at the slope she had just descended.

Charlotte had entirely gone limp as her body slowed to a halt, having resigned herself to her fate. The girl's face held an unamused pout, looking upside down at a chuckling vampire girl who had so recently faceplanted. Nonetheless, Charlotte accepted the hand to help her to her feet, only to panic, flail, and grasp onto Amaris as Yosuke came dashing by for the second and third time.

"Thank you Amaris--H-Hey! We just fell!" Charlotte chastised as the girls were splashed with snow. Her deadpan expression didn't hold for long though as the boy quickly met with his own unflattering brake, causing the girl to break into a fit of laughter before covering her mouth. "Hehehehe-Pft…"

Then, the panda had gone down and completely shown off. Charlotte's deadpan expression returned as she watched, processing that there was some part of Ayame that expected them to attempt that. Charlotte merely undid her straps, picked up her bored, and walked up the slope with a blank face.

"That's… feasible…" Charlotte mused with the utmost faith.

Amaris had gone down once again and did much better. Charlotte exhaled, strapping herself in and pushing off. She attempted to mimic Ayame's posture, keeping her balance better than before, yet still wobbling. As she approached the bottom and picked up more speed, the wobbling intensified. Charlotte fell back onto her butt, scraping and shoving a thin blanket of ice onto the tombstone in the snow Yosuke had become. Entirely on accident, of course.

"Pfft-Oh," Charlotte quickly stifled her amusement, deciding to give Yosuke a hand and telekinetically unbury him from the snow.

"I don't thhink you shhould follow Ayame'ss advicce," Amaris spoke up to Charlotte. "I thhink you shhould usse your telekinesiiss on yoursself as-s you go down the ssnow. Hold yoursself and ssteer yoursself withh your telekinesiiss. Usse your power to help you get accusstomed to how ssliding down on the board feelss. Then you can releasse your telekinesiiss and you will have musscle memory to guide you."

"If she can't then that's the same as saying I win! Hahaha!" Ayame says from behind the pair, smiling thinly at Charlotte. "I'm okay with that though!" As if to purposely provoke Charlotte, even if in good fun, the red panda girl sticks out her tongue before rushing back up, looking at the other two. "I don't expect you two to match me, I've been doing this a lot longer and have more of an affinity for mountains, snow and balance."

As Yosuke was lifted from the snow, he was even more disoriented than he was previously. "W-Wah? How hard did I hit? I feel like I'm floating…" A quick glance gave him what he was looking for. "Oh. I am floating. Hey um Char? Mind letting me down?"

Charlotte hummed as Amaris proposed a suggestion. It wasn't a bad one, and surely would help her get used to the stancing and such. At the very least, she could keep herself from faceplanting like Yosuke. However, then the panda returned to triumphantly challenge her, causing the pink-haired girl to pout.

"Since when were we competing!" Charlotte whined before turning to Amaris. "And how are you already so good at it, Amaris?"

Even Yosuke still dug himself into the snow like an ostrich after a few goes. Speaking of, Charlotte glanced up to the floating boy. She hummed, as if contemplating his request, likely whether or not to extort him for almost crashing into the two. Eventually however, she plopped him back on the snow and began ascending the slope again.

"I'm still expecting a hot chocolate!"

"I have gotten good at balanccing," Amaris answered. "Sstill, I am by no meanss a masster. It would take me quite a long time to get to the level of sskill Ayame possessses. Now to try again.." She went to the ski lift and sat down. She would try snowboarding a bit longer, until she grew tired of it.

With that, the time seems to go by very quickly with the basics catching on as Ayame would do more and more tricks or stunts until the others seemed to have confidence to attempt the beginners course, if not some of the smaller jumps.

"Whew.. That was more work than I thought, time for a break and to get some juice!" With that she picks up her board and does as she said, noticing another student approaching her.

~ TBC ~
All three in general @Jessica2477 (does not need replies per se)

Gregori - Ice Fishing Field

Having done as he said, Gregori heads out to fish himself, watching as Ichirou casts his own line, seemingly picking a more calm part of the water that was not yet iced over. Not a bad choice but not a great choice either.. Still it wasn't like he was likely trying to catch anything put a peace of mind. For that reason alone, Gregori doesn't bother the boy as he picks a spot a little ways down from him where the water seemed to circle in an eddie. If the boy wanted to talk he would be near, but otherwise he hoped some of his friends may wander down this way.


Kanna Tanaka - Hot springs bath

This was not too much unlike the school dorm bath, the girls side at least, Kanna reflected. Having left Ayame to her devices and going to the hot spring herself, it seemed this time of day was slow for it, then again it was still relatively early in the day. Submerging herself in the water after having disrobed, Kanna waits quietly in the water, almost placid like as she enjoys the warmth flowing over her. It was then she heard footseps, opening her eyes and gazing through the steamy air, it was relatively easy to tell by shape and size who it was.

"Ah, Octavia." Nodding her head lightly in way of greetings. "Please do join me, no one else is around for whatever reason just yet, though I suspect more of the girls will join us sooner or later."


Plaguemire - Ice skating rink

As if to go against his earlier word, if only partially and bizarrely, with his left arm behind his back in a gentlemanly fashion, he skates out onto the field, with a book in his right hand, as if expertly gliding across the ice he circles Cupie briefly before darting off to to do spin, raising his left leg up into a bend, then extending it forward as he came to a stop. "HAND HOLDING IS FORBIDDEN. OR SO I WOULD LIKE TO SAY, ALLAS I AM CHECKING UP ON YOU ALL AND YOU MAY HAVE COMPANY FROM THE SNOWBOARDING SOON. FAREWELL!"

With that the man skates off all the while reading his book. Having seemingly read her mind or having fun at the others expense, maybe he was right on others being there soon, barring she decided to speak to him at any rate. If he had been going around to all the groups it reasoned that he may be correct on the others.
Amaris Alucard
@Jessica2477 @RedArmyShogun

After spending the better part of the early day snowboarding with some of her other classmates, trying her best to learn the craft. Amaris decided to relax in that classical thing that seemed to appeal to the female of the human species, which always seemed to draw the girls to these type of resorts -the hot springs. It was such a calling that it spoke to the pale dark-haired girl, as well. Saying her goodbyes to the others at the snowboarding slopes, telling her she had fun, Amaris departed for the hot springs.

A short while later, sporting just a resort white towel around her midsection, which almost blended in with just how bleached her skin was, Amaris entered the hot springs house. She then pulled open the door and spotted Octavia and Kanna. It seemed Octavia had also just arrived, while Kanna was already there submerged. It had been awhile since Amaris had hung out with Octavia, so in a way, seeing her there made the trip to the warm bath more exciting. She was enthusiastic about spending time with the blind female who she called friend. Kanna, too, of course, but Amaris recalled spending more recent time with the miko over Octavia.

"Hello, Kanna. Octavia." Amaris announced herself gently, giving them a nice little smile. The shorter girl walked up to stand beside Octavia, who was facing Kanna. She looked up at the taller girl, expecting her to speak, then glanced over at Kanna. "How are the hot springss?" she decided to venture, breaking the momentary silence.
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Reactions: Azurian Dream

Masaru: #5098ab

Mentions: Cupie, several others

Interactions: @Jessica2477


Masaru grumbled to himself as he walked around, holding a cup of hot chocolate in his hands. He had thought this vacation would be nice and relaxing, little did he know of the new monitor the school would bring along. The boy thought the European-looking doctor had it out for Cupie and Shun or Isamu and Charlotte for whatever reason, but as it would turn out the man popped up seemingly out of nowhere and everywhere. Even his conversations with Chiaki were interrupted by him popping up, scaring the hell out of them, warning against immoral acts and vanishing.

One would think the man would be on permanent Airi watch for the entirety of the trip, yet somehow he made time for everyone.

Masaru took a sip of his drink and opened the door to the ice rink. By now he was wishing he had gone with Ayame and the others snowboarding. If he had to worry about being ambushed talking with Chiaki, then at least he could've had fun watching Charlotte dive into the snow.

"Wai-How?!" Masaru exclaimed, watching as the doctor skated by.

He blinked a few times, glancing behind him to where he came from and back in front. How did that man get around?!

"Handholding... you've gotta be..." Murmuring that to himself, Masaru's attention was then grasped by the undoubtedly startled Cupie. He hadn't spoken to her in a while. Good a time as any. "Don't screw up!"

A warning, or perhaps a jinx. Given his nonchalant sipping of his beverage as he waited for her reaction, it was very possibly the latter.


Charlotte: #ecb2ed

Mentions: Octavia, Kanna, Amaris

Interactions: @Thaleko @Jessica2477 @RedArmyShogun


Following the snowboarding trip, Charlotte had felt she had fallen a good amount for the day. As Amaris left, she had remained for a short while to pet Ayame as thanks and when the girl fled, then attempted to extort extra toppings on the hot chocolate she would later cash in from Yosuke. Wanting to ease her body, Charlotte then traveled to the hot springs.

After changing out of her clothes, she peered through the second set of doors that led into the bath. There were already a few people in it seemed. Amaris was one, but she also hadn't spent a great amount of time with Kanna or Octavia in a while. It would be a nice change of pace. Besides, ever since the bird man gave her that look she couldn't help but feel that any careless interaction with Isamu would capitalized on.

Sliding the door open, Charlotte made her presence known, towel wrapped around her torso.

"Hello~!" She greeted, wasting little time in approaching and submerging herself in the water with a relaxed sigh. She was quite content seemingly, lowering herself so that even her mouth was under.
Yosuke had his fun with the snowboarding, but honestly, he was more than ready to spend the time soaking in the hot springs. He had been under a lot of tension, having a hard time sleeping from his injury. Being able to sit in the hot springs would do him wonders for his fatigue. He wondered where all the other guys were, seeing as he was currently the only one looking for a chance to soak. He wanted to take this moment to really get to know some of the other people in his class. He had always been friendly with them, but never took the time to really hang out with them for the most part.

He went through the list, and decided to try hanging out with Isamu and Shun, given how Ichi and Masaru were currently busy doing something else. But even that could be good, since they were the others currently in a relationship. Octavia was still upset with what happened, even if she was finally talking to him. Maybe they would have some suggestions to help cheer her up. He learned that his comforting was rather hit-or-miss. Given the situation though, he wasn't really wanting to make things harder for.

He approached dressed in a yukata for easy disrobment, knocking on Isamu's door. "Hey Isamu! I'm hitting the hotsprings, wanna come?"

@Demon Shinobi

Mimi had everything set up in her room, and was finally ready to join some of the others in the hot springs. She had heard that Kanna was heading there, as was Octavia. However, as she slid the door to the baths open, she noticed two smaller figures joining them. It seemed Charlotte and Amaris were there as well too.

"Hello." she gave a simple greeting as she moved closer and disrobed, slowly slipping into the warm water. As she did, she closed her eyes, and felt all of her tension disappear. She hadn't had much time to really get to know her classmates yet, only arriving a short while ago.

She looked to the Amaris, who was the only one left outside the area, and beckoned her to join them, wanting to everyone to spend time together. Mimi looked at the others around her. She was happy to finally be able to get to speak with her classmates in a more intimate setting. "It's nice to spend time with everyone."
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Kanna Tanaka - Women's Bath - Hotspring Resort

Mentions/Interactions: All present


Looking at all the sudden arrivals, it seemed the girls were suddenly having a big get together, minus Ayame and Cupie at least, both were likely still out in the snow enjoying themselves in one way or another.

"Ah, Charlotte, Amaris, Mimi, hello to you all. The water is nice, please join us." She says with a hint of formality though not overly stiff as she gives a slight bow.

"I must say I am surprised everyone is here however. I figured more would be out an about, but this is also nice, we'll have a chance to speak with one another, yes?" Cupping her hands into the water, Kanna dumps a little over her hair as she settles back down into the water, finding a somewhat deep spot that submerged her up to her upper arms just below the shoulder.

Gregori & ??? - Fishing hole - Men's Bath

After some time had passed, Gregori got up from his spot and passed Ichirou. "Good luck with your fishing, though I am heading to the bath, if you would like to come I plan to share a Russian tradition with your classmates, good for the skin and body. I even found a good one to use on this outing." What the good one referred to was not readily apparent as the Headmaster gives a slight bow of his head. Making way for the chairlift he would be up top and in the hot spring in little time at the rate he was going.

Meanwhile as Yosuke was trying to gather up some of the boys and unknown male passed him, with slight laugh lines running from his nose to his cheeks and tired looking eyes, the man had swept back hair and looked and seemingly acted mostly normal as he passes by in a robe, meeting eyes with Yosuke briefly as he continued on. "Pardon me."
Amaris Alucard
@Jessica2477 @RedArmyShogun @EmperorsChosen

It seemed all the other girls had entered the waters of the hot springs, leaving her the last one out. She nodded to Mimi, "I havve to agree," she gently replied.

Suddenly Amaris dropped her towel, revealing a body that was beginning to take shape. Hints of curves and fatty deposits in her body were subtle, but obvious. She was a far cry from the small little lanky girl that she had been when she arrived. She no longer looked like a prepubescent girl, and was instead a girl on the verge of her own womanhood. Still, she was a far cry from the outrageously voluptuous girls of the rest of the class, but still. It was obvious she was headed to something similar, and would become a uniquely curvy young beauty all her own. "I had heard Alucard bodiess take awhile to mature compared to mosst," she explained to the other girls. "Though once there.. we age far more graccefully. That iz to ssay, we do not really age, compared to everyone elsse." The last bit she said almost sounded like she was worried or maybe even saddened? Hard to say, as although she was getting the hang of emotions more, she still spoke relatively monotone.

Anyway, with herself exposed like this, after the 'explanation'. Amaris walked up to the waters, stepped inside and slid into a spot deeper so she could sit. Before that though, she completely submerged herself, only to pop back out with a satisfying sigh. Shaking her head, she ran her hands down her hair and face to clear it of water enough to reopen her slightly-pinkened eyes. Her extremely long hair was not in its usual pigtails, so the midnight hair spread out in the waters around her like a fan. The only part of her hair that was disturbed was the part that brushed up against her friend Charlotte.
His parents in the hospital (again), his sisters under UA care (again), and now half of his friends were in the hospital… This was… far different than what Ichirou had expected in the beginning of the year. He thought everything would be, well, as normal as a hero school could be. Assignments, classmates, relationships; he thought his biggest worries would be whether he was going to pass the upcoming test, or if his mother would embarrass him somehow, or if the person he liked would accept his advances. He knew hero school wouldn't be easy, but… Was constantly being targeted by villains considered part of it? Yes, he was made aware of the chances of getting attacked. His parents had been there during one of the worst years in UA's history, of course they'd tell him to be careful and always be ready to defend himself in case something happened. But this whole fucking year he had gone through with something happening. Two of his classmates had been killed because of those fucking villain bastards, who would be next? A teacher? A parent? His parents? One of his friends?

He sighed, silently walking the hallway to try and get to Aurora's room for a visit. She had been seriously damaged from her fight, last he heard. He wanted to see her as soon as he was thinking rationally and his emotions were under control; he was supposed to be worrying about her, he didn't want it to be the other way around.

He rounded the corner, pausing when he saw bandages and moonlight gleaming off someone familiar, before quickly approaching her.


"Hm, oh Ichi how are you doing," Aurora spoke up leaning away from the window as she watched the moon outside. Her left hand was currently still in its sling with bandages all over her left shoulder. She didn't seem to mind though for as soon as she could siphon some electricity she would be able to help the healing process. For now though as she was being trapped in the med ward she was confined to her thoughts.

"You alright?"

"I should be asking you that." Ichirou replied, getting closer until he was standing next to her. Shit, there were so many bandages on her… What worried him most was she seemed… Blank. It was difficult to tell what she was thinking right now too.

Then again, it was always difficult to tell what she was thinking…

"But to answer your question, I'm okay. Shaken up, but fine. What about you?"

"Hm? Oh I am alright I met some rather nasty poison…. And your step sister...who I may have wildly attacked in a rage," Aurora explained surprisingly feeling no ill will on the matter except for the vein bitch a thought that temporarily made her skin burn in anger before she calmed down turning her attention back to her best friend.

"Nasty little brother complex she has… thankfully Kanna got me out of the passages or I may have died of poisoning. Thankfully Chimera was on standby as a medical backup. Otherwise I may have not made it to the hospital. A valuable lesson though don't be stupid to think your impenetrable on the field," Aurora side judging herself more then her enemies. Her conversation with Kanna still swirling in her mind as she sighed leaning on Ichirou as she returned her attention to the moon.

"Able to spar a girl some change for a bag of chips," she hilariously asked out of the blue, still rather frumpy with the vending machine and her lack of no wallet at the moment.

"So what happened on your end big guy? Did any good come from your group's findings?"

So Aurora had met Fenri, and was poisoned… Damn, how the hell did someone manage to poison her? How was she alright? Well, what mattered was that Aurora seemed alright now. Maybe, no, definitely mentally scarred.

Now wasn't the time to be stingy about cash, especially considering the massive fight his friend had gone through, so he reached into his pocket and gave her a few hundred yen to buy something.

"We encountered the leader of everything and my half-brother. The bastard kills people and steals their quirks… one of those quirks was um… aunt Akane's, and another was of dad's old classmate. A guy named Hidemi Isobe...And… he also had Makoto's and Lucien's quirks. From our class."

"Eh don't think to much on it I thankfully have my dad's unhinged will to get past such trama's though I clearly need to talk to my mother if their are quirks that cut into me popping left in right," Aurora sighed with a plop of her head onto his shoulder as she lightly pouted before chuckling as he handed her some yen. Clearly she could read Ichi's thoughts on her current mentality scarring though wasn't the right word to her, but to others it probably fit the notion… disappointment in herself was more the feeling.

"Sucha good sugar daddy," she teased pinching his cheeks with her hair strands as she leaned off him with a teasing tongue sticking out at him as she used her hair to grab some chips as she opened the window to let the gentle breeze flow in.

"Never had a cast before heh took them a few times given my weight," she mentioned wiggling her casted arm as best she could. Her expression did turn serious on the last part of his words. A quirk stealer…. that was highly concerning.

"Father, and mother mentioned Hidemi before he had an arm blade type of quirk apparently was a pretty strong cutter could even cut into both my parents quirks," Aurora definitely mentally noted that if she ever ran into this guy. Ichi was clearly shaken by his own issues on the matter.

"You going to be alright?"

"Such a broad term if that's what counts as a sugar daddy." He told her with a grin, rubbing his cheeks with his hands after they were pinched.

Still, he kept his attention out the window, listening to her words and in the end, he let out a sigh. "I think so, it's just… A lot to take in in one day."

His father losing his arm, Kuro defecting from the villains, what happened to Hellhound and Jack of all Blades, and Lucien's fate… All of this against them, and for what? They were just first year students at a hero academy, and his friends were suffering so much. Was Class 1B dealing with the same things?

"To be fair we did ask for this life… and have seen first hand how it has drained our parents," Aurora pointed out lightly placing her hand on his shoulder as she softly smiled.

"Being a hero is a dangerous role, and accepting those dangers is part of the requirement to get stronger. We get knocked down so all we can do is get back up stronger, and remember those still here to support us," she spoke pulling him into a hug to help sooth his nerves.

"You're only getting started, Ichi. I can't wait to see how grand a hero you will be in the future," she cheered him with a small giggle patting him on the head.

"I know. It's the life we chose, despite the pros and the cons. Shouldn't complain, hm?" Ichirou hugged her in turn, squeezing her a bit before it ended. He felt lucky he had a friend to speak to, and was happy to know Aurora didn't seem too shook up about the whole thing. Seems his worries were for naught.

He let her go and smiled after getting the (unintentional) heavy handed pats to the head. "Thanks 'Rora. Can't wait to see what kind of kickass hero you become too." Ichirou patted her head a few times as well, "We're all just getting started. I'm sure we anticipated villain attacks in at least some form, but I don't think anything could have prepared us for losing our classmates, or witnessing so much blood and injuries, or being pushed to the front lines against quirks I didn't even know were possible." He said. "But, I've got a feeling all of this will be over in the near future. Let's make sure this story ends with the good guys winning, too."

Aurora Tamoyo
Mentions: @Thaleko @RedArmyShogun @EmperorsChosen @Reanimator Spuds

"I see I am late for the party," Aurora chimed in with a hand wave as she walked in to the females side of the hot springs seeing that everyone else had beaten her to the punch. Wasting no time humming softly she dis-robbed, and slowly walked in her hair noticeable damn shorter then usual only reaching lightly past her ears. Sitting down next to Mimi she softly sighed in enjoyment at the springs nurturing effect leaning a bit back as she smiled. Once she was comfortable she hummed very softly as she looked over the whole group... it had definitely been a long time since the girls had all just relaxed like this together without a care in the world.

"We have come a rather long way since starting haven't we? The first school day, the attack, the tournament... and all the rest of our journey. Both good, and bad. Heh, out of it all at least I have been able to bond with all of you your rather great friends even if a little stubborn," Aurora winked at Kanna before turning to the rest. It had been a rough year, and honestly as nice as this trip was it didnt smooth out the dents of the recent past events, but damn was it doing a good job at trying to it as she became more relaxed in the springs.

"I feel like a whole different person now crazy to think its only been a years as it feels like ages," Aurora sighed going shoulder deep into the water before raising back up a little. Her body now glistening thanks to its metallic nature creating a noticeable glisten as she adjusted in spot be able to face everyone at once.

"So hows the progress of life been for everyone any big exciting things going on any new endeavors," she asked starting a group conversation.


Jettitare Monsera
mentions: @Jessica2477

As Ichirou continued his fishing venture upon his reeling back in to the fishing line he would find himself watching as a small wisp of purple mist went past him unexpectedly forming a circular ring before spinning downward creating a hole into the ice, and then without much effort or struggle lifting the newly made ice cylinder. Problem was as Ichi watched all this he would probably notice that Jet was no where to be seen, and as he reeled in his line he would be met with some strong resistance at the end shockingly that would end up with him pulling out? Whatever it was was ominously black, and coming up faster, faster until overwhelming element of surprised saw to claws splash out.


A rather unexpected Jet would emotionless yell out in a dry suit variant of the scuba diving gear most people were accustomed to seeing. Draped in purely fitted ice diving gear Jet would hold his half out half in position as he looked at Ichi when it was clear a more leaning shock value had been earned then the laughter he had expected he shrugged, and pulled himself out of the water using the ice cylinder as his seat as more mist came forth bringing over his hidden gear.

"Seems i must work on this humor element,"
he spoke revealing he had been trying to cheer up ichi from his clearly heavy handed depression, or doubt. As Jet set up to use his newly form fishing hole he turned to Ichi giving him a thumbs up.

"Switch to bright red type bait theirs a good herd of fish coming soon."
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@Azurian Dream


Not much interaction was had save for the Headmaster's words, and honestly, he didn't expect much talking. Ichirou was fine with that for the moment, since it gave him time to be alone with his thoughts. Or at least, he thought he'd be alone.

Something had started tugging his line and Ichirou pulled to try and catch whatever had caught it. He caught sight of the purple circle and recognized it to be... Jet's? Was he around somewhere?

The weight of the "fish" he caught turned out to be his own friend, who's sudden appearance earned him a small "GAH" from the shock, but Ichirou took a breath to relax himself again.

"Jet?" Ichirou couldn't help the smile from Jet's humor. "What the hell you doing scuba diving? Isn't the water negative degrees right now?." He told the other, taking Jet's advice and reeling his line back in to change the bait.



@EmperorsChosen @RedArmyShogun @Thaleko @Reanimator Spuds @Azurian Dream


Octavia had kept her towel on when she submerged in the bath, leaning back against the edge of the springs as the relaxation fully engulfed her. Yes, this was exactly what she needed. She was just surprised that there were so many of them present in the springs. Kanna, Charlotte, Mimi, Amaris, and by the looks of the newcomer, Aurora as well.

It was nice to be able to be here with so many other girls. This was the purpose of the trip was it not? To bond with her classmates?

She listened to Amaris's explanation about herself; and yes, she had most certainly developed during her time here at UA. Everyone could see the difference here compared to the Amaris from a couple of months ago.

Thanks to her heightened hearing because of her missing sense, Octavia caught the hint of sadness in the vampire's voice. She offered the girl a smile.

"It'll be alright. Let's enjoy the now rather than think about the future, okay?" She assured the other girl.

Octavia heard Aurora's question, and truthfully, she wasn't sure how to answer. Everything that's happened to her so far battle-wise had ended on her negative note for herself. It wasn't something she wanted to share with the rest of her classmates, so she kept quiet about that.

Meanwhile, Fosc was changed out of the little winter getup he had and was floating on the water like a duck; the bird visibly enjoying himself as the waves coaxed him closer to Charlotte.





Her balance was steady, skates moving, and she didn't look like a newly birthed fauna taking its first steps. Fuck yeah! She was starting to get the hang of this! However, just as she had built up her skating confidence, the damn bird masked fucker popped up out of nowhere exclaiming that handholding was forbidden, and then someone else telling her not to mess up.

Unfortunately, Cupie did in fact, mess up.

The suddenness of the man's appearance in front of her was enough to earn a scream and Cupie slipping backwards. Her back slammed against the ice with enough force to send her legs up in the air, but thankfully for Cupie, her winter coat was just thick enough to keep her from getting hurt.

"Could you fucking not?!" She demanded the chaperone, but the bastard was gone already.

Cupie hmphed and sat up, catching Masaru in her eyesight.

It'd been a while since she saw him.

"Where the fuck did he come from?!" She asked as if he would know.
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Ayame Daichi & Kanna Tanaka - Resort Hot Springs

As Kanna takes note of the rest and hears Amaris she smiles somewhat.

"Don't worry of such things, I could be long lived as well you know and in either case no one is promised a day more than anyone else. Though, I must say you might be due for a little hair trimming soon."

She says of Amaris, turning her attention to Aurora she gives a slight wave of her hand before going back to her original spot. "Oh nothing more than the usual outside of out courses."

It was soon there after that Ayame showed up and immediately looks at the water with a frown. "Its so hot in here, I think I prefer the snow.." While Ayame knew a hot bath would be good for her, this was still a bit hot for her to just jump in.

"Ah, Ayame, finished with your snowboarding?" Kanna asks.

"Yeah for now. I'll be going back out though." Picking a large and warm rock near the water's edge, Ayame dips herself in and seems tempted to swim as her hands paddle at the water for a bit till she straightens out, standing place. "I rather swim but that is against the rules. Nothing new has happened for me either."
Amaris Alucard
@Jessica2477 @RedArmyShogun @EmperorsChosen @Azurian Dream

Amaris glanced over when all-too-familiar heavy footsteps announced the arrival of a certain blonde metal girl. When she showed up, the vampire cocked her head. "You cut your hair.." she commented on those very blonde locks. She couldn't remember the last time she had saw Aurora with such short hair. If ever. Wait, could she even cut her hair? Could Aurora control the size of her hair? This seemed like something she should know...

Nevertheless, she heard Kanna respond to her. Apparently she was not the only one who was blessed with a lengthier existence due to her quirk. So Kanna was. Who else was? She wondered, glancing at the girls around her. She doubted any of them were like Kanna and her. "Huh? Hair trimming?..." Was she in need of a hair cut? She wondered, looking at her locks floating around the water. She had always kept her hair quite long, hence the pig tails. That was a physical trait she shared with her mother, who also had very long hair. Hm, she'd be like Aurora then... Still, the notion of cutting her hair shorter felt.. somehow wrong to her.

But she didn't voice that, when she looked up to respond to Octavia. "Shure..!" Amaris replied with a small smile. She wondered what Octavia meant by 'the now', but felt it wasn't really worth pressing the issue, especially since she somewhat got the sentiment.

Amaris cocked her head, her own skills at perception rearing their head. She could sense something from Octavia. Reluctance? "Octavia, why do you hesitate?.. Thiss iz why we are here; tell uss what iz going on. What hass happened?"
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Masaru: #5098ab

Mentions: Cupie

Interactions: @Jessica2477


Masaru watched calmly as Cupie flailed before a very unflattering descent onto her back. Afterwards, however, he had to stop sipping his drink less he spit it out mid chuckle.

"Pft-" He quickly covered his mouth, spectating her display of aggravation. She did have some amusing reactions, though at her question, he merely shrugged. "You're asking me? I came here to get away from him yet somehow he got here first."

Stepping onto the ice, Masaru transitioned seamlessly. Gliding on the surface with nonchalant ease, he made his way over to the sitting girl. Upon closer inspection, there was quite the amused smirk on his face as he offered her a hand up. Likely it would also be followed by a smartassed remark, as was most of their banter.

"At least you didn't fall immediately," Masaru proposed consolation. Though while he spoke like normal, he was still aware of how long it'd been since they talked. He still needed to pass on Hisako's message from the agency too. "It's been a while, hasn't it?"

Partially, he was to blame for that. Masaru's emo episode lasted for a couple of weeks, but then there was relationship stuff and the modelling agency tour, then the whole clusterfuck with the villains. He meant to get things back to normal a lot sooner, but then again she was also in a relationship now.


Charlotte: #ecb2ed

Mentions: Bath

Interactions: @Thaleko @Jessica2477 @RedArmyShogun @Azurian Dream @Reanimator Spuds


As Charlotte relaxed, a few more joined the baths. Mimi, Aurora and Ayame showed up. The bath house had become quite filled, not that she minded the company. Though it did seem like the tone was going a bit downhill with the proposed topics. Aurora's inquiry didn't seemingly bring out positive thoughts from Octavia and Charlotte knew why given her earlier conversation with Heisuke. Amaris too seemed a bit depressed, albeit momentarily.

"Hi~Hi~" Charlotte greeted groggily, still primarily focusing on the warm water, as exhibited by the content sigh that escaped her.

She felt Amaris' hair idly make contact with her skin. Charlotte ran her hands through the strand, combing it softly.

"I don't think that's a bad thing. You won't have to worry about wrinkles or the sort," Charlotte pointed out in regard to Amaris' statement.

Maybe the vampire and miko would live a bit longer. That didn't mean much when they were heroes, and ones with a track record of facing death's door constantly. Besides, who knew what kind of innovations would be around by the time they were old enough to worry about age. It wasn't worth worrying about as teenagers.

Kanna pointed much the same out, and so Charlotte left it with that semi-joke. She was now far more concerned with the adorable little birdie floating near her in the water and wasted little time giving the creature attention.

"Awww~ Fosc you're such a cutie~" Charlotte cooed, cupping the little avian and pulling him towards her for pettings and a hug. Thankfully for Ayame, the bird received most of the French girl's focus, but she still reached out to pet the panda behind the ears with a gleeful expression. "New comparatively... I don't think so. Last major thing to happen is dating Isamu."

After that she did sigh a bit. Charlotte wanted to address Octavia's feelings, but didn't want to just blabber in case it was better kept hush hush.

"I don't know if we can help, but we can listen."
Heisuke Hamada
Winter Ski Lodge
Relaxing in the hot springs
Interactions: No one yet
Color= #DE263A
Italics= Speaking with Telepathy

Having finished up her training course with the others, it was time for a break, even if she had on rather thin clothing versus the others and was far more active, even Ayame needed a break.

Still planning to go back out and hit the slopes before nightfall, she walks to a vending machine near the rental booth, inserting a few coins, she was tempted to get an iced coffee before muttering; "Didn't they say coffee stunts your growth? I guess I'll just have some juice instead." Getting some sort of fruit punch, she opens the can and takes a seat on a bench. "That was a lot of work.."

"Which part pushing in the buttons or walking to the bench?" Heisuke just returning from fishing sarcastically put, it was honestly exhausting avoiding Yosuke and Octavia, if his feelings were truly real then it wasn't right to hurt both parties. "You guys were out there for a while, shredding the slopes finally get boring?" He was never the sporty type, while most kids would play soccer at recess he was more into chess or sudoku, or in other words: A total nerd.

"Huh?" Looking up to see who had said that, she was a little surprised to see Heisuke. "Oh, Heisuke! I figured you would be inside or doing some of the lighter activities like Kanna and the Instructor. Hah, I wish that was the hard part! I was just taking a break from helping most of them out, what about you?" She asks, sipping on her canned juice.

"Ouch! I'm just a pansy to you? Who says I don't enjoy the outdoors and the 'extreme' '" She was not wrong assuming Heisuke was more brain than brawn, sure he would punch a head in or two but sports were always so pointless to him. "Nothing too crazy, compared to your day at least."

"My day?" Being somewhat lost with his questioning, she gives a shrug. "Well your quirk is more mentally based, so I don't see what you could get out of amusement with sports like this, there is always fishing as well." She answers honestly. "So what have you been doing, asides from seemingly watching me." She says, sticking her tongue out at him briefly.

He never got into fishing either, sitting and waiting around wasn't his specialty. "You mean watching paint dry? How can anyone find that fun?" Heisuke took a seat next to Ayame when he got the idea. "Well, I wouldn't have been watching you if you weren't talking to yourself. Anyhow what I will be doing is shredding the snow with one red panda, I mean if you aren't tired already."

"Haha. I can go another go, just taking a break, I wouldn't miss this for anything as I'm here. You know how to hit the snow Heisuke? We could do a trick race or just a speed run I think. Maybe better than watching paint dry at least."

Yeahhh he had no idea how to snowboard, but he knew how to skateboard, so the transition from the two couldn't be that hard right? "I wouldn't have asked if I couldn't! This is where the real fun begins!" Okay, he was a tad afraid but being on top of the hill wouldn't be too bad hopefully.

"Heheh. I'll set us up something if you skateboard, the forms are about the same minus a few things. Just get your board and meet me up top and off we'll go" Ayame states.

Well, that helped make him feel a little better, maybe it wouldn't be so hard. After agreeing with Ayame's plan, Heisuke dipped out to go rent some gear so that he could compete with Ayame, though he couldn't let go of how embarrassing it would be if he wipes out in front of her.

With that Ayame meets him true enough to her word with the same board and a small smile to her face. "So wanna do a trick run or just a normal?" She asks of him.

Woah she's that confident in her abilities, huh…"Maybe we try a normal run, don't wanna overwhelm you too much right?" Okay maybe he really was starting to worry now, looking down the hill it looked even higher than when he climbed up.

"Okay...Let's uh do this!"

Laughing at that, it was one of the few times she seemed confident. "I would say I only parkour run and sneak better than this!" With that she nods, it seemed it would be a race, something which her quirk made her a natural at in this situation. High altitudes and low temperatures were extremely comfortable for Ayame. With the board in hand she heads to the start line, strapping her feet in she takes her stance. "Okay! On the count of three. One, Two, Three!" With that she jumps with the board digging into the snow as she shoots off down the pathway.

It didn't surprise too much of her more extreme activities, she moved like a fox the last time he trained with her. But as long as he didn't fall on his face in the first two minutes then everything should be fine. "You're one tricky panda." Heisuke smirked at her then continued to get ready for their friendly competition. With the countdown hitting three, Heisuke dropped his board on the snow and began sliding down the hill, his mouth dropped at how fast Ayame was going and didn't even notice how well he was doing by not falling on his ass right away.

"Haha.. So you are still with me?" She was starting to gain some distance as she glances behind herself briefly. "Maybe I should have done the trick run." With that she lowers her center of gravity as her tail sways in the breeze, stiffening to help guide and turn herself. In terms of pure speed it would be difficult for him to catch up, though the fact he hadn't just fallen over was something of a victory in and of itself when compared to the others from before.

"J-Just...about!" With his attention actually now on his control with the board, he noticed he was starting to lose balance with every second. "H-How do you do that so w-WELL!" Just before finishing his sentence, Heisuke fell over onto his back and continued rolling down before he could stop himself. "Pfft, that...hurt."

Sliding her board sideways, Ayame brings herself to a halt, looking back at Heisuke after his wipe out. Laughing lightly at that she goes back to help him up after taking her board off. "Well I am a Red Panda mutant, I have natural advantages in thin air, high altitudes and in the cold. So I started doing this when Momma's work would bring us to the mountains and the like. Minus the far south Japan gets snow and has mountains all around, so I just started doing it one day. But I have a lot of experience at it and talent."

Sitting up in the snow Heisuke rubbed the loose white flakes out of his hair. "Well duh, of course, you're badass, far and above the coolest in the class but don't act like that all comes from genetics, what counts is you trained yourself and made yourself who you're." Heisuke took her hand and pulled himself up, lightly dusting his pants off after. "Yeah I didn't think I'd cut out for this but hey It was fun for the few seconds I was on my feet."

"Haha, it's fine.. And yeah I did have to work on it for a bit, the tail helps. But umm, maybe we should head back or I could show you a trick or two, but yeah, I think I might go to the hot springs..or maybe not, least not for long, I don't like the heat but I shouldn't stay out here all day.." Drifting off into her own thoughts with the later bit of her dialogue, she turns back to face him. "Oh, yeah the first bit, did you want to do anything else?"

"Yeah, I think that's enough 'shredding the slope' for me but it was fun hanging with you, can never have an unmemorable moment with the panda right?" He awkwardly chuckled out loud for a little too long. "I think I'm going to go get warm with some cocoa and then hit the hot springs, I'll see ya later?"

"Yeah! Well, I hope so, I'm not planning on vanishing from this trip you know!" Pointing towards the Chairlift Ayame shows him the way over. "Just put your board back on and grab a lanyard, it beats having to go all the way down to a point you can hop on the sit. I think I'll go there too to check on the others, the girls spring that is." With that, she gives him a wave and sets off to finish her run.

"I'll keep that in mind, as long as we stray away from some of the more, extreme sports." The only dangerous activities he wanted to participate in was keeping the city safe and getting a broken leg from sliding down a hill will not help that. "Cool! I'll see you around then!"

After hitting the slopes with Ayame, Heisuke wanted to just get inside next to a warm fireplace with a glass of cocoa, while it was fun he was starting to generally hate the winter, all it caused was numbing skin and sore aches from slipping on ice.

Heisuke sat down at the closest couch to the fire as possible while the warm cocoa heated up his hands. His eyes glanced over to another someone entering the lounge, Charlotte. "Wait is that Isamu's girlfriend?" He sarcastically put.

As Charlotte returned from her snowboarding trip with a pout after having unsuccessfully extorted a hot chocolate from Yosuke, one that she would get later, she heard a remark towards her. She glanced around the den and spotted Heisuke, giving a mock gasp covering her mouth.

"Is that Isamu's ex?" She retorted in faux surprise during her approach. As she grew closer, the cup of chocolate would float out of his hands and whisk itself toward her, gaing another fake gasp. "Oh? For me? You shouldn't have~"

Heisuke nearly spits out his drink from Charlotte's clap back, things were quite awkward between him and Isamu but mostly on his side, he hoped she was just joking and didn't notice that embarrassing crush he had. "For that you deserve it." He had mostly been holding it to keep warm that he realized he hadn't even taken a sip anyway.

"So what's going on? Shouldn't you be harassing Masaru about who he likes around now?"

Charlotte gave a grin and a slight giggle as she came around the couch. Heisuke could read minds but she still prided herself on being able to get into people's heads.

"Why would I need to do that? The bird doctor is doing it for me… unfortunately, he's also harassing me… and everyone else." Charlotte pouted once again, plopping down on the couch next to him. "I just got back from snowboarding with Ayame. Just relaxing for a bit. Might go for a bath. What about you? What's going on aside from bribing Isamu's girlfriend?"

"Huh, I hadn't been harassed just yet...thankfully." Over his past time teaching, he always had a strange read on the guy, gave him a weird homeless guy with a trench coat vibes. "No bribing here, just trying to convert from my asshole archetype still." But if she brought it up, maybe he could talk to her without naming names, she was good at giving advice and basically healed his rivalry with Masaru.

"Well actually now that you bring it up, there's this person I've been talking to that uh, doesn't go to U.A but I haven't been able to get them out of my mind, maybe It's just that I feel bad for what I did to them but it feels way too personal and intrusive to be that…"

"To be fair, you're also not dating anyone," Charlotte pointed out. The newbie seemed to be targeting couples.

Tilting her head, Charlotte perked up when he mentioned needing help. She sipped on the cocoa as she listened. However, as he went on, whatever he was talking about started to sound--sketchy. Unintentional, of course, but still. Heisuke needed to work on explaining things.

"Heisuke… I can't read your mind for context, but that doesn't really sound good," She pointed out in a deadpan. In some ways, he was indeed quite like Masaru. "You did what to who? And are you asking me for help?"

Now he was in a predicament, he knew he could trust her with the secret but he didn't want her to think any different of him, she had accepted what he did in the past but what if this pushes her enough to really see the dark side in him.

But if he needed help, he needed to tell her. "It's...Octavia...When we had our battle during Adachi district, Octavia, Yosuke, and I fought Joseph and...Octavia was controlled by something...Instead of helping her, I went in some pure rage that I went after Makoto's killer...Charlotte I didn't even think of Octavia before I realized what I was doing."

"Hm…" Charlotte hummed, drinking from the cocoa a bit more before looking at him with a deadpan. "You apologize a lot, don't you?"

It was a joke, one that would hopefully keep the tone relatively light. She knew Heisuke was the type to stress himself out over opinions, so getting all grim about everything wasn't best. She didn't know much about what happened with the others that day. To think something like that happened.

"Well, I don't think Octavia is the type of person to hold it against you given the circumstances," She told him. "Have you talked to her since?"

"Heh...I mean had to make up for it over the years." It seemed over the past few months he had been saying more apologies than most do in a lifetime, truly he felt like a total screw up.

"I know she's not...But that's the problem, she should be mad at me, I chose my personal grudges over her life, someone like me doesn't deserve.." Shit...These feelings were true huh. "Well I guess I kinda do like her, but she has been through so many things because of me and I can tell Yosuke likes her and she likes him, so why should I selfishly come in between that."

Charlotte paused her consumption of the drink, having almost choked at his admittance. So he liked Octavia, like that? It wasn't that it was necessarily hard to believe, but more she always thought the two had a similar relationship to Masaru and her, or Isamu and Airi.

"It's because more of us understand you than you think. Everyone wants to say they'll do the right thing and keep a level head, but that simply isn't true. I haven't seen someone other than Masaru has such a one-track mind," Charlotte said with a light scoff. "Octavia understands… and I do too. If they had-"

She paused suddenly. Charlotte supposed she still wasn't quite over the whole event. She slowly inhaled, sounding slightly congested as if she was tearing up. Then she sighed before continuing what she was going to say.

"If… they had… taken, Papa from me, I can't say that I would've been worried about Amaris, or Honoka for that matter," Charlotte told him straightforwardly. "No… I'm sure I wouldn't have. The station is still mad that I crumpled their door. I was listening and remaining conscious out of worry that if I didn't, I would screw up."

Charlotte paused once again after that to breathe in and out, then taking another sip from the cup in her hands. She was obviously trying not to be emotional. So many things could've gone wrong that day, and in the other groups, many things did.

"As for the crush--Well, I won't say anything of course. If you want my honest opinion, I don't think you should either, but not because you're not worth it. It's because they like each other and it would be mean to mess that up," Charlotte stated. "Unfortunately, the only person that can absolve you of guilt here is you. You need to do something so that you can confidently say that you care for her."

Heisuke was so into his own worries and thoughts that he was dumbfounded that he told her about his feelings for Octavia, in all honesty, he hadn't realized how strong his feelings were for her until he said it. "I know it's easy to say that many would have done the same if they were pushed to that point but what if someone would have paid for my mistake? Why do I deserve a second chance just because I was lucky."

Everyone truly took a beating that night, they were all kids after all and maybe others would have done the same...But they didn't. "But in your situation, you would have been trying to save someone else, I was driven all by my need for revenge."

She was right about that, it was best to let Octavia and Yosuke do their thing and see where that goes, he loved both of them and the worst thing he could do is hurt one of them or lose their friendship. "Yeah you're right, Yosuke is a great guy and he always looks out for her best interest, I think if I wanna be better for her I gotta be better for myself."

"That's the fortunate part. Someone didn't pay so you get to learn a lesson where the only price is some guilt," Charlotte told him. "Now you know, so now you can work against it."

However, when he justified her own thoughts, Charlotte merely shook her head solemnly. It seemed everyone thought higher of her than she herself did.

"No. I'm not like Masaru. I'm selfish. I was trying to save them; yes. But if I hadn't, my mind wouldn't have been revolving around protecting anyone. I would've just been angry. I was angry. The only thing that kept me from trying to hurt the villains was that they hadn't managed to take something from me yet."

She truly didn't know where everyone got such good opinions of her. He could read minds too; he should know exactly what she thought. Still, it was unfortunate about him liking Octavia. Even if he liked them both, it had to hurt seeing her with someone else.

"You'll just have to see where it goes. You might get a chance later down the road… Or you might end up fishing for someone else. Masaru got a girlfriend, so there's no reason you can't," Charlotte mused.

He heard that all before With Pro-hero Nimbus that someone didn't have to pay for him to learn his mistake but he can never get the guilt to go away knowing what he could have done. "I don't see that going away anytime soon, or ever for that matter but I guess you'll never know?" Maybe someday.

"Well, I guess we're both pretty awful then," He chuckled over how ironic it was. "Just a couple of hotheaded selfish awful people." I guess with all this self-deprecated thinking Heisuke hadn't thought anything of Charlotte, It was actually quite welcoming.

Heisuke chuckled at her dig at Masaru, it was nice to see how comfortable they were as friends that their insults were just common speech. "Yeah, I guess you're not wrong...But speaking of…" Heisuke mischievously eyed Charlotte beginning his teasing attack. "How about that boyfriend of yours, how's that going?"

"As I said, it's in your head. My guess is you'll only get over it when you see yourself making it up to her, or with time," Charlotte repeated as she took a sip. However, this action was interrupted with a scoff and pout directed at Heisuke. "Woooow~ Nevermind. I think Ma-kun is better at talking to girls than you."

Huffing lightly, it wasn't that serious. However she just knew at some point she would have to lecture Heisuke on what things you should and shouldn't say to girls—or boys. He wasn't particularly better at talking to them.

However, as he gained a sketchy look, Charlotte returned the gaze with skepticism.

"W-What?" She questioned before grumbling. "It's fine, aside from the fact we can't do anything together. The Plague Doctor keeps popping up—NO HANDHOLDING. SHIELD THY LEWD GAZE. CEASE YOUR IMMORAL EMBRACE. It was a hug!"

Maybe that could work, find ways of dealing with his guilt by doing good deeds. "I mean that doesn't sound like a bad idea, I guess I'll start with that." Heisuke snickered just seeing Charlotte riled up, it was time she got a little bit of her own medicine. "In fairness you're not a threat, I wouldn't talk to a girl like that-" Okay now he was starting to realize what he was saying, was he really that awful talking to girls?

"Lord, I really am terrible at it aren't I?" It wasn't as though he was good at his feelings either way, so it wasn't really surprising that Heisuke was also terrible at flirting. "Do you-" Okay he was definitely not going to ask her for tips in flirting, he'd rather bury himself alive.

That teacher of theirs was pretty strict with high school relationships huh? Judging by his outfit it made sense that his old style would reflect his values. "Charlotte you should know hugging should only be saved for marriage tsk tsk."

As Heisuke spoke up again, Charlotte met his gaze with another deadpan. It gave off no offense. It was a face holding only the deepest disappointment and simultaneously a hint of wonder at just how bad he could be.

"I literally don't have words," Charlotte stated, watching as he caught himself mid-question. "Do I what? Socialize better? Know how to flirt? Use words? Yes."

Teasing him a bit, Charlotte took a sip of the cocoa once more, though paused at his prod. Her face heated up a bit in response. If hugging was for marriage then she was already a sinner. She still couldn't shake that the man knew about them. Wait, Heisuke could also read minds.

Suddenly she glanced at him suspiciously, as if examining his face for any hint that he was doing so. He said he wouldn't read people's minds, but if it were Charlotte, she'd probably do so anyway. So, the comment made her wonder.

"...How much do you know?"

'Shit' Okay well she did catch that but he was in no way going to ask her how to flirt, he did have some dignity left. "Touchè." She was able to get a catch like Isamu, or was Isamu able to get a catch like Charlotte? Either way, they were cute together

"Wh~what!?" Wait what would he have known, he wasn't to imply anything but maybe she got the idea from the hugging bit...But he did no something after his telepathy accidentally went off after reading her mind a while ago. "I don't know anything? What do you mean?" Oh no abandon ship she must know!

Charlotte leaned in a bit, narrowing her eyes as she did so. She stared at his face more intently, analyzing it for alterations as if he had some sort of tell.

"You know… or do you?" She questioned him. Her tone was suspicious, but the question didn't make much sense. Perhaps that was the intention though. "When's the last time you read someone's mind, Heisuke?"

Wait did she know he knew or was she just grilling him, whatever the answer was it was starting to intimidate him. "Know what? Sure my mind may accidentally catch a few thoughts here and there but I don't actively go snooping into others' love lives."

Oh no...Did he actually let that slip!? "Well personal lives were what I meant."

Charlotte's stare remained. As he spoke more and more, he grew more suspicious. Thankfully, while he could read minds he was, self-admittedly, terrible at talking. So, Charlotte was going to suitably interrogate him to see if he was actually telling the truth. Childish? Perhaps. However, she already went through the same thing with Isamu. Heisuke would hopefully be easier to catch.

"So you don't know anything about four inches?" Charlotte questioned, throwing out a random, vague, measurement.

Heisuke had nearly choked off the phrasing of his sentence, even to the point that he had to hold back a couple of coughs. Shit! Okay, he could still save this. "I-Inches? What do you mean?" Wow, great save Heisuke, if he could hit himself right now he would of.

Charlotte's gaze grew more intent, and she leaned in further to continue grilling him. The girl wasn't going to let him off so easily. He managed to not slip up verbally, but the reaction gave something away.

"Inches. The measurement. Nothing?" She questioned. "Odd that a random measurement would freeze you like that…"

She had him in the palm of her hand, Heisuke knew that as well but he wasn't just about to give in...But maybe he could read her mind just this once to see if she really knows or not...Wait no! He wasn't just about to break his own morals all because of one awkward moment….

But maybe~NO! I can't!

"Huh? Do you mean when I coughed? It's just chili outside..Maybe I caught a cold!? You know what I should just go to the hot springs to get warm maybe that'll make me feel better." CODE RED! THE ONLY WAY OUT OF THIS IS ESCAPE!

Charlotte leaned in further, severely invading his personal space. Her gaze narrowed, searching in his eyes for some determining sign before finally sighing and hopping off the couch.

"Yes, you probably caught something. I think I'll go to the hot springs myself," Charlotte mused, setting the hot chocolate down on the table and strolling around to the back of the couch. However, before she actually walked off, she hovered over the couch and leveled her head with his. "I'll catch you later, Heisuke… Maybe the hot springs will clear your memory."

Obviously, he was only safe for now.

Wait that actually worked!? Heisuke would have thought Charlotte would've cornered him in and made him tell the truth, but she's just letting him go? Though her phrasing of the last sentence did give him some support that she was up to something.

"Uh yeah! Maybe so! I'll see you laterrrrrr." In now peak awkward Heisuke, he shot a pair of finger guns to just pull the trigger of his embarrassment.

Charlotte stared at him in the same deadpan expression she had earlier. She blinked a few times as if registering that.

"You've been spending too much time with Yosuke," She stated simply. He was right to worry, but she wasn't lying about wanting to enter the hot springs. There was a chance he might be visited, or ambushed, later on though.

"I think you might be right." Man who would have thought that talking to people would be harder than punching their teeth in. "I'm going to go before I make things more awkward."

Everything just felt odd ever since the mission in the Adachi District, he noticed some others didn't have a care in the world and shook it off, or maybe they were just better at hiding it than others. It was especially hard to speak with Yosuke and Octavia, he and the pink-haired boy had a talk and seemingly cleared things up but he still felt awkward over somehow, maybe it had to do with Octavia who he had given awkward hello's around the hallways but not even a clear conversation for two minutes.

Thankfully he was able to let go and have a little fun without thinking of his mistakes, snowboarding with Ayame was fun but he was feeling wiped out after falling on his ass once or twice. So what better way of relaxing is there than chilling out in the hot springs? Plus he could take his mind off the Octavia stuff with a nice soothing bath.

His hands slipped off the towel tied to his waist and hung it on the rack before choosing a spot in the hot spring, thankfully no one was there...yet. "Thank goodness." He let out a nice long groan as he let his sore body relax in the water until he started hearing voices. "Oh no."

Adelaide Boucher

Winter Ski Lodge
Fishing pound with Ichirou
Interactions: Ichirou @Jessica2477 & Jet @Azurian Dream
Color: #D88D11

Adelaide had gotten to the lodge a little later than she hoped, Kaori had driven them up in his old beaten down Honda that it broke down halfway through their trip, causing her to lose some good hours catching up with everyone, well at least she had tomorrow right? She had to go to the main desk to find out with Ichirou was but apparently that was classified, so she just decided to search for him herself starting outside. She had started towards the ski side when she saw a purple smoke like ring just by a pond outside the resort, where she would also see an individual sitting by his lonesome, that has to be him.

Adelaide walking down the safe side so as not to trip and accidentally cause her quirk to release in protection, the last thing she wanted was to cause an avalanche. Ichirou looked almost numb when she got a glimpse of his face, not from the cold but emotionally, what has happened recently with his parents and his sister had really taken a toll on him.

"Hey babe, you okay?" She wanted to enter on a more happy note but Ichirou really seemed to be in pain, hopefully, she could help. "Oh and hey Jet! Trying to cheer Mr. gloomy here?" Adelaide dropped her hand on Ichi's shoulder, she wasn't sure if teasing was the best energy right now but maybe he just needed to be cheered up by his friend...and girlfriend.

Ayame Daichi - Resort Hot springs

Mentions/Interactions: @EmperorsChosen @Thaleko @Jessica2477
Fidgeting slightly at the petting, Ayame seems to zone out a little as she nudges her head back and forth, before snapping out of it, hissing a bit as she looked back at the other with her warning cackle like bark.

"Don't pet me there unless I give you permission! Hmph."

Staring at Charlotte briefly, she sticks her tongue out before settling in the water. "I don't want to zone out and fall into the water, while I do love swimming this water is much too hot."

Looking at the bird, it was odd seeing a raven enjoying the water like this, more so with his little items, or was he a crow? Was there a difference? Turning her head a little and then shrugging she smiles upon looking back at Charlotte. "Ah so you got with the false panda lover huh, I'm starting to see why Mister Plaguemire has taken an interest in a few of you.. Such scandalous behavior, it's too bad momma isn't in the dorms now to keep an eye on us, though I guess he is now huh.. Sorta interesting how he just seems to show up randomly, I bet he just tries to be everywhere so it makes him tired and overworked bouncing around like that."

Elsewhere in the inn a sneeze could be heard in passing on the way to the men's bath. Hearing it with her sensitive ears, Ayame says nothing as she looks at the others. "I still don't get what you seen in him.. Maybe I should keep a closer eye on your two, given you like to rub me behind me ears by surprise having something to hold over you could be good, ah ha haha."

She says, placing her hands on her hips, settling her gaze on Amaris Ayame then looked at the rest, at least she wasn't the smallest, in two senses of that word.

"haha, just enjoy the bath Amaris! And yeah I mean if you want to talk Octavia we all are here."

@Azurian Dream @Mr.Scales ⚖


Ichirou's attention was caught by a different voice and a touch to his shoulder. No, it couldn't be... He turned his head to look at her, and sure enough, it actually was Adelaide. How did she get there? How'd she know he was here? It made Ichirou happy to see her and know she came all the way down here to see him and the class. He got up from his spot and gave her a brief hug, not really minding or caring about the teasing. Ichirou would have hugged her longer, but he knew the chaperone would have something to say against it.

"Adelaide! What are you doing here?" He asked her.



@EmperorsChosen @RedArmyShogun @Thaleko @Reanimator Spuds @Azurian Dream


Fosc's wings fluttered as he was suddenly scooped out of the water and into a hug and petting. This was fine though, as the little crow settled in Charlotte's hold and stayed there.

Octavia thought about what to say to her classmates. In truth, what happened between her and Yosuke wasn't exactly any of their business, and while it was fun to gossip, Yosuke also had a say about whether she told others yet or not. So, she would keep silent about that part for now. At least until she talked to him about it.

She sunk a little in the water. "A bad villain fight. Their quirk let them take control of my body and I was used to fight against my teammates. My confidence as a hero isn't the best right now, but I hope I can rectify that in the future."





Per the Masaru way when it came to the ice, she watched as he effortlessly skated closer to her and offered her a hand back up. The entire time he made his way there, she was angrily pouting at him before taking his hand and lifting herself back off the ground. At least Masaru had a nice career in figure skating waiting for him if he ever decided to leave the hero scene.

"Fuckin' show off." She commented, grinning. "Yeah it has. I was starting to think I did something wrong. Where the hell have you been? Did'ja get a girlfriend or something?" Cupie asked, completely unaware just how much she hit the nail on the head on one of those things.
Amaris Alucard
@Jessica2477 @RedArmyShogun @EmperorsChosen @Azurian Dream

Amaris glanced over at Charlotte, watching her combing some of her hair that was brushing against her on the water. "Hm.. Yess," she replied to Charlotte's sensible statement. She definitely would not have to worry about that. Neither her mother nor her grandfather had wrinkles. But it wasn't her wrinkles she had worry for, it was everyone else getting all wrinkled up. Still, she felt no need to press it, just accepting Charlotte's small words of comfort.

"You are dating, Issamu? What do you seee in him?"

Amaris suddenly asked. Then blinked and slapped her hand over her mouth. "Ssorry. That musst habve ssounded rude. Apologiess." The girl bowed to Charlotte.

After Ayame spoke, it was Octavia's turn, which caught her attention. It didn't sound quite the same, and sure enough, what happened to Octavia sounded a hundred times worse. But Amaris knew a thing or two about quirks that could influence others. Still, it was a far cry from doing it to random people, and having your own body taken from you. It made Amaris consider her own quirk's ability and just what it meant if she used it. A quirk that could control someone else wholly like that? That sounded like quite the scary quirk.

Regardless, Amaris couldn't find any words of comfort, instead she just scooted over in the water and hugged to the side of Octavia. "You are a great hero, Octavvia," she said, leaning against her shoulder. It wasn't really meant to be words of comfort, just the truth stated plainly.
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Masaru: #5098ab

Mentions: Cupie

Interactions: @Jessica2477


Masaru let out a bemused huff at Cupie's remark as he pulled her to her feet. However, it was followed quickly by a small frown and sigh in frustration at his own expense. He brought a hand to sheepishly rub the back of his neck before shaking his head.

"No... you didn't do anything wrong," Masaru assured her. "After we got attacked and Shun got his arm busted and Ichirou got... Well, I kind of went a bit try-hard. Didn't really feel like goofing around... Anyway, I got past that, hung out with Airi, got a job and--Yes, actually I did get a girlfriend."

There was a lot to go over, but he did his best to summarize it. He didn't want to dwell too much on the past, or more specifically the downcast parts of the last few months. However, he also didn't just want to ignore it and move on. Masaru suspected he didn't have too much to worry on that front as Cupie was unlikely to let the idea of him dating slide. God forbid when he tell her what his job is.

"It's Chiaki from 1B... and you're dating Shun... I assume that's going well because the bird man is terrorizing you," Masaru commented, taking another sip from his beverage. "He seems to really have it out for you guys... and Charlotte and Isamu for some reason."


Charlotte: #ecb2ed

Mentions: Bath

Interactions: @Thaleko @Jessica2477 @RedArmyShogun


"But you're so fluffy!" Charlotte argued, seemingly unconcerned with even the bark. It was just as cute to the pouting foreigner. The prospect of blackmail, however, was not. "What did we do that's scandalous? Hold hands? Kiss? That shouldn't be taboo given Cupie's hearted almost every person in class this year."

Huffing at that, the short girl sought comfort in the tiny little bird she held. At least Fosc accepted her lovings. Though, it didn't take long for questions to arise as to why Charlotte was dating him. Was it rude? Yes, but Charlotte entertained the question nonetheless. Pondering a bit, there was a lot she liked about him. Though she could understand why Amaris didn't see it. She seemed to have a particular type.

"Plenty of things... He's really sweet and kind. He makes me laugh and gives me a comfort that no one else does... He's great at cooking and always puts everyone else first..." Listing some things off the top of her head, Charlotte idly petted Fosc with a finger. "Plus... he's really bulked up this year! You saw him after you got out of the hospital, right?"

While she appreciated much of him, she also wasn't shy about appreciation of more shallow aspects. Regardless, it was fine if no one else understood Charlotte's interest. That just meant no competition.

However, the mood quickly took a turn for the worse as Octavia aired her grievances. Charlotte frowned at that. She couldn't imagine--Having control of your own body taken away. Forced to hurt those around you. It had to be a horrid experience.

"I'm so sorry Octavia..." Charlotte shared her condolences. "...I think what you need is a focal point. If you think about it just for the sake of it, you'll drive yourself insane... You know a new vulnerability for yourself, so now you can work on patching it up. Do you know the technical aspects of the quirk? We can help you come up with a counter or figure out how it works! It could put some of your mind at ease."
Mimi was enjoying the boy talk, even if it was mostly kept to Isamu, since Charlotte was the only one here in a relationship as far as she was aware. When Charlotte started talking about all of the parts that she liked about him, she thought it was adorable. She really did think they were a cute couple, from what she had seen. "I saw him. He does look nice, but I don't think his current build suits him very well."

Listening to Octavia, Mimi could somewhat relate. While she wasn't experiencing the same sort of inability, she also wasn't sure what there was to hero work, and was questioning herself as one. She slowly waded over to Octavia. She had always seemed so motherly, remembering the day at the mall, so Mimi felt it was time that Octavia was the one being counseled and mothered, so to say.

She somewhat suddenly wrapped her arms around her, pretty much throwing her full weight against her, her own assets pressing against Octavia's. Charlotte seemed to have one way on making her feel better, but Mimi wasn't certain about the effectiveness of it. She shook her head at Charlotte. "Sometimes the best way to get over a feeling is to feel it."

However, she wasn't completely done with the boy talk, having a feeling that there was more going on. "Crushes?" She asked to the group, moving over to the side of Octavia, still wrapping her arms around her.


Yosuke meanwhile had been waiting outside of Isamu's room for a few minutes, and decided he wasn't going to get anywhere currently. Might be out for a moment. He was going to leave a note when suddenly, a middle-aged man walked by, excusing himself as he passed. "O-Oh yeah. No pro-" And just like that he was gone. He didn't really think much of it.

After grabbing a paper, and writing on it telling his classmate that he should join him, and signing it with a hand pointing toward the hot springs, Yosuke ran out to the springs, and slipped off his robe, wrapping his towel around himself and sank into the warm water with a relaxing sigh. He hadn't taken the moment to really look around, but soon after he spotted Heisuke sitting there. "Well I'm glad someone else is out here." He said, waving at him

However, as he was resting, he swear he heard people talking from across the wall. Not just people. The girls in his class. He instantly recognized them, particularly Octavia, as she talked about what was wrong. If she kept going, maybe he could get a little more insight into how to help her out. Unfortunately, but not very surprisingly, she pretty much only said her surface level thoughts.

He remembered the night that he had talked with her, and immediately regretted it, having to work on hiding an unwelcome "guest" so to say. However, he also heard Charlotte talking about Isamu, and Mimi's question about any crushes they had. He was about to stop listening, but couldn't help but eavesdrop on the potential for juicy gossip and secrets. He turned to Heisuke and gave a sharp whisper for him to hear.

"Come on, Heisuke, you're not at all interested in hearing what others think?... You know what, never mind."
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Amaris Alucard
@Jessica2477 @RedArmyShogun @EmperorsChosen @Azurian Dream @Reanimator Spuds

Amaris released a little surprised sound when Mimi decided to embrace Octavia as well. Forcing her to scoot a bit over and lower her arms to Octavia's waist. Mimi made it too squished over here at this part of the hot springs. Though Amaris found it oddly more comforting than the warm, soothing waters they were in. Both girls had their own lovely fluffiness that made embracing them more nurturing.

"Huaah...." Amaris replied to Charlotte, as she rattled off why she was interested in Isamu. She was wondering if all that was important. Like cooking sounded slightly superfluous. Were those things important to a long-lasting relationship? It deserved further study.. "Iz putting evveryone firsst a good thhing..?" She wondered idly aloud, though her tone was soft, and not judgmental. "Uamm.. Ah.." she murmured with a nod, only to speak up about what Charlotte said next to Octavia.

"Chharlotte iz correct," Amaris said from where she was clutching to Octavia's side, looking up at her. "Coming up withh a countermeashure to his quirk will be greatly benefishul. Espeschually if he evver triess suchh a thhing againsst you again. Surprising foess withh unique strategiez againsst their quirkss iz the firsst lessson of heroing! It will put you at a great advantage! I hope it iz not inconsiiderate of me to ssay, do not desspair and wallow in pity, but usse thiss time to learn, plan, and adapt; to get sstronger." She squeezed at Octavia's waist then looked back up at her. "He may have targeted you for a reasson, Octavvia. There are thhings only you can do, after all. We eachh havve our strengthhs."

Now onto the question Mimi presented. "If by 'crushh', you mean who 'one iz attracted to', then... Eto..." Amaris thought about it, and lacking in shame decided to go first. She decided to go with who was single -or she thought was available. "I shhall go withh Airi! Shhe iz very attractivve! Then there iz.. Aurora iz pretty, Ichirou hass a nicce form. Sso doess Shhun.. Massaru, too, hass worked on hiss. Adelaide, even you Mimi are a very enticing fluffy... and um.. " She glanced up at the blind girl she was hugging to and a light blush lit up her cheeks. "Octavvia, too.. I thhink shhe iz very attractivve... Her body.. Eep!"

That was finally when she released Octavia, and scooted away in the water, hands in her lap and pinkish eyes gazing down into the swirling waters.
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