My Guardian Ang...Er...Demon?

  • Thread starter Darling Araneae
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Darling Araneae

Original poster
Here is the plot:

My character isn't exactly the perfect guardian, he's a demon! But you see there's more to it than that...he wants to redeem himself so he can grow a halo and feathered wings. He is ashamed of all the nasty deeds that he has done. And has decided to try and turn over a new leaf. But to do this, he has to go through the council of angels. Which he does, and they come to the decision that he has to be the guardian of a mortals, for over 300 years. And then, and only then, can he possibly redeem himself. Of course not liking this idea, he does it anyways. What else can he do? And then on accident he meets your character. She seems to be almost innocent an angelic-like herself. She is the daughter of a famous mob boss, let's just say he saves her and now has to be her guardian...her body guard... and eventually he will have to tell her, he's not all that he seems.
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