My first post (new to this site)!

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Original poster
What nicknames do you like to be called? Um... I don't know... maybe Winter? Or Wings...

Are you a boy or a girl, and how old are ya? My gender is a secret, but I'm 15.

What's your favorite genres to roleplay? I don't know really, I'm kind of openminded...

What kind of characters do you usually play? Crazy ones. Check out my roleplay resume.

Would you prefer Zombie Fox Plushes, Bread Priests, Space Marines, or Wolf Packs? Wolf Packs.

Give us your favorite song of the moment and SING IT LOUD AND PROUD~! Sia - Breathe me (sorry but I'm not gonna sing).

So, then, lets see if there is anything else I'd like to say... I really hope that I'll get some new friends and get to know new people to roleplay with and so on. Feel free to write to me, I don't bite!
Hi there and welcome to Iwaku!
I'm Kitti and it's good to meet you.
I have decided that I shall call you Niw.
Anyway! I hope you have fun taking a look around here. Everything is pretty easy to find but if you need help, please feel free to ask!

Happy playing~
You are most welcome! I was looking through your name to try to find some bit of it to latch onto to nickname you and my silly brain somehow pulled the WIN from both sections of your name.... ^_^;
Everything going smoothly so far?
Hallo Winter and welcome to the site! :D I will dub you a girl.
Because your name sounds like a butterfly or a faerie and most guys dun wanna be butterfaeries! *Nods ad flawless logic!*
Because your name sounds like a butterfly or a faerie and most guys dun wanna be butterfaeries! *Nods ad flawless logic!*

Yeah, that actually sounds... logical? Wouldn't think of it myself, you're smart!