My Demon Guardian? (Serpentine)

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It was your average day in a small city, except it was rather gloomy because of the rain. And it had been raining for several hours. Syke was walking down the street, with his hands in his pockets. The thoughts of what happened a few hours ago still lingered in his mind. You have done a lot of bad things in your life time. Causing mayhem and mischief. But the council has decided that you can repent for it by protecting a mortal for their entire life, as well as their generations after. And then eventually you will become an angel. So to begin the process, go to the mortal plane and find one. Was what was lingering inside his mind. What if I don't want to do it, what if I want to be a demon for the rest of my life for all eternity? He thinks. He wasn't really paying attention or really looking for a mortal to save either. Then he heard a commotion, tires squealing and people shouting. He happens to look up and see a van heading straight for a young mortal female. Apparently the driver was too busy texting to pay attention to the road. Well I guess this is best I can do. He thinks and then decides to do something. Using his demonic speed, he then pushes her just enough out of the way that the van misses her by a few inches. He made it seem like she tripped a little bit. He was on the other side of the sidewalk. And obviously he could be seen, how else was he going to protect someone? He did look like a normal human being though.
The dark gloomy clouds were thick in the sky, threatening rain. With her headphones on, Ash was crossing the street, texting her mom about how she was going to be home a little late. Suddenly, everything seemed to slow down, Ash noticed, as her steps were unnaturally slow. Turning her head, she saw the headlights of a van slowly coming towards her. Ash's amber eyes widened as fear iced her veins and bubbled from the pit of her stomach. She opened her mouth and screamed, clenching her eyes shut as the headlights were right upon her. 'I'm going to die!' she thought, her heart hammering in her chest. A gasp escaped her throat as something roughly shoved her out of the way, sending her stumbling from the van's way. Unfortunately, instead of catching herself, she tripped over her feet and fell to the ground with no grace whatsoever. Feeling the adrenaline wearing off, Ash groaned and sat up, rubbing her scraped knee. But that was the last thing on her mind. Somebody had saved her life. Ash had to hesitate before opening her eyes, her head feeling slightly dizzy from the reality of almost dying.
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Not really waiting to see if she was alright, since he figured that she would be. He decided to move on, that he had a feeling that she and him would meet up eventually again. As of right now, he didn't want to be spotted by her or any other mortals. He was worried that she may decide to blab to other mortals that he had saved her or something along those lines. And he didn't feel like dealing with the press. He had quickly began to walk away from the area with his hands in his pockets. He was half way down the block when he felt someone tap him on the shoulder. If he had been paying attention and instead of focusing on his thoughts, then he would have heard Ash coming up behind him. He was going to either try and scare them away or just ignore them. But then he had got her scent, with an irritated sigh, he turns around and faces her for the first time. He still had his hands in his pockets. His eyes flashed a tint of red when he looked upon her. Obviously he tried to avoid having contact with mortals at all cost. He decided to speak, "Can I help you?" He asks. He tried to keep the annoyance out of his tone of voice as well as the boredom that he had too.
Ash's eyes widened when she saw the boy turn around, an almost annoyed air about it. She regained her composure and cleared her throat, turning to make sure nobody was following her. Turning back to the boy, Ash smiled a little and held out her hand. "Um, I'm Ash. I just wanted to thank you for saving me. I wasn't really paying attention when I should have been." she said, tilting her head slightly. Something about the boy was different, but Ash couldn't place what it was. "I can sort of tell that you aren't too fond of attention. Right?" she asked, still holding her hand out to the boy.

Syke simply nods when she asked if he wasn't too fond of attention. And then he decided to shake her hand. Obviously not wanting to give her his real name, he decided to come up with a fake one. "My name is David." He says to her. He figured that she would probably think he was some sort of weirdo if he had said his real name. And demons don't really like giving out thier real names anyways. When she had said that she wasn't paying attention like she said she would, he would have agreed but didn't want to start a confrontation with her. "But it wasn't entirely your fault. That idiot in the car should have been paying attention too, instead of paying attention to their cell phone." He says to her. Thunder then roared over head like an angry lion and then came down the down pour of rain. It was raining in buckets of rain. He sighs, he rather detested rain. But what could he do? He simply puts the hood of his coat up, since he didn't have an umbrella. He then decided to look down the street and remember what the council had said and rolled his eyes, it was rathe annoying to him. And then he turns back to her and sighs, "So, would you like me to walk you home or where ever you were going?" He asks.
Ash smiled when he told her his name. She listened as the thunder boomed overhead and felt the rain start hitting her light jacket. She knew she should have at least brought a bigger jacket. Ash turned her head and saw him start to say something, the annoyance on his face returning, just barely showing. She had to lean closer to hear him, the pounding rain sounding in her ears. She listened as he proposed walking her home. "Um, you don't have to if you don't want to, you look like somebody who might be busy. I wouldn't want to take up your time or anything. But if it's fine with you, then sure." she said, smiling slightly. Ash looked up at the gray clouds and sighed. She loved the rain, but it was rather cold, so she drew her nearly soaked jacket around her.

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