My confessions.

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Original poster
So...The confession game gave me an idea. I really have a lot of problems expressing my feelings so that people understand them, and I've been meaning to make a post in here about...Me. It seems easier to tell in this format, so...this is what I'm going to do.

I confess that I love less than I say I do.

I confess that I'm falling for someone that I shoudn't be.

I confess that I fall in love with more than one person at a time.

I confess that I love a challenge.

I confess that I will get bored after a while.

I confess that I'm not a good girlfriend.

I confess that I've had more than one boyfriend at once.

I confess that I've had sex three times in one week. With different people.

I confess that I think about sex more than I should.

I confess that I'm in love with love.

I confess that I still have suicidal thoughts.

I confess that I think about suicide at least once a week.

I confess that I'm scared of my future.

I confess that I think that no guy deserves someone like me.

Well....That's all. I'm sorry if it's a bit repetitive, but...It's the only was I could get it out of me.
I confess that I recognize many of your confessions

I confess that I'm not sure if I can help you with any of those things.

I confess that I think you deserve a good caring boyfriend

I confess that I still think you're awesome.

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