My Butler

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I'd like to do this roleplay with you if you don't mind that!
Name: Abel Whitehouse

Personality: Abel is a patient man, often doing his every day activities/duties with a great big smile. He always wants perfection for his mistress and nothing less. He can get excited easily and loves to joke around with her. He is loyal and obiedient, doing exactly what is asked of him every single time his mistriss so tells him to. He often will get protective and serves half as a body guard. He feels not only like her butler, but also a close friend. It makes his job in his opinion easier and more joyful. He's playful, often playing games and just trying to have some fun to make his mistress' life more interesting. He is rarely late to do things for her and is percise in his work, often helping her with serious matters if she needs it.
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