MxM Partner Search

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Its fine. Though I hope mine is okay.

Name: Devin Ross

Age: 17

Personality: Devin can be considered popular but not popular. He doesn't belong to a cliche but always seem to be surrounded by people he doesn't know or like.
Devin is very stubborn and blunt, to an extent. He enjoy's talking to most students, and can come up with topics that can have him blabbing for hours (this is where the bluntness comes in). Devin can also be very playful and childish at times. He is very protective over the ones he loves.

History: Devin grew up in a middle class home. His mom and dad divorced when he was little so he was always traveling back and forth between his mother's home and his father's. It never really bothered him, not much. He always managed to keep his best manners.

During middle school, Devin discovered that he had a crush on the most popular boy in school. First he resented the idea of liking his own sex, but soon lost the resentment. He accepted himself for what he was. His mother knew, but he could never tell his father, for he father would get angry at Devin.

In high school, Devin slowly began becoming more and more popular. He had groups of people all around him but never really found interest in then. Instead, he associated himself with the outcasts. The non-popular. He soon began to become friends with the new student.

Looks good! I'll try to post the thread tomorrow morning ^^
Im busy with college so I cant post all-day-every-day ... but the psych ward plot sounds so tempting!! Im probably failing all my exams anyway since I barely study so what the heck! Are you still doing the psych ward rp?
Awesome sauce, do you want to pm or anything or just jump right in :3 link me to an IC when you have one :) Do you need CSs or anything? I noticed you have a couple CS's in this thread already but ... I'd ask anyway coz politeness is a thing lol ^o^
I'd rather not do character sheets, but I will give you the link when I have it :)
Cool ^__^ You can just message me the link or post it here, I'm watching this thread for new posts so I don't miss the link ^__^
steampunk d. sounds awesome, if you're open for another rp.
I am! Do you have anything to add to the plot? Any questions?
No questions though perhaps a big plot twist later would be MC had a hand in making the test go so wrong to get him inside the prison, thats why he knew who he was. Interesting?
Sure! Do you want me to write a character sheet?
If you'd like to otherwise I can wing it and just make my own.
I'd rather not, but I can have the thread up tonight or tomorrow morning.
(Work in progresss, i just need somewhere to put the image down for the moment, it'll be finished before the rp's up)
Name: Nathan 'Nate' Walters
Age: 25

Hair colour: Chocolate brown
Eye colour: Green
Height: 187cm
weight: 85kg

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