Music and Romance

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Roxie smiled. "Thanks. I appreciate all of this." She said. "I think my little sister would enjoy that too. So...where should we go?"
"No problem at all. We're heading back to the house the band wants to go out to a local goth club. One of our friends is performing there." I still need to finish getting ready since I'm gonna be performing, their guitarist is sick. I figured I could pick you up so that we could try to have some alone time before being in public. I'm going to warn you the press might be there. So we're gonna have to be extra careful." he explained as they made their way to the house.
"Okay, I understand." Roxie said to him. Half or her still couldn't believe she was having a normal conversation with him, she just hoped she wouldn't end up embarrassing herself. She also didn't want to make a bad impression with the others either.
He kissed her cheek lightly. "Here we are are." parking the car and hopping out before she had the chance to open the door. "Guess they're getting ready." he said as he escorted upstairs to his room. "Make yourself comfortable" as he made his way to the closet. "Now what to wear" he muttered hoping that Roxie could hear him.
She blushed when he kissed her cheek and laughed a little nervously. She followed him and sat on his bed again. "I hope I didn't dress wrong." She said when she heard him ask what to wear to himself.
He looked at her. "And thew her one of his shirts the could fit. "Try this, it'll go with what you have on." As he continued to pull together an outfit. He felt comfortable changing in front her. Throwing on a pair of pants, that expose his V line and a black shirt to match that showed his defined muscles along with a pair of black boots, as well as a leather jacket and trench coa. Then he went over to his dresser and put on some eyeliner. "How's this he asked?"
She nodded and put the shirt on. She turned away a bit as he was changing, her face red. When he was finished she turned back. "It looks good." She said to him.
He smiled. "Thanks. Care for anything to eat or drink?" He asked as he went over to pour himself another goblet of blood.
"No, I'm fine." She said. "I ate at work. But thank you for asking."
He sat down next to her with his goblet and relaxed. "Alright. We can do something if you want while we wait."
Roxie watched him for a moment then turned away getting nervous. "Uhh, well I don't know." She said to him, her face a little red. She laughed a bit, something she normally did when she got nervous. She was usually a confident girl but when it came to him, she just lost it.
"No need to be shy or nervous around me. Think of me not being famous but someone like you." He moved closer to her rubbing her shoulders a bit. Letting his calming energy transfer into her so she wouldn't be so nervous. "It's not everyday I see someone like you. Like I said last night, I rarely have company."
"It's not you being famous that's making me nervous." She said to him and smiled a bit. She didn't quite know why she was so nervous, she just was. "Someone like me, didn't I already say I'm nothing special." She commented.
"Exactly. I'm no one special either." He knew what she was getting and just wanted to be herself around him, comfortable and not letting her nerves get the best of her. "I know this doesn't happen to you often, but I just don't want you to feel nervous around me. Think of me as a friend and not your favorite band member. I don't let fame get to me as most do. May i try something?" he asked as he gently stroked her hand.
"Uh, Okay." She said as he went to touch her. She blushed a bit more but smiled slightly from his words. "What do you want to try?" She then asked. What was he going to do, the thought going through her head loudly.
"I'm going to make it so you are not nervous around me, but first close your eyes." he replied back as he created a bond with her placing his hands in hers. "You won't feel a thing until it's done." This bond was meant for someone that any vampire felt connected to on a really high level. He silently chanted a spell in his mind that would calm her nerves and feel as if their emotions, spirituality and mentality were intertwined as one. The more time they communicated and spent time together, the bond would grow stronger. But for now it was just a friendship bond. Once he finished chanting he looked at her. "You can open your eyes now." It wasn't often he did something like this and when he did it was only with a select few.
She listened and closed her eyes unsure. She wanted to open them back up and see what he was going to do. When she felt his hand take hers, she began to feel strange. her heart was pounding, she could hear it and she hoped he couldn't. Yet she smiled a little more, it wasn't like it was bad, in fact she kind of liked it. She opened her eyes when she was told to. "So, what?" She said, a little confused though for some reason it seemed to work. She didn't feel as nervous.
"It's done. What I did was use an old trick, that my mother taught me whenever I got nervous. I use it all the time before going on stage, since I do get a little stage fright every now and again." he said smiling as he finished his drink. "What I did was to make it permanent so whenever you talk to me or when we're together like this. You wouldn't feel so nervous. Funny thing is I get nervous around you at times, but I don't show it. I figured we both could use." he said with a smile. Just a few minutes later he got a text later saying that they were ready.
"Oh, well I think it might have worked." She said and smiled a little more. "Me? Make you nervous? I don't see how I could do that." She thought for a moment, then suddenly looked surprised. "It's not because you think bad things are going to happen to you when I'm around is it, because sometimes people think that." She noticed his phone go off, she figured it must have been the others.
"Well I find you to be really attractive and my type of girl." he replied with full honesty and blushing a bit at the same time. "Oh you mean with the media, sometimes but I know how to make it all go away. If anything does occur. Plus, the others have my back as I have theirs. They will think that, but it's not going to happen. If they ask I'll just make up a story like your my long-lost sister or something." he said laughing even though it was the truth. "Come on let's go." he stood up and grabbed his jacket, waiting to escort her.
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