Murder Series Award Show II [Non-Canon]

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"It's Shiki but... Well, I guess I've been called worse before."

Like "good-for-nothing," "bastard," "murderer," but uh... Well, those were all probably different.

In any case, when Plutia would come to, Shiki's expression would go from a sour one to a normal one again.


"Oh, you're up. You really shouldn't sleep around like that, Plutia. Someone might end up kicking you by accident or so," he spoke, adjusting his glasses for a brief moment, before pocketing his hands.



"Oh, Shiki-kun!~~~ Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~~~~" Plutia dragged out that greeting there.


"So you guys are lovers?"



Someone stop Peashy.

Making once again that horrid tski'ing sound, a petite girl of only five foot and relatively neat attire soon followed past Jon Snow. A slender, needle-like rapier was firmly held in her left hand, darting against the ground, being used as a makeshift walking cane. Layers of grey cloth and fabric were draped over her eyes, tied into a knot at the back of her head, blindfolding the teenager to conceal her white, tortured eyes. The soul looked reborn yet broken, two pairs of wings, one ebony black, the other a graceful white, protruding from the She-Wolf's back and extending about half a foot.

It was safe to say that, ever since the defeat of the Archdemon, Arya Stark had changed quite a bit.
"...Bitch." Felix growled at the sight of her. "And here I thought the mere sight of you couldn't get any more repulsive. Look at you! Like a fourteen year old's wet emo gothic dream. I should fucking kill you right now. Spare the multiverse your pitiful existence."


It'd been some time since Chloe Price's misadventures with her best friend and partner through time, Max Caulfield. They'd been dragged away from everything they knew and plunged straight into desolate worlds filled with all sorts of creatures, big and tall, ugly and uglier. Her company had ranged from Darth-fuckin-Vader. Though that one seemed to be more of a dumbass's interpretation of the sith lord than anything else. Guy nearly got them all whacked off.

He was pretty chill in the van that shall not be named though.

Then, there was that asshole in the orange and black armor. Felix didn't exactly approve of Chloe and Max and she could sympathize. She gave the heartless mercenary the double finger salute whenever she got a chance. Fair's fair though, Felix did gift her with a pretty sweet gun that she used against an Evil!Aqua. Smashed her shoulder into itty-bitty tiny little pieces, but the thought was that mattered. Even if she missed entirely. It also made her ak-47 because yeah, she got one of those too, and David's pea shooter look like toys. She almost wished she could have kicked his ass because he took it back once everything was said and done.

Speaking of ass kicking, that Jon Snow guy was pretty alright too. Didn't take any of that dipshit Travis's shit. Throwing in the fact that the multiverse seemed to have it out for him also earned the guy some sympathy points because oh lord Chloe knew those feels. She wasn't too sure what became of him when things wrapped up but maybe that was for the best. Hoped the guy found some joy in his life at least. Looking at him, dealing with the Arcadia Bay bullshit didn't seem that bad.

But the person that stuck with the two of them the most? It was probably the same guy who grew a reputation among the crowd for his weird as hell faces.
But despite all that, he protected the punk when it was just her and a pistol against a New York occupied by aliens. She didn't like her odds without his help. Then, after some trial and error(that summoning ritual was such specific bs) Max brought Archer back and helped the two of them partake in the fight against the Arch-demon. Once he kicked the bucket, Max and Chloe wanted to get as far away from the gigantic cluster-fuck this had turned out to be. Archer offered to come along and who were they to turn him down?

Being that they didn't face anything above the paygrade of asshole drug dealers and creep artists, Archer didn't have to do much butt-kicking. Somehow, Chloe always knew he was looking out for the two of them. Just as a true friend would.


Honestly, she pictured their time together looking a bit more well-done and focused. But beggars couldn't be choosers, she supposed. In any case, when the offer to come see this thing was given, Chloe accepted without hesitation. Maybe she'd get to see Jon, Claire, and even that dip Travis again. So, taking a seat in the front row, Chloe kicked her boots up and folded her arms behind her head as she glanced around to see who else had been gathered.

Their were indeed some faces she recognized. Like the little girl who turned into a girl with big boobs and some kind of dominatrix outfit.

Oh, there was Felix. Ah, the smell of pungent dirtbag radiated off him just as it had all that time ago.

She did have to agree with him though! Seeing who got what would be pretty damn interesting!
As other guests began to pop up here and there, one person stood out in particular. Climbing atop the balcony, a large muscular man with a wolf's pelt tied around his shoulders flexed and smirked as he glanced down at all those present. It wasn't the usual type of ring that he was used to. But the people were all gathered and just as he had tried to do while keeping Karol and Gaara safe throughout the whole of that camp business, he'd keep the people entertained and give them what they wanted!

(which was the awards but he didn't really have any control over that :<)


"Heh, what's the name of this champion! The one who stopped the previously unstoppable gigan, Grendel? Who's the one who helped kick butt and take names at that summer camp? Tell me, who it is, audience!"


"That's right! Now, get ready my wulfpack! Because it's about to get wild in this award show! AROOOOOOOOOOOO!"

Pulling the head of the pelt over his own like a sort of mask, Beowulf began to howl as loudly as his lungs could manage. Standing close by on the balcony was a young boy. Didn't seem to be much older than twelve-thirteen with bright red hair and a vacant dead look in his eyes. With his arms folded, sand began to drift out of the gourd he carried upon his back and floated towards the overzealous wrestler.


"You may have claimed to accept me as a member of the Wulfpack, but I'll not stand by as you make a fool out of yourself. Because, by extension you're making a fool out of me and I cannot allow that."

The sand ninja meant what he said. He had murdered people in cold blood for minor slights compared to Beowulf's. But for all of his idiotic antics, the wrestler did seem to genuinely care about Gaara, having watched out for him during his shukaku-related episodes throughout the duration of their time at camp. He even accepted the murderous ninja into his 'Wulfpack' to show just how much he trusted the child. Which was partly why Gaara hadn't already killed the wrestler and would attack anyone who he felt posed a significant threat to Beowulf's life.

Waving off the sand without so much as a single line of tension on his face, Beowulf glanced down from where he was standing on the balcony and an idea began to form within his head.

"Alright, alright! We'll wait for the awards to start, Gaara. But, first I need to wrap up my little thank you to the members of the Wulfpack that allowed me to be here! Wulfpack? This is from Beowulf to you."


The mic had been dropped. Hopefully, not on anyone's head! Because that'd just be a lawsuit waiting to happen and Beowulf didn't have any time or inclination to learn the ins and outs of multiversal law. Besides, attacking the audience was something that a heel would do and Beowulf was still firmly planted right in the face group! Right where he belonged! Turning back, Beowulf flashed a thumbs up and dopey grin Gaara's way.

"Heh, you catch that Gaara? Now, everyone's sure to be hyped for these awards!"




This entire thing was a farce as far as Krauser was concerned. Celebrating the achievements of those who had participated in these so called 'games?'

You didn't give someone a piece of paper and tell them good job. That lead to nothing but showboating and an arrogant attitude that would only serve to inflate one's ego of themselves. Leaving them highly susceptible to believing they could survive anything if the event they happened to participate in ended without them being harmed. When they met whatever untimely demise fate had set up for them, then Krauser would laugh. For no one was invincible and a little award to commemorate your survival amounted to nothing more than a joke.

That said, Nemesis's parasite had been behaving erratically. Only calming down once the invitation to this event arrived. Krauser knew the beast was supposed to be intelligent enough to problem solve and track down it's prey. But, what use could it have had for a measly award? He wasn't too sure. But if this is what the parasite that gave Nemesis it's intelligence desired then Krauser would see to it.

"Is it everything you hoped it'd be, Nemesis?"


The T-Type Parasite was spread all throughout Nemesis' body. It's what allowed Nemesis to man it's rocket launcher, to relentlessly pursue it's targets until they were destroyed and everything else. But throughout it's 'relationship' with Krauser, the parasite felt it wasn't being utilized to the best of it's abilities and that their was still more work to be done before it could return to the orders that Umbrella had ready to program into the parasite's subconscious. Attending the award show to see if Krauser and it had received anything was at the top of those priorities.

Which is why the creature glanced down at Krauser with saliva running down it's maw and narrowed it's one good eye at him.


"Right. Awards.."


In a reaction that was the complete opposite of Krausers, the three Ed boys seemed absolutely delighted at being at the Awards Show. With all three of them standing on top of the stage. Either it hadn't occurred to them that they would have to vacate once the awards actually started coming out or they didn't really care. With what seemed like a shoddily done lemonade stand-type construction with a sign on top that said


"Isn't this morally wrong, Eddy? I mean everyone here has risked their lives in these events! Ourselves included! Yet, you insist on making a gain out of everyone's collective tragedy!"

"Ah, put a sock in it, sockhead! Just think about it! The event we were in? It didn't seem very fun now did it?"

"W-Well, I feel it did seem a bit slow in how that Ghiriam fellow handled things..But, what does that have to do with anything?"

"I'm saying we got off easy! Apart from that one crazy chick who tried to kill us, everything was smooth sailing! But, everyone else here has had it a lot rougher than us! They probably want something for their woes! So, here we are handing out awards for them! Ain't that right, Ed?"


"..You're trusting Ed to make the awards?"

"What? You want me to do them? You know how much work that'd be?"

"Oh no, please don't exert yourself, Eddy. Heaven forbid."

"Heh, glad you see it my way Sockhead!"

"Eddy, I was being sarcastic-Nevermind. Has it even occurred to you if any of these people have currency to offer us?"

"Yup! We'll take alien money and send it to the gov and get tons of money for.."




To say Locus didn't expect something like this was an understatement. He shared Krauser's sentiment that this did nothing but provide a 'feel good moment' for those involved. Something he didn't particularly care for. But after that encounter with the undead, he felt somewhat of a nagging feeling in the back of his head. Continually prodding him to accept the invitation and attend the event. Eventually, his stoic wall was broken down and here he was.

He obviously recognized Grey. He had saved her life much to her disgust and she claimed that he was nothing more than a broken man who murdered her close colleagues. The latter of which he couldn't deny. But the former was simply incorrect. It was his nature to continue existing to fulfill his duty that allowed him to survive through the zombie ordeal.

Such was the nature of a soldier. But as he leaned up against the walls, he'd notice his partner. His partner hadn't mentioned anything of note to him and Locus hadn't mentioned any of what he'd gone through. So he scratched out the possibility of this being his Felix. Which was a shame. Because while he could block out that Felix with a little bit of willpower, this one seemed like he'd be even more of a pest to deal with.

He also seemed to have some kind of vendetta against a teenage girl. Pathetic but also somewhat fitting he supposed.




What? You thought Stubbs was here to get an award?

Stubbs wasn't here for the awards or anything. He was just here because he heard their'd be plenty of other people here. Maybe someone would throw a fit over not getting the award they wanted and Stubbs could eat their brain. Would be better than the damn hot-dogs he'd tried scarfing down after his own event.


Herbert had declined to participate in the show. Mainly because he felt something like this was beneath someone of his intellect. Which meant Jason ended up getting roped into attending.

As you can probably imagine, he wasn't too pleased by this development. Standing in a corner with his arms at his side, the zombie's torso lifted up and down with breath he took. His eye scanned around for anyone he might have recalled from the thing he'd been forced to have a part in. Aya didn't seem to be here. That was somewhat disappointing.

Jason desired for no one to approach him, no one to call him up for awards, he basically wanted nothing to do here. But, yet here he was despite all of it. It also seemed like that first desire was going to be broken very quickly as Ghostface saw one of his horror idols in the rotting flesh and decided a quick hello wouldn't be out of the ordinary.


"Well, I've only ever seen him in movies! Besides, we're of the same ilk! Serial killers gotta stick together right?"


But ChromeSkull's texts would go unheeded as Ghostface approached the undead killer who didn't even seem to acknowledge the smaller, fully-human murderer.


But while others may have run off screaming in terror, Ghostface was not one of those people. Drawing his knife from within his sleeve, he held it out for Jason to see.

"Hey there! You're the Jason Elias Voorhees! How did I know your middle name? Supplementary materials! But, what brings you to a place like this? How would you kill everyone in here? Ugh, I have so many questions for you and so little time! I'm Ghostface but you can call me, Mickey. If you talked that is! I know you only did that in Jason Goes to Hell, the film that jumped the shark because c'mon. Jason as a demon tongue thing? It's clear they were running out of ideas! In my humble opinion, 3, 4, and Seven were probably the best."


Jason didn't like this man. Mainly because he talked so damn much. Also, because he seemed to get the impression that Jason liked having other killers follow in his footsteps. After his ressurection thanks to Tommy Jarvis and a handy bolt of lightning, Jason heard about a paramedic driver who took his hockey mask and a jumpsuit and began killing people. Jason wasn't a fan of copycats or people who claimed to look up to him. Which is why he reached for the hilt of his machete to cut Mickey down to size. Seeing the gesture, Mickey quickly made his way off. It was so awesome to meet Jason in person but not worth it to get killed over. At least not before he got an award!

@C.T. @Bomb @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Hospes @Verite @Krieg @The Great Detective @everybody I guess lol


...Huh. What a friendly kid, wasn't she? Sighing through his nose and stretching his arms behind his back, the young man simply cocked his head at the girl. "AH, yes - hello," he responded, awkwardly. "..So, are you lost? I assume you're here for that lovely award show, not a drink. I could escort you to the Auditorium, if you'd like."

@Bomb @People at the bar


The young woman just offered Deoxys a bright smile, seeming oblivious to the fact she'd unintentionally shocked it with her hug. Naturally, after finally releasing the Pokemon, she simply rocked on her heels. "Well, I was hoping you'd be here, too," she chimed, pleasantly. Man, even when she was eighteen, the Thaumaturge was just too cute... That fact aside, the female laughed right back, very happy with the encounter. "It's been over eight years... So I suppose it'd be safe to assume I am older than when we parted last," she mused, calmly.

Look out, Battler, you were on the Caster hug list

@CrunchyCHEEZIT @The Great Detective

"Eight years.."

Deoxys paused for a moment, looking at its friend. She has aged, and no longer considered juvenile. She is becoming an adult human..and yet, Deoxys hasn't changed at all in over eight years.

"Interesting. Has your adult life suited you well? Adult humans are not to imagination as juveniles are. Possibly because of the effects of development on the human brain. Or, possible the effects of culture and social expectations."

"Or..perhaps just because of the loss of innocence."

Deoxys would look on at the girl. She was getting very big, wasn't she? Almost as tall as Deoxys now, and yet the memories of her being such a small organism still float about Deoxys' complex mind, somehow taking chief over more important thought processes. A feeling Deoxys only feels when he is around Subject Ryan.

"I am glad you still remember me."



Gordon briefly glanced up at Jason.


He looked back down at his book at the very second the zombie tried to look his way.

Gaster, on the other hand, was looking down upon Chromeskull and Ghostface





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"Oh, Shiki-kun!~~~ Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~~~~" Plutia dragged out that greeting there.


"So you guys are lovers?"



Someone stop Peashy.


"W-Well, no. It's not like that! Really, Plutia, what have you been saying to your friends about me?"

If his relationship with Plutia could be described as "good friends" though, he really didn't want to have to think about what his relationship would be with Iris Heart.

Then again, he wasn't really sure if he wanted to think about Iris Heart at all, but whatever.


"W-Well, no. It's not like that! Really, Plutia, what have you been saying to your friends about me?"

If his relationship with Plutia could be described as "good friends" though, he really didn't want to have to think about what his relationship would be with Iris Heart.

Then again, he wasn't really sure if he wanted to think about Iris Heart at all, but whatever.


"Umm... all I said was that you were a nice guy..."


"So you guys are not lovers?"
"Do you have any cookies?" Ethel asked the man.


Uhh... Cookies? What was that all about? Larkin hadn't asked anything relating to cookies... Somehow, though, the young man didn't seem terribly put-off. He maintained that typical charming smile, and offered a shrug. "Ahh.. Not on me, no... But I bet I know someone who could get you some." If that ol' goody-two-shoes or Rid are here, anyways...

@Bomb @Bar Folk

"Eight years.."

Deoxys paused for a moment, looking at its friend. She has aged, and no longer considered juvenile. She is becoming an adult human..and yet, Deoxys hasn't changed at all in over eight years.

"Interesting. Has your adult life suited you well? Adult humans are not to imagination as juveniles are. Possibly because of the effects of development on the human brain. Or, possible the effects of culture and social expectations."

"Or..perhaps just because of the loss of innocence."

Deoxys would look on at the girl. She was getting very big, wasn't she? Almost as tall as Deoxys now, and yet the memories of her being such a small organism still float about Deoxys' complex mind, somehow taking chief over more important thought processes. A feeling Deoxys only feels when he is around Subject Ryan.

"I am glad you still remember me."


Well.. The Pokemon had a point, didn't it? Adults typically didn't retain their sense of innocence or imagination - but Ryan was anything but typical. No, somehow, she was just as pure and imaginative as she had always been. Nothing in the world could keep the precious little cinnamon roll down. "..It has. Everyone makes growing up out to be a bad thing, but I don't think it's so bad," she answered.


The next comment from the alien Pokemon earned another light laugh from the blonde, and she couldn't help that smile. "Of course I still remember you! How could I not?"


As they waited for the awards to start be given out, Minato, Morgan, and Robin all sat off to the side in the lounge. Father and daughter happily played a game of chess, and Minato watched half-heartedly as he awaited both for the show's start and for some of his friends arriving to the show.

@Anyone in Lounge

Faint footsteps could barely be heard over the conversations already occurring, even before the awards show was beginning... It looked like she was one of the first to arrive, out of a group of people that was on their way... Sooner or later. The day was a rather cheerfull one, but, strangely enough, a girl finally came into view of the people in the lounge, she looked a bit contrast to the bright and happy day; the look on her face seemed just a bit gloomy, but, she didn't look like she was upset or anything... Maybe she had simply spaced out? Though, what was clear was that she was here for the awards show, whenever that would go on, though, she had no idea if Serge, or, well, anyone else she might know would show up... For the time being though, she seemed to want to relax somewhere, play some videogames (at least she hoped there were some... Other than that dreaded "Nasu" game she'd been playing, of course), though, she wasn't entirely sure where she should settle down here just yet...
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Because Teemo's memory got erased, he still thinks he's never been in a Murder Game. However seeing Battler and the others caused some kind of memory relapse.

"W-what?" Teemo said, not knowing what was going on.

"Are you confused? Well... then again, that Golden Witch really did work her magic on ya!"

Lambdadelta still carried Cat!Bernkastel in her arms, deciding to mess with this ex-Player to the Witch's Game.

Hey, Patchy!" Tails greeted Patchouli.

"O-Oh... hey Tails. Nice to see you around for this event."

Patchouli seemed a bit off-guard once she saw Tails present, but soon composed herself. Though, she had to ask one thing...


"Um... if I may ask you... have you seen Pietro by any chance?"


And, out of nowhere... Came Ryan~ She was coming 4 ur hugs, Deoxys and Battler....

@The Great Detective @CrunchyCHEEZIT
Deoxys felt a familar mental presence approach from behind. Getting ready to defend, the pokemon suddenly glew a violent purple and turned around, preparing a hyper bea--


It was a critical hug.

The pokemons psychic might and intimidation immediately faded when the human girl embraced it warmly, simply standing there-- both shocked and somewhat delighted. Deoxys would look down and return the embrace, obviously just as excited to see her.

"Subject Ryan! I would be most certainly lying if I said I wasn't expecting you."

Once broken from the hug, Deoxys looked at its friend, its eyes showing in a more calm and friendly manner.

"You seem to grow older each time I see you, or..perhaps I am mistaken." Deoxys laughed, and it was a genuine laugh as well. "Humans are always changing around me, it seems."


The young woman just offered Deoxys a bright smile, seeming oblivious to the fact she'd unintentionally shocked it with her hug. Naturally, after finally releasing the Pokemon, she simply rocked on her heels. "Well, I was hoping you'd be here, too," she chimed, pleasantly. Man, even when she was eighteen, the Thaumaturge was just too cute... That fact aside, the female laughed right back, very happy with the encounter. "It's been over eight years... So I suppose it'd be safe to assume I am older than when we parted last," she mused, calmly.

Look out, Battler, you were on the Caster hug list

@CrunchyCHEEZIT @The Great Detective

"Oh... hey Ryan."

Battler was pretty surprised to see Ryan... well, older than the last time he's seen her. It was uncertain if it were that the timelines were that different from each other, or that it's probably because of his loss of aging and time... Nevertheless, the Endless Sorcerer worked up a grin.


"Well, what are you waiting for? Give this Sorcerer a big ol' hug! Same goes to you Deoxys!"

Erika would greet Deoxys... buuuuut this detective had her priorities.

@Hospes @CrunchyCHEEZIT

It'd been some time since Chloe Price's misadventures with her best friend and partner through time, Max Caulfield. They'd been dragged away from everything they knew and plunged straight into desolate worlds filled with all sorts of creatures, big and tall, ugly and uglier. Her company had ranged from Darth-fuckin-Vader. Though that one seemed to be more of a dumbass's interpretation of the sith lord than anything else. Guy nearly got them all whacked off.

He was pretty chill in the van that shall not be named though.

Then, there was that asshole in the orange and black armor. Felix didn't exactly approve of Chloe and Max and she could sympathize. She gave the heartless mercenary the double finger salute whenever she got a chance. Fair's fair though, Felix did gift her with a pretty sweet gun that she used against an Evil!Aqua. Smashed her shoulder into itty-bitty tiny little pieces, but the thought was that mattered. Even if she missed entirely. It also made her ak-47 because yeah, she got one of those too, and David's pea shooter look like toys. She almost wished she could have kicked his ass because he took it back once everything was said and done.

Speaking of ass kicking, that Jon Snow guy was pretty alright too. Didn't take any of that dipshit Travis's shit. Throwing in the fact that the multiverse seemed to have it out for him also earned the guy some sympathy points because oh lord Chloe knew those feels. She wasn't too sure what became of him when things wrapped up but maybe that was for the best. Hoped the guy found some joy in his life at least. Looking at him, dealing with the Arcadia Bay bullshit didn't seem that bad.

But the person that stuck with the two of them the most? It was probably the same guy who grew a reputation among the crowd for his weird as hell faces.

But despite all that, he protected the punk when it was just her and a pistol against a New York occupied by aliens. She didn't like her odds without his help. Then, after some trial and error(that summoning ritual was such specific bs) Max brought Archer back and helped the two of them partake in the fight against the Arch-demon. Once he kicked the bucket, Max and Chloe wanted to get as far away from the gigantic cluster-fuck this had turned out to be. Archer offered to come along and who were they to turn him down?

Being that they didn't face anything above the paygrade of asshole drug dealers and creep artists, Archer didn't have to do much butt-kicking. Somehow, Chloe always knew he was looking out for the two of them. Just as a true friend would.


Honestly, she pictured their time together looking a bit more well-done and focused. But beggars couldn't be choosers, she supposed. In any case, when the offer to come see this thing was given, Chloe accepted without hesitation. Maybe she'd get to see Jon, Claire, and even that dip Travis again. So, taking a seat in the front row, Chloe kicked her boots up and folded her arms behind her head as she glanced around to see who else had been gathered.

Their were indeed some faces she recognized. Like the little girl who turned into a girl with big boobs and some kind of dominatrix outfit.

Oh, there was Felix. Ah, the smell of pungent dirtbag radiated off him just as it had all that time ago.

She did have to agree with him though! Seeing who got what would be pretty damn interesting!


Well, guess Lapis decided to go over to Chloe. She didn't interact much with some others during the Murder Game she was in, but... well, that didn't mean she should give the silent treatment to those peeps.


As they waited for the awards to start be given out, Minato, Morgan, and Robin all sat off to the side in the lounge. Father and daughter happily played a game of chess, and Minato watched half-heartedly as he awaited both for the show's start and for some of his friends arriving to the show.


"There are you two, there was no way I was going to go through this entire event without my close ones~"

Erika gave a cute smile as she walked over to her husband and future daughter. Spotting their chess match, she couldn't help but whisper over to Morgan.


"Oh... moving that specific knight over here would put a check on him."

@The Tactician

In the back of the auditorium, a young woman stood with her back turned to the stage, grumbling unhappily about something.


Meanwhile, a familiar siren was kicked back in a chair, her boot-clad feet propped up on the chair in front of her and a lollipop settled in her mouth.


At the bar, the same young man from before was casually chatting up the bartender - an older boy that looked pretty unhappy to be in this position.


Finally, in the lounge, a little girl was huddled up against the wall on the floor, hugging her knees to her chest. She didn't seem too keen on approaching anyone....

Well the little girl in the lounge that was against the wall may not have been too keen on approaching people...but someone was keen on approaching her...


"Hey Deedee...It's been awhile hasn't it...?" ...Wait.... Who let the bloodthirsty Dark Mage in here...?



"Why the hell am I here..? Well least there's a bar..." Well Erron Black was here folks....



"...Why are we even here ...?"


"Well it's an award show.... Might as well have a change of pace 'fore we git back home..."

"...This isn't going to help bring her back.....It's meaningless to me..." Either way Lon'qu and Donny were also here... It looked like Lon'qu was still wielding Saber's sword Excalibur that Gilgamesh had given him...

@Hospes @Whoever else

@Anyone in Lounge

Faint footsteps could barely be heard over the conversations already occurring, even before the awards show was beginning... It looked like she was one of the first to arrive, out of a group of people that was on their way... Sooner or later. The day was a rather cheerfull one, but, strangely enough, a girl finally came into view of the people in the lounge, she looked a bit contrast to the bright and happy day; the look on her face seemed just a bit gloomy, but, she didn't look like she was upset or anything... Maybe she had simply spaced out? Though, what was clear was that she was here for the awards show, whenever that would go on, though, she had no idea if Serge, or, well, anyone else she might know would show up... For the time being though, she seemed to want to relax somewhere, play some videogames (at least she hoped there were some... Other than that dreaded "Nasu" game she'd been playing, of course), though, she wasn't entirely sure where she should settle down here just yet...

Dressed as always in his casual fishing clothes (somewhat inappropriate for such a formal event), the young villager from Ahri stepped into the grand theater with a somewhat amazed expression. He really hadn't expected much when he had received his invitation, given that the awards were apparently being given for their performances in the Murder Game, but now that he was here, Serge could see that the events were a big deal. Dozens of people from apparently different worlds had congregated here, and for him, it was somewhat daunting to think he was a part of it all...

"Not alone at least," He hummed as he noticed a familiar girl wandering the crowds. Approaching her from behind and with a smile, Serge gave her shoulder a tap to get her attention, wanting to greet his best friend from the Murder Games and now in his own world (besides his wife, of course).


"Umm... all I said was that you were a nice guy..."


"So you guys are not lovers?"

"N-No, we're not... though we're a little closer than I'd like to remember."

Whoops. He didn't say anything.

"What gave you that idea anyway?"


Uhh... Cookies? What was that all about? Larkin hadn't asked anything relating to cookies... Somehow, though, the young man didn't seem terribly put-off. He maintained that typical charming smile, and offered a shrug. "Ahh.. Not on me, no... But I bet I know someone who could get you some." If that ol' goody-two-shoes or Rid are here, anyways...

@Bomb @Bar Folk

Well.. The Pokemon had a point, didn't it? Adults typically didn't retain their sense of innocence or imagination - but Ryan was anything but typical. No, somehow, she was just as pure and imaginative as she had always been. Nothing in the world could keep the precious little cinnamon roll down. "..It has. Everyone makes growing up out to be a bad thing, but I don't think it's so bad," she answered.


The next comment from the alien Pokemon earned another light laugh from the blonde, and she couldn't help that smile. "Of course I still remember you! How could I not?"


Deoxys shrugged, suddenly thinking about why it said what it said.

"Memories are easily forgotten as time passes. Only those you truly cherish are kept secure in the machinations of your mind."

That was..philosophical. Deoxys looked towards the stage, its eyes taking on its usually snobbish tone.

"Hm. This area. It seems rather...pointless." It looks back at Ryan "Exhibit A of my lesson-- I forget why I am here. The human act of giving awards to eachother is pretentious-- your accomplishments are shown by your intelligence. Intelligence is not shown in a small, golden artifact that holds a weak sentimental value."

"...and I didn't even get nominated for anything."

Deoxys recognized the mental presence of Erika. This alien had bigger duties at the moment, but it would greet Erika later on.

Then Battler showed up. Oh, this human again.


"My biology is not fit for physical displays of affection. It is an insult to my intelligence."

@Hospes @The Great Detective

"Are you confused? Well... then again, that Golden Witch really did work her magic on ya!"

Lambdadelta still carried Cat!Bernkastel in her arms, deciding to mess with this ex-Player to the Witch's Game.



"O-Oh... hey Tails. Nice to see you around for this event."

Patchouli seemed a bit off-guard once she saw Tails present, but soon composed herself. Though, she had to ask one thing...


"Um... if I may ask you... have you seen Pietro by any chance?"



"Oh... hey Ryan."

Battler was pretty surprised to see Ryan... well, older than the last time he's seen her. It was uncertain if it were that the timelines were that different from each other, or that it's probably because of his loss of aging and time... Nevertheless, the Endless Sorcerer worked up a grin.


"Well, what are you waiting for? Give this Sorcerer a big ol' hug! Same goes to you Deoxys!"

Erika would greet Deoxys... buuuuut this detective had her priorities.

@Hospes @CrunchyCHEEZIT



Well, guess Lapis decided to go over to Chloe. She didn't interact much with some others during the Murder Game she was in, but... well, that didn't mean she should give the silent treatment to those peeps.



"There are you two, there was no way I was going to go through this entire event without my close ones~"

Erika gave a cute smile as she walked over to her husband and future daughter. Spotting their chess match, she couldn't help but whisper over to Morgan.


"Oh... moving that specific knight over here would put a check on him."

@The Tactician

"Mother!" Her head shot up with a cheek-hurting grin, glad that Erika had made it as well. While the two of them saw each other nearly every day as witches, it still warmed Morgan's heart to see her loving mother again... Especially when she gave her ingenious chess moves.


"Ooooohhhh... Got it!"


As his daughter gleefully took her mother's advice without hesitation, Robin waited for the knight to be left unattended before sweeping in with his queen, "But it leaves her open to a counter gambit, dear~" Morgan's eyes opened wide in shock, seeing that she had been placed in a precarious position due to the needless sacrifice, and Robin took his chance. Standing from his seat as his daughter continued to analyze, the tactician moved to give his wife a hug, "I'm glad you could make it, darling! An award show is never the same without you there."

@Gummi Bunnies

"N-No, we're not... though we're a little closer than I'd like to remember."

Whoops. He didn't say anything.

"What gave you that idea anyway?"


Deciding to leave the family of witches and tacticians to their reunion, Minato spotted Shiki speaking to a few girls and walked over to him, giving him a wave, "Yo, Shiki-kun."

@Bomb @Verite
As a pair of figures entered the auditorium, one's gasp of awe caught the other's attention.

"What is it, darling?" he asked, half-concerned,



"Simply breathtaking, isn't it?~ I've lived my whole life on the stage, and even I have never seen one so grandiose!" the fabulous Mettaton interrupted, looking all dolled up for the occasion.

The lady he was speaking to took his outburst very professionally. Then again, everything from her attire to her demeanor was screaming professional as it was.


"Ahem, right. Just make sure you don't forget why we're here, K? I don't wanna micromanage." she responded with a habitual adjustment of her specs.


"Tibbers wants a front seat! Tibbers wants a front seaaaaaat!" shouted the feisty little redhead, before being scooped up in Mettaton's extendable arms. She flailed around in resistance aptly.

"Yes, yes, you're here standing in for the Archmage, while me and Annie are here because of our wonderful acting!~" Mettaton responded, doing an excellent job of ignoring the searing hot flames Annie was trying to melt his arms away with.

The short one nodded. "Good, you remembered. But, Annie hasn't gotten nominated for any awards. She's just here by the Archmage's request."

"Oh? Did he mention why?" he questioned curiously, Annie having given up her attempts to escape with a huff.

The short one nodded yet again. "There was some controversy surrounding him during the last award show. It prevented her from attending. He hopes this'll make it up to her."

Mettaton shrugged in acknowledgment, before turning his attention to the little pyromaniac in his arms. "So, Tibbers wants a spot to sit?~"

Annie bounced around cheerily at the question, "Yeah! Take us to the front row, cap'n!"

With a chuckle, Mettaton carried the young champion down the rows of seats, with the last of the three following close behind, catching glimpses at the colourful characters littering the room.
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"Are you confused? Well... then again, that Golden Witch really did work her magic on ya!"

Lambdadelta still carried Cat!Bernkastel in her arms, deciding to mess with this ex-Player to the Witch's Game.

"Golden Witch? Who is she?" Teemo said, headaches still coming. "And who are you, Lambdadelta?"

Wait, how did Teemo know that name?


"O-Oh... hey Tails. Nice to see you around for this event."

Patchouli seemed a bit off-guard once she saw Tails present, but soon composed herself. Though, she had to ask one thing...


"Um... if I may ask you... have you seen Pietro by any chance?"

"Oh, umm... I haven't seen him yet. I'm pretty sure he's going to whizz in soon, like always." Tails replied, happy to see Patchouli again.

"N-No, we're not... though we're a little closer than I'd like to remember."

Whoops. He didn't say anything.

"What gave you that idea anyway?"


"Well, when Ploot told the story, Neptuna said you guys were lovers!" Plutia said innocently.


"But we're not? That's too bad..." Plutia said in shock, not remembering that event.

Uhh... Cookies? What was that all about? Larkin hadn't asked anything relating to cookies... Somehow, though, the young man didn't seem terribly put-off. He maintained that typical charming smile, and offered a shrug. "Ahh.. Not on me, no... But I bet I know someone who could get you some." If that ol' goody-two-shoes or Rid are here, anyways...

@Bomb @Bar Folk
"Ok." was all Ethel said. Ethel wasn't really much of a talking person.

"Umm... if I may... who is this Rid you speak of?" Karin asked Larkin.

@Verite @gummi bunnies @Hospes
As a pair of figures entered the auditorium, one's gasp of awe caught the other's attention.

"What is it, darling?" he asked, half-concerned,



"Simply breathtaking, isn't it?~ I've lived my whole life on the stage, and even I have never seen one so grandiose!" the fabulous Mettaton interrupted, looking all dolled up for the occasion.

The lady he was speaking to took his outburst very professionally. Then again, everything from her attire to her demeanor was screaming professional as it was.


"Ahem, right. Just make sure you don't forget why we're here, K? I don't wanna micromanage." she responded with a habitual adjustment of her specs.


"Tibbers wants a front seat! Tibbers wants a front seaaaaaat!" shouted the feisty little redhead, before being scooped up in Mettaton's extendable arms. She flailed around in resistance aptly.

"Yes, yes, you're here standing in for the Archmage, while me and Annie are here because of our wonderful acting!~" Mettaton responded, doing an excellent job of ignoring the searing hot flames Annie was trying to melt his arms away with.

The short one nodded. "Good, you remembered. But, Annie hasn't gotten nominated for any awards. She's just here by the Archmage's request."

"Oh? Did he mention why?" he questioned curiously, Annie having given up her attempts to escape with a huff.

The short one nodded yet again. "There was some controversy surrounding him during the last award show. It prevented her from attending. He hopes this'll make it up to her."

Mettaton shrugged in acknowledgment, before turning his attention to the little pyromaniac in his arms. "So, Tibbers wants a spot to sit?~"

Annie bounced around cheerily at the question, "Yeah! Take us to the front row, cap'n!"

With a chuckle, Mettaton carried the young champion down the rows of seats, with the last of the three following close behind, catching glimpses at the colourful characters littering the room.
Cue a bunch of Gnar's cats pouncing at Annie.


@Archmage Jeremiah
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