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Without wasting any time being possibly surprised by Kido's sudden appearance or gawking at his usage of the stolen power-suppressing grenades, Thor, at high enough speeds that his body easily seemed to become a blur when he'd move, would manage to track down the Producer's location and speedblitz him before the mist would be able to reach him, throwing a calamitously powerful punch right in his chest, the sheer force of the punch enough to send Kido flying into the wall in an instant and causing a crater as a result! As he moved, he'd also be able to evade Remilia's spear in the process.

"If your trump card against me is cheap parlor tricks and trying to use weapons that do not belong to you against me, then perhaps I gave most of you too much credit in believing that I could be provided entertainment," Thor sighed as he stood outside the range of the mist, placing his good arm on his hip while his other continued to sway around, evidently still disabled by Remilia's punch and the only evidence that Thor seemed to be hurt at all by the fight.

Still, he pursed his lips thoughtfully, as though having ceased to take the battle seriously, if he ever did to begin with. From the other room beyond, he could sense that the Dark Presence was beginning to wind down. That was his ticket to leave, because once that was dispatched with, he'd perhaps be the only one left. And confident in his own abilities as he was, he'd rather not go through all that.

"In any case, I think I've overstayed my welcome. And not a moment too soon," the blonde man, before swiftly dashing over to the portal, stopping just a few inches in front of it and looking back at everyone with a smirk that tugged at his lips, gesturing at them with his good arm, "Perhaps we'll come into contact again, Coalition, United Nations. Consider this a warning. The Revanchist is still rising, and when the time is right... You'll know the true meaning of despair!~ Ciao!"

And with that, he'd hop into the portal and disappear. In that instant, the portal would close off, rendering everyone behind unable to try to follow. That was that; Thor and Ocelot had managed to escape and were well on their way to possibly celebrating their victory over the Coalition, and there was nothing to be done about it.


Slamming his fist into the wall, Doppo, bleeding profusely from his earlier gunshot wound to the shoulder, would just now appear behind everyone, having just made it as the fight had ended, his teeth gritted in anger and frustration. This had never happened before... Such a complete and utter defeat of the Coalition on a level like this! The man sunk to his knees in a defeated fashion, trembling with resentment.

"Too late... We realized too late..."

@Kaykay @Crow @Yun Lee @Takumi

Roa would attempt to protect himself when Zwei would manage to evade just enough of his projectiles to give himself time to fire some dust rounds in retaliation, briefly pulling his arms back to shield himself, though even if just for a brief moment, from his point of view at least, ceasing to fire the Lightning Needles would be a mistake, something that he very rarely made, or so Roa liked to believe.

The instant he registered Sakuya behind him, Roa would attempt to make a move, but before he could even turn around, the maid would manage to stick him in place by throwing knives at his feet that permeated all the way through to the floor. He grunted sharply in surprise, attempting to break away from the knives and reach for Sakuya's very neck, not wasting his breath on any "final words" as she'd inquired about, before his body would be riddled with Sakuya's knives when she'd make the place rain blades.

The vampire would fall down on his back from the sheer force of the raining knives, unable to get up when the knives would pierce through his body and, just like the ones that stuck him to the ground, trapped him to the ground, causing him to be stuck in place. In no time, his body was compeltely riddled with blades, and though he was still alive, blood leaking out from every wound that, under normal circumstances should have already healed but was unable to due to the knives still being stuck in, he was unable to move, even despite his strength, making labored grunts to break himself free, try as he might.

As he struggled, Shiki, having recovered from the earlier attack that prevented him from moving, would appear before Roa, looking down at him coldly.


"Isn't it funny, Roa... The one person who let you come back... was also the only one capable of truly killing you. Real or not, it doesn't matter. This is where it ends," Shiki spoke, looking down at the pathetic, trapped form of Roa, the man unable to even respond with Sakuya's knives so deeply lodged into his face and through his mouth, practically disabling whatever muscle function he previously had.

With that, his Mystic Eyes registering lines and points of "death" all over Roa's body, he would stomp on a knife that was stabbed into the villain's chest, penetrating one of the many points of death that Shiki registered on his body, the man barely able to let out a pained gasp as that seemed to be the one thing to be able to do him in. In no time, Roa's body began to decompose like a vampire exposed to sunlight, his body turning to ashes as his eyes, full of hatred, glared daggers at Shiki and everyone else, though before anyone knew it, Roa was gone in a matter of moments when Shiki made his move.

With his body, and his very existence for that matter, gone, the many knives that penetrated Roa's body fell to the ground with a large number of clattering, as Shiki would take a step back and sigh deeply, eyes eventually relaxing as he'd rub his temple and look at the others.

"Let's hope that's finally the last I'll see of that guy... Are the rest of you guys okay? I don't think I'd be able to forgive myself if anyone else got hurt because of my nightmares."

@Gummi Bunnies @Kaykay @york


Hisoka, unable to worm himself out of Bekka's grasp, would hardly make a noise even when being repeatedly slammed into the ground like a rag doll, though the damage to him was evident. If taking Bekka's word for it wasn't enough, given her pure brute strength, then the many craters in the ground and the bruises on his previously thought to be nearly invulnerable skin would give evidence that Hisoka was certainly given a run for his money.

When Bekka was done, Hisoka wouldn't move for a good moment; one could even assume that he was dead, though eventually, he'd move his head up, the rest of his body completely still as if a number of the bones in his body had been fractured at the very least, giving the New God an eerie grin.


"... Ow," he grunted painfully, despite the wide grin on his face, "I can't believe it... It looks like I've lost," Hisoka spoke calmly and rather nonchalantly, as though it had all been just a game to him.

"I couldn't get up even if I tried, dear. Unfortunately, since I can't even get back to my cell, you'll have to take me back there... Truly, the multiverse has some strong people in it. Even within this Coalition, just by itself, my senses did not deceive me now that I've had a taste..."

In this state, he wasn't going anywhere now, but a prisoner was still a prisoner, and what prisoners had were rights. The beating could be considered his punishment for assault and whatever other charges could be added to his already growing list of offenses, so it shouldn't be any trouble to just drag him back to his cell, right?

@Jeremi @LuckycoolHawk9 @Bomb

Bekka drew her sword and aimed it Hisoka's head. "I could just kill you, don't think anyone here would care if I in the heat of the battle I accidentally swiped off your head."

The sword would linger over him for a moment before Bekka smirked and sheathed it again. "And you'll get to lay there for a moment longer. In fact let me go find a rock that you can hide under. Just so you get comfortable with hole I'm going to lobby for you that you will spending the rest of your sentence." With that Bekka walked off, ready to see if there were others that needed her help.

With Ilona's attacks ceasing, Macy slowly inches closer. She lowers her barriers and watches her friend slump to the ground and try to clean her face. She breaths a deep sigh of relief at the lack of explosions, despite Ilona's wails still ringing in her ears.

The sight of her friend safe once again brightens her heart, and she shifts back to Mason's face, to be familiar to the princess.

Covered in as much blood and crime as she was, Mason runs up to Ilona. He fall on his knees and hugs her with all his might. He releases his hug, watching Ilona's fiery red irises. He senses that the dark power still lays within Ilona, but the spark of life that shines behind the irises tells him that the princess has returned.

A tear wells up in the corner of his eye as he says, "Ilona! Thank goodness, thank the Sun, and thank everything in the multiverse that you're okay. Eve... Is she gone? It doesn't matter. You're okay! And it looks like all the bad guys are beaten! Even that portal is closing! So... So that means things can return to normal! You can live your life and we can take that vacation and I can finally have friends that I don't have to leave and..."

The force of his emotions culminates into another tight hug. The tear finally breaks down his cheek as he says, "Despite all that has happened, I'm glad that I met you. I'm glad I joined the Coalition. Let's clean up this mess, alright?"


"Ilona? Are you feeling alright? Everything should be fine now. Why are you still so sad?"

@Bomb @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Nater Taters @york
Artyom watched from a safe distance as Ruby and Macy were able to....bring IIona under control. Artyom breathed a sigh of relief, realizing there were no enemies left to fight, maybe his luck had finally changed. He pulled out his shotgun and went to reload, only to have his finger crushed when he hit the release switch on the gun

"Gahhh! Сукин сын! (Son of a bitch!)" He cried in pain and somehow pulled his mangled finger from his weapon, he studied it a moment, bruised, but not broken. He quickly reloaded and holstered his shotgun, he sure hoped nobody saw that blunder. He stood to his feet, realizing how sore he was .

"I could use a Vodka right bout it Train." He said with smirk.

Ruby Rose
@Mason Moretti @Bomb @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Nater Taters

Ruby finally let go, seeing that Ilona had finally returned to normal, minus her red eyes, that is... She wasn't quite sure what that meant, but what was important was that her powers had stopped causing explosions, and, as far as she knew... Ilona was alive. When she was asked if she had been hurt, Ruby shrugged it off, silently thanking the fact that her aura had protected her from the worst of it.


"I'll be fine! I mean I've had worse-...!" She said, though she seemed to trail off a little, being distracted for a moment.

Now that the immediate crisis was over, a few things had begun to dawn on her; 1) she was no longer covered in blood, like Eve had just been some sort of illusion... Either that or her aura had done some cleanup work, she wasn't sure which was which, and 2) the portal above was gone, save for a hand beckoning them to say briefly, which she had sort of missed out on.

In either case, she turned her attention back towards Ilona, smiling again... Trying to brighten up the mood, or at least make things at least a little better.

"I'm just glad that you're... Alright..." She said quietly.

Looks like she was quiet glad that Ilona had survived... All she could hope for now, was that Jennifer, Qrow, and the others who had been affected by that explosion, or thrown into a coma by the mist would be okay too...

@Gummi Bunnies @Kaykay @Verite @Others?

Roa was defeated, and with a small whine, Zwei sort of collapsed onto the ground.

His armor had cracks all over the place, despite having dodged a good number of his enemy's lighting bolts, he had been hit quite a few times, but his armor, and his aura had taken the brunt of the damage.

With subtle twitch from his ear, his suit sort of retracted from his body, reverting to its suitcase form with a mechanical grinding noise... Like the suit itself had somehow gotten tuckered out from the whole battle.

Judging from the damaged state the suitcase was in, it looks like Zwei might have trouble using it again, but... Hey, at least Zwei was okay, right? Even though he had closed his eyes and was... Apparently taking a small nap.

Looks like all that had happened had been a little too much for this little dog.
Ilona stared off into the distance, hardly reacting when Mason would hug her. She kept her arms limp at her sides, not moving. "I'm not sure if thanking the Sun for this will do you much good," she mumbled, unsure of what else she wanted to say to the others. After what had happened, she wasn't exactly in a very positive or cheerful mood.

What I saw when I died, it was... nothing. Where was my Sun? Should I not have been in its presence? I now find myself wondering if my faith is but a lie. But my faith is all I've had for so many years. Without it, I scarcely have a thing. What do I even have to believe in or trust if not my Sun?


Perhaps I have nothing. Regardless, I have to face my life. No matter how much it hurts, I can't hide from it forever.

After a moment she reached up to rub her eyes again, causing the red hues in them to finally fade away. It was then that Ilona pulled back from Mason and stood up, glancing down at herself with a frown.

I'd honestly just like to rest, be left alone, and maybe get some new clothes. I'm not sure why I've been wearing pale yellow all this time. That color gets dirty constantly. Wearing such a thing is one of the many poor choices I've made in my life. I will need to make a few changes, my clothes and even my title being one of them. Now is most certainly the time to stop calling myself a princess.

Finally realizing that Mason and Ruby were still watching her, Ilona glanced back at them and put on a smile as she always did. "I'm not sad, just tired, Sir Mason," she fibbed. "You and Miss Ruby and the others may return to the group and see if they need any aide in battle, if you wish. I shall stay here so that I will keep from causing more trouble."

Meanwhile, Train glanced to Arty, shaking his head. "I'm not a vodka kind of guy, but I'd gladly down a glass of milk right about now. In fact, I could down several bottles after how long today has been," he said with a chuckle, twirling his gun before placing it in his holster. He then placed his hands behind his head, relaxing for a moment.

@Mason Moretti @york @Bomb @Nater Taters
And there she was. As they began to head out, Kido found Ritsuko leaning against the wall.


"There you are."

Kido coughs for a bit.

"'Best interests', is that it? 'Any methods neccesary', you say? You tried to get a high reward, and the high risk actually comes to bite us back like a pack of... whatever bites hard! They didn't just bite the UN, or the Coalition, but the multiverse that you claim to have the best interests of! Edgy Teens Anonymous AKA the Revanchist is going to get the UN and Coalition, and you're to blame."

Kido raises Ritsuko by the collar.

"You're either going to banter back, or lodge a bullet in my head, am I correct? Nothing's stopping you, your hands are free, and you can very well overpower me. That's pretty easy, what's difficult is the guilt that will plague you, provided you actually feel guilt from the fact that you just- ACK!"

That was when he coughs blood up, right in front of Ritsuko!

"Sorry, sorry, my bad, my bad. Proceed with your response. I'm good for now. You need a towel?"

He releases Ritsuko from his grip, then proceeds to grab a hankerchief from his pockets and wipe the blood off his mouth.

@Kaykay @Crow @Yun Lee @Takumi @Mason Moretti @Gummi Bunnies @Bomb @Minerva @Klutzy Ninja Kitty
Ritsuko gave Kido a hard glare as the woman almost seemed to ignore the Producer's words and movements. After all, everyone else seemed to do the same to her, so she may as well return the favor. By now, Nurse Akiko had managed to remove the bullet and bandage her up before Kido had arrived, but even so, the blonde woman would give a lightly labored grunt when the younger man would grab her recklessly.

"Tch... To push around a wounded lady, and then insist that you're the "good guy," even after all that's happened..." Ritsuko muttered, otherwise unperturbed by the verbal smackdown she was sure Kido believed he was giving, "You know what they say, don't you? Fortune favors the bold. With the fraud exposed within the Coalition, I think it's safe to say that even now, the ends have justified the means. I even have the scar now to prove that to gain is to suffer, what with the unexpected betrayal..." She uttered, gesturing towards her bandaged wound with her head.

Pushing Kido off with her good arm, she adjusted her lab coat briefly, before clearing her throat. "And I fail to see what the problem is with the rise of the Revanchist. Intentionally or not, they've been exposed and now, we're more acutely aware of their existence. Unless you're the type who believes there is no problem just because you don't see it, this is quite clearly an opportunity. The Revanchist may be planning on coming at us now, but now that we're aware of them, we'll be coming back in kind. Sorry to say, but ignorance is most certainly not bliss. I'm also a scientist, after all, and to not know is to be blind. I'm sure you and your friends would love to see the multiverse with rose-tinted glasses, but the adults here have to do their work."

After that, Uhura would clear her throat, the Federation representative raising an eyebrow at the two of them somewhat disapprovingly.


"Hardly a few minutes after we managed to drive the enemy away, and we're already back to this tired fiasco. I swear, it's like I'm surrounded by birdbrained mouth-breathers," the woman sighed in irritation, though would still offer her own handkerchief for Ritsuko, who would silently accept it and clean herself up.

"Now I remember why we let the rest of the multiverse do their stuff. If Commander Shepard were more involved in these matters than just sticking to Federation jurisdiction, she'd probably have ended up being the one to put a bullet in your head, not Ms. Akagi," Uhura would then continue to Kido, crossing her arms and shaking her head, "But I think it's a moot point now. What's done is done, and all we can do now is try to see what happens from here."

"Oh, I know exactly what will happen from here..."

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Ilona stared off into the distance, hardly reacting when Mason would hug her. She kept her arms limp at her sides, not moving. "I'm not sure if thanking the Sun for this will do you much good," she mumbled, unsure of what else she wanted to say to the others. After what had happened, she wasn't exactly in a very positive or cheerful mood.

What I saw when I died, it was... nothing. Where was my Sun? Should I not have been in its presence? I now find myself wondering if my faith is but a lie. But my faith is all I've had for so many years. Without it, I scarcely have a thing. What do I even have to believe in or trust if not my Sun?


Perhaps I have nothing. Regardless, I have to face my life. No matter how much it hurts, I can't hide from it forever.

After a moment she reached up to rub her eyes again, causing the red hues in them to finally fade away. It was then that Ilona pulled back from Mason and stood up, glancing down at herself with a frown.

I'd honestly just like to rest, be left alone, and maybe get some new clothes. I'm not sure why I've been wearing pale yellow all this time. That color gets dirty constantly. Wearing such a thing is one of the many poor choices I've made in my life. I will need to make a few changes, my clothes and even my title being one of them. Now is most certainly the time to stop calling myself a princess.

Finally realizing that Mason and Ruby were still watching her, Ilona glanced back at them and put on a smile as she always did. "I'm not sad, just tired, Sir Mason," she fibbed. "You and Miss Ruby and the others may return to the group and see if they need any aide in battle, if you wish. I shall stay here so that I will keep from causing more trouble."

Meanwhile, Train glanced to Arty, shaking his head. "I'm not a vodka kind of guy, but I'd gladly down a glass of milk right about now. In fact, I could down several bottles after how long today has been," he said with a chuckle, twirling his gun before placing it in his holster. He then placed his hands behind his head, relaxing for a moment.

@Mason Moretti @york @Bomb @Nater Taters
"Thank goodness..." Bibi thought, relieved that Ilona is fine. As Bibi didn't want to fight anymore, his will steeled, he walked towards Ilona, hoping to stay with her.

But as Bibi was walking, he experienced a wave of dizziness.


Bibi stopped in his tracks for a moment, holding his head, and soon the dizziness had disappeared.

"What was that?" Bibi muttered to himself. Maybe it was because he overused his power in the previous fight? Regardless of that, Bibi sat next to Ilona, holding the flower which was starting to fall apart.

"Hi, Ilona... Are you alright?"

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @york @Nater Taters @Mason Moretti
Continued from here.

"A Girl, Her Cookies, The Multiverse"

Slowly but surely, the portal in the sky grew smaller and smaller. The illusionary enemies faded away and the being known as Mother retreated up into the abyss. With a great explosion of green light the void above disappeared, though not before sending a shock wave down to the ground, slamming into Junko and Misaka. The electromaster went flying from the blast, though Junko was nowhere to be seen.

Makoto stumbled to his feet, looking up at the sky to see the void be replaced by an endless darkness. Dark blue cracks were all that were left of the portal, making the sky look as if it was some kind of dark window.

Was it finally over?


"Are they... finally gone?" Shiki questioned, holding his lightly wounded arm as he looked up at the sky along with Makoto and a number of the other Coalition members around. Such a grim sight for what was supposed to feel like a victory, but really didn't.

If this was a victory, it was certainly bittersweet, if even sweet at all. The blackness of the strange sky above may as well be the black mirror that reflected mankind's darkest as far as he was concerned.

Close to Shiki, Misaka groaned as she removed herself from her own personal crater. She was going to be feeling that for a few days. She took a few steps forward before crying out in pain and falling to her knees. She felt completely powerless, cut off from her esper abilities for the moment.


"Come on..."


Naturally taking notice of Misaka and her struggles, Shiki would promptly snap out of his stupor, spurred on by the unbelievable destruction in the area, jogging over to her and attempting to help the younger girl back to her feet.

"H-Hey, easy there. You worked yourself up real good back there, kid. Just relax," the bespectacled young man spoke soothingly, like comforting a wounded girl was second nature to him.

... Even if she was like, what, 12?

"I'm fine," she said roughly, rejecting Shiki's help for the moment. She shifted away from him and attempted to stand on her own, but another shock of pain wracked her body and she was forced to fall into Shiki's embrace.

Nervously not meeting his gaze, she let him help her back on to her feet from there. "Just... Tell me where I am."

Shiki made sure to be careful with handling Misaka, almost as though her entire body was a piece of brittle, even when she'd initially rejected his help. Kid certainly was headstrong, the young man mused to himself. When the girl would be helped back to her feet, her question would perplex Shiki to a degree, even prompting him to raise an eyebrow at her.

"You... don't know? Well, I suppose if you've been unconscious all this time... though if you were, who sabotaged that trap back in the Silent Earth illusion, I wonder? I-In any case, you're in the headquarters of an organization called the Coalition. Or... Well uh, I guess it's not much of a headquarters now, but it's certainly something. From here, you can travel to whatever world you need to get to, assuming that all you wanna do is just go home. And... Well, not to be intrusive or anything, but the look your eyes give, there's someone back home that you wanna see again, am I right?"

Though perhaps anyone who would have accused Shiki of projecting wouldn't have been completely inaccurate, the young man could certainly sense some feeling of urgency from the girl, even despite how tired she was, like she still had something she needed to get done, and the only thing that drove someone like that was...

... Well, anyway.

"Ugh." Why'd he have to go and say a thing like that? If Misaka was looking forward to seeing anybody, it was just her friends... As if anyone else would be on her mind. So what if that guy never got his cookies, it wasn't like he was going to starve without them. He wouldn't have even known she had been on her way to deliver them anyway.


... She really needed to stop thinking.

"Okay, I think I get the idea. I should just be able to go back, right?" That's what she wanted, but something about all this told her there was still more for her to do. Even though that skeleton had stopped speaking to her, something about that girl she had coincidentally met tugged at Misaka in a way. They were linked now, and their time together was not yet over.

"... You have some kind of leader around here? Take me to them," she practically demanded.

Shiki raised an eyebrow at Misaka's request, and the way she practically commanded him around, but said nothing of it, simply letting out a soft sigh. The leader, huh? He wondered why she'd need to see them, but whatever.

"Ah, r-right, that would be... Miss Kirigiri, I believe. She's right over..."

. . .


"Kyoko..." Makoto began to move, his feet dragging through the rubble. After a moment, Sorey and Mikleo were at his side, helping him walk. "Bring me to her... I need to see her."

"I'm... right here," Kyoko spoke, appearing behind Makoto, her shoulder bandaged up when she'd been dragged along by Cheza and led to Akiko, her bullet wound from Ocelot tended to promptly, as expected as the chief medical officer of the Coalition. Or at least, that was how Akiko fancied herself. Without drawing much attention to herself, Kyoko would make her way through the rubble of the place and look over at Makoto upon reaching him, "Are you alright?"


"Careful, Commander. You should be mindful of your own wounds as well. I did what I could without having to resort to my power, but you still need to take care."

Makoto smiled at Akiko. "Thank you." He then gestured for the others to let him stand on his own. He took a few stumbling steps toward Kyoko, pushing against her so that they were entwined in some kind of sloppy hug. "I'm so happy you're okay, b-but..."

Makoto's voice broke as tears dripped down his cheeks. "Everything is different now. We're broken."



Kyoko made no immediate move in response to Makoto leaning against her like a pillar. She was even more reluctant to say or do anything when the poor boy would begin to tear up, threatening to fall into despair at all that had happened in the past day. She hesitated to even hug him back really. Though she pitied him for the state he had been driven in, there was a small part of her that couldn't completely forgive Makoto, and even Kieran for that matter, for what had happened, whether they intended to or not; she debated with herself how much this was even their fault, really.

Still, she knew that she had to say something. Anything. She was his beacon of hope, after all. And right now, surely, Makoto could use some hope...


With bold determination, with strength that she was in no shortage of, or so it seemed, Kyoko Kirigiri cut through Makoto's despair like how Makoto used to cut through erroneous claims that the others would have made back then during the Killing School Life.


"Everything may have changed, but we're far from broken, Makoto. Aren't you supposed to be the one full of hope and optimism here?" Kyoko inquired, keeping her face as composed and focused as ever, despite all that had happened, "This is... an opportunity. Ocelot and the Revanchist may have managed to have gotten the drop on us, but... Well, all we need to do is strike back when they think they have us beaten and try to rise up from the shadows. If you can still stand, you can still walk, and if you can still walk, then you can still fight for a better tomorrow, Makoto."

"This is an opportunity to rebuild and reform the Coalition, especially now that I'm back, and suddenly, as the sole leader again, like I used to be, but considering how deep we are in the multiverse's affairs now, I won't be able to do it alone. I need you standing at my side still, Makoto. Not behind me. So tell me..."

Kyoko stepped away from Makoto, having him stand on his own feet for a brief moment, before stretching her arm out to him, looking at him dead straight in the eyes.

"If you're going to believe in me, then can I trust you to let myself believe in you in return?"

Kyoko's rejection cut like a knife, no matter how small it was. He faltered slightly as she stepped away, hands gripping into fists in despair. She sounded upset with him, even beyond her lecturing. Makoto couldn't but feel that this event had not only cut down the Coalition, but his precious relationship with Kyoko.

"... We've reformed once already," he said, unable to meet her gaze. His voice was hoarse as Makoto sounded on the verge of sobs. "How many times can we do this? We can't... With you, Kyoko, I think we'll only get one more chance."

One more chance. At the very least, Makoto didn't believe it was all over. He didn't know how everything would shake down, but he knew the Coalition had at least something more to give. "I've tried my best, Kyoko... And, I'll continue to do that, if you'll have me. If you believe in me, I won't let you down."


"Then let us make use of that one last chance. It's too early to despair, after all, especially when we still have one more chance to prove our worth to everyone," Kyoko expressed, her focused gaze on Makoto shifting over to the sight of the devastated Coalition Headquarters before them all, taking in the destruction that had transpired through their neglect and mistakes as she'd drop her arm.

Normally, at a time like this, though she'd never admit it, even to herself, Kyoko would probably have found herself being more gentle with Makoto, as though walking on eggshells, but she couldn't afford to do that. Not now. Not again. She needed to get the Coalition back into shape, to the ideal organization that she had envisioned in her mind.

Even so, she needed him to rebuild the Coalition, and in turn, he needed her. There was little use in openly chastising Makoto; he knew that he'd done wrong, as did Kieran. The only thing to do from here was to simply restore things to what they once were, and then make them even better than ever once that happened.

But then, even she was human too.

"I'll hold you to that. We have a lot on our plate now. Tracking down the Revanchist, finding a new place, mending relations..." She gave a sigh, closing her eyes as if to let herself take it all in, before looking at the destruction once more, "People are daring to put their trust in us one more time, blind faith in hope. So let's show them that it's worth it to always keep hoping for that brighter tomorrow."

Makoto turned his head to take in what Kyoko was seeing. It was the full extent of their hubris, a great mighty hammer that laid waste to all their hard work. However things got to this boiling point, the idea alone made Makoto wince.


"If that's settled..." Makoto tried to catch Kyoko's still-wandering gaze. "Not to step on your toes, Kyoko... But we'll need to start evacuating everyone. For those who can't go back home, maybe the UN. Only then can we gather our leaders and figure out the path from here."


"Well, I suppose it's as good a starting point as any," Kyoko simply said initially, idly rubbing her gloved hand as she spoke. Indeed, they'd all have to relocate soon; with this place compromised and damaged beyond relief, there was little question that they'd have to find a new base of operations soon, a task that would have to be done after escorting everyone to safety.

"If you're looking to clear people out, you can start with this kid here," Shiki spoke, sliding his way into the conversation between the two Coalition leaders along with Misaka, "She... said she wanted to see you, Miss Kirigiri. Makoto," he continued, giving the two of them a brief nod.

"O-Oh!" Makoto gasped upon seeing Misaka up close. "That's right, you were one of the participants of the Fiamma Incident!"

Misaka's gaze flipped between Makoto and Kyoko. She'd managed a haughty sort of demeanor walking up to them, but now all she felt was a bit strange. They seemed to know more about her than she did about them, which only reaffirmed her belief that she was supposed to stick around for a while.

"I think we need to talk," she said slowly. "Don't really know why I'm here, but it's something to do with that girl who vanished. First, though, uh... I'm sure you have better things to be doing, but there's something I need sent back home. For... someone. Can you do that?"

"Well--" Makoto was going to answer, but the sight of Paladin Danse stepping down into the crater to meet them made him pause.


"Commander Nae-- erm, I suppose it's just Commander Kirigiri now." The Brotherhood of Steel member turned his head and cleared his throat before continuing. "... I have been in contact with the Brotherhood and they are currently on their way to assist in the evacuation. Those who are able bodied should make their way to the Gateway room."

"That's good to hear. Thank you," Kyoko would acknowledge Danse and give a nod, before crossing her arms, "I suppose we should make that announcement soon enough and get people packing out of here. People shouldn't be here for longer than they ought to be."

Clearing his throat, Shiki would put his hands behind his back, looking over at Misaka. "A delivery? Well... Ah, I mean, I suppose I could take a detour on my way back hom--"



Abrasively appearing and nudging Shiki out of the way, Carissa would appear before Misaka, the princess giving a somewhat intimidating look as she gazed upon Misaka's form, as though examining her being. Carissa remained quiet for a moment, before speaking again.

"The power you displayed, and that appearance... No doubt about it, you're an Esper from Academy City, aren't you?" Carissa spoke, placing a hand on her hip, "Though I doubt you're from the same exact world as myself, I can speculate that you are at least from the same general universe, so it would be little trouble for me to make the delivery once I ascertain your world. So have at thee; what sort of package do you need to be sent? Perhaps a holy sword of great power? Magical runes?" She inquired, not exactly caring if she might have come off too strong to Misaka. It would simply reflect badly on her if she didn't come off too strong if anything.

"What of it?" Misaka said at first, meeting this woman's steely gaze with one of her own. Did she seek to intimidate her, or was this her way of showing respect? Misaka hadn't ascertained the significance of the strange portal in the sky, but the fact that she had closed it must have meant something to the people around her.


... Although, any respect Misaka had earned was about to be lost when they heard her request. "U-Uhh... hm, well..." Damn that guy! "... It's cookies. I need cookies delivered to... to Kamijou Touma Th-They have to be homemade..."

Misaka nervously touched the tips of her fingers together, her face bright red.

"Oh, uh--" Makoto let out a laugh. "I don't think Kieran's left. He makes some pretty good cookies, you know..."



Shiki let out a pause, still sticking in the conversation despite Carissa seeming to shove him out as he'd raise an eyebrow, before also joining in on the good-natured laughter with Makoto. "Homemade cookies, huh? Man, that's... certainly not what I expected, but if it's just that for someone, I guess they must mean a whole lot to you, right?"

Meanwhile, Carissa gave a less than amused look, in stark contrast to Makoto and Shiki, while Kyoko seemed to be off discussing more matters with Danse. The MEU representative was thoroughly underwhelmed, thinking it was actually a matter of importance if it was something that needed to be transported across worlds, but if it was the girl herself that was displaced and not on purpose, then... Well, no matter. Her word was her word, and so, she'd have it delivered. She was a woman of honor, after all.

Besides... Touma Kamijou, eh? Now that was a name she hadn't heard in some time, yet it felt more familiar to her than it ought to.

Raising both of her arms to lightly smack Shiki and Makoto on the back of their heads, Carissa would sigh. "The matters of a maiden's heart are not to be taken lightly, though I suppose boys would not understand," she spoke patronizingly, despite not actually being that much older than the two of them, "Touma Kamijou... I suppose throughout the multiverse, the influence he exudes in his respective world extends quite far. What quixotic act of heroism did he perform to warrant such a reward, hmm? Punching some mad magician or Esper until their problems go away?" Carissa inquired almost snidely, though her perpetually stone serious face made it hard to find amusement in her words.


"You need not answer that. I'm probably right to a degree, aren't I?"


"... Sigh."

Meanwhile, Akiko, who had been standing idly all this time, mostly in order to ensure that Kyoko was still in operational condition, would sigh, seemingly uninterested in both of the conversations going on as she blankly looked upon the irreparable damage the headquarters had sustained, both to the structure itself and the people inside. She could assume that everyone else who had found themselves involved in this little... civil war also wouldn't care much either. The ones who weren't in need of some medical attention probably just wanted to go home and think over everything that had happened. If even that. The nurse pursed her lips, visibly troubled despite the light banter on one side, and the vigilant drive to rebuild on the other; the duality of the Coalition.

Things were certainly going to be different from here on out. After all the cans of worms that had been opened, the skeletons in the closets that had been revealed, perhaps it was a given that nothing would ever be the same from here on out. Trust had been lost, people left and right were leaving, and there was certainly a lot that had to be reformed if anyone could even wish for the Coalition to be trusted again.

Akiko had to wonder if there was enough room in all the multiverse to contain all this malevolence, this hatred, this... despair... but, then again...

"... Well, it is a big multiverse, after all," she mused softly to herself.

And in this great big multiverse... While it certainly had more than enough space to house despair, it was the hope that co-existed alongside that made this place worth existing within. So Akiko Yosano, at the very least, would continue to fight for the sake of good. As would Makoto Naegi. And Kyoko Kirigiri. And Doppo Kunikida. As well as Gwen Stacy and Byakuya Togami. For as long as the Coalition would continue to exist, as well as the United Nations, the Brotherhood of Steel, the Multiverse Emergency Unit, the Future Foundation, and more... Hope would continue to exist, just as strongly as the despair that flowed within the place around them.

She could only hope that everyone would soon be able to overcome the adversaries they found in each other before the true villains of this never-ending story implemented their plan, but for now... Well, as was just said, all she could do was hope.

And fragile as it may be, hope was what sparked redemption. For the Coalition, and for everyone.

Cast List
@Gummi Bunnies as Add and Elesis (Elsword)
@DBZ7 as Anna (Fire Emblem)
@Nater Taters as Artyom Chyornyj (Metro)
@Jeremi as Bekka and Red Tornado (DC Comics)
@Wren as Bradley Martin Holland (OC)
@CrunchyCHEEZIT as Deoxys (Pokemon)
@Archwar as Doomguy (Doom)
@Crimson Spartan as Erron Black (Mortal Kombat)
@Ringmaster as Lucifer Anghelscu and Saber Alter (Murder Series / Type-Moon)
@Crow as Maki Kido and Madoka Karasuma (Idolmaster OC)
@Atomyk as Makoto Naegi (Danganronpa)
@Klutzy Ninja Kitty as Princess Ilona of Arendelle (Murder Series) and Train Heatnet (Black Cat)
@Raven as Piper Wright (Fallout)
@Cirilla as Mercy (Overwatch)
@darnerdemons as Miko Wanijima (Air Gear OC)
@Krieg as Jon Snow (Game of Thrones)
@C.T. as Qrow Branwen (RWBY)
@BarrenThin as Reinhardt Wilhelm and Genji Shimada (Overwatch)
@Minerva as Robin Aquilus and Corrin (Fire Emblem)
@york as Ruby Rose and Zwei (RWBY)
@Kaykay as Sakuya Izayoi and Remilia Scarlet (Touhou Project)
@LuckycoolHawk9 as Scott McCall and Stiles Stilinski (Teen Wolf)
@Yun Lee as Shi-Long Lang (Ace Attorney)
@pubbbb as Shigeo "Mob" Kageyama (Mob Psycho 100)
@Verite as Shiki Tohno and Len (Type-Moon)
@The Tactician as Shizuo Heiwajima (Durarara!!)
@Takumi as Toboe (Wolf's Rain)
@Yang Lee as Uncle Iroh (Avatar)
@Hospes as Weiss Schnee and Winter Schnee (RWBY)
@Josh M as Wynne (Dragon Age)
@Sen as Zen (Mystic Messenger)
@Bomb as Zidane Tribal and Bibi Ornitier (Final Fantasy IX)​
Last edited:

"Well... that's one way to finish up things."

Add could only briefly comment on how things were beginning to settle down finally, still carrying the unconscious Crimson Avenger in his arms. He could hear her whisper out something with a rasp to her voice, but he wasn't really able to make out her words. However, Add heard something else... something that stemmed from her mind. Was this... the phantom that she had eerily told him and the El Search Party about before he had abandoned them those years ago?


"... oh... I understand now."

"H-Huh? Since you can hear me?! Only sleepy Sunshine here should be hearing me!"

Add's words brought uncertainty to the phantom resting in Elesis, but to others, it sounded like he had some sort of revelation... in which he did. He had caught onto what the phantom said beforehand... directed intentionally for Elesis to hear. Too bad that her phantom didn't realize that something about Add's newfound power from the Dark El had somehow... made him a force to be feared more than the fallen knight...

Ignoring the amount of chatter going about, Add stepped over to where he had spotted Kido and Madoka. Those two producers happened to catch air of Elesis's words... the words that had spoiled his fun as a spy for the Institute.


"Good to see that you two are well after all of this had gone on... it would've been simpler for everyone if a few birdies wouldn't slip up their chirping song, don't you think?"

As vague as his words usually came around, Add had his way of making... a part of his message clear.

Ritsuko gave Kido a hard glare as the woman almost seemed to ignore the Producer's words and movements. After all, everyone else seemed to do the same to her, so she may as well return the favor. By now, Nurse Akiko had managed to remove the bullet and bandage her up before Kido had arrived, but even so, the blonde woman would give a lightly labored grunt when the younger man would grab her recklessly.

"Tch... To push around a wounded lady, and then insist that you're the "good guy," even after all that's happened..." Ritsuko muttered, otherwise unperturbed by the verbal smackdown she was sure Kido believed he was giving, "You know what they say, don't you? Fortune favors the bold. With the fraud exposed within the Coalition, I think it's safe to say that even now, the ends have justified the means. I even have the scar now to prove that to gain is to suffer, what with the unexpected betrayal..." She uttered, gesturing towards her bandaged wound with her head.

Pushing Kido off with her good arm, she adjusted her lab coat briefly, before clearing her throat. "And I fail to see what the problem is with the rise of the Revanchist. Intentionally or not, they've been exposed and now, we're more acutely aware of their existence. Unless you're the type who believes there is no problem just because you don't see it, this is quite clearly an opportunity. The Revanchist may be planning on coming at us now, but now that we're aware of them, we'll be coming back in kind. Sorry to say, but ignorance is most certainly not bliss. I'm also a scientist, after all, and to not know is to be blind. I'm sure you and your friends would love to see the multiverse with rose-tinted glasses, but the adults here have to do their work."

After that, Uhura would clear her throat, the Federation representative raising an eyebrow at the two of them somewhat disapprovingly.


"Hardly a few minutes after we managed to drive the enemy away, and we're already back to this tired fiasco. I swear, it's like I'm surrounded by birdbrained mouth-breathers," the woman sighed in irritation, though would still offer her own handkerchief for Ritsuko, who would silently accept it and clean herself up.

"Now I remember why we let the rest of the multiverse do their stuff. If Commander Shepard were more involved in these matters than just sticking to Federation jurisdiction, she'd probably have ended up being the one to put a bullet in your head, not Ms. Akagi," Uhura would then continue to Kido, crossing her arms and shaking her head, "But I think it's a moot point now. What's done is done, and all we can do now is try to see what happens from here."

"Oh, I know exactly what will happen from here..."


Kido chuckles for a bit, then grins.


"What can I truly... say... I'm guessing that you're saying you won't get fooled twice, huh? Neither will I, I hope, and I hope that you won't either. I understand that you're an adult now, and you're more prone to sacrificing things, but... just remember that some risks just aren't worth it. If you truly care for the multiverse like you say, always look both ways before crossing the street. Anyways, I have a happy ending to attend to."

Kido checks his spectacles.

"I probably shouldn't take 'Rose-tinted glasses' too literally bu- oh wait that's just blood. See you around, Ritsuko Akagi, see you around."

He holds his head, as if he has a headache, before walking away.


"Thank goodness..." Bibi thought, relieved that Ilona is fine. As Bibi didn't want to fight anymore, his will steeled, he walked towards Ilona, hoping to stay with her.

But as Bibi was walking, he experienced a wave of dizziness.


Bibi stopped in his tracks for a moment, holding his head, and soon the dizziness had disappeared.

"What was that?" Bibi muttered to himself. Maybe it was because he overused his power in the previous fight? Regardless of that, Bibi sat next to Ilona, holding the flower which was starting to fall apart.

"Hi, Ilona... Are you alright?"

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @york @Nater Taters @Mason Moretti

Continued from here.

"A Girl, Her Cookies, The Multiverse"

Slowly but surely, the portal in the sky grew smaller and smaller. The illusionary enemies faded away and the being known as Mother retreated up into the abyss. With a great explosion of green light the void above disappeared, though not before sending a shock wave down to the ground, slamming into Junko and Misaka. The electromaster went flying from the blast, though Junko was nowhere to be seen.

Makoto stumbled to his feet, looking up at the sky to see the void be replaced by an endless darkness. Dark blue cracks were all that were left of the portal, making the sky look as if it was some kind of dark window.

Was it finally over?


"Are they... finally gone?" Shiki questioned, holding his lightly wounded arm as he looked up at the sky along with Makoto and a number of the other Coalition members around. Such a grim sight for what was supposed to feel like a victory, but really didn't.

If this was a victory, it was certainly bittersweet, if even sweet at all. The blackness of the strange sky above may as well be the black mirror that reflected mankind's darkest as far as he was concerned.

Close to Shiki, Misaka groaned as she removed herself from her own personal crater. She was going to be feeling that for a few days. She took a few steps forward before crying out in pain and falling to her knees. She felt completely powerless, cut off from her esper abilities for the moment.


"Come on..."



Naturally taking notice of Misaka and her struggles, Shiki would promptly snap out of his stupor, spurred on by the unbelievable destruction in the area, jogging over to her and attempting to help the younger girl back to her feet.

"H-Hey, easy there. You worked yourself up real good back there, kid. Just relax," the bespectacled young man spoke soothingly, like comforting a wounded girl was second nature to him.

... Even if she was like, what, 12?

"I'm fine," she said roughly, rejecting Shiki's help for the moment. She shifted away from him and attempted to stand on her own, but another shock of pain wracked her body and she was forced to fall into Shiki's embrace.

Nervously not meeting his gaze, she let him help her back on to her feet from there. "Just... Tell me where I am."

Shiki made sure to be careful with handling Misaka, almost as though her entire body was a piece of brittle, even when she'd initially rejected his help. Kid certainly was headstrong, the young man mused to himself. When the girl would be helped back to her feet, her question would perplex Shiki to a degree, even prompting him to raise an eyebrow at her.

"You... don't know? Well, I suppose if you've been unconscious all this time... though if you were, who sabotaged that trap back in the Silent Earth illusion, I wonder? I-In any case, you're in the headquarters of an organization called the Coalition. Or... Well uh, I guess it's not much of a headquarters now, but it's certainly something. From here, you can travel to whatever world you need to get to, assuming that all you wanna do is just go home. And... Well, not to be intrusive or anything, but the look your eyes give, there's someone back home that you wanna see again, am I right?"

Though perhaps anyone who would have accused Shiki of projecting wouldn't have been completely inaccurate, the young man could certainly sense some feeling of urgency from the girl, even despite how tired she was, like she still had something she needed to get done, and the only thing that drove someone like that was...

... Well, anyway.

"Ugh." Why'd he have to go and say a thing like that? If Misaka was looking forward to seeing anybody, it was just her friends... As if anyone else would be on her mind. So what if that guy never got his cookies, it wasn't like he was going to starve without them. He wouldn't have even known she had been on her way to deliver them anyway.


... She really needed to stop thinking.

"Okay, I think I get the idea. I should just be able to go back, right?" That's what she wanted, but something about all this told her there was still more for her to do. Even though that skeleton had stopped speaking to her, something about that girl she had coincidentally met tugged at Misaka in a way. They were linked now, and their time together was not yet over.

"... You have some kind of leader around here? Take me to them," she practically demanded.

Shiki raised an eyebrow at Misaka's request, and the way she practically commanded him around, but said nothing of it, simply letting out a soft sigh. The leader, huh? He wondered why she'd need to see them, but whatever.

"Ah, r-right, that would be... Miss Kirigiri, I believe. She's right over..."

. . .


"Kyoko..." Makoto began to move, his feet dragging through the rubble. After a moment, Sorey and Mikleo were at his side, helping him walk. "Bring me to her... I need to see her."

"I'm... right here," Kyoko spoke, appearing behind Makoto, her shoulder bandaged up when she'd been dragged along by Cheza and led to Akiko, her bullet wound from Ocelot tended to promptly, as expected as the chief medical officer of the Coalition. Or at least, that was how Akiko fancied herself. Without drawing much attention to herself, Kyoko would make her way through the rubble of the place and look over at Makoto upon reaching him, "Are you alright?"


"Careful, Commander. You should be mindful of your own wounds as well. I did what I could without having to resort to my power, but you still need to take care."

Makoto smiled at Akiko. "Thank you." He then gestured for the others to let him stand on his own. He took a few stumbling steps toward Kyoko, pushing against her so that they were entwined in some kind of sloppy hug. "I'm so happy you're okay, b-but..."

Makoto's voice broke as tears dripped down his cheeks. "Everything is different now. We're broken."



Kyoko made no immediate move in response to Makoto leaning against her like a pillar. She was even more reluctant to say or do anything when the poor boy would begin to tear up, threatening to fall into despair at all that had happened in the past day. She hesitated to even hug him back really. Though she pitied him for the state he had been driven in, there was a small part of her that couldn't completely forgive Makoto, and even Kieran for that matter, for what had happened, whether they intended to or not; she debated with herself how much this was even their fault, really.

Still, she knew that she had to say something. Anything. She was his beacon of hope, after all. And right now, surely, Makoto could use some hope...


With bold determination, with strength that she was in no shortage of, or so it seemed, Kyoko Kirigiri cut through Makoto's despair like how Makoto used to cut through erroneous claims that the others would have made back then during the Killing School Life.


"Everything may have changed, but we're far from broken, Makoto. Aren't you supposed to be the one full of hope and optimism here?" Kyoko inquired, keeping her face as composed and focused as ever, despite all that had happened, "This is... an opportunity. Ocelot and the Revanchist may have managed to have gotten the drop on us, but... Well, all we need to do is strike back when they think they have us beaten and try to rise up from the shadows. If you can still stand, you can still walk, and if you can still walk, then you can still fight for a better tomorrow, Makoto."

"This is an opportunity to rebuild and reform the Coalition, especially now that I'm back, and suddenly, as the sole leader again, like I used to be, but considering how deep we are in the multiverse's affairs now, I won't be able to do it alone. I need you standing at my side still, Makoto. Not behind me. So tell me..."

Kyoko stepped away from Makoto, having him stand on his own feet for a brief moment, before stretching her arm out to him, looking at him dead straight in the eyes.

"If you're going to believe in me, then can I trust you to let myself believe in you in return?"

Kyoko's rejection cut like a knife, no matter how small it was. He faltered slightly as she stepped away, hands gripping into fists in despair. She sounded upset with him, even beyond her lecturing. Makoto couldn't but feel that this event had not only cut down the Coalition, but his precious relationship with Kyoko.

"... We've reformed once already," he said, unable to meet her gaze. His voice was hoarse as Makoto sounded on the verge of sobs. "How many times can we do this? We can't... With you, Kyoko, I think we'll only get one more chance."

One more chance. At the very least, Makoto didn't believe it was all over. He didn't know how everything would shake down, but he knew the Coalition had at least something more to give. "I've tried my best, Kyoko... And, I'll continue to do that, if you'll have me. If you believe in me, I won't let you down."


"Then let us make use of that one last chance. It's too early to despair, after all, especially when we still have one more chance to prove our worth to everyone," Kyoko expressed, her focused gaze on Makoto shifting over to the sight of the devastated Coalition Headquarters before them all, taking in the destruction that had transpired through their neglect and mistakes as she'd drop her arm.

Normally, at a time like this, though she'd never admit it, even to herself, Kyoko would probably have found herself being more gentle with Makoto, as though walking on eggshells, but she couldn't afford to do that. Not now. Not again. She needed to get the Coalition back into shape, to the ideal organization that she had envisioned in her mind.

Even so, she needed him to rebuild the Coalition, and in turn, he needed her. There was little use in openly chastising Makoto; he knew that he'd done wrong, as did Kieran. The only thing to do from here was to simply restore things to what they once were, and then make them even better than ever once that happened.

But then, even she was human too.

"I'll hold you to that. We have a lot on our plate now. Tracking down the Revanchist, finding a new place, mending relations..." She gave a sigh, closing her eyes as if to let herself take it all in, before looking at the destruction once more, "People are daring to put their trust in us one more time, blind faith in hope. So let's show them that it's worth it to always keep hoping for that brighter tomorrow."

Makoto turned his head to take in what Kyoko was seeing. It was the full extent of their hubris, a great mighty hammer that laid waste to all their hard work. However things got to this boiling point, the idea alone made Makoto wince.


"If that's settled..." Makoto tried to catch Kyoko's still-wandering gaze. "Not to step on your toes, Kyoko... But we'll need to start evacuating everyone. For those who can't go back home, maybe the UN. Only then can we gather our leaders and figure out the path from here."


"Well, I suppose it's as good a starting point as any," Kyoko simply said initially, idly rubbing her gloved hand as she spoke. Indeed, they'd all have to relocate soon; with this place compromised and damaged beyond relief, there was little question that they'd have to find a new base of operations soon, a task that would have to be done after escorting everyone to safety.

"If you're looking to clear people out, you can start with this kid here," Shiki spoke, sliding his way into the conversation between the two Coalition leaders along with Misaka, "She... said she wanted to see you, Miss Kirigiri. Makoto," he continued, giving the two of them a brief nod.

"O-Oh!" Makoto gasped upon seeing Misaka up close. "That's right, you were one of the participants of the Fiamma Incident!"

Misaka's gaze flipped between Makoto and Kyoko. She'd managed a haughty sort of demeanor walking up to them, but now all she felt was a bit strange. They seemed to know more about her than she did about them, which only reaffirmed her belief that she was supposed to stick around for a while.

"I think we need to talk," she said slowly. "Don't really know why I'm here, but it's something to do with that girl who vanished. First, though, uh... I'm sure you have better things to be doing, but there's something I need sent back home. For... someone. Can you do that?"

"Well--" Makoto was going to answer, but the sight of Paladin Danse stepping down into the crater to meet them made him pause.


"Commander Nae-- erm, I suppose it's just Commander Kirigiri now." The Brotherhood of Steel member turned his head and cleared his throat before continuing. "... I have been in contact with the Brotherhood and they are currently on their way to assist in the evacuation. Those who are able bodied should make their way to the Gateway room."

"That's good to hear. Thank you," Kyoko would acknowledge Danse and give a nod, before crossing her arms, "I suppose we should make that announcement soon enough and get people packing out of here. People shouldn't be here for longer than they ought to be."

Clearing his throat, Shiki would put his hands behind his back, looking over at Misaka. "A delivery? Well... Ah, I mean, I suppose I could take a detour on my way back hom--"



Abrasively appearing and nudging Shiki out of the way, Carissa would appear before Misaka, the princess giving a somewhat intimidating look as she gazed upon Misaka's form, as though examining her being. Carissa remained quiet for a moment, before speaking again.

"The power you displayed, and that appearance... No doubt about it, you're an Esper from Academy City, aren't you?" Carissa spoke, placing a hand on her hip, "Though I doubt you're from the same exact world as myself, I can speculate that you are at least from the same general universe, so it would be little trouble for me to make the delivery once I ascertain your world. So have at thee; what sort of package do you need to be sent? Perhaps a holy sword of great power? Magical runes?" She inquired, not exactly caring if she might have come off too strong to Misaka. It would simply reflect badly on her if she didn't come off too strong if anything.

"What of it?" Misaka said at first, meeting this woman's steely gaze with one of her own. Did she seek to intimidate her, or was this her way of showing respect? Misaka hadn't ascertained the significance of the strange portal in the sky, but the fact that she had closed it must have meant something to the people around her.


... Although, any respect Misaka had earned was about to be lost when they heard her request. "U-Uhh... hm, well..." Damn that guy! "... It's cookies. I need cookies delivered to... to Kamijou Touma Th-They have to be homemade..."

Misaka nervously touched the tips of her fingers together, her face bright red.

"Oh, uh--" Makoto let out a laugh. "I don't think Kieran's left. He makes some pretty good cookies, you know..."



Shiki let out a pause, still sticking in the conversation despite Carissa seeming to shove him out as he'd raise an eyebrow, before also joining in on the good-natured laughter with Makoto. "Homemade cookies, huh? Man, that's... certainly not what I expected, but if it's just that for someone, I guess they must mean a whole lot to you, right?"

Meanwhile, Carissa gave a less than amused look, in stark contrast to Makoto and Shiki, while Kyoko seemed to be off discussing more matters with Danse. The MEU representative was thoroughly underwhelmed, thinking it was actually a matter of importance if it was something that needed to be transported across worlds, but if it was the girl herself that was displaced and not on purpose, then... Well, no matter. Her word was her word, and so, she'd have it delivered. She was a woman of honor, after all.

Besides... Touma Kamijou, eh? Now that was a name she hadn't heard in some time, yet it felt more familiar to her than it ought to.

Raising both of her arms to lightly smack Shiki and Makoto on the back of their heads, Carissa would sigh. "The matters of a maiden's heart are not to be taken lightly, though I suppose boys would not understand," she spoke patronizingly, despite not actually being that much older than the two of them, "Touma Kamijou... I suppose throughout the multiverse, the influence he exudes in his respective world extends quite far. What quixotic act of heroism did he perform to warrant such a reward, hmm? Punching some mad magician or Esper until their problems go away?" Carissa inquired almost snidely, though her perpetually stone serious face made it hard to find amusement in her words.


"You need not answer that. I'm probably right to a degree, aren't I?"


"... Sigh."

Meanwhile, Akiko, who had been standing idly all this time, mostly in order to ensure that Kyoko was still in operational condition, would sigh, seemingly uninterested in both of the conversations going on as she blankly looked upon the irreparable damage the headquarters had sustained, both to the structure itself and the people inside. She could assume that everyone else who had found themselves involved in this little... civil war also wouldn't care much either. The ones who weren't in need of some medical attention probably just wanted to go home and think over everything that had happened. If even that. The nurse pursed her lips, visibly troubled despite the light banter on one side, and the vigilant drive to rebuild on the other; the duality of the Coalition.

Things were certainly going to be different from here on out. After all the cans of worms that had been opened, the skeletons in the closets that had been revealed, perhaps it was a given that nothing would ever be the same from here on out. Trust had been lost, people left and right were leaving, and there was certainly a lot that had to be reformed if anyone could even wish for the Coalition to be trusted again.

Akiko had to wonder if there was enough room in all the multiverse to contain all this malevolence, this hatred, this... despair... but, then again...

"... Well, it is a big multiverse, after all," she mused softly to herself.

And in this great big multiverse... While it certainly had more than enough space to house despair, it was the hope that co-existed alongside that made this place worth existing within. So Akiko Yosano, at the very least, would continue to fight for the sake of good. As would Makoto Naegi. And Kyoko Kirigiri. And Doppo Kunikida. As well as Gwen Stacy and Byakuya Togami. For as long as the Coalition would continue to exist, as well as the United Nations, the Brotherhood of Steel, the Multiverse Emergency Unit, the Future Foundation, and more... Hope would continue to exist, just as strongly as the despair that flowed within the place around them.

She could only hope that everyone would soon be able to overcome the adversaries they found in each other before the true villains of this never-ending story implemented their plan, but for now... Well, as was just said, all she could do was hope.

And fragile as it may be, hope was what sparked redemption. For the Coalition, and for everyone.

Cast List
@Gummi Bunnies as Add and Elesis (Elsword)
@DBZ7 as Anna (Fire Emblem)
@Nater Taters as Artyom Chyornyj (Metro)
@Jeremi as Bekka and Red Tornado (DC Comics)
@Wren as Bradley Martin Holland (OC)
@CrunchyCHEEZIT as Deoxys (Pokemon)
@Archwar as Doomguy (Doom)
@Crimson Spartan as Erron Black (Mortal Kombat)
@Ringmaster as Lucifer Anghelscu and Saber Alter (Murder Series / Type-Moon)
@Crow as Maki Kido and Madoka Karasuma (Idolmaster OC)
@Atomyk as Makoto Naegi (Danganronpa)
@Klutzy Ninja Kitty as Princess Ilona of Arendelle (Murder Series) and Train Heatnet (Black Cat)
@Raven as Piper Wright (Fallout)
@Cirilla as Mercy (Overwatch)
@darnerdemons as Miko Wanijima (Air Gear OC)
@Krieg as Jon Snow (Game of Thrones)
@C.T. as Qrow Branwen (RWBY)
@BarrenThin as Reinhardt Wilhelm and Genji Shimada (Overwatch)
@Minerva as Robin Aquilus and Corrin (Fire Emblem)
@york as Ruby Rose and Zwei (RWBY)
@Kaykay as Sakuya Izayoi and Remilia Scarlet (Touhou Project)
@LuckycoolHawk9 as Scott McCall and Stiles Stilinski (Teen Wolf)
@Yun Lee as Shi-Long Lang (Ace Attorney)
@pubbbb as Shigeo "Mob" Kageyama (Mob Psycho 100)
@Verite as Shiki Tohno and Len (Type-Moon)
@The Tactician as Shizuo Heiwajima (Durarara!!)
@Takumi as Toboe (Wolf's Rain)
@Yang Lee as Uncle Iroh (Avatar)
@Hospes as Weiss Schnee and Winter Schnee (RWBY)
@Josh M as Wynne (Dragon Age)
@Sen as Zen (Mystic Messenger)
@Bomb as Zidane Tribal and Bibi Ornitier (Final Fantasy IX)​


"Don't you just love bittersweet endings after a grueling event?" Kido asks.


"I wouldn't call this an ending of any kind."

"So, what did old Uncle Kido miss while away fighting thunder god dude guys and all that stu- oh..." Kido says to his friends before he looks at Illona's state. "Is she going to be OK?"

"I know we aren't," Madoka taps Kido's shoulder, to point out the presence of...

@Mason Moretti @Bomb @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Nater Taters @Minerva @Takumi


"Well... that's one way to finish up things."

Add could only briefly comment on how things were beginning to settle down finally, still carrying the unconscious Crimson Avenger in his arms. He could hear her whisper out something with a rasp to her voice, but he wasn't really able to make out her words. However, Add heard something else... something that stemmed from her mind. Was this... the phantom that she had eerily told him and the El Search Party about before he had abandoned them those years ago?


"... oh... I understand now."

"H-Huh? Since you can hear me?! Only sleepy Sunshine here should be hearing me!"

Add's words brought uncertainty to the phantom resting in Elesis, but to others, it sounded like he had some sort of revelation... in which he did. He had caught onto what the phantom said beforehand... directed intentionally for Elesis to hear. Too bad that her phantom didn't realize that something about Add's newfound power from the Dark El had somehow... made him a force to be feared more than the fallen knight...

Ignoring the amount of chatter going about, Add stepped over to where he had spotted Kido and Madoka. Those two producers happened to catch air of Elesis's words... the words that had spoiled his fun as a spy for the Institute.


"Good to see that you two are well after all of this had gone on... it would've been simpler for everyone if a few birdies wouldn't slip up their chirping song, don't you think?"

As vague as his words usually came around, Add had his way of making... a part of his message clear.



"This is all fun and games to you, isn't it, Add? Well, you're better off finding a new game." Madoka growls with cruelty in her eyes. "Your actions... are not actions that I can tolerate. But maybe we should what Mr Aquilus has to say about it..."

Madoka looks at Elesis, lying in Add's arms.

"... if I hear one word of you bringing harm to her in any way, I can, and will, hunt you down."

Madoka then slams her fist on a wall, creating a rather large crater and causing said wall to shake.

"That is you in said theoretical situation. Keep it theoretical, will you?"


"Oh Add~" Kido grins. "Look what I've got~ Do you remember their names?"


A pair of cat plushies, remniscent to the one Kido gave Add in the prologue, appeared.

Kido squeezes them, causing them to squeak a 'Pinya', the black one producing a sound more masculine than the green one.

"So, what's next on your to-do list, Add?" Madoka questions sternly.

"These little kitties want to know too, Add~" Kido grins.

@Gummi Bunnies

@The Tactician @Minerva

"This is all fun and games to you, isn't it, Add? Well, you're better off finding a new game." Madoka growls with cruelty in her eyes. "Your actions... are not actions that I can tolerate. But maybe we should what Mr Aquilus has to say about it..."

Madoka looks at Elesis, lying in Add's arms.

"... if I hear one word of you bringing harm to her in any way, I can, and will, hunt you down."

Madoka then slams her fist on a wall, creating a rather large crater and causing said wall to shake.

"That is you in said theoretical situation. Keep it theoretical, will you?"


"Oh Add~" Kido grins. "Look what I've got~ Do you remember their names?"


A pair of cat plushies, remniscent to the one Kido gave Add in the prologue, appeared.

Kido squeezes them, causing them to squeak a 'Pinya', the black one producing a sound more masculine than the green one.

"So, what's next on your to-do list, Add?" Madoka questions sternly.

"These little kitties want to know too, Add~" Kido grins.

@Gummi Bunnies

"Oh that shouldn't be too hard... I got lots of time anyways. And besides, Elesis here is all tuckered out from this whole detour, when I was supposed to bring her over to some..."

. . .


"... guess I forgot. My head hurts more than usual, but either way, I take it that she'll be fine. I can ensure that~ Right, Elesis?"

As Add asked, Elesis gave a small grumble in her sleep...


"I take that as a yes."

For some reason, Add felt another migraine settle in, rubbing the left side of his head to ease the pain. Maybe he had done too much in the fight? He had no idea, but he had other things to get to... once people left him alone that is!


"Uh... about... my next plans?"

It was really unclear if he was stuttering because he was looking at the cat plushies or that he was surprised that people were actually asking him this. He never had thought of what he would do next, especially when it wasn't planned for him to... use up the item he was going to bring back to the Institute...


"... I don't know... I loved to not know what would happen next... but not now... I feel different with how I see the future."

Strange that Add had gone completely quiet and serious with his words, not seeming to notice that Elesis had gone completely silent when it came to her grumbles and coughs...

@Crow @ppl​


Rubbing the back of his head after Carissa had smacked him lightly and seemingly stolen the conversation with Misaka away from him, Shiki took a breath, walking off aimlessly for a small while. So it was over then, huh? The storm that Shiki had remained at the Coalition HQ for all this time had finally passed and certainly left its mark, for how long he had no idea, but then, it wasn't his business. Not anymore. He had said and done what he needed to, and for all intents and purposes, he had a mind to leave already along with everyone else who was in the process of being evacuated, but then, things in life hardly ever turned out as initially planned, did they?

He could imagine that there was gonna be a lot of paperwork that the officials would have to deal with, including whatever Umbrella's Hunt was about. Now, he could guess what a "Progenitor" was supposed to be, and the significance of it, if Ms. Valentine's death was anything to go by, among presumably others. There was also the matter of what was ultimately going to become of these organizations; so many currently unresolved loose ends that had yet to be tied up that Shiki wondered if he could really walk away so easily, but then, he made a promise, and he wanted to at least fulfill one promise in his life. And besides, in a place as big as the multiverse, trials and tribulations would continue to exist for as long as time and space themselves existed, so perhaps it would end up a fruitless effort to try to help them if he wanted to rid things of all their problems, when really, all he needed to do was tend to his own world.

He was only but one boy in a big multiverse after all.

That said, catching sight of those who he'd been looking for, Shiki would break into a light jog, calling out to those he at least wanted to say goodbye to before leaving, if that was gonna be what happened.

"Sakuyaaaa! Miss Ilonaaaa!"

Heading over to them and the group that seemed to crowd around, the bespectacled boy cleared his throat, giving a somewhat awkward and tired smile when he'd approach.


"Jeez, I'm glad that you guys are alright. Now that all the fighting is over, whether between each other and the enemy forces, I suppose the only thing left to ask is... Where will you go now, Miss Ilona? Are you still set on going with Ms. Akagi and Lalonde? 'Cause... Well, I suppose either way doesn't matter too much to me, as long as whichever you pick is what you truly want, and it looks like that's the compromise that everyone's managed to get to, so it's up to you. Whatever happens, people will be behind you and on your side, I'm sure."

After that, he'd turn to Sakuya, sheepishly scratching the back of his head. "And ah... Sorry that the Dark Presence thing had to go and conjure up a monster from my past for you and the others to fight off. That guy was certainly a part of my past that I would have liked to keep buried."

@Kaykay @Klutzy Ninja Kitty

"Oh that shouldn't be too hard... I got lots of time anyways. And besides, Elesis here is all tuckered out from this whole detour, when I was supposed to bring her over to some..."

. . .


"... guess I forgot. My head hurts more than usual, but either way, I take it that she'll be fine. I can ensure that~ Right, Elesis?"

As Add asked, Elesis gave a small grumble in her sleep...


"I take that as a yes."

For some reason, Add felt another migraine settle in, rubbing the left side of his head to ease the pain. Maybe he had done too much in the fight? He had no idea, but he had other things to get to... once people left him alone that is!


"Uh... about... my next plans?"

It was really unclear if he was stuttering because he was looking at the cat plushies or that he was surprised that people were actually asking him this. He never had thought of what he would do next, especially when it wasn't planned for him to... use up the item he was going to bring back to the Institute...


"... I don't know... I loved to not know what would happen next... but not now... I feel different with how I see the future."

Strange that Add had gone completely quiet and serious with his words, not seeming to notice that Elesis had gone completely silent when it came to her grumbles and coughs...

@Crow @ppl​

Kido notices that Add feels... somewhat conflicted.


"Add," Kido places a reassuring palm on Add's shoulder, "today we may be... somewhat foes. Yeah, I think we're foes but I'm a little unclear. But tomorrow... no one knows what tomorrow will bring. If you're leaving soon, I want you to remember my little advice. The past is the past and will come to haunt you, that's for certain, but until it does, it's best to kick towards the future and outrun it. Only you are capable of knowing which of your choices are right. Whatever you do next... just remember... pick the choices you believe are correct."


"I will be sure to beat you down the next time I see you commiting crimes against the multiverse."

"We'll... see to it that you're expelled from the UN. It's best if you have all the time in the cosmos off to think through all that's on your mind," Kido says, then snaps his fingers. "Ah! Of course! Shizuo's also leaving, and we're thinking of a little farewell party for him. You've been buddy-buddy with him in a bad way ever since you two joined at the same time so I thought...

... maybe you could have a little fun first before you go? You were never a UN member, but you're still his frenemy of sorts. It's only polite."

"Brother," Madoka questions, "are you sure this is a good idea?"

"What could possibly go wrong?"

@Gummi Bunnies

@The Tactician @Minerva

@Mason Moretti @Bomb @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Nater Taters @Minerva @Takumi
Kido notices that Add feels... somewhat conflicted.


"Add," Kido places a reassuring palm on Add's shoulder, "today we may be... somewhat foes. Yeah, I think we're foes but I'm a little unclear. But tomorrow... no one knows what tomorrow will bring. If you're leaving soon, I want you to remember my little advice. The past is the past and will come to haunt you, that's for certain, but until it does, it's best to kick towards the future and outrun it. Only you are capable of knowing which of your choices are right. Whatever you do next... just remember... pick the choices you believe are correct."


"I will be sure to beat you down the next time I see you commiting crimes against the multiverse."

"We'll... see to it that you're expelled from the UN. It's best if you have all the time in the cosmos off to think through all that's on your mind," Kido says, then snaps his fingers. "Ah! Of course! Shizuo's also leaving, and we're thinking of a little farewell party for him. You've been buddy-buddy with him in a bad way ever since you two joined at the same time so I thought...

... maybe you could have a little fun first before you go? You were never a UN member, but you're still his frenemy of sorts. It's only polite."

"Brother," Madoka questions, "are you sure this is a good idea?"

"What could possibly go wrong?"

@Gummi Bunnies

@The Tactician @Minerva

@Mason Moretti @Bomb @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Nater Taters @Minerva @Takumi
Speaking of Shizuo Heiwajima...


"Damn, last one of the pack..."

The bartender stood off to the side of the main group, sighing as he realized he was coming up empty on cigarettes. Well, at least this shit is over with now... With his smoke in hand, he simply waited in silence for the end of their ride came and he could head home for good.​


Rubbing the back of his head after Carissa had smacked him lightly and seemingly stolen the conversation with Misaka away from him, Shiki took a breath, walking off aimlessly for a small while. So it was over then, huh? The storm that Shiki had remained at the Coalition HQ for all this time had finally passed and certainly left its mark, for how long he had no idea, but then, it wasn't his business. Not anymore. He had said and done what he needed to, and for all intents and purposes, he had a mind to leave already along with everyone else who was in the process of being evacuated, but then, things in life hardly ever turned out as initially planned, did they?

He could imagine that there was gonna be a lot of paperwork that the officials would have to deal with, including whatever Umbrella's Hunt was about. Now, he could guess what a "Progenitor" was supposed to be, and the significance of it, if Ms. Valentine's death was anything to go by, among presumably others. There was also the matter of what was ultimately going to become of these organizations; so many currently unresolved loose ends that had yet to be tied up that Shiki wondered if he could really walk away so easily, but then, he made a promise, and he wanted to at least fulfill one promise in his life. And besides, in a place as big as the multiverse, trials and tribulations would continue to exist for as long as time and space themselves existed, so perhaps it would end up a fruitless effort to try to help them if he wanted to rid things of all their problems, when really, all he needed to do was tend to his own world.

He was only but one boy in a big multiverse after all.

That said, catching sight of those who he'd been looking for, Shiki would break into a light jog, calling out to those he at least wanted to say goodbye to before leaving, if that was gonna be what happened.

"Sakuyaaaa! Miss Ilonaaaa!"

Heading over to them and the group that seemed to crowd around, the bespectacled boy cleared his throat, giving a somewhat awkward and tired smile when he'd approach.


"Jeez, I'm glad that you guys are alright. Now that all the fighting is over, whether between each other and the enemy forces, I suppose the only thing left to ask is... Where will you go now, Miss Ilona? Are you still set on going with Ms. Akagi and Lalonde? 'Cause... Well, I suppose either way doesn't matter too much to me, as long as whichever you pick is what you truly want, and it looks like that's the compromise that everyone's managed to get to, so it's up to you. Whatever happens, people will be behind you and on your side, I'm sure."

After that, he'd turn to Sakuya, sheepishly scratching the back of his head. "And ah... Sorry that the Dark Presence thing had to go and conjure up a monster from my past for you and the others to fight off. That guy was certainly a part of my past that I would have liked to keep buried."

@Kaykay @Klutzy Ninja Kitty
With the wrapping up of the battles that had taken place, Sakuya had simply found a wall to stand against as she waited for Remilia's return. She had little to say on the matters that were discussed, and it wasn't like she really knew the majority of them anyway. What had originally been a simple trip had turned into quite a large commotion.

But at least she couldn't complain that it'd been boring.

As Shiki approached, the maid simply smiled politely.


"It's alright, I'm quite used to taking care of vampires." Though perhaps not that specific kind of care, she didn't mention. "A mere ghost from the past is easily dismissed, no?"


The voice of a girl that sounded much younger seemed to get closer and closer as a white streak sped in like a bullet. The incredibly fast moving object crashed right into Shiki's back, like a bowling ball had been thrown at him. A pair of lithe arms wrapped around him as the impact reached him.

"He ran away! My opponent ran away! How am I supposed to be satisfied with this, Sakuya?"

"Milady, it would seem you have missed."


The object was none other than Remilia Scarlet, the vampire which Sakuya served. Prying herself away from Shiki, she began tugging at Shiki's sleeve.


"What were you doing in my way anyway?"

"Just apologize, it'll be much faster," Sakuya whispered to the boy.

@Verite @Klutzy Ninja Kitty
"Thank goodness..." Bibi thought, relieved that Ilona is fine. As Bibi didn't want to fight anymore, his will steeled, he walked towards Ilona, hoping to stay with her.

But as Bibi was walking, he experienced a wave of dizziness.


Bibi stopped in his tracks for a moment, holding his head, and soon the dizziness had disappeared.

"What was that?" Bibi muttered to himself. Maybe it was because he overused his power in the previous fight? Regardless of that, Bibi sat next to Ilona, holding the flower which was starting to fall apart.

"Hi, Ilona... Are you alright?"

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @york @Nater Taters @Mason Moretti
Continued from here.

"A Girl, Her Cookies, The Multiverse"

Slowly but surely, the portal in the sky grew smaller and smaller. The illusionary enemies faded away and the being known as Mother retreated up into the abyss. With a great explosion of green light the void above disappeared, though not before sending a shock wave down to the ground, slamming into Junko and Misaka. The electromaster went flying from the blast, though Junko was nowhere to be seen.

Makoto stumbled to his feet, looking up at the sky to see the void be replaced by an endless darkness. Dark blue cracks were all that were left of the portal, making the sky look as if it was some kind of dark window.

Was it finally over?


"Are they... finally gone?" Shiki questioned, holding his lightly wounded arm as he looked up at the sky along with Makoto and a number of the other Coalition members around. Such a grim sight for what was supposed to feel like a victory, but really didn't.

If this was a victory, it was certainly bittersweet, if even sweet at all. The blackness of the strange sky above may as well be the black mirror that reflected mankind's darkest as far as he was concerned.

Close to Shiki, Misaka groaned as she removed herself from her own personal crater. She was going to be feeling that for a few days. She took a few steps forward before crying out in pain and falling to her knees. She felt completely powerless, cut off from her esper abilities for the moment.


"Come on..."



Naturally taking notice of Misaka and her struggles, Shiki would promptly snap out of his stupor, spurred on by the unbelievable destruction in the area, jogging over to her and attempting to help the younger girl back to her feet.

"H-Hey, easy there. You worked yourself up real good back there, kid. Just relax," the bespectacled young man spoke soothingly, like comforting a wounded girl was second nature to him.

... Even if she was like, what, 12?

"I'm fine," she said roughly, rejecting Shiki's help for the moment. She shifted away from him and attempted to stand on her own, but another shock of pain wracked her body and she was forced to fall into Shiki's embrace.

Nervously not meeting his gaze, she let him help her back on to her feet from there. "Just... Tell me where I am."

Shiki made sure to be careful with handling Misaka, almost as though her entire body was a piece of brittle, even when she'd initially rejected his help. Kid certainly was headstrong, the young man mused to himself. When the girl would be helped back to her feet, her question would perplex Shiki to a degree, even prompting him to raise an eyebrow at her.

"You... don't know? Well, I suppose if you've been unconscious all this time... though if you were, who sabotaged that trap back in the Silent Earth illusion, I wonder? I-In any case, you're in the headquarters of an organization called the Coalition. Or... Well uh, I guess it's not much of a headquarters now, but it's certainly something. From here, you can travel to whatever world you need to get to, assuming that all you wanna do is just go home. And... Well, not to be intrusive or anything, but the look your eyes give, there's someone back home that you wanna see again, am I right?"

Though perhaps anyone who would have accused Shiki of projecting wouldn't have been completely inaccurate, the young man could certainly sense some feeling of urgency from the girl, even despite how tired she was, like she still had something she needed to get done, and the only thing that drove someone like that was...

... Well, anyway.

"Ugh." Why'd he have to go and say a thing like that? If Misaka was looking forward to seeing anybody, it was just her friends... As if anyone else would be on her mind. So what if that guy never got his cookies, it wasn't like he was going to starve without them. He wouldn't have even known she had been on her way to deliver them anyway.


... She really needed to stop thinking.

"Okay, I think I get the idea. I should just be able to go back, right?" That's what she wanted, but something about all this told her there was still more for her to do. Even though that skeleton had stopped speaking to her, something about that girl she had coincidentally met tugged at Misaka in a way. They were linked now, and their time together was not yet over.

"... You have some kind of leader around here? Take me to them," she practically demanded.

Shiki raised an eyebrow at Misaka's request, and the way she practically commanded him around, but said nothing of it, simply letting out a soft sigh. The leader, huh? He wondered why she'd need to see them, but whatever.

"Ah, r-right, that would be... Miss Kirigiri, I believe. She's right over..."

. . .


"Kyoko..." Makoto began to move, his feet dragging through the rubble. After a moment, Sorey and Mikleo were at his side, helping him walk. "Bring me to her... I need to see her."

"I'm... right here," Kyoko spoke, appearing behind Makoto, her shoulder bandaged up when she'd been dragged along by Cheza and led to Akiko, her bullet wound from Ocelot tended to promptly, as expected as the chief medical officer of the Coalition. Or at least, that was how Akiko fancied herself. Without drawing much attention to herself, Kyoko would make her way through the rubble of the place and look over at Makoto upon reaching him, "Are you alright?"


"Careful, Commander. You should be mindful of your own wounds as well. I did what I could without having to resort to my power, but you still need to take care."

Makoto smiled at Akiko. "Thank you." He then gestured for the others to let him stand on his own. He took a few stumbling steps toward Kyoko, pushing against her so that they were entwined in some kind of sloppy hug. "I'm so happy you're okay, b-but..."

Makoto's voice broke as tears dripped down his cheeks. "Everything is different now. We're broken."



Kyoko made no immediate move in response to Makoto leaning against her like a pillar. She was even more reluctant to say or do anything when the poor boy would begin to tear up, threatening to fall into despair at all that had happened in the past day. She hesitated to even hug him back really. Though she pitied him for the state he had been driven in, there was a small part of her that couldn't completely forgive Makoto, and even Kieran for that matter, for what had happened, whether they intended to or not; she debated with herself how much this was even their fault, really.

Still, she knew that she had to say something. Anything. She was his beacon of hope, after all. And right now, surely, Makoto could use some hope...


With bold determination, with strength that she was in no shortage of, or so it seemed, Kyoko Kirigiri cut through Makoto's despair like how Makoto used to cut through erroneous claims that the others would have made back then during the Killing School Life.


"Everything may have changed, but we're far from broken, Makoto. Aren't you supposed to be the one full of hope and optimism here?" Kyoko inquired, keeping her face as composed and focused as ever, despite all that had happened, "This is... an opportunity. Ocelot and the Revanchist may have managed to have gotten the drop on us, but... Well, all we need to do is strike back when they think they have us beaten and try to rise up from the shadows. If you can still stand, you can still walk, and if you can still walk, then you can still fight for a better tomorrow, Makoto."

"This is an opportunity to rebuild and reform the Coalition, especially now that I'm back, and suddenly, as the sole leader again, like I used to be, but considering how deep we are in the multiverse's affairs now, I won't be able to do it alone. I need you standing at my side still, Makoto. Not behind me. So tell me..."

Kyoko stepped away from Makoto, having him stand on his own feet for a brief moment, before stretching her arm out to him, looking at him dead straight in the eyes.

"If you're going to believe in me, then can I trust you to let myself believe in you in return?"

Kyoko's rejection cut like a knife, no matter how small it was. He faltered slightly as she stepped away, hands gripping into fists in despair. She sounded upset with him, even beyond her lecturing. Makoto couldn't but feel that this event had not only cut down the Coalition, but his precious relationship with Kyoko.

"... We've reformed once already," he said, unable to meet her gaze. His voice was hoarse as Makoto sounded on the verge of sobs. "How many times can we do this? We can't... With you, Kyoko, I think we'll only get one more chance."

One more chance. At the very least, Makoto didn't believe it was all over. He didn't know how everything would shake down, but he knew the Coalition had at least something more to give. "I've tried my best, Kyoko... And, I'll continue to do that, if you'll have me. If you believe in me, I won't let you down."


"Then let us make use of that one last chance. It's too early to despair, after all, especially when we still have one more chance to prove our worth to everyone," Kyoko expressed, her focused gaze on Makoto shifting over to the sight of the devastated Coalition Headquarters before them all, taking in the destruction that had transpired through their neglect and mistakes as she'd drop her arm.

Normally, at a time like this, though she'd never admit it, even to herself, Kyoko would probably have found herself being more gentle with Makoto, as though walking on eggshells, but she couldn't afford to do that. Not now. Not again. She needed to get the Coalition back into shape, to the ideal organization that she had envisioned in her mind.

Even so, she needed him to rebuild the Coalition, and in turn, he needed her. There was little use in openly chastising Makoto; he knew that he'd done wrong, as did Kieran. The only thing to do from here was to simply restore things to what they once were, and then make them even better than ever once that happened.

But then, even she was human too.

"I'll hold you to that. We have a lot on our plate now. Tracking down the Revanchist, finding a new place, mending relations..." She gave a sigh, closing her eyes as if to let herself take it all in, before looking at the destruction once more, "People are daring to put their trust in us one more time, blind faith in hope. So let's show them that it's worth it to always keep hoping for that brighter tomorrow."

Makoto turned his head to take in what Kyoko was seeing. It was the full extent of their hubris, a great mighty hammer that laid waste to all their hard work. However things got to this boiling point, the idea alone made Makoto wince.


"If that's settled..." Makoto tried to catch Kyoko's still-wandering gaze. "Not to step on your toes, Kyoko... But we'll need to start evacuating everyone. For those who can't go back home, maybe the UN. Only then can we gather our leaders and figure out the path from here."


"Well, I suppose it's as good a starting point as any," Kyoko simply said initially, idly rubbing her gloved hand as she spoke. Indeed, they'd all have to relocate soon; with this place compromised and damaged beyond relief, there was little question that they'd have to find a new base of operations soon, a task that would have to be done after escorting everyone to safety.

"If you're looking to clear people out, you can start with this kid here," Shiki spoke, sliding his way into the conversation between the two Coalition leaders along with Misaka, "She... said she wanted to see you, Miss Kirigiri. Makoto," he continued, giving the two of them a brief nod.

"O-Oh!" Makoto gasped upon seeing Misaka up close. "That's right, you were one of the participants of the Fiamma Incident!"

Misaka's gaze flipped between Makoto and Kyoko. She'd managed a haughty sort of demeanor walking up to them, but now all she felt was a bit strange. They seemed to know more about her than she did about them, which only reaffirmed her belief that she was supposed to stick around for a while.

"I think we need to talk," she said slowly. "Don't really know why I'm here, but it's something to do with that girl who vanished. First, though, uh... I'm sure you have better things to be doing, but there's something I need sent back home. For... someone. Can you do that?"

"Well--" Makoto was going to answer, but the sight of Paladin Danse stepping down into the crater to meet them made him pause.


"Commander Nae-- erm, I suppose it's just Commander Kirigiri now." The Brotherhood of Steel member turned his head and cleared his throat before continuing. "... I have been in contact with the Brotherhood and they are currently on their way to assist in the evacuation. Those who are able bodied should make their way to the Gateway room."

"That's good to hear. Thank you," Kyoko would acknowledge Danse and give a nod, before crossing her arms, "I suppose we should make that announcement soon enough and get people packing out of here. People shouldn't be here for longer than they ought to be."

Clearing his throat, Shiki would put his hands behind his back, looking over at Misaka. "A delivery? Well... Ah, I mean, I suppose I could take a detour on my way back hom--"



Abrasively appearing and nudging Shiki out of the way, Carissa would appear before Misaka, the princess giving a somewhat intimidating look as she gazed upon Misaka's form, as though examining her being. Carissa remained quiet for a moment, before speaking again.

"The power you displayed, and that appearance... No doubt about it, you're an Esper from Academy City, aren't you?" Carissa spoke, placing a hand on her hip, "Though I doubt you're from the same exact world as myself, I can speculate that you are at least from the same general universe, so it would be little trouble for me to make the delivery once I ascertain your world. So have at thee; what sort of package do you need to be sent? Perhaps a holy sword of great power? Magical runes?" She inquired, not exactly caring if she might have come off too strong to Misaka. It would simply reflect badly on her if she didn't come off too strong if anything.

"What of it?" Misaka said at first, meeting this woman's steely gaze with one of her own. Did she seek to intimidate her, or was this her way of showing respect? Misaka hadn't ascertained the significance of the strange portal in the sky, but the fact that she had closed it must have meant something to the people around her.


... Although, any respect Misaka had earned was about to be lost when they heard her request. "U-Uhh... hm, well..." Damn that guy! "... It's cookies. I need cookies delivered to... to Kamijou Touma Th-They have to be homemade..."

Misaka nervously touched the tips of her fingers together, her face bright red.

"Oh, uh--" Makoto let out a laugh. "I don't think Kieran's left. He makes some pretty good cookies, you know..."



Shiki let out a pause, still sticking in the conversation despite Carissa seeming to shove him out as he'd raise an eyebrow, before also joining in on the good-natured laughter with Makoto. "Homemade cookies, huh? Man, that's... certainly not what I expected, but if it's just that for someone, I guess they must mean a whole lot to you, right?"

Meanwhile, Carissa gave a less than amused look, in stark contrast to Makoto and Shiki, while Kyoko seemed to be off discussing more matters with Danse. The MEU representative was thoroughly underwhelmed, thinking it was actually a matter of importance if it was something that needed to be transported across worlds, but if it was the girl herself that was displaced and not on purpose, then... Well, no matter. Her word was her word, and so, she'd have it delivered. She was a woman of honor, after all.

Besides... Touma Kamijou, eh? Now that was a name she hadn't heard in some time, yet it felt more familiar to her than it ought to.

Raising both of her arms to lightly smack Shiki and Makoto on the back of their heads, Carissa would sigh. "The matters of a maiden's heart are not to be taken lightly, though I suppose boys would not understand," she spoke patronizingly, despite not actually being that much older than the two of them, "Touma Kamijou... I suppose throughout the multiverse, the influence he exudes in his respective world extends quite far. What quixotic act of heroism did he perform to warrant such a reward, hmm? Punching some mad magician or Esper until their problems go away?" Carissa inquired almost snidely, though her perpetually stone serious face made it hard to find amusement in her words.


"You need not answer that. I'm probably right to a degree, aren't I?"


"... Sigh."

Meanwhile, Akiko, who had been standing idly all this time, mostly in order to ensure that Kyoko was still in operational condition, would sigh, seemingly uninterested in both of the conversations going on as she blankly looked upon the irreparable damage the headquarters had sustained, both to the structure itself and the people inside. She could assume that everyone else who had found themselves involved in this little... civil war also wouldn't care much either. The ones who weren't in need of some medical attention probably just wanted to go home and think over everything that had happened. If even that. The nurse pursed her lips, visibly troubled despite the light banter on one side, and the vigilant drive to rebuild on the other; the duality of the Coalition.

Things were certainly going to be different from here on out. After all the cans of worms that had been opened, the skeletons in the closets that had been revealed, perhaps it was a given that nothing would ever be the same from here on out. Trust had been lost, people left and right were leaving, and there was certainly a lot that had to be reformed if anyone could even wish for the Coalition to be trusted again.

Akiko had to wonder if there was enough room in all the multiverse to contain all this malevolence, this hatred, this... despair... but, then again...

"... Well, it is a big multiverse, after all," she mused softly to herself.

And in this great big multiverse... While it certainly had more than enough space to house despair, it was the hope that co-existed alongside that made this place worth existing within. So Akiko Yosano, at the very least, would continue to fight for the sake of good. As would Makoto Naegi. And Kyoko Kirigiri. And Doppo Kunikida. As well as Gwen Stacy and Byakuya Togami. For as long as the Coalition would continue to exist, as well as the United Nations, the Brotherhood of Steel, the Multiverse Emergency Unit, the Future Foundation, and more... Hope would continue to exist, just as strongly as the despair that flowed within the place around them.

She could only hope that everyone would soon be able to overcome the adversaries they found in each other before the true villains of this never-ending story implemented their plan, but for now... Well, as was just said, all she could do was hope.

And fragile as it may be, hope was what sparked redemption. For the Coalition, and for everyone.

Cast List
@Gummi Bunnies as Add and Elesis (Elsword)
@DBZ7 as Anna (Fire Emblem)
@Nater Taters as Artyom Chyornyj (Metro)
@Jeremi as Bekka and Red Tornado (DC Comics)
@Wren as Bradley Martin Holland (OC)
@CrunchyCHEEZIT as Deoxys (Pokemon)
@Archwar as Doomguy (Doom)
@Crimson Spartan as Erron Black (Mortal Kombat)
@Ringmaster as Lucifer Anghelscu and Saber Alter (Murder Series / Type-Moon)
@Crow as Maki Kido and Madoka Karasuma (Idolmaster OC)
@Atomyk as Makoto Naegi (Danganronpa)
@Klutzy Ninja Kitty as Princess Ilona of Arendelle (Murder Series) and Train Heatnet (Black Cat)
@Raven as Piper Wright (Fallout)
@Cirilla as Mercy (Overwatch)
@darnerdemons as Miko Wanijima (Air Gear OC)
@Krieg as Jon Snow (Game of Thrones)
@C.T. as Qrow Branwen (RWBY)
@BarrenThin as Reinhardt Wilhelm and Genji Shimada (Overwatch)
@Minerva as Robin Aquilus and Corrin (Fire Emblem)
@york as Ruby Rose and Zwei (RWBY)
@Kaykay as Sakuya Izayoi and Remilia Scarlet (Touhou Project)
@LuckycoolHawk9 as Scott McCall and Stiles Stilinski (Teen Wolf)
@Yun Lee as Shi-Long Lang (Ace Attorney)
@pubbbb as Shigeo "Mob" Kageyama (Mob Psycho 100)
@Verite as Shiki Tohno and Len (Type-Moon)
@The Tactician as Shizuo Heiwajima (Durarara!!)
@Takumi as Toboe (Wolf's Rain)
@Yang Lee as Uncle Iroh (Avatar)
@Hospes as Weiss Schnee and Winter Schnee (RWBY)
@Josh M as Wynne (Dragon Age)
@Sen as Zen (Mystic Messenger)
@Bomb as Zidane Tribal and Bibi Ornitier (Final Fantasy IX)​


Rubbing the back of his head after Carissa had smacked him lightly and seemingly stolen the conversation with Misaka away from him, Shiki took a breath, walking off aimlessly for a small while. So it was over then, huh? The storm that Shiki had remained at the Coalition HQ for all this time had finally passed and certainly left its mark, for how long he had no idea, but then, it wasn't his business. Not anymore. He had said and done what he needed to, and for all intents and purposes, he had a mind to leave already along with everyone else who was in the process of being evacuated, but then, things in life hardly ever turned out as initially planned, did they?

He could imagine that there was gonna be a lot of paperwork that the officials would have to deal with, including whatever Umbrella's Hunt was about. Now, he could guess what a "Progenitor" was supposed to be, and the significance of it, if Ms. Valentine's death was anything to go by, among presumably others. There was also the matter of what was ultimately going to become of these organizations; so many currently unresolved loose ends that had yet to be tied up that Shiki wondered if he could really walk away so easily, but then, he made a promise, and he wanted to at least fulfill one promise in his life. And besides, in a place as big as the multiverse, trials and tribulations would continue to exist for as long as time and space themselves existed, so perhaps it would end up a fruitless effort to try to help them if he wanted to rid things of all their problems, when really, all he needed to do was tend to his own world.

He was only but one boy in a big multiverse after all.

That said, catching sight of those who he'd been looking for, Shiki would break into a light jog, calling out to those he at least wanted to say goodbye to before leaving, if that was gonna be what happened.

"Sakuyaaaa! Miss Ilonaaaa!"

Heading over to them and the group that seemed to crowd around, the bespectacled boy cleared his throat, giving a somewhat awkward and tired smile when he'd approach.


"Jeez, I'm glad that you guys are alright. Now that all the fighting is over, whether between each other and the enemy forces, I suppose the only thing left to ask is... Where will you go now, Miss Ilona? Are you still set on going with Ms. Akagi and Lalonde? 'Cause... Well, I suppose either way doesn't matter too much to me, as long as whichever you pick is what you truly want, and it looks like that's the compromise that everyone's managed to get to, so it's up to you. Whatever happens, people will be behind you and on your side, I'm sure."

After that, he'd turn to Sakuya, sheepishly scratching the back of his head. "And ah... Sorry that the Dark Presence thing had to go and conjure up a monster from my past for you and the others to fight off. That guy was certainly a part of my past that I would have liked to keep buried."

@Kaykay @Klutzy Ninja Kitty
With the wrapping up of the battles that had taken place, Sakuya had simply found a wall to stand against as she waited for Remilia's return. She had little to say on the matters that were discussed, and it wasn't like she really knew the majority of them anyway. What had originally been a simple trip had turned into quite a large commotion.

But at least she couldn't complain that it'd been boring.

As Shiki approached, the maid simply smiled politely.


"It's alright, I'm quite used to taking care of vampires." Though perhaps not that specific kind of care, she didn't mention. "A mere ghost from the past is easily dismissed, no?"


The voice of a girl that sounded much younger seemed to get closer and closer as a white streak sped in like a bullet. The incredibly fast moving object crashed right into Shiki's back, like a bowling ball had been thrown at him. A pair of lithe arms wrapped around him as the impact reached him.

"He ran away! My opponent ran away! How am I supposed to be satisfied with this, Sakuya?"

"Milady, it would seem you have missed."


The object was none other than Remilia Scarlet, the vampire which Sakuya served. Prying herself away from Shiki, she began tugging at Shiki's sleeve.


"What were you doing in my way anyway?"

"Just apologize, it'll be much faster," Sakuya whispered to the boy.

@Verite @Klutzy Ninja Kitty

Ilona would turn and offer a tired smile to Bibi, unable to help but give him a gentle look after how sincerely he had asked if she was okay. She honestly wasn't so sure how she felt inside. A part of her felt sad, a part of her felt driven, and another part of her felt uncertain. While she was currently a ball of mixed emotions, Ilona knew she needed to push through them and do what was best. She was uncertain about what the others had decided for her, but truthfully the wanted to speak with Lalonde and ask for the woman's help with finding a secure place for her to train so she could properly learn to use her powers.

Kneeling down next to Bibi, Ilona placed a hand on the mage's head. "I'm much better now that you're here. But perhaps you will allow me the honor of giving you a new flower? I see the old one is falling apart." Ilona reached into her tattered, battle-torn coat to fish for another hand-made flower, pulling out one that looked no better than Bibi's. The flower was soaked with dried blood and flopped over like a limp noodle. Upon seeing this, Ilona frowned. "I'll tell you what, Sir Bibi, I shall make you another one when I have the proper materials to do so. This is a promise," she told him before rising to stand back on her feet.

"For the time being, perhaps we should actually return to the others? I have a feeling the battles may have ended by now," she suggested, gesturing for Bibi and anyone else nearby to follow her. The young woman then made her way back, witnessing the conversations of the others. After they were through, she swallowed a lump in her throat and took a single step forward.

Now is the time. I must speak with Miss Lalonde about--

Ilona found herself cut off, surprised when Shiki would approach. "Shik-- I mean, Sir Shiki-sama," she stuttered, actually muddling up her words and mistakenly throwing an extra title onto his name. She had honestly been so focused on her thoughts that she hadn't paid attention. She ran a hand through her hair and sighed, attempted to pretend she had never said such a thing. While attempting to answer Shiki's question, Ilona was almost grateful that Remilia would crash into him and likely distract him, giving her an extra second to think about how she wanted to reply.


"I very well may go with Miss Lalonde and Miss Akagi, yes," Ilona finally replied. She then opened her mouth and uttered two more words, cutting herself off before she would finish her statement. "Would you--" The blonde cleared her throat, taking a pause.

Would you care to come along?

I truthfully would like to ask him this. He is my friend, and he's helped me to feel more at ease about this situation. Also, I know I would enjoy a chance to speak with him more and hear tales of his life. However, I can't help but wonder if I should... would I be asking too much? For all I know, he wishes to return home or has another agenda...

After her pause, Ilona changed her statement slightly. She decided to analyze what his intentions were rather than to jump the gun and ask a question without thinking. "What about you, Sir Shiki? What do you plan to do now that this is over?"

@Verite @Kaykay

Ilona would turn and offer a tired smile to Bibi, unable to help but give him a gentle look after how sincerely he had asked if she was okay. She honestly wasn't so sure how she felt inside. A part of her felt sad, a part of her felt driven, and another part of her felt uncertain. While she was currently a ball of mixed emotions, Ilona knew she needed to push through them and do what was best. She was uncertain about what the others had decided for her, but truthfully the wanted to speak with Lalonde and ask for the woman's help with finding a secure place for her to train so she could properly learn to use her powers.

Kneeling down next to Bibi, Ilona placed a hand on the mage's head. "I'm much better now that you're here. But perhaps you will allow me the honor of giving you a new flower? I see the old one is falling apart." Ilona reached into her tattered, battle-torn coat to fish for another hand-made flower, pulling out one that looked no better than Bibi's. The flower was soaked with dried blood and flopped over like a limp noodle. Upon seeing this, Ilona frowned. "I'll tell you what, Sir Bibi, I shall make you another one when I have the proper materials to do so. This is a promise," she told him before rising to stand back on her feet.

"For the time being, perhaps we should actually return to the others? I have a feeling the battles may have ended by now," she suggested, gesturing for Bibi and anyone else nearby to follow her. The young woman then made her way back, witnessing the conversations of the others. After they were through, she swallowed a lump in her throat and took a single step forward.

Now is the time. I must speak with Miss Lalonde about--

Ilona found herself cut off, surprised when Shiki would approach. "Shik-- I mean, Sir Shiki-sama," she stuttered, actually muddling up her words and mistakenly throwing an extra title onto his name. She had honestly been so focused on her thoughts that she hadn't paid attention. She ran a hand through her hair and sighed, attempted to pretend she had never said such a thing. While attempting to answer Shiki's question, Ilona was almost grateful that Remilia would crash into him and likely distract him, giving her an extra second to think about how she wanted to reply.


"I very well may go with Miss Lalonde and Miss Akagi, yes," Ilona finally replied. She then opened her mouth and uttered two more words, cutting herself off before she would finish her statement. "Would you--" The blonde cleared her throat, taking a pause.

Would you care to come along?

I truthfully would like to ask him this. He is my friend, and he's helped me to feel more at ease about this situation. Also, I know I would enjoy a chance to speak with him more and hear tales of his life. However, I can't help but wonder if I should... would I be asking too much? For all I know, he wishes to return home or has another agenda...

After her pause, Ilona changed her statement slightly. She decided to analyze what his intentions were rather than to jump the gun and ask a question without thinking. "What about you, Sir Shiki? What do you plan to do now that this is over?"

@Verite @Kaykay
Bibi followed alongside Ilona, but as he was doing so, another wave of dizziness hit Bibi.

Urgh! What is happening? Bibi thought, holding on his head as it was more powerful and longer than the last.

After it faded, Bibi tried to pass it off like it was nothing. He didn't want to worry the others.

"Hey Ilona." Zidane waved at her. "How are you feeling?" Zidane had a couple of nicks and bruises from the previous fight, but it wasn't anything Zidane can handle.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
Kido notices that Add feels... somewhat conflicted.


"Add," Kido places a reassuring palm on Add's shoulder, "today we may be... somewhat foes. Yeah, I think we're foes but I'm a little unclear. But tomorrow... no one knows what tomorrow will bring. If you're leaving soon, I want you to remember my little advice. The past is the past and will come to haunt you, that's for certain, but until it does, it's best to kick towards the future and outrun it. Only you are capable of knowing which of your choices are right. Whatever you do next... just remember... pick the choices you believe are correct."


"I will be sure to beat you down the next time I see you commiting crimes against the multiverse."

"We'll... see to it that you're expelled from the UN. It's best if you have all the time in the cosmos off to think through all that's on your mind," Kido says, then snaps his fingers. "Ah! Of course! Shizuo's also leaving, and we're thinking of a little farewell party for him. You've been buddy-buddy with him in a bad way ever since you two joined at the same time so I thought...

... maybe you could have a little fun first before you go? You were never a UN member, but you're still his frenemy of sorts. It's only polite."

"Brother," Madoka questions, "are you sure this is a good idea?"

"What could possibly go wrong?"

@Gummi Bunnies

@The Tactician @Minerva

@Mason Moretti @Bomb @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Nater Taters @Minerva @Takumi
Speaking of Shizuo Heiwajima...


"Damn, last one of the pack..."

The bartender stood off to the side of the main group, sighing as he realized he was coming up empty on cigarettes. Well, at least this shit is over with now... With his smoke in hand, he simply waited in silence for the end of their ride came and he could head home for good.​

"Ah... I'll... keep that in mind."

For once, Add happened to think things through in his head, as if he were actually figuring out that he had done some wrong that his mother wouldn't be so appreciative about. Along with that, he wondered about that first moment that... she had brought him into the Blood Institute, and that he had resisted at first. He had only joined to get revenge against someone who had done him wrong... but now, he wasn't so sure if he should continue what he was doing.

... but he wasn't going to overthink this, it wasn't like him to really logically think of things with a moral compass above him.


"Oh right! I didn't want to keep my best friend waiting! Thanks for the reminder!"

Despite picking up his usual crazily hyperactive behavior, it wasn't the same to the usual madness that Add showed to people on a daily basis. Something really had changed him... the moment he had taken the Dark El into this body. When you would mention something about Shizuo to him, he would peep up at the bartender through a time rift. However, this time he only walked up to the man...


"Er... hey... Shizuo, so all of this is over, huh? That also means that I won't be sticking around anymore, people here most likely know what I'm really up to..."

Probably for the absolute first time, Add was acting somewhat civil, and not trying to mess with anybody. All that he showed right now was actual honesty, and people would guess that Add had completely changed on a whim... It would've been obvious that he had been acting, but this probably... wasn't the case.


"... so mind telling Kofuku-chan that Addy-chan said hi to her?"

@Crow @The Tactician
Continued from here.

"A Girl, Her Cookies, The Multiverse"

Slowly but surely, the portal in the sky grew smaller and smaller. The illusionary enemies faded away and the being known as Mother retreated up into the abyss. With a great explosion of green light the void above disappeared, though not before sending a shock wave down to the ground, slamming into Junko and Misaka. The electromaster went flying from the blast, though Junko was nowhere to be seen.

Makoto stumbled to his feet, looking up at the sky to see the void be replaced by an endless darkness. Dark blue cracks were all that were left of the portal, making the sky look as if it was some kind of dark window.

Was it finally over?


"Are they... finally gone?" Shiki questioned, holding his lightly wounded arm as he looked up at the sky along with Makoto and a number of the other Coalition members around. Such a grim sight for what was supposed to feel like a victory, but really didn't.

If this was a victory, it was certainly bittersweet, if even sweet at all. The blackness of the strange sky above may as well be the black mirror that reflected mankind's darkest as far as he was concerned.

Close to Shiki, Misaka groaned as she removed herself from her own personal crater. She was going to be feeling that for a few days. She took a few steps forward before crying out in pain and falling to her knees. She felt completely powerless, cut off from her esper abilities for the moment.


"Come on..."



Naturally taking notice of Misaka and her struggles, Shiki would promptly snap out of his stupor, spurred on by the unbelievable destruction in the area, jogging over to her and attempting to help the younger girl back to her feet.

"H-Hey, easy there. You worked yourself up real good back there, kid. Just relax," the bespectacled young man spoke soothingly, like comforting a wounded girl was second nature to him.

... Even if she was like, what, 12?

"I'm fine," she said roughly, rejecting Shiki's help for the moment. She shifted away from him and attempted to stand on her own, but another shock of pain wracked her body and she was forced to fall into Shiki's embrace.

Nervously not meeting his gaze, she let him help her back on to her feet from there. "Just... Tell me where I am."

Shiki made sure to be careful with handling Misaka, almost as though her entire body was a piece of brittle, even when she'd initially rejected his help. Kid certainly was headstrong, the young man mused to himself. When the girl would be helped back to her feet, her question would perplex Shiki to a degree, even prompting him to raise an eyebrow at her.

"You... don't know? Well, I suppose if you've been unconscious all this time... though if you were, who sabotaged that trap back in the Silent Earth illusion, I wonder? I-In any case, you're in the headquarters of an organization called the Coalition. Or... Well uh, I guess it's not much of a headquarters now, but it's certainly something. From here, you can travel to whatever world you need to get to, assuming that all you wanna do is just go home. And... Well, not to be intrusive or anything, but the look your eyes give, there's someone back home that you wanna see again, am I right?"

Though perhaps anyone who would have accused Shiki of projecting wouldn't have been completely inaccurate, the young man could certainly sense some feeling of urgency from the girl, even despite how tired she was, like she still had something she needed to get done, and the only thing that drove someone like that was...

... Well, anyway.

"Ugh." Why'd he have to go and say a thing like that? If Misaka was looking forward to seeing anybody, it was just her friends... As if anyone else would be on her mind. So what if that guy never got his cookies, it wasn't like he was going to starve without them. He wouldn't have even known she had been on her way to deliver them anyway.


... She really needed to stop thinking.

"Okay, I think I get the idea. I should just be able to go back, right?" That's what she wanted, but something about all this told her there was still more for her to do. Even though that skeleton had stopped speaking to her, something about that girl she had coincidentally met tugged at Misaka in a way. They were linked now, and their time together was not yet over.

"... You have some kind of leader around here? Take me to them," she practically demanded.

Shiki raised an eyebrow at Misaka's request, and the way she practically commanded him around, but said nothing of it, simply letting out a soft sigh. The leader, huh? He wondered why she'd need to see them, but whatever.

"Ah, r-right, that would be... Miss Kirigiri, I believe. She's right over..."

. . .


"Kyoko..." Makoto began to move, his feet dragging through the rubble. After a moment, Sorey and Mikleo were at his side, helping him walk. "Bring me to her... I need to see her."

"I'm... right here," Kyoko spoke, appearing behind Makoto, her shoulder bandaged up when she'd been dragged along by Cheza and led to Akiko, her bullet wound from Ocelot tended to promptly, as expected as the chief medical officer of the Coalition. Or at least, that was how Akiko fancied herself. Without drawing much attention to herself, Kyoko would make her way through the rubble of the place and look over at Makoto upon reaching him, "Are you alright?"


"Careful, Commander. You should be mindful of your own wounds as well. I did what I could without having to resort to my power, but you still need to take care."

Makoto smiled at Akiko. "Thank you." He then gestured for the others to let him stand on his own. He took a few stumbling steps toward Kyoko, pushing against her so that they were entwined in some kind of sloppy hug. "I'm so happy you're okay, b-but..."

Makoto's voice broke as tears dripped down his cheeks. "Everything is different now. We're broken."



Kyoko made no immediate move in response to Makoto leaning against her like a pillar. She was even more reluctant to say or do anything when the poor boy would begin to tear up, threatening to fall into despair at all that had happened in the past day. She hesitated to even hug him back really. Though she pitied him for the state he had been driven in, there was a small part of her that couldn't completely forgive Makoto, and even Kieran for that matter, for what had happened, whether they intended to or not; she debated with herself how much this was even their fault, really.

Still, she knew that she had to say something. Anything. She was his beacon of hope, after all. And right now, surely, Makoto could use some hope...


With bold determination, with strength that she was in no shortage of, or so it seemed, Kyoko Kirigiri cut through Makoto's despair like how Makoto used to cut through erroneous claims that the others would have made back then during the Killing School Life.


"Everything may have changed, but we're far from broken, Makoto. Aren't you supposed to be the one full of hope and optimism here?" Kyoko inquired, keeping her face as composed and focused as ever, despite all that had happened, "This is... an opportunity. Ocelot and the Revanchist may have managed to have gotten the drop on us, but... Well, all we need to do is strike back when they think they have us beaten and try to rise up from the shadows. If you can still stand, you can still walk, and if you can still walk, then you can still fight for a better tomorrow, Makoto."

"This is an opportunity to rebuild and reform the Coalition, especially now that I'm back, and suddenly, as the sole leader again, like I used to be, but considering how deep we are in the multiverse's affairs now, I won't be able to do it alone. I need you standing at my side still, Makoto. Not behind me. So tell me..."

Kyoko stepped away from Makoto, having him stand on his own feet for a brief moment, before stretching her arm out to him, looking at him dead straight in the eyes.

"If you're going to believe in me, then can I trust you to let myself believe in you in return?"

Kyoko's rejection cut like a knife, no matter how small it was. He faltered slightly as she stepped away, hands gripping into fists in despair. She sounded upset with him, even beyond her lecturing. Makoto couldn't but feel that this event had not only cut down the Coalition, but his precious relationship with Kyoko.

"... We've reformed once already," he said, unable to meet her gaze. His voice was hoarse as Makoto sounded on the verge of sobs. "How many times can we do this? We can't... With you, Kyoko, I think we'll only get one more chance."

One more chance. At the very least, Makoto didn't believe it was all over. He didn't know how everything would shake down, but he knew the Coalition had at least something more to give. "I've tried my best, Kyoko... And, I'll continue to do that, if you'll have me. If you believe in me, I won't let you down."


"Then let us make use of that one last chance. It's too early to despair, after all, especially when we still have one more chance to prove our worth to everyone," Kyoko expressed, her focused gaze on Makoto shifting over to the sight of the devastated Coalition Headquarters before them all, taking in the destruction that had transpired through their neglect and mistakes as she'd drop her arm.

Normally, at a time like this, though she'd never admit it, even to herself, Kyoko would probably have found herself being more gentle with Makoto, as though walking on eggshells, but she couldn't afford to do that. Not now. Not again. She needed to get the Coalition back into shape, to the ideal organization that she had envisioned in her mind.

Even so, she needed him to rebuild the Coalition, and in turn, he needed her. There was little use in openly chastising Makoto; he knew that he'd done wrong, as did Kieran. The only thing to do from here was to simply restore things to what they once were, and then make them even better than ever once that happened.

But then, even she was human too.

"I'll hold you to that. We have a lot on our plate now. Tracking down the Revanchist, finding a new place, mending relations..." She gave a sigh, closing her eyes as if to let herself take it all in, before looking at the destruction once more, "People are daring to put their trust in us one more time, blind faith in hope. So let's show them that it's worth it to always keep hoping for that brighter tomorrow."

Makoto turned his head to take in what Kyoko was seeing. It was the full extent of their hubris, a great mighty hammer that laid waste to all their hard work. However things got to this boiling point, the idea alone made Makoto wince.


"If that's settled..." Makoto tried to catch Kyoko's still-wandering gaze. "Not to step on your toes, Kyoko... But we'll need to start evacuating everyone. For those who can't go back home, maybe the UN. Only then can we gather our leaders and figure out the path from here."


"Well, I suppose it's as good a starting point as any," Kyoko simply said initially, idly rubbing her gloved hand as she spoke. Indeed, they'd all have to relocate soon; with this place compromised and damaged beyond relief, there was little question that they'd have to find a new base of operations soon, a task that would have to be done after escorting everyone to safety.

"If you're looking to clear people out, you can start with this kid here," Shiki spoke, sliding his way into the conversation between the two Coalition leaders along with Misaka, "She... said she wanted to see you, Miss Kirigiri. Makoto," he continued, giving the two of them a brief nod.

"O-Oh!" Makoto gasped upon seeing Misaka up close. "That's right, you were one of the participants of the Fiamma Incident!"

Misaka's gaze flipped between Makoto and Kyoko. She'd managed a haughty sort of demeanor walking up to them, but now all she felt was a bit strange. They seemed to know more about her than she did about them, which only reaffirmed her belief that she was supposed to stick around for a while.

"I think we need to talk," she said slowly. "Don't really know why I'm here, but it's something to do with that girl who vanished. First, though, uh... I'm sure you have better things to be doing, but there's something I need sent back home. For... someone. Can you do that?"

"Well--" Makoto was going to answer, but the sight of Paladin Danse stepping down into the crater to meet them made him pause.


"Commander Nae-- erm, I suppose it's just Commander Kirigiri now." The Brotherhood of Steel member turned his head and cleared his throat before continuing. "... I have been in contact with the Brotherhood and they are currently on their way to assist in the evacuation. Those who are able bodied should make their way to the Gateway room."

"That's good to hear. Thank you," Kyoko would acknowledge Danse and give a nod, before crossing her arms, "I suppose we should make that announcement soon enough and get people packing out of here. People shouldn't be here for longer than they ought to be."

Clearing his throat, Shiki would put his hands behind his back, looking over at Misaka. "A delivery? Well... Ah, I mean, I suppose I could take a detour on my way back hom--"



Abrasively appearing and nudging Shiki out of the way, Carissa would appear before Misaka, the princess giving a somewhat intimidating look as she gazed upon Misaka's form, as though examining her being. Carissa remained quiet for a moment, before speaking again.

"The power you displayed, and that appearance... No doubt about it, you're an Esper from Academy City, aren't you?" Carissa spoke, placing a hand on her hip, "Though I doubt you're from the same exact world as myself, I can speculate that you are at least from the same general universe, so it would be little trouble for me to make the delivery once I ascertain your world. So have at thee; what sort of package do you need to be sent? Perhaps a holy sword of great power? Magical runes?" She inquired, not exactly caring if she might have come off too strong to Misaka. It would simply reflect badly on her if she didn't come off too strong if anything.

"What of it?" Misaka said at first, meeting this woman's steely gaze with one of her own. Did she seek to intimidate her, or was this her way of showing respect? Misaka hadn't ascertained the significance of the strange portal in the sky, but the fact that she had closed it must have meant something to the people around her.


... Although, any respect Misaka had earned was about to be lost when they heard her request. "U-Uhh... hm, well..." Damn that guy! "... It's cookies. I need cookies delivered to... to Kamijou Touma Th-They have to be homemade..."

Misaka nervously touched the tips of her fingers together, her face bright red.

"Oh, uh--" Makoto let out a laugh. "I don't think Kieran's left. He makes some pretty good cookies, you know..."



Shiki let out a pause, still sticking in the conversation despite Carissa seeming to shove him out as he'd raise an eyebrow, before also joining in on the good-natured laughter with Makoto. "Homemade cookies, huh? Man, that's... certainly not what I expected, but if it's just that for someone, I guess they must mean a whole lot to you, right?"

Meanwhile, Carissa gave a less than amused look, in stark contrast to Makoto and Shiki, while Kyoko seemed to be off discussing more matters with Danse. The MEU representative was thoroughly underwhelmed, thinking it was actually a matter of importance if it was something that needed to be transported across worlds, but if it was the girl herself that was displaced and not on purpose, then... Well, no matter. Her word was her word, and so, she'd have it delivered. She was a woman of honor, after all.

Besides... Touma Kamijou, eh? Now that was a name she hadn't heard in some time, yet it felt more familiar to her than it ought to.

Raising both of her arms to lightly smack Shiki and Makoto on the back of their heads, Carissa would sigh. "The matters of a maiden's heart are not to be taken lightly, though I suppose boys would not understand," she spoke patronizingly, despite not actually being that much older than the two of them, "Touma Kamijou... I suppose throughout the multiverse, the influence he exudes in his respective world extends quite far. What quixotic act of heroism did he perform to warrant such a reward, hmm? Punching some mad magician or Esper until their problems go away?" Carissa inquired almost snidely, though her perpetually stone serious face made it hard to find amusement in her words.


"You need not answer that. I'm probably right to a degree, aren't I?"


"... Sigh."

Meanwhile, Akiko, who had been standing idly all this time, mostly in order to ensure that Kyoko was still in operational condition, would sigh, seemingly uninterested in both of the conversations going on as she blankly looked upon the irreparable damage the headquarters had sustained, both to the structure itself and the people inside. She could assume that everyone else who had found themselves involved in this little... civil war also wouldn't care much either. The ones who weren't in need of some medical attention probably just wanted to go home and think over everything that had happened. If even that. The nurse pursed her lips, visibly troubled despite the light banter on one side, and the vigilant drive to rebuild on the other; the duality of the Coalition.

Things were certainly going to be different from here on out. After all the cans of worms that had been opened, the skeletons in the closets that had been revealed, perhaps it was a given that nothing would ever be the same from here on out. Trust had been lost, people left and right were leaving, and there was certainly a lot that had to be reformed if anyone could even wish for the Coalition to be trusted again.

Akiko had to wonder if there was enough room in all the multiverse to contain all this malevolence, this hatred, this... despair... but, then again...

"... Well, it is a big multiverse, after all," she mused softly to herself.

And in this great big multiverse... While it certainly had more than enough space to house despair, it was the hope that co-existed alongside that made this place worth existing within. So Akiko Yosano, at the very least, would continue to fight for the sake of good. As would Makoto Naegi. And Kyoko Kirigiri. And Doppo Kunikida. As well as Gwen Stacy and Byakuya Togami. For as long as the Coalition would continue to exist, as well as the United Nations, the Brotherhood of Steel, the Multiverse Emergency Unit, the Future Foundation, and more... Hope would continue to exist, just as strongly as the despair that flowed within the place around them.

She could only hope that everyone would soon be able to overcome the adversaries they found in each other before the true villains of this never-ending story implemented their plan, but for now... Well, as was just said, all she could do was hope.

And fragile as it may be, hope was what sparked redemption. For the Coalition, and for everyone.

Cast List
@Gummi Bunnies as Add and Elesis (Elsword)
@DBZ7 as Anna (Fire Emblem)
@Nater Taters as Artyom Chyornyj (Metro)
@Jeremi as Bekka and Red Tornado (DC Comics)
@Wren as Bradley Martin Holland (OC)
@CrunchyCHEEZIT as Deoxys (Pokemon)
@Archwar as Doomguy (Doom)
@Crimson Spartan as Erron Black (Mortal Kombat)
@Ringmaster as Lucifer Anghelscu and Saber Alter (Murder Series / Type-Moon)
@Crow as Maki Kido and Madoka Karasuma (Idolmaster OC)
@Atomyk as Makoto Naegi (Danganronpa)
@Klutzy Ninja Kitty as Princess Ilona of Arendelle (Murder Series) and Train Heatnet (Black Cat)
@Raven as Piper Wright (Fallout)
@Cirilla as Mercy (Overwatch)
@darnerdemons as Miko Wanijima (Air Gear OC)
@Krieg as Jon Snow (Game of Thrones)
@C.T. as Qrow Branwen (RWBY)
@BarrenThin as Reinhardt Wilhelm and Genji Shimada (Overwatch)
@Minerva as Robin Aquilus and Corrin (Fire Emblem)
@york as Ruby Rose and Zwei (RWBY)
@Kaykay as Sakuya Izayoi and Remilia Scarlet (Touhou Project)
@LuckycoolHawk9 as Scott McCall and Stiles Stilinski (Teen Wolf)
@Yun Lee as Shi-Long Lang (Ace Attorney)
@pubbbb as Shigeo "Mob" Kageyama (Mob Psycho 100)
@Verite as Shiki Tohno and Len (Type-Moon)
@The Tactician as Shizuo Heiwajima (Durarara!!)
@Takumi as Toboe (Wolf's Rain)
@Yang Lee as Uncle Iroh (Avatar)
@Hospes as Weiss Schnee and Winter Schnee (RWBY)
@Josh M as Wynne (Dragon Age)
@Sen as Zen (Mystic Messenger)
@Bomb as Zidane Tribal and Bibi Ornitier (Final Fantasy IX)​

Bekka and Lois had regrouped after the final fight was done. Both had battle damage but they had survived much worse. "It's over..." Lois replied looking around on the clean up.

"In more ways than one." Bekka added. "What a mess this turned out to be."

"We survived, the Coalition will one way or another."

"Honestly right now I just want to head back to my home dimension."


"Well for what it's worth I really enjoyed working with you. Despite what you told me about your Lois."

Bekka chuckled. "The feeling is quite mutual. Come on. Let's get out of here."

Both nodded and headed with the rest of the crowd being evacuated. In their mind they both deserved a break.​

"Ah... I'll... keep that in mind."

For once, Add happened to think things through in his head, as if he were actually figuring out that he had done some wrong that his mother wouldn't be so appreciative about. Along with that, he wondered about that first moment that... she had brought him into the Blood Institute, and that he had resisted at first. He had only joined to get revenge against someone who had done him wrong... but now, he wasn't so sure if he should continue what he was doing.

... but he wasn't going to overthink this, it wasn't like him to really logically think of things with a moral compass above him.


"Oh right! I didn't want to keep my best friend waiting! Thanks for the reminder!"

Despite picking up his usual crazily hyperactive behavior, it wasn't the same to the usual madness that Add showed to people on a daily basis. Something really had changed him... the moment he had taken the Dark El into this body. When you would mention something about Shizuo to him, he would peep up at the bartender through a time rift. However, this time he only walked up to the man...


"Er... hey... Shizuo, so all of this is over, huh? That also means that I won't be sticking around anymore, people here most likely know what I'm really up to..."

Probably for the absolute first time, Add was acting somewhat civil, and not trying to mess with anybody. All that he showed right now was actual honesty, and people would guess that Add had completely changed on a whim... It would've been obvious that he had been acting, but this probably... wasn't the case.


"... so mind telling Kofuku-chan that Addy-chan said hi to her?"

@Crow @The Tactician


For a moment, Shizuo simply glared the shorter man, his temper threatening to flare up again. His free hand, devoid of his lighter as the other held his smoke, clenched for a moment, balling into a fist... Before loosening as he relaxed and took another breath of the cigarette smoke.


"Fine... but you had best not cause any more trouble for anyone, got it?"
Artyom sighed loudly when he realized, it was over, after what felt like an eternity, the fight was over, and it had seemed everything had settled down. It appeared a lot of the others were gathering there things and preparing to leave this place. The ranger stood to his feet and looked over at Train, the ex assassin seemed pretty relaxed, for someone who almost got stabbed to death.

"It seems we'll be parting ways soon...." He paused, a little sad he would return home to such a hopeless place, this place would be paradise compared to The Metro.

"What are you going to do next? Go home?" He asked Train, curious what he planned to do after they left this place.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
Artyom sighed loudly when he realized, it was over, after what felt like an eternity, the fight was over, and it had seemed everything had settled down. It appeared a lot of the others were gathering there things and preparing to leave this place. The ranger stood to his feet and looked over at Train, the ex assassin seemed pretty relaxed, for someone who almost got stabbed to death.

"It seems we'll be parting ways soon...." He paused, a little sad he would return home to such a hopeless place, this place would be paradise compared to The Metro.

"What are you going to do next? Go home?" He asked Train, curious what he planned to do after they left this place.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty

After the conflicts were finally over, Train approached Arty walking casually with his hands behind his head. Just as the man had assessed, the bounty hunter was rather relaxed. He was more than used to life and death situations, not bothered in the slightest by danger or the fact that he had been critically injured only a few minutes ago.

"While I'd like to just go home and forget this ever happened, I have a job to do," Train told his friend, smiling slightly. "My friend is still missing and I promised I would always be there for her. So I won't rest until she's found. I refuse to go home without her," he explained. "So, I think what I'm going to do is join the UN. The Coalition didn't help me as much as I had hoped they would, so maybe they'll be able to do something for me."

The ex-assassin shrugged, seeming unsure. For all he knew, the UN wouldn't be able help either. Still, he couldn't just give up. Giving up wasn't in his nature. He would press on and look for Eve even if it was the death of him. All he hoped was that the UN wouldn't get him caught up in a bunch of business that didn't matter to him, much like the Ilona business.

"Anyhow, what about you? Got any plans after this is all over?" he questioned.

@Nater Taters

After the conflicts were finally over, Train approached Arty walking casually with his hands behind his head. Just as the man had assessed, the bounty hunter was rather relaxed. He was more than used to life and death situations, not bothered in the slightest by danger or the fact that he had been critically injured only a few minutes ago.

"While I'd like to just go home and forget this ever happened, I have a job to do," Train told his friend, smiling slightly. "My friend is still missing and I promised I would always be there for her. So I won't rest until she's found. I refuse to go home without her," he explained. "So, I think what I'm going to do is join the UN. The Coalition didn't help me as much as I had hoped they would, so maybe they'll be able to do something for me."

The ex-assassin shrugged, seeming unsure. For all he knew, the UN wouldn't be able help either. Still, he couldn't just give up. Giving up wasn't in his nature. He would press on and look for Eve even if it was the death of him. All he hoped was that the UN wouldn't get him caught up in a bunch of business that didn't matter to him, much like the Ilona business.

"Anyhow, what about you? Got any plans after this is all over?" he questioned.

@Nater Taters
Artyom just chuckled when Train asked what his plans were after this was over. There was really nothing he could do but go home and try to live a quiet life, which was almost impossible in The Metro

"I'll go's not like I have anywhere else to go, all my friends and family reside in The Metro,as tempting as it is to move somewhere on the surface, I can't just leave them behind...there is no home for me but The Metro." He said sadly, looking down at his feet. When Train brought up his search for Eve, Artyom looked back up

"I could get The Order to look for Eve throughout The Metro, and contact you if we find anything. I'll have to say though, don't get your hopes up...The Metro isn't kind to newcomers."

Artyom paused once before turning to Train, he walked over to the smaller man..staring him straight in the eye with an unreadable expression

"Before I leave....I do have to ask this....What's it like....on the surface?"
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