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Chris Redfield, Claire Redfield, and Aqua: Epilogue - So Long, Farewell

With the great battle finally over, it seemed like it was time to go home. But of course, how would you get home? The portal that the Coalition forces arrived in seemed to be one-sided and gone. However, it seemed like a good thing that Chris Redfield thought ahead, as he produced what appeared to be a small panel from his pocket, pressing a button on it.

Suddenly, a portal would appear and out from it would appear a strange school bus with an orange-haired woman driving it!


"You rang for the Magic School Bus?" The woman asked, her doors opening up and welcoming anyone and everyone who would require a ride home.

"I did. Thanks for showing up, Ms. Frizzle," Chris nodded with a grateful smile, giving her a brief thumbs up, "If ah... you would be so kind as to give these nice people here a lift home?"

"Of course! That's why you called me here, right?" The lady named Ms. Frizzle replied earnestly with a smile and a nod, "Did you give that Arch Demon a special shot just for me?"

Yes, Ms. Frizzle is a member of the Coalition. I'm serious.

"Aha... No, I didn't. Sorry about that," Chris said sheepishly, seeming to soften up as he talked with the bus driver, "I was... too focused on Wesker."

"Ah, you don't have to say sorry. I guess too many cooks spoil the broth anyway."

"Yeah... Well, sorry. Sorry that I won't be able to stick around. Sorry that I couldn't have stayed with you guys longer," he suddenly said, as if he were saying a goodbye.

And he was.

Most people would have assumed that he meant that he was simply going to go back to his home world, if not for one small detail. His body began to fade slowly, becoming transparent like a ghost, his body glowing blue as if the strange energy that gave Claudia Wolf her power was leaving him.

And it was.

Like Claire Redfield's Paradise, he was a product of Claudia Wolf's powers. And thus, with that woman dead, with no one to supply his life force, he was collapsing. He was close to disappearing. Very close. It was honestly a miracle that he had lasted this long. Who knew what the reason was? Perhaps it was his sheer willpower. His sheer force of will to remain, just so that he could say goodbye to Claire.

As cliche as it was, maybe love conquered all sometimes.

"Ah, it's as I say. Take chances, make mistakes, get messy," she said with a smile, briefly patting Chris on the head like he was one of her students, "You stuck your neck out for the people you cared for, and that's the most important part. Speaking of which, you have some goodbyes to give to people far more important than me. Isn't that right? Now, if you'll excuse me..." Ms. Frizzle said, grabbing her mic, "All aboard the Magic School Bus if you want to get home safely!"

Well, that was pleasant.

So yeah, if you wanna get home safely and do your stuff, I'd suggest you hop on board the bus, and then you'll be free to your own devices.

Approaching Jill, he'd scratch his head briefly and awkwardly. What was there to say?

"Well... I guess this is it," Chris said reluctantly, "Sorry that I had to come back to you, only to have to leave like this, partner. But it's not like I have a say in this," he sighed, scratching the back of his head.

"Well... I guess it's not like I didn't know this was coming. I thought I was preparing myself... but it still hurts," Jill said, giving an awkward laugh at herself, as if attempting to lighten the mood, "It still hurts. My old partner... my best friend... Seeing you leave again, I can't get used to that."

"Yeah, I guess so..." He nodded, "I didn't want to leave you either. But it can't be helped. That's not the important thing. Listen... you'll keep your word, right? You'll take care of Claire while I'm gone?"

"What kind of question is that? Of course I will! It'd be in bad taste to not grant a dying man his last wish after all," Jill replied, her voice almost cracking up for a moment there, "Either way, I've... made my peace. I've believed Chris Redfield to be dead for a long time anyway, so all I'll say to you is... You're a jerk, you know that? Even if you're not the exact same, you came back into my life and now you're leaving again, just as quickly..."

"Yeah... I guess I'm really just the worst, huh?"

And then something happened that he didn't expect.

Jill Valentine got on her tippy toes, leaned in, and kissed Chris Redfield on the cheek.

She wished she had something witty to say, like maybe "That's why I like you though" or "But you're my jerk," but really, she couldn't bring herself to say something dumb and cheesy like that at a time like this though. So that was all she could do.

Chris blinked in mild surprise, rubbing his head with his hand somewhat uncomfortably, until the woman would speak again.

"Anyway... I guess there's not much to say. We've already made our peace, huh? I don't want you to get all sappy and tell me how much I mean to you, because I already know what you're probably thinking. So... goodbye, Chris. I'll miss you."

In a sense, she was right. It happened when you worked with someone for almost fifteen years. You naturally get to know a lot about them. Their patterns, their mannerisms, everything.

"Yeah... I'll miss you too."

"Anyway, you've got one more goodbye to exchange. So you go do that before it's too late, alright?"

"Yes, ma'am," he nodded, patting Jill on the head briefly, almost ruffling her hair a bit if it weren't for her baseball cap.

With his body slowly, bit by bit, disappearing and wearing away, he approached his little sister. Claire Redfield, who had sinned in the past. Claire Redfield, who had worked to absolve herself of those sins. Claire Redfield, who had wronged others and worked to undo those wrongdoings.

Not only exhausted, but covered in blood and dirt from the previous battle as well, Claire would normally have felt self-conscious about her appearance. Her elation over the battle being finally over trumped everything else going through her mind. She turned to Chris as he approached, grinning wildly, feeling as if her whole life had finally found meaning.

Her joy was short-lived however, once she saw the state of her brother.

"No... Chris... Please don't--"

Chris's life flashed before his eyes a bit as he slowly disappeared. There was a time when his main concern wasn't the threat of zombies and bioterrorism, wasn't there? Yeah... once upon a time, many of his concerns were about the Air Force, wondering if the motorcycle he built with Claire would actually function well, the works.


There was once a time when he lived without any worry about those kinds of things.

Trying his best to keep from tearing up, Chris would hug Claire tightly, wrapping his firm arms around her. With a man like him, whose heart was the only thing bigger than his muscles, he definitely made sure that she could feel his heart with how close they were, metaphorically or literally.

"Sorry..." He mumbled once again, kissing Claire on the forehead, "I didn't know how to tell you. I didn't know... what you might have done if you'd find out," Chris spoke, "But this is the way it's supposed to be, Claire. Nothing can change that. It's a real shame though. I would have liked to build one last bike with you before I'd have to go, but I guess it's not as convenient as that, is it?"

"Y-You..." Claire's mouth wouldn't work. How could she even begin to process this?

Jill could only stand in the background, more busy fighting to keep her tears away than anything else. The goodbye was heart-breaking for her as well. After all, she had spent so much time trying to avenge the death of her world's Chris, and when he would come back to her, even if it was a different incarnation of him, she'd have to say goodbye to him once again.

"Still... At least I get to say goodbye to you this time. Claire, I just want you to know... that I love you more than anything. You are the best thing that's ever happened to me. I could never have asked for a better little sister," Chris said, pulling away so that he was face to face with her. He would give a soft smile, before speaking again.

"You're so short. Or maybe I just got a lot taller than I remember. I remember when you were younger, we were talking about how you'd be as tall as me one day... Those were the days, weren't they? Well, in any case, I'll always love you no matter what, Claire. Don't forget that. I'll always be with you. In here," he whispered, tapping the spot on his body where his heart would be.

Claire couldn't hold back any longer; Tears rolled down her face yet again. She had thought she was done crying for a long time, but how foolish she was to dare think that.

It was rare for Chris to be this sappy. Granted, he was always a sort of well-meaning, emotional person when it came to this, but he was rarely this touchy-feely and whatnot. Then again, maybe it was because he didn't get many chances to be like so.

Still, it was hard to say goodbye.

"So... goodbye."

But he had to anyway.

"Goodbye..." He repeated, and with that, his body had disappeared from reality. Chris Redfield had ceased to exist with that.

Claire had still been holding on to her brother as he disappeared. Now she was just holding on to air. Her eyes changed in appearance to their regular appearance, her powers disappearing along with her brother. Her hands fell limply to her sides as the heavy realization came over her-- this was real. It happened. Chris was gone, again, along with Sherry and the world that Claire had fought so hard for. It was all gone, leaving Claire with the hard truth that everything she had done in the last decade of her life had been for nothing.

Claire collapsed on to her knees, silently sobbing to herself.

Meanwhile, shortly before Claire's conversation with her brother, a very battle-worn Aqua ran with newly-acquired, invigorating speed as she hunted to find the red-head. Her armored boots clanked on the ground when she moved. The keyblade master's armor was scratched, dented, and cracked in some areas while under her armor Aqua's skin was bruised and sore. But Aqua couldn't feel any of the pain on her body; she was too focused on the joy she felt in her heart to even notice.

She shouted a victory cry into the sky and summoned her keyblade, lifting it above her head. "It's over! We did it!" she cheered, shooting from her weapon celebratory, colorful bursts of fireworks into the air that squealed and crackled as they exploded. She then allowed her keyblade to fade from her hands, continuing to run with a smile from ear-to-ear on her lips.

As she ran, Aqua picked pieces of her armor off, tossing them away. The battle was entirely over! She almost couldn't believe it! All Aqua wanted to do now was forget all about the fighting and enjoy this moment with the one person who had been her greatest ally and friend throughout this entire ordeal.

"Claire!" she called, eventually spotting the woman from behind. "Clai--" Aqua cut herself off and stopped running, going silent as she did. She had caught Claire at the end of her conversation with Chris, her eyes widening as he disappeared in front of them.

When Claire dropped to her knees crying, Aqua felt her joy halted. Her lips clamped shut for a moment and she honestly had no idea what to say. Claire had just lost the one person who meant most to her. Chris was everything in Claire's heart; when Claire talked about him before, Aqua could see the love in her eyes. The hurt reminded Aqua of the time she had found out she lost her master, only the pain Claire felt was certainly worse--her brother was all she had.

Silently, Aqua approached Claire and knelt down by her, gently placing a hand on her back. "Now you know... that you were wrong. He did recognize that you changed. He never shunned you. He loved you in the end. He was proud of you."

Claire didn't say anything at first, her eyes transfixed on the ground. How could it all be gone? Just like that? She reached up without really thinking, grabbing at Aqua's arm to pull the other woman's hand closer to her. She held Aqua's hand tightly, as if letting go would mean she would be swept away.

"This is my punishment. I shouldn't have thought..." Claire lowered her head, bringing her free hand to hold her forehead. "I shouldn't have thought I deserved so much. I know he loved me. He's always loved me, but now he's just gone."

When Claire grabbed her hand, Aqua pulled it close to her--gripping it with both of her hands. She shook her head. "No, you mustn't think that way. It's only a punishment if you make it out to be one. Chris wouldn't want you to see it like that. He would want you to be proud of what you did and not see the results as a punishment. Because of the wrongs you helped right, you've assisted in protecting so many other lives. Now, there are many others who won't lose their homes, their loved ones, or the things that matter to them. Imagine, there are other girls out there who will never have to lose their brothers now all because of what you did..." Aqua looped her fingers through Claire's, continuing to keep a hold of her hand. "And he's not gone entirely. He never will be so long as he's in your thoughts and memories. I know that seems hard to grasp after just having lost him but... I'm right here. You're not alone."


Claire's voice caught in her throat. Everything Aqua was saying made sense. It was all beautiful to think about, but it ultimately did little to dissuade Claire's sudden pangs of guilt. Everything was gone now. Wasted. Worthless. Her life up to this point one grand joke that she played on herself.

"All those people I've wronged... All of it was for nothing. I hurt them all ruined their lives for nothing. No reason but pain and to prolong that sick bastard's life." With that other Claire gone, this Claire was now the despicable one here. Claire still held on to Aqua tightly, but she couldn't look her in the eye. "I know you're going to disagree because you're so..." Amazing. "I don't deserve you, Aqua."

Unable to stand watching Claire talk herself down any longer, Aqua gently tilted Claire's chin up with one of her hands. "Hey, you were a different person then. You've changed; the fact that those bad things bother you now proves it. We all make mistakes, Claire. And in the end, you've done your best to make up for them--as have I with my own mistakes. I'd say, for a couple of ex-traitors, we haven't done half bad," she said, smiling gently.

She dropped Claire's hands and pulled her into a hug. "By the way, I do disagree with you. Everyone deserves to have people who care about them. And I..." care about you more than you know "couldn't have made it through this without you. I've always relied on the connections in my heart to keep me going. You've become part of my strength. Thanks for... being there for me." She pulled back from the hug a little, still smiling. "So there you have it. You haven't ruined every life you've touched. You made my life better."

Claire couldn't help herself as she eagerly hugged Aqua back. She felt content being held by Aqua-- so loved. My best wasn't good enough was what Claire wanted to say, but the words died in her throat. "I guess I have done my best. Akibahara's dead, and you're alive. That's all... that should matter..."

Claire went quite for a moment, burying her head into Aqua's shoulders. Her soft tears fell on to the other girl's skin, and Claire whispered a small apology. She pulled back and wiped at her eyes; They felt raw with all the crying she'd done lately. "And you've made my life better too. Everyone's lives, with your sacrifice..." She frowned, shaking her head. "I don't know what I'll do now. Without Chris, without my old life... I know you'll be there for me, Aqua. At least there's that. I'm-- I'm really grateful for... your existence."

"That's right," Aqua agreed, hugging Claire until she pulled back. "And you're alive too. That's also very important." She touched Claire's cheek with the back of her hand, softly wiping off some of the tear-stains. "If I had to do it over again, I'd still sacrifice myself. The only regret I have from that time is having made you cry so much." Aqua sighed. "You've been hurt and have cried a lot. But it's all right; you can cry as much as you need to until you feel better. I'll wipe every tear until you don't feel like crying anymore. You're special to me and... as you said, I'll be there for you."

She paused, thinking over Claire's words before smiling again. "Are you sure you don't know what you'll do now? I happen to recall you promising to travel with someone. She's been alone for a very long time now and could use the company. She wanted to show you a few places like... a world made up of the most amazing garden you'd ever see and a world that throws different festivals all year long. She was also hoping you'd show her those things you mentioned like movies and dancing..." Aqua's cheeks flushed slightly red and she rubbed the back of her own head sheepishly. "...because she's good with a keyblade, but clueless with things like that. So long as you're still interested, of course."

Claire smiled at this a little, almost moved to laughter. "And we still needed to find her friends." She reached out and softly touched Aqua's shoulder. "I don't know where I'll show you those things now... but we'll find a way. Maybe we'll enjoy ourselves for once in our lives. It'll be hard moving on from this, I know, but... we'll find a way."


The smile on Aqua's face widened a bit when she saw Claire was already able to show a little smile, albeit a small one. She was glad something she had said might've made her feel at least a little bit better. It would take time, but Aqua knew that Claire--and even herself--would be able to put the events of the past behind them.

"Right, Terra and Ven are waiting for me. I'm sure we'll find them somewhere out there." Aqua stood up and offered a hand to Claire to help her up. "Of course, together," she replied, helping her stand. "I'm not sure what kind of worlds might have things like that either, but that's the beauty of it. We can explore new places while figuring it out." Aqua stood back and summoned her keyblade within a flash of light in her hand. "And... if you're ready to go now, I'll call my ride."

Although she hadn't mentioned it to Claire yet, there was one last thing Aqua needed to take care of: her cracked and damaged heart. She intended to ask Claire--one of the people she trusted most--to help her fix it, of course, but she didn't want to bring it up just yet. Claire was just recovering from the shock of her brother dying, after all. Aqua didn't want to give her any more to think about after such a terrible thing had just happened to her. For now, her heart was stable and could handle being injured just a little longer.

Waving her keyblade like a wand, Aqua produced a glowing portal in the sky. It was a method of travel her master liked to call The lanes between. She then waved her key a second time to adorn herself in her armor. Lastly, Aqua tossed her keyblade into the air, watching as it transformed into her glider before waving a hand to call it down. She likely could have materialized it a bit faster than she did, but the master was totally showing off. Showing off wasn't what she normally did either, but she knew Claire liked interesting rides. Subtly, she was already making attempts to cheer her up a little more, and maybe even impress her.

She took the helmet of her armor off her head and placed it in Claire's hands. "Here, wear this just as a precaution." She then walked over to her glider, climbing on it before offering a hand to Claire to help her get on as well. Once the both of them were situated, Aqua would fly them out through the portal she had created. She wasn't sure where she would take them first, but that's what made it exciting. The war was over, and they were finally free... to live.

Collab by Atomyk, Klutzy Ninja Kitty, and Verite
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Jake had managed to get Stitch before Aki fell. The group then headed to the ground. Jake waiting till everyone was off before shifting back into his usual form.


Stitch looked at the group.

@Lizzy @Wedge Antilles @FireDrake150

(I plan on having a huge epilogue for these two and well Raven Jack and Wuya Will be well short... But for now if anyone wishes to interact I'm game)​
"New Dawn"

As all of the attacks overwhelmed the Arch Demon, he would let out a loud screech that would be heard throughout the entire battlefield, wailing in pain as the attacks beat and beat him, from gunshots to knives, to magical power to lasers, and much more, his entire body fell to the ground, lying on his stomach as he struggled to get up, his crimson blood getting all over the place.

"You... You're all trash! Death, death! I'll... kill you! I'll kill you! I'll... kill... !" He threatened in a choked voice, gasping his last breath, and gradually dying down with those last words. He gritted his teeth, his yellow eyes full of pure hatred, as he struggled desperately to move. And then...


He ceased to move.

He was dead.

The Arch Demon was gone.

Arch Demon Akibahara was dead for good.

"He's... He's dead. It's finally over," Chris breathed in relief, looking over at the sites where Albert Wesker and the evil Claire Redfield once were. What a mess it was. But at least it was all done now. The battle was over. And so was the war, as far as he was concerned. He dropped his empty grenade launcher, wiping sweat off his brow shortly afterwards.

Phew. What a journey.

Jill would nudge him on the chest, giving a smile. "You alright there? I know you're supposed to be older than the Chris I knew, but if you're gonna be like some old man who can't go with a good exercise..." She said somewhat playfully.

"Heh, same as always."

"Maybe. So... what'll happen to the Coalition now?"

"Who knows?" Chris shrugged, looking over at his fellow comrades, "They might disband... maybe stick around and be like the multiverse police. Who knows?"

"Heck yeah!"


"We totally did it! I feel so powerful!" Leia pumped her fists into the air as a victory dance. She had come out of the battle relatively unscathed and was feeling mighty proud of it. Ludger laughed, watching her, but he became solemn once he saw the look on his other friend's face.

"I guess Leia already told her," Alvin muttered, looking toward Claire. The woman seemed to be holding herself, laughing at the realization the battle had come to an end. Alvin looked back to Ludger, who nodded to confirm his suspicions. "Right... Despite how we went about it, I think it was for the best that we had her here." Sighing, the man rubbed at the back of his neck. "Hell, it worked out all right, didn't it? I can't wait to finally relax..."

Revan watched as the Demon and all of his servants fell, some by the assistance of himself and his associates. His sabers deactivated. The roll they had played was over. This war was over. The Revanchist almost felt relieved... but he knew everything was far from over.


Armor and cloak tattered, he waded through the sea of Crossed, zombie, and allied corpses. So many dead... but at a price he was more than willing to pay. His destination wasn't far.

Revan the Butcher was on the prowl, now, and he had his eyes set on his last aspiration for this battle... for Akibahara wasn't his only target, by any means.

Reaching out with his mind, he 'spoke' to Vlad and Anders as he neared his target. Be ready to go.

Rex had outlived both his usefulness and out stayed his welcome as Revan's associate.


It was time to be rid of the problem.

Without hesitating, he cleaved Rex's head from his shoulders in one, fluid motion. The area would have stunk of burnt flesh, if it wasn't already filled with the metallic scent of blood.

"... Rex."

Shocked gasps and murmurs replaced the excitement of their long fight finally being over. Makoto tried to speak, but his voice came out as a mere whimper. He moved slowly at first, shocked at the sight of his beheaded friend. Anders moved in to block Makoto from Revan, but that only prompted Makoto to try to rush at him anyway. The mage's eyes glowed blue as a blast of magic shoved the boy back.

"H-How could you?!" Makoto cried, stumbling back on to his feet. "What is the meaning of this?!" The boy's blind rage was keeping him from seeing what was likely happening here.

Nothing showed through his mask, but Revan's voice betrayed plenty. He felt distaste for Makoto. For all of them. "Because, boy... we are finished. G.O.R.E. is finished. Goodbye. Good riddance."

"You..." Makoto shook his head, daring to step forward.

"Makoto," Ludger said, stepping close. "We can't." He looked upon Revan, now backed up by all the members of what was formerly GORE. It was always known that they were the Coalition's real source of firepower-- attacking them would be a foolish action.

"He's right," said Kieran from Makoto's communicator. "Stand down, Makoto."

The boy shook with visible rage, but had the sense to back off. "You were the leak. All of you. You're despicable."

Revan chose not to respond. He pressed a button on a peculiar little device on his wrist, and he, Vlad, Anders, and the rest of the former GORE group vanished, leaving behind nothing but Rex's motionless corpse.

A portal would open up after this, a teenage girl stepping out of it. She looked around briefly, a frown on her face. As the portal closed, the girl would speak...


"Riley... Where is Riley?"

As the last of the enemies were disposed of, Kotomine attempted to clean his hands of the blood that he had spilled when fighting. Rin did the same, grumbling a bit, though seemingly in higher spirits than the priest.

"How disgusting."

"Well, not that I disagree, but you seem awfully down in the dumps for someone who just aided in defeating a supposedly massive multiversal threat."

"My coat is dirty."

Meanwhile, as Shiki would be caught by Izana and his group, before being handed over to Iris Heart, he would breathe a relieved sigh, presumably relaxed now that he was alive.

"Oh, jeez. I'm never doing anything like that ever again," he mumbled to himself, and perhaps to Iris Heart as well. Still, the strength in his legs would give away and he would fall on his back, and yet, he was smiling, as though content.


"Oh, jeez. We did it. We actually did it."

This had truly been a long time coming.

Now, those who had lost their lives to the Arch Demon could rest easy now. As cheesy as it sounded, his reign of terror had finally been brought to an end. It was all over. This world, Akibahara's dimension, began to dissipate forever. It was a slow process, and you all had more than enough time to relax.

The curtains had come for The Ultimate Murder Game.

For now... you should all just rest. Don't worry about anything else. You've all deserved it.

@Atomyk as Claire Redfield [Resident Evil]
@FireDrake150 as Izana [Original Character] and Ace [Final Fantasy]
@Gummi Bunnies as Red [Pokemon] and Rinato Dormi [Original Character]
@BarrenThin as Lisa Castle and Frank Castle [Marvel Comics]
@The Tactician as Kazuya 'Abel' Mineshigi and Naoya 'Cain' Mineshigi [Devil Survivor]
@Verite as Shiki Tohno [Type-Moon]
@Krieg as Jon Snow [Game of Thrones]
@TheBombMan as Plutia [Hyperdimension Neptunia] and Gnar [League of Legends]
@Emperor Palpachu as Darth Vader, R2-D2 [Star Wars] and The Doctor [Doctor Who]
@Mari as Bayonetta [Bayonetta]
@Klutzy Ninja Kitty as Aqua [Kingdom Hearts]
@Hospes as Teresa Agnes [Maze Runner] and Ridley Duchannes [The Caster Chronicles]
@york as Sophie [Cry of Fear] and Ruby Rose [RWBY]
@TheColourlessRainbow as The Charmed Ones [Charmed]
@Mtntopview as Frenzy [Transformers]
@Mighty Roman as Joseph Aniphage [Original Character/The Noble Magi]
@DapperDogman as Soul 'Eater' Evans [Soul Eater] and Ulysses [Fallout]
@Proxymoron as Nicki Minaj [Real Life]
@Nassi as Dante [Devil May Cry]
@MrDubWubs as Vi [League of Legends]
@Thuro Pendragon as Ezio Auditore and Desmond Miles [Assassin's Creed]
@Infinatis as Grail Trigadon [Original Character] and Specter Knight [Shovel Knight]
@M a r s as Lucy Heartfilia [Fairy Tail]
@Ryu Keiko as Ryu Keiko [Original Character]
@Josh M as Travis Touchdown [No More Heroes]
@Jenny as Margaery Tyrell and Loras Tyrell [Game of Thrones]
@Maddeline as Emily "Hunter" Grimes [Original Character/End the Cycle]
@Librarian Cat as Corvo Attano [Dishonored]
@Raven as Jake Long [American Dragon] and Stitch [Lilo and Stitch]
@TheBlueBurch as Chloe Price [Life is Strange]
@Jeremi as Storm and Crusader [Marvel Comics]
@SirDerpingtonIV as Nito [Dark Souls]
@Wedge Antilles as Legolas Greenleaf [The Lord of the Rings]
@Sandra as Sylveon and Umbreon [Pokemon]
@Dinoteen as Cell [Dragon Ball Z]
@OrlandoBloomers as Maxine Caulfield [Life is Strange]
@Schnee Corp Lawyer as Alice Margatroid [Touhou]
@ShadowPrime as Felix [Red vs Blue]
@Banana Soiree as Harry Hart/Galahad [Kingsman: The Secret Service]
@OrionsHammer as Belphegor [Dark Souls]
@Unlimited RP Works as Archer [Type-Moon]
@Chris Lang as Kalifa and Kaku [One Piece]
@Meira as Revya [Soul Nomad & The World Eaters]
@FancyForrest as Wander [Shadow of the Colossus]
@The Silver Paladin as The Lone Wanderer/Riley [Fallout]
@Nater Taters as Booker DeWitt [Bioshock]
@ResistingTheEnlightened as Joshua Graham [Fallout]
@Lizzy as Link and Fi [Legend of Zelda]
@Black Cat as Sarutobi Hiruzen and Toad Sage Jiriaya [Naruto]
@Ivazel as Albert Wesker [Resident Evil]
@Crimson Spartan as Erron Black [Mortal Kombat]
@CrunchyCHEEZIT as James "Jim" Raynor [StarCraft]
@Kaykay as Sakuya Izayoi [Touhou]​
Plutia / Iris Heart Epilogue (1/4)




"Well, and that's that. I'm exhausted, after that huge drawn out boss fight." Iris Heart would say.

Akibanana had been taken down. Finally after going through subplots and quests, her main quest is complete. Hopefully it better reward her well.


"So, you kept your senses? That's good." Iris Heart would say to Shiki. After landing on ground, Iris Heart would then suddenly deactivate HDD.


"Ahh, it ran out. Oh boy. So what now, Shiki-kun? What's with that weird looking bus?"

@Verite @Anyone else who wants to talk to Plutia​
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-Rinato Dormi Epilogue-
Part 1

With a little grin on her face, Lapis couldn't help herself as she ran over to cut out the tongue of the dead Arch Demon. Well, thankfully with her newfound magic, she was able to store the tongue into some unknown place, as if she had the access to dimensional travel thanks to those butterflies...

"Wellll... that was great!" Lapis grinned, stretching her arms upwards as if this whole process was a work out of some kind. Looking over to Red and Pikachu, she realized that the link between her and Red was broken when she died earlier, but she rather not burden him any more with another link at all.

"Hey Red, you did good. That little Pikachu did a ton. I guess it's time for us to part ways... I wouldn't want to drag you into any more messes like these, 'kay?" Lapis smiled towards Red's way, and then pointed out that this was enough for him. He deserved a rest back in his world. Of course, she couldn't tell what he was thinking right now, but the Pokemon Trainer gave her a firm nod. That little Pikachu of his giving a happy cheer that the bad things were over now.

"Alright... I hate saying goodbye... so maybe a 'see you later' is better?" Lapis managed to conjure up a dimensional rift that would lead back to the peak of Mt. Silver,"Don't ask how I got the whole dimensional rift power going... like, weird magic butterflies gave me that power I guess..."

"... yeah... see... you... la..ter.." Red actually managed to say this, but his voice seemed a bit quiet and hoarse. It was like he was trying to talk after not doing so for a long period of time. This actually surprised Lapis, since she thought he was a mute this entire time, and it was only that he refused to use his voice for so long for some reason. With a little wave of his, Red and Pikachu departed through the dimensional rift she had opened, and she closed it as soon as they were through.

Well, now she felt like her power was somewhat redundant considering that their transportation out of here came around... at least Red and Pikachu can hurry along home now.

There were still some things she wanted to talk to Abel about... before they would have to split ways temporarily. In the case of her 'unfinished business,' of course.

"Hey... Abel, since we do have some time before splitting off... I guess we can... you know, talk about things before that time comes?"

@The Tactician
"New Dawn"

As all of the attacks overwhelmed the Arch Demon, he would let out a loud screech that would be heard throughout the entire battlefield, wailing in pain as the attacks beat and beat him, from gunshots to knives, to magical power to lasers, and much more, his entire body fell to the ground, lying on his stomach as he struggled to get up, his crimson blood getting all over the place.

"You... You're all trash! Death, death! I'll... kill you! I'll kill you! I'll... kill... !" He threatened in a choked voice, gasping his last breath, and gradually dying down with those last words. He gritted his teeth, his yellow eyes full of pure hatred, as he struggled desperately to move. And then...


He ceased to move.

He was dead.

The Arch Demon was gone.

Arch Demon Akibahara was dead for good.

"He's... He's dead. It's finally over," Chris breathed in relief, looking over at the sites where Albert Wesker and the evil Claire Redfield once were. What a mess it was. But at least it was all done now. The battle was over. And so was the war, as far as he was concerned. He dropped his empty grenade launcher, wiping sweat off his brow shortly afterwards.

Phew. What a journey.

Jill would nudge him on the chest, giving a smile. "You alright there? I know you're supposed to be older than the Chris I knew, but if you're gonna be like some old man who can't go with a good exercise..." She said somewhat playfully.

"Heh, same as always."

"Maybe. So... what'll happen to the Coalition now?"

"Who knows?" Chris shrugged, looking over at his fellow comrades, "They might disband... maybe stick around and be like the multiverse police. Who knows?"

"Heck yeah!"


"We totally did it! I feel so powerful!" Leia pumped her fists into the air as a victory dance. She had come out of the battle relatively unscathed and was feeling mighty proud of it. Ludger laughed, watching her, but he became solemn once he saw the look on his other friend's face.

"I guess Leia already told her," Alvin muttered, looking toward Claire. The woman seemed to be holding herself, laughing at the realization the battle had come to an end. Alvin looked back to Ludger, who nodded to confirm his suspicions. "Right... Despite how we went about it, I think it was for the best that we had her here." Sighing, the man rubbed at the back of his neck. "Hell, it worked out all right, didn't it? I can't wait to finally relax..."

Revan watched as the Demon and all of his servants fell, some by the assistance of himself and his associates. His sabers deactivated. The roll they had played was over. This war was over. The Revanchist almost felt relieved... but he knew everything was far from over.


Armor and cloak tattered, he waded through the sea of Crossed, zombie, and allied corpses. So many dead... but at a price he was more than willing to pay. His destination wasn't far.

Revan the Butcher was on the prowl, now, and he had his eyes set on his last aspiration for this battle... for Akibahara wasn't his only target, by any means.

Reaching out with his mind, he 'spoke' to Vlad and Anders as he neared his target. Be ready to go.

Rex had outlived both his usefulness and out stayed his welcome as Revan's associate.


It was time to be rid of the problem.

Without hesitating, he cleaved Rex's head from his shoulders in one, fluid motion. The area would have stunk of burnt flesh, if it wasn't already filled with the metallic scent of blood.

"... Rex."

Shocked gasps and murmurs replaced the excitement of their long fight finally being over. Makoto tried to speak, but his voice came out as a mere whimper. He moved slowly at first, shocked at the sight of his beheaded friend. Anders moved in to block Makoto from Revan, but that only prompted Makoto to try to rush at him anyway. The mage's eyes glowed blue as a blast of magic shoved the boy back.

"H-How could you?!" Makoto cried, stumbling back on to his feet. "What is the meaning of this?!" The boy's blind rage was keeping him from seeing what was likely happening here.

Nothing showed through his mask, but Revan's voice betrayed plenty. He felt distaste for Makoto. For all of them. "Because, boy... we are finished. G.O.R.E. is finished. Goodbye. Good riddance."

"You..." Makoto shook his head, daring to step forward.

"Makoto," Ludger said, stepping close. "We can't." He looked upon Revan, now backed up by all the members of what was formerly GORE. It was always known that they were the Coalition's real source of firepower-- attacking them would be a foolish action.

"He's right," said Kieran from Makoto's communicator. "Stand down, Makoto."

The boy shook with visible rage, but had the sense to back off. "You were the leak. All of you. You're despicable."

Revan chose not to respond. He pressed a button on a peculiar little device on his wrist, and he, Vlad, Anders, and the rest of the former GORE group vanished, leaving behind nothing but Rex's motionless corpse.

A portal would open up after this, a teenage girl stepping out of it. She looked around briefly, a frown on her face. As the portal closed, the girl would speak...


"Riley... Where is Riley?"

As the last of the enemies were disposed of, Kotomine attempted to clean his hands of the blood that he had spilled when fighting. Rin did the same, grumbling a bit, though seemingly in higher spirits than the priest.

"How disgusting."

"Well, not that I disagree, but you seem awfully down in the dumps for someone who just aided in defeating a supposedly massive multiversal threat."

"My coat is dirty."

Meanwhile, as Shiki would be caught by Izana and his group, before being handed over to Iris Heart, he would breathe a relieved sigh, presumably relaxed now that he was alive.

"Oh, jeez. I'm never doing anything like that ever again," he mumbled to himself, and perhaps to Iris Heart as well. Still, the strength in his legs would give away and he would fall on his back, and yet, he was smiling, as though content.


"Oh, jeez. We did it. We actually did it."

This had truly been a long time coming.

Now, those who had lost their lives to the Arch Demon could rest easy now. As cheesy as it sounded, his reign of terror had finally been brought to an end. It was all over. This world, Akibahara's dimension, began to dissipate forever. It was a slow process, and you all had more than enough time to relax.

The curtains had come for The Ultimate Murder Game.

For now... you should all just rest. Don't worry about anything else. You've all deserved it.

@Atomyk as Claire Redfield [Resident Evil]
@FireDrake150 as Izana [Original Character] and Ace [Final Fantasy]
@Gummi Bunnies as Red [Pokemon] and Rinato Dormi [Original Character]
@BarrenThin as Lisa Castle and Frank Castle [Marvel Comics]
@The Tactician as Kazuya 'Abel' Mineshigi and Naoya 'Cain' Mineshigi [Devil Survivor]
@Verite as Shiki Tohno [Type-Moon]
@Krieg as Jon Snow [Game of Thrones]
@TheBombMan as Plutia [Hyperdimension Neptunia] and Gnar [League of Legends]
@Emperor Palpachu as Darth Vader, R2-D2 [Star Wars] and The Doctor [Doctor Who]
@Mari as Bayonetta [Bayonetta]
@Klutzy Ninja Kitty as Aqua [Kingdom Hearts]
@Hospes as Teresa Agnes [Maze Runner] and Ridley Duchannes [The Caster Chronicles]
@york as Sophie [Cry of Fear] and Ruby Rose [RWBY]
@TheColourlessRainbow as The Charmed Ones [Charmed]
@Mtntopview as Frenzy [Transformers]
@Mighty Roman as Joseph Aniphage [Original Character/The Noble Magi]
@DapperDogman as Soul 'Eater' Evans [Soul Eater] and Ulysses [Fallout]
@Proxymoron as Nicki Minaj [Real Life]
@Nassi as Dante [Devil May Cry]
@MrDubWubs as Vi [League of Legends]
@Thuro Pendragon as Ezio Auditore and Desmond Miles [Assassin's Creed]
@Infinatis as Grail Trigadon [Original Character] and Specter Knight [Shovel Knight]
@M a r s as Lucy Heartfilia [Fairy Tail]
@Ryu Keiko as Ryu Keiko [Original Character]
@Josh M as Travis Touchdown [No More Heroes]
@Jenny as Margaery Tyrell and Loras Tyrell [Game of Thrones]
@Maddeline as Emily "Hunter" Grimes [Original Character/End the Cycle]
@Librarian Cat as Corvo Attano [Dishonored]
@Raven as Jake Long [American Dragon] and Stitch [Lilo and Stitch]
@TheBlueBurch as Chloe Price [Life is Strange]
@Jeremi as Storm and Crusader [Marvel Comics]
@SirDerpingtonIV as Nito [Dark Souls]
@Wedge Antilles as Legolas Greenleaf [The Lord of the Rings]
@Sandra as Sylveon and Umbreon [Pokemon]
@Dinoteen as Cell [Dragon Ball Z]
@OrlandoBloomers as Maxine Caulfield [Life is Strange]
@Schnee Corp Lawyer as Alice Margatroid [Touhou]
@ShadowPrime as Felix [Red vs Blue]
@Banana Soiree as Harry Hart/Galahad [Kingsman: The Secret Service]
@OrionsHammer as Belphegor [Dark Souls]
@Unlimited RP Works as Archer [Type-Moon]
@Chris Lang as Kalifa and Kaku [One Piece]
@Meira as Revya [Soul Nomad & The World Eaters]
@FancyForrest as Wander [Shadow of the Colossus]
@The Silver Paladin as The Lone Wanderer/Riley [Fallout]
@Nater Taters as Booker DeWitt [Bioshock]
@ResistingTheEnlightened as Joshua Graham [Fallout]
@Lizzy as Link and Fi [Legend of Zelda]
@Black Cat as Sarutobi Hiruzen and Toad Sage Jiriaya [Naruto]
@Ivazel as Albert Wesker [Resident Evil]
@Crimson Spartan as Erron Black [Mortal Kombat]
@CrunchyCHEEZIT as James "Jim" Raynor [StarCraft]
@Kaykay as Sakuya Izayoi [Touhou]​
Riley Peterson Epilogue Part 1/however many happen. I don't know:

Riley knelt on the ground. "I-It's finally... over. It's finally over!" Riley performed a sign of the cross, and stuck his Chinese Assault Rifle in the ground. "We finally did it." Several Brotherhood soldiers high fived, saluted Riley, and looked at Liberty Prime. "Communists Eradicated." The robot said, standing above the Arch Demon's body.

The Brotherhood's Vertibirds landed, and the Brotherhood began gathering their dead and various weapons. One soldier looked at Makoto. "If there is anything the Brotherhood can do for you, just ask. We will be right there. Our mission is to protect humanity." They began loading into the Vertibirds. Autumn, who stood with the Enclave troops on a hill looked at Riley, nodded, saluted, and walked off with his soldiers. Riley looked down at the ground, and the Vertibirds took off, and Liberty Prime deactivated. The Vertibirds picked up Liberty Prime, and began flying off with him.

"I'll get him to you guys soon. Shipping and Handling in the wasteland is a BITCH!" Riley laughed, and looked at Desmond. He brushed off his left shoulder pauldron, picked up the Medical supplies, and slung the rifle on his back. "I have to meet up with the Brotherhood, and do some things at Project Purity, plus Jackson is still out there, so..." He laughed again. "Oh, God. I'm becoming my father." He shook his head, and he heard Junko's voice. Riley looked up. "J-Junko? Y-you're alive?" Riley ran towards her. "I th-thought you died. I'm right here." Riley smiled again. "it's over."

@Thuro Pendragon @Kaykay @Whoever. IDGAF who.
  • Bucket of Rainbows
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-Rinato Dormi Epilogue-
Part 1

With a little grin on her face, Lapis couldn't help herself as she ran over to cut out the tongue of the dead Arch Demon. Well, thankfully with her newfound magic, she was able to store the tongue into some unknown place, as if she had the access to dimensional travel thanks to those butterflies...

"Wellll... that was great!" Lapis grinned, stretching her arms upwards as if this whole process was a work out of some kind. Looking over to Red and Pikachu, she realized that the link between her and Red was broken when she died earlier, but she rather not burden him any more with another link at all.

"Hey Red, you did good. That little Pikachu did a ton. I guess it's time for us to part ways... I wouldn't want to drag you into any more messes like these, 'kay?" Lapis smiled towards Red's way, and then pointed out that this was enough for him. He deserved a rest back in his world. Of course, she couldn't tell what he was thinking right now, but the Pokemon Trainer gave her a firm nod. That little Pikachu of his giving a happy cheer that the bad things were over now.

"Alright... I hate saying goodbye... so maybe a 'see you later' is better?" Lapis managed to conjure up a dimensional rift that would lead back to the peak of Mt. Silver,"Don't ask how I got the whole dimensional rift power going... like, weird magic butterflies gave me that power I guess..."

"... yeah... see... you... la..ter.." Red actually managed to say this, but his voice seemed a bit quiet and hoarse. It was like he was trying to talk after not doing so for a long period of time. This actually surprised Lapis, since she thought he was a mute this entire time, and it was only that he refused to use his voice for so long for some reason. With a little wave of his, Red and Pikachu departed through the dimensional rift she had opened, and she closed it as soon as they were through.

Well, now she felt like her power was somewhat redundant considering that their transportation out of here came around... at least Red and Pikachu can hurry along home now.

There were still some things she wanted to talk to Abel about... before they would have to split ways temporarily. In the case of her 'unfinished business,' of course.

"Hey... Abel, since we do have some time before splitting off... I guess we can... you know, talk about things before that time comes?"

@The Tactician
"Yeah..." Abel rubbed the back of his head, unsure of what to say. It seemed they had finally won and were free to do whatever they wanted before leaving, but what was he really supposed to do? Lapis was going to leave soon to deal with her unfinished business, and she didn't want him to even try to follow her. I'll have to wait for who knows how long... Without any guarantee that she'll come back...

"Lapis, before you leave, I just... I just want to say I love you," a small blush colored his cheeks as he spoke, "And... when you do come back, you won't have to worry... You won't find I ran off or anything..."​
Gnar Epilogue (1/2)

After hours of not joining in the battle, and hours of not doing anything but playing around the whole thing. Gnar was at last... a man.

...Yea I was just kidding. Anyways, now that Akibahara was finished, he went looking for Vi. She should be somewhere around here right?


Doesn't look like she's anywhere near here... Oh well.

Gnar went over to Abel and hugged his leg.



@The Tactician @Gummi Bunnies @whoever else​
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Plutia / Iris Heart Epilogue (1/?)




"Well, and that's that. I'm exhausted, after that huge drawn out boss fight." Iris Heart would say.

Akibanana had been taken down. Finally after going through subplots and quests, her main quest is complete. Hopefully it better reward her well.


"So, you kept your senses? That's good." Iris Heart would say to Shiki. After landing on ground, Iris Heart would then suddenly deactivate HDD.



"Ahh, it ran out. Oh boy. So what now, Shiki-kun? What's with that weird looking bus?"

@Verite @Anyone else who wants to talk to Plutia​
"That bus... Ah, looks like our ticket outta here. Our business is done. I don't suppose you're gonna stay with the Coalition, Plutia?" Shiki asked, slowly getting up and catching his breath, "What are you gonna do now?"

-Pokemon Trainer Red Epilogue-
"A Journey Coming To A Close"

Some time after Red and Pikachu returned to their world, it didn't take long for them to climb down Mt. Silver and starting to ride his bike back towards Pallet Town. The whole experience was like a whole new journey to him, and now that it's over with, he felt that he might as well come back home... it's been awhile since he's departed from his family.


(Just imagine that's Red on the bike, because shit, I can't find anything with him on a bike. xD)

"Pika pika chu!" Pikachu cheered as they were headed toward their home that started it all, perched onto Red's shoulder as he rode his bike towards the area. As they were headed into the entrance of Pallet Town, his home... Red couldn't help but look up at the sky as he got off of his bike.

"..." he thought about all of the distant friends he's now made from that experience, and wished them luck in his head on what they were going to do with their lives next.

As for himself... he thought about challenging the Johto Gyms once he's settled down from the experience, considering that the young trainer from the Johto region, Gold, had beaten both the Kanto and Johto gyms without a sweat.

Like always, there was a journey waiting for Red at every corner.

Gnar Epilogue (1/?)

After hours of not joining in the battle, and hours of not doing anything but playing around the whole thing. Gnar was at last... a man.

...Yea I was just kidding. Anyways, now that Akibahara was finished, he went looking for Vi. She should be somewhere around here right?


Doesn't look like she's anywhere near here... Oh well.

Gnar went over to Abel and hugged his leg.



@The Tactician @Gummi Bunnies @whoever else​
"Awwwwww, hey there, little guy!" Abel cheered, picking the little yordle up and hugging him while petting his head, "So, Gnar... You seem to really like being with me, so maybe you might want to come home with me? You'll get all the treats and pets you want if you do, and I'm sure we can rebuild your kitty army as well. Sound good?"

@Gummi Bunnies @Bomb
"Yeah..." Abel rubbed the back of his head, unsure of what to say. It seemed they had finally won and were free to do whatever they wanted before leaving, but what was he really supposed to do? Lapis was going to leave soon to deal with her unfinished business, and she didn't want him to even try to follow her. I'll have to wait for who knows how long... Without any guarantee that she'll come back...

"Lapis, before you leave, I just... I just want to say I love you," a small blush colored his cheeks as he spoke, "And... when you do come back, you won't have to worry... You won't find I ran off or anything..."​
-Rinato Dormi Epilogue-
Part 2
"Refining of the Crystal"

"I'm sure you'll be waiting for me... I promise I'll be back in one piece. Once I make my way to you, that's probably the only time I'm going to be off on my own... 'kay?" Lapis gave a quirky smile, as if she were a normal schoolgirl discussing things to her boyfriend. To think that she would be acting like this in her first romantic relationship... it was a huge change for her. No doubt on that.

"Love you too," Lapis winked over in his general direction, and for a split second, her diamond birthmark on her cheek glistened from a light reflection. The timing was almost too perfect with that.
"Awwwwww, hey there, little guy!" Abel cheered, picking the little yordle up and hugging him while petting his head, "So, Gnar... You seem to really like being with me, so maybe you might want to come home with me? You'll get all the treats and pets you want if you do, and I'm sure we can rebuild your kitty army as well. Sound good?"

@Gummi Bunnies @Bomb
"Plus, I'm totally fine with Gnar being around. He's just too cute that I can't even say no to the little guy," Lapis happened to say with a cute cheer. As much as she wanted to go home with Abel and Gnar, she still had that unfinished business to attend to. As they were going to board the peculiar bus, Lapis decided to leave off with this...

"Sooo... until then, see you later... because I really do hate saying 'goodbye.'"

@The Tactician @Bomb
-Rinato Dormi Epilogue-
Part 2
"Refining of the Crystal"

"I'm sure you'll be waiting for me... I promise I'll be back in one piece. Once I make my way to you, that's probably the only time I'm going to be off on my own... 'kay?" Lapis gave a quirky smile, as if she were a normal schoolgirl discussing things to her boyfriend. To think that she would be acting like this in her first romantic relationship... it was a huge change for her. No doubt on that.

"Love you too," Lapis winked over in his general direction, and for a split second, her diamond birthmark on her cheek glistened from a light reflection. The timing was almost too perfect with that.

"Plus, I'm totally fine with Gnar being around. He's just too cute that I can't even say no to the little guy," Lapis happened to say with a cute cheer. As much as she wanted to go home with Abel and Gnar, she still had that unfinished business to attend to. As they were going to board the peculiar bus, Lapis decided to leave off with this...

"Sooo... until then, see you later... because I really do hate saying 'goodbye.'"

@The Tactician @Bomb
"Don't worry, I hate saying goodbye as well," Abel responded with a grin before giving a quick kiss on the cheek, "I'll be at home, occasionally leading the world, so don't be a stranger, beautiful diamond~" With that, both he stepped onto the bus and sat down with Gnar in a free seat, ready to head to Abel's home world and settle back in with Naoya who remained quiet as he sat near the bus's back and read a book.

@Bomb @Gummi Bunnies
Raynor Epilogue: Hearts and Minds

The sky had finally cleared, as Raynors men cease their fighting. Hardy marines look up into the clear air, cheering and pumping their weapons into the air. Men of shady pasts hugged and helped eachother up, ensuring a brighter future. Terran dropships slowly descend to the surface, loading up troops and vehicles and bringing them back up to the gargantuan Hyperion battlecruiser, which hung idly in the sky.

All this happiness, but where was the rebel commander? Where was Raynor?

He was right there with them.

The wounded commander had gotten up awhile ago and attempted to assist his allies in the final confrontation with Akibahara himself, but his wounds were too grievous. Just when he got ready to give the Arch-Demon a nice hole in the middle of his head, it seems like his good friends already got the job done. Raynor would be standing on the ridge where most of his forces clumped up, staring up at the sky blankly. He spoke into his communicator "All forces, return to the Hyperion. We're gonna be jumpin' outta here soon". Jim would disable his communicator for a moment, staring out into the battlefield.

If you ever told Jim Raynor that there was a inter-universal war going on between some Coalition and a giant arch-demon, he would of ordered you to stay away from the cantina for awhile and maybe get some sleep. But now? Now Raynor knows about what goes on when he and his boys fight the Dominion. To think that his own war is like a playground fight compared to this whole conflict. It looked hopeless, but the tears, blood and sweat of people from across the multiverse won the war today.

And if they can win this war? Then, hell, who says Raynor cant bring the same kinda blood and sweat against the Dominion?

A large dropship lands behind Raynor, interrupting his thoughts. The doors open and standing there would be Matt Horner. Jim turns around to his friend, smiling and walking over to the door.

"I hope I didnt miss anythin' important."

"We broke into New Folsom, freed some refugees and saved a colony."

"That ain't important?"

Matt pauses, looking to Jim.

"Not as important as what you did here today, sir."

Jim stares at Matt, smiling. The two men sit back in the dropship and chuckle as it takes off towards the Hyperion. "You know, you could give our men another rousing speech for old times sake."

Raynor smirks, opening his communicator and taking a deep breath.

"The war here is over, boys. The war on an Arch-Demon. This was never our war, and we didn't have to get involved with it. I didn't have to get involved with it. We lost alot of good men to a war we shouldn't have even cared for and what do we now, huh? We gonna just go back and fight the Dominion?"

Raynor paused.

"Yes. We are. You know why? Because Mengsk ain't some Arch-Demon Akibahara with an army of zombies and giant monsters. He's just one man, and the fury you boys pulled out today? Hell, we could take down the Dominion and free the whole Korprulu in an afternoon and still have time for a drink. So, yeah, im goin' back to Mengsk. And I said this before and I'll say it again; its our blood and sweat, our hearts and minds that gets the job done. You don't agree? You can step off on the next station. But if you do, then we fight together and we show those bastards what for. Thats how it always whaddya say, men? Ya'll feel goin' for another war?"

The answer was short. But it was loud. And it was the answer that Raynor wanted to hear. It was the answer that fueled a revolution and brought a hundred men to fight today. And it was the same answer that would be bellowed on the assault on Char, Korhal and any other planet that would threaten innocent folk ever again;



-----THE END------

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"Oh, Riley... of course I'm alive. I'm so happy you're here for me. In fact..."


"Once I heard that our destinies were intertwined, I couldn't resist! Fate has chosen this path for us, taking the illusion of free will away from us. It is a very despairing love, isn't it?!" Junko greedily hugged Riley back, a strange grin plastered on her face. "I just know this was how things were meant to be!"

@The Silver Paladin
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"...Well shit. The 'friendship is magic' crowd actually managed to do it." He ran a gloved hand through his hair, the blood of his kills smearing through said hair and splotched all over his face and armor. Whoo, talk about bloodbaths. I had to have killed at least 200 of them or something. And hell, maybe I can still get a share of the bounty for Aki, from the sheer ridiculous amount of people who wanted him dead. Maybe I'll still get that TV the size of a billboard after all!

And about Aki himself...he looked over at the corpse and stumbled towards it, way too tired to run.


♫ Another one bites the dust
Another one bites the dust
And another one gone, and another one gone
Another one bites the dust
Hey, I'm gonna get you, too
Another one bites the dust ♫
"Not so smug now, are ya? Lying there, face in the dirt like a big fucking bitch." He snickered coldly, lighting up another cigarette. "I guess this world will be gone pretty soon too, huh? Better do it while I can, then." He fished through his armor, withdrawing his phone. He outstretched one hand, camera aimed at him as he smirked crookedly and threw up a peace sign with his free hand, standing atop the corpse. "Now I got proof."

He hopped off the dragon, every muscle aching. Hardest damn fight of his life. And he thought the Great War was chaotic. That one battle he had just witnessed...jesus. "I'm gonna be feeling this for a week or two. And...of course there's a fucking bus. All this Disney bullshit, man." ...Still, if it got him home away from this fucking craziness? It could be a goddamn Segway for all he cared.

"I call dibs on some of the bounty money from whoever the fuck. Honestly I guess it'd be fucking easier to say who didn't want this guy dead, am I right? Oh and uh...most of you are alright. Yeah, I don't like you, you don't like me and hey, that's fucking alright. It's like I said, y'know. You should never mix business with pleasure."

He paused, looking around.

"And oi, blue haired fucktard! Where did you put my fucking gun?!"


For his part he stood with a genuine smile, letting his magic power ebb away as the fight was finished. They had done it. Not he alone, but through collective effort of allies, comrades and friends. They had slain a dragon. And everything else besides.


"Thanks. Good fight, everyone. I mean it." He stared upwards. "And Natsu..." He thought of the hero he looked up so highly to. "I can say I'm a true dragon slayer now. Not just with magical strength...but strength of character." He raised an arm in victory.

"Now before we all go separate ways and whatnot..." He grinned wider. "WE GOTTA HAVE A CELEBRATION! GET TO KNOW EACH OTHER IN A PLACE THAT'S NOT THE BATTLEFIELD!" Good times were on his mind.


"It's the only appropriate way to follow an epic fight, with an equally as epic celebration."

@Verite @Atomyk @Krieg @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Anyone really @awesome MG
"Mother's Mercy"

"Everything is a battle, every breath is a war, and I don't think I'm winning anymore"

"Wake up..."

"Wake up."


All she could see is purgatory.

The world around the fallen She-Wolf shifted and mended, a constant, maddening swirl of a seemingly eternal void. No light entered, no light escaped, a world completely submerged into the insanity-provoking concept of true nothingness. A sandbox for a superior being, a mere dimension conjured, an entire existence devote entirely for Mercy. Arising, she stood, looking down at her body. Blood still seeped from her wounds, her right arm mangled, her legs barely able to uphold her petite form, as if they were suspending a ton. Yet, she felt no pain, no ending to her misery, a state of perpetual suffering. Feeling the crimson ooze out of her mouth, a cracky groan of agony escaping her broken lips, Arya fell to her knees, her stoic eyes looking ahead, looking dazed and lost.


"Y-You...y-you b-bastard..."


With each step he took, the world around Arya grew. From the abyss, she could feel the dirt underneath her feet, the gentle yet harsh winds that howled into the dead of night, and the groaning of ancient trees surrounding her like a pack of hungry wolves. With his left hand raised, sparks of red electricity danced, the man who Arya swore to kill standing eerily before her, looking almost amused. There, he stood, as if to give Mercy her final wishes, the man that betrayed her friendship and murdered her best friend and lover. The man who Arya had partially spent six months, locked away in a library, trying to find and kill, at any costs, even her own life if necessary.

And he stood here, just to fucking mock her.

"Miss me?"

"Y'AAAHHHH!!!" she screeched, the bloodied, broken teenager lunging forwards, Needle lousily raised in her left hand. It was hopeless, he is a God, an ascended being that had ironically benefited from the Fusion Incident. Arya herself had once tried that, but lo, had sacrificed all of her abilities to vainly revive Ellie, a sacrifice to her kingdom, her namesake, a sacrifice to feel human. Others may profit, others may find love, redemption, profits, and honor, but what has Arya found? What has her path been? Rejection, disappointment, sorrow, grief, and the struggle against the inevitable. Time after time again, she raised her sword, and time after time again, she fell to the ground.

Feeling a swift kick to her back, Cole merely sidestepping the dying girl's sloppy charge, Cole shook his head, a sickening smile beginning to grow onto his face. Arya, feeling herself collapse, loudly cried out, feeling Needle slip from her hands, reaching down to cradle her festering bullet wounds from her upper chest. All of her adrenaline had been put into that rush, and in an instant, Arya felt weak, crippled, and above all else, shattered. A remnant of former glory, a girl that would go down into history as a traitor, as a pawn to a demon. Nothing more, nothing less, and if her body were to go six feet under, not an ounce of sympathy would be raised, and not a single soul would care.

"Admirable, I'll give you that." Cole softly muttered, beginning to approach the crippled Arya, crouching beside the bleeding girl. Feeling his charcoal sports jacket tugged at weakly, Arya winced, her stoic, ash, wolfish eyes looking up at Cole, her grip onto the man's upper chest like that of an infant to Cole. "Adorable, even, seeing you still fight, after a whole year. In a way, you amuse me, I don't get that often, what being a God now. I'd call you brave, but you aren't, She-Wolf." Cole softly whispered, reaching over, retaining that same, sickening, cruel grin, gently caressing Arya's right cheek, feeling the grime and filth that covered her face.

"Remember all the great times we had together in the Fusion Incident?"


"How I saved your life..."


"How I earned your trust, your friendship..."


"How I killed Ellie before your eyes..."


"And left you to rot."


Cole flinched, hearing that last word, beginning to pick up Arya in her arms bridal style, the same way Arya carried the supposed corpse of her lover into her quarters, only to be gunned down by the servants to the Coalition. She pounded at his chest, squirming, doing her best to escape, Cole looking down upon Arya, grinning with malicious intent. Leaning back against a tree, suddenly, Cole did the unthinkable. Something that soon would horrify Arya, something that confused her at first, but soon realized the truth in her gasping, dying words.

"Someone needs a nap, how about I sing you a lullaby?"

Without answering, Cole began to gently sing a tone. Almost akin to how a father would sing to a baby daughter, only perverted and twisted, a sadistic vibe echoing in his tone. Not an ounce of relief coursed over Arya, faintly hearing in the farthest depths of her mind the beeping and buzzing of medical equipment, a stunning revelation beginning to dawn within her. She wasn't dead, not quite yet, and this was not the afterlife. No, a state of purgatory, a state between life and death, in whence she could still fight. A second chance? A chance to rebuild her roads? Whatever the case may be, Arya squirmed, she kicked, she yelped, as Cole's haunting tune began to echo out.

Stop getting in my way,
I've lost my patience,
when are you going to decay?

I hear you breathing in your room,
block me all you want.
This place will be your tomb.

Soon, Arya felt Cole's grasp escape her, the world crumbling around her once more. A chilly fear crawled under her spine, the blinding white of dull light and the crackle of flame greeting her gaze. Opening her ash eyes slowly and softly, having not been adjusted to pure light, the Lone Wolf felt her heart skip a beat. The scene felt familiar, the Northerners standing before her, the sight of the Bolton lord approaching her, tied to a stake embedded into the snowy earth by ropes constricting her to the firm wood. As a torch was raised before her, the revelation dawned, one that made her gaze widen in pure fear...

My Fusion execution.

"I hope you die in a fire."


She didn't have time to scream before the flames licked at her skin once again, like it had a year ago.

She threw her head back, the agony coursing through her developing body. Skin melted, flesh cooked, bones charred as the flames rose higher and higher. Her voice began the fade, crumbling into a hopeless crackle. What screams could manage fell on deaf ears, her pained eyes gazing down upon faceless Northerners, swearing she could spot a familiar face here and there. Cries to her family, to her friends, to her loved ones rang out, the constant beeping of what sounded like a heart-rate monitor in the distance beginning to slowly accelerate.

As her vision faded, the world shifted once more, Cole a God, intent on torturing the last soul that wished to see him six feet under.

"Hope you get stabbed in the heart."


Instantly, upon the uttering of Cole's next phrase in his torturous lullaby, Arya would find herself suddenly thrown into another world. Her whimpers and cries echoed as she tried to readjust herself, still feeling the pain of course through her entire form. The scene changed once again, to the sight of a familiar wedding, black-and-white Monokuma bears surrounding her from a balcony above, armed with crossbows. Wearing a crown of iron-and-bronze, renowned for being the crown the Kings of Winter used to upheld, Arya winced as the bolts collided against her flesh once more, like it had two years ago, her crown falling off the princess''s head.

My Monokuma execution.

Like it had in the past, she watched as her Northerners in this hall fell to the ground once more, her family and bloodline with their throats silt, weakly crawling over to embrace the dead body of her brother, Robb. Not a tear escaped Arya's gaze, only the somber, eternal gaze of shattered girl, the realization that Cole was here to haunt and torture her with her previous deaths ever since she stepped foot into these games. This was her afterlife, her prison, a puppet for Cole's amusement. Rising up, bolts protruding from her body, she heaved and huffed, feeling the grasp of a man lift her up by the neck. Choking, once, it had been the Bolton lord, but now, it was Cole, who plunged a dagger straight to her heart, causing her world to go black once more.

Before it changed once more, a whisper echoed out.

"Hope you get shot and expire."


Once again, the worlds switched, but this time, with a blast.

Gunfire crashed against her, arrows of a Elvish bow against her flesh, the taunts of a deranged, selfish mercenary, and the mutterings of killers, false prophets, and hired thugs. Unlike the others, it was not as painful, partially because she had just felt it, yet it was the most devastating. Her library, her quarters, what had happened to her which felt like mere hours ago. Half a year of research, to deny death, to find the killer who broke her heart and trust, all gone in the flash of muzzle fire, Gauss ammunition, arrows, and whatever sorts of foul magic that was thrown towards Mercy.

My Butchering...

Instead of Felix approaching her, however, it was Cole, kneeling before Mercy, a soft smile etched on his lip, seeing before him a girl who had suffered her deaths over thanks to him. Only an expression of weariness greeted Cole, Arya promptly spiting crimson at the ascended human, a shaky voice escaping her dying lips.


"What is the fun in that? After all, with the way it sounds, you might not have time left."

A flash once more, and Arya found herself no longer in any world. She no longer bled, she no longer burned, she could only see the dark forest that Cole had originally conjured. Shakily standing up, Arya could no longer pull the facade, yea, she wept. Tears coursed down her face, mixing with her rage, waving Needle about insanely, being tortured and humiliated like some play-doll.


Her demands came upon deaf ears, kicking up dirt, stumbling about, feeling her senses fade in and out. The sound of a heartrate monitor grew in intensity, the sounds of medical staff conversing among one another growing distinct. She could even go as far as to pick out certain key words, but alas, Arya could not trace a singular source of where the sounds originated. Quite simply, the voices were everywhere, and before she knew it, a faint light glistened on the horizon. With her stoic eyes glistening, Arya began to slowly push herself, one step at a time, before Cole began to notice this.

"Nonono, I think you are mistaken."

Cole's omnipresent voice echoed, silhouettes beginning to emerge from the woods around her. Soon, they grew details, and lo, Arya could see them all. Everyone she had met, everyone she had befriended, spited, hated, loved, and remembered. All of their faces began to emerge, their bodies a sickly black, as if they had been formed out of shadows. Yet, they shambled over to Mercy, arms extended, an ominous phrase escaping their lips, as Arya mentally began to recite their names.

Bayonetta, Korra, Cosmo, Robin, Erika, Ellie, Stalk, Kotomine, Touma, River Song, Makoto, Desmond, Ruby, Yang, Bran, Rickon, Sansa, Robb, Mother, Father, Jon...

No happy ending
Will ever find you.
All of these ghosts they're
from deep inside you.

She ran as fast as she could, swinging Needle about half-haphazardly, the light growing in intensity. No, she refused for this to be her game over, not now, not whilst she still lingered in this world. For far too long she had made sacrifices, and she refused to go down in history as just another fool who dared to believe. Feeling their hands tug at her, Mercy cried out, reaching out for the light, giving one last war cry, one last scream for the dream of spring, for the dream of hope.

The dream of life.




Basalt blocks rose to a sky punched with howling stars. The blocks were all that remained of a vast ruined city. It stood in a barren landscape. Barren, but not empty. A wide and seemingly endless column of naked beings-- humans included-- trudged through it, heads down, feet stumbling. This nightmare parade stretched all the way to the distant horizon. Driving the sentient beings were ant-like creatures, most black, some the dark red of venous blood. When one in the walking procession fell, the ant-things would lunge at them, biting and butting, until they gained their feet again. There were young and old alike. Male and female. Teenagers with babies in their arms. Children trying to help each other along. On every face was the same expression of blank horror.

They marched beneath the howling stars, they fell, they were punished and chivvied to their feet with gaping but bloodless bite wounds on their arms and legs and abdomens. Bloodless, because these were the dead. What awaited them was a dead city of Cyclopean stone blocks below a sky that was itself a scrim. The howling stars weren't stars at all. They were holes, and the howls emerging from them came from entities-- alive, all-powerful, and completely insane.

What lie here was an insane truth that would drive a man or woman mad if they were to gaze upon it. The ant-things served those great entities, just as the marching, naked dead served the ant-things.

That is not dead which can eternal lie, And with strange aeons, even death may die.

Somewhere in that marching horde were people that Arya knew. Souls lost amidst the chaos of all universes and doomed to a sterile world below hollow stars, a charnel kingdom where guardian ant-things sometimes crawled and sometimes stood upright, their faces hideously suggestive of the human.

Suddenly, the marching dead turned toward Arya, as if they were aware of her presence. The ant-things did likewise, their mandibles gnashing, their loathsome but intelligent eyes glaring. Overhead, the sky began to tear open with a titanic ripping sound. An enormous black leg covered with tufts of spiny fur pushed through it. The leg ended in a vast claw made of faces. One Arya recognized. It was her brother, Robb Stark, and he was screaming. Another familiar face joined his-- that of Ellie, the girl Arya had come to love. They screamed together, their cries creating a symphony of madness. Arya heard a tenebrous rustling sound as the leg moved through the air, a sound that would give endless nightmares. It reached, it stretched, it touched the ground and scrabbled there like skinless fingers, leaving scorch-marks that gave off thick tendrils of smoke.

The leg's owner wanted one thing and one thing only: to remove the sole intrusion.

It was Mother.

Not a mother, but the Mother.

Arya, an old woman's voice whispered. Come. Come to me and live forever.

You will serve the Great Ones in the Null. No death, no light, no rest.

One day, something will happen. Something always does. And when it does... You will go to Mother.

Arya's eyes burned with a red hot intensity. She screamed and reached upward to touch at her face, feeling as if her eyes were liquefying inside her skull. Everything hurt and everything was wrong. The world before Arya darkened, and the girl found herself drifting away.


Once the war had come to a close, Joshua the composer quickly found himself busy with a few last dealings of business regarding the afterlife. He had to quickly take care of them before he could head back there in person. He spoke to one of his associates on the phone, mulling over the details with them.


"All right, so you've managed to collect all of the souls who died during the Akibahara war? Even the corrupted ones? Great. We'll work on finding a way to purify them so we can put them through a proper trial of the reaper's game. Right, right, yeah, okay..."

He found himself surprised upon realizing something. "Wait, if you've gotten all of the souls, does that mean... you've even managed to get Arya Stark?"


Surprisingly, even the soul of the child sword-wielder had been retrieved. Unlike the others, she was a difficult case to decide on. He felt she had potential, but also felt as if it would be a waste to put someone like her through the reaper's game because of the talent she had already showed. Perhaps he would simply keep her as one of his own until he decided what really should be done with her...

"Yeah, change of plans on the Stark girl. Convert her soul to a reaper. I believe her body is still in tact, so we won't even have to make her a new one. Revive her there. That's all. See you when I get back."

After his business over the phone was taken care of, he had some other things to attend to regarding a couple people in person. He materialized his white wings and flew over to Legolas so he could speak with him.

"I believe we have something to discuss, yes?" the composer began, smiling. "It's the matter of your afterlife task. It was to assist Aqua in making sure her heart got healed. If you failed, you would not only have to pay your own debt, but hers also. Well, it's my pleasure to inform you that she seems to have fixed the problem on her own. Or, at least she plans to. So, you're off the hook, my good elf. And here..." the composer handed him a small bottle with a cork on it. "This is for you, from her. It's a message you might want to read when you get the chance. Anyhow, you're free to go. Enjoy your life, wherever it may bring you." He spread his wings and lifted off into the sky again after handing the item to Legolas.

Joshua then went to the last person he needed to speak with: Teresa. He landed in front of her, holding out a hand to stop her before she could say anything to him. "I think you and I have a few things to talk about," he began, knowing they had more than one topic to broach.

@Hospes @Wedge Antilles @Krieg @Klutzy Ninja Kitty
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"Oh, Riley... of course I'm alive. I'm so happy you're here for me. In fact..."


"Once I heard that our destinies were intertwined, I couldn't resist! Fate has chosen this path for us, taking the illusion of free will away from us. It is a very despairing love, isn't it?!" Junko greedily hugged Riley back, a strange grin plastered on her face. "I just know this was how things were meant to be!"

@The Silver Paladin
"I know nothing of fate or destiny. What do you mean?" Riley saluted to the Brotherhood Paladin waiting by the final Vertibird, which was waiting for Riley's decision. The soldier said something into a radio, and Riley noticed Jackson's body being loaded in. Riley held up a finger to Junko, and shouted to teh soldier. "Do nothing with his body, and await my orders. I have some loose ends to work with now." The Paladins dropped the corpse. Riley turned back to Junko. "Explain what you mean. How were things meant to be?"
"That bus... Ah, looks like our ticket outta here. Our business is done. I don't suppose you're gonna stay with the Coalition, Plutia?" Shiki asked, slowly getting up and catching his breath, "What are you gonna do now?"

Plutia / Iris Heart Epilogue (2/4)


"Really? But I thought Histy would help me get back after defeating Akibanana..."

Just as Plutia said that, one can hear a faint static noise.

zzt.... zzt...

"...-ia.... .......... .... ... .. . -tia.... Plutia, can you hear me?"


A hologram or something appeared in front of Plutia, still somewhat static-y.

"Ahh, It's Histy~~~~"

"And after all the time that I've sent you, that's what you say? (;一_一) I haven't been able to establish a connection for a long time for some reason!
You had me worried! 。゜(`Д´)゜。"

"It's alright, Akibanana has been taken care of."

"Oh really? Well then that is a relief. (˘◡˘)"


"Yep!" Plutia said.

"Huh? Who's that boy next to you? Is he your boyfriend? (◕‿◕✿)"


"Well, if he- HEY! (ʘ言ʘ╬) Plutie! Please come back! There is too much work and..."


A barrage of complaints appeared from this girl.

"Ahh, Nep-chan~~"

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"Don't worry, I hate saying goodbye as well," Abel responded with a grin before giving a quick kiss on the cheek, "I'll be at home, occasionally leading the world, so don't be a stranger, beautiful diamond~" With that, both he stepped onto the bus and sat down with Gnar in a free seat, ready to head to Abel's home world and settle back in with Naoya who remained quiet as he sat near the bus's back and read a book.

@Bomb @Gummi Bunnies
-Rinato Dormi Epilogue-
Part Final

"Refining of the Crystal Heart"

"Don't worry, I hate saying goodbye as well. I'll be at home, ocassionally leading the world, so don't be a stranger, beautiful diamond~"

I felt as if my non-beating heart had actually skipped a beat as soon he kissed me on the cheek... apparently on the cheek with the diamond birthmark on it. I knew it was almost time for us to split when it came to returning to my world... but I wanted at least a few more kisses along the way...

So with a slow lean towards his face, I close my eyes as he let me kiss him straight on the li-


"H-Huh? Oh... sorry about that, Exe... I was just daydreaming again..."

Lapis snapped out of the trance once her contractor had yelled out at her to get her attention. She couldn't help but think over the last time she was with Abel before departing back to her world. That was like... a few days ago at most.

"Jeez, you haven't been yourself lately. Anyways... so you got rid of the new set of targets today? Considering who those targets are... you did get the needed items that our client wants... right?" Exe sighed as she asked this question to Lapis, typing away at her computer. Surprise to some that Lapis's contractor was a girl that looked like she should be in junior high or something.

"Yeah, I did. Take a look for yourself," Lapis rolled her eyes as she pulled out the items from her pockets. These items consisted of a small notebook, an USB drive, and of course, a set of tongues. Before Exe could hold those herself, Lapis took back the tongues, those were her usual lootings from her targets anyways.

"Great! Then I'll just contact the client and it's a job well done! And of course, here's your payment for the job," Exe clapped her hands happily, going through her desk to hand her the payment for doing the task in the first place. Though, she happened to notice that Lapis was possibly spacing out again.

"Sure, thanks... also, another thing," Lapis said with a small smile on her face once she took the payment, one that wasn't the usual "kill-happy" Lapis that Exe knew about,"I'm resigning my job as being your first priority bounty hunter."

"WHAT?! You're... you're RESIGNING?!!!" Exe shot up from her seat, slamming her hands on her desk in the absolute surprise of this choice of hers,"C'mon, I pay you the most, you get the job done the fastest than the other bounty hunters I have around... And if you even think about working for someone else, you'll have a mighty big bounty on your head, Lapis!"

"Good, go do that. That'll be a big waste of your time. I'll be long gone before you can even send out those hunters after me," Lapis said as she turned around, and began to head for the door. Exe was absolute devastated by this, closing her eyes in frustration, and was going to pull out a gun on her to kill her here and now. However, as soon as she opened her eyes to aim... Lapis was gone.

"W-What... the hell?" Exe rubbed her eyes in confusion, and began to call the other bounty hunters contracted under her to go on a manhunt for Lapis Lazuli.


"That was too easy, that little spoiled brat has no idea of my powers anyways," Lapis laughed to herself as she easily blended in with the crowd, making her way to her apartment. She had the plan of once she got there, she'll be able to warp herself to Abel's world, leaving the bounty hunters after her behind. Those bastards were going to get a yelling from Exe anyways...

Abel, I'm coming. Just you wait...

As she ran through the crowd and into her apartment building, Lapis repeated this part of her once dreadful poem in her thoughts, as it was the only hopeful part of the poem in the first place.

I wish I could imagine
such a world where suffering
wasn't the basis of life
and where we must suffer
to understand the love behind all feelings.


Plutia / Iris Heart Epilogue (2/?)


"Really? But I thought Histy would help me get back after defeating Akibanana..."

Just as Plutia said that, one can hear a faint static noise.

zzt.... zzt...

"...-ia.... .......... .... ... .. . -tia.... Plutia, can you hear me?"


A hologram or something appeared in front of Plutia, still somewhat static-y.

"Ahh, It's Histy~~~~"

"And after all the time that I've sent you, that's what you say? (;一_一) I haven't been able to establish a connection for a long time for some reason!
You had me worried! 。゜(`Д´)゜。"

"It's alright, Akibanana has been taken care of."

"Oh really? Well then that is a relief. (˘◡˘)"


"Yep!" Plutia said.

"Huh? Who's that boy next to you? Is he your boyfriend? (◕‿◕✿)"


"Well, if he- HEY! (ʘ言ʘ╬) Plutie! Please come back! There is too much work and..."


A barrage of complaints appeared from this girl.

"Ahh, Nep-chan~~"


Oh, there was that word.


How troublesome.

Well, whatever. He'd let it slide. Not much use in overreacting to it anyway, and besides, it didn't seem like Plutia had much of a concept of what a relationship like that would be, though then again, it wouldn't be the first time he was dead wrong about someone. Iris Heart at the very least knew more than he was comfortable with, so there was her.

"Ah... wow. You sure have a lot of friends, Plutia-chan," he simply commented for now, pocketing his hands.

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