Multi-Fandom Christmas Party

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America looked puzzled for a moment "It?" He then let out a loud laugh "You must not know about us countries being personified!" America had a bit of jealousy at least the Doctor didn't call England a girl like his people call him a girl.
Not only did he have no idea what Torchqood was, but Kirk was a bit frustrated that he didn't know anything about this apparently famous man. If a whole country was crazy about him, he must be some sort of national hero. The captain tried to remember what he could of twenty-first century history, but recalled nothing about this stranger. "Since everyone here but me seems to know you, would you mind explaining who you are?" he asled, slight annoyance in his tone.

Before answering Jeff, Spock allowed his gaze to dart over to where the others, including his captain, were chatting. For once, it seemed he wouldn't have to worry about Kirk getting into some sort of crazy situation, which seemed to happen a lot. In fact, there honestly seemed to be nothing to worry about at all. Satisfied that all was well, Spock decided it would do no harm to tell him his 'story'.

"I come from Vulcan, a planet in the Alpha Quadrant. My species, who share the name of the planet, are an extremely logical and technologically advanced people. After a dispute with my father about my career, I left my home planet to join Starfleet Academy, where I learned to become an officer on a starship, which I have obviously been sucessful in accomplishing. I assume you have questions about certain things I've mentioned, am I right?" He had decided to leave nothing out since due to the nature of this gathering, being an alien from the future really wasn't all that strange by comparison. The only thing he had purposfully avoided saying, though, was that he wasn't completely Vulcan, but then again, he rarely brought that up with anybody.
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Firestar looked lost he didn't understand how a single two-leg could win the affection of an clan for two-legs. He didn't know what was special about him "I'd like to know more about you as well."

America frowns he wanted to say something since he knew about Doctor Who not as much as England but enough to survive the fandom. He had tried time and time again to get into the fandom but the creatures scared him the thought of angel statues chasing him when he wasn't looking, a race a humanoid cat people, people with gas masks, strange beings that looked a bit like a certain monster that lurks in the forest with eight pages, and a very violent killer cousin of R2D2 just scared him!

Call him a wuss or unheroic America couldn't handle the ever so popular show.

Jeff felt strangely stupid for not quite understanding what Spock had said "Yeah...what's a Alpha Quadrant? And I thought aliens were supposed to be tall with big eyes and green skin...." He figured that the Starfleet was his team but he couldn't get over how Spock looked human.
Well, Kirk thought, at least Firestar seemed to be in a similar position to himself; perhaps the two leaders weren't quite as different after all. In fact, he had taken an interest in the cat's clan, and had noticed it had certain similar values to the Federation.

"The Alpha Quadrant is the name given to one quarter of the Milky Way Galaxy. And as for the alien you described, I have never met one like that. You would be surprised to learn how many aliens look similar to humans. There are minor differences, of course, some more noticeable than others. There are also interal differences, such as the fact that while human blood is red, mine is green."
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Jeff was surprised by that, he didn't know that the life that reached far beyond the stars appeared more human than strange big headed creatures with thin bodies. "I didn't know that, man Earth does a disservice to them....Oh what about invasions? Earth seems to enjoy making ya space guys kill happy. Are there some races that are against that or....?"

Spock made the conversation interesting, he was surprisingly easy to talk too. And Jeff hoped that Spock wouldn't grow tired of the killer's questions.
"'Kill happy'? I assume you are implying that you've gotten the impression that aliens would be destructive. Some, such as Klingons or Romulans, certainly do not mind causing harm in order to take over other societies, but the species belonging to the Federation, which is partially comprised of humans, want only peace and friendly relations between the inhabitants of the galaxy." Though logically, conversing casually with a killer was far from wise, Spock was actually finding Jeff's comments rather entertaining. With the amount of irrational things he had seen recently, logic seemed irrelevant anyways. "An interesting question though, coming from someone who has been quite destructive themselves."
Jeff couldn't help but laugh, though it was true, was destructive as Spock had put it. Ending lives without a,second though and often ransacking the homes of the victims.

"I should've known. Where there is chaos there will be peace...that's what my brother always said."

Jeff was silent for a moment then said "Does any of the Alien stereotypes bother any of the aliens?" He asked.
Spock was a bit unnerved by the way Jeff was able to speak about his brother so casually, but reminded himself that getting emotional would solve nothing.

"The ideas of aliens from your time have long since vanished. Humans quickly realized their errors in their opinions of alien life, and they usually don't judge based on species." His thoughts turned to his captain, who was the closest friend he had ever had, and then to the rest of the crew, all of whom never held any prejudice against him, or ither aliens. "After all," he pointed out, "to Vulcan, humans are alien; it is simply a matter of perspective. So, it is only logical for us to put aside whatever theories we originally had in favor of accepting one another."
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