Original poster
Bri was awoken by a loud alarm clock, it was pink and made an irritating, piercing alarm in order to wake her up. She slammed it quickly and then decided to snooze for five minutes, which turned into ten minutes. She quickly got up and shook herself out. She then turned on some music from her pink radio and began to dance around even though she looked terrible. The dancing got her blood flowing, and she was more awake now. She switched her radio off and looked through her wardrobe in order to find herself an outfit.
"Hmm... What shall I wear today? Summer is just around the corner! Maybe a dress?" She asks herself, looking through some of her floral printed dresses. She picked out her dress and took a shower. She got dressed and then did her hair and makeup.
"Hmm... What shall I wear today? Summer is just around the corner! Maybe a dress?" She asks herself, looking through some of her floral printed dresses. She picked out her dress and took a shower. She got dressed and then did her hair and makeup.