[MiNaGi] Magic is just Folklore ! [Lewi]

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He smiled softly at her, making his eyes look darker purple than they actually wore.
"Our uniforms are different from your human military ones. Imagine those hooded figures from horror stories... that sort of uniform. Actually I was wearing it yesterday. Since we're undergoing troubles with demons recently."
He smirked softly, standing up to go look to the dinner his servant, Alex, was cooking for them. The cape whipped behind him, making the purple patterns flowing like water.
Kieara smiled as she listened to him. She then saw him get up and go off to some unknown location. She looked around in this opportunity more closely inspecting pictures and figurines and the like he had around. She couldn't help but wonder if it had all been a dream. But somehow she knew it wasn't.
He came back after a few moments with a smile on his handsome face.
"The dinner will be ready shortly."
He walked over to look over her shoulder, a smile on his face. He was standing pretty close as he peered over her, his breath close to her ear as he spoke to her again.
"I see you're interested in my paintings? I painted a good amount of them myself... it gets a more homey feel when I do that."
Kieara felt a blush rise to her cheeks with him so close to her. She smiled though as he spoke. She felt a chill as his warm breath tickled her neck. "That's good." She answered to his dinner compliment. At his next statement she looked back to the paintings. "You painted them?" She asked smiling. "They're lovely."
"Thank you, coming from you, it really means something." He smiled and looked at her from over her shoulder, then retreating slightly as a polite gesture. He turned around with his cape flowing in a whim of white, purple and gold around him. His outfit made him look much like a fairytale prince. In some way, he was one. He was a creature from the fairytales. Something that wasn't supposed to be real but yet it was.
Kieara placed her glass down on a coaster and stood going to inspect a couple of them more closely. She smiled as she did. "You're quite the talented man." She complimented and moved over to him. "I'm not quite so talented myself." She spoke.
"Well, I've had plenty of time to perfect my talents." He smiled at her as he placed his glass beside hers. He felt intoxicated, but for an entirely different reason than what was reasonable. He shouldn't think about a human in such way; he had long thrown away such feelings. And yet he felt them welling inside him, much like an addictive drug. He didn't want to let the feeling go.
Kieara smiled as he spoke. She'd ran out of things to talk about. Or perhaps there was just so much buzzing in her mind to ask that she didn't know where to begin. She spoke again this time to break the silence that had fallen between the two. "Is there a certain kind of spells you like to perform?" She couldn't explain why but this man had her captivated.
"Hmmm... there is this one...."
He took a glass from one of the cabinets, putting it on the floor. He drew a circle with some symbols on the floor around it.
"It's actually alchemy, which is just science with a hint of magic-" as he spoke, he rolled up his sleeves to reveal the slim purple tattoos, pulling off his gloves as well, "and it follows the law of equivalent exchange; you cannot gain something without sacrificing something of equivalent value." The tattoos on his arms, palms and wrists had again started glowing with the bright purple color they'd had when he had fought the shadow, and a similar purple light seemed to surround the cup standing in the circle. He moves his arms up and the glass followed, levitating in the air above them.
"Magic can be pretty, too, like in the fairytales." He clenched and unclenched his fists, the purple light having formed a circle around the glass. Suddenly it exploded and as the bright flash disappeared, the air was filled with the sparkly remains of the glass.
"This creates a mess; but it's beautiful. If you use a colored glass, the crystals will take color after it. It's great for fancy parties. It looks like diamonds in the air."
He smiled at her, his hair and clothes now covered in sparkles as well as hers, making his white hair seem even brighter.
Kieara smiled widely seeing this happen. "That's beautiful Julian." She said happily. She looked around at the sparkles. "What else can you tell me about it?" She asked then frowned feeling self conscious. "Pardon me for all the questions. I'm just excited is all." She admitted to him.
He picked out an amount of the sparkling dust, holding it in front of her.
"Can you see it? These are tiny glass shards... the amount here is consistent with the size of the glass. If I had taken a larger glass, there would've been more and if I'd taken a smaller one, there'd have been less. That's the general idea with alchemy. That you use one thing to create another, but you can't take for example a piece of wood and make it into a glass. Or, turning lead into gold. Though a few hundred years ago, an alchemist found the philosopher's stone, a gem that granted immortality and turned lead to gold, going above the principle of equivalent exchange. This kind of magic is not what I use most often. It's more counter curses or attack spells, seeing as I have job in something equal to human military. And then of course, brewing potions and researching things. Magicians are almost like scientists, only we have the magic as well."
Kieara smiled and nodded to him glad he wasn't angered by her questions. She spoke. "That's all so interesting." She smiled and stumbled a little over her own two feet as she moved to get closer. She blushed and straightened herself. Her wine was kicking in. She had only drank a little, but as before mentioned, she couldn't hold her liquor. "Sorry."
He grabbed her by the waist to prevent her from falling, and as they were standing there so close to each other, he spoke to her again.
"That's alright; you did say you don't drink often." He sent her a handsome smile before he let go of her waist, pulling a little back from her. He didn't want to make it awkward between them, even if it did feel a bit awkward.
It may have been awkward from Kieara not knowing him very long, but she'd not felt that awkward. He was a handsome man. Smart, wise, very good looking. He also had the magic thing going for him, and even if they weren't tattoos, Kieara was a bit attracted to the markings he bore on him. She thought they looked good. She smiled. "Thank you."
He smiled and took her hand, leading her to the dining room where Alex was just finishing with the making of the table. There was an obvious connection between the two men, showing for just how many years they'd known each other. Not in a million years would anything tear them apart. They shared memories from hundreds of years back, memories from war and peace, a life together.
Kieara smiled and followed along with him unable to stop herself from blushing at holding his hand. She spoke. "Hello." She smiled at Alex unknowing of who he was. She was only trying to be friendly. She didn't know there had been anyone else in the house with them until Julian had told her he'd gone to check on dinner. She wasn't used to being around anyone rich enough to hire workers for their home.
"This is my butler, Alex. He's been here for a few hundred years."
He smiled and pulled Kieara with him to the dining table that was made and ready for two people, romantically themed with candles and flowers on the table. Well, Alex sure took his own initiative when it came to things. He pulled a chair out for her and helped her down into it with a smile. After she'd sat down, he sat across her as Alex came in with the food.
"I hope you like it, Alex is a skilled cook." He said and smiled at her, pouring some wine for them in the glasses on the table.
Kieara smiled to him. She wasn't so sure more wine was a good idea for her, but she would drink it anyways. It tasted divine, and she would never be rude to her host. She spoke. "It's very nice to make your acquaintance Alex." She told him. She enjoyed the romantic theme. She hadn't been on a date in she couldn't remember how long. And even if it was just her hanging out at his house, it felt more like a date.
He knew the reason for Alex having set the table like that; basically he was trying to tell Julian to "hook up already" and he knew it was true. He hadn't yet thought of Kieara like that, though. He was unsure of his own feelings as of now and didn't want to burden her with it if he was just on a whim emotionally. He didn't feel fairly sure that he wouldn't leave her if they finally got together. He sighed a bit as he sipped of his wine, looking much like a prince in distress, a frown on his pretty face and a hand thoughtfully placed under his chin. He was looking down into the dark red liquid, his eyes reflecting the glass making him look distant. As he narrowed his eyes ever so slightly, his long eyelashes would almost hide the bright purple color.
She looked back over to Julian and her smile faded. She spoke. "Julian is something wrong?" She asked wondering if she'd done something or perhaps he'd sensed more of those shadow things he had talked about.
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