Million Dollars, But...

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Money is money, I'll take it.

A million dollars but you are responsible for solving the world's problems.
Not worth it.

A million dollars, but you have to always travel by moped (large bodies of water excepted).

A million dollars but in order to get it you would have to fire a co-worker with a family.
Sure, just offer them another job after :P

A million dollars but you lose the ability to breathe without medical help.

You get a million dollars but as you spend the money everyone you encounter speaks a language you don't understand and the ability to translate is null and void.
I don't mind.

A million dollars but you will always hit red lights for the rest of your life.
I don't mind.

A million dollars but you will always hit red lights for the rest of your life.
Alright. I'll sell my future car for bonus cash.

A million dollars but you age alot faster and die sooner.

A million dollars but every place you go you are swarmed by bees.
So absolutely everywhere I go, I am surrounded by this cloud of bees. Wouldn't that just ruin everything?

A million dollars, but you are forever credited with, and hated for, making possibly the worst film ever. Even if you've never made a movie that bad, people will look at a bad one and say "Yeah, you made that. What a cinematical loser."
Nah, I'd die. Already a pile of poop in social situations.

A million dollars but you're now the Mr. Paynes in Ace Attorney games, and get wrecked every single time. You can't change jobs.
So I'd be an attourney, a prosecutor at that, but I'd never win any case, yes? And I can't get another job. Not entirely sure how money works in that profession, but sure.

A million dollars, but nightmares will, with increasing frequency for fifteen years, push you on the brink of insanity, until you're finally forced to give in.
Sure, I'm already at home with the dark pulsing insanity.

Million dollars but every time you sneeze it sounds like an air horn is going off
Eh, being the greatest dankmaster of all time whenever sick? Ye boi.

A million dollars, but you catch a constant cold.
That's pretty much me anyways, but without the money. So yeah, I'll take that.

Million dollars, but you have to watch every petite tube vid ever uploaded.
Don't know what you mean, so no, don't want to take my chances.

Million dollars but you turn into that edgy teen that no one likes.
I'm already that edgy teenager no one likes, but in the shape of a full grown man and we call those egde lords. The short answer was sure, I need the money

A million dollars, but you have to sell your soul to some unknown God and must make monthly ritual sacrifices to said God.

Million dollars, but you age physically two years (instead of one) every time you get older, but not mentally.

A million dollars, but from now on you must include live cockroaches into your diet at least once per day, every day.

The big ones too.​
Fuck no. I'll get a disease.

Million dollars but you're now mostly famous for being part of a really big scandal.
Fine with me. Negative press is sometimes good press. Here's one. Million dollars, but you can only spend your money at a dollar store.
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