Method Resurrection

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!
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Tevinia and Mirahl are two sister continents separated by a thick mountain chain, distinguished from one another by vastly differing climates. Between these two realms, wolves live free, untouched by humans. Here they live, but not necessarily happily. Will your character create a faction, and rise through the ranks to become the leader of a pack? Will he one day have children and a lady, or will he slaughter all of those who cross his path? Followers, leaders and anarchists can all find a place if they look hard enough...


Method Resurrection is a semi-realistic, literate-advanced level roleplay. With a 300 word minimum per post, our goal is to not only flex the roleplayer's creative muscle, but to encourage critical thinking and language growth as a writer. Our plot is character based, allowing for ultimate freedom for the roleplayers involved. We have implemented a unique character build system that allows players to allocate point values to their characters strength, charisma, and intelligence levels in a system similar to that used in Dungeons and Dragons, ensuring personalized and unique character traits.

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