
"Oh, I've been here and there. Trained actually in Area 51."

He'd never wanted to finish anything more quickly. It had been an intense zoo more than anything else. Then again, as he thought about it, Amsterdam couldn't have been much of a picnic either for someone like Charles.

"As for my favorite place though, I'd have to say Earth's moon. The view helps me keep things in perspective."

He passed a smile over to Charles as they made their way down the hall. Up ahead, he thought he saw a familiar face in uniform, but it was hard for Oliver to tell from where he was.
"Oh..." He said, realizing that Oliver was one of the people responsible for locking up people like him.
They soon reached Charle's dorm room. He slide his ID card in the slot and it opened.
He stepped inside, turning on the lights.
He stopped and looked at him.
"Thanks, for walking me to my dorm." He smiled genuinely. Charles put a hand on his chest and gave him a kiss on the cheek, his lips touching the corner of his mouth,while he stood on his tippy toes.
Oliver had to bite his lip at that, at the sweet innocence of the gesture.

"You're welcome. Y'know. . ."
He leaned against the doorway, his hands put away in his pockets, "Would it be too much trouble to ask for a glass of water?"

Charles seemed gentler here than he had back at the bar. Or maybe just smaller. Or maybe that had just been because of him getting up on his toes the way he had. Either way, it made Oliver wonder how he'd fit in his hands. It was just a thought.
Charles looked at him for a bit,looking at his body language.
"Yeah...come in." He opened the door for him. His room was tidy but still him.
A small laptop and what seemed to be overdue homework were sprawled on his bed. But of course there was something innocent, like how the homework was held in cute stationary, or that the ash tray on his side desk was made out of pink glass.

He walked into the small kitchen, reaching for the fridge, he bent over and looked inside before pulling out a bottle of water. "Here," he smiled as he gave it to him.
He got up again and closed the door.
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Oliver stayed standing in the doorway, leaned against the closed door as his eyes roamed around the room. He'd figured Charles was young, but the evidence seemed to suggest that he was younger than Oliver had thought. He couldn't be all too young though, not since he worked in the labs and since he was clearly free to go to bars.

Still, Oliver scratched his arm as he waited for his drink. When it arrived he gave a grateful smile and screwed off the cap.

It was good, just what he needed if he was going to stave off a possible hangover tomorrow. He'd hate to travel like that. Especially to Saturn's station. The way it orbits the planet nearly always makes him feel seasick for the first couple days.

"So, you ready to be cooped up at Saturn?"
"Yes," he said as he started to clear his bed, looking at some of the papers.
"I heard its a big city up there." He smiled a bit.
"We'll just don't stand there. Come sit." He patted the bed before going to the bathroom.
He turned on the sink and took out a tooth brush and tooth paste.
He started to brush his teeth. Even when he brushed his teeth it looked innocent and cute.
He spat out the bubbly liquid and wiped his mouth.
"So...why are you so interested in me?"