Mental Damages. A post-war quest for answers.

If you could change the world around you, what would you do ?

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Eater of Time
Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. One post per day
Online Availability
00:00 - 24:00
Writing Levels
  1. Advanced
  2. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Primarily Prefer Male
Fantasy, Sci-fi, Magical, Horror, Nation/World
A little RP about some people searching for those that may know what happened before, during and after the war that caused the world to become a wasteland.
(There are mental powers here)

You are born into a world in ruins, a world where life is only beginning to return. There are those that lived during the war, and everyone are told what happened, but people have different views on who the bad guys were. And none talk about the winners of the war. Though looking at the world around your home, it seems like there were no winners.
Why did a war without a winner start, and why are everyone so vague about what happened ?
Nonetheless, it's still a dangerous world, and maybe trying to survive is more important. But what if the stories are wrong, and the world of today has another beginning than you thought. Then maybe it is up to you to find some answers.

Mental damages:
There have always been those able to affect their surroundings with nothing but the power of their own minds. Some more so than others. During the dark ages they were hunted by the church as witches and heretics, their lives a constant denial of their true origins.

But then, people believed in more than they could perceive during those times.

With the advance of technology and the rise of the industrial age, "magic" became no more than children stories, something that no longer had any place of its own in our world. And those wielding the powers could finally come out of utter hiding, but the days of persecution were never forgotten. Though most were satisfied living quiet, not utilizing the skills of their born right more than occasionally. There were also those that swore revenge, biding their time in the shadows. Some simply couldn't help themselves.

There have always been organizations aware of those different than us. Keeping the relations between the normals and the "mentals" civil. But with the shift of political power in the 20-century to those with most money, knowledge slowly spread. And numerous research-groups out to bring a profit started hunting mentals down for experimentation.

One company, only known as Psychonetics, ultimately managed to synthesize the mechanisms enabling the mentals powers. Before long, the Psych-prosthetic-pills (Ppp) were provided everywhere they could be afforded. In 2025, when the general population was made aware of the presence of those able to use Ppp-powers naturally, the outcome was perhaps inevitable. Fear for something stronger than oneself hiding in plain sight among us, able to take us out in the dark.

Thus the witch-hunts began anew, with fanatical force. Only this time, the mentals wouldn't stay silent as they were hunted to extinction.

The war raged for a decade, and as the dust settled the world was in ruins. Not until three decades had passed was the war deemed a thing of the past.

The whole world is now considered ground zero. The apocalypse was brought due to our own hand. But the records from the war are sparse, and few know the true reasons for its outbreak. Or what actually transpired at the end.

A group calling themselves Post-nontals are searching for the answers, tracking those few left that remember the early and final days of the war. What brought it about in truth, and who the destroyers were.

Well then, some information:
"Mental Damages" = "The damage you can do with your mind"
Some examples are moving objects without touching them, making things burn/freeze, reading someones mind, bending light around you, healing people through touch, materializing objects from pure thoughts.
The limits of the mental-powers one wields are greatly influenced by their imagination.
The powers themselves can be viewed as a muscle of the mind, that gets stronger the more its used, but also uses less energy as the precision of the mental heightens.

The Mentals are in general like the normals, with the exception of having mental-powers. These powers come at a price though, the fuel for them is the very life-force of the mental in question. The mentals can be grossly classified in five categories (the categories used by Psychonetics):
Simple mental: Using their own life-force to fuel their powers, thus often refraining from using them. And if used to much they die young.

Advanced mental: Fueling their powers with a mental image of their own life-force. This is a technique that mostly needs to be learned, but some are born with it. It enables the mental in question to use their powers without the drawback of their own life, once. But the mental image of life-force doesnt break down young, and most advanced live their whole lives.

Ppp normal: Using Ppps enable normals to use mental-powers during a short period of time. There are side effects when one tries to do something their minds cant handle, and also with regular usage. The power of a Ppp-user varies depending on the persons imagination and the flexibility of their mind. Most become as strong as Simple mentals, but some become as strong as Advanced mentals. Mentals only experience a slightly higher amount of ability. Overuse of Ppps is generally equivalent with death or vegetable-state of the mind.

Categories of abilities:
Concrete; able to affect the physical world around them. Maybe lift objects without touching them.
Abstract; able to perceive and interact with the abstract world. Maybe read the mind of others, see the future, perceive the emotion and auras of their surroundings. Some could also see ghosts and spirits.
Change: able to deconstruct/reconstruct objects. Maybe turn a stone into sand.
Energy: able to see and affect, change and empower different kind of energies. Maybe draw heat from the surroundings and form fire.
Enhancement; able to reinforce objects and make them something more than what they are. Maybe make a cotton string as hard as steel.
Astral; able to bring a thought into being by continuously fueling it. Maybe seemingly transform into a wolf and then simply shedding the form like a piece of clothing.
Immaterial: able to alter and rearrange the flux of those things more or less immaterial. Maybe bend light around you.

Categories of area possible effect:
Internal: Their own body may be affected by their powers. "I am immortal!"
External: Their surroundings may be affected by their powers. "Burn, burn!"
Inanimate: Things without a thought-process may be affected. "Watch this rock become dust."
Animate: Things with a "thought-process" may be affected. "I am the master of the trees."

Categories of the range of abilities:
Close range: Able to reach a few meters around them with their powers.
Medium range: Able to use powers in "line of sight", actual effective range varies.
Long range: Able to use powers withing the possible "line of sight", actual effective range varies.
Far range: Able to use powers within area of perception, actual effective range varies.
Known range: Able to use powers where they have been, actual effect varies depending on distance.
Object range: Able to use powers on/around objects they have remembered, actual effect varies.

Categories of the strength of powers:
Logical: Able to use powers equivalent to what one could do with their own body. Might be an idea to start some heavy lifting or study some.
Illogical: Able to use powers equivalent to what one could do together with their image/s. How do you even measure this O.o.

Categories of medium used for abilities / visualizations done by the user:
Self: An imaginary image of the user realizes the abilities. Multiple personalities anyone?
Body: An imagined medium sprouting from the user realizes the abilities and/or interacts with the surroundings. Invisible hands, creepy.

Concrete Abstract Energy Enhancement Astral

Internal External Inanimate

Close Medium


Self Body
Concrete Abstract Change Energy Enhancement Astral Immaterial

Internal External Inanimate Animate

Close Medium Long

Logical Illogical

Self Body
Concrete Abstract Energy Enhancement Astral

Internal External Inanimate

Close Medium


Self Body

Name: (this is obvious, but maybe your character refers to himself as the tomato, and we cant have that)

Nickname: (maybe your mental abilities have earned you one, or you had a name during the war)

Age: (if you don't understand this one, you are either unfamiliar with the concept of time, or you are in need of some ideas)

Gender: (I guess you could be a robot?)

Appearance: (description, drawing, pic or whatever you think will give us the right idea of what your character looks like)

Equipment: (if your character is running around naked that is fine by me, but maybe not so smart)

Weapons: (is your character in no need of weapons, or are you carrying an arsenal that would make an assassin proud)

Normal/Mental/Cyborg/AI/Ppp-user: (what are you?)

Level of mental training: (normal human, Ppp, simple, advanced... how good are you at that)

Powers: (what group of abilities can you use/what kind of actual abilities do you have, what is the area/range/strength/medium for your abilities)

First usage of abilities: (when was the first time your character used their abilities, what happened?)

Visualization of medium: (how does your character use their abilities, are there invisible hands doing stuff or are little purple imps running around?)

Bio: (the life of your character)

Personality: (how does your character act around other people, what are they afraid of, what makes them happy, sad, angry, sleepy)

View of the situation: (what does your character think about the state the world is in, what did their parents tell them, who is the enemy?)

If any of you feel like you already want to start on your characters ^^
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Oooh, this looks interesting. ^^
What sort of characters are you looking for for this?
Mentals and normals who wants to know what really happened ;)

They could be young adults born after the war, scarred individuals born during the war, survivors from before the war. Or one of those that fought in it.
Nevertheless, for one reason oe another they want to find out what really happened, maybe so they can track down someone they want revenge on, or to find someone they got separated from.

All kinds of characters are welcome, but some may be poorly suited for a quest in the post-war world ;)
Ah, silvir, glad you showed up ^^
... without actually showing any interest in the story ^...^
I expect more from you my friend ;)
Ask away.
Well, I could use my name-sake's powers but I fear he'll be too overpowered!
Wait, gonna check the secret *power-categories and classification* that won't really appear until the OOC...

*clears throat*
I am not so nice as to give you any powers you want ;)
There are restraints on how one uses powers. The biggest one being that you fuel them with your own life-force O_O
Though if you are lucky then maybe you learn how to use your powers without killing yourself... probably.
Accelerators power are feasible, but yes he would be among those powerful mentals that were seen as horrors during the war :3
Though with the way powers work in this world. He would still be an acceptable character. But maybe not as strong at the beginning ^^
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Reactions: Accelerator
I shall participate! XD
Woho! *makes a happy dance... and scares some poor kids*
Anything you wonder ;) ?
How about if I made a character that was born from the war? Perhaps as a type of experiment or something, what type of powers and all that would be available to someone like that?
Wait, gonna check the secret *power-categories and classification* that won't really appear until the OOC...

*clears throat*
I am not so nice as to give you any powers you want ;)
There are restraints on how one uses powers. The biggest one being that you fuel them with your own life-force O_O
Though if you are lucky then maybe you learn how to use your powers without killing yourself... probably.
Accelerators power are feasible, but yes he would be among those powerful mentals that were seen as horrors during the war :3
Though with the way powers work in this world. He would still be an acceptable character. But maybe not as strong at the beginning ^^

I don't really plan to overpower him. My idea is that he was just a child caught between the war.
Let me check with the secret information...

You know those Ppps ?
Lets just say that there were more potent versions manufactured >.>
You could be one of the many experimental soldiers made during the war, the specifics would preferably be stated along PMs with me.
You wouldn't really have powers different than those the others have, (unless you aren't one of the cyborgs, in which case your powers would be implicated in your weaponry... strange weaponry).

I don't really plan to overpower him. My idea is that he was just a child caught between the war.
There were lots of those :/

I guess I can post a part of the information regarding the mentals and their powers, to give you a taste of it ^^
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Hmmm, so how about if he was a.. Hybrid so to speak? An mechanically enhanced mental...
There were some of those created yes ;)
Their powers had longer range, more strength. But they were not as versatile as normal mentals. And they had a tendency to die young, none really managed to come up with a good way to supplement life-force as the fuel of the mental-powers.
I wonder what would happen if they found other alternatives for "fueling" someones mental power, like a specially designed battery or something along those lines... Perhaps with some strange side effects (depends on the "fuel" source)
Ok, well, yeah. Of course someone did. ( But its a little thing in the story, I wont talk about it... there were side effects )
Well I TEND to write Emotionally scarring backstories. I might do a trigger or something.
All I'll say is that this particular backstory I'm writing for my own character is more shrouded in mystery, uncovered slowly but surely as the details of the war are...
Well I TEND to write Emotionally scarring backstories. I might do a trigger or something.
Those are the minds that have power ;)

All I'll say is that this particular backstory I'm writing for my own character is more shrouded in mystery, uncovered slowly but surely as the details of the war are...
Ok with me, as long as you check with me about anything relevant first ^^

Well then, some information:
"Mental Damages" = "The damage you can do with your mind"
Some examples are moving objects without touching them, making things burn/freeze, reading someones mind, bending light around you, healing people through touch, materializing objects from pure thoughts.
The limits of the mental-powers one wields are greatly influenced by their imagination.
The powers themselves can be viewed as a muscle of the mind, that gets stronger the more its used, but also uses less energy as the precision of the mental heightens.

The Mentals are in general like the normals, with the exception of having mental-powers. These powers come at a price though, the fuel for them is the very life-force of the mental in question. The mentals can be grossly classified in five categories (the categories used by Psychonetics):
Simple mental: Using their own life-force to fuel their powers, thus often refraining from using them. And if used to much they die young.

Advanced mental: Fueling their powers with a mental image of their own life-force. This is a technique that mostly needs to be learned, but some are born with it. It enables the mental in question to use their powers without the drawback of their own life, once. But the mental image of life-force doesnt break down young, and most advanced live their whole lives.

Ppp normal: Using Ppps enable normals to use mental-powers during a short period of time. There are side effects when one tries to do something their minds cant handle, and also with regular usage. The power of a Ppp-user varies depending on the persons imagination and the flexibility of their mind. Most become as strong as Simple mentals, but some become as strong as Advanced mentals. Mentals only experience a slightly higher amount of ability. Overuse of Ppps is generally equivalent with death or vegetable-state of the mind.

Categories of abilities:
Concrete; able to affect the physical world around them. Maybe lift objects without touching them.
Abstract; able to perceive and interact with the abstract world. Maybe read the mind of others, see the future, perceive the emotion and auras of their surroundings. Some could also see ghosts and spirits.
Change: able to deconstruct/reconstruct objects. Maybe turn a stone into sand.
Energy: able to see and affect, change and empower different kind of energies. Maybe draw heat from the surroundings and form fire.
Enhancement; able to reinforce objects and make them something more than what they are. Maybe make a cotton string as hard as steel.
Astral; able to bring a thought into being by continuously fueling it. Maybe seemingly transform into a wolf and then simply shedding the form like a piece of clothing.
Immaterial: able to alter and rearrange the flux of those things more or less immaterial. Maybe bend light around you.

Categories of area possible effect:
Internal: Their own body may be affected by their powers. "I am immortal!"
External: Their surroundings may be affected by their powers. "Burn, burn!"
Inanimate: Things without a thought-process may be affected. "Watch this rock become dust."
Animate: Things with a "thought-process" may be affected. "I am the master of the trees."

Categories of the range of abilities:
Close range: Able to reach a few meters around them with their powers.
Medium range: Able to use powers in "line of sight", actual effective range varies.
Long range: Able to use powers withing the possible "line of sight", actual effective range varies.
Far range: Able to use powers within area of perception, actual effective range varies.
Known range: Able to use powers where they have been, actual effect varies depending on distance.
Object range: Able to use powers on/around objects they have remembered, actual effect varies.

Categories of the strength of powers:
Logical: Able to use powers equivalent to what one could do with their own body. Might be an idea to start some heavy lifting or study some.
Illogical: Able to use powers equivalent to what one could do together with their image/s. How do you even measure this O.o.

Categories of medium used for abilities / visualizations done by the user:
Self: An imaginary image of the user realizes the abilities. Multiple personalities anyone?
Body: An imagined medium sprouting from the user realizes the abilities and/or interacts with the surroundings. Invisible hands, creepy.

Concrete Abstract Energy Enhancement Astral

Internal External Inanimate

Close Medium


Self Body
Concrete Abstract Change Energy Enhancement Astral Immaterial

Internal External Inanimate Animate

Close Medium Long

Logical Illogical

Self Body
Concrete Abstract Energy Enhancement Astral

Internal External Inanimate

Close Medium


Self Body
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..well im in >.<

But know that i will try and get a good "coughstrongcough" character into this like allways :D
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