Melagrana Di Castello (R)

Yvette followed Miri, unsure of what to do and where to go, sensing the other girl's discomfort at the hug, she stopped the female vampire by sticking a hand out instead, gripping the other's hand quickly, shaking it and smiling happily. "Happy to meet you.... ummm....." She paused, distracted from a voice coming from above, then stared as she realized that the man was ogling some of the women. Her blue eyes narrowed and she pointed up at him, her breath sucking in until her ribs showed and then she let out a fearsome shout for a pale, frail looking human.

"YOU PERVERT STOP LOOKING DOWN OUR SHIRTS!" She screamed then closed her powder-blue hoodie more tightly and pulled the hood up. She was a little irked and immediately went to Miri, whimpering. "Now I'm afraid of the thought of sleeping alone in a bed.... can I sleep in yours with you? I'm scared.... I mean, I know we're supposed to feed them, but are they expecting more than that?!" She yelped, clinging to the other girl.
She didn't give much attention to the vampires as they welcomed all the humans to their castle. She jumped a little as one of them jumped and hung to a chandelier, he was interesting and funny and looked really cool for photographs. But she thought this about a lot of these vampires. Alev jumped a few feet back when a girl in front of her started screaming about the one on the chandelier staring down their shirts. The girl's scream is what startled Alev. She didn't worry about what the scream was about. The collar of her shirt went around her neck and she had her jacket zipped up.

For the first time she noticed that the room got colder since the vampires arrived. She tucked her hands in her pockets and cuddled herself up more in her jacket. She wondered what food they were serving and hoped it was something good and warm. She also then began to wonder if these vampires wanted feed right away. Yes, she knew when they got hungry they could feed whenever they wanted, but just arriving here, Alev wanted to explore the place more. She knew that the first time being fed on she would become weak, so why not explore the castle before getting fed on? Maybe she could escape after dinner for a bit. She put arm over her camera bag and smiled slightly.