Meet the Punisher...I mean, Punishment.

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Original poster
Hello everyone, I am Punishment, yes, yes. I am here to Punish the wicked for their bad crimes -evil laugh- Erm

Anyways, I am new here, hope to have fun and take part in some great rps. I am sure there are many. Might need some help getting around though, if someone doesn't mind that. I am an experienced rper so that much is good, I here this place has nice people so I will be looking forward to that.
Welcome to Iwaku!
Your name scares me.. I do not like punishment D:
I will try to be good -nods-
Good is good, that kind of goes together, good.

Mhmmm, said good three times in one sentance, I feel good inside. Okay, now I am creeping myself out, thank you for the welcome.
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