Medieval Style Debauchery?

I'm a little confused. So is this steampunk or fantasy? Are you accepting new players? And which of the 3 plots did you pick? Is this really active at all?
Hunter its completely active as long as someone is here. Its just that im waiting for another person to post. Currently the other players are busy with work. Im not so yeah. The three plots we are improvising. Actually its steam punk and fantasy. Were just going with it haha. No real plotline other than the king was attacked and we have to go stop whoever did it. Then at the very end a giant war scene. But the rp isnt just storyline. Its background stories side missions and etc haha.
Alrighty I'm busy right now, but i think its an interesting idea.
Pretty much what Nograd said. We're waiting on RBK's post, and he hasn't been on in a while... I haunt around here, but most people are busy with school at the moment, including 2 of my other RP's with other people. Things are slow at the moment, but it's totally active.
Hey! Sorry about not being on guys. The place I am staying at does not have any internet. However I should be able to get on every other day or so now. So let's rp! =D