Maybe Love Will Blind Em?

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"Yeah, and maybe me and you could cuddle-"

"Barbie! Good morning to ya!" Colby grinned, striding over. Today his hair was tied up, and was hanging in his shoulders. His eyes were a dazzling green today as he walked over and wrapped an arm around her shoulders. Giving her that sweet dimpled grin, he said, "You look awfully adorable today~"

Garret glared at Colby, but didn't say a word.
"Oh, uh, t-thank uou..." She stammered, as a soft giggle escaped her lips. Biting them, she had to stop herself from being carried away from his handsome features
"No problem, so wanna have lunch with me today, just me and you? I brought ya some scones. My ma makes some really awesome scones."

Grimacing a bit, Garret cleared his throat. "She's having lunch with her boyfriend today."

Colby glanced over at Garret, before he smirked. "Well I wouldn't go all the way and say I'm her boyfriend, it's just lunch together."
"I, um... c-can't... can't both of yku sit at the same table?" She offered, only saying such because the bubbling anxiety within her from both the approaching storm and tention between the two boys.
Colby grimaced at the suggestion. "Nah, it's fine. Just promise me and you will have another coffee date soon. Okay babe?" He smiled before winking, and walking away.

Garret growled under his breath, clinching his fist. He hated himself for being a coward, and hated Colby for being such a douche. "Damn him..."He Whispered, before looking at his girlfriend. "...Are you okay Barbie?"
"Y.... Yeah, I'm fine..." She stammered, her cheeks flushed and her stance wobbly to the point that she clung tightly to Garret's hand. "I think I need to sit down, though..."
Nodding, he held her hand tight as he quickly lead her to a be ch that was outside of the locker rooms. Sitting down with her, he brushed her white hair from her eyes, giving her a smile.
Offering a wary smile in response, she shyly peaked at the window only to grow more fearfuk at the hdavily piling snow. "I should call my dad, I-in case something happens...." She whispered, more to herself than the nerdy boy besides her
Skillfully pulling out the bedazzled phone in her pocket, decorated in various sparkles and cute stickers, she moved to call up her father while absently swinging her legs as a way to calm down. Her shortness was obnoxious to her, but it WAS admittingly cute.
Not even a full ring went through before her father's worried voice said, "What's wrong? Did something happen?"
"What do the weather reports say?" She instantly replied, folding her legs neatly while fiddling with the frill of her skirt. "Should I just go home? I don't want to be stuck here if anything bad happens, daddy, and it's snowing pretty intensely."
"You won't be stuck there. Promise hon. If your that afraid, I can come and get you now." He offered, moving to grab his keys out their key bowl.
"... No, I guess you're right. I don't want my teachers getting mad at me if I skip school for something dumb. Just, keep me updated on the weather and call me if it gets really bad, okay? I have my medicine if I get too scared."
"Okay pumpkin....I'll pick you up earlier just in case. I'll be there in two hours." He told her and made a kiss sound before hanging up.
Giggling at just how LAME her dad was, she definitely needed the call to relax after the whole panic attack. Carefully slipping the phone back into place, she offered an apologetic smile to Garret. "Sorry... T-That.... That was sort of embarrassing."
"No it's fine. Really." He assured with a smile. Holding her hand, he gave it a gentle squeeze. "I think it's cute that you need your Dad. You must be a Daddy's girl."
She waved the other off in embarrassment, before offering another shrill giggle while hiding her face. "H-Honestly, it's kind of lame isn't it? I mean, we're really close, s-so..."
"No, no its cute, I swear." Garret smiled. Over the few weeks, Garret and Barbie began to really act like a couple. They went on dates, hugged more, held hands, and they even shared their first kiss not that long ago. The couple was really cute together, and they were awfully happy. But Garret wasn't the only male she gotten closer to. Her and Colby had become friends. The two even texted, and Colby seemed to be a complete sweetheart around her, in order to gain her love. At the moment, Kristi and Barbie were getting ready for the Winter Ball. Kristi, being really good with makeup, was doing her best friend's making, smiling at how pretty it was coming out. "....Okay, so what's going on between you and cheese head....Why are you two...friends? You know he's trying to fuck you right?" Anytime Kristi said this Barbie always denied, since Cols was so sweet to her. And at that very moment, Colby texted Barbie,

'Can't wait to see ya doll, and I'm bringing drinks to the Ball, so expect me to be:drunk:
"He's totally not! He's too sweet to," Protested the girl, heat reaching her cheeks as she adjusted her green dress, a blue sash wrapped tightly around it to accentuate her small frame. At the same time, she had helped Garret by a blue suit, with a green bowtie to counter her outfit perfectly. "Should I wear the headband o-" She began, only to stop and glance at her phone with a huff. Expecting a bad text from either Garret or her mother, she only sighed at the mere fact that Colby- the boy she saw as more of a misunderstood sweetheart- was going to DRINK. She hated the mere IDEA of it, in all honesty.
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