Mass Effect: Project Seraph - (OOC)

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and as for Geth, I like to think Legion was a special case and there are not others like him.
If this was during the time of ME2 I wouldn't be fighting this as the non-heretics are in hidng, but let me make my case (I already have a Geth character set up that I would like to use, from another RP, but if you don't accept my reasoning, I'll back down and make something else.

So, by the time Cerberus become a major threat in ME3, Shepard has already made plenty of headways, and should be at Sur'Kesh. I'm going to assume that Seraph begins a few missions after that - at the earliest, Priority: Citadel II, when Cerberus attacks the Citadel.

Immediately after that is the mission in the Perseus Veil. It is at this point where Legion is discovered. After that is Geth Dreadnaught which unlocks Rannoch: Geth Fighter Squadrons.

The Aftermath of Geth Fighter Squadrons brings a few Geth platforms (and the processes that come with them) into the war fighting on Shepard's side.

So it's safe to assume that unless the Geth are destroyed in the war (which would be rather sad), there would be Geth troops in many mixed species platoons and squads.

So basically what I'm saying is that I'd be willing to wait to come into the game if I had to if it meant I could be a Geth.
If this was during the time of ME2 I wouldn't be fighting this as the non-heretics are in hidng, but let me make my case (I already have a Geth character set up that I would like to use, from another RP, but if you don't accept my reasoning, I'll back down and make something else.

So, by the time Cerberus become a major threat in ME3, Shepard has already made plenty of headways, and should be at Sur'Kesh. I'm going to assume that Seraph begins a few missions after that - at the earliest, Priority: Citadel II, when Cerberus attacks the Citadel.

Immediately after that is the mission in the Perseus Veil. It is at this point where Legion is discovered. After that is Geth Dreadnaught which unlocks Rannoch: Geth Fighter Squadrons.

The Aftermath of Geth Fighter Squadrons brings a few Geth platforms (and the processes that come with them) into the war fighting on Shepard's side.

So it's safe to assume that unless the Geth are destroyed in the war (which would be rather sad), there would be Geth troops in many mixed species platoons and squads.

So basically what I'm saying is that I'd be willing to wait to come into the game if I had to if it meant I could be a Geth.

Hey, the Overkill gang's all here.
I half agree with you and I almost made Geth playable.

Sure, Legion sacrifices himself to boost the intelligence of other Geth. The few platforms you get from Legion's side mission are also with Shepard and are at his disposal, who will never cross paths directly with our team.

Once they are all made intelligent, it's believed that the Geth either help the Quarians readjust to Rannoch, build the Crucible or join the war effort against the Reapers.

What I meant exactly by Legion being special isn't that he could speak to organics or that he was on friendly terms with their crew. No other Geth has ever been shown serving on an organic ship. I couldn't think of a reason the Geth would send their platforms into a fight with Cerberus.

However like I told Spammy with his Elcor character, if you can convince me the Geth would have a valid reason to stick with this team, I'll allow it.
Okay so one thing that Bioware did right with the Multiplayer was that they made it stick with the story (Except maybe the Collectors as enemies, that might've just been for a cool feature, or maybe there are canonically Collectors after ME3 who knows)

So essentially my logic isn't that the Geth would send their own units into a fight with Cerberus, but that the Galactic Government would send them. When the Geth go to join the war efforts, they can take part in the nominally N7 Spec Ops missions alongside Quarians, Humans, Drell, and even Volus.

So while I see that you don't think the Volus and Vorcha should be included for the sake of capability, I believe that there is no reason the Geth should be barred. They could serve and where they are placed is where they would go. Any final decisions are followed by the Geth.
Alright, I get that. But of everything that the council could have the Geth doing, why send one lone Geth platform on this mission? How would it end up with them and decide to stay?
Well, say it were a Prime or other High Capacity Platform. Geth are good at following orders and can even help make decisions if stock is put into their words. Their opinions, formed by consensus if a multitude of personalities, portray a logical advantage to any group. Cerberus is good at pulling tricks, and a Geth could easily see through them.
Aren't you a sentinel, Judge? XD
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YOU CAN'T STOP ME. (I secretly yearned to be a Vanguard, but I was too edgy and cool.)

Anyway, I posted. *victory stance*
By our Vanguards combined...
Well, say it were a Prime or other High Capacity Platform. Geth are good at following orders and can even help make decisions if stock is put into their words. Their opinions, formed by consensus if a multitude of personalities, portray a logical advantage to any group. Cerberus is good at pulling tricks, and a Geth could easily see through them.

You could be a Geth VI unit, which Legion essentially was. And it's been proven that multiple Legion-like Platforms exist, as in Mass Effect 3 (given that you are starting a game without uploading from a previous game or Legion was killed/sold to Cerberus in ME2) another Geth VI takes Legion's place and acts as he would, minus the friendliness that Legion had developed over time. And another Geth VI would prove to be a valuable Engineer, Infiltrator and strategist (as you've said), and a Geth Prime or Geth Juggernaut would be valuable Soldiers. As for reasoning for staying, the Geth were insulted by Sovereign when he exploited their religious beliefs in the Reapers. Any Geth would leap at the opportunity to join a team dedicated to hunting and killing the Reapers and their Cerberus lackeys.
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The Geth VI was only like Legion (able to talk and function on such a high scale while on its own) after it got upgraded with reaper tech. Just like any other Geth with the upgrade.
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Yeah, I wasn't intending on being a VI unit, but he does have good reasoning for Geth presence.
Alright, while I think it over I have some news. The fact we have four Vanguards now means we could benefit from any new applicants selecting another class. None of you who are already accepted need to change.

As of now we have:

-Adepts: 2
-Soldiers: 1
-Engineers: 1
-Sentinels: 1
-Infiltrators: 2
-Vanguards: 4

Unless I'm stupid and miscounted somewhere...

If you are signing up I discourage Vanguards at the moment. You don't have to not play one, but the other classes could use some love.
Someone be a volus soldier! And wield a katana (sword not shotgun)!
The Geth VI was only like Legion (able to talk and function on such a high scale while on its own) after it got upgraded with reaper tech. Just like any other Geth with the upgrade.

It was identical to Legion in every way (minus the retro chest hole and N7 shoulder plate, which were recreated via hologram), including that it contained 1,183 programs. It was intended as a replacement should Legion fail in his mission.
To really help the team, I think the next character should be one without biotics. Something either tech or straigh warfare would be bring more balance to the biotic heavy team.
Alright, so Legion had one single unit like him. Pardon me for never meeting the VI in game before. I never had Legion sold or killed.

My reasoning was Legion was a special case and the upgraded Geth once free were focused on Reaper related activity and helping the Quarians. If you all feel the Geth shouldn't be excluded then I'll lift the rule.

Other than no Prime or juggernaut platforms. They'll be infantry grade and must be soldiers, engineers or infiltrators. If we get a sudden influx I'll close them back up for the sake of balancing the team.
I was planning on playing a Geth Hunter, anyway.

Also, would you rather I used a standard issue shotgun, or may I use a Geth Plasma Shotgun?
Plus, I am sure of us will die. So the front line (Vanguards) will have spots opening up. xD
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