Maschinen Märchen

[BG="black"]Location:Unknown, Time Unknown

Like all tales of heroics, it is important to take time to look back at the past. Since this tale is about the Knights of the Seasons, one should understand where they came from. I will first start with Gin the Knight of the Spring.

He was born a little more than twenty seasons ago. There are some around us that have made up rumors that he is actually older than this. I laugh at such tales. For that would make me an old maiden. Heh, though there are some around that would say that I am. Oh, I am sorry. I have a tendency to digress.

Gin was born into a small, poor family. Much of the Kingdom of Odoaker is open fields and like most people in the region, they were farmers that grew crops to sustain themselves. However, when he was a lad, he had desires to be something greater. You see, back in those days it was very uncommon for people to advance out of their castes. Determined to help himself and his sister, he enrolled in school; as did she. Both became highly educated. How they got into school has never been revealed though it is believed that they had help from the local charities.

Gin showed himself to be a skilled swordsmen. His sister became well known for her control over the elements. As time progressed, they were both made into Knights of the Seasons. You see, to be a Knight of the Season was the highest honor one could strive for. You received a piece of land to call your own....

Oh my. I'm acting like this was all the long ago past. How silly of me. I must apologize. I have been travelling for quite some time now...I really must catch up on my rest. We will chat again. Do not worry. More will be revealed as time goes on.

Hrum gripped the seat of the car, his body recoiling from the loud noises and bloody aftermath of the rather impromptu entrance with guns blazing. He panted in quick, sharp breaths, whistles of steam blasting from his nose as he widely opened eyes regarded the mountains of bodies and spent casings lying around the ground.

"That .. was, certainly .. "

As he calmed down, he slowly released his grip on the seat, which had become rigid with frost, and looked around. Surely there would be more soon, if they did not resume their journey.
Regina had one of her self-made firearms in hand while waiting intently for something else to happen. Well, it wasn't entirely self-made. More like modified. Weapons that had been trashed were pulled from the garbage and made into something completely new, and unique. It made her a lot of sales and earned her enough money when she'd charge for test runs. The teenage boys, at the very least, seemed to like her inventions. She had quite a few loyal fans.

"Will you hold this, Gadget?" she mumbled to her mechanical cat. A hatch on the robot's back opened up so a lengthy arm with five digits would reach out. Gadget grasped the gun so that his Master would not have to drive with a weapon in hand. That was a recipe for disaster.

"Would you like me to fire it at our foes?" he asked.

"Yes. Please do," she replied with a stressed sigh, and sat back in her seat to rest a little bit. Just for a little bit. They were united with the rest of the caravan; she hadn't felt so relieved in her life.

Though, the odor of death was highly disturbing. There was carnage littering the ground, and frankly, it bothered her. Out of everyone in the party, she probably was least experienced with murder; battles; wars...

"I agree!" she said to Hrum, smirking to herself. His statement was incomplete, but she still got the idea of what he meant.
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Early morning dawn's light slowly peaked over the horizon, casting a twilight-orange glow over the clearing. Smoke rose from the Gatling guns in a steady stream, creating a haze over the scene.Their was a pile of dead goblins laying between the two groups. Gruesome black blood soaked the once green grass below them, as more than a few bullet ridden bodies writhed and twisted, finally coming to rest in various crooked positions. It was an all out massacre. On one side of the bodies stood Gin, Prince Fred and The apprentice knight, W'salia, weapons still drawn and dripping with gore. On the other side was the Winter Knight and his party, whom Gin couldn't quite make out through the thick, smoky haze.

View attachment 3819Gin holstered his blade after wiping it off on a near by tree. He patted Fluffy, who despite the ruckus, was already back to grazing, then walked across the clearing to meet with the others, he waved for the Prince and W'Salia to follow. Gin saw Roland first, and one he recognized as Regina, an associate of the Winter Knight, and the mysterious one Gin knew little about that went by the name of Hrum. However, Gins attention was captured immediately by Princess Sparkle. He got down on one knew, putting himself at eye level with the last of the ancient bloodline.

"Your Highness. I am in relived to see you are unharmed. This day has been filled with tragedy for our beloved Kingdom, but with you, our collective hope lives within."

Fluffy neighed disruptively, as if to say 'Here he goes again'. Gin continued.

"If I may be so bold as to ask, is there anything I can do to ease this no doubt rough transition for you? As a Knight of the kingdom it is my duty to, at all times, be sure that the princess is content, even under such dire circumstances."

[DASH=purple]W'Saylia could not avoid fatigue. As hard as she tried to ignore it, to push it away from her, she could feel its creeping coldness grab hold of her limbs. Sweat began to bead on her forehead as she pushed herself farther and farther.
The sound of Gin's voice broke her shield of concentration. His voice rang out clear over the battlefield.
"We must retreat!" There was a pause before he continued. I fear if we do not, this may be our final battle, my friends!"
W'Saylia nodded, more to herself than anyone else. She swung her sword into a small cluster of Globins, slaying them easily.

W'Saylia looked up, and was surprised to see some sort of flying car. The sounds of bullets raining down echoed all around the small group as the Goblins fell one by one. Soon the bullets stopped and everything was quiet. W'Saylia was still looking up. Then she saw someone she had been looking for.

"Master." She said, looking at the tall Knight that was her mentor. "Master, you're here."[/DASH]
Hrum, over his initial shock, stood up on the chair of the car and took stock of the situation. He was mostly intent on viewing the new allies. Something nagged at him from the inside. As if he had told himself to do this, or if someone else had told him to do it.

The knight-girl. A soldier. Most likely limited in capability.

The prince. Liability.

Knight of the Spring. Abilities unknown.

"Fun .. times ahead." He grit his teeth, frost seeping out from the spaces in between his upper and lower jaw. Gripping the side of the car door, he deftly swung himself over onto the ground, his bare feet sopping in the bloody soup that lay on the ground. He stood for a moment, wriggling his toes with a unfathomable expression on his face, before walking up to the knight, the apprentice.

"Apprentice?" His thin, rasping, dead pan voice had the barest hint of insolence, like a snowflake in a blizzard.
[dash=pink]Well, what a time this was turning out to be for Prince Winiefred. First taking care of those fleeing the neighbor kingdom, and now they were attacked by Goblins. Nearly defeated, and saved in the nick of time by....Prince Winiefred's eyes befell upon quite the group of travelers. This must be the group who were protecting the princess. Drenched in sweat and blood himself (though he was considered a flake Winiefred could hold his own in battle when need called), Winiefred searched for signs of the Princess Sparkles. None were had. No big. His eyes fell upon Gin a moment. How valiantly he had fought! A true hero. And then his eyes fell upon W'Saylia. Such a beautiful knight in training! Grace and poise, she would go far.

These newcomers would be sized up by the Prince as well. The smoke and such from the guns made it hard to see, but as he followed after Gin, his eyes adjusted and he watched each person's face come into view. First came Roland, a handsome man though Fred had a sense to stay away and just admire from far for now. Next came the feisty Regina, he'd heard of her before but never met her personally. Third came the one named Hrum, who seemed to have something like frost lingering about him, how very odd. Last, his eyes fell upon Princess Sparkles herself! Gin went to her and knelt before her and gave his praise. Such a knight! Oh how it made his heart stir!

Prince Winiefred smoothed his hair and made his advance upon the Princess, "Princess Sparkles, I presume. It is a great honor to finally meet you. I am Prince Winiefred of the Kikkomon Kingdom. I will do my utmost to defend and protect you while you are in my lands. The Kikkomon Kingdom welcomes you with open arms and will aid you in whatever way possible. Princess...might I add that you are ravishing" he too bowed before her some and took hold of her hand, kissing the top of it lightly. His eyes moved up toward her and for a moment an unknown breeze would blow through his hair and it would almost seem as if flower petals would waft around him. Well, in his mind perhaps, but who knows. Either way, he was trying to lay the charm on thick with Princess Sparkles and it was painfully obvious to those around. Typical Fred. And yet he was, in his own odd way, being genuine (which may have been borderline creepy).

[BG="black"]Princess Sparkles [/BG]
[BG="black"]Date: The Sixth of Trillena. Time: Near Dawn

"Yeah! Mr. Freezer here is right. That was...Weird." The princess really didn't know Hrum that well, even though he was a close associate of Hrodland. Since he was constantly cold and used what appeared to her to be ice packets, the term Mr. Freezer worked.

"Ah, yes. It is good to see you Lia." Hrodland said to his apprentice. While the Knight of Winter normally called people by more formal titles, he had started calling his student by a pet name. "I hope all is well and that Master Gin has been kindly to you."

The Princess then responded to Gin. "I want to ride that horse!" She sighed, "I'm so tired of being flung around on this piece of junk!" She was referring to the car. It was not an item she really cared for. "I also want to find a bed to sleep in...."

"Princess Käthe. Do not be rude to our friends." Hrodland said.

Käthe blinked for a moment. "I also want to travel with you instead of Mister Winter, here...You seem to be less rough and tumble than Hrodland is!" The Princess stepped out of the car and upon doing so, was greeted by the Prince of Kikkomon.

He knelt before her. He had manners, which was a plus for her. Then the Princess kissed her hand. This was okay, thought a bit weird. Before her mother passed away, the Queen had informed her that she would have to marry a prince; though, she didn't know which one. However the wind blowing through his hair was a little weirder.

"Gin...What does this man what?" The Princess then asked.
[DASH=purple] "Ah, yes. It is good to see you Lia." Hrodland said to W'Saylia warmly. It gave her such comfort to hear her pet name. Ah, the aged memories of when she had first acquired that little nickname. She used to despise it, but now it gave her ease and let her relax.
"I hope all is well and that Master Gin has been kindly to you." W'Saylia bowed to him and nodded. "He was very kind. I could not ask for more." Then a sigh escaped her mouth. "I apologize for not being ready and at your side, Master. It will not happen again. But...I am glad to see you are safe." She turned to the princess and knelt carefully in front of her. "And I welcome your presence, Princess. I am W'Saylia Vyolith, apprentice of the Knight of Winter."
W'Saylia stood from her kneeling position. She faced the man that had climbed out of the car. "Apprentice?" His voice rasped.
W'Saylia nodded. "That is correct." Then she addressed Hrodland again. "Master, shall we be headed to Kikkomon together now?"[/DASH]
View attachment 4074Gin was in the process of saddling up Fluffy, he patted her down first, and was happy to see that even after the battle she was more or less content. He led her over to the others, walking around the many goblins that lay hacked and slain on the ground. The spring knight, as his title implied, was a firm believer in life, rebirth and all things living, but he had no remorse for evil beings. To him, they were nothing more than a scourge of parasite, like locust or cockroaches, and therefor must be annihilated.

Gin again took a knee so he was eye level with the princess.

"Fluffy would like that very much, my dear. She would be honored to be mounted by royalty."

As Prince Fred kissed the Princesses hand, Gin smiled. The traditions of the hierarchy always had a warm place inside him, after all they were the many values he had been trained to uphold. They ignited the spark of servitude inside him.

"I think he wants to be friends, It's a sign of respect, your highness."
Gin then turned to the others.

"Shall we ride. I see no reason to further occupy this particular place." He turned back to the Princess.

"Do you need help mounting Fluffy, my dear? I would be glad to show you how."
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With the Princess safely in tote, riding snugly on the back of Fluffy with Gin on the reins, there was defiantly a feeling of companionship amongst the party. Each member bringing something unique to the table, collectively forming a well oiled machine. In the distant future doom lurked, but it was shrouded in a silver veil of hope.

View attachment 4078As the walls of Kikkomon rose proudly on the Horizon, like the beacon of a lighthouse to a ship lost in an ocean of fog, the low hum of many airships sang out in the air. The main city is large and is surrounded by a large stone wall with roads leading in and out of it from all four directions (guard towers at each corner). To the southeast is a large range of mountains in the distance which is where the people have been evacuated to. To the east a main road stretches out and leads to where the castle is. There is a bridge to be crossed to get to the castle. And once you get to the castle it's like something out of feudal japan palace style; Beautiful gardens, koi ponds, blossom trees, and the large halls.

Not a moment after they past into the official jurisdiction of Kikkomon, they were greeted by a welcoming party of sorts, consisting of several mounted guards and a royal chancellor. They were led into the city and from there, to their chambers. Prince Fred took them to place where they would stay until further notice. It was a large villa that over looked the north side of the city. It was furnished elaborately and provided separate sleeping quarters for each of them. Before the chancellor left, he notified them all that a council would be held tomorrow to discuss matters of utmost importance.

Until then, the group had time to relax, converse and discuss matters without the presence of Kikkomon royalty, save for Prince Fred who decided to stay with them instead of returning to the castle.
Hrum stirred awake, rubbing his eyes from the back of the car. His sleepy countenance soon gave one to one of wonder when he gazed upon the magnificent architecture, the grand swathes of the artist's brush that defined the city. He was told to expect big things, but a lifetime of living in small huts covered with animal hides had not prepared him for the difference in scale.

He gazed, dull eyed in wonder, as he was led through the halls, gilded with precious metals, and into his rooms. When he was introduced to his room, he could not do anything save stand at the door and stare at his furnishings. Often, at home, they had told him not to treasure material comforts, to take pleasure in the fulfillment of daily desires, but he could not but let a sign of pleasure escape him as he jumped onto the soft mattress, burying his face into the pillows and slightly kicking his legs.
[DASH=purple]W'Saylia looked upon the city with wonder. She had never visited Kikkomon, not even seen it in real life. Often times she would hear people talk about it, but even the most vivid words couldn't prepare her for the image that descended on her eyes. Every detail of the city seemed so beautiful and graceful. The people, the sights, even the smells were so bright and colorful. W'Saylia's large black eyes absorbed every detail she could manage, though it was a bit of a task with everything being so big and bold.

She said nothing, but one could tell by her face she was quite amazed by what she saw. Wow. Kikkomon is such a beautiful city...
Soon the group was lead to a residence where they would be resting for the time being. Even the building so well crafted. W'Saylia lightly touched the bed in her room. It was soft, like a puffy cloud. She stared out the window, admiring the sights once more.
W'Saylia, you must focus. Her harder, steel core spoke to her in a slightly irritated voice. Yes, the kingdom is beautiful. But you cannot sway your vision from the mission. Focus. The sights must be admired later, for the mission is the priority.

W'Saylia almost nodded to the inside voice. It was right. She had to focus on the mission. A knight would not be so distracted. And a knight she had to be, if she were to become one. Ripping her gaze from the window, she set her sword on her side on the bed. Even when she slept, her sword was close by. A little small light rest would do. It would regain the lost energy she had used on their journey so far. So she closed her eyes and decided to relax her mind and body.

A knight must know when to relax, as knights cannot be tense at all times. That would be wasting energy that could be used for later in more dire situations. Now is a time to relax and to not use energy that should be used for another time.[/DASH]
[dash=pink]When Princess Sparkles mounted behind Gin, Winiefred couldn't help but feel a tinge of slight jealousy. Though he wasn't sure if it was because of the Princess or because of Gin (woe is the heart of one who simply loves all fair things). Letting the thought slip from his mind, he remembered he too had a lovely co-mount with himself. This brought a renewed grin to his face as he turned and smiled kindly upon W'Saylia, "hold on tight" he said and suddenly took off after Gin at a good pace. When they came to the walls of the city, he looked up and waved to the guards who instantly began to open the doors leading into the city. The airships were puttering in as well. Greeted by a welcoming group and the Chancellor, Winiefred dismounted Buttercup and walked beside him, speaking quietly with the Chancellor. The group was lead to one of the family villa's where they would be staying. Fred opted to stay with the group, since he'd come this far. His father would understand. Well his father would be coming out to the council the next day, so he'd be fine. Everyone went off to their rooms and such as Winiefred took to wandering the villa grounds.

The Kikkomon kingdom was quite breathtaking, yes, but it seemed so empty without the many wonderful inhabitants there. Winiefred often liked to skirt his duties and come down into the heart of the city to simply explore the markets and all. Such a wonderful sensation! But it was for the best that the people were evacuated to the mountain city for safety. The guards walked about and saluted when Winiefred passed, he gave them a nod and continued idly on his way. His mind was on matters other than the war. His usual train of Would he ever be able to find the one who would satisfy his every needs?! And what of his missing sister...his thoughts strayed again as he made his way to the gardens in the courtyard of the villa. Taking a seat under a cheery blossom tree, he looked out at the koi pond deep in thought.
[BG="black"]Gin, The Knight of Spring [/BG]
[BG="black"]Date: The Seventh of Trillena. Time: Morning

A gentle breeze carried the distant smell of smoke and ash through the room as the party slept. It had been almost two days since the airships rained hell upon Oadaker, a warning? A slight glimpse of what was to come to those that stood idle while evil was alive and breathing? Fate worked in strange ways, and if the oddly formed group that now waited together in the Kikkoman wasn't enough evidence of that, the council that was scheduled for tomorrow morning was.

In the looming darkness, true allies must hold strong.


There was a strange light that engulfed his spirit. It felt like a warm embrace that had been missing from his soul for several long years. Gin opened his eyes, but knew immediately that he was dreaming. He was walking on a marble floor with accents of silver and gold. Above his head, large crystal chandlers swung from metal chains connected to the celling.

The Knight of Spring was in a hall, although he could see no doors or exits. Just a single long, brick lined wall and an iridescent white light. Gin walked towards it. He was unable to count the steps, or to feel his feet hit the floor.


A woman's voice. Soft, sweet and familiar. Gin focused on it. It was coming from the light, but at the same time it was all around him. It was with him.

"Gin. A great evil lives, and your journey has only just begun. The lands are destined to burn, doom will overtake, but there is an equalizing force."

To Gin's left a fantastic machine appeared as the white light slowly subsided. Standing in front of it was the woman; that much he could tell. Her slender arms, draped in a fine silk, rose to the ceiling as she gazed at the monolithic mechanical savior.

"The Princess is the key. Search for the Maschinen; it the only hope for humanity. The Kin have forewarned of this time!"

Darkness swirled around Gin as the white marble hall was replaced with fire and destruction. The overwhelming reek of burning flesh was stagnating in the air, as the Spring Knight fell backwards.

He awoke with a start. Outside, over the courtyard of Kikkomon, the early morning's sun was rising.

Gin, prior to going to sleep had no plan of action, but he was now alive with a hope. A fire burned in his guts, and he knew what must be done. Despite persecution, he must reveal his dream to the council, for they alone had the power to sanction such a quest. Gin knew, no matter the decision of today's meeting that he would follow through with the search of the ultimate weapon with the Princess, alone if needed.

The group made their way to the council room; on the way there Gin disclosed his dream. He told them of the machine and the Princess' role in the ancient blood line.

Before any had a chance to react, they were greeted by several Kikkomon guard that escorted them into the council chambers. Inside was elaborately decorated with high peaked windows that stretched from the floor to the ceiling. A circle of stone seats were set up and a moderately large group already gathered and waiting for the Seasonal Knights and their party. Two were there. The Knight of Fall was not present, nor was the Knight of Summer….

Besides the King of Kikkomon, who sat in a high backed marble throne, there was the Prime Minister of Odoaker, three of his top commanders, including the hot blooded Kaine Rynis, who despite having lost most of his army in the attack just two days prior, looked as surly as ever. Gin would have expected sadness from General Rynis, but apparently not.


After they all sat the King of Kikkomon spoke:

"In light of recent events, I would first off like to welcome you all to my Kingdom; I trust your stay has been pleasant. Our enemy has revealed himself, and all measures must be taken to stop him. We had a forewarning from the Knight of Fall. She mentioned she had a dream before she felt. Now, we must stop the Summer Knight, before it is too late. I would like to band together with the other Kingdoms and launch a full on war against the Federation of Dio."

Gin saw the flashes of fire from his dream and realized instantly that this would no doubt be the result of war.

The Spring Knight stood, despite the gasps, and spoke first to the King, then to the group as a whole.

"War is not the answer! This is a battle we cannot win and will surly be the end of us all! The Knight of Summer is too powerful, and his forces to blood thirsty to defeat in battle!"

The king of Kikkomon, eyes widen, but not threatening, asked.

"Then what, Knight of Spring, do you suggest?"

Gin told them all about the Maschinen and how Princess Sparkle, last of the ancient blood line, was the one true savior.

"…She and she alone can command the Maschinen;. And it is our only hope!"

Kaine, who had been grinding his knuckles against the arm of his stone chair stood, finally unable to take any more.

"Tell me Gin. How are we supposed to trust the man who couldn't even protect our Kingdom? Shall we follow you again into the belly of the beast, and from there you expect us to achieve Victory?"

General Rynis flashed a set of fire fueled eye's eyes at Gin.

"Besides, according to legend, the princess may not even BE the last of the Ancient Race. I would hope we are not going to trust this so called "Knight" and his overactive imagination?" The general had turned his back to Gin. The proud knight looked to his mentor, Hrodland, for assistance, hoping that he could sway the council…

Hrodland first chuckled.

"Do you find something funny, Count Adalbert?" General Rynis asked. Unlike Gin, whom was of common birth, Hrodland was a noble. The general knew better than to insult the Count.

"I do not raise my students to be fools, dear General." Hrodland said, "I have faith in my former student. If he believes that finding this being will help us achieve victory; then we should at the very least put it into consideration."

"However; the only one here that can officially declare war on our behalf is the young princess. It is her decision. It all really depends on if she has faith in her most beloved of all the Knights."

All eyes then fell upon the young girl sitting in the center of the room. Next to her stood the Prince of Kikkoman… Both of them exchanged looks.

"I, I…." The Princess then began to speak.
[dash=pink]The meeting was one of utmost importance, and the chamber they were in was guarded heavily. Winiefred watched everyone quietly as he stood next to Princess Sparkles. his ears perked as Gin began to speak, insisting that war was not the answer. However, war meant battle and they'd already seen the result of a battle. It saddened the Prince to think of the destruction that had indeed occurred just in this short amount of time. To declare a full out war right now would certainly have its consequences.

Ah, yes, even Winiefred who was usually so light-hearted and joyous seemed to be set in a grave situation/mood from this gathering of importance. The floor was handed to Princess Sparkles as all eyes fell upon her. The young princess cast a glance in Fred's direction as he returned it quietly. The Princess began to speak, but she seemed at loss for words. Winiefred placed his hand lightly on her shoulder, mostly in a comforting manner, "Come now, you all expect so much from one so young. A decision must be made, yes, but this is a lot for even me to take in. Let the girl have a moment to think this over. However, no matter what the princess' decision may be, I want all to know this. I, Prince Winiefred of the Kikkomon Kingdom, do solemnly swear to stand by Princess Käthe Valeria Berg of the Odoaker Kingdom and give my life to help protect her in any way that I can." A noble gesture on his part, and his father gave him a glance, but he seemed to approve either way. Though Fred's actions certainly surprised his father and their court present.

With his two cents put in, Winiefred took hold of Princess Sparkle's hand and knelt before her, "Princess you have my full support no matter your decision." Their eyes met once more as he kissed her hand. Yet again a gentle breeze seemed to flow between the two and the scent of rose petals drifted into the air. A scene of blatant flirtation on Fred's behalf. Same old Winiefred. There was simply silence in the room for a short moment. During that silence, Fred stood once more and took his position next to the Princess as if nothing really had happened.
[DASH=purple]W'Saylia walked towards the council chambers. While on the way there, Gin had told them of his peculiar dream. Apparently, it had to do something with the secret weapon. She listened carefully, absorbing every detail. They could come in handy later.
She sat down on a chair in the elaborate. Gin stood up to spoke.
"War is not the answer! This is a battle we cannot win and will surly be the end of us all! The Knight of Summer is too powerful, and his forces to blood thirsty to defeat in battle!"
W'Saylia couldn't help but nod. What he said made sense. Why fight a battle you couldn't win?
The king looked suprised. "Then what, Knight of Spring, do you suggest?"
"…She and she alone can command the Maschinen;. And it is our only hope!"
W'Saylia was mildly surprised at the mention of the weapon. She wasn't even sure if it existed. The prime minister and Gin argued for a little while. Then all eyes fell upon the princess. She was nervous and began to speak. Prince Fred spoke up, saying how he would support the princess and it would be best to give her time to think about it.
W'Saylia thought about the scene that was unfolding. Then she sent a silent thought to the Princess. Of course she couldn't hear it, but sheer willpower itself might have propelled it to the young girl.

Princess, please choose your words carefully. I have faith in you. What you say can turn the tide of the entire war...


The boy stood to one side of the meeting, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed. He showed no particular interest in the meeting, for he had already predicted that regardless of the outcome someone was going to go on an expedition to acquire the deus ex machina. While he was naturally inclined to skepticism, his heart, literally on his sleeve, did not allow him to fully discount the possibility of advanced, forgotten technology. He allowed his eyes to play over the Winter Knight, the pupils becoming glassy and unfocused.

The sight of the knight seemed to agitate him. He alternated from leaning on the wall to sitting down on the chair, legs spread, elbow resting on his knee, chin cupped in hand. His agitation prevented him from sitting still for too long, and there were scrapings and thunks as he stood up and sat down, repeatedly, sometimes turning to look out the windows, sometimes spinning around to look at the gathering with venom. In any case, his constant movement was causing a small fog of frost to spread out from under his robes, the tendrils reaching the princess' feet just as they called upon her to make a decision.
"I..i..." The princess began to speak, thanking Prince Fred for his words of confidence before walking to the center of the room.

"...I lost my home today, I know I don't act it but I am deeply hurt. I loved Odoaker with all my heart…."

She put her head down so only the ends of her bangs were visible to those in the room. All eyes were trained on her, it would appear that she was deeply upset and on the verge of tears. However, once she raised her head there was nothing but sarcastic sadness, rage and spitfire dripping from her eyes.

"But if you think for one second that YOU,…."

She jammed a pointed finger at Kaine Rynis

"...An appointed general to MY kingdom, can talk to Gin or the others that way!"

The princess jumped onto one of the high backed chairs so she was eye level with Kaine. Her finger was still out stretched and now thrusting repeatedly into his chest, as if to add an exclamation point at the end of every word she spoke.

"You've! got! Another! Thing! Coming! Buddy!"

Poke, poke, poke, poke, poke.

The audience stared gape jawed at this, but nonetheless remained silent. After all, the Princess was royalty.

"And YOU." She turned her pint-sized figure towards the Prime minister of Odaker "How can you just sit there while this fool criticizes Gin? The knight who protected you and our Kingdom along with Count Adalbert? For shame!" The Princess hopped off the high backed chair and walked to where her party stood. Those that had joined together to insure her safety; Her allies.

"These are my friends. And if Gin had a Dream that says we must travel together to unlock some stupid machine, then that is what we will do! And there isn't a damn thing you, or whoever, can do to stop us!"

Apparently the conversation was over, because Princess Sparkle was already on her way towards the door when Gin spoke.

"We'll be needing an Airship, that I trust Kikkoman can supply? We will embark at once."

Kaine Rynis threw his hands in the air, but sat down. There was nothing he could do or say. And in the end, war, he knew, was not the answer.

Many of the council were stunned, but none the less silenced as the Princess marched, leading the party out the door and towards the Airships.

[dash=pink]Everyone began to leave the room following after the princess and her 'court'. Winiefred's father gave him a look as he fell back and stayed behind to converse privately with his father. When the room was cleared, the doors were once more closed as the two stood at the King's seat. His father had a stern look upon his face, meaning what he was about to say was of utmost importance. "A lot has happened, my son, your sister's sudden disappearance and now this. I would like to think it's all just coincidence, but I fear there is more to it"

"What do you mean father?"

"Before you depart, the ships must be stocked and prepared. That will give me enough time to explain. Find Gin, Hrodland, and Princess Käthe. They too should be privy to this conversation." With that his father took a seat once more and waited. Winiefred blinked a moment confused, but his father only shooed him away to do as he was told. Sighing, Winiefred too leave of his father's presence to find the three he'd mentioned. The mention of his dear sister's disappearance was still a sore subject for the Prince. It didn't take him long to find the group, conversing at the airships. Gin was still in a hurry to leave, and Winiefred had to stop and admire the man's determination.

Coming to his senses, he sighed and approached the group, "Princess Käthe, Gin, and Hrodland…my father wishes a quick private council with you three and myself before we depart. He is having our men stock the ships so we have some time to spare. If you'd follow me back please," he bowed politely after his small speech and simply began to return from whence he came. The King, as promised, was waiting for them in the meeting hall once again.

"I take it my son has informed you all of the preparations. Before you go, there is something I must tell you. Many moons ago I received a vision in my dream, foretelling of this day. I didn't believe it to be true, until now. I was visited by a prophetess whose name I shall not speak, but know that she is known among this group. She told me when the time is right that I am to reveal this prophecy to the heroes, and I believe this is the group she was talking about."

He paused a moment as he closed his eyes trying to remember the prophetess' words from the dream. Finally be started to recite:
"When horizon burns where sun does set
Send out heroes on perilous quest

Seek answers not first North or East
But follow breath of burning beast

Through forest where no light will shine
Find hidden passage where stars align

Pass two sentries who long since sleep
To enter into the forgotten keep

Within the chambers where secrets are shared
Heroes will find some answered cleared."

There was a silence as the King recited this strange prophecy. He opened his eyes upon completion and looked upon the group, "That is all I can tell you. The first part has come true. As your kingdom has been set ablaze, Princess, and I grieve for it. Dark times may be coming soon."

"So these must be directions of some sort, father?" Winiefred said stepping forward. His father simply nodded and slowly stood, "It's up to you to decipher them; I have done my part for the time being. Now we must prepare to defend our borders as well. Your ships should be ready by night fall, you will be departing at first light, so be prepared and rest well. You all have a long journey ahead of you." With his peace said the King took his departure leaving the small group there to contemplate things.

Winiefred watched his father tiredly go. He was getting old, and Winiefred hoped he still had some good years left in him. He wasn't ready to take his father's place just yet. Not nearly ready at all in fact. His thoughts went to his dear sister as he turned toward the others, "Our things shall be packed and ready for the journey tomorrow at sunrise. I will see you all then." He bowed and took his own leave. Time to think, and time to train, that's what he wanted to do right now. Seek answers not first North or East, but follow breath of burning beast. What did that all mean? Directions probably but what did breath of burning beast mean? Why always the prophets and the riddles! His father was notorious for these types of things, and it simply baffled poor Winiefred. However, his father was of the old ways, and the mystiques were prevalent in foreshadowing what was supposed to come. He'd sleep on it, maybe it would come to him in the morning.