The explosion ripped through the area, sending a thick cloud of dust into the air, pelting any out in the open with small bits of flung debris. The shock reverberated through the girl, shaking her to the core, rattling through her very bones from the tips of her fingers to her toes. A cover of thick pinions had protected her from the dust and pebble shrapnel. She quickly tugged the bandana around her throat up to cover her mouth as she took action, slipping into the cloud toward where she had last seen the young man. It took her a moment of squinting around before she caught sight of something pale down by the tracks, poking out of the shadows. She leaned forward, peering around a pillar, the young man's barely clothed figure coming into view.
She moved to stand next to him, her eyes glued to the writhing mass of black and eerie orange. A faint lump formed in her throat which she swallowed down quickly. Tearing her eyes away from the ichor she moved to kneel next to the young man. Reaching out she grasped his shoulders and shook him slightly.
"Hey." She called out, "HEY." A hand moved out to cup his chin, which she gave a slight shake. She knew he was stunned but not internally damaged. How she knew that much about Symbiote carriers though, was a mystery. Her fingers touched to one of his eyes, fingers forcing it open as she continued to speak to him. She wondered if he would think a real angel was speaking to him, what with the wings and all. That was if he was even remotely conscious.
"I'm going to pick you up." She stated calmly, as though to a child. Something in her voice seemed to change as well, her voice getting smoother and slightly deeper, a peculiar accent playing through it. "We need to get out of here quickly – before Venom wakes up." Her gaze shifted to the wriggling mass of Contrition. "As for your little friend there…he'll just have to either hold on or keep up. It's up to him."
With a quick breath and a faint grumble, she pulled Trevor off the ground with ease. Although she was somewhat shorter than Trevor and much thinner—almost on the side of dainty, if you could call it that, she was much stronger than her appearance let on. She allowed his feet to drag a bit, at least one of his feet dragging through the sludge of Contrition. The girl didn't know if this would help the Symbiote at all to keep track of its host, but she was willing to try. There was no way in Hell she was going to try to pick that THING up!
It was after that, that Angel hefted Trevor into her arms like a new bride, completely emasculating him. At least if he had known about it, anyway. She picked up the pace, eager to get back to the main group in case Venom had decided to wake up. Just before the girl emerged from the thick dust, she paused. Slowly, she placed Trevor's feet on the ground and put one of his arms around her shoulders while she wrapped her arms tightly around his upper body, making it look at the very least, he was still able to hobble along.
Perhaps somewhere in her mind, she thought that if Fury saw how quickly Trevor was knocked out, he would reject him from the group. Something that Angel…didn't really find herself wanting…for various reasons. They were going to be up against Osborne after all. There would be no time for weakness.
Soon, they were back with the rest. "Shouldn't we be, like, fleeing right now?" the young woman asked somewhat loudly, over the ringing in her ears.