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Jane Foster

Original poster



The war started nearly five years ago, with villains from all over the Earth and beyond teaming up and making plans together. But it was kept underground until about six months ago, when these villains began popping back up, and finally bringing their war to where it was visible to all. It was over quickly, with the villains using elaborate long term plans and advanced weaponry to defeat even the strongest of the world's superheroes. Ever since their victory, they have been rounding up known superheroes, anyone established with SHIELD, and anyone else who continues to try and fight them, and sending them to Marvel Penitentiary.

Established in 2013, the Marvel Penitentiary is the highly secure prison for enemies of the allied states and those in power. Each prisoner (and guard) is fitted with a chip specific to them, buried in a location that only a sterile, elaborate surgery could remove it. The chip can be used for multiple things, the foremost of which is inhibiting the prisoners' supernatural abilities. They also serve to keep prisoners within the bounds of the prison, and track their location.

The world has fallen to those who would do its citizens evil. All those who oppose the power are being rounded up, and housed in the Penitentiary where they cannot fight their new rulers. Given the new reign, there are few rules regarding how the prison can be run by its guards who vary from those in highest power, to mere flunkies. Beyond separation by residence blocks, there is no segregation by gender or by age, and all inmates who are not confined to solitary for poor behavior may interact as they please.

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