Marvel/DC Yaoi



Original poster
Hi! My name's Deadpool. You may know me from a couple of movies and comic books but if you don't then get the fuck outta here. Anyway, I'm basically a supersoldier. A couple weeks ago those guys from DC wanted to team up with us and stuff. Damn, they're hot. If only I could get my hands on Wonder Woman...
Tim Drake sat in the distance out of his superhero costume and out of sight. Once the man was done speaking the boy thought about what would be the best way to go about this because to him all the guy did was talk to thin air.

A psyco clearly. Although could possibly be on our side. We need to figure out what makes that brain work.

Walking forward carefully and looks up and down making mental notes about anything that seemed of interest on the suit. If there was one good thing about being Batman's side kick for so long it's you learn to become cautious.

"Hello there. I'm Tim Drake. It's a pleasure to meet you. Would you be free to answer a few questions?"