I fenced for about three years, competitively for two. I learned the three swords: foil, epee, sabre, but mostly competed in foil. A nasty injury, and the fact that I did not get much joy out of competition with others, caused me to slowly phase out-though I still visit my old classmates to fence with them, every once in a while.
I've been doing traditional Japanese Jujitsu for almost three years and I have no intention of ever stopping. I've met a lot of amazing people, and learned to be a better, more compassionate person.
I have a bad temper, like, a really bad temper. The black out and jump on you, forearm to the throat, knee to the sternum kind of temper. Without going into too much detail: I had to fight A LOT until about age 16. After that, things got better, things calmed down. But I didn't know how to turn it off.
Being in martial arts isn't about kicking ass. It's about being a better person. Anyone can fight, I can fight, a lot of people can fight. Can you control yourself enough not to fight? What if you're out with a friend/family member/lover and they are snatched right in front of you, and are being dragged away? You can't just punch or tackle the bad guy. . . unless you're comfortable with harming your loved one in the process.
Can you control yourself enough to not harm your attacker, because you realize that it's just a young, autistic man who has simply gotten too excited. Do you know hot to restrain him until he calms down? I've seen it happen, and the man who did it was smaller and lighter than me, and the young man was easily 5'8 and 200lbs. My senpai didn't even break a sweat, and the young man calmed down after a while.
Whoo! Got a little long-winded, there. Simply put: Jujitsu has changed my life for the better. I have much better control of my emotions, and that has helped me in every aspect of my life.
Also, I love it because it covers ground fighting, stand up, pressure points, every weapon under the sun and defense against them (yes, even guns), escaping techniques and even healing techniques (what good are you if you can't tend to what you break?). The best part? It requires ZERO physical strength, just good positioning, breathing, clarity, and a little knowledge of human anatomy.
Sorry about the long-winded message, I get a little carried away with these things. ^^;
[nomedia="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R2Tmpq7Z_QA&feature=related"]YouTube- Ogawa Ryu Jujutsu Mugen Mukeru Small Documentary 2/2[/nomedia]
[nomedia="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_QZyJhMo674"]YouTube- Ogawa Ryu Jujutsu - Shoden no keiko II[/nomedia]
http://martialartsoftucson.com/video_player_superlg.php?video=jujutsu_final This vids fancy, and a little dramatic, but it has beautiful sword technique in it.