Map and Compass

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!
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Coup de Gravy!
Original poster
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
Fantasy, Scifi, Mystery

| Roster | IC | Accepted CS Dump | Collaboration Site |

Head GM


| Aliceee |

The Rules
Rule no. 1: Don't be rude or more plainly put, to destroy all loopholes, an asshole. IC, this is okay, obviously, but OOC rudeness, especially on the forums, is not acceptable.
Rule no. 2: Iwaku rules apply (obviously)
Rule no. 3: Follow the CS guidelines on the bottom. Please don't come with questions that are already answered there.
Rule no. 4: Try not to go back and forth in solo-posts. If you're going to do a conversation with someone, please do a collab as to not take up much space in the IC.
Rule no. 5: Although this RP is noted as 'advanced', I'm not expecting large posts, as a matter of fact, I'd rather avoid such enormous solo posts. Instead, that term refers more the the characters' developments.
Rule no. 6: No meta or power gaming.
Rule no. 7: Short posts are acceptable-don't feel obligated to write extremely long posts on your own- but try to have at least two good paragraphs.
Rule no. 8: All IC posts and CSs must be written in third person.
Rule no. 9: Romance is okay, but if things get too 'heated' then please fade out and take it to PM's. We all can guess what happens during a black-out.

...And when the world was collapsing and its pillars falling, Erebus' spell bound the Dark One to the core...
- Book of Dawn
After the Dark One came after the world with all of his minions, and after Erebus shut his connection to the outside, the Settlements were formed by Followers, who were the disciples of the Lord. They created protected areas that man could inhabit, safe from Creatures that were sent to wreak havoc. Food and shelter was given to the people, and to a point, everyone was content.

Around the end of the first century, one of the men mustered the people of the Settlement and tried to leave the Boundaries set by the followers, beyond which they claimed were calamities that would destroy them, and that upon leaving, they would have turned their backs on the Lord. Nevertheless, they left and were never able to return. As punishment, the Boundaries were destroyed, said to be a process that would continue for another century, bringing the Creatures to the Settlement's doorstep.

Thus, the Forge was built, the Hunters were gathered and the fight for survival began once again. The conditions for redemption was simply to not leave the area that the boundaries used to govern for the next century, so that they could prove their fealty to the Lord and that they would not betray his generosity.


  • This is your home! And what sweet sorrow parting will be...​

    The Settlement is the only known society of humans known to its inhabitants, or at least the only one seen by them. It's located in the mist, beyond the mountainous lands surrounding it, huddled up against a small body of water. The people living there would barely number 200, lowering and rising erratically, though it never falls under 100. Half of the population lives under the full protection of the Followers, being fed and given beds to sleep in as well as a promise for an afterlife, in return for their full attendance and loyalty to the Lord and Erebus.

    Some centuries ago, the Settlement's population was far bigger. People lived in peace, rather than how they did after the Heretic's damned attempt to leave the Boundaries set by Erebus himself. There was a small group of 100 that refused to follow the others out, and the 100 and their descendants were all given protection while the rest were left to fend for themselves until their numbers dwindled to such small numbers that none would ever even attempt to leave again. The descendants of the survivors live as Hunters who gather food for the Disciples (the 100 and their own descendants) primarily, and for themselves, though most would die before reaching adulthood, leaving the heavy-weighing job to their brothers, sisters and children.

    The Settlement currently has three separate parts: The Outer District, The Inner District and the Church. In the Outer District, the descendants of the Heretics, in the Inner, the descendants of the Disciples live. The difference in the quality of life is quite evident from the states of the buildings, accessibility to water and food.... The only unkindly part in the Inner District is the path leading from the Outer into the Church grounds to where the Heretics' descendants are made to come to pray for forgiveness.

  • map_and_compass___church_concept_by_sketching101-d8tbk94.jpg

    The Book of Dawn was found by the people who found the Settlement inside its church, which was built with some special, unidentifiable materials, from strange stones to gems and metals. The building is at the center of the Mist's field, in a small plains, the area surrounded by the forest of the Settlement.

    The two Followers remain in the church, welcoming all devout men and women who are willing to pay homage to the Lord and ask for forgiveness. For generations, the same two hooded men have been tending the building, guiding the people towards their redemption.

    The story told in the Book of Dawn is about a young man named Erebus and his four followers, Eli, Rahl, Faran and Thuhl. According to the story, they were summoned by the Lord's warriors, and his right hand, Helis, just around the time Creatures started surfacing. It tells about the adventures Erebus and his friends had while trying to protect the people of the earth. In the end, the Apostles become living pillars for the world to stand on, protecting the blessed lands by Erebus, who cast the Holy Spell to summon the Mist to keep the Creatures away from Settlements.

  • forge_concept_by_sketching101-d8ttvrw.jpg

    The Forge, however, is only symbolic. It can only be used for the Rite of Passage, as all Hunters use Heavenly Reformation in order to create weapons afterwards.

  • As the Dark Ones servants, Creatures roam the earth, following scents to hunt down men and women wherever they can. They can be found in several sizes, be it gigantic monsters that could dwarf mountains, tree sized bipedal beasts with skin harder than steel, or small lizard-like beings that can blend in with their surroundings and rip a man's bones to shreds with a single jaw grip.

    Creatures have unusually hard skin, rivaling the hardness of mined metal, and surpassing it in efficiency for weapon smithing. Most hunters use the metallic skin of the Creatures in order to make better weapons for themselves.


Magic is conjured in a few forms. There's a form known to be 'Pure'. In this state the user conjures magic solely based on the magical energy that they posses. Its versatile and needed when one doesn't have a source of the magic's affinity, such as using fire magic without any source of fire nearby, but it will tire an user faster. Another form is 'Mixed', where the magic of a person uses a source and fuels it with magic in order to save stamina and if needed to empower one's magic. The third and final form of magic is 'Enchantment'. It allows certain aspects of magic to be channeled through weapons, meaning that people would be able to give attributes to weapons by inscribing the circles on them.

Magic can be made much more powerful in many ways, but the most easy to learn is known as 'Blood magic'. Though not seen as something evil, the use of blood magic is usually reserved in desperate situations and also considered to be dangerous for that a person can grow addictive to its power. Ending in that they lose sight of what they are losing as they use the powerful magic : their own life.

Furthermore, magic is being done in circles of power. With formula is complete, one can channel their energy into using magic. Depending on the circle and formula, the user can use all kind of magic, but due the fact that it is needed to be done in circles of power, it is rare to see a person using more than two forms of magic at the same time. Usually people draw a circle of power into the palm of their hands as it has been proven to be more useful to channel magic through the hands.

There are some who let circles of powers be tattooed on the palms of their hands, but this has proven to be less versatile as more circle of power on one hand can disturb the magic and ending in failure. Sometimes even that it will be costly for the user. For that reason it is usually custom that a person uses ink or other substance which they can later remove. This allows one to several kind of circles of power instead of sticking with just one or two.

  • Holy magic is revered mostly as it the magic that protects and heals. This magic form is usually more defensive than offensive, though there are several forms where a practitioner could use the magic to smite others. Using the heavily concentrated magic to slam blunt trauma or blind a foe with blinding light, experienced practitioners of Holy magic aren't to be trifled with.

Info for Character Sheet
Please read all of these before you start on your CS, so that all potential questions that may arise can be answered without being asked.

  • So that no character can become overly powerful in every area they want, we're using a talent system for people to be more capable in certain areas. Each character can have three primary talents and three secondary talents of the 10 below for combat talents. Of course, this doesn't mean you can't learn other things, but there's a limit as to how much you can advance.

    • Agility : Boosts growth in movement speed, agility and acrobatics.
    • Swordplay : Boosts growth in swordsmanship.
    • Aim : Boosts growth in throwing and shooting skill and accuracy.
    • Polearms : Boosts growth in polearm use.
    • Axes and Hammers : Boosts growth in use of axes and hammers.
    • Unarmed : Boosts growth in martial arts skills.
    • Strength : Boosts growth in strength of arms and legs and use of heavy weapons.
    • Wide Guard : Boosts growth in use of shields.
    • Stealth : Boosts growth in silent movement.
    • Dual Wielding : Boosts growth in dual wielding weapons.

    Certain talents are more compatible with others, and some are less. Those that are compatible together allow growth to be faster, while those that are not makes it slower, yet still faster than untalented growth.


    Out of Combat Talents
    Similarly to combat talents, you can pick two primary talents, and two secondary ones. Unlike the combat talents, there are none that are compatible or incompatible with each other.

    • Cooking : Boosts growth in making better food from less ingredients.
    • Tracking : Boosts growth in ability to follow tracks and pursuit by the traces left by the target.
    • Lockpicking : Boosts growth in opening locked doors and undoing magical seals, as well as get out of certain binds.
    • Smithing : Boosts growth in making more refined weapons and items.
    • Enchantment : Boosts growth in learning more advanced enchantments.
    • Herbal Knowledge : Boosts growth in making better medicine with less material.
    • Wound Treatment : Boosts growth in applying medicine and treating wounds.

  • Base - The lowest level of a skill.
    Basic - Something anyone can learn and master with just a little practice.
    Novice - Someone who has gotten the hang of a certain skill to the extent that they can use it more freely would be around this level.
    Adept - Average Hunters are usually adept in using whatever weapons they have.
    Advanced - Usually, only veteran Hunters are at this level at an area concerning combat.
    Peerless - Such level of skill means your character has become a master amongst masters in that particular area.

    As beginners, your characters may start with (for combat abilities) five base skills three basic skills, and two novice ones.

    These skills would be the same ones stated in the talent section.

    Concerning non-combat skills, you can choose from the respective section, once again stated in the talent tab.

    For non talent abilities, you can start with four base skills, two basic skills and one novice skill.

  • Base - The easiest level of magic.
    Basic - Something anyone can learn and master with just a little practice.
    Novice - Spells that need some practicing in order to learn and master.
    Adept - Spells that need good knowledge of the area of magic.
    Advanced - These spells are known usually by veteran Hunters who have mastered their magical prowess.
    Peerless - Peerless spells are so advanced that they're dubbed forbidden by Followers.

  • Every player, for each character, must insert a small entry for the Book of Dawn, so we can have a collection of stories, divine rules for the lore. This is just something to involve everyone's view into the RP in a different way. So just add anything you feel like at the bottom of the CS.

  • These are spells that each character has to know in the beginning.​

    Name: Heavenly Reformation
    Type of Spell: Pure Form
    Nature of Spell: N/A
    Level: Basic
    Range: Short
    Magic Circle: A square inscribed in a circle, and a circle inscribed in the square, with the rest of the circle determining what kind of object will be formed by the metal.
    Description: This is a basic spell that all Hunter candidates must learn before taking the Rite of Passage, as it is the spell to create weapons for themselves after the Rite. Even if they do it at the Forge, afterwards, they can forge weapons by using this spell, however, it can be used to reshape other objects as well, though only matter found in the boundaries of the magic circle

    Name: Enchantment: Base
    Type of Spell: Enchantment
    Nature of Spell: N/A
    Level: Base
    Range: Contact with circle
    Magic Circle: Two squares inscribed into a circle, and a circle inscribed into the octagon. The attributes of the enchantment is based on what other shapes are put into the circle.
    Description: This is the base formula for the enchantment spells. With this spell, one can give different attributes to weapons and objects.

    Name : Inscription
    Type of Spell : Pure Form
    Nature of Spell : N/A
    Level : Base
    Range : Immediate Vicinity
    Magic Circle : N/A
    Description : A very basic form of magic, Inscription allows the user to draw on the air with the trace of one's fingertips to create magical circles quickly in battles.
    Weakness : It has no physical form. Drawing the magic circles also takes a few seconds, leaving the caster immobile until he/she can complete the circle.

  • Code:
    [CENTER][SIZE=5][I][B][FONT=book antiqua]INSERT NAME HERE[/FONT][/B][/I][/SIZE]
    [SIZE=5][B][I]Personal Information[/I][/B][/SIZE]
    [B][I]First Name[/I][/B] :
    [I][B]Middle name[/B][/I] :
    [B][I]Surname[/I][/B] :
    [B][I]Nickname(s)[/I][/B] :
    [B][I]Gender[/I][/B] :
    [B][I]Sexuality[/I][/B] :
    [B][I]Age[/I][/B] :
    [B][I]Appearance[/I][/B] :
    [B][I]Length[/I][/B] :
    [B][I]Build[/I][/B] :
    [I][B]Weight[/B][/I] :
    [i][b]Magical Affinities[/b][/i] :
    	[i][b]Elemental Affinity[/b][/i] :
    	[i][b]Primary Affinity[/b][/i] : (can be either barrier, nature, or blood magic, or you can leave it empty to be filled out later in the RP)
    	[i][b]Secondary Affinity[/b][/i] : (can be either barrier, nature, or blood magic, or you can leave it empty to be filled out later in the RP)
    [SIZE=5][B][I]Detailed Information[/I][/B][/SIZE]
    [B][I]Personality :
    Background :
    Theme song :[/I][/B] (optional)
    [SIZE=5][B][I]Abilities and Arsenal[/I][/B][/SIZE]
    [b][i]Talents :[/i]
    [B][I]Skills :
    Other traits :[/I][/B]
    [SIZE=5][B][I]Main weapon[/I][/B][/SIZE]
    [B][I]Name :
    Description :
    Appearance :
    Other information :[/I][/B]
    [SIZE=5][B][I]Side arm[/I][/B][/SIZE]
    [B][I]Name :
    Description :
    Appearance :
    Other information :[/I][/B]
    [B][I]Appearance :
    Description :[/I][/B]
    [SIZE=5][B][I]Other :[/I][/B][/SIZE]
    [I][B]Name :
    Appearance :
    Description :[/B][/I]
    [I][B]Name :
    Appearance :
    Description :[/B][/I]
    [b][i]Name :
    Type of Spell :
    Nature of Spell :
    Level : (?)
    Range :
    Magic Circle :
    Description :
    Weakness :[/i][/b]
    [b][i]Name :
    Type of Spell :
    Nature of Spell :
    Level : (?)
    Range :
    Magic Circle :
    Description :
    Weakness :[/i][/b]
    [spoilerbb=Book of Dawn entry]
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  • Love
Reactions: Aliceee

"A wise man once said, but alas, he says no more."

Personal Information
First Name :
Middle name :
Surname :
Nickname(s) :
"Animal Girl"
"Prosa Oratio"

Gender :
Sexuality :
Age :
20, born on the 22nd of September - the Autumnal Equinox

Appearance :

Height :
5' 7"
Build :
Lean, lithe but powerful, well-defined. Light bust, around a 34B. Sizable hips at about 44 inches
Weight :
~150 lbs

Magical Affinities :
Elemental Affinity :
Primary Affinity :
Secondary Affinity :


Detailed Information
Personality :
Quiet and gruff, often aggressive, but she believes that any who fear her aren't worth her time. When she let's people in after they persist, she is oddly eloquent. Her speaking is refined but her experiences make her very hard. She has a cynical sense of humor and makes plenty of (albeit goodhearted) derogatory remarks towards her comrades, although she'd risk her life for those closer to her, and would at least attempt to rescue anyone else.

Background :
Growing up in the Outter District was tough. Pain, hardship, toil since birth. Eisenfier left the walls at a young age despite the talk of death and only found animals - a case of extreme circumstance, as for weeks she only saw animals. The wolves and bears scared her, but due to her affinity to nature, they helped her. They brought her rabbits, fish and berries as they do for their young, and it mystified her. When she finally returned to The Settlement after weeks of being gone, she was covered in pelts and brought meat and fruit for her families. She told everyone that there were no Creatures and those who believed in the Church shunned her. Her parents tried to stifle her and she came to hate the Church. She left again shortly after returning, but that was when she saw her first Creature. A basilisk attacked her and she was nearly killed, until the animals from before risked their lives to give her a chance to escape. They were killed and she returned home downtrodden and shaken, lucky to only be missing her right eye. She recanted her statements, but she was still skeptical of the Church. She sought knowledge to both affirm and deny her suspicions and theories. For now, she plays along and prays as expected of her. She took up hunting and now works to support herself and The Settlement.

Theme song :



Abilities and Arsenal

Talents :

Strength, Swordplay, Dual-Wielding


Agility, Axes & Hammers, Unarmed

Tracking, Herbal Knowledge


Cooking, Wound Treatment

Skills :

Agility: Novice
Swordplay: Basic
Aim: Base
Polearms: Basic
A&H: Basic
Unarmed: Basic
Strength: Novice
Wide Guard: Base
Stealth: Basic
Dual Wielding: Novice
Cooking: Novice
Tracking: Novice
Lockpicking: Base
Smithing: Basic
Enchantment: Basic
Herbal Knowledge: Novice
Wound Treatment: Novice

Other traits :

Animal Taming (Passive Magical Aura)


Main weapon

Name :
Espada Oculara

Description :

A falchion forged from a basilisk's skin and bones. The basilisk in question would regret taking Eisenfier's eye, if it had a concept of regret.

Appearance :

Other information :

Made from the same basilisk which attacked Eisenfier in her second incursion into the woods. She tracked it down and killed it to avenge her animal friends and her eye immediately after completing the Rite of Passage.


Side arm

Name :
Espada Incipio

Description :

Eisenfier's first sword. She favors it for its effectiveness and the mild sentiment it holds as such.

Appearance :

Other information :

Not as strong as Espada Oculara, considering the circumstances, and definitely not one of the strongest starting weapons, but it is a fine blade compared to a normal sword.



Appearance :

Description :

Primarily hide armor with some metal buckles and plates, tied together with a molded leather corset. It's appearance helps her approach animals, along with her passive aura.

Other :

The pareo is made from various hides, including those of the rabbits her wolf friends brought her in the wildand, and is very warm. She's able to brave the cold mountains very easily if she has her cloak as well.

Appearance :

Description :

A practical fur cloak used during the Winter and in cold terrain like high mountains.



Name : Command Animal
Type of Spell : Control Entity
Nature of Spell : Nature
Level : Novice
Range : Line of Sight
Magic Circle : Three smaller circles sitting atop a larger circle within the magic circle. In essence - a pawprint.
Description : Orders animals enthralled through taming, passive auras, or another spell. If used on an entity other than the user and the animal(s) in question, the intent of the user is used to determine whether to attack or defend them. Of used on a controlled animal, it becomes Alpha. If used on oneself, controlled animals will defend the user from harm.
Weakness : Requires another spell or the ability to tame animals to be of anyuse. Animals aren't too good at taking down Creatures, although a few can bog one down enough to let the user line up the killing blow.


Name : Wind Cutter
Type of Spell : Mixed
Nature of Spell : Wind Elemental
Level : Basic
Range : Medium
Magic Circle :
Three diagonal slashes inside a circle, with a horizontal line through the middle.
Description : Air is directed from the spell circle at speed enough to cut metal. Dissipates over distance and upon contact
Weakness : Effectiveness drops over distance, and it is unable to cut very deep due to how quickly it dissipates on contact. Like being stabbed with a knife that dissolves in flesh.


Also knows Heavenly Reformation and Basic Enchantment


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Emer Irondust


*Credits to Sketching101 for the drawings*

"If the road is easy, you're likely going the wrong way."

Personal Information
First Name :
Middle name :
Surname :
Nickname(s) :
- Valkyrie

Gender :
Sexuality :
Undecided atm.
Age :
18 years old, born on the 5th of December.

Appearance :

Length :
Build :
Normal, bit toned.
Weight :
68 kg.
Magical Affinities :
Elemental Affinity : Wind
Primary Affinity : Found out later in the RP
Secondary Affinity : Found out later in the RP


Detailed Information
Motto/Favorite catchphrase :
"Don't give a sword to a man who can't dance."

Personality :
Emer is a bit of a typical rebel. Some would say that she is still pubering, but it is more that she tries to carve her own way as she goes about. This means that she has often problem with authoritative figures, tending to often mock or oppose them on even the smallest of things. Though this can give those who don't know her well enough that she is overconfident and full of herself, Emer is clever enough to understand when she can open her mouth and rebel/protest against an order.

Furthermore, Emer is also a loyal person. Once she gains respect for a person, she tends to become a bit easier with following them and halve the amount of sneers. On the other hand, she is a real pragmatic person. Even though she is loyal, she would have no second thoughts on sacrificing another if it serves her needs better. She has a big dislike for the current state of the world and surprisingly enough doesn't try to judge something by its looks, trying to understand something better. Probably only to ridicule it afterwards...

Background :
The father of Emer was a strict man, a hunter himself, while her mother was more timid and attended to their household. Born as the only daughter and having four older brothers, Emer was basically fighting for attention. Her father wasn't always home and she felt, ironically, that she would be the one in charge. Resulting that she often got into a fight with her brothers. Now and then even managing to winning from them. This likely has led to the fact that she is the type of person today, trying to fight those who think that they are above her.

At the age of five, Emer and the others lost their father. While on a hunt, he died in a gruesome accident as the group had been hunting on a Creature. Only to be ambushed by three others. While others managed to get away, Emer's father wasn't that luckily. Though hearbroken by the loss of her idol, Emer became determined to do all she could to protect her mother, who became silent after her father's death.

While working hard to become a hunter, Emer wasn't as graceful as other girls. She was a bit clumsy as some would call it. Most of the time behind her back in order to avoid a heated argument with Emer. During this time she however kept losing her brothers. The eldest got pierced by a Creature who had been laying in wait for a victim. The second-born got crushed by a Creature's claw. And the last suffered a terrible death by being slammed against a wall, only to then have most bones broken in his body, dying as he got carried back. Fueled by anger, this made Emer growing a hatred towards the religion as she was desperate for finding a source to blame the sorrow she suffered. Eventually she managed to become a Hunter, crafting her own sword which she nicked : Wind Slasher. In the required rite where she had to fight a young Creature, her hard work seemed to pay off as she managed to prove by killing the creature. She also managed to save some of the Creature's metal in order to craft her own shield, calling it Irondust.

Wishes/Dreams of :
"One day being free of this wretched religion and its chains."

Theme song :



Abilities and Arsenal

Talents :

Combat :

Primary :


Secondary :

Non-combat :

Primary :


Secondary :

Skills :

Combat :
Agility : Novice

Swordplay : Basic
Stealth : Basic
Wideguard : Basic
Unarmed : Base
Strength : Base
Axes and Hammers : Base

Aim : Non-existent
Polearms : Non-existent
Dual Wielding : Non-existent
Axes and Hammers : Non-existent
Polearms : Non-existent

Non combat :

Tracking : Novice
Smithing : Basic
Cooking : Basic
Enchantment : Base
Lockpicking : Base
Herbal Knowledge : Base

Other traits :
* Quite brave (stubborn)
* Quite skeptical towards the unknown.
* Has Heterochromia iridum : Her left eye is dark brown, while her right is more hazel brown.


Main weapon

Name :
Wind's Fury
Description :
A 'regular' looking sword. It is the first weapon that Emer forged. Taking quite some care for the weapon, Emer sometimes have the habit that she either cleans or sharpens her blade while being lost in thoughts. The sword is quite well balanced, being thus light and enabling Emer to use it in a fast and aggressive fighting style.
Other information :
Sometimes she calls the sword 'Eveline', which is the name of her mother.


Side arm

Name :
Dawn Breaker
Description :
A round metal shield that seems heavy, but due to being balanced fairly well, is the weight not that heavy. It is big enough to guard Emer from from the shoulder (top of the shield) till her hip (bottom of the shield). It has a guard to it and the edges are sharpened.

Other information :
The reason why she calls it Dawn Breaker is due to the fact that she now and then favors the shield in a more offensive manner. Slamming the edge into enemies that is.


Appearance :

Description :
Emer wears a light gear that protects her waist, hips and with arm guards while leaving her mostly unarmored at other parts. This allows her to move more agile, less restricted by armor and weight.
Other :


Name :

Appearance :

Description :




Name : Wind Punch
Type of Spell : Offensive
Nature of Spell : Wind
Level : Basic
Range : Short, max range is ten meters
Magic Circle : A square with one circle in it. There are four lines crossing the circle, splitting the circle in four parts.
Description : Focusing on the Magic Circle, Emer is able to lash out a strong gust. This gust is capable of pushing an adult man away as useful to sweep up dust or material in order to create an opening or to escape.
Weakness : It doesn't really do much physically damage other than a strong push. No need to fear for limbs to be cut off.


Name: Heavenly Reformation
Type of Spell: Pure Form
Nature of Spell: N/A
Level: Basic
Range: Short
Magic Circle: A square inscribed in a circle, and a circle inscribed in the square, with the rest of the circle determining what kind of object will be formed by the metal.
Description: This is a basic spell that all Hunter candidates must learn before taking the Rite of Passage, as it is the spell to create weapons for themselves after the Rite. Even if they do it at the Forge, afterwards, they can forge weapons by using this spell, however, it can be used to reshape other objects as well, though only matter found in the boundaries of the magic circle


Name: Enchantment: Base
Type of Spell: Enchantment
Nature of Spell: N/A
Level: Base
Range: Contact with circle
Magic Circle: Two squares inscribed into a circle, and a circle inscribed into the octagon. The attributes of the enchantment is based on what other shapes are put into the circle.
Description: This is the base formula for the enchantment spells. With this spell, one can give different attributes to weapons and objects.

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My spell and your sword have the same name

Marche Alwin Lunarc

"Stop dawdling and let's go!"

Personal Information
First Name :

Middle name :

Surname :

Nickname(s) :

Gender :

Sexuality :

Age :
17 years old, born on the 21st of April

Appearance :

Length :
1.82 meters

Build :
Well built, but more flexible and nimble than strong.

Weight :
65 kg

Magical Affinities :
Elemental Affinity : Lightning
Primary Affinity : To be discovered
Secondary Affinity : To be discovered


Detailed Information
Personality :
Marche is a rather curious boy, in more than one sense. He had always been trying to learn new things, find new sceneries... His interest in the world was perhaps one of his most prevalent idiosyncrasies. Although he looks at the Book of Dawn skeptically, he has never quite had the courage to speak up against the Followers.

Towards his friends and loved ones, Marche is quite kind and caring. Due to his 'life philosophy', one might say, he befriends only people he believes he could trust with his life, or he could give his life for. Such an ideology might be naive, and even he is aware of this, yet he persists on keeping it.

Background :
Marche was born to the Lunarc family, a family of seven, the oldest being a 27 year old veteran Hunter Bard Lunarc, the second, the 25 year old Halldora accompanying her brother, the 24 year old twins Inga and Arnis, Alfie at 22 and Agnes at 20. As the youngest of the rather prosperous family with the exception of their deceased parents, we have Marche. Both his mother and father were taken by the Hunt just a few years after his birth, leaving his eldest brother and sister to take care of the family.

As many others from the outer district, Marche's life has been built towards preparing for the life of a Hunter to help the Settlement survive. During his free time, he'd go to the woods and walk around, climb up trees to the best of his abilities, and search for animals he could scare. His earlier years were uneventful: going to the Church at the required hours, doing the routine training and running around like a little brat.

Around the time he turned twelve, he was taken to train in weapon use along with several others, by the same mentor. His first mentor, a Huntress with the name Eleanor, could only do so much as to realize that he was quite useless with any kind of heavy weapon. It was suggested that he leave the endeavour to become a Hunter and stay in the Settlement. Although his brothers and sisters supported the idea of their youngest remaining safe in the embrace of the mist, Marche was hardly satisfied by such a proposition. After a month or two of sulking, the boy was able to convince his brother Bard to teach him his way around a sword.

Again, he showed no skill with any heavy sword that was preferable against Creatures. Instead, he seemed to have more prowess with knives and short swords, and the unlikely weapon, a bow.

At the age of 16, he was allowed to make his first weapon and take the Rite of Passage.

Theme song :



Abilities and Arsenal

Talents :
Combat Talents
Primary : Aim | Swordplay | Agility
Secondary : Dual Wielding | Stealth | Unarmed

Non-Combat Talents
Primary : Tracking | Smithing
Secondary : Enchantment | Lockpicking

Skills :
Aim : Novice
Agility : Novice
Swordplay : Basic
Dual Wielding : Basic
Stealth : Base
Unarmed : Base
Strength : Base
Axes and Hammers : Non-existent
Polearms : Non-existent
Wideguard : Non-existent

Wound Treatment : Novice
Tracking : Basic
Smithing : Basic
Herbal Knowledge : Base
Cooking : Base
Lockpicking : Base
Enchantment : Base

Other traits :
*Nimble and flexible body*
*Attentive to surroundings*
*Good ears (even compared to Hunters)*


Main weapon

Name :

Description :
A simple bow.

Appearance :


Side arm

Name :

Description :
A pair of short swords crafted with weak metal.

Appearance :

Other information :
Each has a lightning enchantment circle on the blades that, when activated, coats the weapon with a thin layer that increases its cutting power.

Side arm

Name :
Scorpion | 1/16

Description :
Sixteen small throwing knives.

Appearance :
Each had a sharp small blade at one end, and at the other end, the handle wrapped up in gauze.

Other information :
Each has the same small magic circle on the handle.



Name :

Description :
A regular, leather quiver attached to the back, sideways.

Other :

Name :
Arrows 1/60

Appearance :

Description :
Regular arrows, with some of them having magical circles.




Name: Heavenly Reformation
Type of Spell: Pure Form
Nature of Spell: N/A
Level: Basic
Range: Short
Magic Circle: A square inscribed in a circle, and a circle inscribed in the square, with the rest of the circle determining what kind of object will be formed by the metal.
Description: This is a basic spell that all Hunter candidates must learn before taking the Rite of Passage, as it is the spell to create weapons for themselves after the Rite. Even if they do it at the Forge, afterwards, they can forge weapons by using this spell, however, it can be used to reshape other objects as well, though only matter found in the boundaries of the magic circle

Name: Enchantment: Base
Type of Spell: Enchantment
Nature of Spell: N/A
Level: Base
Range: Contact with circle
Magic Circle: Two squares inscribed into a circle, and a circle inscribed into the octagon. The attributes of the enchantment is based on what other shapes are put into the circle.
Description: This is the base formula for the enchantment spells. With this spell, one can give different attributes to weapons and objects.

Name : Inscription
Type of Spell : Pure Form
Nature of Spell : N/A
Level : Base
Range : Immediate Vicinity
Magic Circle : N/A
Description : A very basic form of magic, Inscription allows the user to draw on the air with the trace of one's fingertips to create magical circles quickly in battles.
Weakness : It has no physical form. Drawing the magic circles also takes a few seconds, leaving the caster immobile until he/she can complete the circle.

Name : Thunder Circus
Type of Spell : Pure Form
Nature of Spell : Lightning
Level : Novice
Range : 15 meters
Magic Circle : A circle with a square inscribed in it with a diagonal being cut in the middle of the upper and lower halves by a smaller circle, fitting in the square.
Description : Upon the activation of the circle, a surge of lightning moves forward with speed, in a straight line. Upon impact, it hits with a blunt force enough to push a person back and sweep them off their feet while shocking them.
Weakness : Defensive wind, earth or holy spells can stop its progress. It also takes up a lot of energy: The user can't use it three times without regaining energy.


Name : Cutting Edge
Type of Spell : Enchantment
Nature of Spell : Lightning
Level : Basic
Range : Contact
Magic Circle : A pentagon inscribed in a circle, in the center of which is a smaller circle that reaches out two neighbouring edges of the shape.
Description : Any weapon or object with the circle on acquires a higher cutting power. When it cuts flesh, it causes shock that slightly burns the area, not so much as to close a wound, however.
Weakness : Against defensive Holy magic, it has very little use or help.



WIP sshhhhh!
Jarkus Paraeas

"Hey, any of you freaks know how to swim?"

Personal Information
First Name:

Middle name:

Surname :







6ft 3, or 190 cm

Solidly built, he is well muscled but not to an excessive degree.


Magical Affinities :
Elemental Affinity: Earth
Primary Affinity:
Secondary Affinity :



Detailed Information
Jarkus is often laughing, joking and flirting; with a smile that some may notice doesn't often reach his eyes. A casual observer would take him to be a light-hearted buffoon who would make a joke even when in the middle of a fight. A casual observer would be wrong.

His surface frivolity conceals his feelings. Remorseless towards monsters, he often keeps an eye on those in the area and lending as much assistance as he can, even to his own detriment. Death of those he knows hits him harder than he lets on, and some nights he can be found slumped in the corner of a small, quiet bar, drinking himself into oblivion. Spurred on by past failures, he fights vowing to bring everyone back safely. This sadder, more tired side of him is what he hides behind his jolly facade.

Jarkus grew up in the Outer District. Though by no means well off, his parents cared for him well, and they were a happy close-knit family. Jarkus was a happy, outgoing child, playing with the other children in the streets at being Hunters and Creatures.

Regrettably this did not last forever. Hunters and Creatures had been a fun game, because the Hunters always won in the end. When the time came for the Rite of Passage, the grim reality was hammered into Jarkus. Two of his closest friends were killed attempting to pass, while he and the rest watched on horrified. Not long after, his father came back horribly wounded from a Hunt. Though they cared for him as best they could, infection seeped into his wounds and he passed away, suffering greatly. His mother was distraught, and would barely eat any of the food he brought home. One day, while he was out on a hunt, she collapsed. Though she was looked after by their neighbours, she never recovered her strength. She died of a chill the next winter.

Jarkus, following the deaths of his friends and father, became much more focused on the lore surrounding crafting and enchantment, seeking to ensure he did not meet their fate. Following his mother's death, he moved out of the family house, and into a small room where he lives alone.

Theme song :



Abilities and Arsenal

Combat Primary

Combat Secondary
Axe and Hammer

Non-Combat Primary

Non-Combat Secondary
Wound Treatment

Skills :

Polearms: Novice
Strength: Novice
Aim: Basic
Agility: Basic
Unarmed: Basic

All others Base

Enchantment: Novice
Smithing: Basic
Wound Treatment: Basic

All others Base

Other traits:
Resolute: Not easily shaken, even in the face of extreme danger.


Main weapon


Description :
A halberd some 185cm long. Made from the hide of a Creature that he fought on his first hunt.
Appearance :

Other information :
Enchantment circles have been carefully carved into the head.

Side arm

Description :
A small crossbow carried on his back. Useful at range.
Appearance :

Other information :




Several layers of cloth, with metal spaulders, boots and gauntlets. A leather jerkin protects his chest area. An old tattered cloak is thrown over the top.




Name: Thirsting Mire
Type of Spell: Mixed
Nature of Spell: Earth
Level: (?) Novice
Range: Area within a 2 metre radius of the circle.
Magic Circle:Two concentric circles, one smaller than the other, with 5 horizontal lines drawn across at regular intervals.
Description:The ground around the circle (but not within the circle itself) becomes soft and bog-like, slowing all those who enter it and causing them to sink.
Weakness: Requires a constant energy supply from Jarkus, exhausting him within about 3 minutes. Cuts off any space to dodge.


Name: Enchantment: Gaia's Wrath
Type of Spell: Enchantment
Nature of Spell: Earth
Level: (?) Basic
Range: Contact
Magic Circle: Like Enchantment:Base, but with another octagon inscribed in the centre circle.
Description: Imbues Jarkus's weapon with a rocky weight, allowing it to smash into and through armour and send lighter Creatures flying.
Weakness: The weight makes the weapon significantly tougher to handle, forcing him to make larger swings and rely on the momentum of the weapon a lot more.


Also knows Enchantment:Base and Heavenly Reformation



And through their conviction and their faith, the Five Apostles who had safeguarded Humanity were granted the power to protect it for all eternity. Leaving behind their mortal forms, their souls fashioned into pillars to weigh down the Dark One, and keep his creatures at bay. Within the pillar, they await those with the courage to match them, to pass on their knowledge and skill.

"Memories can come and go, but as long as people are around, thats what matters."

Personal Information
First Name :
Middle name :
Surname :
Nickname(s) :

Gender :
Sexuality :
Age :
19, date of birth unknown.
(Was given the birthday date of Janurary 1st by his younger adoptive sister)

Appearance :

(Credit to the awesomesauce @Sketching101)

HIs hair is dark brown, and right eye is dark blue while the left one is a much lighter shade of blue, and the cut across his left eye is visiable when he widens his eyes.

Length :
Build :
Slim, appears to lack muscles.
Weight :

Magical Affinities :
Elemental Affinity :
Primary Affinity :
To be discovered!
Secondary Affinity :
To be revealed!


Detailed Information


(Credit to the awesomesauce @Sketching101)

Personality :
Cian is a very forgetful person by nature, mainly due to the fact he has Amnesia. He can force something into his mind if he will repeat it, or hear it constantly many times in one day, but otherwise it will easily slip his mind. Due to this, he also gained a habit of talking in third person about himself, to ensure he will never forget his own name. He refused to adopt his foster family's surname due to claiming that it was giving him a headache to remember it, as it is incredibly long.

Other than that, he is calm and will make it hard to tell if he is fell asleep with his eyes open or not. When he is focused, however, he closes his left eye, due to the blurry sight it adds to his vision and how he wants to view the world "As sharp as possible when needed".

Background :
Cian has no recollection of any part of his life from prior the age of 5, but it was as follows: He was born to a young couple in the outer circle, the father being a hunter who only begun his hunting 3 years prior to the birth of Cian. The couple initially tried to raise him, but his father found the task to be too difficult for him to handle due to his young age, leaving the mother to raise Cian on her own.

For the first year of his life, the mother kept doing the best she could for him, but during the second year of his life she begun giving up. She has having difficulties with maintaining her own mental stability while caring for a child on her own, and before he turned two, she took her own life. Cian has then started to move between foster families, each giving him up after several months due to the infant's seemingly lack of ability to get along with them.

Shortly after the age of five, he was brought to a home with three other children in it. One of them was a bully who wanted to become the biggest and baddest hunter of them all, and decided Cian was a good training dummy. He started beating on him hard, and also threw him around due to Cian being rather small at the time, in both size and weight. After pushing him against a shaky wooden table, Cian fell underneath it, unconcious, while the table collapsed ontop of him. A nail from the table also deeply wounded him across his face, damaging his left eye and stopping just barely before his right eye. The parents in that home quickly went and brought him to medical care, and it was later revealed that he had suffered from Amnesia due to the severe head trauma.

After this. he was moved to a new home, one which had a couple with a child that was slightly younger than him. Her name was Iris, and from the moment Cian entered his new home, he was welcomed by her. And that was one of the few things he will always remember, as about a year later it was discovered that the area in charge of holding memories was damaged in a way that could not be fixed without risking further damage to other areas of his brain. He was also given a birthday by his younger adoptive sister due to not remembering when his own birthday was. She told him his birthday will forever be Janurary 1st, as she decided he will share his birthday with the new years to come.

Cian has appeared to accept this new home and appeared to grow in a well manner with the new family. Due to the poor manner the family lived in, he grew more and more fond of the idea of becoming a hunter and helping the settlement, even though many told him that due to his damaged left eye it would be unlikely that he will be accepted by any mentor to train him. He managed to find one after a bit of time, one who trained him in the use of light swords, under the claim that "If he will move fast enough with a light weapon, he will be capable of using it as if he can see without any trouble". He was also trained in the use of throwing knives, as his aim appeared to be rather good.

Throughout the years he also trained at stealth movements, wanting to have movements that would be suitable to his light movements. At the age of 17 he was allowed to make his own weapon, which was a simple light sword, which he dubbed 'Nameless', and take the 'Rite of Passage'.

Theme song :



Abilities and Arsenal

Talents :
Primary -
Aim, Agility, Stealth
Secondary -
Swordsmanship, Unarmed

Primary -
Herbal Knowledge, Lockpicking
Secondary -
Smithing, Cooking

Skills :

Stealth: Novice

Aim: Basic
Agility: Basic

Swordplay: Base
Unarmed: Base

Dual Wielding: Non Existant
Wide Guard: Non Existant
Strength: Non Existant
Polearms: Non Existant
Axes and Hammers: Non Existant


Lockpicking: Novice

Herbal Knowledge: Basic
Cooking: Basic

Smithing: Base

Tracking: Non Existant
Enchantment: Non Existant
Wound Treatment: Non Existant

Other traits :
~ Has a rather large amount of stamina.
~ Is not easily phased or moved by things or emotions of people
~ Smiles on extremely rare occasions.


Main weapon

Name :
Description :
A light blade, which appears to have a rather thin blade. It is the first sword that Cian created, which was in fact, an accident due to not intending on making the blade so thin. However, he has taking a liking to it due to how it can be bent easily to the sides. He does not draw it out often.
Other information :
Cian dubbed it "Nameless" due to believing his own name, Cian, is not his true birth name, thus making him be effectively 'A Nameless Person'.



Appearance :

Description :
A simple chainmail which Cian wears underneath his top.

Other :

Name :
Notebook Pouch
Appearance :
Most of the time concealed within his pants, but has the appearance of a rather large leather pouch when taken out.
Description :
A pouch which he uses to carry his notebooks in. There are different notebooks about different topics that help him remember the things he has issues with.



Heavenly Reformation
Type of Spell:
Pure Form
Nature of Spell:
Magic Circle:
A square inscribed in a circle, and a circle inscribed in the square, with the rest of the circle determining what kind of object will be formed by the metal.
This is a basic spell that all Hunter candidates must learn before taking the Rite of Passage, as it is the spell to create weapons for themselves after the Rite. Even if they do it at the Forge, afterwards, they can forge weapons by using this spell, however, it can be used to reshape other objects as well, though only matter found in the boundaries of the magic circle

Enchantment: Base
Type of Spell:
Nature of Spell:
Contact with circle
Magic Circle:
Two squares inscribed into a circle, and a circle inscribed into the octagon. The attributes of the enchantment is based on what other shapes are put into the circle.
This is the base formula for the enchantment spells. With this spell, one can give different attributes to weapons and objects.

Name :
Type of Spell :
Pure Form
Nature of Spell :
Level :
Range :
Immediate Vicinity
Magic Circle :
Description :
A very basic form of magic, Inscription allows the user to draw on the air with the trace of one's fingertips to create magical circles quickly in battles.
Weakness :
It has no physical form. Drawing the magic circles also takes a few seconds, leaving the caster immobile until he/she can complete the circle.

Name :
Water Shield
Type of Spell :
Nature of Spell :
Level : (?)
Range :
Magic Circle :
Triangle, within which there is a square and a smaller circle is drawn around each corner of the square.
Description :
Creates a water shield which the user can use only on the spot. It can defend against 1 direct hit before dissolving away.
Weakness :
Lightning attacks will still pass damage through the shield, Fire can make the shield boil and give burns to the wielder. Strong Earth spells are also capable of passing through the shield. Requires concentration due to the need to hold the water together.


Name :
Feather Enlightment
Type of Spell :
Nature of Spell :
Level : (?)
Range :
Magic Circle :
Large circle, with three smaller circles that collide within the larger one, an octagon at the center of the large circle and a couple of lines that will connect the two lower corners of the octagon to the large circle.
Description :
Makes whatever touches the magic circle lighter than its own weight. Can only affect inanimate objects. Effect lasts only 30 seconds.
Weakness :
The user of the spell needs to maintain his focus on the magic circle while the items passes through. The larger the item that passes through, the more it will take from the user in order to keep the spell going. At Novice level, he can affect up to 3 items at best before needing to take a break to recover his magic (Depending on the item's size, it could be less)

Last edited:
Keep up with the CS's people! Looks great and looking forward to RP with you all. :)

Please also let it known when your CS is ready, so that Sketching and I can start grading!
Mine's complete (I think, unless there's something missing?)
Mine's complete (I think, unless there's something missing?)
It seems fine :) We're just waiting for one more person to post her CS, and then we'll do a collective assessment of all of them together ^_^
Mine is ready for the check up, Sir!
Also to help coordination as it is also fun, those with skype could add me : Alicehondemon
This is because it is easier to talk and rant to each other on skype, making it more fun to work all together. ^^

It isn't however necessary, do please note that!
Also to help coordination as it is also fun, those with skype could add me : Alicehondemon
This is because it is easier to talk and rant to each other on skype, making it more fun to work all together. ^^

It isn't however necessary, do please note that!
Yeah, I'm gonna have to apologise in advance on that one. My skype is mostly used to keep in touch with relatives, so there's a bit too much personal information on there for me to be comfortable using it.
Yeah, I'm gonna have to apologise in advance on that one. My skype is mostly used to keep in touch with relatives, so there's a bit too much personal information on there for me to be comfortable using it.
As she said, it's not necessary :)
Everything looks good with everyone's CSs, so go ahead and post them in the accepted character bin linked at the top of the OP ^_^
Bit late, so sorry Sketchy. Here is my CS. Hope you (guys) like it.

Valeria Imke Byrne

"Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened."

Personal Information
First Name :
Middle name :
Surname :
Nickname(s) :

Gender :
Sexuality :
Age :
18 years old.

Appearance :
Valeria has dark brown hair that reaches her shoulder, sometimes tied into a ponytail to prevent that her hair moves in front of her eyes. When staying a long time outside, there are hints of freckles spotted on a bit above her cheeks. Her skin is fair and a bit pale, making her dark brown eyes stand more out than they would have otherwise. She has a long scar on her left shoulder, though isn't willing to talk about it.

Length :
Build :
Slim and athletic build.
Weight :
ARound 65 kg
Magical Affinities :
Elemental Affinity : Fire
Primary Affinity : Will be discovered over the course of the RP.
Secondary Affinity : Will be discovered over the course of the RP.


Detailed Information
Personality :
Valeria has a rather cheerful and polite attitude in general. She is often seen with at least a hint of a smile on her face, causing her to look quite friendly. Next to this she has a rather sweet and soft voice as she also has the habit to apologize a lot, sometimes ending up in apologizing for apologizing. While this doesn't make her seem as a fighter, Valeria has a lust for fight and using her skill in dominating those who question it. It is only kept in check by her patience and intellect, knowing to pick her battles wisely. When she fights, Valeria has a cold and calculating attitude, dropping the care about most as she knows that she can't take care of others if she winds up dead.

Background :
Born into the family of Byrne, Valeria was the third of the five children that were born into the family. With one older brother and sister and two younger brothers, Valeria didn't end up competitive. Unlike her siblings, who each had the motivation to become the better of another. Not deeming this 'rivalry' or competition worth her time, Valeria grew up close with her mother than any of her siblings as the two had the same calm and peaceful attitude. It was her mother that taught her some of the small hobbies and habits that Valeria still does to this day, such as carving wood into small icons or apologizing.

Eventually at her sixteen, Valeria started to become trained by her father to become a huntress. At first she had no interest in becoming a hunter, finding the idea to head out to face the Creatures a terrifying idea. Her fist time moving out had almost made her soil her undergarment. But she had also noticed a lust for moving out and facing the unknown. The rush of adrenaline through her body as she would try to hunt on that what would view her as a prey.

Managing to become a huntress, Valeria kept her friendly and calm attitude. The only time that she had moved into another attitude for some time was when her two younger siblings perished. Her youngest brother died of a fever, while the other died by a Creature. Uncertain of how he ended up dead, Valeria gained an immense hatred for the Creatures because of this.

[Names of the Bryne children :]

- Thomas, eldest of the siblings, 22 years old.
- Brenda, second oldest, 20 years old
- Valeria, third and currently the youngest, 18 years old.
- Thomas, fourth and died due to a Creature, 15 year old.
- Micheal, fifth child and died due to a fever, 14 year old.

Theme song :



Combat Information

Talents :
Combat Talents
Primary : Aim | Swordplay | Agility
Secondary : N/A | Stealth | Unarmed
Non-Combat Talents
Primary : Cooking | Enchantment
Secondary : Wound Treatment | Lockpicking

Skills :

Aim : Novice
Agility : Novice
Swordplay : Basic
Dual Wielding : Basic
Stealth : Base
Unarmed : Base
Strength : Base
Axes and Hammers : Non-existent
Polearms : Non-existent
Wideguard : Non-existent
Wound Treatment : Basic
Tracking : Base
Smithing : Basic
Herbal Knowledge : Base
Cooking : Basic
Lockpicking : Base
Enchantment : Novice

Other traits :


Main weapon

Name :
Valeria's Crossbow. - very original -
Description :
Valeria's crossbow isn't designed to look pretty or decorative. Made out of sturdy oak wood and reinforced with some of the metal harvest from a Creature. It has a pointy end, allowing Valeria to stab somebody with it. Just don't expect any major deep cut or stabbing as the tip isn't that long.

Appearance :

Other information :

Valeria's Crossbow has a half circle of power, while a bolt has another half. This mechanism allows Valeria to shoot bolts with some effect as the magic gets to work as soon as each half of the circles pass over on another. This does make the bolts more valuable and thus also more time consuming to make them until Valeria can figure out another way to cause the same effect without spending too much time to carve the half symbols onto the bolts.

Side arm

Name :
Short Stinger
Description :
Valeria's short blade - double edge -, that she carries in a horizontal manner at her back around waist height and handle to the right. The blade is around forearm length and light due to being balanced quite good.
Appearance :

Other information :

This blade was actually the first weapon that Valeria made herself. She uses her crossbow more, but keeps the sword on person.


Appearance :

Description :

Valeria wears a strong and hardened leather protected garment. With a left shoulder pad, protective vest, arm guards and shin bracers, she has some protection while remaining largely unhindered by her gear.

Other :

Name :

Appearance :

Description :


Name :

Appearance :

Description :




Name : Flaming Bolt
Type of Spell : Offensive, ranged
Nature of Spell : Fire
Level : (?) Adept
Range : Long
Magic Circle :
Half of the circle is on the crossbow itself, with one diagonally line -moving from right above to left down- through the half. On the shaft of a bolt is the other half of the circle, the opposite of the circle on the crossbow.
Description :

Once the bolt is fire, the circles shift over each other and 'ignite' the bolt into fire. This causes the bolt to set objects and possibly targets on fire. It can also be used to shoot a stress signal, if shot up in the air.

Weakness :
Water element can put out the flames and likely slow down or push the bolt away. Wind will likely swat the bolt away as well and the bolt can't pierce through barrier or strong solid material, such as an earth wall.

Name :
Explosive Fire Bolt
Type of Spell :
Offensive, ranged
Nature of Spell :
Level : (?)
Range :
Magic Circle :
Utilizing half circle on the crossbow, there is another halve circle on the shaft of the bolt. This circle has five lines, two moving through the center and three crossing the center in a diagonally fashion.
Description :

The bolt is shot and ignited in fire. A second after contact the bolt will then cause a fire explosion, in small scale. This explosion is devastating enough to cause severe burns as well some painful result if the bolt manages to pierce somebody. (It isn't healthy to have a bolt pierce your stomach and then explode.)
Weakness :
Water element can put out the flames and likely slow down or push the bolt away. Wind will likely swat the bolt away as well and the bolt can't pierce through barrier or strong solid material, such as an earth wall. Not to mention that it is unwise to use it when allies are in close vicinity with the target.

@Lesli - Accepted as well once the minor problem we talked about is fixed.

Once Alice, Lesli and RJS have all put up their Character Sheets on the Accepted CS thread, I'll start us off.
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