Malachai reborn

Shrugging, she stood. Kate opened the door and paused. Her voice was slightly edgy. "Hello?"
Just another stormy day and night light thought as he paused to take a drink from the kill of the night, he then tuned to the bed where the not so warm corpse still lay. Light pondered for a moment where to put this body now. He thought for several moments, I got it there seemed to be an old house just out of town. Light then finished his evening meal and put the long haired beauty in the closet and locked the door behind him. I will rid the body after I have some wine to wash down my meal he say's in a whisper. Down the stairs he goes and out the front door of the small cottage. He sniffs the air and then smiles as he heads for the villages tavern, It wasnt what he was used to but it would do for now. The building looked like it hasn't been fixed in years the floor soaked with candle wax and sour beer filled the air, he moved to the bar where he ordered a glass of red wine. The bartender shook his head as he poured the glass and returned the glass back to light. "What is this you fool" light says with a bit of anger in his voice. The bartender runs down to the end of the bar where light was siting and says its red wine just like you ordered sir. Light laughs and says the wealth of this town wasnt very rich as he looked around. The wine my good sir is as sour as pickles in winter. The bartender not knowing what to do asks would you like something else then sir light then shrugs no as he tosses two gold pieces on the bar.

(I tried to leave it open but I wanted a mystery kind of open sorry if its a hard read I'm a bit rusty)
Angela stood just outside the tavern trying to figure out her next move. The wages she had made wiorking the tavern hadn't been enough for rent and so she'd been evicted. The rain streamed down her hood and dampened her blonde curls. There was that abandoned mansion outside the village....maybe she could take shelter there, just for the night. She peeked inside as she heard laughter and her eyes widened as the two gold pieces fell to the bar. She tried to see the patron's face, to find out who he was.