Making Legends ☄

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Everyone began to show their powers and Solstice was a bit embarrassed about her own power. When Sol had read the comics of X-men, she'd fallen in love with Storm. Now that she was actually playing her own Storm, it was way harder then she thought. It was connected to her emotions and since getting these powers, they seemed more out of control then usual. Letting them know this was probably a good idea. She waited and listened to the others, watched them show continue to show off their powers.

When a man walked in the first thing she noticed were his green eyes; Sol liked green. Her second favorite color, coming after silver. Silver was always a good color. Someone had come late, apparently.

"Uh well, if we're showing out powers then... can everyone stand back?" Solstice bit her bottom lip and when there was enough empty space around her, she closed her blue eyes. It was like feeling around inside herself, finding something specific... ah, she found it. It was like an energy in her heart. Wild, mysterious yet warm. Hot but not life threatening hot; like an electrical heat. Sol imagined herself grabbing at it before pulling it through out her body.

When her eyes opened they were far paler then before as a there was a wild and dangerous look reflecting in them. Electrical sparks danced on her skin but what really mattered was what was outside. Even Solstice could glance out the window and notice just how dark it had gotten. The sound of thunder was far away at first but it quickly began to grow around them.

Solstice stopped there though and shutting everything down. As if it was a switch and the energy that had risen through her skin disappeared and went back to the cage Sol had managed to keep it in. Her eyes went back to their natural blueness but there were little sparks of electricity still bouncing around on her from the after effect.

Albert felt his powers kinda paled in comparison to some of the other of the people in the group and especially to storm and clone boy. It was't that having wings wasn't kinda kick ass in itself, but when you lack the ability to fly or even glide and significant distance they sorta lose their charm, the angelic feel over the whole thing didn't help ether.

After Sol had returned to her normal state so to speak Albert raised his hand and took a step into the most open area of the room. "Well I have never tried to force it to happen, but... I'll try my best"

He closed his eyes and tried really hard to focus on making his wings appear and just like magic it felt like something was dragged out from just beneath his skin and bursted through his shirt. Thankfully somehow it didn't actually ruin his shirt, just grew through it.

The wings themselves were the same length as his arms and as white as snow. "Tada?" he said as the wings had fully grown out, but after having them out for a few moments he retracted them back and in the same moment as they had finally retracted a new person joined the crowd.

"Oh, hey there"

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Jamie Cross

"Yeah, man. All of 'em. Except spiders. I can only do insects. Spiders are arachnids. Which sucks because spiders are awesome."

After a few minutes, a though occurred to her.

"You know, if we're gonna be superheroes, we'll need good superhero names. I'm thinkin' The Pest."

As she said it, she struck a dramatic pose.

"Could probably be better, but I'm still workshoppin' it."


Rosalie Angela Grove



It was absolutely amazing as the plant had crept around her hand, little did she know that all eyes were on her. She smiled as Val was talking about how seeing was a horrible power but then she called Rose by a weird name.
"Poison Ivy? I'm not a plant just cause I can control plants" Rose said to her friend, even though Rose knew she was talking about someone from one TV show or another.
She was picking up the leaf and she held it to the plant as she got emotional thinking the leaf would die it grew onto the plant again. Rose smiled with glee as she realized she could use her powers to help protect people rather then hurt them. That's when everyone was rushing outside, Rose was confused at first as the girl showed off her power. Smiling Rose congratulated her even though she had no idea what was going on or the power, she assumed it could do with the thunder but she didn't want to draw conclusions even though she hadn't heard thunder till then.

That's when Rose heard someone scream hello, as she used her cane and found her way back to the front of the cabin. "Hi! I'm Rose nice to meet you" She said smiling even though she was facing sideways to the stranger who just entered. Her arm was outstretched towards the man as she continued to smile into the air. It was something Rose could be find doing usually, finding herself away from Val it was hard to tell where people were and she did just sneak away from everyone. Well she thought she did she actually had no idea if they were still outside or not or whether they had moved back in but Rose didn't care.

Rose wanted to shake hands with everyone but was too afraid to ask, she liked to learn people through their hands. It was strange but she was usually pretty spot on about someone's life by feeling the roughness smoothness and going off of that. She loved to feel hands as she couldn't see people's faces. She also wanted to hear peoples voices but she was too afraid to ask not wanting others to struggle due to her being blind. She was so use to being cared for she was excited to try to be independent for once. That's why she went to find the new guy who entered.

I: @Wonderful Thing @HellHoundWoof
Kaydyn O'Sullivan
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Right, superhero names, how could he have not thought about that before? Coming up with one for his ability was going to be difficult...he'd definitely have to put some thought to it. The Leech sounded like some kind of shitty villain character, and everything else he could thing of was just as bad, if not worse. He'd think about it later, though, he was in the middle of a conversation with his friend.

"Nah. The Pest is cool. Short. Simple. Mysterious. Not to mention accurate," Kaydyn responded, playfully nudging Jamie's arm with his elbow. He was wearing a long sleeved shirt so there was no physical contact to worry about. He turned off on the drive up to the house, fairly intrigued by its location in the middle of some woods. Not a bad plc for a hideout, though the building itself needed some work. He gave a little thought as to how it could be improved, but the abrupt darkening of the clouds above derailed his train of thought. It'd been a pretty nice day, so that definitely a noteworthy crazy weather anomaly; he'd bet every single cent in his wallet that it was a noteworthy crazy weather anomaly caused by someone inside the house. "Atmokinesis?" Kaydyn asked no one in particular after parking near the other vehicles and getting out of the car. An excited grin found its way onto his face. "Awesome! Hey, Jaime, how many people are going to be in there, do you think?"

Mentioned: @brainparasite

Aeson Gallagher
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Aeson couldn't help but feel a little burst of pride at having made Derek laugh. He opened his mouth to comment on the 'wing-woman' bit, when there was a shout from the front area. It was a feminine voice saying...something about a letter? Brows furrowing in curiosity, he followed Derek downstairs, finding that there was a debate going on over leadership and everyone else was showing off their powers. Derek could control birds, apparently, and there was a woman controlling metal, another summoning what looked to be a storm outside, and even a guy with actual fucking wings. He felt so lame in comparison. But he still needed to show them. Cutting a random someone would be a monumentally bad idea, especially since he had yet to test his ability on another person. Himself it had to be.

He'd tried it almost fifteen times the night before. He knew with reletive certainty how to activate the ability. He knew with relative certainty that it would work. However, knowing ones' worries were ridiculous did not get rid of them.

"Er. One moment," he said, hopefully loud enough to catch everyone's attention. Repeating the demonstration because someone hadn't seen would be too embarrassing. He walked into the kitchen area, tugging his hoodie off entirely before searching through the drawers. Under it was just a tank top with some fancy graphic on it, so the tattoos covering both his arms and much of his shoulders were laid bare. After finding a washcloth and a knife that was sharp enough for his purposes, he returned to the group. He hesitated for a second before cutting a long gash into one of the un-inked bits of skin of his upper left arm. The pain deepened his scowl and the furrow of his brows, but he didn't make a noise. Then he touched his right hand to the gash, and as if by magic the cut healed like it had never been there in the first place. The entire display took perhaps ten seconds. "I haven't tried bigger injuries," he explained after wiping away the beads of blood left on his skin with the washcloth. "or tried using it on anyone else. But it seems I regenerate cells. Heal people."

Mentioned: @Everyone​
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Nikolai saw a smaller girl, she didnt seem sure of herself when she walked but Nikolai soon realized why. She was blind. She smiled sort of at him, she didnt know she wasnt smiling at him but he understood her gesture. She outstretched her hand to the side of him and he speedily moved to where she had her hand out, sending a short gust of wind her way. He cleared his throat before he grasped her hand to let her know he was right there.

"Nice to meet you Rose," Nikolai said with a calm smile, "I uh, I'm Nikolai. I got a letter saying that I'd meet some people here and we'd save the world."

He looked around the interior for a bit, it was nice. Neptune, what a weird name for it. The place seemed so strange, but he felt a homey sense to it.

"So you live here? Or are you like me and just stopping by?"
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Nigel "Ni Beats" Davenport-Electrokinesis

[fieldbox=", #3366ff, solid"]

Nigel was about to show off his powers, when Downpour threaten him and Dahlia... which just made him laugh, like she really could do somehting like that. "Yeah I could picture some older guy coming to one of my shows... rapping my lyrics." Her comment about Richtor being probably one of his biggest fans made Nigel grin. When she asked about his powers, he was about to tell her that he could control Electricity and Electronics, but Miss "Sunshine" started yelling... damn her voice was annoying. He watched as Dahlia got up from the couch, he shook his head following her over to where Sunshine was. He thought it was pretty funny when the guy Sydney's clone stole the letter from Sunshine. As the clone read it, Nigel listened to every word. Okay, they had seven days to learn more about their powers and more about each other... and they needed leaders. He wondered who would want to be the leader of a group of young adults who didn't know anything about this whole "Superhero" business... good luck.

Everyone started to show off their powers, he was impressed at Dahlia's... she could control metal, cool, with his electrical powers and her metal powers, they could be a badass duo. "Nice Dahlia." Same idea with the Storm like girl, she had killer powers too... so far two girls would make a great Trio team with him being the Middle Guy. Everyone started talking about different ideas for the group and what they should do about leaders and things like that. "I mean, how about we learn more about each other, before we go around picking and choosing what we should do or not. That would be a smarter choice... learning what people are capable of and doing, things like that." Nigel may be a rapper, but not all rappers are dumb... well, he's not. "Oh, my turn." He walked in front of everyone... shooting up his hands, the electronic devices around him, like the others' phones and lights and what not started vibrating and levitating in the air, as electrical waves shot around them. He then shot his hands outwards, shooting electrical bolts out the window. "Yeah, I have Electrokinesis... control over Electricity and Electronics... cool right?" He felt a little tired now, he would need to recharge his powers before he could do something like that again.

[BCOLOR=#000000]Location: Log Cabin[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=#000000]Mood: Relaxed-Excited-Tired[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=#000000]Outfit: Look[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=#000000]Interaction(s): @Wonderful Thing Everyone Else[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=#000000]Mentioned: @Wonderful Thing Everyone Else In The Cabin[/BCOLOR]

Sunshine Belair-Heliokinesis

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Sunshine was too busy looking over the letter, to notice someone come over and snatch it right out of her hands. It seemed to be one of the guy, Sydney's stupid clones. "If you ever do that again... I will fry you." She was more than annoyed now. She resisted the urge to go over and strangle the clone, not wanting to look bad on the first day. She listened to it read the letter. They would have seven days to learn how to control their powers and they needed leaders and what not. "Well, of course I should be the Leader. Who else can keep all of you in check, but me." She grinned at the group, not expecting them to disagree. She heard one of the girls say something about spokes and stuff. "Speak up, mouse." She started laughing and watched as everyone gave their opinions. Then everyone started showing off their powers. Some had metal powers, wings, bird control... one girl even had to power to conjure storms. This was great, her power still seemed way cooler than the others.

When Ni Beats showed off his powers, Sunshine noticed her phone vibrating and leaving her purse. She didn't go to reach for it, seeing blue and white electrical pulses coming off of it. When he displayed his electrical bolts and her phone stopped vibrating, she grabbed it. "Hey! This is a 600 dollar phone... don't do that!" She rolled her eyes, now the guy that was staring at the door earlier showed his powers. She actually had to hold back a laugh. "So, all you can do is heal yourself? Barely heal yourself actually, wow. Soooo cool." She pushed past him, going over to one of the metal stools. "Well, I can show you first and then tell you what my power is." She picked up the stool, putting it on the wooden table. She grabbed the base of the stool, in a few seconds it started glowing a bright orange and then red... then it melted, only leaving a puddle of heated metal on the table. "I have what people call... Heliokinesis. I can control The Sun. Right now I can only use it's heat to melt things and incinerate stuff." She looked right at the clone that stole the letter from her. "So be careful not to piss me off." She smirked.

[BCOLOR=#000000]Location: Log Cabin[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=#000000]Mood: Frustrated-Annoyed-Vindictive[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=#000000]Outfit: Look[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=#000000]Interaction(s): @Wonderful Thing @Karma200 @Spectre of the Fade @Amai Kyuti @Sylph Everyone Else In The Cabin[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=#000000]Mentioned: Everyone[/BCOLOR]
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The roar of a motorcycle could be heard outside as Victor came riding up to the house. The bounty hunter noticed all the cars sitting outside the cabin. Out of habit, Victor took down the plates on a piece of paper before going in. "Hello?" the man most would call hell's marksman said cautiously as he walked in, his left hand on the custom revolver he always carried tucked under his jacket in the small of his back with the grip turned so it was up closer to his head with the hammer closer to his feet. He was usually the kind of guy to go in guns blazing, but for some reason this time he walked on the side of caution. His steel toe boots made their report of his presence in the cabin and the leather of his jacket made its protest to his movements as he walked. He had noticed how strange the weather was on his way to the location, but didn't pay it that much mind. He almost ran into two other people on his way in and almost drew the gun on them and said "guess you got a mysterious letter too."
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The person who followed Albert in showing was a man that turned out to have his fair share of tattoos, but the way he chose to do it sent chills down Albert's spine. An explanation would have been enough, but just straight up cutting him to himself without even a warning was a bit much. However Albert had to no doubts that this guys powers might be among the most handy and useful things the group would have, but it seemed that some of the other's in the group didn't share Albert's view and after the guy with electorkinesis was done showing of it was her turn.

it turned out that this girl really had quite the mouth on her and Albert could already feel that he was getting slightly annoyed at her comments about...well everything. However he didn't want to piss her off ether. After everyone knew the story of Icarus and the teachings that if you have wings you don't fucking with the sun. It was just that in what like felt like impuls he let "Well... maybe you should have used those powers of yours to tan slightly or at least brighten your mood"

@Everyone @Shattered♦Secrets™ @Spectre of the Fade
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[BCOLOR=transparent]Sydney couldn't help but burst into laughter at Sunshine's threats. And when she announced she should obviously be made leader, his laughter doubled in pitch and length. Everyone in the room was aware of his laughter, because his clone laughed too. [/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]You see, Sydney wasn't someone to be cruel, but when the scabs of society rear their ugly heads and unchain their hot air orifice, he could only meet those people with laughter. She was cartoony and cliched, that was funny. Sydney's laughter died down for a pause of observation to watch her power demonstration, and when an older man joined the fray. He was wearing a leather biker jacket and seemed high-strung, as if he expected this to be dangerous. It looked like his own anxiety led him to reach for a weapon, but Sydney couldn't exactly tell. [/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]And then angel-boy chimed in with,[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]"Well... maybe you should have used those powers of yours to tan slightly or at least brighten your mood", [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]and Sydney lost it. [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]He had to put an arm around his clone to support himself in his laughter. He didn't know if anyone else was finding Sunshine hilarious, but so far she was the best part about this whole experience. [/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]At last he doubled over and belted out a few more laughs before wiping away some tears. [/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]"Haha... ha... holy shit." [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Sydney's reaction could also be due to the fact that he was high, and this was the first time after at least a year.[/BCOLOR]

Rosalie Angela Grove



Rosalie realized she was facing the wrong way when she heard the man move as his voice traveled. She started to blush knowing she usually made this mistake. Deciding to just brush it off she answered his question.
"I was invited here by a letter, everyone else is over there somewhere" She said as she pointed behind her hoping it was the right direction.
Then another man walked in and asked about the letter Rose just smiled and replied again.
"Yep, we both got it we should go" Rose was going to finish with join the others as she heard someone talking about how they should be the leader.
Then she heard a very high pitched laugh and then faintly she heard, something about the power to tan? Then even louder laughing.
"We should probably join them" Rose said as she made her way to the room basing it off of the plant she saw, and then decided it was time for the blind girl to speak up.

"Sorry, um Sunshine is it? I don't think you should be self-proclaiming yourself the leader, If we even have a leader I think they shouldn't just make decisions but just control the group votes. The leader would have no more power then everyone else but just organize things, like a school club president." Rose talked to the whole group trying to convince them it would be best just to work together rather then to have a specific leader. "Also, I suggest we look at the personality of the leader too, as to not make biased decisions when it comes to ties or votes. They shouldn't be favoring one side over the other they should be the median between both sides and help solve conflicts" Rose thought she was sounding intelligent as she smiled. "If we want to save the world, as the letter says, you can't be making fun of each other. Sure you may not get along but we have to work as a team and work out our differences not just laugh at one another." Rose continued her small rant although she was just talking about her feelings not really ranting. I mean she always gives people the benefit of the doubt to become better.
"Sure whoever made the snide comment to Sunshine you may have been mad, although we have to see one another through with this we can't just bicker like kids, even though some of us still are kids we need to group up and band together not fight and bicker and insult each other if we are the world's only hope."

As Rose talked she was getting emotional which was triggering her powers as the plant behind her was growing. The farther she got talker the more it grew until the vines of the plant had grown to the floor and the leaves grew. Then flowers started to bloom. She didn't realize any of this as she took a breath and moved her cane to find a seat.

I: @HellHoundWoof @Victor Markov @Shattered♦Secrets™ @Everyone​
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Victor followed the girl into the other room and heard another girl nominate herself as the leader of the group and the other girl's little speech. "Being leader is a heavy burden to carry. You're responsible for everyone's safety. Someone dies, it's on your head since you made the call. Do you think you can bare that responsibility? The position and title of leader isn't something to be taken lightly. This isn't a game. Take these words from someone who has made some bad calls in the field. I've been there. I was on the trail of a mass murderer with some other bounty hunters. They all said I should call the shots. I did. Things were good until we got to this ravine. We ended up in a gunfight. Turns out the target was this high ranking member of a cartel. I gave orders, people died on both sides. But in the end the target was taken down. The fate of the world rests on our shoulders and the fate of this team rests on the one we pick to lead us. To victory or to our graves. We fail, the world ends. Who among us has what it takes to make the hard calls? Who's willing to lay down their life to keep the rest of this crew safe? If you think you have what it takes, step forward. I want to test your mettle. See how strong your resolve is. If nobody thinks they can bare the weight, I volunteer to carry this team through to the end. Now, who shall answer this call to action with the knowledge I just gave you. Who wants to be the one to carry the tags of whoever dies on the fields of battle if anyone dies because the plan went to hell in a handbasket?"
Nikolai acknowledged the guy who had just walked in, the girl may not have seen it but Nikolai sure did. This man had a gun. He had been holding something under his coat as he walked in, and it was doubtful it was anything else. Nikolai made sure to take that into account for later, if this guy got frisky then Nikolai would be very aware of that little detail. As the trio walked into the room he heard the sounds of argument, they were discussing who would lead. They'd all been here today only clearly, there was no way any of them had any experience leading this many people. Some dude was laughing his ass off, it was almost infectious. When Rose spoke up Nikolai got a little more serious. Then the other guy spoke up, talked about the depressing side of leading. Nikolai didnt want to talk next, and after looking at the man who had a gun he realized the two looked awfully similar. Hopefully no one thought about it. Looking around he saw a pretty fair mix of people, lots of different types and backgrounds from first glances.

"I'm Nikolai, and I think we shouldnt elect a leader." He said calmly, "Maybe we just let ourselves figure everything out then we can decide on who runs the show based on how everyone feels about them and their skills. If they are a good leader we'll know and if not then well we can decide a different one."

He felt good about his input but hoped he wasnt about to get allot of shit for it, most times he wouldnt speak up but too many people were looking for opinions for him not to speak.​

Solstice watched as more people poured into the room and she couldn't help but smirk at what one of the men had said to the woman named Sunshine. She remembered someone making a comment about hero names and Solstice actually couldn't think of one. No way was she doing something cliche. Pushing a piece of her dark hair behind her ear, Sol observed everything that was going on around her; watching as the others showed off their powers.

"If anything we should have multiple leaders, probably four seeing as how this is a large group of people here. Each leader is different and lead this group with their experience, suggestions or ideas. Of course nothing should be set in stone without everyone voting on it," Solstice spoke up in a clear voice. She didn't care who the damn leader was but there would always be a line she wouldn't allow them to cross. If they told her to do something extremely stupid, there was no way she would be doing it.

After hearing what the man in the black leather jacket said, she furrowed her eyebrows.

"I'm not voting any of you as the leader until I get to know you." Solstice added before sitting down on the end of the coffee table and waiting for what the others had to say.

@Everyone (sorry, stopped getting notifications)
The man's apparent happiness at petting Folly made Leo slightly more inclined to trust the man. Dogs had a way of judging people that humans could not, a sort of sixth sense and his girl wasn't worried. At Bo's words he nodded his head and chuckled. "
Right back atcha and yeah I can just imagine the amount of people who'd make the same joke if you went by Dick." Looking down at the man crouched below him gave him a sense of security due to his aerial advantage and he was less on guard for the more personal questions.

Patting Folly's rump he answered with only slight reluctance, "She's been with me since my mother died. I needed a friend and protector." He debated on letting him know that he was homeless. If his attire and uncleanliness didn't give it away already that is.

Emilio "Leo" Warner | | location: Neptune | interactions: @Spectre of the Fade
Richard Hendry
joe manganiello 2.jpg
It took Richard a few seconds to respond. He didn't respond with some platitude like 'I'm sorry for your loss' or 'That's awful' or 'At least she's in a better place'. They were meaningless to him, bullshit said for the sake of appearing proper and decent, and he'd gotten tired of hearing them after his own mother's passing. Using both hands to scratch behind Folly's ears, he gave the dog a smile and replied, "Dogs're awful good company. Quieter than a lot of people, too." His eyes slid to the woman who'd done literally nothing but squawk and squawk loudly since she'd walked in as an example of what he meant. Then he stood, patting Folly's side one last time before turning his attention completely to Leo. "And for the record, I like dick jokes just fine. Just not when they're about me."

Mentioned: @Amai Kyuti @Shattered♦Secrets™
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