Magrathea is now The United Guild of World Building



Original poster
For those of you who do not know, the group Magrathea has found a new home and a new name as a forum section:

The United Guild of World Building.

If you love to world build, create settings and NPCs, have a softspot for cartography, or have a detailed setting to share, come on over!

Just wanting to learn or stepping into world building for the first time? That's great! We have a Master system that is currently taking on apprentices!

We're also accepting applications for new Masters to help teach and contribute. You don't have to be a master to contribute, either. Anyone is welcome to share their knowledge!
Don't forget to come check out the United Guild of World Building! We're going to be doing some neat stuff in the future, and we need help building the basic resources such as exercises and workshops up. You don't have to be a Master to make an exercise or workshop! Also remember, you can always ask for help on any world building project you are working on without signing up to be an apprentice.