Magical Girl Wars (Sign-Ups/OOC)

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Pretty much full now. Only those who have already shown interest are allowed.

(Was "Like the Stars")

(AKA that magical girl RP I got people's hopes up for, and didn't do until now. I finally got the confidence for it.)


In the beginning of civilization, all was well, humans survived, and began to thrive, but most importantly, they believed. Early humans were susceptible to magical energy, and their beliefs spawned various deities and monsters, both real and in their minds. As humans "evolved" from their ways of the past, the magic faded from their minds, but the spawned beings stayed in the world. The more unstable deities began to resent the humans who abandoned them, and recruited the "monsters" to take revenge. Shortly after, the balance of what was "good" and what was "evil" tipped, and more benevolent forces granted select humans, ones with more potential, access to different magic than the one that humans used to be attuned to. This magic did not create deities or monsters; it did, however, give humanity the chance to fight back, even if just a bit.

Of course, since people no longer believed in many of the old ways, and a significant portion adopted new faiths that made many of the old ways out to be "evil," even if they used to be "good," these humans who fought against the evil were condemned as evil themselves, and were consequently executed. It continued for centuries, only lightening up in the latter parts of the 20th century, in which humans started to become more accepting of other ways, and no longer subjected things they didn't understand to death. In these times, humans were quite a bit braver, including their once fearful protectors. They started to come out a bit more and more, eventually leading to their popularity.

Other driving forces for the resurgence of these "protectors" were superhero comics, which depicted humans with inhuman powers, and "Magical Girl" series, similar series, but with a more feminine bend, and not always including battles. The protectors of those eras took on either of those terms, although the deities found those names a bit silly, and eventually left notes in the protectors' minds saying to call themselves "Numen," a Latin word for "divinity" or "divine power," due to their origins as the benevolent deities' chosen ones.

Of course, power takes a toll on the mind, leading to what is referred to as a "Fallen Numen." Former Numina full of resent towards humans or their Numina brethren; they direct their powers against the Numina, and even the deities who blessed them with power.

These are the lives of the Numina, their fallen numbers, and the humans around them.


Time is everything for these people. Their spells take time to cast (stronger spells take more time [calculated by posts]). Sound is also important, as they must say their attack names to cast spells (if a numen has a sound-based power, it could cause major problems). Numina tend to lose their powers and retire by 30. The powers usually manifest at late childhood/early adolescence. Side effects of being a Numen often include hearing voices, and the most common power is being able to fly. The main schools are Concordia High, Reilly Academy, and Glass Junior High; the main college is Blanc University.

Fallen numina are usually former numina that lost their will or minds, or were corrupted; very few numina fall of their own choice.


No Godmodding

In roleplay, take all sexually explicit content to your respective Libertine forum.

No hardcore gore or anything.

Be respectful out of character

No canon magical girls/boys

Feel free to add on anything you want to the skeleton

No exact duplicate powers

Profile Skeletons



Alliance: Numina

Weaknesses: (Be it fears or physical weaknesses)

Appearance: (if image, place at top of post)


Attacks: (8 maximum. Can be general abilities, also include how long [how many posts] they take to cast [should be proportional to the strength])

Fallen Numen


Alliance: Fallen Numina


Personality: (Pre and post fall)

Why They Fell:




Alliance: (Optional)



My Character(s)
Name: Natsuki Fujimoto

Age: 25

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Pansexual

Alliance: Fallen Numina

Occupation: Unemployed

Powers/Weapons: Plant Manipulation and Generation, Flight, minor Healing. She can mildly influence people's thoughts using words, although that's not one of her magical powers.

Harvest – A bladed weapon on a retractable chain, which is connected to a handle, effectively making it a retractable kusarigama. It has decorative carvings of plants on the handle, and resembles a sickle when fully retracted.

Weaknesses: Her plants can be burnt by fire and electricity, along with being affected by any life-draining or harmful power or power-related substance. She has a fear of bugs and large amounts of blood. Lacks strategy.

Appearance: She is fair-skinned, with a healthy complexion and a curvy body at a height of 5'5". Bright green hair that seems to fade to spring green falls to her shoulders, and bangs surround her fierce red eyes while dipping between them a bit.

Her outfit as a numen consists of a strapless black dress with a corset-like bodice, a fluffy skirt supported by a few black petticoats, long arm warmers that loosen up at the end, green stockings, and black high heels. Except for the stockings, most of her outfit is black in color, save for green bands along the edges of her dress and arm warmers. A few green embroidered vines decorate her dress and arm warmers.

Personality: In both times, she's normally calm, except when pushed, and is rather unpredictable, not using strategies most of the time except for ones she makes on the spot. She has an agile tongue, and tends to be able to "cultivate" emotions within people with her words, whether it be happiness or sadness.

Pre-fall, she was generous in kindness, spending time with people who she thought looked lonely. While this action wasn't always appreciated, she backed off when the attention wasn't wanted, although not without some parting words of encouragement or a compliment.

Post-fall, she's built up a tough persona and a shorter temper, while avoiding most people. When serious or seriously angry, she's able to seem calm and is almost frightening. Her view of both her allies and enemies is one of contempt. She's somewhat obsessed with strength and actively strives to show herself as a strong person and strong enemy.

Why They Fell: She felt she was weak compared to other numina, especially the fallen, and thought she'd be a "strong" person if she fell.

Natsuki had a fairly average upbringing under the care of her aunts. She knew her circumstances were different, but didn't question it as it didn't really matter to her. She was always sort of average at almost everything she did, except for encouraging others, which she was gifted at. She found she was a numen on her 12th​ birthday after hearing voices telling her to try casting a spell, which worked. Her powers stemmed from her words that "cultivated" people's feelings, like how people cultivate plants.

At first, she worked alone, then she got scouted by a group of numina who thought her plant abilities were useful about a year after. Her teammates were a bit older and more skilled than her, something she envied. She stayed in the group until she fell, which happened a few months after she entered high school.

She was thrown off by an opposing team of fallen numina, one of which she noticed was a schoolmate. As such, she felt she couldn't fight to the best of her ability, while her schoolmate didn't care or simply didn't notice. The fight ended with the fallen numina winning, although there were no casualties. Natsuki was utterly devastated by the loss, as up until then, her side had won. She blamed the loss on her kind heart, although she didn't cast just one thought of scorn towards her teammates, who she'd always relied and thought to be strong.

Her mind was filled with negative thoughts for days, initially having to miss some school because the thoughts made her sick. She began to think of herself being a numen as being like a plant trying to thrive in a too-small planter, and thought of the prospect of falling as getting a bigger planter. She resigned from her team, and the next time she saw the mentioned schoolmate, she asked to become a fallen numina. The schoolmate told Natsuki to find another team of fallen numina, and was generous enough to provide a name and address of another fallen numen, the leader of a team looking for a member. The leader accepted Natsuki as a member, welcoming her.

In order to try to live up to the perceived strength of the fallen numina, she cut all ties to her previous friends in order to separate herself from her older, "weaker," self. She mostly stopped caring about what people except the fallen thought of her. Most notable was a persona she created through the years, an image of what she thought would be emotionally and physically "strong." Although it didn't help her become stronger, it did shape her new identity.

Attacks: Vine Twister – Natsuki can grow vines from any surface able to restrain an opponent for up to five minutes. The vines are able to move however Natsuki wants once summoned, however. Cast time is 5 minutes.

Rafflesia – Defensive ability, used as a distraction. Grows a rafflesia, one of the infamous carrion flowers, on any surface. Lasts about 10 minutes. Can be unsummoned anytime. Cast time is 2 minutes 30 seconds.

Arborvitae – Natsuki is able to heal minor injuries. 2 minutes.

Bloom – boosts the abilities of Natsuki or an ally for five minutes. 2 minute cast.

Thorn Blossom – Lodges thorns at the target. Takes only a few seconds to cast.

Shi no Mori (Death Forest/Forest of Death) – Natsuki entangles her opponent with plants, which come out of nowhere and slowly build pressure until the target escapes or is dead. Is capable of being fatal, but most can free themselves. Takes an hour to cast.

Other: Natsuki mainly relies on her weapon and the spell "Thorn Blossom" in fights.
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Ashe Mirabella Kindle





Concordia High


Knowledge Replication|Staff|Literary Manipulation|Flight

Asthma|Fire|Lacks Physical Strength|Lacks Physical Speed

Ashe is a quiet and all around polite girl. In fact, she's so polite that people find it a bit annoying. She rarely speaks unless she's acknowledged and she will apologize profusely. She is kind and gentle, but has a hard time telling her enemy apart from her foe unless they directly attack her. Ashe has a problem with lying because she always feels like she need to tell people what they want to hear.

Up until the discovery of her powers, Ashe was a seemingly normal girl with a love of reading and a high mental capacity. It actually scared her parents a bit because she learned things so quickly. She skipped two grades and the teachers considered putting her in the next grade, but she declined. Ashe's parents decided to teach their daughter how to be polite and respectable and that exactly what she did. However, she began to become quieter as a result and ended up becoming a liar because she knew what people want to hear. Eventually, she discovered her abilities and was sent to a school for Magical Girls.

Scribe: Ashe can use her staff to write in the air, which then projects the object or action that she wrote after she says the word. Depending on the scale of the attack, it can take anywhere from a few seconds {one post} to an hour {six posts} to produce.
Replicate: Without a doubt Ashe's most powerful attack, she is able to replicate another person's attack. However, she can only use it in when absolutely necessary because it require two hours {twelve posts} to use and usually puts her in a temporary coma after its completion.

Word Chain: Ashe is able to use a chain made of words to wrap around her opponent and restrict them from using magic. This attack takes thirty minutes {three posts} to use effectively. If she only wishes to restrict her opponent's body, it takes fifteen minutes {two posts} to use.
Analyze: Because of her Knowledge Replication, Ashe is able to analyze another person's powers and attacks as well as predict their next move. It is her greatest strength. Because it can only be used from a defensive point, it only takes a few seconds {one post} for her to begin using and she can use it for several hours.
Accepted. Personally, I wouldn't use exact times, but if you're willing to time it like that, be my guest.
Hello there! This RP sounds like something I'd love to RP in, it's simple enough without being too simple and it's got some good plot in it. Absolutely love it~

Just a few questions before I commit to this though, most of the 'fights' taking place are mostly Numen magical girls against the fallen Numen's right? If so, then what role would a human have in this? The victim/the one who needs to be protected? Is their role that minimal?

Do all the Numen, fallen or not, go to the schools? Is that how they fight/settle their differences and all? There wasn't much written up on that, and I just assumed from reading Natsuki's (Your Character's) bio.
Thanks for the interest, and sorry for lack of clarification. I sometimes forget things, and I forget how tired I was at the time of making the info and skeletons.

You are right in the first question. I might add monsters if people are cool with it.

And sadly, the humans do have minimal role, unless they're a skilled fighter. I think I added them as an option for variety, though I can't imagine why I did, beyond maybe non-combatant characters or NPCs.

The schools are just schools. I don't know why I put them in the form or info sections; there's an 80% chance I just imitated some other person.

This is probably the worst answer to anything ever, and I humbly apologize.
Don't worry about it, you answered perfectly fine ^ - ^ I got the answers I needed, and trust me, sometimes people just skip right over the question and give you an answer of 'Tree'. With that, I'll be making my character. If something's off with it, just let me know :)


Koyuki Tatsuma




Alliance: Numina

Blanc University
Works at a nearby bar as part-time Bartender though

Ice Manipulation/Generation/Construction | Flight |
Trident - Acts as medium to summon up ice

Weaknesses: (Be it fears or physical weaknesses)
- Anyone who can burn or melt her ice away
- Fear of heights and isolation
- Not the best team player
- Terrible in close combat

Koyuki is someone who smiles often, but doesn't say much. She just enjoys other people's company, and is a great listener. She is loyal, and will always try her best to think of the positive outcome than the worst possible results. Koyuki may keep a lot of things bottled up inside her though, and that only gets her in a depressed mood rather than raging and getting snappy at people.

Koyuki was a lonely girl as a child. She was just raised differently as a child since her parents were rather closed off people. She may have been picked on a bit, but more often than not she was just talked about behind her back. On her lonely 16th birthday, she woke up freezing cold, in the middle of May, and only at night did a voice come through, urging her to hurry. Ever since, Koyuki had access to her magical powers. She kept them a secret from her parents, but slowly these powers had helped her make friends and team mates, making her a more happy person.

+ Ice Shards: A simple 'wave' of ice shards directed at a wide range. [One Post]
+ Ice Claw: Freezes a certain area completely, usually aims for people's feet/ankles and the ground [Two Posts]
+ Mirror System: Simply an ice shield, but she has to cast 3 at a time [Four Posts]
+ Frozen Heart: A Passive Ability. Koyuki is naturally cold, so she isn't affected by cold temperatures
+ Third Eye: Passive. Koyuki's right eye is a little ... colorblind, I guess. It's just a lot more sensitive than her left eye, and let's her see details or shiny things a lot easier.


Aleeta Spectralfire

Age: 18



Alliance: Numina
Concordia High

A Bicycle Ghost Deck
Summoning the suits of cards / face cards as weapons / slight prescience when gambling
Hates being left alone
Fire and Water both shut down all but her strongest attacks
Has a terrible gambling problem
Incredibly lazy

Aleeta is easy going, and loves to strike up conversation. While she is lazy when it comes to school work and cleaning, she's no slouch in a fight. She has a tendency to prioritize others' safety over her own. She tends to have a negative view on things, but is mostly apathetic to the way things go. She is not quick to voice her opinions unless someone asks for them.

Aleeta is a gambler's son, and she played many card games with him. They'd bet on chores that needed to be done, and Aleeta won a fair share of them. She didn't focus in school, leading to her being held back two grades due to poor grades. When she was 13, she was playing another game of cards with her father. She was able to know what a card was when she touched it, without having to look it at. It took her a few months to realize what happened, but she decided to tell her father. He helped her come up with many of her attacks.

Diamond Flurry: Aleeta shoots a small cloud of red diamonds at her enemy, generally from her hands or arms. Unlikely to hit from far away, and weak. Can do decent damage at point blank range. Takes 10 seconds to cast.
Blade of Cards: Aleeta turns her one of the suits of her deck into a shortsword. It's just as sharp as a real sword, but incredibly fragile. Takes 20 seconds to cast, but it only good for one hit, after which the cards return to her deck.
Steel Club: Makes a large club appear in Aleeta's right hand to act as a bludgeoning tool. Takes 5 minutes to cast, and lasts for 15.
Protecting Heart: Aleeta sprays her cards in front of her, and they take the shape of a heart meant to shield her from projectiles. Takes 6 minutes to cast, last for a few seconds.
Blade of the King: Aleeta summons a portrait of a king from a deck of cards, and throws her cards into it. She takes out a black sword that is roughly ten feet long, and can fight with it. Resistant to fire and water. Takes an hour and thirty minutes to cast, while the sword lasts for 30 minutes.
Gift from Royalty: Aleeta's cards cover her like plate armor, while a heart forms a shield on her left arm, and a diamond makes a sword. While in the armor, attacks will hardly register, but afterwards her mind will be strained to the point of blacking out. Her body is also incredibly vulnerable to all attacks, with magic being particularly effective. Takes 5 hours to cast, lasts for 10 minutes.​
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Shiki Degawa
(Stage name [for her job]: Rima Deshima)

Alliance: Numina

|| Reilly Academy ||
|| A "Teen Icon" (works as a model/singer/voice actress alongside of being a student) ||

|| Electricity Manipulation || Adapting some cat traits and features (appearance -wise and skills-wise) || Being more athletic ( one result of cat traits) || Some music-based powers ||

|| Fear of the dark ||
|| Fear of being alone in a dark place ||
|| Fear of blood ||
|| Ironically getting embarrassed easily despite being a "Teen Icon" ||

Most Teen Icons and the people who have jobs involving the media have two personalities: the one they show on T.V. and their true self.Shiki falls somewhere in the middle of that.

Shiki is an independent girl who can sometimes express some coldness towards people.She is reliable and determined and would never stop going for whatever she sets her mind to.She is pretty caring and likes helping people, but she doesn't like making it obvious that she does and ends up either denying that she did it for them or just insulting the person she helps out afterwards.She can have a pretty quick temper, and sometimes she ends up hitting that person if it goes too far.

As Rima, Shiki is seen as rather sweet and bubbly, smiling and grinning at everyone she sees and talks to.Being in a school where there's a lot of people her age and who also admit her, she ends up showing this side a bit more often.

Unlike other media people like her, the Rima side of her isn't exactly a complete act.In fact, that's the true inner side of her if one gets to know her more, she could actually be sweeter than how she shows it on T.V..Shiki is also rather fragile,the opposite of the tough and independent her that people see,but she doesn't like showing weakness and ends up keeping this to herself.

Shiki is the only child of a wealthy couple whose lives were partly running in the business industry.Having parents who loved to sing, she herself got into it at the age of 5.As she grew older, she got better and better until one day when she was 14, a company saw and heard her perform during a school festival.At first she was rather hesitant, but eventually she agreed to do it.The following day, she woke up to find two cat-like ears on top of her head and a tail brushing against her legs.Of course, she was in panic, but somehow she was able to make them go away.It took her a bit of practicing to get it in control and make them move at her will.After the day of the discovery of her cat ears and tail, her other powers started to reveal themselves bit by bit until she finally learned how to manipulate and properly use them all.


Cat Traits: (more of an ability than an attack) By will, Shiki can make her cat ears and tail appear.With these out, Shiki's athletic abilities (more specifically her jumping, agility and flexibility) are increased.Her sensitivity of her surroundings also increase, giving her sharp hearing and sensing of presence around her.
Posts: 1

Electric Zap: What she considers as her main attack since it's the quickest one out of all her attacks.Shiki lets out blue electric charges at her target through her hands and fingers, zapping them/it to inflict damage.This is an almost immediate attack that only takes a few seconds to let out.
Posts: 1

Electric Orb: Shiki charges a ball of blue electricity in her hands and launches it at the enemy.She can also keep it on her hands and physically attack them with a direct punch.Charging it up into an orb usually takes about a minute,more if she wants it bigger.
Posts: 2-3 (3 if it's a punch)

Heart's Sacrifice: A healing attack that Shiki can only use to heal other people.She sings a soft song while holding onto the injured person(not necessarily over the injury itself;often holds onto their hand),then a light will surround her and the other person, healing the other person's injury(/ies).This drains out some of Shiki's own energy though, weakening her until she recharges with sleep.Depending on the type of injury,the healing process takes about 2-5 minutes.
Posts: 3

Angel's Lull: No,despite its name it doesn't aim to put anyone to sleep.Instead,this is an attack to calm people,and herself,down when in panic/scared/in despair.Like Heart's Sacrifice, she sings a melody that does not show much physical signs that it's happening,except that Shiki's hand gets surrounded by a soft glow of light.It's a bit difficult for her to perform this attack when she herself is in panic and/or fear.The song doesn't last for more than 2 minutes,and the people usually feel more relaxed as they hear the song.
Posts: 2

Musical Waltz: An attack combined with "Electric Orb" and her musical powers.Shiki charges up electric orbs around her hands and sings a tune that makes music notes surround her as she sings.Then she grabs the music notes and charges it with electricity as she grabs onto them with her electric-charged hands.This is an attack that she can perform while being in movement (i.e. running,jumping,etc).The music notes will keep on appearing around her for a maximum of 5 minutes.
Posts: 5

Heaven's Spotlight: Shiki's most powerful attack.Shiki summons a big blue electric vortex from the sky that will engulf her.While being inside the electric vortex,Shiki will be charging and collecting her electricity in between her hands, forming a big ball of electricity that she will blast towards her target after full charge.This takes a good 5-minute charge up,and this attack can possibly damage its surroundings.(I guess you can sort of think of this attack like the famous "Kamehameha" from DBZ that I don't watch-- //shot).To make this effective though,her charging time needs to be simultaneous.The vortex of electricity isn't that thick and it only helps keep out physical attacks,but not magical.Meaning,Shiki can be attacked with magic during this period and stop her from continuing this attack."Heaven's Spotlight" takes a big toll off Shiki,whether the attack becomes successful or not,so she takes big caution when using this.
Posts: 4​
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Accepted, also cute. You should change the school though; she's a bit too old for junior high/middle school (sorry if the school's name confused you).
Oh,oHH I get it now sorry xD Changed it to Reilly Academy,unless that school isn't the right one too then I'll change it to the other one xD
Also thank you~ ovo
I am definitely interested in this. I will be posting a character sheet soon.
Ooh, I'd like to join~ :I I'll get a profile together to post in a bit.
So am I! I'll try my best to write up a character sheet and post it today.

Ikumi Hanako
Age: Twenty One

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual

Alliance: Numina

School/Occupation: She is a full time student at Blanc University.

Ikumi prides herself on having emotion based powers. This can work in two ways. She has a special power based off of four emotions; happiness, sadness, anger, and love. She then can slightly affect the emotions of the people around her with zaps of magic. She expresses her magic through a heart decorated staff that changes color depending on the magic she is going to use. This staff is very fragile so she cannot under any circumstance use it to physically attack.

Weaknesses: Ikumi is scared of quite a lot of things. She is terrified of driving and cars in general. She walks everywhere she can and will do anything to avoid getting inside a van or truck or any car really. She is also afraid of crossing streets. If she needs to cross one, you will often see her nervously walking in circles on the sidewalk debating wither to cross now or not. Other than that, she is afraid of a lot of really girly things. She does not like spiders or most bugs. Now, when it comes to weaknesses there are a few as well. Obviously her emotion projecting powers don't work on things that don't have any emotion. So she would not be able to make a rock cry, or such like that. Any of her magic projectiles can be reflected by a mirror and shot to someone else or back at herself. If the magic is shot back at her then she will be dazed for a few moments. Also, sometimes she can be too prideful for her own good. She often underestimates people because she is so confident.

Personality: Ikumi, as said before, is quite prideful. She is a skilled magic user, so she prides herself on being on of the best even though she probably isn't. Don't get me wrong, she has a good handle on her powers, but she is by no means the greatest magical girl of all time. She is generally pretty smart when it comes to school wise but can sometimes be lazy with her work. Again, she thinks she is much better than she is and figures she does not need to study. She has great confidence in herself and can easily get her thoughts across to other people. Also, she gets jealous very easily.
She has a princess type personality.

Bio: Ikumi is the daughter of two generally wealthy parents. She grew up in a good area and had a pretty great childhood. She had lots of friends and was always hailed as pretty beautiful. She often entered competitions and beauty contest and such. She loved those! This was, until, the discovery of her powers. Ikumi told her parents about her powers right away, in hope that she could use them for the talent portion of some beauty contest, but her parents did not want their name associated with magic. So, they decided to buy her a house somewhere far away and always provide her with whatever she wanted as long as she kept her family name a secret. So, Ikumi Hanako is not her actual name. It is merely her legally changed name. Ikumi is actually quite proud of her powers and does not understand why her parents do not approve of them. She uses them pretty openly, but keeps her name a secret because having an endless flow of cash is pretty nice. She currently goes to university and is pretty popular socially. She considers herself a pretty skilled Numina. She does not often take up alliances because she thinks they will get in her spot light, but she loves to put on shows for other Numina. She tends to use her powers more for show then for good.


Colorful Heartbeat - This is her attack that represents happiness. By embodying this emotion, her speed is boosted extremely. She is able to move around so fast that it's hard to see her unless she stops. There is no projectile for this move, just speed. It only takes one turn to start this spell, but it will only last for one turn before it fades away.

Melancholy Raindrop - This attack represents sadness. Here, she starts crying, but not just normal tears. She cries to hard that both of her eyes nearly become waterfalls with extreme pressure. Like the attack above, it takes one turn to start and only last for one turn. All of her emotions are short lived.

Flaming Resentment - This attack represents anger. Here, her entire body sets on fire. She cannot shoot any projectiles and she is very slow, but her entire body is untouchable because it is engulfed by fire. One turn to start, last for one turn.

Dearest Kiss - This attack represents her love. Here, she can send out projectile kisses that will make who she hits fall in love with her and be unable to attack her. It takes one turn to start the spell, and the stun only last for one turn. She can blow many kisses in this one turn of a time, but it will only last for one turn.

Your Princess - With this attack, she can temporarily make herself appear as the one loved most by the person looking at her. To make it more clear, lets say Ikumi is fighting person A. Person A is in love with person B. If Ikumi uses this spell, she can make herself look like person B, but only person A will see her as person B because person B is the person that person A loves most. Let's say person C is fighting with person A. Then if person C is in love with person D, person C will see Ikumi as person D while person A will see Ikumi as Person B all at the same time. It takes her three turns to use this power, and it will only last for two turns.

Wavering Emotions - This is her main projectile attack. With this, she can send a slight burst of one of her main four emotions to another person. If it hits them, they will start to feel this emotion as a distraction to what they are doing. It takes two turns to conjure up and it last for two turns.

Heartfelt Barrier - This is her main shield. Basically she can create a bubble like shield around her in the shape of a heart. It takes two turns to conjure up and does not have a time limit, but can only withstand five hits.

Honey Heights - This is an attack that she can use before any of her other attacks to make it stronger and last a bit longer. However, it takes five turns to charge up and only applies to the attack she uses right after. Whatever attack she charges will become stronger and last for an additional two turns. She can also project it to another magical girl to make her powers stronger.


Click Here For Image

Name: Aeris Syrian
Age: 14
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Gay

Alliance: Numina
School: Glass Junior High

~ Controls a dark aura
~ Though he cannot fly, his speed and jumping ability are 5x that of the average human.
~ As weapons, Aeris uses a pair of clawed gauntlets imbued with magic, that are capable of changing form depending on whether he is attacking or defending

Hydrophobic | Too stubborn to follow direction | Is far too trusting | Fears reptiles

Despite his darker appearance and powers, Aeris is a good person. He wants nothing more than to be able to help those who need it and to provide assistance in taking down bad people, though he insists on doing everything his own way. That said, Aeris is a terrible judge of character, as well as being very gullible, and often comes to trust the wrong people. He very much likes making friends, and so convincing him that a person he's come to like is a bad person is a near impossible task, usually until it's too late.

Aeris is very confident in his abilities, and doesn't like being told how to use them. He's been known to go out of his way to avoid doing as instructed, just to show he doesn't need help. He's usually very wrong and just gets himself into a mess.

When Aeris was born shrouded by a dark aura, it was pretty obvious he was a Numen. Not wanting to deal with raising something non-human, or to risk throwing their baby into a bad life via the foster system, his parents handed him off to an authority from one of the schools so that he could be raised properly. Though the aura usually appeared when Aeris' emotions spiked, his actually abilities as a Numen did not come forth until around his tenth birthday.

Despite being often judged by his appearance, Aeris was raised as a sweet boy, who in turn, was never one to judge. In fact, his filter on telling who was good or bad became completely nonexistent. He believes that everyone, including fallen Numina, deserve a chance, and is far too stubborn to be convinced otherwise.

Evocation Negation 2 posts Cancels the spell-casting of another, if cast soon enough. Can only be used once per battle.
Nauseous Orbs 3 posts The dark aura takes the form of multiple small, toxic orbs that launch towards the target(s).
Wicked Fiends 3 posts The dark aura takes the form of hellish creatures that attack according to their own free will. Often backfires, as while they are powerful, they do not seem to differentiate between friend and foe.
Foul Claw 1 post His main weapon, a set of clawed gauntlets, appear to assist in melee combat.
Barrier Claw 1 post Clawed gauntlets change into the form of a shield to block oncoming attacks. (Foul Claw must be cast first)
Impact Claw 1 post
Claws shift into a more disconnected form to be controlled as ranged weapons with the dark aura as makeshift chains.
(Foul Claw must be cast first)
Haunted Saint 5 posts Aeris is engulfed by the dark aura, the shade forming a large monstrous figure around him. While he is able to retain control of this powerful form, it is exhausting.
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Is there any space left, because I'm interested.
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