Lies an ancient, everlasting, and immemorial place, where magic— at its most concentrated —lives. Nestled between every existence with a potential for magic is the World Between, a magical space ever changing, ever forming and adapting to the whims and fears of its inhabitants.
For millennia untold, the young women who've been graced with the Guardian Share have been invited in to study and understand the powerful magic they wield. When they graduate as Magical Guardians, fit to protect the Universum against forces of negative energy, they graduate with elite and exclusive skill sets tailored to their magical epithet and a vast array of knowledge from every magical girl that'd come before them.
A new school year is about to begin at Wolpurgiswora University, and it will be one fit for the history books. For the first time ever, the World Between welcomes in a new generation of Magical Guardians— a graduating class that contains both young women and young men. As the cultural shock reverberates throughout the World Between, professors and ministers that govern Wolpurgiswora's different academies ready their campuses for the foreign inclusion of men into spaces that had never conceived it was possible. After all, the Guardian Brooch uses soul transport to take Guardians betwixt their home worlds and the World Between.
Only a few of the ministers have refused young men entry into their academies, outraged that they would even be asked to do so. However, the rest... they know, deep, deep in their hearts that something must be horribly unbalanced in the Universum for men to start receiving Grace. It began with the few who had read the signs two-betwixt years ago, but now whispers of the Breath of Halted Nigh are everywhere.
Doubt creeps into the World Between, darkening her rose pink skies. The end of the Universum is nigh.
heya, thanks for stoppin by and reading thru!! im rissa, yer friendly neighborhood pterodactylgator, interested in playin out some magical girl fun. if dis sounds interesting, lemme know<3
- A post a week. More would be lovely if you're capable and inspired to do so, but once a week is the average I'd like people to try and stick to.
- 1 to 3 paragraphs per post. More or less is welcomed. I think short, quippy posts that move every interaction forward could be a fun way to start things off, but either way, quality over quantity; try and give your fellow writers something to work with each post and I don't care how long or short your post is!
- Active players who take initiative in the narrative and move interactions / scenes forward. Players who enjoy collaboration, as well as players who can go with the flow of the narrative, be it breezy or long winded. Those not afraid to make problems for themselves and others within the narrative (within reason and with consent (for the most part)).
- This will be probably be an #Always Open roleplay, allowing people and characters to jump in and out. To that point, I think I'll allow 2 "main characters" at start up if this gets enough interest.
Creation Reminders
Due to Professor Zinnia's campaigning over the past few decades, no magical guardians under 16 are given a broach to activate their latent powers and begin channeling their Guardian Share, even with the Breath of Halted Nigh upon the guarded worlds.
The vibe of your home world can be anything, as long as the root of it remains within "magical girl" territory. I'm not here to police your desired aesthetics-- except for when you're on campus. :^) IE. Want mecha magical girls? Go for it. Wanna play as a Sailor Guardian? Go for it. Want a non-combatant who stays in the World Between and never leaves, practicing and shaping the Guardian Sphere? Go. For. It.
Make the vibe your own, and then remember...
When on campus grounds, all students must be wearing one of their four uniforms or risk being carded! Customization is of course allowed, but don't get caught breaking the rules, or you'll find yourself with a detention card-- or worse, a hex.
Subject to change. :^)
Guardian Name:
Magical Epithet: (Do not reveal publicly; only to mEEE)
Appearance: Images are preferred, along with a short description clarifying any discrepancies with the faceclaim. Special Grade submissions include "Normal" and "Transformed" versions of their characters.
Auric Colors:
Academic Affiliation:
3 Sentence Vibe Check: Broil your character down to three sentences. Include their age, personality, power (including its strengths, weaknesses, tools, and clever usages), home world vibe, who they are, what they want out of life, and core motivations and fears.
Your ideal posting speed:
-- Optional --
Companion: Can be magical, mechanical, spiritual, or a suggested alternative relating to your home world vibes.
Guardian Name:
Magical Epithet: (Do not reveal publicly; only to mEEE)
Appearance: Images are preferred, along with a short description clarifying any discrepancies with the faceclaim. Special Grade submissions include "Normal" and "Transformed" versions of their characters.
Auric Colors:
Academic Affiliation:
3 Sentence Vibe Check: Broil your character down to three sentences. Include their age, personality, power (including its strengths, weaknesses, tools, and clever usages), home world vibe, who they are, what they want out of life, and core motivations and fears.
Your ideal posting speed:
-- Optional --
Companion: Can be magical, mechanical, spiritual, or a suggested alternative relating to your home world vibes.
clicky me for a filled out example
Name: Piper "Pip" Delaney
Guardian Name: Grail Warden
Magical Epithet:Hope
Appearance: I will unabashedly use Akko from Little Witch Academia. You can't stop me. Pre Transformation, Post Transformation.
Auric Colors: Green dominant, Yellow and Blue auxiliaries
Academic Affiliation: Wildheart Academy
Vibe Check: Pip is your average girl wonder— happy-go-lucky, hardheaded, and a maybe just a bit clumsy; it often takes a few good knocks for this seventeen year old to really get the gist of a lesson well learned. Her home world, Fentysia, is constantly at odds with cursed witches and the creatures they summon out of the world's negativity and she hopes that discovering the true power behind False Ancients will help her reset the balance on her world.
Posting Speed: Once a week for my "main" character. A couple small NPC replies throughout the week. One big GM Post to move the narrative or scene(s) forward once a month or whenever needed.
Companion: Horatio Elam Ignatius Dor Elifur, a butterfly dragon that's the size of a very large house cat.
Art by Ink
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