Original poster
The sun was just rising upon Kenston Prime and already the city was as busy as it would be until it set. Vehicles filled the skies and streets as the populous awoke. One section of the city was still clear however, a small area around Titan Avenue under investigation following the bombing of the previous day. Various police vehicles block off the scene as civilians try and get a peak. However a crowd is starting to form outside the Military Research Facility as the news plays it's latest bulletin.
"Our latest report on the alien ship that crash landed last night has revealed to belong to none other than Garluk Glumont wanted in this quadrant for piracy and murder. While his own race calls for expediation he is due for execution later today for his crimes. He is currently awaiting transfer from the Kenston Military Research Facility."
Tsukabasa set down his coffee as he watched the news broadcast from inside an abandoned warehouse. He looked over to his Machina,still damaged from the previous day's fight, and then back at the holoscreen before shutting it off.
"Garluk eh? Can't believe he showed up here...let alone got captured. He should prove useful however." Tsukabasa mused to himself.
He began pulling on his fatigues before his thoughts drifted to that girl from yesterday. Strange that she would be the target of this entire fiasco...Perhaps there was more to her than met the eye. Hanako Nagare, 17 and a student. Her father has been dealing in a shady business and had made a deal with the wrong person. Tsukabasa finished tying his boots as he stood.
"I don't know what you have planned brother...but I need to stop it before you get any further."
Walking out of the warehouse the morning light was a bit hard on his eyes. He began heading towards the Military Research facility. He need more allies and some spare parts if he was going to stop this thing...and he would need them fast.
Outside of the Research Facility was hectic as media and civilian alike gathered to get a look at the infamous Pirate. As Tsukabasa arrived he felt chills go down his spine. If they didn't disperse quickly things might get messier than he thought. He considered firing some shots in the air but that would only get him taken out by the guards. No he need something more...He spotted a familiar head amongst the crowd before heading towards it.
"Hanako? Hankao Nagare? What are you doing here?" Tsukabasa said as he mental scowled. Things were not going to end well today, He could feel it.
"Our latest report on the alien ship that crash landed last night has revealed to belong to none other than Garluk Glumont wanted in this quadrant for piracy and murder. While his own race calls for expediation he is due for execution later today for his crimes. He is currently awaiting transfer from the Kenston Military Research Facility."
Tsukabasa set down his coffee as he watched the news broadcast from inside an abandoned warehouse. He looked over to his Machina,still damaged from the previous day's fight, and then back at the holoscreen before shutting it off.
"Garluk eh? Can't believe he showed up here...let alone got captured. He should prove useful however." Tsukabasa mused to himself.
He began pulling on his fatigues before his thoughts drifted to that girl from yesterday. Strange that she would be the target of this entire fiasco...Perhaps there was more to her than met the eye. Hanako Nagare, 17 and a student. Her father has been dealing in a shady business and had made a deal with the wrong person. Tsukabasa finished tying his boots as he stood.
"I don't know what you have planned brother...but I need to stop it before you get any further."
Walking out of the warehouse the morning light was a bit hard on his eyes. He began heading towards the Military Research facility. He need more allies and some spare parts if he was going to stop this thing...and he would need them fast.
Outside of the Research Facility was hectic as media and civilian alike gathered to get a look at the infamous Pirate. As Tsukabasa arrived he felt chills go down his spine. If they didn't disperse quickly things might get messier than he thought. He considered firing some shots in the air but that would only get him taken out by the guards. No he need something more...He spotted a familiar head amongst the crowd before heading towards it.
"Hanako? Hankao Nagare? What are you doing here?" Tsukabasa said as he mental scowled. Things were not going to end well today, He could feel it.