Lunacy: The Age of Silver

nice spech Atreus but i would shut up nowand just kill the stupid blood sucker"yui said from behind him
They went their separate ways, stalking through the woods like the hunters they were. She had no worries for Orion; he has been hunting with her for so long that he knew how to get around places on his own. The only thing she might be worried about would probably be Orion's choice of kill. There were animals in certain places that were sacred to the gods and goddesses; hell, she knew there were those that were sacred to her. But Orion might not really be informed of the situa--

Her ears caught something not too far off from where she was; conversations.

There are people wandering around at this hour?

She cautiously followed the sound of the voices. Eventually, she stopped and noticed something amiss about the ground; tracks. Artemis knelt to study the shapes on the ground before the voices in the distant grew louder.

There was a growing animosity in the air.

Alarmed at this, she quickened her pace to the source of the voices. And as she did so, the gushing sounds of water mixed with the voice; she knew where they were, she need not go any further. From where she hid, her eyes caught the sight of several figures standing by the river. They seemed lupine-like, from their mannerisms. There was also another one with them, something a little more ethereal and out of place.

A moon spirit? Ah, it is the night. But these creatures...

They appear to be arguing; the lupine beings with the supposed intruder.

A vrykolakas*. No wonder they are unhappy.

Not that she was bothered by the sight of it, but these creatures were never really her concern; they existed out of the norm. Yet, she felt the tension in the air, and--

Another sound, a familiar whistle sounded in the air; Orion's.

Artemis searched the thickets and found that familiar mop of gold hair sticking out from the bushes. He grinned at her, but his hands were already on his bow, taking aim at the lykanthrope** that was conversing with the vrykolakas. But before she could say anything, he released the arrow as it flew straight towards the lupine-creature.

By Zeus, Orion you imbecile!

Her quick reactions led her to release an arrow. As Orion's neared the being, her arrow caught it just in time and sent his arrow landing to the feet of the vrykolakas. She watched as her arrow landed not too far from that, and slowly turned to see Orion's confused expression.

He signaled: What the hell, Misia?

Frowning, she signaled back: That was NOT a target, you idiot.

- - - - -​
[[ * A "vrykolakas" is the Greek's term for "vampire". ]]​
[[ ** A "lykanthrope" is a Greek term for "werewolf", another spelling variation of the popular one called "lycanthrope" ]]​
Atreus turned as he caught the sound of an arrow whistling through the air, just in time to catch a flash of silver snatch the projectile from it's path. Only one person had the accuracy to shoot down another arrow. "Artemis." He turned to the Vampire "Pardon me, but we will have to continue this quarrel another time. Au revoir!" He turns and sprints into the woods, tracking the subtle trace of scent left by the hands that drew the arrows from their quivers. It smelt... Divine, not of this realm. He clung to a tree and spotted two figures hiding in the bushes. "Artemis and... who is that?" he wondered as he watched from the bushes

The name evoked memories of wine, anger and fear that Amethyst could not understand. She had been wandering the woods for quite some time without knowing who she was or what she was. Just her name. Amethyst. Why would anyone be named Amethyst? A name that means not drunk. She liked to think it wasn't her name, she could have been a person who is as terrible as she was named in her forgotten past.

She also found it strange how the creatures of the night can't tell she's around. Normally if a human stands in the immediate perimeter, their scent gets picked up. But she watched the whole ordeal between a wolf-man, a moon sprite and two strange ones without getting noticed at all.

At a distance, two more-no, three more were observing the arguing group. And one was strikingly familiar.


[[character changed, sorry]]
Teris motions for her clan to head back to their cave. She jumps back to the top of the waterfall and heads back. "Artimis this Artimis that." She looks back at her clan. "A minor goddess indeed but has too many fans. A greater God would be Demeter or Zeus, not Artimis." She lays down on the cold rocks of the cave.
Something in her stirred after that comment, something full of anger and spite; unfortunately for the vrykolakas, she heard her words. Artemis, fueled with growing rage, was about to step out from her spot when--

"How dare you," she heard Orion's voice from her side; his voice dripping with venom, "How dare you claim such words!"

He strode out from the bushes and into the open, staring up at the vrykolakas that disappeared into the cave; "Come down here and say those words to me, demonspawn, for I am Orion," he boasted, "Hero of Boeotia, master hunter, and companion to the great goddess of the hunt and the moon you so crave, Artemis!"

She groaned at his outburst; you may be brave, dear Orion, but you are daft.

As Orion continued his boasts and his praises for her, she sighed and stepped out from the bushes.

It was as though someone cast a silent spell upon the forest as the Goddess of the Moon appeared before their eyes. Artemis stood in the open, tall and proud like the goddess she was, and looked upon the creatures present before her; the moon spirit, the vrykolakas, the lykanthropes, and the humans present within the vicinity. From where any of them stood, they would see the goddess in her splendor: a tunic of white that reached down her knees; her pale bare feet gracing the ground; her long waxen hair floating about her; the piercing blue eyes, sharp as an arrow. The sight of her was more than enough to silence the proud Orion.

The goddess turned to her companion and smiled at him, "Hush, my friend," her eyes went to where the vrykolakas resided, "Only a young fledgling would make such a mistake, for they forget who brings the night, who shields them from the glaring sun of her brother's chariot,

and who grants them the pleasure of the hunt."

Artemis paused, letting the last words sink, and continued; "Denizens of the night, quell your hearts," she looked around her, "This night is my blessing to you. Embrace your desire and hunt to your heart's content!"

At least, until I find out who was responsible for the incident with my brother's chariot.
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Amethyst came closer, as close as she could without getting seen. Of course, she suspected that they already know she's there. They must know she's there by now, she had gotten pretty close.

The goddess stood before the night dwellers in regal splendor. All of them were hushed at once in her presence. She spoke in a voice of graceful tones and solid authority.

She remembers. This goddess saved her from imminent death once. From a drunken Dionysus. She was turned into a statue of quartz by Artemis, and Dionysus poured wine that dyed her violet.

She stood there, alive. Barely. Witnessing the world around her.

She remembers.

Apollo's crash.

But as the first moon of the Age of Silver shone light that restored her, she was not quite the same being. Her soft brown tresses and eyes of green with flecks of brown had become the color of Dionysus' wine. Her once olive skin is now as pale as the moonlight.

And her memories of what she saw of Apollo are locked away somewhere in her mind.
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Teris laughs. "I'm sorry but I can see in complete darkness so the moon doesn't matter to me. It just makes it easier to hunt. Of the prey can't see you but you can see them is fun."