Love & Unjust Persecution

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The queen of Hell
Original poster
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  1. Multiple posts per day
  2. 1-3 posts per day
  3. One post per day
  4. 1-3 posts per week
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Primarily Prefer Female
Ruth Rivers
It was early morning in the town of Ruth's residence. The sun was just starting to climb over the distant fields and fill the sky with its light, pinks and oranges chasing away the inky blackness of the night that came before it. Ruth was in her bookshop, the sign outside said it was closed but what the sign didn't say was that it was closed to humans only. Witches could enter the shop at near enough anytime so long as they knew how, and that went for humans who knew how the enter the shop at its most... magical state.

As Ruth walked throw the aisles of her bookstore, the occasional book would float off the shelf and then float off to be put back in its correct position on the correct shelf. This was how she tidied up the shelves after a long day of work, her bookstore wasn't incredibly popular (that was how she liked it) but it was popular enough among people that books did come and go regularly, and sometimes they didn't get put back where they belonged. It was easy to just clean up the shelves this way.

Ruth finished her rounds around the aisles and walked over to the front desk of her cosy shop, taking a seat and picking up the spellbook she had been learning from for the past week, beginning to let her eyes scan across the page she was on and attempt to memorise the incantation. She still had a few hours until her shop was open to anybody, so there was no need to worry of a human who was clueless of magic or despised witches coming into her shop.

The door flew open but Ruth didn't jump, used to this person's entrance. Lillith, a blond haired, green eyed witch came barging in with a string of apologies for being late before running into the back room to go put her bag and coat in her designated area. Ruth gave a soft chuckle, shook her head and went back to reading as Lilith began dusting and sweeping, something she said she should do every morning and night. Ruth didn't even try to stop her now, the blonde was too sweet for her own good. Instead, Ruth just focused on her book and kept an ear open to visitors, now was normally the time witches would come in to pick up a spellbook or two, as they entered the town early in order to avoid being spotted by witch hunters and killed.

Arya was Eden's sister and she was wandering about the forest. Arya wasn't supposed to be in this part of the forest, but she had heard rumors about a magical bookshop being here. She just wanted to learn about magic. Her town of Salem only told her the bad things, but she was certain that witches couldn't be all bad for what it was worth. Arya ran into several dead ends and it had taken her several hours before she found what she had been looking for all along.

Her eyes widened with amazement and happiness. She couldn't believe it. Her eyes must have been deceiving her. It hadn't occurred to her that since she was a human they might not welcome her, but she was desperate to learn about magic and about witches. She paced outside the store for several minutes, trying to work up the guts to go inside. Taking a deep breath, she opened the door and yelped with excited.

She looked around for someone that might be working there. She thought she might faint.

"Excuse me..." Arya said quietly, "I don't mean to disturb you but..."

She took one look at the girl with black hair and found herself awestruck. Were all witches as beautiful as this one? She was at a loss of words. Arya had only been in here for two minutes and already she couldn't speak.


Eden was not far behind. He had been watching his sister from afar. He found it strange when she suddenly disappeared. Her track had gone cold. Just where had she gone? He began to backtrack her steps carefully. He would make no mistake. There were witches in this area and he knew. He just had to find them. He could practically smell their presence in the air. Eden didn't make a sound as he moved. He was coming... He was going to get those witches yet and kill every last one of them.
Ruth didn't look up when the bell above the door alerted her of somebody entering the shop, but when a female's voice began her blue orbs moved from her spellbook and locked onto the girl stood in front of her. She noticed the awestruck look on the girl's face and also noticed the lack of magic the girl gave off, she was human. It had been awhile since a human had visited her store but that was no problem, she was happy to help all visitors. "Hello, sweetheart. Welcome to the Enchanted Bookstore, how may I help you?" She sat her spellbook down and turned to completely face her customer, her hands placed politely on the dark oak desk.

Lilith glanced over at the human girl in the store before going back to dusting, her brush now sweeping the floor by itself behind her. The blonde witch didn't really agree with Ruth's decisions on letting humans into the store, but so long as she wasn't getting burnt alive she could deal with it.
"I know I'm not supposed to be here b-but..." Arya struggled to find words, "I'd really like it if I could learn about magic."

Her face turned a light shad of pink. She was beginning to think this was a bad idea. There was no way this woman was going to teach her to use magic. Arya was beginning to feel discouraged. It was possible that they didn't want her here. She was so insensitive. If she was a witch, she wouldn't want humans here either especially with how they were known to treat them. Nervously, she took a step backward, stumbling onto the ground. She looked up helplessly at the woman, not really knowing what to do or say.

"I'm sorry... maybe I should leave..." She said quietly, feeling even worse than she did before.

She nodded to the blonde woman too feeling scared now. She'd worked up all that courage to be here, only to falter now. She was being selfish in coming here. She should have thought about how they would feel.
Ruth watched the girl with a small smile although her smile faltered a little when the girl asked her to teach her about magic, she was surprised by that response but didn't mind being asked. She gave a soft sigh and smiled once more, walking out from behind the desk and offering a hand to the girl who had fallen over. "Calm down, I would be happy to teach you about magic. There is nothing to be sorry for, sweetheart. My name is Ruth, over there is my assistant Lilith. What might your name be?" She was intrigued by this girl, humans had visited before knowing this was a place of witches, but they never asked her to teach them about magic. Normally they just came to get books on potions or some of the other mythical creatures that roamed the land in secrecy.

"I'll happily tell you about the different kinds of magic out there, and even show you some spells, but you yourself will be unable to use magic, but you could always try potion making if magic intrigues you that much. I have several books to guide those who have just started making potions that I would be happy to lend to you." Ruth said after helping the girl to her feet, taking her hand back to brush her ebony hair out of her face.
"I'm Arya... Arya Black..." the girl said shyly, taking the girl's hand and picking herself up.

Eden had found them. It had taken longer than he would have liked, but those witches were good at keeping themselves hidden when they didn't want to be found. He entered the old shop. The shadow of his hood hid his face, but his red eyes glowed from underneath it. The pungent smell of witches filled his nostrils. His body ached with the desire to kill. His hands trembled in anticipation as he looked around for his sister.

He heard voices. One of them was certainly Arya's, but the other he had not heard before. He moved faster than any human eye could follow and in seconds he was by Arya's side.

"What did I tell you about going into this part of the forest?" Eden said coldly, before giving the witch a scornful look, "What did they do to you? I'll kill them... I'll kill every last one of them."

"E-Eden STOP! They haven't done anything, let's just go..." Arya said weakly. She was so scared that her knees nearly buckled from underneath her. Any chances of her learning about magic just went flying out the window.

A dark aura poured from Eden's blades. He contemplated killing them for a moment.
Ruth had just opened her mouth to say it was lovely to meet the girl when the sudden entrance of another person caused her to jump back, the dark aura he gave off caused the witch to instantly go into defence mode, both arms moving up to protect her and a blue flame bursting to life on both of her hands. She didn't throw the flames at him, not yet, instead just watched with cautious eyes as the flames flickered on her hands. After a moment the fires vanished and her hands dropped to her side, she stood up straight and fixed the male with a hard look. "It was lovely to meet you, Arya, the area surrounding this part of the forest is enchanted to assure nobody who isn't looking for the place finds it and thus it can be tricky finding your way out, I'll summon will-o-wisps to guide you and your... brother out. Lilith, darling, you can come out of hiding now." Her blue orbs moved from the witch hunter and the kind girl to her assistant who had ducked behind a shelf and was cowering in fear. The blonde witch sighed and slowly got back to dusting and sweeping.

Ruth turned and walked back to the desk, taking a seat and picking up her spellbook. "Arya, do not feel as though you are not allowed to come here, I will still happily teach you about magic should you wish to learn. I'm not against this... Eden's actions either, since growing up in Salem can have ill effects on those who were there to witness the trials of the innocent..." She looked at the two for a moment before looking down at her spellbook, crossing her legs as she began reading. "Feel free to look around before leaving, all books are labelled with the price." Even if there was a witch hunter in her store, she still owned a business and was going to do her best as a shop owner.
"So you know she's my sister? Then why even let her in?" Eden was observant. He'd said nothing about Arya being his sister and he was certain that Arya would never mention his name in front of witches.

Eden's voice was deep and he moved so fast Arya thought he'd teleported. Traveling with the shadows was easy when there was so many of them. He was on the desk in front of the witch.

"Throw everything you got at me, witch. Make sure I suffer so much I don't come back, you hear? It'll be nothing compared to what your kind has already done to me," Eden said with a scowl lifting up his sleeve, revealing scars and burns from the witches he had fought before her. Some of them weren't even scars, but curses, "I'll be back for you... believe it..."

Eden began laughing as he faded into the shadows, "Don't stay too long Arya... I wouldn't want you to get in the way."

Arya was ready to burst into tears. She looked at both of the witches and nodded at them apologetically. Her brother had ruined everything. Even if Ruth had said she was allowed back, there was no way she could show her face now. She had single-handedly led Eden right to them. With her head down, she walked out of the shop, tears falling down her face.


Eden left the shop, disappointed in himself. He could have killed her there, but he hesitated. He was at the river's edge, cleaning himself off. He felt dirty. He folded his clothes neatly and placed them where he could watch them. He sank into the cooling water, his emotions calming down.

Regardless of how you feel about witches... they are pretty. Aethris, the demon spoke to him.

Eden shook his head. He didn't decide to kill the witch because of her beauty. He'd learned that was just a ruse. He wasn't that stupid. The more he simmered in the river, the more he began to hate himself for not killing her on the spot. At least, Arya wouldn't be traumatized. She hadn't seen all he could do just yet and she didn't know all he had done.
Ruth narrowed her eyes as she listened to what Eden said, once he left a small smirk tugged at her lips, mostly to hide the anger she could feel welling up inside of her. She hated showing her rage in front of those who didn't deserve it, so once Arya had left she told Lilith to watch over the store and teleported away herself, a talent she had picked up a few months ago. Finding Eden was simple, what she didn't expect was to find him bathing. She might be a witch, she wasn't a pervert. The female blushed and then turned her head away, lifting a hand up. "Sweet mother of..." She inhaled and exhaled deeply before turning to face Eden once more, although she didn't look directly at him. A lot of witches used magic to seduce and kill attractive men, she was not one of those witches. She was an overly awkward girl that just happened to be a powerful witch. "I only followed you to say I knew that Arya was your sister because I could feel your matching auras, you're too young to be her dad and the protectiveness was too strong to be that of a cousin or something. It was clear you were her brother... Also, I want to know where you got such dark magic." It was magic like that that destroyed families... She would know, it had a very familiar feel to some of the dark spells she knew.

Ruth was able to look at Eden for a second before turning her head away once more, she was far too awkward for this, instead she silent uttered the strongest protection spell she knew which cloaked her in an invisible shield and turned her back completely to him, now more relaxed that she wouldn't have to worry about protecting herself or making a complete fool out of herself, for a witch hunter he was quite attractive... and young. She was used to the older males being witch hunters, not younger men.
Eden didn't even make a move to cover himself. He just laughed at her embarrassment. He should have at least been allowed some privacy. He did spare her after all. He also didn't look in her direction as she spat off several things he already knew. Eden was aware of the auras that each person had. He sank deeper into the water, waiting for her to be finished talking.

"Like I'd answer to you, witch," Eden said coolly, "You won't even let me bathe in peace it seems."

He stood up and water dripped down his body, "Or maybe you came to watch the show?"

He smirked as she turned away, becoming invisible, "suit yourself then, but I'd leave or you're really going to be embarrassed. I don't care how many protection spells you throw on yourself, but don't tell me you're going to mute me too?"

Eden made groaning sounds as though he was really going at it. Teasing this witch was really fun. She was probably a virgin for all he knew. Serves her right. He moaned louder and just waited to hear her response.

How are you doing this with a straight face? AHAHAHA... Aethris's laughter echoed in Eden's head.
Ruth choked on thin air at the comment on her coming to 'watch the show'. The light blush that had dusted her cheeks darkened at the noises he was making and she spun around instantly to face him, looking completely embarrassed and shocked. "Would you stop that!?" She hoped she would sound angry, but her voice came out as more of an embarrassed squeak that just caused her to blush darker. Without another word she held her hand out and flicked her wrist, causing the water around Eden to fly up into the air and then come crashing down into him before returning to its original state. A simple element manipulation spell to hopefully surprise the guy and make him stop making such lewd sounds. "I swear, some men just have no shame..." She murmured angrily before turning back around and beginning to walk off, considering just closing the shop today and going to her home in the woods, hiding amongst her home sounded nice and she decided she would do that.
Eden laughed, letting the water hit him. He couldn't help himself. This was just too fun. He couldn't exactly see her since she was invisible, but it was easy to tell from her voice how embarrassed she was.

"Hey, if you're going to cast spells on me at least show your face," Eden teased, "My body looks even greater when it's wet."

When he was certain that he'd heard her leave, he began putting his clothes back on. His hair was still wet from the water, but it didn't bother him much. He put his hood on over his head and made his way back to Salem. He'd had enough of witches for the time being. He'd already killed one earlier today, so he would be fine letting this one go. Besides, he hadn't had this much fun in a long time.

Salem was a depressing looking town that hardly had any permanent residents. Most of the people there were priests or witch hunters. Arya was back at home. She was furious with Eden.

"EDEN! You jerk!" She yelled, hitting him with her tiny fists, "You ruined everything!"

"If you want to go back and see them, go ahead, but I'm not going to hesitate to kill them if they lay one harmful hand on you," Eden said coolly.

"I don't care what you say I'm-" Arya paused, "Wait... you're going to let me go back?"


"Oh..." Arya was confused, "Well... alright then. I'll see you at dinner."

With that, Arya made her way back to the forest. She was certain she had gone the wrong way. There was no shop anywhere to be seen.
Ruth had gone to the shop and told Lilith to go home early, then had closed the shop and began walking home. Her protection spell was still up, she didn't want any other hunters stumbling across her, or any of her other enemies.


A female was leaning against a tree, she was tall and slender, with perfect skin and long wavy blonde hair, red painted lips, thick black eyelashes and hypnotising green orbs. She was dressed in a pretty black dress and heeled boots. Her name was Zianna, she had been hoping to catch Ruth but it seemed the little rat had already left her shop, such a shame too. The witch stood up straight and turned to leave, only to pause when her eyes landed on another girl who looked last. After a moment of concentration she could feel some of Ruth's aura still around the girl, meaning this little nobody might come in handy. "Hello there, are you lost? I can help you get back to your home if you would like, it's dangerous to be out her in the woods by yourself, not all witches are kind." She gave a kind but sly smile.
"Oh... Yes that would be great. I seem to have become quite lost out here. I was looking for some place, but it appears that it may have been moved," Arya was grateful to have met yet another kind witch, "Gosh you really are pretty."

She followed the pretty blonde witch. Arya herself felt pale in comparison. She was literally pale and her hair was pale white. Her eyes were a pale light blue which was different from her brother who had black hair and red eyes. However, their faces were pretty similar. They'd inherited mom's looks which was saying something.

Arya stumbled over some a root and nearly lost her balance. Gosh she was clumsy.
Zianna smiled at the girl and began walking in the wrong direction of the town, the girl didn't seem to notice, though. The blonde smirked at the compliment on her lips and batted her eyelashes. "Why thank you, darling. You're quite beautiful yourself." She caught the girl with magic when she tripped, slowly levitating the girl over to her and setting her down next to her. She began walking once more, a sway in her hips as she walked. They came to a clearing with a beautiful house in the middle, it was a decent size with a porch that wrapped all the way around the house. A few seconds after Zianna had walked in with Arya, the front door to the house burst opened and Ruth walked out and stopped on the front porch, glaring at the blond. "Why hello there, Ruth. It has been awhile."

"Arya, get away from that woman now. She isn't somebody you want to be near." The ebony haired witch began walking towards the two, tensing up for a moment when Zianna grabbed Arya and chuckled. Ruth was still and as the blonde witch opened her mouth to talk Ruth's arm shot forward. An invisible force sent Zianna flying back into a tree and Ruth rushed forward. "Arya, get out of here. Keep running in that direction and it'll take you back to Salem, but go now." She pushed Arya in that direction and then just managed to pull up a forcefield at Zianna sent a blast of fire at her. The blonde witch cursed and then sent a strong gust of wind that broke through the weak shield and sent Ruth flying back. The witch hit a tree and yelped at the pain that rushed down her spine.
Arya was to stunned to talk and did exactly as she was told, running towards Salem as fast as her legs would carry her. She didn't stop running until she could see her small little hut. Eden was sitting outside it, eating food no less. He watched her as she frantically motioned for him. He moved quickly towards her. Had the witches really harmed her? Upon closer inspection, she saw that Arya was unscathed and that there wasn't a scratch on her.

"What's got you in such a rush that you have to run to me all of a sudden?" Eden asked curiously.

"Ruth, she..." Arya tried to catch her breath, chest heaving up and down, "She needs your help... there's another... witch in the forest. Not friendly..."

Eden huffed, "No witches are friendly. Where are they? I'll kill them both."

"Please just get over there in that direction," Arya pointed in the direction that she came from.

Eden rolled his eyes and made sure he had everything before making his way to the fight. He swore he was going to kill them both if they tried anything funny.
Zianna was laughing manically by this point, continuously throwing Ruth across the clearing and into other trees and her own house. The witch was bruised, she was sure her wrist was broken, and blood was smeared across her face. Zianna smirked and held an arm out, closing her hand into a fist. Ruth was pinned against her home by some invisible force and began choking and gasping as another force wrapped around her throat and cut off her oxygen. As everything ariund her went black, she heard approaching footsteps.

Zianna heard them too but continued to choke Ruth until whoever it was was just outside the clearing. She let Ruth dropped and then teleported, leaving the other female gasping for her breath and curled up in pain.
Eden had made his way to the clearing, spotting Ruth curled up on the floor. He rolled his eyes. Really? Was this a I'll-pretend-I'm-hurt-then-kill-you shtick? He really wasn't in the mood for these kinds of games. He had enough to do without all this to worry about. Eden walked up to her and then knelt down by her body. His red eyes were observing her closely trying to detect traces of trickery. He was slightly surprised when he detected none. The blood though... it was driving him mad.

Just kill her... Aethris whispered inside his head. She wouldn't stand a chance in this state...

Aethris was right. Killing her would probably be a kindness at this very moment and he almost did it except Arya had come in behind him. Eden scowled as his sister approached looking concerned for the witch girl.

"You have to help her Eden. She...She might have just saved me..." Arya said softly.

"Saved you!?" Eden said incredulously, "The witch can barely save herself from the looks of it."

"But you can't just leave her here! Eden please!" Arya begged.

Eden grunted, reluctantly giving in, "I swear witch, if you try anything funny and it will be the last movement you get for all eternity."

With ease, he picked her up off the ground bridal style. Instead of carrying her to Salem, he carried her to his private hut out in the woods. Arya was following close behind them. When they arrived, he set her down on the bed while Arya began handing him medicine and bandages for the wounds. Then she began to boil some water to make some tea.
Ruth was barely conscious when Eden arrived, she was slipping in and out of consciousness but managed to hear his threat on if she tried anything funny, she didn't have the energy to respond, didn't have the energy to tell him he wouldn't be able to kill her because she was immortal.

She faded into unconsciousness again and when she finally came to the tea Arya had nade was done. She sat up slowly, wincing as pain darted down her spine. She was covered in bruises with a few small cuts. Once she was more awake she would heal herself with a potion or something. For now she looked around, confused. "Where... am I?" She asked softly, bringing a hand up to rub her forehead slowly.
Eden didn't answer her, not caring to. He wasn't going to answer such an obvious question even if she was hurt. He walked out of his hut, unable to bear being in the same space as her. He couldn't believe he'd just helped a witch. It left a bad taste in his mouth. Arya didn't try to stop him, having already pushed him far enough already today. She couldn't imagine what this was like for him. He'd spent his life killing witches and because of her he'd gone out of his way to help one. She felt a little guilty, but she also knew that this was the right thing.

"This is my brother's hut. I made him bring you here since you got hurt before," Arya said softly, "I'm not really sure where he's going, but it's probably best not to follow him."

Arya offered some tea to Ruth and smiled pleasantly at her, "I don't know what would have happened to you if my brother hadn't shown up... I don't know who that other witch was, but she wasn't very nice, but she was pretty. If she wasn't so darned awful I'd say she would be a good match for my brother..."
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