I could see how this might be true for the majority of men. Most of my guy friends fit this bill to the letter, but It doesn't fit me completely.
When they talk about turf, that simply goes beyond me. I'm oblivious to the surroundings around me unless I'm at work, or concentrating on a problem. It's more so a situation of if it affects me, then I'm not usually aware, but if it affects someone else, then I'm usually tuned in.
The 'Doting Daddy Brain': Another topic that doesn't apply to me. Having been an uncle since a young age, and due to my personality, I tend to act like a father. You can ask a few of the members here, if they're willing to admit it, but I tend to try to teach, and learn rather than go on a stake out for a good day of pillow swimming.
His emotions run deep: This one hits home to me. It applies... but unlike the article. I don't race to a solution immediately. I often listen... longer than I should, and then my guy mode kicks in. Often it works out to where I tend to be better off than most guys, but I honestly think of it as luck.
'Lovable Grandpas' and 'Grumpy Old Men': Can't say that I've hit this part yet, but from it says, I would certainly like to end up as a loving grandfather. I'd hope I'm as fair, and kind to my own kids before I hit his stage.
The 'Lonely Hearts Club': I can certainly see this as applying to me, but I'm still very young at the age of 23. Since I've been working nights for the last seven years, and due to my current outlook in general I tend to be a loner. Lately in the past years, there's an odd comfort that is growing from it as well. Bonds of any sort for men, are usually something that's almost pack like. Or that's my opinion.
I'd say this lady isn't too far from the truth, but in all reality there is no certainty. Everything will always be different for whoever is involved. This is a very good read though. It can save some trouble in the long run.