Love is just a word..

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Love is just a word..
Character A (which is me) is a character who takes the word love very lightly. Love was nothing but a game to this character. Character A would make people fall for them and as soon as they did, character A would immediately break their hearts in the worst way possible. Character A has never found true love and never really cared if they found it or not.
This is where Character B comes in (which is you) Character B is a character who has never been in a relationship and has never really given a serious thought about love. At one point, the characters bump into each other and Character A makes a move on Character B. Character B makes it obvious that they are not interested. Character A continues trying to get Character B to budge and it finally works. Both the characters finally believe that they are in true love, and right when that happens, Character A's past comes back to haunt them.

I don't mind it being Male x Female, Male x Male, or Female x Female. Whichever is more comfortable for you!
I love this idea, it's actually a lot like one I'm very interested in. If you're still Intreated, I'd live to role-play this with you with MALExFEMALE roles.^_^
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